Horoscope of Leo Men: characteristics, appearance, career, love, marriage and family. Leo - characteristics of the sign Horoscope Leo description of the sign man

Ruling planet:☼ Sun. Element: Fire.

Leo man

Next to a Leo in love, any woman will feel like a lioness: he is ready to throw the whole world at your feet, but be prepared for the fact that he will demand the same from you. However, being in a free bachelor's search, the Leo man behaves more like an easy prey than an independent king of beasts. He is very partial to women's charms, and if you use the entire arsenal of your charm, most likely he will soon be at your feet.

Leo will be especially pleased if you not only notice and appreciate his many advantages, but also do not forget to tell him about it.

In turn, Leo knows perfectly well how to make his chosen one happy. Flowers, gifts, expensive restaurants - he will spare no effort or expense to fulfill your every whim.

Often, a Leo man prefers not to delay for a long time with a marriage proposal. So what if this is not his first marriage, but you are exactly the only love he has been waiting for all his life!

However, if it comes to the wedding, do not rush to relax. Remember: in the case of Leo, a stamp in the passport is not at all a guarantee of a long life together. The fact is that although Leo is sincerely and ardently in love with you (no less sincerely and ardently than with his previous wives and chosen ones), he expects a lot from his life partner, and will be very disappointed if his expectations are not met.

What does Leo expect from you? In his opinion, it’s absolutely nothing: just being in the shadow of his proud self. What to do, both at work and in the family, Leo should feel like the first, adored and unique. If you are one of those women who dreams of equality and even tries to share housework equally with a man, alas, you have no place next to Leo.

Yes, Leo is an undivided owner, and he is proud of it. He is ready to take care of you like no one else, ready to buy you jewelry and take you to luxury resorts, but in return he needs you all. Everything means everything without a trace: at any moment he must know exactly not only what you are doing, but also what you are thinking about. And if your thoughts are not about him, he will be very, very upset.

Naturally, with such a house-building state of affairs, it will not only be difficult for you to make a career, but even just to go to work. This is why many Leo wives sooner or later become housewives.

However, in spite of everything, the life of Leo’s wife can hardly be called monotonous and boring. Feeling a strong and loving support behind him in the person of his adored wife, Leo is ready to move mountains just to make her happy. Despite all his amorousness, he will not allow himself an affair on the side if you are his muse and inspiration. And, despite all his jealousy, Leo will be happy to take you to numerous parties, theaters and other events, allowing you to shine, as befits a socialite.

Oddly enough, Leo, who is so drawn to creating a family, usually does not strive to become a father. Moreover, if you begin to pay more attention and tenderness to the child than to Leo himself, he will begin to show obvious signs of jealousy. After all, Leo is the real center and head of the family! However, if you show wisdom and do not give Leo a reason for such competition, he will be a loving father, the very sight of whom children are delighted with.

Leo reigns in the zodiac circle from July 23 to August 23. Natural leaders are born under this sign. Such men are able to inspire and lead, to be the first violin in the orchestra.

Generous and strong Leo men are truly worthy of recognition. They love to make grand gestures, giving “fur coats from the master’s shoulder.” Not all of them look like the king of beasts, but anyone born under this sign is endowed with royal ambitions.

The patron planet of Leo is the Sun. The ruling celestial body of our solar system further enhances the power of the royal sign. The sun brings us warmth and light, which means life. Leos are also generous, cheerful, energetic and majestic.

The Sun in the sign of Leo personifies the active consciousness as opposed to the “lunar” subconscious. This is a symbol of the integrity of the inner “I”. The sun is responsible for the deep personality traits in a person that do not change under the influence of learning and stress.

Leo's element is Fire. Fire signs do not like darkness and feel favorably next to the fire element. The Leo man likes the explosive music of revolutions and wars, which they themselves sometimes cause. Just like fire, they require constant feeding. The best fuel for Leos is the praise and worship of others.

Talisman stones: amber, ruby, garnet, peridot, topaz, onyx, diamond. Blood-red ruby ​​has a beneficial effect on Leo’s health, relieving him of problems with the heart and blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure. Amber men's jewelry (cufflinks, tie pin, ring) will help protect against the negative energy of envious people. Favorable colors: purple, gold, orange, scarlet. Unfavorable color: white. Lucky numbers: 1, 5, 9.


Leo loves the whole universe to revolve around him. If a Leo man is successful in life, his sense of superiority strengthens with age. Leo has the highest success rate of all other signs, but at the same time, he has the deepest failures. When hopes of achieving a high position are not justified, he feels out of place.

