Herpes and neurology. Herpes virus and the nervous system Does herpes affect the nervous system

In total, there are 8 types of herpes infection in humans, and the symptoms of different viruses are for the most part not similar to each other. The range of symptoms of herpes varies from simple - so-called. “colds” - to psychiatric and oncological diseases.

Symptoms of herpes type 1 - the virus that causes the “cold”

Herpes type 1 is the simplest and most quickly suppressed virus. Basically, the infection is stored in the nerve endings of the cervical spine in a dormant state, but with a decrease in immunity or under the influence of stress, it becomes more active and manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  1. First, the skin turns red and there is a burning sensation and itching.
  2. After 6-48 hours, one or more vesicles - bubbles containing a clear liquid inside - form on the inflamed area.
  3. If left untreated or scratched, the vesicles burst, spreading infected fluid around and causing the affected area of ​​skin to enlarge.
  4. In place of the burst bubbles, a wound appears, which over time becomes covered with a crust.
  5. With the support of the immune system, the disease gradually “falls asleep” again - goes into a latent state. Without support, large areas are damaged and wounds do not heal normally.

If a person has symptoms, they can infect others through contact. Most often, herpes 1 is localized on the face and mucous membranes of the mouth. It can affect the lips, cheeks, chin, mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, mouth or larynx. Sometimes the infection gets to the skin of the torso, causing the disease to spread to the body.

Symptoms of herpes type 2 - the genital form of the virus

The symptoms of herpes type 2 are similar to type 1, but the localization of the blisters is different. In a dormant state, this virus is located in the nerve endings of the sacral clutch. Vesicles are formed mainly in the groin area, on the thighs, buttocks, anus and genitals.

In addition to the usual symptoms, deterioration in mood and mental state, loss of appetite, and signs of intoxication are observed. Possible enlargement of the lymph nodes in the groin area. In women, vesicles can appear inside the vagina and on the cervix, in men - in the urethra.

Attention! Most often, relapses of the second occur in autumn or winter, when the prevalence of other viral diseases is high. On average, with the support of the immune system, symptoms disappear within 2-3 weeks.

Symptoms of herpes type 3 - the Zoster virus, which causes chickenpox and shingles

The herpes zoster virus is usually infected in childhood, and it manifests itself in the form of ordinary chickenpox. When a child recovers, an infection remains in the endings of his trigeminal nerve forever, although it does not manifest itself under normal living conditions.

When immunity falls, a person gets sick with an acute respiratory infection or simply lives unhealthy, the symptoms of the disease appear again. Most often, the lesion occurs in people over 50 years of age, while recurrence of this type of herpes is the rarest (observed in only 5% of patients).

Repeated disease is called herpes zoster and has the following symptoms:

As a rule, the disease goes away after 1-3 weeks. After the rash appears, the pain is replaced by itching. In rare cases, the pain does not go away, it subsides, but appears throughout life.

Symptoms of herpes type 4 - mononucleosis from the Epstein-Barr virus

Epstein-Barr virus causes a disease called infectious mononucleosis. The disease is quite dangerous and requires treatment to prevent undesirable consequences - deep genital ulcers in women, destruction of blood cells, oncological pathologies (types of lymphomas), autoimmune diseases and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Typically, when infected with herpes virus type 4, the following symptoms are observed after 7-14 days:

The patient is often thirsty and has a fever for about a week. Lymph nodes shrink within a month, blood changes can last up to 6 months. Correct treatment leads to recovery and lifelong immunity; its absence leads to a chronic form of the disease:

  1. Erased– muscle pain, joint aches, frequent low-grade fever, fatigue.
  2. Atypical– frequent relapses of infectious diseases (acute respiratory infections, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or genitourinary system).
  3. Active– ordinary mononucleosis symptoms are complicated by herpetic rashes, fungal or bacterial infections. Possible damage to the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, dyspepsia.
  4. Generalized– severe damage to the central nervous system, including meningitis, encephalitis, radiculoneuritis. Increased risk of myocarditis, hepatitis or pneumonitis.

Symptoms of chronic Epstein-Barr infection manifest themselves in waves - the number and intensity of symptoms gradually increase and also gradually decrease depending on the state of the immune system.

Symptoms of herpes type 5 - cytomegalovirus infection (CMV)

Cytomegalovirus does not appear immediately after infection; the carrier of the infection often does not even know about his own situation. With a strong immune system, the disease may never enter the active phase, but simply “sleep” in the body asymptomatically until the end of life (in 90% of cases this happens). However, the person will continue to transmit the virus to other people.

Patients with symptoms of CMV most often complain of signs of acute respiratory infections and mononucleosis (fever, fatigue, headaches, chills) that occur 20-60 days after infection. The duration of the disease is generally 4-6 weeks. If the activity of the virus is caused by immunodeficiency, pleurisy, pneumonia, arthritis, encephalitis or myocarditis may occur. Autonomic disorders are observed.

In its generalized form, CMV causes damage to the entire body - inflammation of the tissues of internal organs, eyes, brain, as well as paralysis. In men, there may be damage to the tissues of the testicles and urethra; in women, there may be inflammation or erosion on the cervix, uterus, vagina or ovaries, and blue-white discharge.

Symptoms of poorly studied forms of herpes virus types 6, 7 and 8

Herpes type 6 lives in microphages and lymphocytes. Among all adults, about 50% are carriers of this infection, infecting the rest through blood and saliva, as well as by airborne droplets.

