The main prophecies of the Orthodox elders about Russia. Prophecies of the holy saints of God about Russia and Ukraine

Blessed is he who reads, and those who listen to the words of prophecy and keep what is written in it; for the time is near (Rev. 1:3).

“I, poor Seraphim, am destined by the Lord God to live much more than a hundred years. But since by then Russian bishops are so wicked, that in their wickedness they will surpass the Greek bishops during the time of Theodosius the Younger, so that they will not even believe in the most important dogma of the Christian Faith - the Resurrection of Christ and the General Resurrection, then therefore the Lord God is pleased until the time of me, poor Seraphim, to take from this pre-temporal life and then to affirmation of the dogma of resurrection, resurrect me, and my resurrection will be like the resurrection of the seven youths in the Okhlonskaya cave during the time of Theodosius the Younger. After my resurrection, I will move from Sarov to Diveyevo, where I will preach worldwide repentance. And for this great miracle people from all over the earth will gather in Diveevo and there, preaching repentance to them, I will open four relics and I myself will lie down between them as the fifth. But then the end of everything will come.”

“In the last time you will have abundance in everything, but then everything will end.”

“But this joy will be for a very short time: what next?<...>will<...>such sorrow as has not happened since the beginning of the world!”

“Then life will be short. The angels will barely have time to take souls!”

“At the end of the world, the whole earth will burn<...>, and there will be nothing left. Only three churches all over the world, from all over the world, will be taken entirely, undestroyed, to heaven: one in the Kiev Lavra, another (I really don’t remember), and the third is yours, Kazan”...

“To me, poor Seraphim, the Lord revealed that there will be great disasters on the Russian land. The Orthodox faith will be trampled upon, The bishops of the Church of God and other clergy will deviate from the purity of Orthodoxy, and for this the Lord will severely punish them. I, poor Seraphim, prayed to the Lord for three days and three nights that he would rather deprive me of the Kingdom of Heaven and have mercy on them. But the Lord answered, “I will not have mercy on them: for they teach the doctrines of men, and with their lips they honor Me, but their heart is far from Me.”...

Any desire to make changes to the rules and teachings of the Holy Church is heresy... blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven. The bishops of the Russian land and the clergy will follow this path, and the wrath of God will strike them..."

“But the Lord will not be completely angry and will not allow the Russian land to be completely destroyed, because in it alone Orthodoxy and the remnants of Christian piety are predominantly preserved... We have the Orthodox faith, the Church, which has no vice. For the sake of these virtues, Russia will always be glorious and terrible and insurmountable to enemies, having faith and piety - the gates of hell will not prevail against them.”

“Before the end of times, Russia will merge into one great sea with the other lands and Slavic tribes, it will form one sea or that huge universal ocean of the people, about which the Lord God spoke from ancient times through the mouth of all the saints: “The terrible and invincible Kingdom of All-Russian, All-Slavic - Gog and Magog , before whom all nations will be in awe." And all this is the same as two and two are four, and certainly, like God is holy, who from ancient times predicted about him and his formidable dominion over the earth. With the united forces of Russia and other peoples, Constantinople and Jerusalem will be captured . When Turkey is divided, almost all of it will remain with Russia..."

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, 1825-32

“The European peoples have always envied Russia and tried to do harm to it. Naturally, they will follow the same system for future centuries. But the Russian God is great. We must pray to the great God that He preserve the spiritual and moral strength of our people - the Orthodox faith... Judging by the spirit of the times and the ferment of minds, we must believe that the building of the Church, which has been shaking for a long time, will shake terribly and quickly. There is no one to stop and resist...

The current retreat has been allowed by God: do not try to stop it with your weak hand. Stay away, protect yourself from him: and that’s enough for you. Get acquainted with the spirit of the time, study it, in order to avoid its influence if possible...

Constant reverence for the destinies of God is necessary for correct spiritual living. One must bring oneself into this reverence and submission to God by faith. The Providence of Almighty God is vigilantly vigilant over the destinies of the world and every person, and everything that happens is accomplished either by the will or by the permission of God...

No one will change the predestinations of God's Providence for Russia. The Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church (for example, Saint Andrew of Crete in his interpretation of the Apocalypse, chapter 20) predict extraordinary civil development and power for Russia... But our disasters must be more moral and spiritual.”

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov, 1865

“Modern Russian society has turned into a mental desert. A serious attitude to thought has disappeared, every living source of inspiration has dried up... The most extreme conclusions of the most one-sided Western thinkers are boldly presented as the last word of enlightenment...

How many signs the Lord showed over Russia, delivering it from its strongest enemies and subduing its peoples! And yet, evil is growing. Will we really not come to our senses? The Lord has punished and will punish us with the West, but we don’t understand everything. We got stuck in Western mud up to our ears, and everything was fine. We have eyes, but we don’t see, we have ears, but we don’t hear, and we don’t understand with our hearts... Having inhaled this hellish frenzy into ourselves, we spin around like crazy, not remembering ourselves.”

“If we don’t come to our senses, the Lord will send foreign teachers to us to bring us to our senses...”

“Evil is growing, malice and unbelief are raising their heads, faith and Orthodoxy are weakening... Well, sit idly by? No! Silent shepherding - what kind of shepherding? We need hot books that protect against all evil. We should dress up scribblers and force them to write. .. Freedom of ideas must be suppressed... Unbelief must be declared a state crime. Material views must be prohibited under penalty of death!"

Saint Theophan the Recluse, 1894

“Rulers-shepherds, what have you done from your flock? The Lord will seek His sheep from your hands!.. He primarily oversees the behavior of bishops and priests, their educational, sacred, pastoral activities... The current terrible decline in faith and morals depends very much on the coldness of many hierarchs and the priestly rank in general towards their flocks".

"But the All-Good Providence will not leave Russia in this sad and disastrous state. It righteously punishes and leads to revival. God's righteous destinies are carried out over Russia. Troubles and misfortunes forge it. It is not in vain that He who rules all nations skillfully, accurately puts on His the anvil of those subjected to His strong hammer. Be strong, Russia! But also repent, pray, cry bitter tears before your heavenly Father, Whom you have angered immensely!.. The Russian people and other tribes inhabiting Russia are deeply corrupted, the crucible of temptations and disasters is necessary for everyone, and the Lord, who does not want anyone to perish, burns everyone in this crucible.

“I foresee the restoration of a powerful Russia, even stronger and more powerful. On the bones of the martyrs, as on a strong foundation, a new Rus' will be erected - according to the old model; strong in its faith in Christ God and the Holy Trinity! And it will be according to the behest of the holy Prince Vladimir - as a single Church! The Russian people have ceased to understand what Russia is: it is the foot of the Throne of the Lord! Russian people must understand this and thank God for being Russian."

Holy Righteous Father John of Kronstadt. 1906-1908

“The persecution and torment of the first Christians may be repeated... Hell is destroyed, but not destroyed, and the time will come when it will make itself felt. That time is just around the corner...

We will live to see terrible times , but the grace of God will cover us... The Antichrist is clearly coming into the world, but this is not recognized in the world. The whole world is under the influence of some force that takes possession of the mind, will and all spiritual qualities of a person. This is an extraneous force, an evil force. Its source is the devil, and evil people are only the instrument through which it acts. These are the forerunners of the Antichrist.

In the Church we no longer have living prophets, but we do have signs. They are given to us for the knowledge of times. They are clearly visible to people who have a spiritual mind. But this is not recognized in the world... Everyone is going against Russia, that is, against the Church of Christ, for the Russian people are God-bearers, the true faith of Christ is preserved in them.”

Venerable Barsanuphius of Optina, 1910

There will be a storm. And the Russian ship will be destroyed. But people also save themselves on chips and debris. And yet not everyone will die. We must pray, we must all repent and pray fervently... A great miracle of God will be revealed... And all the chips and fragments, by the will of God and His power, will gather and unite, and the ship will be recreated in all its glory and will go its way, intended by God. .."

Rev. Anatoly Optinsky. 1917

And Russia will be saved. Much suffering, much torment. Everyone must suffer a lot and deeply repent. Only repentance through suffering will save Russia. All of Russia will become a prison, and we need to beg the Lord a lot for forgiveness. Repent of sins and be afraid to commit even the slightest sins, but try to do good, even the smallest. After all, the wing of a fly has weight, but God has precise scales. And when the slightest good outweighs the balance, then God will show His mercy over Russia...

But first, God will take away all the leaders so that the Russian people will look only to Him. Everyone will abandon Russia, other powers will abandon it, leaving it to its own devices. This is so that the Russian people trust in the Lord’s help. You will hear that riots will begin in other countries and things similar to what happened in Russia, and you will hear about wars and there will be wars - now the time is near. But don't be afraid of anything. The Lord will show His wonderful mercy.

The end will be through China. There will be some kind of unusual explosion, and a miracle of God will appear. And life will be completely different on earth, but not for very long. The Cross of Christ will shine over the whole world, because our Motherland will be magnified and will be like a beacon in the darkness for everyone."

Schieromonk Aristoklius of Athos. 1917-1918

The monarchy and autocratic power will be restored in Russia. The Lord chose the future king. This will be a man of fiery faith, a brilliant mind and an iron will. First of all, he will restore order in the Orthodox Church, removing all untrue, heretical and lukewarm bishops. And many, very many, with few exceptions, almost all will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will take their place... Something that no one expects will happen. Russia will rise from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised.

Orthodoxy will be reborn and triumph in it. But the Orthodoxy that existed before will no longer exist. God Himself will place a strong king on the throne.”

Saint Theophan of Poltava, 1930

When a little freedom appears, churches will be opened, monasteries will be repaired, then all false teachings will come out. In Ukraine there will be a strong uprising against the Russian Church, its unity and conciliarity. This heretical group will be supported by the godless government. The Metropolitan of Kiev, who is unworthy of this title, will greatly shake the Russian Church, and he himself will go into eternal destruction, like Judas. But all these slander of the evil one in Russia will disappear, and there will be a United Orthodox Church of Russia...

Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will form a powerful Kingdom. He will be cared for by the Orthodox Tsar - God's Anointed One. All schisms and heresies will disappear in Russia. Jews from Russia will go to Palestine to meet the Antichrist, and there will not be a single Jew in Russia. There will be no persecution of the Orthodox Church.

In Russia there will be prosperity of faith and the former rejoicing (only for a short time, for the Terrible Judge will come to judge the living and the dead). Even the Antichrist himself will be afraid of the Russian Orthodox Tsar. Under the Antichrist, Russia will be the most powerful kingdom in the world. And all other countries, except Russia and the Slavic lands, will be under the rule of the Antichrist and will experience all the horrors and torments written in the Holy Scriptures

The Third World War will no longer be for repentance, but for extermination. Where it passes, there will be no people there. There will be such strong bombs that iron will burn and stones will melt. Fire and smoke with dust will reach the sky. And the earth will burn.They will fight and two or three states will remain. There will be very few people left and then they will start shouting: down with the war! Let's choose one! Install one king! They will choose a king who will be born of a prodigal virgin of the twelfth generation. And the Antichrist will sit on the throne in Jerusalem."

Venerable Lavrentiy of Chernigov.

Statements by the outstanding ascetic of Orthodoxy, Schema-nun Macarius

(Artemyeva; 1926 - 1993).

From the age of one and a half her legs began to hurt, and from the age of three she no longer walked, but crawled; at eight he falls asleep in a lethargic sleep and for two weeks his soul remains in heaven. With the blessing of the Queen of Heaven, she receives the gift of healing people. During the war, the girl was left on the street, where she lived for seven hundred days. She is picked up by an old nun, with whom the ascetic will live for twenty years, and then she herself will accept monasticism and schema. Until the last day of her life, she was in obedience to the Queen of Heaven.
The feat of Schema-nun Macaria was tireless prayer, day and night, for Moscow, for Russia and all Russians. The lofty life of the people's mourner and prayer book is presented in the form of a hagiographic narrative. The book is intended for a wide range of readers. Mother Macaria's stories about the future were either an answer to the questions posed, or a warning, with the goal of protecting people close to her from trouble or future trials. Speaking about the future, she often limited herself to short remarks, explanations and brief characteristics. We present some of them. We have grouped all of them according to their meaning, and the date when they were said by the ascetic is noted in brackets.

About the onset of terrible times.

And now there are no young people, everyone is old in a row, soon there will be no people at all (06.27.88). Until 1999, nothing should happen now, no disaster (05/12/89). According to the Bible, we are now living. It's called "Committed". And when the 99th ends, then we will live according to “History” (07/02/87). Until the Bible “Complete” ends, nothing will happen, and it will last until the year 99! You won’t die before that time, I will die, God will take me away (12/27/87).
Today it’s fine, but next summer it’ll be worse. I also said: it’s not good to be in such darkness, there will be some kind of hole (06/28/89). The Lord doesn’t promise anything good, we won’t get anything, so we’ll just get along somehow (12/17/89). The Mother of God is with us (meaning, in the Russian land. - Author) grace was removed. And the Savior sent the apostles Peter and Paul, and John the Theologian to them (in other Christian countries. - Author) remove grace. We need to pray a lot here! (03/14/89) Now nothing big will happen (07/07/89).
Money won’t get any better, it’ll just become twice as cheap, and then it’ll get even cheaper.(11. 02. 89).
Such a time comes, the power is taken away by the sorcerers. It will be even worse, God forbid we live to see it (05.10.88). A bad man is coming soon, will go like a wheel. It would be nice to see the end of the world, but here - the destruction of buildings and people, everything is mixed with dirt, you will walk knee-deep in blood (03.25.89).
Soon all people will do this (witchcraft. - Author) know. There will be all the evil spirits around the evil one. He'll gather them together and start. Bad Life Comes (10/28/87). Now their time is coming, the good times are coming to an end (05.24.88). They will spoil people, and then start pointing at each other (03.27.87).
Now people, in general, are not good. The authorities will not bow to the people, and there will be complete devastation(11.07.88). Now they have no zeal for the people, that’s what they want to do evil: who steals, who gets drunk, but what about the children (12/20/87).
Now you can’t go to the floors (to live in multi-storey buildings. - Auth.). Now there is crowding, there are bad people everywhere, now with their unclean intentions they are crowding out the believing people (03.25.89).
The Chinese are worse for us. The Chinese are very evil, they will cut without mercy. They will take half the land, they don’t need anything else. They don't have enough land (27.06.88),

When the victory of darkness is complete.

We'll be in the dark (08/27/87). And they won’t let you turn on the light, they will say: need to save energy(28.06.88).
This is the beginning, then it will be cold. Easter is coming soon - with snow, and winter will come on Pokrov. And the grass is only for Peter's Day. The sun will decrease by half (08/27/87). Summer will become bad, and winter will become worse. The snow will lie and will not be driven away. And then we don’t know what frosts there will be (04/29/88).

There will be a great famine.