Despite the astrological similarity, there are no two identical men of this sign in the world. Individuality depends on the combination of Leo's characteristic attractive and negative aspects.


  • Activity. The sun, in combination with the element of fire, gives the Leo man such powerful energy that it is difficult for other signs to compete with him.

  • Optimism. The Leo man never complains about fate, even in difficult life situations, without losing his positive attitude and sense of humor. I'm always happy to use a good joke to lighten the atmosphere and lighten the mood.

  • Generosity. Leos willingly donate to charity and are trustees of social and charitable institutions.

  • Generosity. Goodwill attracts many acquaintances to such a man. The noble Leo will not betray a friend, will not slander behind his back, and will definitely help out in trouble.


Enemy No. 1 for a Leo man is pride. If his natural talents are not realized, mental degradation sets in: quirks, apathy, black humor. Arrogance threatens to turn the generous, handsome Leo into a petty tyrant. The Napoleonic personality complex is fraught with mental disorders. To prevent an unfavorable outcome, Leos should fight the following shortcomings of their nature:
  • arrogance
  • inordinate conceit
  • despotism
  • addiction to flattery
  • touchiness
  • wastefulness

What qualities should be developed

Working on yourself is a difficult challenge for Leo. Vanity prevents him from admitting his mistakes and errors, for which he is inclined to blame others. The main lesson for a Leo man is to develop in himself the antipodes of arrogance: modesty, humility. Only by defeating exorbitant pride can you get rid of negative predispositions.

What does a Leo man like?

Leo likes everything that emphasizes his special status. If you want to meet such a man, go to a social reception, a restaurant with luxurious interiors, or a premiere at the Bolshoi Theater. In such places the concentration of representatives of this sign will be maximum.

Leo always strives to choose entertainment that suits the circles of high society. He would prefer horse racing or golf to democratic football. Instead of a beer festival, he will go to a pretentious exhibition. The Leo man is inclined to gather admirers around himself: as you know, the king is “made” by his retinue.

Secular Leos are prone to PR and shocking, because the most unpleasant state for them is oblivion.

Leo men are characterized by narcissism. They can often be found near the mirror, carefully selecting clothes and accessories. They are gamblers, frequent visitors to casinos, card clubs and billiard rooms.

What the Leo man doesn't like

More than anything else, representatives of this sign are afraid of loneliness. At the same time, they approach the choice of environment very carefully. Acquaintances must correspond to his “royal” status. Leos are not happy with those who dress tastelessly or smoke cheap cigarettes. The main thing for them is not how much a person earns, but what society he belongs to.

Such men do not tolerate anyone getting in their way. However, some astrologers say that Leo growls more often than he bites.

The territory of the king of beasts cannot be small, so he feels uncomfortable in a modest-sized apartment. Leo cannot stand confined spaces, which remind him of a cage in a zoo. A big beautiful house is not only a luxury for him, but also a vital necessity.

How to win a Leo man

If you want to make this strong guy fall in love with you, try to live up to his ideal woman. His bar for the fair sex is quite high. There is only one free seat on the royal throne - for the queen. Leo's favorites are bright women, well-groomed and stylishly dressed.

He is attracted to respectable ladies who occupy a certain position in society, next to whom he will look better. To find the way to the heart of a Leo man, use the advice of astrologers:

  • Be sure to spice up your conversations with such a guy with a dose of skillful flattery. When he is inferior to other “males” in something, he becomes despondent.

  • Show off your loved ones among your friends. It is best to do this so that the culprit “accidentally” hears your compliments.

  • Surround him with constant attention and care. He will certainly appreciate it.

  • Don't play with the king of beasts - a rejected Leo falls into a blind rage.

Love and marriage

Temperamental Leo men are passionate, noble and generous admirers. They love to court beautifully, showering their beloved with flowers and gifts. They appreciate bright, romantic episodes in love.

Having found his other half, Leo places her on the pedestal of love and fidelity. If the chosen one respects and appreciates him, the marital relationship will develop constructively. The Leo man is a great provider. He will try to provide his wife and children with everything they need. He has a well-developed ability to give, which is invaluable for a family. He will become a loving father and will take an active part in raising children.

Successful Leos can become flexible husbands at home. When no one sees them, such men turn into a white and fluffy kitten. A loser Leo (this also happens), on the contrary, in personal relationships manifests itself as a terrible despot. A pompous and restive Leo can insult a woman, tyrannize his household, blaming them for all mortal sins and his own defeats.