Symptoms of the disease are itching and mucous membranes, fever, ulcers or spots on the skin of the back, chest or abdomen (exanthema), mononucleosis syndrome, asthenia. With immunodeficiency, encephalitis is possible.

The infection often occurs in young children (3 months - 4 years). It is manifested by sudden exanthema and fever (up to 40° C), signs of intoxication. Symptoms last up to 4 days, then they are replaced by a rash that goes away within 3 days. Sometimes after a fever there is no rash, but there may be cramps due to too high a temperature. Upon reaching 5 years of age, most children develop immunity against herpes type 6; relapse can only be caused by particularly severe immunodeficiency.

Herpes type 7 promotes the activation of type 6 virus and increases the risk of developing chronic fatigue syndrome. This syndrome is the main manifestation of a viral infection.

It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • general loss of strength;
  • constant fatigue and lack of tone;
  • bad mood, anxiety and psycho-emotional overload;
  • loss of ability to work and concentrate;
  • lack of positive changes even after a long rest;
  • memory disorders;
  • headaches and tearfulness;
  • sleep disturbances and lack of sleep even during prolonged sleep;
  • signs of depression;
  • slight increase in temperature for a long time (up to six months);
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Worth noticing! When making a diagnosis based on these symptoms, a specialist must differentiate the disease from psychiatric/nervous pathologies, HIV infection, cancer, anemia and thyroid dysfunction.

Herpes type 8 least studied. Its symptoms include the development of other diseases - Kaposi's sarcoma, primary lymphomas, Castleman's disease and multiple myeloma. In this case, the patient develops malignant neoplasms on the skin, mucous membranes, internal organs and lymph nodes, which look like symmetrical plaques or dark red or purple spots. There may also be a bloody cough, severe dyspepsia, and pain when eating.

Symptoms of any type of ocular herpes

Ophthalmoherpes develops on the retina, eyelids or mucous membranes of the eyes. Relapses can occur 3-5 times a year - this is one of the most common forms of herpes infection, mainly caused by types 1 and 3 of the virus.

The symptoms of ocular herpes are similar to allergies or from a bacterial infection; herpetic vesicles appear on the eyes, and the following signs are also observed:

  • the eyeballs and eyelids turn red;
  • there is pain and a feeling as if there is a foreign body in the eye;
  • in good lighting there is discomfort;
  • visual acuity decreases and becomes “foggy”;
  • sparks or flashes are visible before the eyes;
  • the shape and size of objects seem incorrect or double;
  • twilight vision is significantly reduced;
  • blepharospasms - the eyelids contract convulsively.

Patients often complain of severe pain in the orbit and above the eyebrow. The field of view becomes narrower, and there may be a blind spot in the center. Moving your eyes is difficult and painful. All this may be accompanied by nausea, low-grade fever and headaches.

Symptoms of herpetic sore throat

Adults and children who have the herpes virus in their bodies often experience a sore throat caused by this infection. Its onset is usually abrupt and extremely acute:

  1. The temperature rises to 40-41° C, as with pneumonia.
  2. Severe pain occurs in the throat, it is very difficult to swallow, the discomfort lasts for at least 3 days.
  3. The mucous membrane of the pharynx becomes swollen, visible with white bubbles on the tonsils and palate.
  4. Over time, the vesicles merge with each other, forming a dense white “patina” covered with a film and surrounded by redness.
  5. Suppuration of the rash lasts up to 3 weeks, during which herpes can spread to the skin of the face.

The incubation period of herpetic sore throat lasts 1-2 weeks. Sometimes the patient recovers easily - intoxication goes away before the vesicles appear by 6 days, treatment is greatly simplified. Sometimes complications arise - herpetic rhinitis, chronic tonsillitis, otitis media, myocarditis, encephalitis, etc.

Symptoms of herpes on internal organs

Internal herpes manifests itself with the usual symptoms of other diseases, since it causes them. No visible signs of the herpes virus are usually observed; the type of infection can only be determined by clinical studies and laboratory tests.

As a rule, with ulcers in the esophagus due to herpes rashes, a person suffers from pain behind the sternum and when swallowing. A doctor can detect ulcers through an endoscopic examination. Pneumonia, bronchitis and tracheitis with characteristic symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) are detected through special tests for type 1 herpes; often these diseases are accompanied by a fungal or bacterial infection.

If the patient has herpetic hepatitis, the symptoms will be similar to those usual for hepatitis B or C - jaundice, change in the color of urine and stool, fever. To identify the cause of the disease, the patient is prescribed a test for herpes viruses. AND So for any other damage to internal organs, this virus does not have any specific symptoms.

Symptoms of postherpetic neuralgia

Postherpetic neuralgia is an echo of the disease after recovery from type 3 herpes. After a relapse of the Zoster virus, the patient remains with a feeling of discomfort and symptoms of infection, although the disease has already “subsided.” Acute symptoms also disappear completely. So, with such neuralgia there are:

  • residual drying and flaking crusts in places where there was;
  • throbbing pain or tingling in this area, sometimes extremely strong;
  • itching between painful attacks, causing irritation, which only intensifies subsequent pain;
  • numbness of the skin areas at the site of the former lichen or an extremely strong reaction to external irritants;
  • muscle weakness and paralytic conditions (more often in old age).