The Mother of God said: “You, Mother, have almost lived to see the government tables. Soon there will be government tables. If you come, they’ll feed you, but they won’t even let you take out a piece of bread.” The youth will be driven to the village. (09/15/87).
Soon you will be left without bread(29.01.89). Soon there will be no water, there will be no apples, there will be no cards (12/19/87). There is a great famine, there will be no bread- Divide the crust in half (02/18/88).
There will be a big uprising. From floors (from cities. - Author) people will run away, they won’t be able to sit in their rooms. You can't sit in the rooms, there won't be anything, not even bread.(12/28/90). And if you pray to the Savior, the Mother of God and Elijah the Prophet, they will not let you die of hunger, they will save those who believed God and sincerely prayed (06.27.88).
The harvest will begin to fail when the monks will be exiled (02/18/88).
And you won't die. It will be the will of the Lord, whoever is not written down to die will suffer and will not die (06/21/88). All the good people died, they were all in heaven, they did not know this emptiness: they prayed to God, they will be fine there (02/01/88).
It's bad that we lived to see the end of the world. The world will end soon. Now there is a little left (12/11/88). Now she said: (meaning the Mother of God. - Author)“There’s a little left.” Now the people are bad, rarely anyone goes to heaven. (04/04/88).

Church unrest is coming.

The Bible they print is wrong. They (apparently, Pharisaical Jews. - Author) They will be thrown out of there as far as they are concerned, they don’t want reproach (03/14/89).
A change of faith is in preparation. When this happens, the saints will retreat and will not pray for Russia. And those who are (from the faithful. - Auth.). The Lord will take you to Himself. And the bishops who allow this are neither here nor there (in the next world. - Author) They will not see the Lord (08/03/88).
Soon the service will be half and will be reduced. (07/11/88). They will retain the service only in large monasteries, and in other places they will make changes (05.27.88). I only say one thing: woe comes to the priesthood, they will scatter one by one and live (06/28/89). They will serve in churches in red dresses. Now the evil Satan will take everyone (05.20.89).
Soon the sorcerers will spoil all the prosphora and there will be nothing to serve with (the liturgy. - Auth.). And you can take communion once a year. The Mother of God will tell her people where and when to receive communion. You just have to listen! (28.06.89)

My hope to the Mother of God.

When at four o'clock in the afternoon it becomes dark as night, then the Mother of God will come. She will go around the earth, will be in all Her glory and will come to Russia to establish faith. The Mother of God will come - she will level everything, not according to them (those in power or sorcerers. - Auth.), but in His own way, as the Savior commands. The time will come such that everyone will think not about what they ate, but how much they prayed that day. She will restore faith for a short time (07/11/86).

The time of persecution is near.

They will create such confusion, and you won’t be able to save your soul (01.90). Whoever enters the church will be recorded (02/18/88). Because you pray to God, that’s why you’ll get persecuted (05/20/89). You need to pray so that no one knows, pray quietly! They will start to chase and take away (05.15.87). First they will take away the books, and then the icons. The icons will be selected (01/07/88). They will torment: “We don’t need believers” (14.07.88).
Then it will get worse: churches will be closed, there will be no services, services will be held here and there. They will leave you somewhere far away so that you can neither go nor pass. And in cities where they consider that they do not interfere (01/07/88).
These churches that are being built and repaired will go to other enterprises and will not benefit anyone. Registration will be tricky: they will remain called churches, but there will be no idea what, their production, they will find something to do (07/11/88).
He who is God will not see the Antichrist (01/07/88). It will be open to many where to go, where to go. The Lord knows how to hide his own, no one will find them (11/17/87).

Blessed are those who keep God's commandments.

According to the Bible we are now living, it is called “Complete” (07/02/87). Soon everything will be nearby: the earth is nearby, and the sky is nearby, there will be a lot of everything, such a Master (apparently, the Savior. —Auth.) will be (06/08/90). Said (Mother of God. - Auth.):“A little remains, he will descend to earth with the Savior, everything will be sanctified, and it will appear on earth as paradise (04.04.88).”

In conclusion, let me recall the words of Hieromonk Nektary of Optina: “Look for the greater meaning in everything. All events that happen around us and with us have their own meaning. Nothing happens without a reason..."

Three fierce yokes. Evil is growing...

“About the fate of the Russian state, there was a revelation to me in prayer about three fierce yokes: Tatar, Polish and the future one - the Jewish one. The Jew will scourge the Russian land like a scorpion, plunder its shrines, close the churches of God, and execute the best Russian people. This is God’s permission, God’s wrath for Russia’s renunciation of the holy king.

But then Russian hopes will be fulfilled. On Sofia, in Constantinople, the Orthodox cross will shine, Holy Rus' will be filled with the smoke of incense and prayers and will flourish, like a heavenly crimson.”

Monk-seer Abel, 1796

“One day there will be a king who will glorify me, after which there will be great unrest in Rus', a lot of blood will flow because they will rebel against this king and the autocracy, but God will glorify the king...

Before the birth of the Antichrist, there will be a great long war and a terrible revolution in Russia, beyond any human imagination, for the bloodshed will be terrible. There will be the death of many people faithful to the fatherland, the plunder of church property and monasteries; desecration of the Lord's churches; destruction and plunder of the wealth of good people, rivers of Russian blood will be shed. But the Lord will have mercy on Russia and lead it through suffering to great glory..."

“I, poor Seraphim, am destined by the Lord God to live much more than a hundred years. But since by that time the Russian bishops will be so wicked that they will surpass the Greek bishops in their wickedness during the time of Theodosius the Younger, so that they will not even believe in the most important dogma of the Christian Faith - the Resurrection of Christ and the general resurrection, then therefore the Lord God is pleased until the time of me, the wretched one. Seraphim, to take from this premature life and then to resurrect the dogma of the Resurrection, and my resurrection will be like the resurrection of the seven youths in the Okhlonskaya cave during the time of Theodosius the Younger. After my resurrection, I will move from Sarov to Diveevo, where I will preach worldwide repentance.”

“To me, poor Seraphim, the Lord revealed that there would be great disasters on the Russian land. The Orthodox faith will be trampled upon, the bishops of the Church of God and other clergy will depart from the purity of Orthodoxy, and for this the Lord will severely punish them. I, poor Seraphim, prayed to the Lord for three days and three nights that he would rather deprive me of the Kingdom of Heaven and have mercy on them. But the Lord answered: “I will not have mercy on them: for they teach the doctrines of men, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me”...

Any desire to make changes to the rules and teachings of the Holy Church is heresy... blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven. The bishops of the Russian land and the clergy will follow this path, and the wrath of God will strike them..."

“But the Lord will not be completely angry and will not allow the Russian land to be completely destroyed, because in it alone Orthodoxy and the remnants of Christian piety are predominantly preserved... We have the Orthodox faith, the Church, which has no blemish. For the sake of these virtues, Russia will always be glorious and terrible and insurmountable to its enemies; having faith and piety, the gates of hell will not prevail against these.”

“Before the end of times, Russia will merge into one great sea with the other lands and Slavic tribes, it will form one sea or that huge universal ocean of the people, about which the Lord God spoke from ancient times through the mouth of all the saints: “The formidable and invincible Kingdom of All-Russian, All-Slavic - Gog and Magog , before whom all nations will stand in awe.” And all this is the same as two and two are four, and certainly, like God is holy, who from ancient times foretold about him and his terrible dominion over the earth. With the united forces of Russia and other nations, Constantinople and Jerusalem will be captured. When Turkey is divided, almost all of it will remain with Russia...”

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, 1825-32.

“The European peoples have always envied Russia and tried to do harm to it. Naturally, they will follow the same system for future centuries. But the Russian God is great. We must pray to the great God that He preserve the spiritual and moral strength of our people - the Orthodox faith... Judging by the spirit of the times and the ferment of minds, we must believe that the building of the Church, which has been shaking for a long time, will shake terribly and quickly. There is no one to stop and resist...

The current retreat has been allowed by God: do not try to stop it with your weak hand. Stay away, protect yourself from him: and that’s enough for you. Get acquainted with the spirit of the time, study it in order to avoid its influence if possible...

Constant reverence for the destinies of God is necessary for correct spiritual living. One must bring oneself into this reverence and submission to God by faith. The Providence of Almighty God is vigilantly vigilant over the destinies of the world and every person, and everything that happens is done either by the will or by the permission of God...

No one will change the predestinations of God's Providence for Russia. The Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church (for example, Saint Andrew of Crete in his interpretation of the Apocalypse, chapter 20) predict extraordinary civil development and power for Russia... But our disasters should be more moral and spiritual.”

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov, 1865

“If in Russia, for the sake of contempt for the Commandments of God and for the sake of weakening the rules and regulations of the Orthodox Church, and for other reasons, piety becomes impoverished, then the final fulfillment of what is said in the Apocalypse of John the Theologian must inevitably follow.”

Venerable Ambrose of Optina, 1871.

“Modern Russian society has turned into a mental desert. A serious attitude to thought has disappeared, every living source of inspiration has dried up... The most extreme conclusions of the most one-sided Western thinkers are boldly presented as the last word of enlightenment...

How many signs the Lord showed over Russia, delivering it from its strongest enemies and subduing its peoples! And yet, evil is growing. Will we really not come to our senses? The West has punished us, and the Lord will punish us, but we don’t understand everything. We got stuck in Western mud up to our ears, and everything was fine. We have eyes, but we don’t see, we have ears, but we don’t hear, and we don’t understand with our hearts... Having inhaled this hellish frenzy into ourselves, we spin around like crazy, not remembering ourselves.”

“If we don’t come to our senses, God will send foreign teachers to us to bring us to our senses... It turns out that we too are on the path of revolution. These are not empty words, but a deed affirmed by the voice of the Church. Know, Orthodox, that God cannot be mocked.”

“Evil is growing, malice and unbelief are raising their heads, faith and Orthodoxy are weakening... Well, should we sit back? No! Silent shepherding - what kind of shepherding? We need hot books that protect against all evil. It is necessary to dress up scribblers and oblige them to write... Freedom of ideas must be suppressed... Unbelief must be declared a state crime. Material views are prohibited under penalty of death!”

Saint Theophan the Recluse, 1894

“Our Lady saved Russia many times. If Russia has stood until now, it is only thanks to the Queen of Heaven. And now what a difficult time we are going through! Now universities are filled with Jews and Poles, but there is no place for Russians! How can the Queen of Heaven help such people? What have we come to!

Our intelligentsia is simply stupid. Stupid, stupid people! Russia, in the person of the intelligentsia and part of the people, became unfaithful to the Lord, forgot all His blessings, fell away from him, and became worse than any foreign, even pagan, nation. You forgot God and abandoned Him, and He abandoned you through His fatherly providence and gave you into the hands of unbridled, wild tyranny. Christians who do not believe in God, who act together with Jews, who do not care what faith is: with Jews they are Jews, with Poles they are Poles - those are not Christians, and will perish if they do not repent ... "

“Shepherd rulers, what have you made of your flock? The Lord will seek His sheep from your hands!.. He primarily oversees the behavior of bishops and priests, their educational, sacred, pastoral activities... The current terrible decline of faith and morals very much depends on the coldness of many hierarchs and the priestly rank in general towards their flocks.”

“How many enemies our Fatherland has now! Our enemies, you know who: the Jews... May the Lord end our misfortunes, according to His great mercy! And you, friends, stand firmly for the Tsar, honor, love him, love the Holy Church and the Fatherland, and remember that Autocracy is the only condition for the prosperity of Russia; There will be no Autocracy - there will be no Russia; the Jews, who hate us greatly, will take power!”

“But All-Good Providence will not leave Russia in this sad and disastrous state. It righteously punishes and leads to rebirth. God's righteous destinies are being carried out over Russia. She is forged by troubles and misfortunes. It is not in vain that He who rules all nations skillfully and accurately places on His anvil those subjected to His mighty hammer. Be strong, Russia! But also repent, pray, cry bitter tears before your heavenly Father, whom you have angered immensely!.. The Russian people and other tribes inhabiting Russia are deeply corrupted, the crucible of temptations and disasters is necessary for everyone, and the Lord, who does not want anyone to perish, burns everyone out in this crucible.

But do not be afraid and do not be afraid, brethren, let the seditious Satanists console themselves for a moment with their hellish successes: judgment from God will not touch them and destruction will not sleep from them (2 Peter 2.3). The right hand of the Lord will find all those who hate us and will avenge us righteously. Therefore, let us not give in to despondency, seeing everything that is happening in the world today...”

“I foresee the restoration of a powerful Russia, even stronger and more powerful. On the bones of the martyrs, as on a strong foundation, a new Rus' will be erected - according to the old model; strong in your faith in Christ God and the Holy Trinity! And according to the behest of Holy Prince Vladimir, it will be like one Church! The Russian people have ceased to understand what Rus' is: it is the foot of the Throne of the Lord! Russian people must understand this and thank God for being Russian.”

Holy Righteous Father John of Kronstadt. 1906–1908

Everyone is going against Russia

“The persecution and torment of the first Christians may be repeated... Hell is destroyed, but not destroyed, and the time will come when it will make itself felt. This time is just around the corner...

We will live to see terrible times, but the grace of God will cover us... The Antichrist is clearly coming into the world, but this is not recognized in the world. The whole world is under the influence of some force that takes possession of the mind, will and all spiritual qualities of a person. This is an extraneous force, an evil force. Its source is the devil, and evil people are only the instrument through which it operates. These are the forerunners of the Antichrist.

In the Church we no longer have living prophets, but we do have signs. They are given to us for the knowledge of times. They are clearly visible to people who have a spiritual mind. But this is not recognized in the world... Everyone is going against Russia, that is, against the Church of Christ, for the Russian people are God-bearers, the true faith of Christ is preserved in them.”

Venerable Barsanuphius of Optina, 1910

“Heresies will spread everywhere and deceive many. The enemy of the human race will act by cunning in order, if possible, to persuade even the elect to heresy. He will not rudely reject the dogmas of the Holy Trinity, the Divinity of Jesus Christ and the dignity of the Mother of God, but will imperceptibly begin to distort the teachings of the Church transmitted by the Holy Fathers from the Holy Spirit, and its very spirit and statutes, and these tricks of the enemy will be noticed only by a few, the most skilled in spiritual life .

Heretics will take power over the Church, they will place their servants everywhere and piety will be neglected... Therefore, my son, when you see violations of the Divine order in the Church, paternal tradition and the order established by God, know that heretics have already appeared, although, perhaps, and they will hide their wickedness for the time being or will distort the Divine faith unnoticed in order to achieve even more success, seducing and luring the inexperienced into the net.

Persecution will be not only against shepherds, but also against all servants of God, for the demon who leads heresy does not tolerate piety. Recognize them, these wolves in sheep's clothing, by their proud disposition and lust for power...

Woe will be in those days for the monks who have pledged their property and wealth and, for the love of peace, are ready to submit to heretics... Do not be afraid of sorrow, but fear the destructive heresy, for it exposes you from grace and separates you from Christ...

There will be a storm. And the Russian ship will be destroyed. But people also save themselves on chips and debris. And yet not everyone will die. We must pray, we must all repent and pray fervently... A great miracle of God will be revealed... And all the chips and fragments, by the will of God and His power, will gather and unite, and the ship will be recreated in all its glory and will go its way, intended by God..."

Reverend Anatoly of Optina. 1917

“Now we are living through the pre-Antichrist time. God's judgment on the living has begun and there will not be a single country on earth, not a single person who will not be affected by this. It started with Russia, and then further...

And Russia will be saved. Much suffering, much torment. Everyone must suffer a lot and deeply repent. Only repentance through suffering will save Russia. All of Russia will become a prison, and we must beg the Lord a lot for forgiveness. Repent of sins and be afraid to commit even the slightest sins, but try to do good, even the smallest. After all, the wing of a fly has weight, but God has precise scales. And when the slightest good outweighs the balance, then God will show His mercy over Russia...