Work and career

Career growth is an area in which Leo strives to be realized more than other signs, surpassing even the hardworking Taurus. He diligently accumulates potential, which he successfully puts into practice at the right time. Likes to work to achieve a specific result. Most often, Leo manages to occupy a high leadership position. At the same time, the leading position is given to him by right, without behind-the-scenes intrigues and stepping over heads.

Suitable profession

Astrologers see two successful prospects for Leo men in their work life:

1. Open your own business in the field of culture and art, mental work;
2. Become a senior executive.

Leos will be able to move up the hierarchical ladder without hindrance in the field of show business, politics, and physical education. According to their horoscope, the following professions are suitable for them: jeweler, diplomat, actor, director, artist, athlete, director.


In general, Leos can boast of good health and good resistance to infections. When they get sick, their body quickly recovers and gets better. The negative point is that they are not inclined to take care of their health, excessively wasting their vital energy. Leos do not like to be sick for a long time and lie in bed.

Working in emergency mode, sooner or later even a lion’s body fails. Vulnerable places for representatives of this sign are the heart and spine. The osteoarticular apparatus, in particular the knees, may also be “limping.” These organs must be treated with increased attention.

The Leo man is susceptible to heart ailments, rheumatism, eye and stomach diseases. If such diseases occur, do not neglect a thorough examination, treatment and prevention.

How to raise a Leo boy child

Lion cubs are quite difficult to raise, since from the cradle they strive to dominate family members. The difficulty is that the vanity of little dictators can neither be encouraged nor suppressed by force.

The carrot and stick method is not suitable for them. You need to raise a Lion Cub as gently as possible, using the power of persuasion and personal example.

From birth, such a child feels like a king, he likes it when his parents and teachers admire him. If he fails to become a leader in the class, he tends to spend more time at home. Little Leo, like no one else, needs a warm climate in the family. From an early age he needs respect and recognition. Adolescent crisis and natural ambitions can lead him into bad company, where he will try to become a leader.

At school, social and humanitarian subjects are easier for him than exact sciences. However, he tries to do well in everything so that he can be proud of his success. The creative nature of the Leo child manifests itself early. It is important for parents to notice their child’s tendencies in order to direct them in a positive direction.

Because this is love.

ABOUT , I believe - love,

Oh, I swear this is love!

The Leo man knows the value of his charm very well and therefore never wastes it. He will gladly show off in front of you and in the company of friends, and even better - in front of a large gathering, and the larger it is, the more pleasant it is for Leo. Then he will no longer be admired by one or five people, but by as many as two hundred.

Leo is not Virgo or Aquarius, who, despite the desperate attempts of fans, may remain cold to their charms.

Leo is initially aimed at romance, so there is nothing easier to catch him in your network. Love babble in the light of candles, seasoned with a solid portion of adoration, delight and flattery, and the proud king of animals turns into a domestic kitten. At the same time, he will adore you immensely, shower you with gifts and flowers, take you to theaters and social events, and write passionate letters. An encouraging start, isn't it? But every medal has a downside.

Leo is unusually jealous. If you are his, then you belong to him entirely: body and soul. He will decide for you what to wear, what hairstyle to do, what to read, who to be friends with and how to spend the day. He passionately asks you where you deigned to disappear for two whole hours, while when you left, they said that you would return in an hour and forty-five minutes. He will ask who called you and what you talked about. If, while preparing your morning coffee, you look out the window for too long or just sit, thoughtfully looking at the ceiling or floor, he will certainly ask why your thoughts are so busy that you don’t pay attention to him for five minutes. no attention. I don’t advise you to even jokingly answer what you think about someone else. He won't forgive you for this. And if this other person (who most likely has nothing to do with you) happens to be familiar to him, he may also be in trouble. So, as you see, your family life with Leo will not be strewn with only roses, and if it is, then do not forget that roses have thorns.

It is best if your relationship with him contains softness, tenderness and affection, which calm even the most violent outbursts of emotions.

With a Leo husband, you will not be able to make your own professional career. He won't allow it. And if you insist, then it is possible that, standing in front of the altar in a wedding dress, you will suddenly discover that the groom has disappeared.

The Leo husband is kind and grateful, like King Arthur (if you make him the center of your universe, of course). If you respect him the way he thinks he deserves, he will be generosity itself, not denying you the slightest whim. And if you adore him, it is likely that he will never cheat on you (being by nature too lazy to hunt for new cats when he has his own lioness at home).