Typically, postherpetic neuralgia lasts 2-3 weeks, but sometimes it remains for 2 months or even a year. Some symptoms last even longer, such as muscle weakness or extreme skin reactions. All this interferes with the normal lifestyle of people who have experienced reactivation of the chickenpox virus.

Herpes is one of the most common human viral infections and represents a serious medical and social problem. Over 90% of the world is infected with the herpes simplex virus (HSV) and up to 20% of them have some clinical manifestations of the infection. The AI ​​virus affects the skin, mucous membranes, and central nervous system.
Transmission of infection occurs in the following ways:
1) by airborne droplets;
2) sexually;
3) contact (through kisses, toys, household items);
4) transplacental (during pregnancy)

Reproduction of all herpes viruses
occurs in the nucleus of the affected cell. Invading a cell, the virus uses its structural components as building material, and also subjugates the cell’s synthesizing systems, “forcing” the production of substances necessary for the construction of new viruses. The fastest rates of cloning of virions occur in the cells of the epithelium and mucous membranes, blood and lymphatic tissues.
HSV, like some other human herpesviruses, is capable of latent existence, followed by reaction, which can cause repeated relapses of the disease or asymptomatic shedding of the virus. Herpes has a destructive effect on the immune system and causes secondary immunodeficiency.

In humans, there are 8 different types of human herpes virus (HHV) in the Herpes virus family:
The most common of them are the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1 or HHV-1) and in many respects the herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2 or HHV-2), which is very close to it. Herpes simplex virus I - most often causes damage in the mouth; Herpes simplex virus II - most often causes damage to the genital organs or damage to the anus.
Human herpes virus type 3 (HHV-3) provokes the development of two independent diseases - chickenpox and herpes zoster.
Human herpes virus type 4 (HHV-4) or Epstein-Barr virus can cause infectious mononucleosis and villous leukoplakia of the tongue.
Human herpes virus type 5 (HHV-5) is the cause of cytomegalovirus infection.
Human herpes virus type 6 (HHV-6), according to the latest data, causes sudden exanthema in young children and chronic fatigue syndrome in adults, and is also likely involved in the development of several other diseases. Relatively recently, in 1990, HHV-7 and HHV-8 were discovered, which are now being actively studied. HHV-7 is associated with lymphoproliferative diseases and chronic fatigue syndrome, HHV-8 - with Kaposi's sarcoma. However, these types of human herpes virus are not as common as HSV-1 and HSV-2.

It is impossible to remove the virus from the body; it will remain with the person for life. The immune system responds to the penetration of herpes by producing specific antibodies that block viral particles circulating in the blood. The awakening of infection is typical in the cold season, with colds, and with a lack of vitamins.
Local form: after a short (several hours) prodromal period, accompanied by local itching or hyperesthesia, single or grouped tense vesicles with a diameter of up to 1.2 cm, containing clear liquid, appear on the skin and mucous membranes on an edematous, hyperemic base. The rashes are localized on the red border of the lips, in the nasolabial triangle, less often on the mucous membrane of the mouth, larynx, conjunctiva, and in the genital form - on the mucous membranes of the genital organs and the skin of the anogenital area. There is mild pain and enlargement of regional lymph nodes. Healing of the rash occurs from 7 to 14 days. Genital herpes is characterized by spontaneous opening of blisters and the formation of painful superficial ulcers, fever, myalgia, weakness, and dysuria.
In newborns, disseminated herpes infection manifests itself as multiple multiple organ lesions, in which signs of encephalitis, respiratory distress syndrome, and adrenal insufficiency predominate, with high mortality (up to 50%).

Organs and systems of the body that can be affected by the herpes simplex virus and the diseases it causes
1. Optic tract (keratitis, iridocyclitis, chorioretinitis, optic neuritis, phlebothrombosis)
2. ENT organs (pharyngitis, “herpetic sore throat”, laryngitis, external ear, sudden deafness, vestibular disorders)
3. Oral organs (stomatitis, gingivitis)
4. Skin and mucous membranes (herpes of the face, lips, genital herpes, etc.)
5. Lungs (broncho-pneumonia)
6. Cardiovascular system (myocarditis, myocardiopathy, participation of HSV in the processes underlying atherosclerosis)
7. Gastrointestinal tract (hepatitis, ileo-colitis, proctitis)
8. Female genital organs (colpitis, intrauterine HSV infection: endometritis, amnionitis, chorionitis, metroendometritis, reproductive dysfunction)
9. Male genital organs (prostatitis, urethritis, sperm damage)
10. Central nervous system (encephalitis, sympathoglioneuritis, nerve plexus damage)
11. Psycho-emotional sphere (depression, aggravating influence of HSV on the course of hydrocyanic dementia and nuclear schizophrenia)
12. Lymphatic system (HSV lymphadenopathy)

Treatment of herpes
1. Prescription of antiviral drugs - acyclovir, Zovirax - 200 milligrams each. 5 times a day - orally. Children under 2 years old: 100 milligrams for 5-10 days.
2. Local 5% cream with acyclovir for 5-10 days. For eye herpes, 5% ointment for 3 to 20 days. You can also use ointments such as bonafton, tebrofen, oxolin, florenal.
At the 2nd stage of treatment - diet: nothing peppery, salty, fried, no alcohol. Everything is boiled and stewed. Gentle mode. Subcutaneously Timalin, interferon 1 ml. 1 time per day for 5 days.