But first, God will take away all the leaders so that the Russian people will look only to Him. Everyone will abandon Russia, other powers will abandon it, leaving it to its own devices. This is so that the Russian people trust in the Lord’s help. You will hear that in other countries there will be unrest and something similar to what happened in Russia (during the revolution - ed.), and you will hear about wars and there will be wars - now the time is near. But don't be afraid of anything. The Lord will show His wonderful mercy.

The end will be through China. There will be some kind of unusual explosion, and a miracle of God will appear. And life will be completely different on earth, but not for very long. The Cross of Christ will shine over the whole world, because our Motherland will be magnified and will be like a beacon in the darkness for everyone.”

Schieromonk Aristoklius of Athos. 1917-18

“Russia will rise up and will not be materially rich, but rich in spirit, and in Optina there will be 7 more lamps, 7 pillars. If at least a few faithful Orthodox Christians remain in Russia, God will have mercy on her. And we have such righteous people.”

Venerable Nectarius of Optina, 1920

“You are asking me about the near future and about the coming end times. I am not speaking about this on my own, but what was revealed to me by the elders. The coming of the Antichrist is approaching and is already very close. The time separating us from his coming can be measured in years, at most in decades. But before his arrival, Russia must be reborn, albeit for a short time. And the king there will be chosen by the Lord Himself. And he will be a man of ardent faith, deep intelligence and iron will. This is what was revealed to us about him, we will wait for the fulfillment of this revelation. Judging by many signs, it is approaching; unless because of our sins the Lord will cancel it and change His promise.”

“The monarchy and autocratic power will be restored in Russia. The Lord chose the future king. This will be a man of fiery faith, a brilliant mind and an iron will. First of all, he will restore order in the Orthodox Church, removing all untrue, heretical and lukewarm bishops. And many, very many, with few exceptions, almost all will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will take their place... Something that no one expects will happen. Russia will rise from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised.

Orthodoxy will be reborn and triumph in it. But the Orthodoxy that existed before will no longer exist. God Himself will place a strong king on the throne.”

Saint Theophan of Poltava, 1930

A thunderstorm will pass over the Russian Land.
The Lord will forgive the sins of the Russian people
And the Holy Cross with Divine beauty
God's temples will shine again.
Abodes will be reopened everywhere
And faith in God will unite everyone
And the bells ring throughout our Holy Rus'
He will awaken from the sleep of sin to salvation.
Formidable adversities will subside
Russia will defeat its enemies.
And the name of the Russian, great people
How thunder will roar throughout the universe!

Venerable Seraphim Vyritsky, 1943

“The Russian people will repent of their mortal sins, that they allowed the Jewish wickedness in Russia, that they did not protect the Anointed One of God - the Tsar, the Orthodox churches and monasteries, the host of martyrs and confessors of saints and all Russian sacred things. They despised piety and loved demonic wickedness...

When a little freedom appears, churches will be opened, monasteries will be repaired, then all false teachings will come out. In Ukraine there will be a strong uprising against the Russian Church, its unity and conciliarity. This heretical group will be supported by the godless government. The Metropolitan of Kiev, who is unworthy of this title, will greatly shake the Russian Church, and he himself will go into eternal destruction, like Judas. But all these slander of the evil one in Russia will disappear, and there will be a United Orthodox Church of Russia...

Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will form a powerful Kingdom. He will be cared for by the Orthodox Tsar, God’s Anointed One. All schisms and heresies will disappear in Russia. Jews from Russia will go to Palestine to meet the Antichrist, and there will not be a single Jew in Russia. There will be no persecution of the Orthodox Church.

The Lord will have mercy on Holy Rus' because it had a terrible and terrible time before the Antichrist. The great regiment of confessors and Martyrs shone forth... They all pray to the Lord God, the King of Powers, the King of Those Who Reign, in the Most Holy Trinity, the glorified Father and Son and Holy Spirit. You need to firmly know that Russia is the lot of the Queen of Heaven and she cares about her and especially intercedes for her. The entire host of Russian saints and the Mother of God ask to spare Russia.

In Russia there will be prosperity of faith and the former rejoicing (only for a short time, for the Terrible Judge will come to judge the living and the dead). Even the Antichrist himself will be afraid of the Russian Orthodox Tsar. Under the Antichrist, Russia will be the most powerful kingdom in the world. And all other countries, except Russia and the Slavic lands, will be under the rule of the Antichrist and will experience all the horrors and torments written in the Holy Scriptures

The Third World War will no longer be for repentance, but for extermination. Where it passes, there will be no people there. There will be such strong bombs that iron will burn and stones will melt. Fire and smoke with dust will reach the sky. And the earth will burn. They will fight and two or three states will remain. There will be very few people left and then they will start shouting: down with the war! Let's choose one! Install one king! They will choose a king who will be born of a prodigal virgin of the twelfth generation. And the Antichrist will sit on the throne in Jerusalem.”

Venerable Lavrentiy of Chernigov. Late 1940s

Russia is waiting for God!

In 1959, the magazine of the Canadian branch of the Orthodox Brotherhood, St. Job Pochaevsky "Orthodox Review" published the vision of one elder, which he told to the Canadian Bishop Vitaly (Ustinov), who later became the Metropolitan of the ROCOR. This old man saw the Lord in a subtle dream, who said to him:

“Behold, I will exalt Orthodoxy in the Russian land and from there it will shine throughout the whole world... The Commune will disappear and scatter like dust from the wind. It was launched in order to make Russia one people with one heart and one soul. Having purified him with fire, I will make him My people... Behold, I will stretch out My right hand and Orthodoxy from Russia will shine to the whole world. The time will come when children there will carry stones on their shoulders to build temples. My hand is strong and there is no such power either in heaven or on earth that could resist it.”

In 1992, the book “The Last Fates of Russia and the World. A brief overview of prophecies and predictions." In particular, it contains the following prediction made in a conversation by one of the modern elders in September 1990: “The last days of the West, its wealth, its depravity have approached. Suddenly disaster and destruction will befall him. His unrighteous, evil wealth oppresses the whole world, and his depravity is like the depravity of a new and worse Sodom. Its science and technology are the madness of a new, second Babylon. His pride is apostate, satanic pride. All his deeds are for the benefit of the Antichrist. “The synagogue of Satan” took possession of him (Ap. 2:9).

The fiery wrath of God is upon the West, upon Babylon! And you, lift up your heads and rejoice, sufferers of God and all the good, humble, who endured evil in trust in God! Rejoice, long-suffering Orthodox people, stronghold of the East of God, who suffered according to the will of God for the whole world. To you, for the sake of those chosen in you, God will give strength to fulfill the great and final promise of His Only Begotten Son about the last preaching of His Gospel in the world before the end of the world, as a testimony to all nations!

The arrogance and gloating of the West about the current disasters of Russia will turn into even greater wrath of God on the West. After “perestroika” in Russia, “perestroika” will begin in the West, and unprecedented discord will open there: civil strife, famine, unrest, the fall of authorities, collapse, anarchy, pestilence, famine, cannibalism - unprecedented horrors of evil and depravity accumulated in the souls. The Lord will give them to reap what they sowed for many centuries and with which they oppressed and corrupted the whole world. And all their wickedness will rise up against them.

Russia withstood its temptation because it had within itself the faith of martyrdom, the mercy of God and His election. But the West does not have this and therefore cannot stand it...

Russia is waiting for God!

The Russian people need only a leader, a shepherd - a Tsar chosen by God. And he will go with him to any feat! Only the Anointed One of God will give the highest and strongest unity to the Russian people!”

Archbishop Seraphim, Chicago and Detroit (1959): “The Lord recently, during my first pilgrimage to Palestine, deigned me, a sinner, to become acquainted with some new, hitherto unknown prophecies that cast new light on the fate of Russia. These prophecies were accidentally discovered by a learned Russian monk in ancient Greek manuscripts kept in an ancient Greek monastery.

Unknown Holy Fathers of the 8th and 9th centuries, that is, contemporaries of St. John of Damascus, in approximately the following words, these prophecies were captured: “After God’s chosen Jewish people, having betrayed their Messiah and Redeemer to torment and shameful death, lost their chosenness, the latter passed to the Hellenes, who became God’s second chosen people.

The great Eastern Fathers of the Church honed Christian dogmas and created a coherent system of Christian doctrine. This is the great merit of the Greek people. However, to build a harmonious social and state life on this solid Christian foundation, the Byzantine statehood lacks the creative strength and capabilities. The scepter of the Orthodox Kingdom falls from the weakening hands of the Byzantine emperors, who failed to realize the symphony of Church and state.

Therefore, to replace the decrepit spiritually chosen Greek people, the Lord Provider will send his third God-chosen people. This people will appear in the North in a hundred or two years (these prophecies were written in Palestine 150–200 years before the Baptism of Rus' - Archbishop Seraphim), will accept Christianity with all their hearts, will try to live according to the commandments of Christ and seek, according to the instructions of Christ the Savior, first of all The Kingdom of God and His Truth. For this zeal, the Lord God will love this people and give them everything else - large expanses of land, wealth, state power and glory.

Due to human weakness, this great people will more than once fall into great sins and for this they will be punished with considerable trials. In a thousand years, this chosen people of God will waver in faith and, in standing for the Truth of Christ, will become proud of their earthly power and glory, will cease to care about seeking the future City and will want paradise not in heaven, but on sinful earth.

However, not all of those people will follow this disastrous broad path, although a significant majority of them will, especially their leading layer. And for this great fall, a terrible fiery trial will be sent from above to this people who have despised God’s ways. Rivers of blood will spill across his land, brother will kill brother, famine will visit this land more than once and gather its terrible harvest, almost all temples and other shrines will be destroyed or desecrated, many people will die.

Part of this people, not wanting to put up with lawlessness and untruth, will leave their native borders and scatter, like the Jewish people, throughout the world (isn’t this said about us, Russian foreigners? - Archbishop Seraphim).

Yet the Lord is not completely angry with His third chosen people. The blood of thousands of martyrs will cry to heaven for mercy. The people themselves will begin to sober up and return to God. The period of cleansing testing determined by the Just Judge has finally passed, and holy Orthodoxy will once again shine with the bright light of revival in those northern expanses.

This wondrous light of Christ will illuminate from there and enlighten all the peoples of the world, which will be helped by the providentially sent in advance into dispersion of a part of this people, which will create centers of Orthodoxy - temples of God - throughout the world.

Christianity will then reveal itself in all its heavenly beauty and completeness. Most of the peoples of the world will become Christians. For some time, a prosperous and peaceful Christian life will reign throughout the sublunary...

And then? Then, when the fulfillment of times comes, a complete decline in faith and everything else predicted in Holy Scripture will begin throughout the world, the Antichrist will appear and, finally, the end of the world will come.”

All enemies of Orthodoxy will be destroyed

In 2001, a group of Samara priests and laity, led by their archpastor, Archbishop Sergius, visited the Holy Mountain. Impressions from this pilgrimage were published in the first issue of the Orthodox almanac “Spiritual Interlocutor” for 2002. Often during meetings with Svyatogorsk inhabitants the conversation turned to the fate of Russia

In particular, in the Greek monastery of Vatopedi, the Samara bishop was especially received by the 85-year-old elder monk Joseph (Joseph the Younger), a disciple of the famous Joseph the Hesychast who died in Bose. This ascetic now lives in a cell not far from the monastery and takes care of the monastery. O. Kirion, who accompanied the bishop as a translator, after this meeting said this:

“The old man has grace written on his face. He told us about the fate of the world and the terrible events to come. The Lord tolerated our iniquities for a long time, as before the great flood, but now the limit of God’s patience has come - the time has come for cleansing. The cup of God's wrath is overflowing. The Lord will allow suffering to destroy the wicked and those who fight against God - all those who caused modern unrest, poured out dirt and infected the people. The Lord will allow that they, with blinded minds, will destroy each other. There will be many victims and blood. But believers do not need to be afraid, although there will be sorrowful days for them, there will be as many sorrows as the Lord allows for cleansing. There is no need to be horrified by this. Then there will be a surge of piety in Russia and throughout the world. The Lord will cover his own. People will return to God.

We are already on the threshold of these events. Now everything is beginning, then the God-fighters will have the next stage, but they will not be able to carry out their plans, the Lord will not allow it. The elder said that after an outburst of piety the end of earthly history will be near.”

The elder did not deprive other Russian pilgrims of his conversation.

“We pray,” he told them, “that the Russian people will return to their normal state that was before the destruction, because we have common roots and are worried about the situation of the Russian people...

This deterioration is now a general condition throughout the world. And this state is precisely the limit after which the wrath of God begins. We have reached this limit. The Lord only endured out of His mercy, and now He will no longer endure, but in His righteousness He will begin to punish, because the time has come.

There will be wars and we will experience great difficulties. Now the Jews have seized power all over the world, and their goal is to eradicate Christianity. The wrath of God will be such that all the secret enemies of Orthodoxy will be destroyed. The wrath of God is sent specifically for this purpose to destroy them.

Trials should not terrify us; we should always have hope in God. After all, thousands, millions of martyrs suffered in the same way, and the new martyrs suffered in the same way, and therefore we must be prepared for this and not be horrified. There must be patience, prayer and trust in God’s Providence. Let us pray for the revival of Christianity after all that awaits us, so that the Lord will truly give us the strength to be reborn. But we must survive this harm...

The tests began a long time ago, and we must wait for the big explosion. But after this there will be a revival...

Now is the beginning of events, difficult military events. The engine of this evil is the Jews. The devil is forcing them to begin to destroy the seed of Orthodoxy in Greece and Russia. This is for them the main obstacle to world domination. And they will force the Turks to finally come here to Greece and begin their actions. And although Greece has a government, it actually doesn’t exist as such, because it has no power. And the Turks will come here. This will be the moment when Russia will also move its forces to push back the Turks.

Events will develop like this: when Russia comes to the aid of Greece, the Americans and NATO will try to prevent this, so that there is no reunification, a merger of the two Orthodox peoples. More forces will rise - the Japanese and other peoples. There will be a great massacre on the territory of the former Byzantine Empire. There will be about 600 million people killed alone. The Vatican will also actively participate in all this in order to prevent the reunification and increasing role of Orthodoxy. But this will result in the complete destruction of Vatican influence, right down to its very foundations. This is how God’s Providence will turn...

There will be God's permission for those who sow temptations to be destroyed: pornography, drug addiction, etc. And the Lord will so blind their minds that they will destroy each other with gluttony. The Lord will allow this on purpose to carry out a great cleansing. As for the one who rules the country, he will not be around for long, and what is happening now will not be for long, and then immediately there will be war. But after this great purge there will be a revival of Orthodoxy not only in Russia, but throughout the world, a great surge of Orthodoxy.

The Lord will give His favor and grace just as it was in the beginning, in the first centuries, when people walked to the Lord with an open heart. This will last three or four decades, and then the dictatorship of the Antichrist will quickly come. These are the terrible events we must endure, but let them not terrify us, because the Lord will cover His own. Yes, indeed, we experience difficulties, hunger and even persecution and much more, but the Lord will not abandon His own. And those who are placed in power must force their subjects to be more with the Lord, to remain more in prayer, and the Lord will cover His own. But after the great cleansing there will be a great revival..."

