Glycerin suppositories: duration of action in adults. Glycerin suppositories - instructions for use and indications, composition and side effects

In this material we will look at how candles work and what their advantages are. First of all, let's remember what the rectum is, what it consists of and how it functions.

The rectum is the last section of the intestine, 15-19 cm long. The transition of the colon to the rectum occurs without a sharp border. The rectum ends in the anus, which is closed by sphincters.

The walls of the rectum consist of mucous, submucosal and muscular layers. The rectal mucosa differs significantly from the mucosa of other organs. Its surface is smooth and there are no fibers on it. Usually the rectum is empty, and its entire surface is covered with 1-3 mm of mucus, which protects it from mechanical and chemical damage from feces.

Epithelial cells do not have their own blood vessels, and their nutrition occurs through tissue fluid located in the gaps between the cells. The rectal epithelium not only “produces” protective mucus, but also acts as a semi-permeable membrane through which absorption occurs. In other words, everything enters the body, including medicinal substances and the base contained in the candle. This happens thanks to the system of blood vessels connected to the rectum (see figure).

Thus, in contrast to oral administration, that is, administration through the mouth, when 100% of the drug taken passes through the liver and is partially destroyed there, with rectal administration 12-20% enters the liver.

In addition to substances that dissolve in water, there is intercellular absorption of substances that dissolve in lipids. This role is played by the lymphatic system. Lymphatic vessels disperse in the rectum in three directions along the blood vessels. The flow of lymph through the corresponding vessels and nodes ends in the thoracic duct and enters the systemic circulation.

Absorption by the lymphatic route is of particular importance for the bases used for the manufacture of suppositories and for the substances dissolved in them.

The rectal mucosa is able to absorb a large number of medicinal substances in doses necessary to obtain not only a local (in the rectum) therapeutic effect, but also a healing effect on other organs and systems. The condition for the action of the drug administered rectally is:

1. Release of the product from the suppository base;

2. Absorption of the product by the mucous membrane,

3. Moving the absorbed product to the site of exposure;

The movement of the absorbed substance can be carried out in 3 ways:

a) directly into the vena cava and the greater circle, bypassing the liver;

b) through the vena cava into the liver, and then into the vena cava and into the heart;

c) through the lymphatic pathways into the vena cava and into the systemic circulation.

One of the main tasks of the liver is to detoxify the body, that is, bind and destroy foreign chemicals appearing in the blood. All chemicals undergo these reactions. If the drug is administered in small doses (for example, homeopathic medicines), it is essential that it is not inactivated in the liver before reaching the organ in which it should exert its action. It is also very important for the liver (and especially for a diseased liver) not to overload it.

Now, having learned all the intricacies of the mechanism of action of rectal dosage forms, you are fully aware of the advantages of our suppositories:

  • they are highly effective, since natural active substances, due to their “affinity” for the body, practically do not break down, easily and completely absorbed, reach the target and have a positive therapeutic effect not only on the rectum, but also on other organs and systems;
  • they are not toxins, do not damage the liver due to the fact that they do not contain chemicals foreign to the body and are made on a natural basis - cocoa butter, which is also not devoid of beneficial properties;
  • they have a mild, complex and multi-stage therapeutic effect thanks to a pharmacologically thought-out combination of highly effective natural and homeopathic components.

Almost every person has encountered health difficulties at least once in their life. I mean specifically the intestines. Stress, nerves at work, poor nutrition, the results of taking antibiotics or the postoperative period, all this leads to immediate problems with the intestines. Or rather, constipation. Because regular and proper food intake is disrupted. The body is under stress. And constipation is the most common discomfort of the body. Fortunately, the most innocent one. But it brings a lot of discomfort. It is very difficult to concentrate on work or personal matters. Because heaviness, like a faithful companion, goes with constipation.

Of course, medicine can cope with this disease. The most popular method is candles. Most people are interested in How long does it take for glycerin suppositories to work?. Because no one canceled the plans. And I wouldn’t want the relief to take a person who is going to a business meeting, for example, by surprise. And if you don’t know or calculate the time correctly, then you can end up in an unpleasant situation. Unfortunately, the instructions for use
They don't write that kind of information. For one simple reason. Each organism is individual. And everyone’s perception of his drugs is individual. So if you are interested How long does it take for glycerin suppositories to start working?, then my advice to you is to try this when you are at home.

And you're not going anywhere. To know exactly how your body specifically copes with this. And when, God forbid, something like this happens to you, you will know for sure that you can only use them while you are at home. And again the question arises, why? Why should I use the drug only at home. After all, things can get hard at work. But I know for sure that our bodies are not only individual, but also unpredictable. The last time you tested the drug, let's say you ate porridge, and this time you ate vegetables. And then the question arises again, How long does it take for glycerin suppositories to work in adults?. You need to try it in different states of the body. To be confident and calm.

Glycerin suppositories are usually prescribed as a laxative for constipation, as well as hemorrhoids. They are quite effective, safe, and also inexpensive, which makes them popular. Let's figure out how long it takes for glycerin suppositories to start working and whether they can be used constantly.

How quickly do suppositories work?

Candles have a fast-acting effect. The suppository shell dissolves immediately after administration, and the active substance begins to act. Glycerin has an irritating effect on the intestinal mucosa, causing it to “work”, and also dilutes feces and promotes their rapid excretion. The desire to visit the toilet will appear in about half an hour.

Indications for use

Rectal suppositories with glycerin are prescribed for hemorrhoids and various types of constipation, when the absence of bowel movements is observed for 2-3 days. For longer constipation, an enema is usually required.

Glycerin is also used externally to soften the skin and mucous membranes.

Glycerin suppositories are sometimes prescribed even to pregnant and lactating women, since, without being absorbed into the blood, they do not pose a serious danger to the fetus. However, they should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Suppositories increase the tone of the uterus, and only a specialist can calculate the possible risks.

Suppositories with glycerin for newborns are not available separately. But suppositories for children are suitable for them (or, as a last resort, you can cut off a quarter of an adult suppository). However, keep in mind that you don’t need to prescribe suppositories to your baby yourself (even if you’ve heard that they help wonderfully and are completely harmless) - this should be done by a pediatrician. You can use a glycerin suppository only as a last resort.


  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • anal fissures;
  • hemorrhoids in the acute stage;
  • tumors and inflammation in the rectum.

Glycerin suppositories - instructions for use

It is best to administer a rectal suppository in the morning, 15-20 minutes after eating. But, of course, you should not do this immediately before going to work, since the result will not be long in coming: the effect of glycerin suppositories begins immediately after administration.

1 suppository is inserted through the anus as deeply as possible. Dosage for adults - 1 time per day, for children - 1 time every 3 days. Carefully check the instructions for the drug for the age at which you can give your child a specific suppository.

How to light a candle?

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before using the drug.
  2. Remove the candle from the plastic packaging.
  3. It is best to administer it while lying on your back and pressing your knees to your stomach.
  4. Insert the narrowed end of the suppository into the anus and carefully push it in as far as possible.
  5. Lie down for 15-20 minutes.

If you still fail to go to the toilet, you can repeat the procedure only after 12 hours. Frequent use of glycerin suppositories is undesirable, since the intestinal receptors will sooner or later stop responding to the irritating factor, the intestines will become “lazy,” which will lead to even greater constipation.

As soon as normal intestinal motility is restored, use of the drug should be discontinued.

For a child, it is best to use mini-enemas, and resorting to the use of glycerin suppositories, as already mentioned, is better only as a last resort - if nothing else helps.

Side effects

  • physiological weakening of bowel movements;
  • rectal irritation;
  • catarrhal proctitis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • itching and burning in the anus.