Currently, no guaranteed cure for herpes has been found. There are, however, drugs that, when taken regularly, can effectively suppress the symptoms of virus infection, its reproduction and development (that is, improve the patient’s quality of life): Acyclovir (Zovirax, Zovirax and numerous generics). An antiviral drug that prevents the virus from multiplying in cells. Dosage form - tablets and cream. Relatively cheap, effective for most patients. Valacyclovir (Valtrex, Valtrex). It differs from acyclovir only in the delivery method, but is more effective. In most cases, it completely suppresses the symptoms of the virus and its biological activity, blocks its reproduction and is highly likely to prevent transmission of the virus to other partners during contact. Currently, in the West, this drug is the main treatment for herpes. Famciclovir (Famvir, Famvir). Oral form of penciclovir. Effective against strains of the Herpes zoster and Herpes simplex virus (including those resistant to acyclovir and those with altered DNA polymerase). The principle of action is similar to acyclovir and Valtrex. It is highly effective. The effectiveness of Famvir and Valtrex is considered higher than that of acyclovir.

Research by scientists from the Department of Biochemistry of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University explains why the amino acid lysine is effective against herpes. The herpes virus uses another substance for active reproduction - arginine. But he can be deceived. When there is enough lysine in the body, the herpes virus (which causes genital herpes) is tricked into using it. Then an irreversible reaction occurs with the participation of the enzyme L-lysine-alpha oxidase and the virus stops reproducing. In experiments on cell cultures, it was even possible to completely get rid of the herpes virus. We recommend taking Lysine together with Meishi for 2 months. You need to repeat courses of treatment 2 times a year or as needed during high physical or emotional stress, since genital herpes worsens more often under stress. The key enzyme in the destruction of the virus is L-lysine alpha oxidase. Probably the enhancement of the effect of lysine by medicinal mushrooms (Meishi) occurs due to the same enzymes. It is known that under severe stress, lysine reserves in the cell are quickly depleted, and the virus is activated. Therefore, people who are nervous a lot are more likely than others to experience relapses of herpes. You can prevent relapses by supporting your immune system and using the amino acid Lysine. How to take lysine: Adults, 1 capsule per day with meals in parallel with Meishi. May increase to 2 capsules per day. For herpes - 3-6 capsules per day. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Dietary recommendations for people with herpes:
1. eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible;
2. drink 1 - 1.5 liters of fluid per day (if you suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system or kidney failure, consult your doctor);
3. Do not eat fatty foods;
4. Forget about sugar and chocolate;
5. Absorb less salt, vodka, peanuts, seeds;

A number of foods can provoke relapses of herpes, leading to a weakening of the immune system: fatty foods rich in cholesterol, sugar, and everyone's favorite alcohol are the cause of frequent herpetic rashes. Sugar slows down the absorption of vitamins B and C in the intestines, which leads to a decrease in immunity, because white blood cells (leukocytes) cannot suppress the virus. Alcohol has a direct toxic effect on immune cells; cholesterol reduces the formation of white blood cells.
In order to increase the intervals between relapses, people suffering from viral diseases are advised to adhere to a diet with a high content of the essential amino acid LYSINE in food products, which prevents the activation of viral infections and reduces the frequency of relapses.

Natural sources of lysine:
- Potato broth
- Casein
- Meat protein
- Egg white
- Soy
- Potato
- Wheat germ
- Lentils
Let me give you an example list of "harmful", in which the content of arginine is 2 times more than lysine and products useful for herpes patients.
“Harmful” foods include: peanuts, chocolate, raisins, some grains, especially wheat-based products.
Healthy - fruits and vegetables, white chicken, fish, legumes, incl. beans; eggs. It should also be remembered that a balance between dishes with a high content of amino acids and natural alkalis is important. The first includes meat dishes, the second includes dishes made from fruits, vegetables, and legumes. An imbalance will immediately lead to a relapse, so every sour dish must be eaten with an alkaline one.

Vitamin C - consumption of 600 mg of vitamin C + 600 mg of B vitamins 3 times a day for 3 days, started in the prodromal period, leads to the disappearance of symptoms.
During the first outbreaks of herpes (itching), taking vitamin C along with vitamin P prevents the appearance of rashes in two out of three cases.
Vitamin E - the use of vitamin E for fever on the lips can reduce pain and, thanks to its restorative properties, speed up the healing of ulcers. Apply as an oil solution to the affected areas for 15 minutes. After about half an hour, the pain subsides. If itching and tingling returns, the vitamin must be reapplied.
Zinc Zn - found in pumpkin seeds, seafood, red meat. When taken twice a day for 6 weeks, 25 mg together with 250 mg of vitamin C leads to a decrease in the frequency and duration of relapses.

Plant extracts:
Eleutherococcus tincture, Zhen-Shen root, Golden root, mumiyo, thuja extract, echinacea, pantocrine from its own horns - the listed natural remedies have a stimulating effect on the immune system: the production of white blood cells increases, the ratio between subtypes of leukocytes is normalized, the process of restoration of damaged and reproduction is accelerated cells. Increase the duration of the relapse-free period.