The pilgrims also heard about another amazing revelation. George, a novice of the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery, told them about it, with the blessing of his elders:

“The vision was revealed this year to one inhabitant of Holy Mount Athos on the day of the murder of the royal family - the seventeenth of July. Let his name remain a secret, but this is a miracle that can amaze the whole world. He consulted with the elders of Athos, thinking that perhaps this was spiritual delusion, but they said that this was a revelation.

He saw a huge, huge ship thrown onto the rocks in the semi-dark darkness. He sees that the ship is called “Russia”. The ship is tilting and is about to crash off a cliff into the sea. There are thousands and thousands of people on the ship who are in panic. They already think that the end of their life must come, there is nowhere to wait for help. And suddenly the figure of a horseman appears on the horizon, he rushes on a horse straight across the sea. The closer the rider is, the more clearly it is clear that this is our Sovereign.

He, as always, is dressed simply - in a soldier's cap, in a soldier's uniform, but his insignia is visible. His face was bright and kind, and his eyes said that he loved the whole world and suffered for this world, for Orthodox Rus'. A bright beam from the sky illuminates the Emperor, and at that moment the ship smoothly descends onto the water and sets its course. On the ship one can see the great jubilation of the rescued people, which is impossible to describe.”

Predicting the future is now the province of futurists like Francis Fukuyama. Their “prophecies” are usually based on the most complex fundamental analysis and the latest information technologies. However, in most cases, their “foresights” (forecasts) do not come true.

On the other hand, the prophetic tradition has existed from time immemorial among the ascetics of Orthodoxy. Of course, the holy fathers did not rely on fundamental analysis and the latest achievements of computer science, but only on Faith in the Lord...

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, 1825-32

“Before the end of times, Russia will merge into one great sea with the other lands and Slavic tribes, it will form one sea or that huge universal ocean of the people, about which the Lord God spoke from ancient times through the mouth of all the saints: “The formidable and invincible Kingdom of All-Russian, All-Slavic - Gog and Magog , before whom all nations will stand in awe.” And all this is the same as two and two are four, and certainly, like God is holy, who from ancient times foretold about him and his terrible dominion over the earth. With the united forces of Russia and other nations, Constantinople and Jerusalem will be captured. When Turkey is divided, almost all of it will remain with Russia...”

Saint Theophan the Recluse, 1890s

“How many signs the Lord showed over Russia, delivering it from its strongest enemies and subduing its peoples! And yet, evil is growing. Will we really not come to our senses? The Lord has punished us and will punish us with the West, but we don’t understand everything. We got stuck in Western mud up to our ears, and everything was fine. We have eyes, but we don’t see, we have ears, but we don’t hear, and we don’t understand with our hearts... Having inhaled this hellish frenzy into ourselves, we spin around like crazy, not remembering ourselves. If we don’t come to our senses, God will send us foreign teachers to bring us to our senses... It turns out that we too are on the path of revolution. These are not empty words, but a deed affirmed by the voice of the Church. Know, Orthodox, that God cannot be mocked.”

Holy Venerable Seraphim Vyritsky, early 20th century

“The time will come when not persecution, but money and the charms of this world will turn people away from God and many more souls will perish than during the times of open fight against God. On the one hand, they will erect crosses and gild domes, and on the other, the kingdom of lies and evil will come. The True Church will always be persecuted, and it will be possible to be saved only through sorrows and illnesses. The persecution will take on the most unpredictable and sophisticated character. But the salvation of the world comes from Russia.”

Schieromonk Aristoklius of Athos. 1917-18

“Now we are living through the pre-Antichrist time. God's judgment on the living has begun and there will not be a single country on earth, not a single person who will not be affected by this. It started with Russia, and then further... And Russia will be saved. There is a lot of suffering, a lot of torment... All of Russia will become a prison, and we must beg the Lord a lot for forgiveness. Repent of sins and be afraid to commit even the slightest sins, but try to do good, even the smallest. After all, the wing of a fly has weight, but God has precise scales. And when the slightest good outweighs the balance, then God will show His mercy over Russia...

The end will be through China. There will be some kind of unusual explosion, and a miracle of God will appear. And life will be completely different on earth, but not for very long. The Cross of Christ will shine over the whole world, because our Motherland will be magnified and will be like a beacon in the darkness for everyone.”

Bishop John of Shanghai, 1938

“Shake off the sleep of despondency and laziness, sons of Russia! Behold the glory of her suffering and be cleansed, washed from your sins! Strengthen yourself in the Orthodox faith so that you may be worthy to dwell in the dwelling of the Lord and move into the holy mountain. Arise, arise, arise, Rus', you who drank from the hand of the Lord the cup of His wrath! When your suffering is over, your righteousness will go with you, and the glory of the Lord will follow you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the radiance rising above you. Then lift up your eyes around and see: behold, your children will come to you from the west, and the north, and the sea, and the east, blessing Christ in you forever!”

Venerable Anatoly of Optina, early 20th century

“There will be a storm. And the Russian ship will be destroyed. But people also save themselves on chips and debris. And yet not everyone will die. We must pray, we must all repent and pray fervently... A great miracle of God will be revealed... And all the chips and fragments, by the will of God and His power, will gather and unite, and the ship will be recreated in all its glory and will go its way, intended by God. ..”

Saint Theophan of Poltava, 1930

“The monarchy and autocratic power will be restored in Russia. The Lord chose the future king. This will be a man of fiery faith, a brilliant mind and an iron will. First of all, he will restore order in the Orthodox Church, removing all untrue, heretical and lukewarm bishops. And many, very many, with few exceptions, almost all will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will take their place... Something that no one expects will happen. Russia will rise from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy will be reborn and triumph in it. But the Orthodoxy that existed before will no longer exist. God Himself will place a strong king on the throne.”

Paisiy Svyatogorets, Athonite elder. 1990s

“My thoughts tell me that many events will happen: the Russians will occupy Turkey, Turkey will disappear from the map, because a third of the Turks will become Christians, a third will die in the war and a third will go to Mesopotamia... A great war will take place in Constantinople between the Russians and Europeans, and a lot will be shed blood. Greece will not play a leading role in this war, but Constantinople will be given to it. Not because the Russians will revere the Greeks, but because a better solution cannot be found... The Greek army will not have time to get there before the city will be given to it.”

Joseph, Athonite elder, Vatopedi monastery. year 2001

“Now is the beginning of events, difficult military events... The devil will force the Turks to finally come here to Greece and begin their actions. And although Greece has a government, it actually doesn’t exist as such, because it has no power. And the Turks will come here. This will be the moment when Russia will also move its forces to push back the Turks. Events will develop like this: when Russia comes to the aid of Greece, the Americans and NATO will try to prevent this, so that there is no reunification, a merger of two Orthodox peoples... There will be a big massacre on the territory of the former Byzantine Empire. There will be about 600 million people killed alone. The Vatican will also actively participate in all this in order to prevent the reunification and increasing role of Orthodoxy. But this will result in the complete destruction of Vatican influence, right down to its very foundations. This is how God’s Providence will turn... There will be God’s permission so that those who sow temptations are destroyed: pornography, drug addiction, etc. And the Lord will so blind their minds that they will destroy each other with gluttony. The Lord will allow this on purpose to carry out a great cleansing. As for the one who rules the country, he will not be around for long, and what is happening now will not be for long, and then immediately there will be war. But after this great purge there will be a revival of Orthodoxy not only in Russia, but throughout the world, a great surge of Orthodoxy.”

To me, poor Seraphim, the Lord revealed that there would be great disasters on the Russian land, the Orthodox faith would be trampled upon, the bishops of the Church of God and other clergy would depart from the purity of Orthodoxy, and for this the Lord would severely punish them. I, poor Seraphim, prayed to the Lord for three days and three nights that he would rather deprive me of the Kingdom of Heaven and have mercy on them. But the Lord answered: I will not have mercy on them, for they teach the doctrines of men and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. I, the poor Seraphim, am destined by the Lord God to live much more than a hundred years. But how by that time the Russian bishops will be so wicked that they will surpass the Greek bishops in their wickedness during the time of Theodosius the Younger, so that they will not even believe in the most important dogma of the Christian Faith - the Resurrection of Christ and the General Resurrection.

Therefore, it pleased the Lord God, before the time of me, poor Seraphim, to take from this temporary life and then, in confirmation of the dogma of resurrection, to resurrect me, and my resurrection will be like the resurrection of the seven youths in the Okhlonskaya cave during the time of Theodosius the Younger. After my resurrection, I will move from Sarov to Diveevo, where I will preach worldwide repentance. And for this great miracle people from all over the earth will gather in Diveyevo, and there, preaching repentance to them, I will open four relics and I myself will lie down between them as the fifth. But then it will be the end of everything. In the days of that great tribulation, about which it is said that no flesh would have been saved if those days had not been shortened for the sake of the elect, in those days the remnant of the faithful will experience something similar to what was once experienced by the Lord Himself, when He, Hanging on the cross, being perfect God and perfect man, he felt himself so abandoned by His Divinity that he cried out to Him: My God! My God! Why did you leave me? The last Christians must experience such abandonment of humanity by the Grace of God, but only a very short time after the passing of which the Lord will not hesitate to appear in all His glory and all the Holy Angels with Him. And then everything predetermined from eternity in the eternal Council will be accomplished in its entirety.

"- Don’t worry about the Sovereign, the Lord will preserve Him. He is a Christian in his soul, which some even among the spiritual greats cannot say about themselves. The Sovereign Emperor Peter I Alekseevich was great, for which he was rightly called Great and the Father of the Fatherland, but according to faith in the Lord cannot be compared with the faith of His Imperial Majesty; judge for yourself: Peter the Great lived in a time when the leading boyars valued the Tsar’s property with just one glance, as if by the grace of God, and everyone silently submitted to the Tsar, so it was easy for him to rule. Now the people are no longer the same, and if despite all this change they obey the Tsar and his enemies tremble, then our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and the Mother of God help in everything for the unfeigned faith of his Orthodox faith, which is why he is superior to Peter the Great and It is for her that God helps him in everything and in his days he will so exalt Russia above all her enemies that she will become above all the kingdoms of the earth and not only will we no longer have to learn anything from foreigners, but also they will have the opportunity to visit our Land May the Russians learn from us the Orthodox Christian Faith and pious life according to this faith; and at first there will be many, many griefs for the Sovereign and they will repeatedly look for his consecrated head and the belly of the Royal Family, but the Lord will always protect him and his entire August Royal House; for the sake of one righteous man, a whole clan is saved, which he says for the sake of three, and in his sovereign family, look, your love for God, how many holy relics are from his crowned flesh and blood, I remember that there are more than a dozen saints of God, so they are all prayer books for the clan him and his sacred Person the Imperial; Even if his most august parent, the most pious Empress Maria Feodorovna, is like a dear mother to all orphans and the needy, and this is the work of saints only of God-wise wives, and if it is great in a simple person, especially in a sacred, crowned royal person, it is pleasing to God, and the Sovereign in Bose, the deceased All-August parent, Emperor Pavel Petrovich, how he loved the Holy Church, how he honored its holy statutes and how much he did for its good, few of the Russian tsars, like him, served the Church of God; and the Lord will help His Imperial Majesty and even much more to do for our Holy Orthodox Church and the one true, immaculate Apostolic Ecumenical Church of Christ in the whole universe, but before that, both the Sovereign and the Russian Land will have to endure a lot of grief.

Not only external enemies will rise up against him, but also internal ones, and this is how it will be: the rebels who rebelled against the Tsar upon his accession to the throne boasted that although the grass had been mown down, but the roots remained, even though they were not boasting about God that, and this, however, is true, for the main leaders of this evil intent, having betrayed those whom they themselves had drawn into this evil intent, while they themselves remained on the sidelines, and it is they who are seeking and will seek the destruction of the Sovereign and all His family name is Tsar's, and they will repeatedly look to see if it is possible to get rid of them somehow, and when their repeated attempts fail, they will move on to something else - and will try that if it is possible for them, then all people would be in all government positions or agree with them, or at least not harmful to them.

And they will in every possible way restore the Russian Land against the Sovereign; when even then they will not succeed, because they will want to, because in some places the private disturbances they are starting will soon be stopped by the grace of God, then they will wait for a time when it will be very difficult for the Russian Land without that and, one day, in one hour, having agreed in advance, they will raise a general revolt in all places of the Russian Land; and so many of the employees will then themselves participate in their evil intentions, then there will be no one to appease them. And at first, a lot of innocent blood will be shed, its rivers will flow across the Russian Land, and many of your brothers, nobles, clergy, and merchants who are disposed towards the Tsar will be killed.

But when the Russian Land is divided and one side clearly remains with the rebels, while the other clearly stands for the Sovereign and the integrity of Russia, then, your love for God, your zeal for God and for time. And the Lord will help the just cause: He will stand for the Sovereign and the Fatherland and our holy Church, and the Lord will preserve the Sovereign and the entire Royal Family with His invisible right hand and give complete victory to those who took up arms for Him, for the Church and for the good of the indivisibility of the Russian Land; but not so much blood will be shed here as when the right side standing for the Sovereign receives victory and catches all the traitors and delivers them into the hands of justice. Then no one will be sent to Siberia, but everyone will be executed - and here even more blood will be shed than before, but this blood will be the last, cleansing blood, for after that the Lord will bless His people with peace and exalt the horn of His anointed David, His servant, a man after His heart, the most pious Sovereign Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich - he was established and even more so His holy right hand will establish over the Russian Land.

So why should we be discouraged, your love for God: if God is for us, whoever is against us, God foreknew them, these he pre-elected, these he pre-elected, these he sanctified, sanctify them, these he glorified, and he watches over them; Why should we be discouraged, your love for God, if God is for us, who is against us - understand the pagans and submit, as God is with us; those who are able, submit, as God is with us, and if you are able, you will be victorious, as God is with us - so “Then, your love for God, God is with us and there is no way for us to lose heart.”

In indescribable joy, I just wanted to say: “So bless me, father, I will go to St. Petersburg right now and try to see the Emperor and most submissively report your words to him,” and he, covering my mouth with his hand, said:

"How do you not understand: not now, but after; now is not the time, but after, when you see Jerusalem according to the prophet, the situation will be the same. The Lord Himself will bring you then and He Himself will put it in your heart to speak good things about Jerusalem. And now you need to take care you, and the Lord will preserve the Sovereign and bless him and the Russian Land with every blessing, both on earth and in heaven; at the same time, mouth to mouth, report all my words to His Majesty - then say what you now think. "I asked, What; he answered: “Everything that is for the good of the Sovereign, the Holy Church and the Russian Land, God will then put in your heart - then do not be afraid and tell it all to the Imperial Majesty, and as I have said to you many times before: the Lord and the Mother of God themselves will arrange your path for good, and the poor Seraphim’s prayers to Them for you will be with you everywhere.”

Every word of Rev. is precious to us. Seraphim of Sarov, according to the Diveyevo nun: " Father never said anything So "If the writer Sergius Nilus says about St. Ambrose of Optina that his contemporaries sacredly revered and observed every word he uttered even in passing, then all the more so does this apply to the Great Seraphim.