With Leo you will lead a very active social life. True, in those cases when he goes to a bachelor party or simply loses a lot of money at the races or in a casino, you will have to be patient.

But all Leos have a rare feature in our time - they have golden hands. If your switch is broken or the kitchen faucet is leaking, the TV is not working or the tape recorder is wheezing, tell your Leo about it, and he will immediately rush to fix them. And what’s most interesting is that it will fix it. After some time, the switch will turn on and off again, water will flow from the tap when it is opened, an image will appear on the TV screen, and the tape recorder will sing in its usual voice. And Leo will do all this without any stress, and even with pleasure. Now do you understand what a treasure your soup is?

Leo men are very impressionable and great aesthetes, so when they get married, they will not remain indifferent to pretty faces. If you don’t make scenes of jealousy for him, try to flirt with others in revenge, and at the same time treat him with the same love and tenderness, he will never move on to another. Leo, somewhat selfish by nature and preoccupied with himself, may at some point lack tact, but, realizing that he has hurt someone, he will not pass by indifferently, but will try to “lick” the inflicted wound.

Leos have a certain illusion that they cannot overcome. Leos often marry women of lower social origin or who are simply inferior to them in some way, in the hope that the “poor daisy” will be grateful to them for this all her life. But it often turns out that these “unfortunate creatures” skillfully take away the scepter of power from the poor fellow Leo and continue to rule without him. The poor king of beasts does not feel very comfortable. For some reason, this sad story does not teach Leo anything, and they continue to be deceived by “modest flowers.”

Surprisingly, Leos often have a very small family. There are either no children at all, or one child, or Leo ran away to another family, leaving his offspring. Leos are passionate, although not very consistent parents. But they are the kind of fathers whom children love all their lives. I advise Leo wives not to pay more attention to their children than to Leo himself, otherwise he will be terribly wounded and offended.

So, as I tried to explain to you, if you agree to remain second fiddle and build (or pretend to build) your life according to the scheme that Leo drew for you, you will be loved, cherished and rewarded, and what not less important, your home will always have handles, taps, switches, sockets and everything else that is in it in perfect working order. Sounds like a good deal to me, doesn't it?

The Leo man is not always handsome, but he is always quite an interesting and impressive person. He always moves quite calmly and confidently. He is able to inspire the trust of others and respect for his own personality. He walks gracefully and always with his head held high. His posture is simply magnificent.

As for clothing, representatives of this zodiac sign give their preference to elegant things. They love expensive clothes from famous brands. He is ready to spend a considerable amount of money on his image, as he madly loves to show off the eyes of others.

These people always enjoy life and go through life with a smile. He is able to give compliments to everyone, even strangers. Such people always strive to be in the very center of events and attract the attention of others. They are used to communicating only with those people who are able to idolize them.

Naturally, such a man is strongly nourished by such energy of worship, for which he is able to bestow his family and friends not only with support and practical advice, but also with finances. He was used to having a lot of people underneath him. Such a person is very kind, has a big and pure soul, is open to others and is very sociable. You should not express a bad opinion about a representative of this sign, otherwise you may feel the claws of this predator on yourself.

As for his work, most often, Leos occupy good positions or, in every possible way, try to get to such a promising place. He must feel like a constant winner. And this applies not only to the professional sphere of activity. They simply hate monotonous and routine work, but if it is very interesting to him, he will devote himself entirely to this work. They are very efficient people.

Leo man in love and marriage

Even though such a man is quite vain and selfish by nature, he needs love no less than others. He loves romance and the sensations that wonderful communication with women can give. He chooses his own partner. The women he chooses are quite beautiful, spectacular and well able to give the impression of a real, true woman.

Leo himself is capable of being a very gallant gentleman and behaving quite tenderly. They are attentive and always give their beloved not only compliments, but also beautiful gifts. Thus, all his courtship leads Leo to his goal. But even if he loves a woman with all his heart, he will not only not allow her to control himself, but also not allow her to be his equal.

At one time, family life with Leo is both simple and quite complex. He can be a faithful, devoted and madly loving husband, but only if he receives enough attention, love, affection and warmth from his wife.

If you look at this issue from the other side, then very often, Leo considers his own wife to be nothing more than his property. He will try in every possible way to subordinate every sphere of her life to his will. He will not accept that his wife devotes herself entirely to work and career growth.

He would prefer it if she would deal only with him and their cozy nest together. He is interested in any affairs of his wife. He just hates it if she keeps things secret from him.