Approximate plan - treatment regimen for herpes WITH NATURAL REMEDIES:
During a relapse:
1. At the onset of a relapse, apply ice cubes to the causative site for 10 minutes. Several times a day. Avoid cold burns to the “causal” areas.
2. Applying 2% Acyclovir (Zovirax) ointment to the lesion
3. Lysine 1000 mg x 3 times a day
4. Vitamin C and B vitamins 600 - 800 mg daily
Outside of relapse:
1. Eat a diet with plenty of lysine (vegetables, fish, beans, chicken legs)
2. Lysine 1500 mg once a day
3. Sex with a condom treated with an antiseptic such as nonoxynol - 9.

Below is a table that doctors use when developing a diet for herpes sufferers. It reflects the content of the amino acids lysine and arginine in a number of foods included in the diet of the average US resident, and the ratio between these amino acids. The higher the number reflecting the lysine/arginine ratio, the higher the “dietary” value of the product, or the higher the product is at the top of the table, the healthier it is. Lysine/arginine ratio table in foods

Once in the body, lysine replaces another amino acid - arginine. In terms of their chemical structure, they are like twin brothers. The herpes virus “makes a mistake” and builds new viruses not from arginine, but from lysine, which can be figuratively compared to building houses from sand rather than concrete. Naturally, “newborn” viruses built from lysine die immediately - reproduction stops.

Fish, chicken, pork, many fruits and vegetables, and eggs are also useful. It is important to eat foods containing protein and fruits and vegetables throughout the day. In this case, the body maintains an optimal acid-base balance.
There is a lot of lysine in green vegetables and fruits, zucchini, pumpkin, melon.

Therefore, instead of traditional coffee and tea in winter, it is advisable to drink herbal teas. To increase immunity, the following collection is used:
l Rose hips - 3 parts, Rhodiola rosea roots - 3 parts, hawthorn fruits - 2 parts, St. John's wort herb - 1 part, black currant leaves - 1 part. Grind everything and mix. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 350 ml of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Add honey to the warm infusion at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of boiling water. Drink 1/2 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of taking the collection is 1 month, then you need to take a break for a month.
During pregnancy, you should avoid taking lysine and adaptogens, because lysine can inhibit fetal growth, and adaptogens can increase blood pressure.

One of the reasons for the development of intercostal neuralgia is the herpes simplex virus. The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in the nerve endings and blistering rashes on the skin along the affected nerve. This disease is accompanied by constant severe pain, causing stress in a person, loss of appetite, causing insomnia and reducing human activity.

Causes of herpetic intercostal neuralgia

The development of this pathology is provoked by the activation of the varicella-zoster virus - the chickenpox virus (herpes zoster). When the protective properties of the human body decrease, the pathogenic virus penetrates nerve nodes, nerve cells and quickly moves along nerve fibers. This pathological process begins from the spine, affects the spinal nerve, and is localized on the left or right side of a person. Skin rashes form along the nerves affected by herpes.

In most cases, herpetic neuralgia is diagnosed in people over 40 years of age. The development of the disease in children and adolescents is recorded in 10% of cases.

The virus is activated against the background of weak immunity.

The main causes of intercostal neuralgia caused by the herpes virus include:

  • weakening of the human immune system;
  • severe hypothermia of the body;
  • past ARVI, influenza:
  • psychological stress.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of the disease develop in stages:

  1. The initial stage of the occurrence of this pathology is characterized by the appearance of burning and itching in the chest area between the ribs. The skin around the affected nerves becomes numb.
  2. Severe pain syndrome develops. Pain on the nerves in the intercostal area intensifies with movement, touching, sneezing, cooling and can radiate to the shoulder area. Painful sensations can be burning, pressing, shooting or dull in nature.
  3. Blistering rashes filled with clear liquid appear on the skin in the intercostal area. The herpes rash spreads, the skin around the blisters swells and becomes inflamed. The pain and itching intensify.
  4. The bubbles dry out, their surface becomes covered with yellow-brown crusts. The intercostal nerves are highly irritated and sensitive to touch. In the area of ​​damaged nerve cells, constant, long-term pain is felt.

As the disease develops, the following occurs:

  • limb weakness;
  • headache;
  • change in psychological state;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • insomnia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the heart area.

The consequence of the disease can be brain damage.

When herpes damages the structure of nerve fibers, pain continues to bother a person for several years. The consequences of herpetic neuralgia include:

  • damage to the human nervous system;
  • development of meningoencephalitis;
  • neurological syndrome;
  • formation or neuropathy.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of the disease is based on the characteristic manifestations and signs of the disease. Held:

  • external examination of the patient;
  • laboratory tests of blood and urine.

For accurate differentiation of pathology, the following are additionally prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • X-ray of the spine;
  • electrocardiogram.

Drug therapy

Treatment measures are primarily aimed at eliminating the virus.

The main goals of drug therapy are to eliminate the herpes virus and reduce pain. For this we use:

  • hormonal agents;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • antidepressants;
  • local anesthetics;
  • vitamin complexes.

Medications effective in the fight against the herpes virus are listed in the table:

MedicationTherapeutic effect
"Acyclovir"Eliminates the herpes virus
"Gabapentin"Relieves intercostal pain syndrome, prevents rashes
"Famvir"Relieves the symptoms of neuralgia and shortens their duration
"Valtrex"Destroys viral infection
"Diclofenac"Relieves inflammation
"Ibuprofen"Reduces body temperature, relieves pain
"Sedasen"Calms the central nervous system, eliminates insomnia
"Amitriptyline"Suppresses the perception of pain
"Versatis" patchPain relief
"Dexamethasone"Has anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects
B vitaminsRestores the body's protective properties

When treating herpetic neuralgia in the intercostal area, physiotherapeutic procedures and acupuncture have an effective analgesic effect.