Naturally, private, personal prophecies were forgotten with the departure of the people to whom they were spoken from this life. But God sent Rev. Seraphim of such people who would convey it to us global prophecies that concern everyone. Likewise, subsequently, people who owned the pen were miraculously attracted by God to the task of conveying to us the prophecies of the Holy Elder, miraculously received materials into their hands, wrote books for us, by reading them, we try to understand what the Holy Spirit said through the Reverend to us in our leadership.

Of course, Rev. Seraphim saw the future in great detail and better than we saw our recent past. But this does not mean that the people to whom he conveyed his revelations understood them as well as he did. God did not require this from them. And how can we understand prophecies that extend beyond the limits of one or many generations of people? But these were the most devoted and ardently loving people of the holy Elder; they themselves realized that they understood little in his prophecies, and they tried to convey everything he said word for word.

Such was Nikolai Aleksandrovich Motovilov, who " was immediately ready to shed his blood to the last drop for the Most August Health" Emperor, which is why Rev. was chosen. Seraphim, or rather God Himself, to convey to us the prophecy about the Victorious King. God guided Motovilov in such a way that even his seemingly incorrect actions, associated with his incorrect, in some cases, understanding of the prophecies of St. Seraphim, served for the greater glory of God.

In the book “On the Bank of God’s River” S. A. Nilus writes: “ From various notes - some in notebooks, some on scraps of paper - it could be assumed that Motovilov put considerable energy into ensuring that the glorification of the saint was accomplished back in the reign of NicholasI, with his wife Alexandra Feodorovna and mother Maria Feodorovna. And great was his disappointment when his efforts were not crowned with success, contrary, as it might seem, to the predictions of God’s saint, who connected his glorification with the indicated combination of august names.

Motovilov died in 1879, without waiting for the justification of his faith.

Could it have occurred to him or anyone else that 48 years after the death of NicholasIon the throne of All Russia exactly the same names will be repeated: Nicholas, Alexandra Feodorovna and Maria Feodorovna - under which the glorification of the great seer St. Seraphim, so desired and predicted by Motovilov, will take place?"

Before moving on to the greatest prophecy about the Victorious King, - letter from N. A. Motovilov to Sovereign Emperor NicholasIdated March 9, 1854 "the most humble report of the words of the Great Elder Seraphim on paper" about his conversation on Easter Thursday, 1832, it is necessary to make some clarifications.

Since we are talking about the already deliberately covered up Rev. Seraphim prophecy, then you need to show what techniques he resorts to for this.

For example, let's take another prophecy by St. Seraphim, on the instructions of Emperor Alexander III, kept in the archives of the police department. Prophecy about the reign of Emperor Nicholas II: " At the beginning of the reign of this Monarch there will be misfortunes and troubles of the people. The war will be unsuccessful. Great turmoil will come within the state, father will rise up against son and brother against brother. But second half of the reign there will be light, and the life of the Emperor will be long". The publishers of the book "The Life, Prophecies and Instructions of Seraphim of Sarov the Wonderworker" interpret second half of the reign in the words of the Apocalypse about eternal life in Heavenly Jerusalem: " The saved nations will walk in its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory and honor into it" (Rev. 21:24). But I assume that here we are talking about different Kings: Tsar Nicholas II the Redeemer and the Victorious Tsar. Hidden here is the idea that the second half board will flow out of the first half board, that is, that the Reign of the Victorious King will become possible only thanks to the atoning sacrifice of the Redeemer King. Or this: a seed thrown in one half of the summer will bear fruit in the second half of the summer, and the entire Reign of the Victorious Tsar is the fruit of the atoning sacrifice of Tsar Nicholas II. Therefore, these two Kingdoms are united by Rev. Seraphim in one, and an imperceptible transition from Tsar to Tsar serves as a cover for prophecy.

Another method of covering up prophecy, which is used by Rev. Seraphim, described by the holy fathers in the interpretation on Psalm 71 (About Solomon, Psalm to David): "This psalm is a prophecy, covered for the time being with certain names. David wrote it about Solomon, but he set forth visions that are much more important than the merits of Solomon and even the nature of all people. This psalm predicts the coming of Christ to earth and the calling of nations who will bring gifts and worship the Savior as God. The history of prophecies shows that much of what is said speaks about some, but comes true for others. Since the prophets spoke to ungrateful people who killed prophets, burned books, destroyed altars, it was right for them to have a veil when reading the Old Testament; otherwise, they would have destroyed the books if they understood the power of the prophecy about Christ. If they were not ashamed of Him when He Himself was present... and did not lag behind until they crucified Him, then they would hardly have spared those who spoke about Him, whom they were already constantly stoning. Therefore, the prophets, using their own names and names known to them, thus covered up the prophecies. (St. John Chrysostom, St. Athanasius the Great, Blessed Augustine of Hippo, Blessed Theodoret of Cyrrhus)" .

It is also interesting to find out at what time Motovilov addressed the Tsar with a letter about the prophecy of the Great Elder Seraphim. Historian N.D. Talberg writes: " Emperor Napoleon aggravated the issueIII. Needing the support of various circles in France, in particular Catholic ones, he began to demand from the Sultan to expand the rights of Catholics in the Holy Places. The latter received the keys to the Church of the Resurrection, which previously belonged to the Orthodox Greeks. Russia demanded the return of the keys. When Turkey refused this in 1853, Moldavia and Wallachia, subordinates of the Porte, were occupied by Russian troops “as a pledge until Turkey satisfied the fair demands of Russia.” The Sultan appealed to other powers with protest.<...>Turkey offered Russia to clear the principalities within 15 days, and when this did not follow, it declared war on Russia on September 14, 1853.<...>On December 22, the Anglo-French fleet entered the Black Sea without declaring war.<...>On February 9, 1854, Russia declared war on England and France. On March 28, the same was announced by these states, which had caused the war, but wanted the challenge not to come from them.<...>. On April 20, 1854, Prussia concluded an agreement with Austria in Vienna, and both powers demanded the cleansing of Moldavia and Wallachia by Russia. The principalities were cleared and occupied by Turkish and Austrian troops. On December 2, 1854, Austria entered into an alliance with England and France.<...>On January 26, 1855, the Kingdom of Sardinia declared war on Russia" . "In response to the Emperor’s direct appeal to him, Count Kisilev outlined his view of the matter as follows: “The four allied powers, with 108 million people and three billion in income, stand against Russia, which has 65 million people and barely one billion in income.”"" .

That is, when the Emperor was extremely busy with the war that had begun, Motovilov turned to Him with the prophecy of St. Seraphim.

This letter is of enormous importance for all Russians, but due to lack of space, we will analyze only its most important fragment: « The Sovereign in Bose, His All-August Parent, Emperor Pavel Petrovich, who passed away, loved the Holy Church, how he honored Her holy statutes and how much he did for Her good, not many of the Russian Tsars served the Church of God like Him, ...»

Above Rev. Seraphim speaks about the GOVERNMENT ROOM of Nicholas I: “how many holy relics are from His crowned flesh and blood, I think of more than a dozen saints of God, so they are all prayer books for HIS kin and HIS SACRED PERSONNEL IMPERIAL,” and here he exalts Emperor Paul I above the others. Kings. Here is the testimony of the Great Seraphim about the holiness of Emperor Paul.

“...and, the Lord will help HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY to do even much more for our Holy Orthodox Church and the One True One in the entire universe - the Immaculate Apostolic Ecumenical Church of Christ, but before that there will be much more grief for both the GOVERNOR and the Russian Land postpone

Rev. here. Seraphim imperceptibly makes the transition from Tsar Nicholas I to the Victorious Tsar, saying as it were: our Church in the entire universe is One True, therefore preaching in different parts of the world of other “Christian churches”: Catholics, Protestants, etc., is not preaching Truths, but preaching lies. And our Church is Immaculately Apostolic and She is destined to become Ecumenical: " And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come"(Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10), but first the Russian Land faces the betrayal of the Russian Tsar, His slaughter and the enduring of the Jewish yoke.

“...not only external enemies will rise up against HIM, but also internal ones; and this is how it will be: the rebels who rebelled against the LORD upon HIS accession to the throne, boasted that although the grass was cut down and the roots remained, even though it was not according to God that they boasted about it, but this is nevertheless true, for the main leaders of this Having betrayed the Evil Intentions of those whom they themselves had drawn into this Evil Intention of their own, while they themselves remained on the sidelines, and so they are seeking and will seek the destruction of the LORD and his entire ROYAL FAMILY.”

Everything said by Rev. Seraphim, is superbly confirmed by the facts presented by historian Oleg Platonov in the book “The Crown of Thorns of Russia. The Secret History of Freemasonry 1731-2000” in Chapter 5: In the Underground. - Preservation of the Masonic organization. - Patronage in the highest spheres. The word “seek” refers to Tsar Nicholas I, and the words “will search” refer to subsequent Tsars, especially Tsar Alexander II and Tsar Nicholas II and his entire ROYAL FAMILY.

“...and they will repeatedly try to see if it is possible to somehow get THEM out, and when their repeated attempts fail,...”

Rev. Seraphim quietly passes from Tsar Nicholas I to Tsar Alexander II. The words “their repeated attempts” refer to the latter. It is known that there were no direct assassination attempts on Tsar Nicholas I, while there were “repeated attempts” on Tsar Alexander II. Rev. Seraphim spoke with Motovilov in the spring of 1832, the Decembrist uprising was suppressed 6 and a half years ago, and the Polish uprising was half a year ago: on August 27, 1831, Field Marshal Count Fyodor Ivanovich Paskevich took Warsaw. The cholera riots also ended half a year ago. Emperor Nicholas I ruled with a firm hand, and His Reign was relatively calm. The few cases that we will discuss below cannot in any way be called “repeated attempts.” N.D. Talberg writes: " Benckendorff recalls that a young Pole came to him in St. Petersburg, repenting of his intention to kill the Tsar. He was excited by rumors of widespread persecution against the Poles. Arriving in the capital, he was convinced that the Poles were serving there calmly, receiving awards, and saw peace in the capital. The young man began to revere the Emperor. After Benckendorf’s report on this, the Emperor received the Pole, who frankly told Him everything. The Emperor asked him about his future plans and, at his request, assigned him to serve in Poland.<...>

During the Emperor's stay in Moscow, frequent fires occurred there. There were many wooden crowded houses in Zamoskvorechye. The Emperor arrived there along with fire pipes and personally commanded. Two days later the same thing happened. Several arsonists were caught. They were paraded at the crime scene. The fires stopped after that.<...>

When He [Emperor NicholasI] in April 1849 was in Moscow, He received information about the disclosure of Petrashevsky’s conspiracy. The infection has spread to Russia" .

That is, several trivial cases and one timely uncovered conspiracy during the entire thirty-year Reign! The reign of Emperor Alexander II, which ended with His villainous murder on March 1, 1881, is a different matter. (But Motovilov did not know this yet in 1854). Then what do the words of Rev. mean? Seraphim that " their repeated attempts will not succeed"? They will not succeed in the sense of the goals set by the Freemasons. A terrible crime shook up all of Russia. The eyes of ordinary Masons were opened and the Masonic lodges were empty. The Russian patriotic historian V.V. Nazarevsky wrote: " Sedition, which seemed irresistible, melted like wax in the face of fire, disappeared like smoke under the wings of the wind. Turmoil in the minds began to quickly give way to Russian sanity, licentiousness and self-will gave way to order and discipline. Freethinking no longer trampled on Orthodoxy... The authority of the undisputed and hereditary national Supreme Power returned to its historical traditional heights.".

“...then they will move on to something else - and they will try that if it is possible for them, then in all government positions there would be all people who either agree with them, or at least are not harmful to them, and will in every possible way restore the Russian Land against the GOVERNOR, when even then they do not succeed as they would like, for in some places the private disturbances they initiate will soon be stopped by the grace of God, then they will wait for a time when it will be very difficult for the Russian Land without that, and in one day in one hour, having agreed in advance, they will raise a general revolt in all places of the Russian Land, and since many of the employees will then themselves participate in their Malice, there will be no one to calm them down, and at first a lot of innocent blood will be shed, rivers of it will flow in the Russian Land, many of your brothers and nobles, and clergy, and merchants who are disposed to the GOVERN will be killed.”

This entire fragment refers to the reign of Emperor Nicholas II and the subsequent revolution. It's amazing how much Rev. Seraphim saw the entire course of events and even individual moments, for example, when the commanders of the fronts were mason generals " in one day, in one voice, having agreed in advance"sent their telegrams to the Tsar with requests and demands for His abdication from the Throne. All this was said by the Great Seraphim for 85 years old before the revolution! Time and again the Great Prophet says that rivers of innocent blood will flow across the Russian Land. But he says this is just the beginning - " at first". And, he says, those who are disposed to the GOVERN will be killed. We are all witnesses - all this has already happened.

“...but when the Russian Land is divided and one side clearly remains with the rebels, while the other clearly stands for the GOVERNMENT and the integrity of Russia, then, your love for God, your zeal for God and for time.”

Motovilov keeps thinking that we are talking about Emperor Nicholas I, he has no idea that the Elder was talking about Tsar Nicholas II, the revolution and civil war with the horrors of the Cheka and " rivers of innocent blood", and now he is talking about the events of the 21st century, i.e. about our time.

Neither under Nicholas I, nor under Alexander II, nor under Alexander III, the Russian Land was divided. It was divided only under Nicholas II, so maybe the Great Elder is talking about this division? No! At that time there was no party that would clearly became for the GOVERN. Only two noble generals showed their loyalty to the Tsar - Count Fyodor Arturovich Keller and Khan of Nakhichevan Hussein Ali. The white movement was generally anti-monarchist. And when the Judeo-communists established themselves and killed everyone who was favorable to the GOVERNOR, then there was no division at all: everyone was taught in school that Nikolai was a bloody one. That is, the kind of division that Rev. speaks about. Seraphim has not yet arrived, it is just beginning, and it begins with the Church: one priest prays for the health of the BLESSED GOVERNMENT and our Father, His name You weigh, Lord, and the other priest prays for the authorities and her army (it is clear which authorities). One priest lovingly serves St. Tsar Nicholas II, and another orders His icons to be taken out of the temple. Pay attention to the reaction of the bishops: whose side did they immediately rush to? But Rev. Seraphim also speaks about the integrity of Russia. Are all churchmen for the integrity of Russia, or do they look where the wind blows and what the independent authorities seem to be? This is where the reverend himself says. Seraphim of Sarov, Motovilov’s zeal for God in transmitting this prophecy to us and in time. So that we clearly know whose side God is on.

“...and the Lord will help the just cause of those who stand for the GOVERNOR and the Fatherland and our Holy Church.”

This is how Father Seraphim consoles us! The Lord will help the just cause! If God is for us, then who can be against us?

“...and the LORD will preserve the GOVERNOR and the entire ROYAL FAMILY with His invisible right hand.”

And the Romanov family still lives abroad.

“...and will give complete victory to those who took up arms for Him, for the Church and for the good of the indivisibility of the Russian Land - but not so much blood will be shed here as when the right side for the GOVERN gets victory and catches all the traitors and delivers them into the hands Justice, then no one will be sent to Siberia, but everyone will be executed, and here even more blood will be shed, but this blood will be the last, cleansing blood.”