How to understand that he is in love

These men are accustomed to creating only royal conditions around their personality. They are not used to denying themselves something and that is why they always try to surround themselves with only luxury. If there is no luxury in his life yet, then one way or another this will happen soon.

Remember, everything that this man will do for the lady of his heart, first of all, he will do in order to satisfy his own needs.

Leo man in bed

He looks at the intimate side not only from the ordinary side and perceives it as physical contact. For him, intimacy is something big and simply delightful. Very often, representatives of this sign are passionate lovers, but at the same time, they are very afraid for their own reputation.

They are afraid that they will not be able to meet the ideal requirements of a woman. In bed, they are very technical, prefer to use something new and never skimp on giving generous compliments during intercourse.

What kind of women does a Leo man like?

Considering the fact that these men are quite confident in themselves and their abilities, they approach the choice of a partner with great responsibility. They are maximalists and that is why they strive to find the ideal woman that will meet all his requirements.

It is very important for him that his woman accepts him exactly as he is and in no way tries to change anything about him. If you really want to be with this person, you must adhere to all the rules and norms of behavior.

In order for a representative of this sign to notice you, you must be a sociable and feminine person. They love popular representatives of the fair half of humanity and those who have a large number of fans. They love to compete, as they always try to be the first and win the favor of the person they like. He loves to be appreciated, as he is a very selfish person.

What kind of women are suitable for him?

In order to gain the favor of such a man, you must follow some rules:

  • You must be flexible and try to please him in everything. The thing is that these people are vain and have the quality of a leader, therefore, such actions on your part will be noticed and appreciated.
  • You must always be prepared for the fact that he can throw out all his emotions.
  • There is no need to be monotonous. The thing is that men of this sign cannot stand constancy and they will simply very soon become bored with you.

People born in the constellation Leo are always bright personalities, possessing an extraordinary mind, strong, courageous, majestic, they are inherent from birth with special nobility and virtue, determination and fearlessness, as well as the ability to lead. This sign is ruled by the Sun, which is why Leo is so hot, passionate, proud and self-confident. He is always in the center of attention, due to the light and warmth emanating from him, others are always drawn to him. The Leo man, possessing all the above qualities, always knows his own worth, he is used to feeling like a master and leading people. At the same time, he has enormous creative potential and a rich imagination, he is always open to people, generous and magnanimous.

It is not for nothing that Leo is considered the king of beasts; he will always and everywhere consider himself to be in charge, and therefore will constantly command and control. This will affect loved ones, friends and work colleagues. A person born in the constellation Leo has frequent mood swings: sometimes he is active and mobile, moving mountains on his way, sometimes he is calm and lazy, allowing himself to rest from the hectic activity that precedes rest. They are wary of melancholy and loneliness.

Leo is the second sign of the zodiac, belonging to the element of Fire, he is brave and courageous, and if anyone encroaches on his good name, there will be no mercy, and his anger will not be stopped. True, with age, some representatives of this sign become softer, but they will never obey anyone. Leo can be distinguished from the crowd by his appearance and behavior; he is always a chic and impressive representative of the fire sign, with a royal posture and regal gait, and possessing refined manners. They prefer an abundance of bright colors in clothes, and do not accept anything gray and monotonous.

Being in society, they constantly give advice to everyone, teach them how to live and how to behave in a given situation. Having extensive life experience and a competent approach to solving certain problems to some extent justifies such moralizing behavior of a representative of this sign.

Characteristics of a Leo man

A man born in the constellation Leo is handsome and personable; he is characterized by a certain grace, which manifests itself in facial expressions and gestures. His measured nature and worldly wisdom inspire the trust and recognition of others. In society, he is always a cheerful, friendly and joyful interlocutor, who is also generous with compliments, including. He gets real pleasure from caring for those around him, helping to solve their financial problems, and supporting them in all their endeavors.

For a comfortable existence, a Leo man simply needs loyal fans, an adoring public and admiring listeners. He, in turn, pays them for their worship by giving them his inexhaustible energy.

In return for the fact that family and friends give him their sincere love and admiration, Leos touchingly care about them, take care of them and do not regret anything. If this sign did not have a kind heart, then its dominance over people would be perceived as usurpation.

Sometimes a Leo man is in a good mood, he has a playful and friendly mood, he is relaxed and lazy, it is at such moments that others may have a desire to command him, but he will never allow this, because he does not accept any control over himself . For anyone who tried to lead this royal sign, at best, everything will end in a slight fright, and at worst, he will experience the full power of the wrath of a man born in the constellation Leo.