Herpes infection is widespread among the population. Primary contact with herpes viruses usually occurs in early childhood. Already at 3 years of age, 70–90% of children have antibodies to the herpes simplex virus.

Classification. Based on the location of the lesion, the following are distinguished:

1) damage to the central nervous system (encephalitis, meningitis, myelitis);

2) damage to the peripheral nervous system (ganglioneuritis);

3) combined damage to the central and peripheral nervous systems;

4) combined damage to the nervous system and other organs.

Herpetic encephalitis. It is one of the most severe and common forms of viral encephalitis. Occurs evenly throughout the year. In most cases, the disease is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. Herpes virus type 2 is the causative agent of encephalitis in newborns, and infection occurs from mothers with an active form of genital herpes. It often causes generalized forms of infection, when in addition to brain damage there are symptoms of damage to the liver, lungs, and pericardium. The disease may develop due to infection by the herpes zoster virus (herpes virus type 3). The herpes virus is dermato- and neurotropic. Entry gates are skin and mucous membranes. At the site of introduction, the virus multiplies, inflammation occurs, and focal changes in the cells of the spinous layer of the skin occur. Subsequently, viremia occurs, due to which the pathogen spreads to various organs and tissues, mainly to the liver and central nervous system. In addition, the virus travels along the nerve endings to the nerve ganglia, where it persists for many years. Morphologically, encephalitis is an acute necrotic process with a predominant localization of the lesion in the medial part of the temporal lobes. Foci of an inflammatory reaction are observed around the areas of necrosis.

The disease develops acutely, with a sharp increase in body temperature, fever, and headache. Meningeal syndrome is moderately expressed. The presence of focal or generalized repeated convulsive seizures is characteristic at the early stage of the disease. A disturbance of consciousness quickly develops, somnolence turns into stupor and coma. Focal neurological symptoms occur, indicating damage to the temporal and frontal lobes. Olfactory and gustatory hallucinations, anosmia, behavioral disorders, memory disorders, aphasia, and hemiparesis are observed. Intracranial hypertension may develop. Without treatment, death occurs in 50–70% of cases. If the cause of encephalitis is the herpes zoster virus, then its course is more favorable. Rarely does a coma develop. Clinically, encephalitis is manifested by general infectious, cerebral and focal symptoms. Brainstem and cerebellar syndromes are found quite often. In the cerebrospinal fluid, moderate lymphocytic pleocytosis is detected (50-100 in 1 mm3), the protein content increases. On the electroencephalogram, against the background of dysrhythmia, slow-wave activity appears, as well as periodic high-amplitude fast waves.

Herpetic meningitis, caused by the herpes simplex virus may not be accompanied by damage to the mucous membranes and skin. Rarely combined with severe signs of respiratory disease. Body temperature usually does not exceed 37.5 °C. Tends to have a protracted course. There is often a dissociation of the meningeal syndrome, when neck rigidity predominates with a mild Kernig's sign. Meningitis caused by the herpes zoster virus often occurs with more severe symptoms. Often accompanied by skin lesions that occur on the 4-5th day after the development of herpes zoster. There is an increase in body temperature to 38–39 ° C, severe headaches, and possible vomiting. Shell symptoms are pronounced; focal neurological symptoms are quite often recorded. During lumbar puncture, the cerebrospinal fluid is colorless and transparent, the pressure is increased to 250–300 mmH2O. Art. Lymphocytic pleocytosis, protein and glucose levels are normal.

Ganglioneuritis when affected by the herpes zoster virus, it begins as a general infectious disease - with an increase in body temperature, general weakness, and malaise. After a few days, intense pain and paresthesia occur in the area of ​​one or more segments. Mainly 1–2 adjacent spinal ganglia are affected. The thoracic segments are most often affected, followed by the first branch of the trigeminal nerve and the cervical segments. Lesions of other localizations are extremely rare. A few days after the onset of pain, papules and then vesicles filled with serous fluid appear on the skin and mucous membranes against the background of erythema. The rash continues for several hours. They are located along one or more skin segments. When the first branch of the trigeminal nerve is involved, the pathological process may transfer to the cornea, which can lead to permanent visual impairment. The rashes have the character of a “belt” on the torso or longitudinal stripes on the limbs. Possible damage to the geniculate ganglion (Ramsay Hunt syndrome), which is characterized by damage to the VII and VIII pairs of cranial nerves, rashes in the area of ​​the external auditory canal and the auricle. Gradually, the blisters dry out, crusts form, which disappear within a few weeks, leaving pigmentation in their place. Often, neuralgic pain does not disappear after eliminating the rash, but even intensifies. They are characterized as unbearable burning sensations, aggravated by touching the affected areas of the skin.