Is it really possible that as soon as Rev. resurrects? Seraphim of Sarov will point to the Victorious Tsar, all these anointed presidents who achieved their power with such difficulty, many of them killed so many people, will they really immediately renounce their power and hand it over to Prince Romanov? So that no one thinks so, Rev. Seraphim warns that the weapon will raise the right side stands for the GOVERNMENT, and the Lord will give it complete victory, and at the same time blood will be shed, but relatively little. And then, says the Rev. Seraphim of Sarov, the right side for the GOVERNor, who has become the GOVERNOR, will receive another Victory, greater than the previous one, and the catching of all traitors will begin and handing them over to the hands of Justice, and all traitors will be executed. And Rev. Seraphim warns that with this new Victory and with the execution of all traitors, much more blood will be shed than during the restoration of the Monarchy in Russia. And since execution is an unpleasant matter, Rev. Seraphim of Sarov says that this execution by Justice and a work pleasing to God and the earth cannot be cleansed without this blood. But, says Rev. Seraphim, this blood will last, there will never be any blood anywhere again.

What kind of new Victory is this right for the GOVERNMENT of the side that has become, after which there will be no more blood? This is the Victory of the Russian Victorious Tsar over the Antichrist, this is the Victory of the Church over the anti-church, this is the Victory of the people of God over the people of the Antichrist, this is the Victory of the Kingdom of God’s Anointed over the kingdom of the false anointed.

“...for after that the Lord will bless His people with peace and exalt the horn of His anointed David, His servant, the Husband after His heart, the most pious Sovereign Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich. His holy right hand established him, and even more so, will establish him over the Russian Land.”

Not only here, but also in other places, the Great Seraphim calls the RUSSIAN EMPEROR David, and this comparison contains the deepest meaning. Not only Rev. Seraphim of Sarov constantly repeated this comparison, but also many saints, for example, St. Demetrius of Rostov: “Among the collections of the works of St. Demetrius of Rostov there remained two Words spoken by him in connection with the visit of Tsar Peter I in one case to the monastery, in the other to the Rostov diocese. In both speeches the theme of the enormous significance of the Autocracy for Russian society is clearly heard.In the speech delivered in the monastery, The Russian Tsar is seen as a Person, rooted in the Prophet King David. Also, the King is the earthly image of Christ, the King of Heaven."

I dare to say that this was the Saint’s favorite theme and he makes this comparison in every speech he makes to the Tsar. In his speech to the Great Sovereign on March 8, 1701, the Saint says: “ I am filled with joy in the likeness of the sons of Zion, about whom David said: “The sons of Zion will rejoice in their King” (Ps. 142:2). In truth, this God-saved Reigning City will be called Zion by the second, when the grace of God from the Old Law has been abandoned to Zion, ascending upon it with Christian Orthodoxy; and here the sons of Sioni, the Christian-Russian children rejoice in their Tsar". By the way, in the same word St. Demetrius says: " Christ the Lord, the Anointed of God, with His Royal dignity is the image and likeness of Christ the Lord. Christ the Lord in heaven in the triumphant Church is preeminent; Christ of the Lord on earth, by the grace and mercy of heavenly Christ, in the Church at war lead "That is, in 1701, with the Patriarch alive, he calls the Russian Tsar the first leader (i.e., the head) of the warring Church! This is how the entire Orthodox Church, then still clean of modern papist tendencies, has been aware of this for centuries.

Why did the Saints call the Russian Tsar David or leading His root from David? Because Russian Tsar, then Emperor was the only anointed of God on Earth, the rest of the Orthodox Sovereigns (Greek, Bulgarian, Serbian, etc.) were only crowned kings without anointing. It was the Russian Emperor who KEPT the secret of lawlessness, many saints wrote about this, the entire Church and even non-Orthodox peoples, for example, the Palestinian Arabs, were aware of this. That is, all the promises given by God to David directly relate to the Russian Tsar.

The Great Seraphim says that after a general rebellion, rivers of blood, the death of those faithful to the Tsar, after the division of the Russian Land into two sides, then two, smaller and larger, victories of the people of the GOVERNor and the execution of all traitors, the Lord will extol the horn of His anointed David, the most pious Sovereign Emperor, i.e. e. The Victorious Tsar. And in order for this greatest prophecy to be published in a book with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II and other books, Rev. Seraphim calls the name of this King - Nikolai Pavlovich, that is, to cover up the prophecy about the new David, he uses the technique that the King-Prophet David used in Psalm 71, when he named the psalm about Solomon, while the whole psalm refers not to Solomon, but to Jesus Christ.

What do the words " will exalt the horn"? Horn - means strength, strength, advantage." The Lord will exalt the horn of his anointed" - means he will magnify the power of His Anointed One. St. Seraphim uses words from the prayer of gratitude of Anna, the mother of the prophet Samuel, spoken by her in the Spirit when she brought and gave her baby son to serve the Lord (1 Sam. 2:10). Only Anna said about David “exalts”, and St. Seraphim elevated “exalts” to the superlative degree because we are talking about the Victorious King of the Antichrist throughout the world. over the Russian Land.

You can end with the words of Rev. Seraphim, filled with the deepest faith in VICTORY, dispelling any defeatist spirit:

“So why should we be discouraged, your love of God, if God is for us, whoever is against us - he foreknew them, these and these he pre-elected, these he pre-elected, these you sanctified, these you sanctify, these you glorify - these he watches over, what We should be discouraged, your love for God, if God is for us, who is against us - understand the pagans and repent, as God is with us, those who are able, submit, as God is with us, and if you are able again, you will be victorious, as God is with us, so then, your love for God, with God is with us and there is no way for us to be discouraged" .

The last autocrat. Materials for characterization of Nicholas II. - in the book: Nicholas II. Materials for characterizing personality and reign. Ed. magazine "Voice of the Past". M., 1917. p. 62.

Life, prophecies and instructions of Seraphim of Sarov, the wonderworker. Spaso-Preobrazhensky Mgarsky Monastery. 2001, p. 182.

The Psalter in patristic interpretation. Ed. Athos Russian Panteleimon Monastery. 1997, p. 245.

N. D. Talberg. Russian reality. From Catherine II to Nicholas II. "The main man is completely Russian." Emperor Nicholas I in the light of historical truth. M., 2001, p. 508-512.

Tatishchev S.S. Emperor Alexander II. His Life and Reign. M., 2006, p. 146.

N. D. Talberg. Russian reality. M., 2001, p. 399, 400, 496.

Right there. With. 559.

St. Dimitry Rostovsky. Cell chronicler. Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra. 2007, p. 13.

There, p. 538.

Life. pp. 226-231.

Appearance Rev. Seraphim of Sarov in Diveevo (2002)

On the eve of the celebration of the discovery of the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov (08.2002), the Servant of God Nicholas, who arrived in Diveevo from Stavropol, had a miraculous appearance of St. Seraphim, who not only completely healed him of kidney disease (with the instant disappearance of the pain that had debilitated him for several years), but and said the following:

“Tell everyone what I say! The war will begin immediately after my holiday. As soon as the people leave Diveevo, it will begin immediately! But I’m not in Diveevo: I’m in Moscow. In Diveevo, having resurrected in Sarov, I will come alive along with the Tsar. The Tsar’s crowning will take place in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir.”

“By God’s will, the holy relics of Mother Alexandra should rest open in the monastery.”

“Mother Alexandra will appear first; my orphans will come at night singing, and they will take me to their new cathedral, and I will rest there.”

“You will have two cathedrals; my first, the cold cathedral, will be much better than Sarov’s, and they will envy us! And the second, the winter cathedral of Kazan, after all, the Kazan church! They will give it to us! Don’t bother, the time will come.” worship and they will give it to us. And I tell you, my cathedral will be very good, but still not the wondrous cathedral that you will have by the end of the century. That cathedral will be marvelous!"

“A large, cold cathedral will be built and there will also be a warm one. This Kazan church and the place will all be a monastery, the parishioners will be given another place, but the Kazan Church, as it is, and the Nativity Church, as it is, will remain, as it were, in the center, and there is still a lot of space around it will be captured by other chapels, and a large, warm cathedral will come out of it and it will be a large extension like the Jerusalem Temple. On the left side of the Nativity Church there will certainly be a chapel in the name of Michael the Archangel. The stone fence, as it is, will remain so, only the Kazan Church will enter the fence and the wall will continue all the way to the shore"

“When we have a cathedral, then the Moscow bell of Ivan the Great (“which stands on the ground, near the bell tower of Ivan the Great” - Comp.) will come to us!”

"He will come to us by air"

“He will come to us, and everyone will be surprised. And when he strikes, he will break the thousandth bell in Sarov!.. Then everyone will be amazed.”

“When they hang him, and for the first time they hit him and he hums, then you and I will wake up! Oh! what joy there will be! In the middle of the summer they will sing Easter! And the people, the people, from all sides, from all sides!"

“And it will buzz so much that you will wake up and the whole universe will hear and be surprised.”

“I, the poor Seraphim, was destined by the Lord to live for much more than a hundred years. (The monk departed to the Lord, having lived 73 years, 5 months and one day - Comp.) By that time, the Russian bishops will be so wicked that even the most important dogma of the Christian Faith - They will not believe in the Resurrection of Christ and the General Resurrection, therefore the Lord God is pleased, until the time of me, the poor Seraphim, to take from this pre-temporal life and then, to confirm the dogma of the resurrection, to resurrect me, and my resurrection will be like the resurrection of the seven youths in the Okhlonskaya cave. After my resurrection I will move from Sarov to Diveevo, where I will preach worldwide repentance. And for this great miracle people from all over the earth will gather in Diveevo, and there, preaching repentance to them, I will reveal four relics."

“But, behold, there will be a miracle, such a miracle, - this is when the procession of the cross, which now went from Diveyevo to Sarov, will go from Sarov to Diveyevo, “and to the people, as our Pleasant of God, the Venerable Seraphim, used to say, there will be ears of grain in the field. This is what will be a miracle, a miracle, a marvelous miracle." "According to the promise of the Lord, the Great Elder Seraphim will rise for a while and rise from the grave and walk on foot from the Sarov desert to the village of Diveevo - and in the presence of a host of the Highest Family, Grand Duke, Royal, Imperial both Russian and foreign countless people, assuring everyone with his resurrection of the immutability and all people at the end of centuries of the general resurrection.

“Then Diveyevo will be a world-wide wonder, for from it the Lord God will bring out the Light of Salvation not only for Russia, but for the whole world during the time of the Antichrist.”

“Four relics will rest here (in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Comp.)! And we will have this burial vault of relics.”

“When the Lord reveals the power, there will be great joy!”

“We will have four relics! What joy there will be! They will sing Easter in the middle of summer! The Tsar and the whole Family will come to us! Diveyevo will be a Lavra, Vertyanovo will be a city, and Arzamas will be a province! Everyone will come to us, we will lock ourselves in for rest; They will give you money, just take it; They’ll throw people into the fence, but we don’t need it anymore, there will be a lot of our own then!”

“And when the Tsar’s Family visits us, the whole of Diveyevo will be a wonder to the whole world! There will no longer be a village here, but a city. And the whole land, and everything around us will be ours, and the inhabitants all around will serve us!”

“Then everything will appear to you; like a source it will flow from all sides! The people will look and wonder where everything will come from!”

“Wonderful Diveyevo will be! One monastery will be the Lavra, and the other will be the Kinovia!”

“There have never been and are no examples of women’s Laurels, but I, poor Seraphim, will have a Lavra in Diveyevo. The Lavra will be all around, that is, behind the ditch.”

“In the last time you will have abundance in everything, but then everything will end.”

“But this joy will be for a very short time: then there will be such sorrow, which has not happened since the beginning of the world!”

"Then life will be short. The angels will barely have time to take souls!"

“I will open four relics and I will lie down between them as the fifth. But then the end of everything will come...”

“After this secondary Father Seraphim Assumption, the village of Diveevo, having become a universal House, will be enlightened more than all, not only Russian, but also all cities in the world - for the light of the faith of Christ through this resurrection from the dead of the Great Elder Seraphim will be established in the entire universe. Then with what With greed, everyone will turn to all Orthodox sources to learn about the beginning and course of this wondrous history, this 4th lot of the universal Mother of God, the new light of the Athos Women's Diveyevo Mountain; this place of salvation of the whole world in the time of the Antichrist"

“When the century ends, first the Antichrist will begin to remove the crosses from the churches and destroy the monasteries, and he will destroy all the monasteries! But he will come to yours, he will come, and the groove will become from earth to heaven, he cannot come to you - then; if the groove doesn’t allow it anywhere, it will go away!”

“When the Antichrist comes, he will pass everywhere, and will not jump over this ditch!” (The groove will expand to the limits of the Russian borders - ed.)

“Whoever lives in Diveevo with me, there is no reason for him to go anywhere, neither to Jerusalem nor to Kiev, walk along the groove with a rosary, read one and a half hundred Virgin Marys - here I have both Jerusalem and Kiev!”

From the "Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveyevo Monastery":“When Ksenia Vasilievna came to Father Seraphim on the fortieth day after the death of Elena Vasilievna on his orders, the elder, consoled his beloved churchwoman, said joyfully: “How stupid you are, my joys! Well, why cry! After all, this is a sin "We must rejoice; her soul fluttered like a dove, ascended to the Holy Trinity. The Cherubim and Seraphim and all the Heavenly Power made way for her! She is a servant of the Mother of God, mother! She is the maid of honor of the Queen of Heaven, mother! We should only rejoice, and not cry! Over time, her relics and Maria Semyonovna will rest openly in the monastery, for both of them pleased the Lord so much that they were awarded incorruptibility! Oh, mother, how important obedience is! That’s why Mary was silent and only out of joy, loving the monastery, she transgressed the commandment mine and told little, but still for that When her relics are opened in the future, only her lips will be given over to decay!"(Notes of Archpriest Sadovsky and N.A. Motovilov, testimony of Ksenia Vasilievna, who is still alive.)

Archimandrite Ippolit, Rylsk (conversation dated August 2, 2003)

You cannot rebuild the entire country in one day. The path of small victories will lead us to achieve any goal. And the beginning will be the land where our epic Russian hero Ilya Muromets comes from. And from there Rus' will go - bright, primordial throughout Russia: at first like a weak flame of a candle, and then it will turn into shining stars and the Blessed Veil throughout the world.

Murom is located next to Diveevo. All that remains is to remember the prophecy about the resurrection of St. Seraphim of Sarov and his beginning of the worldwide preaching of repentance in Diveevo.

Archpriest Fr. Alexy Mechev (+ 1923)

Two months before his death, Fr. An unknown gentleman came to Alexy, referring to the recommendation of his aunt, who was well known to Father Alexy, and asked to accept him. Father Alexy was sick with heart disease and was in bed, but nevertheless accepted him. This gentleman was going to leave legally with his family from Moscow to his homeland, which had moved into the borders of another state, and came to ask Father Alexy for blessings on this step. Father Alexy willingly blessed him and quite unexpectedly told him sharply: “Don’t imagine that your job is to save Russia - this is It's none of your business at all. When the time comes, God will send the right people who will do this job and destroy the Bolsheviks the way a storm breaks a mast tree.”

The meaning of the service of “these nations” to the “king of Babylon” for 70 years is also explained (Jer. 25:11). More than 30 years ago, Bishop Vitaly of Canada (later Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia), who was touring his parishes, met an extraordinary old man who told him about the words spoken to him by the Lord in a subtle dream:

Behold, I will exalt Orthodoxy in the Russian land and from there it will shine throughout the whole world.