Whatever professional field a representative of this sign chooses, he will always achieve success. Always and in everything, being first is his life credo, and he needs respect and admiration like air. The horoscope of a Leo man indicates that those born under this sign are an egoist; if something does not go as he planned, he is capable of finding fault with little things and stirring up a real scandal, but when a conflict is not in his favor, he is always able to lead reasonable arguments and peacefully turn the situation in your favor.

Despite the fact that the majority, feeling the strength and power in him, are drawn to him, he carefully selects the people included in his circle. And there are only a few of those who are especially close to his royal person. If someone dares and betrays him, he will be kicked out in disgrace, and the Leo man will never let him get close again.

Knowing how strong and fearless he is, you should not think that he has nothing to fear; the weak point of the representative of this sign is the fear of finding himself in an absurd and dubious position, which could cast a shadow on his reputation, and even worse, if it tarnishes his honor and good name .

Love in the life of a Leo man

Compatibility between Leo and Cancer is the highest, but even despite this, no matter how much a Leo man loves, not a single woman in his life will be able to lead him. It is the woman who, as long as she is in a relationship with this strong-willed and strong man, will obey him.

Leo chooses his partner for a long time and carefully, and having made his choice, he will show all his best qualities and will definitely achieve his goal, simply because he does not know how to lose. Although it is rare to meet a woman who can resist a representative of this sign, because he always gives a lot of compliments, gives luxurious gifts, is attentive, caring and romantic. As a companion, a Leo man always chooses a girl corresponding to his royal status. His partner should be beautiful, sophisticated, she should have impeccable manners and a sense of style. This is not surprising, because next to the king there should be a queen, not a maid.

A woman who has connected her life with a representative of this sign should be prepared for the fact that from now on her entire life will be subordinated to this strong and powerful man. He will decide almost everything for her. So, if she achieves great success in the professional field, then this will not matter to him. For him, his wife is, first of all, the keeper of the family hearth, an attentive housewife and a caring mother.

The choice of clothes, hobbies, social circle, all this will also be controlled by the spouse. He should always be aware of all matters and even the thoughts of his partner. Such total control allows him to completely control his loved ones, to control not only their actions, but also their thoughts.

In addition, Leos are also terribly jealous. They cannot imagine that they might have a rival; according to their concepts, this simply cannot happen. Therefore, Leo’s wife should be more attentive to her words, so that even the slightest admiration for the other man does not slip into her statements. And non-binding flirting can also anger your spouse. The feeling of jealousy of this sign is so hypertrophied that he manages to be jealous of his wife for his own children.

But Leo’s wife has no right to show jealousy, because being constantly in public, causing admiration and delight, is a natural need for a representative of this sign. Therefore, his companion should not worry; a Leo man, who receives a sufficient amount of affection, care, love and attention, will never even look in the direction of another woman.

Leo never has many children in a marriage, despite the fact that he is a great father. Grown-up children successfully achieve everything they want from their majestic father through flattery, so they often grow up spoiled.

Sexual life of a Leo man

A man born under the sign of Leo is a passionate and skillful lover. He always has a huge number of women he has conquered. Each new acquaintance evokes in him languor and anticipation that now, once again, he will prove his superiority and splendor. When communicating with him, a woman should not give empty promises and hopes; a Leo man does not like hints and omissions. And it’s even worse if she starts the game first, gets him going, and then tries to retreat without losses. In this case, it is better not to take any action at all, but simply to bypass such a partner, because he does not accept such ambiguity in a woman.

But you shouldn’t openly declare your feelings and desires either. It would be preferable for a woman to create a light veil of mystery and mystery around herself so that Leo feels like a conqueror.

In sex, Leo is most often in too much of a hurry, not paying enough attention to foreplay. His main goal is to get maximum pleasure from intimacy, without taking into account the interests of his partner. Although he subsequently expects her to give rave reviews about his sexual qualities.

The psychological portrait of a Leo man shows us a partner endowed with strength and endurance in bed. But, in this regard, he is not ready to make love around the clock; for him, once a day is enough. To give pleasure, the partner must be allowed to behave, demonstrating her humility and obedience, but at the same time she should not hide her emotions, since Leo men love it when their companion expresses pleasure from having sex.

The most important thing that a woman should know is that under no circumstances should she refuse her partner, otherwise, he can quickly find a partner for pleasure in bed.

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