Diagnostics. Along with medical history, patient complaints and an objective clinical picture of the disease, a complex of laboratory and instrumental research methods is used. If meningoencephalitis is suspected, a lumbar puncture is required, during which symptoms of the inflammatory process can be identified. Informative diagnostic methods are computer diagnostics and magnetic resonance imaging, which at an early stage of the disease make it possible to identify inflammatory changes, swelling, and foci of small hemorrhages in the temporal and frontal regions. The detection of areas of reduced density allows us to conclude that the process is necrotic. In case of damage to the peripheral nervous system, it is necessary to conduct an electroneuromyographic study, which allows identifying fasciculation potentials and a decrease in conduction velocity along motor and sensory fibers. Laboratory tests of blood and cerebrospinal fluid samples are required. It is preferable to use nucleic acid amplification methods - NAAT ( polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and real-time PCR ) . To identify specific antigens, direct immunofluorescence (DIF) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) are used. Also, using ELISA, specific antibodies YgM and YgG and the YgG avidity index are determined.

Treatment. Treatment must be comprehensive. The drug of choice for etiotropic therapy is the antiviral drug acyclovir (Zovirax). The drug selectively acts on the DNA of the virus, suppressing its synthesis. In mild cases, the drug is prescribed orally 200 mg 5 times a day for 5 days or orally 400 mg 3 times a day for 5-7 days. It is possible to use famciclovir orally 250 mg 3 times a day for 5-7 days or valacyclovir orally 500 mg 2 times a day for 5-10 days. In severe cases of the disease, acyclovir is prescribed intravenously every 8 hours at a daily dosage of 30–45 mg/kg. The duration of treatment is 10–14 days. Another highly effective drug recommended for the treatment of herpetic meningoencephalitis is vidarabine. Sometimes a combined treatment regimen with both drugs is used: acyclovir is administered 35 mg/kg 3 times a day every other day, vidarabine - 15 mg/kg 2 times a day every other day. It is possible to use a combination of acyclovir with interferon or interferon inducers. In addition, great importance is attached to pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy aimed at preventing and eliminating cerebral edema, maintaining the body’s water-salt balance, eliminating epileptic syndrome, and relieving pain.

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Shingles or herpes zoster occurs because the chickenpox virus is once activated. After recovery, it remains in the human body forever, and with a decrease in immunity, the skin will begin to suffer again, and the nerve endings will be affected.

Trigeminal herpes is a complication of trigeminal ganglionitis. It is difficult for people with this disease to live. Doing household chores is difficult, numerous problems arise, fatigue and stress are constantly present.

The main symptom of the disease is the presence of severe pain in the place where herpes was previously localized. Its character can be different: pulsating, sharp, aching, burning, shooting, etc.

The sensitivity of the area where shingles used to be may be increased or decreased. Moreover, if it is reduced, slight numbness may bother you. In addition, allodynia can develop - this is a feeling of pain from something that normally should not cause it.

For example:

  • combing;
  • putting things on;
  • being in a draft;
  • touching your body and so on.

The first few days, when the disease just begins to develop, the following symptoms may be present:

  • feeling of malaise and weakness throughout the body;
  • pain in the facial area;
  • feeling of a strong headache, its pulsating nature;
  • feeling of aching throughout the body;
  • a slight increase in body temperature is possible.

Many patients, after the appearance of such symptoms, believe that they are developing some kind of viral disease. For the purpose of treatment, they begin to take antiviral drugs, as well as antipyretics.

After a few days, a burning sensation begins to be present in the area of ​​the ternary nerve, and other symptoms appear, namely:

  • rashes on the mucous membranes;
  • rash in the area of ​​the ternary nerve;
  • severe headaches;
  • one half of the face swells slightly;
  • There is a burning sensation behind the ears and in the temple area.

The rashes appear within a few weeks, after which they dry out and begin to crust over. Subsequently, they will disappear, and nothing will remain in their place.

Important! You should not be near a person who has herpes zoster; the rash is dangerous. A virus that enters the eyes can cause encephalitis.

The video in this article explains in more detail how the disease develops.

Reasons for the development of the disease

It is generally accepted that herpes of the ternary nerve develops due to the inflammatory process in the peripheral nerve and nerve endings. It is inflammation that causes the virus to become activated and begin to spread.

Interesting! Due to the inflammatory process, an imbalance occurs between the analgesic and pain mechanisms, and they also stop interacting. Subsequently, control over neuronal excitability is impaired.

Postherpetic neuralgia does not always develop after herpes. This can only happen due to provoking factors, namely:

  1. Old age. People aged 30 to 50 years old experience the disease in 10% of cases. Patients over 60 years of age are several times more likely to suffer from the disease. Persons over 75% of age suffer from the disease in 70% of cases. Experts believe that in young people, the body can more quickly cope with inflammation and eliminate its consequences. In older people, immunity decreases, which is why they get sick more often.
  2. Foci of prevalence of rashes. Neuralgia of this type is most often localized on the torso.
  3. What is the affected area? The risk of further development of the disease largely depends on the area of ​​the rash. This may be due to the fact that the body's defenses are weakened.
  4. How severe is the pain?. The more painful it is at the stage of appearance of the rash, the higher the likelihood that neuralgia will begin to develop.
  5. At what time did the disease begin?. If the patient starts taking antiherpetic drugs late, the virus can lead to the development of complications.

It is worth noting that symptoms of postherpetic neuralgia will appear only on the third or fourth day after the virus begins to activate and spread.

Treatment methods

If trigeminal herpes develops, treatment is carried out with the use of medications.