Lord, - I dared to object to the One who spoke to me, - how will it be when there is a commune there.

The commune will disappear and scatter like dust in the wind.

But why does it exist now if it should disappear? - I asked.

In order to make one people in Russia, with one heart and one soul, and, having purified them with fire, I will make them My people, the second Israel.

But here I dared to object:

Lord, but how can this be, when for so many years people there have not heard the word of God, they don’t even have books, and they know nothing about God?

It’s good that they don’t know anything; because when they hear the word of God, then they will accept it with all their heart, with all their soul. And here many of you go to church, but each believes in his own way and in his pride does not accept the pure Orthodox faith. Woe to them, for they are preparing themselves to be burned. Now I will stretch out My right hand and Orthodoxy from Russia will shine throughout the whole world, and the time will come when children there will carry stones on their shoulders to build churches. My hand is strong and there is no such power either in heaven or on earth that could resist it.

Venerable Lavrentiy of Chernigov (+ 1950)

It is not difficult to save yourself lately, but it is wise. Whoever overcomes all these temptations will be saved! He will be among the first. The former will be like lamps, and the latter will be like the sun.

The Russian people will repent of their mortal sins: they allowed the Jewish wickedness in Russia, they did not protect the Anointed Tsar of God, the Orthodox churches and monasteries and all Russian sacred things. They despised piety and loved demonic wickedness. But there will be a spiritual explosion! And Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will form a powerful Kingdom. Will feed him Orthodox Tsar, God's Anointed. Thanks to him, all schisms and heresies will disappear in Russia. There will be no persecution of the Orthodox Church. The Lord will have mercy on Holy Rus' because it already experienced the terrible pre-Antichrist time. Even the Antichrist himself will be afraid of the Russian Orthodox Tsar-Autocrat. And all other countries, except Russia and the Slavic lands, will be under the rule of the Antichrist and will experience all the horrors and torments written in the Holy Scriptures. In Russia same there will be prosperity of faith and rejoicing, but only for a short time, for the Terrible Judge will come to judge the living and the dead.

Archpriest Vladislav Shumov (+ 01.10.1996)
With. Obukhovo, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region

Elder Vladislav did not bless pilgrims to go to Diveevo. He told them:

Don’t go to the monastery in Diveevo now: the relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov are not there!

Prot. Nikolay Guryanov (+ 08/24/2002)

Don’t forget: Tsar Nicholas saved us with his suffering. If it were not for the torment of the Tsar, Russia would not exist! The Tsar was very sorry and loved Russia and saved Her with his torment.

He who loves the Tsar and Russia loves God... If a person does not love the Tsar and Russia, he will never sincerely love God. This will be a crafty lie... There will be no Tsar, there will be no Russia! Russia must realize that without God there is no way, without a Tsar it is like without a father. Russia will not rise until it realizes who our Russian Tsar Nicholas was... Without True Repentance there is no true Glorification of the Tsar. The Lord will not grant Russia His Chosen Tsar until we sincerely repent for allowing the Gentiles to denigrate and ritually torture the Royal Family. There must be spiritual awareness... The Lord will grant Russia a Tsar only after deep general Repentance... Holy Rus' has never died and will never die!

The prayer of Holy Tsar Nicholas averts the Wrath of God. We must ask the Tsar so that there is no war. He loves and pities Russia. If you only knew how he cries for us there! He begs the Lord for everyone and for the whole world. The Tsar cries for us, but the people don’t even think about him!.. Such misunderstanding and unrepentance do not heal the wounds on the body of Russia. We must pray, fast and repent...

Father Nikolai, who will come after Yeltsin? What should we expect?

Afterwards there will be a military man.


His power will be linear. But his age is short, and so is he. There will be persecution against the monks and the church. The power will be the same as under the communists and the Politburo.

And after that there will be an Orthodox Tsar.

In 2002, not long before his death, Elder Father Nicholas answered a question about the Russian Tsar: “The Tsar is coming!”

Blessed Elder Pelagia of Ryazan (+ 1966)

There will be a time in Russia when all churches will open. But then the temples will serve as a spectacle for the people. The people will not know how to pray, and the people will be idols. Anyone who prays little, coldly, sluggishly, somehow, without the Fear of God, is an idol. Previously, the Clergy prepared the people for heaven, but now - for hell! The priesthood and the people do not know how to cross themselves! Most Clergy have no Spiritual Mind; They don’t love God and the people! Everything is done so that the people pray carelessly, somehow, although all the power is in the Sign of the Cross! The majority of the Clergy wants to create a special “church” according to human reason, so as not to glorify the Heavenly Christ!

The saints do not want to glorify the rightful King! This is a deviation from the decree of the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven! The rulers themselves shortened their oath to the Anointed of God, so as not to serve the King and teach the people this! Don’t the Clergy know that this cannot be done?! They know, but they do it deliberately! The pre-Antichrist Priesthood will almost all perish - eternal fire! Arius's womb opened up and his intestines fell out - through the prayer of St. Athanasius the Great. Here was a prayer book before God! And the current Clergy thinks highly of itself, but what abyss are they going into?! ONLY they need to humble themselves and begin to glorify the Heavenly King and His Anointed Ones - everything will change from head to toe, and life will come - honey and milk! You can save the world from the Antichrist, everything is in the hands of the (Russian) Bishops, but they are for godless power!

Soon embellishments will lead to women being like demons! The pre-Antichrist time is coming when the people will finally lose that very reason without which the soul cannot be saved. The time is coming for the distortion of the image of God! And I will say again - this is the fault of the silent Clergy! After all, if you become a Priest, it means you take upon yourself full responsibility for the morality of your people and you will be held accountable before God for the death of human souls!

The Russian people will be strangled by all means! And Adventists - the satanic faith - have a green light! The bishops will allow Seventh-day Adventists, who are screwing hell and denying the Life-Giving Cross, to preach among us! For this, terrible troubles will befall Russia, many cities will be destroyed by the Lord Himself, although all Temples will be opened.

In the last times, for every Christian there will be a hundred or more sorcerers! Oh, what passion! Don't go near book or newspaper kiosks! How many books of sorcery and witchcraft are published all over the world under the leadership of Jews?! Soon they will be in piles here too! What will happen on Russian Earth?! What sorrow is coming to us ahead?! The magic will cover all of Russia! Paris used to be a lair of Satan! From there they brought magic books to us. This is what our rich went for! Later Warsaw was a lair of Satan! We built a nest closer to Russia. Now St. Petersburg has become a lair of Satan! So much magic has been cast in it that it will collapse and a sea will form in this place! What will happen to Russia, what troubles will befall it?! What will happen to Moscow? - In an instant underground! What about St. Petersburg? - That’s what the sea will be called! Kazan and other cities will be in the bowels of the earth!

The power will change, before the Antichrist there will be reforms... And then these... communists will come back!.. Whether a capitalist or a communist, everyone cares about themselves... Only the Tsar cares about the people. God will choose Him!

There will be three great miracles: the first miracle - in Jerusalem - the resurrection from the dead of the Holy Patriarch Enoch and the Holy Prophet Elijah on the third day after their murder by the Antichrist! the second miracle - in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra; Rev. Sergius of Radonezh will rise again after the reign of the Antichrist. He will rise from the shrine, walk in front of everyone to the Assumption Cathedral and then ascend to Heaven! There will be a sea of ​​tears here! Then there will be nothing to do in the monastery, there will be no Grace! And the third miracle will be in Sarov. The Lord will resurrect St. Seraphim of Sarov, who will be alive for quite some time. Whoever wishes will see him alive! Oh, how many miracles there will be then! The relics of the Reverend Father Seraphim are in Moscow with a pious old woman. The Angel of the Lord, when necessary, orders her to turn to the first hierarch and say that she has the Relics of St. Seraphim. These The Holy Relics will be carried on the shoulders through Kashira along the Volgograd road through Mikhailov to Tambov, and from there to Sarov. Father Seraphim will resurrect in Sarov from the dead! At the time when His Relics are carried, there will be darkness among the people, and a great many sick people will be healed! His resurrection in Sarov will be announced on radio and television, and there will be countless people! From Sarov, Seraphim will go to the Diveyevo monastery on foot. He will be accompanied by the last Sovereign with the Royal Priesthood and a sea of ​​people... On the road to Diveevo, the Venerable Seraphim will perform many miracles, and in Diveevo too! He will denounce the Clergy for betrayal and betrayal of the Anointed King of God, and will preach Repentance to the whole world. Seraphim of Sarov will explain the whole story, tell everything and expose the Shepherds as babies, show them how to be baptized correctly, and much more! Even Jews will believe in Father Seraphim, and through this - in the Lord Jesus Christ! Imagine a picture of the sun shining around the world!

The bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church will deviate from the truth of the Orthodox Faith and will not believe the Prophecies about the Resurrection of Russia! To expose them, the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov will be raised from the dead.. After so many wondrous miracles, the new Clergy will have devotion to the Lord: they will teach the people to serve the Father-Tsar with all their hearts! The Jews who did not accept the seal will issue cruel laws against witchcraft, which they themselves are now instilling; and they themselves will destroy every single sorcerer.

All the evil that will be concentrated in Russia will be swept away by the Chinese.

There will be more The Defender of the Faith - the Tsar - is the smartest man... Prepared by God Himself!

The Antichrist will appear from America. And the whole world will bow to him, except the Royal Orthodox Church, which will first be in Russia! And then the Lord will give His little flock victory over the Antichrist and his kingdom! "The Cross is the power of the Kings. Hereby conquer!"

Bishop Seraphim (Zvezdinsky, 1883-1937)

The bishop spoke to the Diveyevo sisters (winter 1926/1927):“You misunderstand the words of the monk. The Monk Seraphim taught to read “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” one and a half hundred times and said whoever follows this rule, the Antichrist will not overcome his soul.”

“This one ditch will always intercede for you, becoming a fiery wall to the sky! And even the Antichrist will not be able to cross it!” (The groove will expand to the borders of the Russian state - ed.)

“The ditch will be a wall for you up to heaven, and when the Antichrist comes, he will not be able to cross it; she will cry out to the Lord for you and stand up to heaven and will not let him in!”

“I remember that the eighth thousand will pass. I remember that it will pass! Everything will pass and end. And the monasteries will be destroyed, and at the wretched Seraphim in Diveevo, until the very day of the coming of Christ, the Bloodless Sacrifice will be performed!”

“At the end of the world, the whole earth will burn, and nothing will remain. Only three churches all over the world, from all over the world, will be taken entirely, undestroyed, to heaven: one in the Kiev Lavra, another (I really don’t remember), and the third “It’s yours, Kazanskaya.”

Schema-nun Nila (+ 1999)

In the last years of her life, and especially after the collapse of the country, mother worried and worried about the events taking place in Russia with heartache and sorrow. But with what strength of conviction and hope she prayed for her beloved Fatherland! More than once she said to the spiritual children who came to her:

Children, the Mother of God will not leave Russia, She loves Rus', will protect her, will save her. Russia is the country of the Mother of God, and She will not allow it to be destroyed, she will intercede for us. After all, She loves Russia so much! Russia will rise and become a great spiritual country.

She will not allow her enemies to trample Russia, she will not allow her to burn in the flames of fires!

Rev. Seraphim Vyritsky (+ 1949)

The time will come when there will be a spiritual dawn in Russia. Many churches and monasteries will open, even people of other faiths will come to us to be baptized. But this won’t last for about fifteen years. When the East gains strength, everything will become unstable. The time will come when Russia will be torn apart. First they will divide it, and then they will begin to rob the wealth. The West will in every possible way contribute to the destruction of Russia and will give up its eastern part to China for the time being.

The old man loved young people very much. At that time, young people hardly went to church, and he was so happy when they came to him. The elder spoke about the enormous role of young people in the future revival of the Church. He said that times would come when the corruption and decline of the morals of the young would reach its final limits. There will be almost no uncorrupted ones left. They will believe that everything is allowed to them to satisfy their whims and lusts, for they will see their impunity. They will gather in companies, gangs, they will steal and debauch. But the time will come when there will be the voice of God, When young people will understand that it is impossible to live like this anymore, and they will go to faith in different ways, the craving for asceticism will increase. Those who were previously sinners and drunkards will fill the churches, feel a great craving for spiritual life, many of them will become monks, monasteries will open, churches will be full of believers and the majority will be young people. And then the young will go on pilgrimages to holy places - it will be a glorious time! The fact that they are sinning now will make them repent more fervently. Just as a candle, before it goes out, flares up brightly, illuminating everything with its final light, so is the life of the Church. And that time is near.

A thunderstorm will pass over the Russian Land.
The Lord will forgive the sins of the Russian people
And the Holy Cross with Divine beauty
God's temples will shine again.
Abodes will be reopened everywhere
And faith in God will unite everyone
And the bells ring throughout our Holy Rus'
He will awaken from the sleep of sin to salvation.
Formidable adversities will subside
Russia will defeat its enemies.
And the name of the Russian, Great People
How thunder will roar throughout the universe!

The story of the prophet Isaiah about the coming years

The thirty-seventh king, named Gordius, and nicknamed Chigochin, will rise, he will come out of the Solar City as a half-Christian, half-pagan and will gather the entire land of Ishmael. The overseas people will be called Fuscas, and by their nickname wild asses, the famous grandchildren of Hagar, the Jewish tribe of Moses. And they will occupy the whole country and cities, come to the field called Sredetsky, and find a two-mouthed well there. And from the city of Sredets they will begin to capture the countries eastern and western, to the North and to the South. And no one can resist them. And Chigochin will destroy the Bulgarian and Greek lands, like a tormentor, in seven years. Then the Greeks overseas will perish, and the Bulgarians in the West. They will remain only in glorious cities, mountains, gorges and caves. And these days Vitosha and other glorious mountains will be shrouded in darkness. And the Holy Mountain will be enveloped in clouds, and Constantinople will burn as if from fire. And Chigochin will torment the whole earth, and in those countries people will weep, crying: “Oh, woe to us, brothers, for we will die in agony!”

And the thirty-eighth king from the sunset, from the land of Sarova, named Gagen, and nicknamed Odelyai, will descend into the years of Tsar Chigochin. He will reign for five years, he will be meek and a brave warrior. And Christians will come to him crying. He will rise, as if risen from the dead, with a thorn in his side, and will gather Western warriors and Pomeranians. And he will take with him thirty-seven chests of gold and purple like a star. And he will come, tame the fair-haired people, and go to the Bulgarian land. He will be the first to meet the army of Skopl in the state of Chigochin on the Sheep Field and defeat it and take their weapons. And King Hagen will arm his warriors and go against Chigochin again. Then the Ishmaelites will meet him on the Pea field and defeat him. And they will burn his army like straw on a field, and he himself will flee to Zempengrad. And the Ishmaelites will scatter and destroy the entire Bulgarian land.

Then King Hagen will send a message to King Chigochin: “Stop the robberies and get away with the Ishmaelites, otherwise we won’t leave you alone!” And King Hagen will stay in Zemlen for three months, praying to God, until he gathers four tens of thousands of his warriors. And he will go again against the Ishmaelites in the area called Five Graves. And a great bloodshed will take place there, and the warriors of King Hagen will die, and he himself will flee to Pernik. And King Hagen will stay in Pernik for thirty days, praying to God and crying. Then the Lord's warriors will appear to him - patriarchs and bishops, monks and presbyters and will go with him to the mountain called Vitosha, where the holy fathers from the land of Bulgaria live.

Then a holy maiden, beautiful in body, will come out and bring out three hundred holy fathers. And she will lead King Hagen by the right hand and bless him. And he will come out with an honest cross against the Ishmaelites and will create the greatest slaughter where the two-mouthed well is. So much blood will be shed that a three-year-old horse will drown in it. King Hagen will kill the Ishmaelites, as if the Lord would strike them with an invisible club. And he will cut down King Chigochin, and take the spoils and distribute them. And first he will stay in Sredets for three years and four months.

Then some heirs of Chigochin will come out from the West, like shameless snakes, and will go to the Sheep Field with many forces. Then Tsar Hagen will go to the Sheep Field, gathering all the Bulgarian strength. And the warriors of King Hagen will flock to the Sheep Field. And the mother who restrains her son will be wise, for those people will be mowed down like the grass of the field! And people will say: “Oh, woe to us, brothers, for the Bulgarian land has perished without a trace. And there are so many people left that they can fit under the shade of one oak tree.” And then Hagen will come from the Sheep Field to the Edrilo Field, and the greatest slaughter and much bloodshed will take place here, so that from then on this place will not be called Edrilo, but will become famous as the Bone Field. And King Hagen will fall here, and with him more than a thousand thousand souls. And people will say: “Oh, woe to us, for the whole world has perished!”

And in those years the Ishmaelites will come out of the northern country. And two parts of them will come to the city of Thessaloniki, and the third will remain in their land and wish to be baptized, for the Lord will love the Ishmaelites. Then they will begin to besiege Thessaloniki, and the Solunians will come out against the Hungarians and kill the enemies, and their weapons will be burned instead of firewood for three years.

Then the thirty-ninth king, named Simeon the Wise, will sail on ships by sea, and he will take the Bulgarian land. And he will arrive in New Jerusalem, and will reach the Golden Gate and enter it. And he will linger at the Golden Gate and enter the treasury. And confusion will engulf all of Jerusalem, and people will mark each other with the cross. And they will come to the Golden Gate, but the Lord will see their arrogance and madness and will strike them. And Simeon the Wise will fall to his knees and say:

“O New Jerusalem, how faith has increased around you!” And Simeon will reign as king for six years.

And then the Lord will send a king, and he will become the fortieth God-given king, and his name is Michael. And here he will accept the kingdom over the entire universe, and, having risen, will go to the throne, where the maiden holds the crown of the pious and faithful Tsar Constantine. And God will place a crown on Michael's head and give him fifty-three years of life. Under this king there will be joy and joy and a long life, such as has not happened since the beginning of the world. These days Tsar Michael will come to consecrate the holy churches, and erect silver altars, and give people knives instead of weapons. And he will forge weapons into craft tools, and swords into sickles. And there will be wretched people - like bolyars, bolyars - like governors, and governors - like kings. Then people will be scattered throughout the entire earth. And only those who died will achieve nothing these days. And in the years of Tsar Michael, a barrel of wine will come out of one vine, a measure of wheat from a sheaf, an armful of wool from a sheep, there will be an abundance of honey and oil. Both people and livestock will multiply in these days, and there will be no death, no war, no robbery.

And in those years one old woman will move from the sunrise, and the other from the West, and they will meet in Likitsa. And they will find a human head and will sit here, mourning it, for three days and three nights, saying: “O beloved head! Arise, for there is a lot of good life around, but there is no one to live.” Then they will get up and walk five miles and find the place where the earth poured out its gifts. And they will sit still seven days, weeping and saying:

“O beloved children, why did you destroy yourself in your hardness of heart, for there is a lot of life around, but there is no one to live, the human race has diminished.” And in those years there will be an abundance of everything, there will be joy and fun.

And in these days Tsar Michael will saddle his horse, and go by sea to Rome with one sword, and say to the Romans: “Open the gates for me!” They will answer him: “We will not open the gate, for you are a deceiver!” He will swing his sword, but will not strike, and the copper gate will crumble like dust. Then the Roman bishops and monks, patriarchs and priests will come out, laying down their books before Michael and being baptized on his royal crown. And a simple clerk will be found, and will argue with them with the wisdom of the book, and will tell them: “It is fitting for him to reign while the sun illuminates the earth.” They will take the book and hit that clerk on the head, and he will die and lie there for three days. And on the third day God will return this clerk’s soul. And the Lord will say to him:

“Arise and go to the monastery of the Holy Apostle Paul, find in the tomb a porphyry crown and an undefiled robe and place them on Michael.”

The Romans will see this, and Michael will inspire them with great fear and great honor. And they will begin to talk about it, pouring out gold like grain on a threshing floor, and heaping up a hill. And Michael will ride from him on his horse and for eleven years he will ride throughout the whole world, establishing faith and law with his sword. And again he will return home to New Jerusalem and tame the Russian beards. And his life will be fifty-three years.

And in the years of Tsar Michael, a very beautiful bird will appear, sit on the Constantinople wall and turn into a nun. And under the rule of Tsar Michael the godless Antichrist will be born, and he will be more beautiful than all the beauty of the human race. And his eyes will be like stars.

Then Michael will go to the throne, place his crown under the cross and give up his soul to the Lord. Then invisible angels will receive him and carry his body to heaven. Then the Antichrist will begin to torment Christians with terrible malice. One will drag out the intestines on a club, pierce others with thorns, and scorch others with fire and ask:

“Where are those who believed in books and the honorable cross?” And all flesh will cry to God, and the Lord will hear the cries of the faithful people and send Elijah the prophet and Enoch to fight the Antichrist, so that he does not seduce the whole world. In those days the kingdom of Judah will rise, and Christians will decline. And the last will be first, and the first will be last.

Then Elijah will begin to argue with the Antichrist, telling him: “You are a seducer!” He will become enraged and in anger will create a copper altar, bring Elijah and Enoch into it and kill them. As the prophet David said:

“Then they will place bullocks on Your altar.” Then the Lord will erect an honest cross, call the apostles, evangelists and all the elect who pleased God, and the holy churches, and the graves covered with crosses from all over the earth. And the Lord will move them towards Jerusalem and set the earth on fire. And the earth will catch fire, like it the mountains will burn, like houses. As the prophet David said: “It touches the mountains and they smoke.” Then the sea will boil like water in a pot. And so the entire sea will burn up in three years, leaving only the land from which the Jordan flows.

Then the Lord will release four great winds, and they will scatter the ashes throughout the length and breadth of the earth. Then the Lord will reveal two springs whiter than snow - one from the East, and the other from the West. And they will flow throughout the entire earth, and the earth will be smooth as paper, and more beautiful than the present light, and seven times whiter. And the earth will lie for three years and cry out to God: “Look at me, Master, have mercy, for for many years I have been lying, untouched, like a seven-year-old girl, purer than anything in the world. I have been cleansed from all filth.”

Then the Lord will descend from heaven through the clouds in great power and glory to a place called Huki. And the holy churches will converge like shining stars, each in its place. And many angels and archangels will descend, even twelve legions of darkness, bearing the throne of the Lord, shining seven times brighter than the sun. And the Lord Himself will appear from heaven to judge the living and the dead.

Then Archangel Michael and with him the twelve apostles will sound the turian horn. And they will awaken those sleeping since the beginning of the century. As the prophet said:

“If you send forth Your spirit, they will be created, and You will renew the face of the earth.” Then they will rise, as if from sleep, and walk the earth, recognizing each other. Then angels will come and separate the good from the evil. And they will place the good on the right hand, and the sinners on the left. Then the King will say to those standing at his right hand: “Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” And he will say to those standing on the left side: “Depart from Me, you cursed, into eternal fire...”

Then the Antichrist will stand on the left side, with the Jews, with great anger and trembling, for it is said that “His blood be on us and on our children.” And the angels, merciless and fierce, will cast them into utter darkness, as the prophet said: “Their memory perished with us, but the Lord endures forever.”

And then the Lord speaks to sinners: “O wretched ones, how did you not understand the years of Satan, why did you not believe My prophets, who predicted that in the first summer there would be a lot of bread and wine. In the second summer you will not find either a handful of bread or a cup of wine.” all the earth, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. His kingdom will be three years, and God will make these three years like three months, three months like three weeks, and three weeks like three days, and three days like three hours. and three hours are like three lines, and three lines are like the twinkling of an eye. You did not understand this, but you betrayed God."

Then the Lord will take the honorable cross, the Gospel and the Apostle, and condemn sinners to the twelfth generation. And the Lord will reign for endless years, and there will be no death, no marriage, no violence. And there will be neither young, nor old, nor young, but they will all be one in form and age, all equal to thirty years. And there will be neither jealousy nor envy, but then there will be perfect love and joy in God, our Savior.

Bulgarian legend of the 11th century. First published based on a list from the 15th century. in "Old Bulgarian Studies". Sofia. 1983. No. 4. P. 68-73. Published from: "The Gold-String Spring. Monuments of Bulgarian Literature of the 9th-18th Centuries." Translation by I. Kaliganov and D. Polyvyanny. M. 1990. S. 267-272.

Predicting the future today is the lot of futurologists. Their “prophecies” are usually based on the most complex fundamental analysis and the latest information technologies. However, in most cases, their “foresights” (forecasts) do not come true.
On the other hand, the prophetic tradition has existed from time immemorial among the ascetics of Orthodoxy. Of course, the holy fathers did not rely on fundamental analysis and the latest achievements of computer science, but only on Faith in the Lord...

Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, 1825-32

“Before the end of times, Russia will merge into one great sea with the other lands and Slavic tribes, it will form one sea or that huge universal ocean of the people, about which the Lord God spoke from ancient times through the mouth of all the saints: “The formidable and invincible Kingdom of All-Russian, All-Slavic - Gog and Magog , before whom all nations will stand in awe.” And all this is the same as two and two are four, and certainly, like God is holy, who from ancient times foretold about him and his terrible dominion over the earth. With the united forces of Russia and other nations, Constantinople and Jerusalem will be captured. When Turkey is divided, almost all of it will remain with Russia...”

Saint Theophan the Recluse, 1890s

“How many signs the Lord showed over Russia, delivering it from its strongest enemies and subduing its peoples! And yet, evil is growing. Will we really not come to our senses?

The Lord has punished us and will punish us with the West, but we don’t understand everything. We got stuck in Western mud up to our ears, and everything was fine. We have eyes, but we don’t see, we have ears, but we don’t hear, and we don’t understand with our hearts... Having inhaled this hellish frenzy into ourselves, we spin around like crazy, not remembering ourselves. If we don’t come to our senses, God will send us foreign teachers to bring us to our senses... It turns out that we too are on the path of revolution. These are not empty words, but a deed affirmed by the voice of the Church. Know, Orthodox, that God cannot be mocked.”

Holy Venerable Seraphim Vyritsky, early 20th century

“The time will come when not persecution, but money and the charms of this world will turn people away from God and many more souls will perish than during the times of open fight against God. On the one hand, they will erect crosses and gild domes, and on the other, the kingdom of lies and evil will come. The True Church will always be persecuted, and it will be possible to be saved only through sorrows and illnesses. The persecution will take on the most unpredictable and sophisticated character. But the salvation of the world comes from Russia.”

Schieromonk Aristoklius of Athos. 1917-18

“Now we are living through the pre-Antichrist time. God's judgment on the living has begun and there will not be a single country on earth, not a single person who will not be affected by this. It started with Russia, and then further... And Russia will be saved. There is a lot of suffering, a lot of torment... All of Russia will become a prison, and we must beg the Lord a lot for forgiveness. Repent of sins and be afraid to commit even the slightest sins, but try to do good, even the smallest. After all, the wing of a fly has weight, but God has precise scales. And when the slightest good outweighs the balance, then God will show His mercy over Russia...

The end will be through China. There will be some kind of unusual explosion, and a miracle of God will appear. And life will be completely different on earth, but not for very long. The Cross of Christ will shine over the whole world, because our Motherland will be magnified and will be like a beacon in the darkness for everyone.”

Bishop John of Shanghai, 1938

“Shake off the sleep of despondency and laziness, sons of Russia! Behold the glory of her suffering and be cleansed, washed from your sins! Strengthen yourself in the Orthodox faith so that you may be worthy to dwell in the dwelling of the Lord and move into the holy mountain. Arise, arise, arise, Rus', you who drank from the hand of the Lord the cup of His wrath! When your suffering is over, your righteousness will go with you, and the glory of the Lord will follow you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the radiance rising above you. Then lift up your eyes around and see: behold, your children will come to you from the west, and the north, and the sea, and the east, blessing Christ in you forever!”

Venerable Anatoly of Optina, early 20th century

“There will be a storm. And the Russian ship will be destroyed. But people also save themselves on chips and debris. And yet not everyone will die. We must pray, we must all repent and pray fervently... A great miracle of God will be revealed... And all the chips and fragments, by the will of God and His power, will gather and unite, and the ship will be recreated in all its glory and will go its way, intended by God. ..”

Saint Theophan of Poltava, 1930

“The monarchy and autocratic power will be restored in Russia. The Lord chose the future king. This will be a man of fiery faith, a brilliant mind and an iron will. First of all, he will restore order in the Orthodox Church, removing all untrue, heretical and lukewarm bishops. And many, very many, with few exceptions, almost all will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will take their place... Something that no one expects will happen. Russia will rise from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy will be reborn and triumph in it. But the Orthodoxy that existed before will no longer exist. God Himself will place a strong king on the throne.”

Paisiy Svyatogorets, Athonite elder. 1990s

“My thoughts tell me that many events will happen: the Russians will occupy Turkey, Turkey will disappear from the map, because a third of the Turks will become Christians, a third will die in the war and a third will go to Mesopotamia... A great war will take place in Constantinople between the Russians and Europeans, and a lot will be shed blood. Greece will not play a leading role in this war, but Constantinople will be given to it. Not because the Russians will revere the Greeks, but because a better solution cannot be found... The Greek army will not have time to get there before the city will be given to it.”

Joseph, Athonite elder, Vatopedi monastery. year 2001

“Now is the beginning of events, difficult military events... The devil will force the Turks to finally come here to Greece and begin their actions. And although Greece has a government, it actually doesn’t exist as such, because it has no power. And the Turks will come here. This will be the moment when Russia will also move its forces to push back the Turks. Events will develop like this: when Russia comes to the aid of Greece, the Americans and NATO will try to prevent this, so that there is no reunification, a merger of two Orthodox peoples... There will be a big massacre on the territory of the former Byzantine Empire. There will be about 600 million people killed alone. The Vatican will also actively participate in all this in order to prevent the reunification and increasing role of Orthodoxy. But this will result in the complete destruction of Vatican influence, right down to its very foundations. This is how God’s Providence will turn... There will be God’s permission so that those who sow temptations are destroyed: pornography, drug addiction, etc. And the Lord will so blind their minds that they will destroy each other with gluttony. The Lord will allow this on purpose to carry out a great cleansing. As for the one who rules the country, he will not be around for long, and what is happening now will not be for long, and then immediately there will be war. But after this great purge there will be a revival of Orthodoxy not only in Russia, but throughout the world, a great surge of Orthodoxy.”