  1. Amitriptyline. This is a tricyclic antidepressant that can quickly relieve neuropathic pain. It has a direct effect on those substances that are located in the brain and spinal cord, they are the ones that respond to pain and reduce sensitivity. It is recommended to take the medicine in small dosages; depending on the results and the presence of side effects, you can gradually increase it. Symptoms will disappear and relief will come only after the required dosage is selected.
  2. Pregabalin. It is an anticonvulsant and is used for epilepsy. Due to the fact that the product muffles nerve impulses, it is possible to quickly relieve neuropathic pain.

Both drugs are available in the form of tablets and syrups.

Interesting! This treatment does not always completely relieve pain.

Instructions for use must be strictly followed.

If treatment does not bring the desired result, doctors may prescribe other drugs:

  1. Tramadol. The drug belongs to the group of opioids, with its help you can quickly relieve neuropathic pain. The drug is fraught with the fact that over time it can become addictive. It is possible to get rid of pain, and patients do not encounter side effects. In addition, you can combine the medicine with other drugs.
  2. Lidocaine patch. Allows you to relieve pain in the area where it is glued. Before use, you should read the instructions.

To relieve pain caused by neuralgia, opioid medications, such as Morphine, can be used. You must first undergo an examination by a neurologist; taking into account the prevalence of the virus and the level of pain, the doctor will select the necessary dosage.

Traditional methods of treatment

Pain may remain even after the rash on the body has passed, but small traces remain. In this case, you can try to get rid of the unpleasant sensations with your own hands. Consult your doctor first and take into account contraindications.

The most popular treatment methods:

  1. Geranium leaves. Apply the leaf to the source of pain and secure it with something on top. After two hours, remove the leaf.
  2. Garlic oil. The recipe is simple: dilute half a liter of vodka with a tablespoon of oil. Directions for use: Rub the resulting product into the area of ​​pain three times a day.
  3. Club moss. Pour boiled water over a spoonful of crushed and dry raw materials and let it brew for half an hour. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.
  4. Willow bark. Recipe: pour ten grams of crushed bark with water and put on fire. Once everything comes to a boil, remove from heat and let cool. Just like in the previous case, drink a tablespoon three times a day.
  5. A decoction of pine branches and cones. Place young pine branches in a saucepan, add water, and boil over low heat for half an hour. Cover with a lid and let sit for six hours. Every time you are going to take a bath, add the product.

Important! During the acute stage of the disease, it is not recommended to use traditional methods. This may cause the infection to penetrate into the nerve, and the area affected by herpes will be enlarged.

The photo below is an example of what folk methods can be used for treatment.

Other treatment methods

You can get rid of pain, stress, and anxiety using traditional methods in combination with alternative ones.

Auxiliary therapies:

  • massage – it can be used to relieve pain, it should be performed by a professional;
  • meditation or other methods of relaxation - help relieve stress and tension;
  • acupuncture – the procedure relieves pain;
  • analgesics;
  • immunoglobulins - given intramuscularly;
  • antiviral agents;
  • taking vitamins – necessary to strengthen the immune system and increase the body’s defenses;
  • ointment containing acyclovir.

In a protracted form of the disease, when there is a risk of a chronic form, hormonal therapy may be added. Potassium supplementation is prescribed along with corticosteroids. X-ray therapy is extremely rarely used.

The effectiveness of all the methods listed above has not been proven. You can relax and relieve tension by simply listening to relaxing music and taking a warm bath.

Herpes of the ternary nerve, what should not be done?

After the examination has been completed and the course of treatment has begun, many patients continue to make mistakes, thereby aggravating their condition.

That is why you need to know what to do under no circumstances:

  • herpes papules should not be cauterized or squeezed out, as this will lead to further spread of the infection;
  • do not touch your face with dirty hands;
  • do not heat the reddened areas; you should also not apply anything cold;
  • Any nerve stimulants are prohibited during the treatment period: alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, etc.

Taking into account all these rules, you can cope with the infection faster; there will be no marks left on the skin or in the nerve plexuses.


People who once had chickenpox can experience herpes again. To prevent the disease from progressing, special attention should be paid to prevention.

You can prevent the virus from entering the nervous system as follows:

  • harden your body, teach your children to do the same from childhood;
  • nutrition should be balanced and rational, in this way the metabolic process can be regulated;
  • spend a lot of time outdoors;
  • do not spend a lot of time in the cold;
  • control the level of physical activity.

If herpes or so-called colds constantly appear in the mouth area, it is recommended to take antiviral drugs in the fall and spring. People over 60 years of age are vaccinated to strengthen the immune system, thus avoiding the activation of the virus.

Trigeminal nerve and herpes are something that should never come together. Remember that infection can cause dire consequences. Immediately after you see suspicious symptoms, contact a medical facility.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Herpes and its reproduction

Tell me, how does the herpes virus multiply?

The virus multiplies in the nucleus of the cell into which it has penetrated. All its structural components are used as building materials. In addition, the production of substances that promote the construction of new viruses begins. After infection, the virus will remain in the human body forever, but many may not even know about it.

Herpes prognosis

What is the prognosis for recovery if I have herpes simplex?

Symptoms of the disease on the genitals disappear within ten days. In people with weakened immune systems, symptoms may be more pronounced. The infection may manifest itself repeatedly from time to time, each time contributing to the appearance of symptoms.

Even frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun, stress, ARVI, flu and other diseases can cause a relapse. By leading a healthy lifestyle, you can protect yourself from the disease and never experience its symptoms.