Ready presentation on the theme of March 8th.

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Streams gurgle, rays blind, And the ice melts, and the heart melts. And even a stump on a spring day dreams of becoming a Birch tree again. A cheerful bumblebee sounds the spring alarm. Perky cheerful starlings scream. The starlings shout at all ends: “Spring is coming! Make way for spring!” 8march.rar

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History of March 8 The history of March 8 is the history of women's struggle for their rights. On March 8, 1857, workers from clothing and shoe factories gathered for a demonstration in New York. They demanded a 10-hour working day, dry workspaces, and equal wages to men. Women worked 16 hours a day, in contrast to men who had already achieved a 10-hour workday. Numerous trade union organizations emerged at US enterprises at that time. After March 8, 1857, another one was formed - for the first time women became its members. On March 8, women also demanded that they be given the right to vote.

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History of March 8 In 1908, on March 8, American women again demanded a ban on child labor, improved conditions in factories, and granting women the right to vote. The following year, the Socialist Party of America declared the last Sunday in February National Women's Day.

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History of March 8 In 1910, at the International Conference of Socialist Women in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin made a proposal to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8, which sounded like a call to all women in the world to join the fight for equality. Women in many countries have joined the fight against poverty, for the right to work, respect for their dignity, and for peace. In 1911, this holiday was first celebrated on March 19 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. Then more than a million men and women took part in the demonstrations. In addition to the right to vote and hold leadership positions, women sought equal production rights with men.

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History March 8 In ancient Rome there was a women's day - a holiday of free-born women. On this day, women received gifts from their husbands and were surrounded by love and attention. Female slaves also received gifts; the mistress of the house allowed the slaves to rest on this day. Dressed in the best clothes, with fragrant wreaths on their heads, Roman women came to the temple of the goddess Vesta, the guardian of the hearth.

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In 1917, women in Russia took to the streets on the last Sunday of February with slogans of “Bread and Peace.” Four days later, Emperor Nicholas II abdicated the throne, and the provisional government guaranteed women the right to vote. This historical day fell on February 23rd according to the Julian calendar, which was used in Russia at that time, and on March 8th according to the Gregorian calendar. International Women's Day on March 8 has become a public holiday since the first years of Soviet power. Since 1965, this day has become a non-working day.

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March 8th is a solemn day, the Day of joy and beauty. All over the earth He gives women His smiles and flowers.

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The March sun drives away the frosts, And to the sound of drops we carry mimosas, fluffy branches in golden peas, how fragrant, how good. Everyone comes with flowers - Adults and children, Everyone wants to give their mother a bouquet On the holiday morning, we will congratulate our mothers, We will give a sunny bouquet to each one.

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Beautiful mothers - there are many of you in the world. You look into the eyes, openly and directly. No matter how far the road takes you, we are all accompanied by beautiful mothers. We so rarely bring bouquets to mom, But everyone upsets her so often. And a kind mother forgives all this. A beautiful mother forgives all this. Under the load of worries, without bending stubbornly, She fulfills her duty patiently. Every mother is beautiful in her own way, Beautiful with her mother’s love.

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Mom mom! There is light in this word of the sun. Mom mom! There is no better word in the world. Mom mom! Who is dearer than her? Mom mom! She has spring in her eyes. Mom mom! Who is dearer than her? Mom mom! She has spring in her eyes. Mom mom! The kindest on earth. Mom mom! Gives fairy tales, gives laughter. Mom mom! Sometimes it makes us sad, Mom, Mom! He will regret and forgive. Mom mom! Sometimes it makes us sad, Mom, Mom! He will regret and forgive.

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Sincere care, skillful hand. And Grandma’s work always goes well. I love my grandma! And on Women's Day I will congratulate her and kiss her two cheeks warmly.

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It’s okay that you have a gray head and a whole century behind you, For us you are always young, Dear, beloved person. Stay with us longer, dear, As little pain as possible! Regardless of your age, do not grow old in soul or heart!

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The eighth of March is a spring day, And let's tell the truth: on this day, we women are not too lazy to bring an armful of tender congratulations. Today you are more tender and beautiful, we give you the best flowers. Tatiana, Lena and Natasha, Any is an angel of beauty!

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On this day, warmed in spring, All the flowers smile on you! So that you don’t know sadness, Even a shadow of light sadness, So that your eyes always shine, And not only on this day! iso\8mart-3.exe

Contents History of the holiday of 8th of Mate. The history of the holiday of 8th Mat. International Women's Day March 8th. International Women's Day March 8th. What to give on March 8th. What to give on March 8th. Mimosas, roses and tulips. Mimosas, roses and tulips. March 8 in different countries of the world. March 8 in different countries of the world. Collection of pictures. Collection of pictures. My wish to all women on March 8th. My wish to all women on March 8th.

History of the holiday March 8 History is ready to provide many examples of not-so-great humanity. In the 19th century, it was already possible to talk about some shifts in the field of racial oppression, the class structure of society and other unpleasant things. But just as no one listened to women in the Middle Ages, they were not listened to in the mid-19th century. Low wages, restrictions on professional activity and career growth. They could not hold leadership positions or participate in the political life of the country. This is not a woman’s job and that’s all. But they were quite capable of sewing in a dimly lit room. History is ready to provide many examples of not-so-great humanity. In the 19th century, it was already possible to talk about some shifts in the field of racial oppression, the class structure of society and other unpleasant things. But just as no one listened to women in the Middle Ages, they were not listened to in the mid-19th century. Low wages, restrictions on professional activity and career growth. They could not hold leadership positions or participate in the political life of the country. This is not a woman’s job and that’s all. But they were quite capable of sewing in a dimly lit room.

International Women's Day March 8 Women's Day first appeared in ancient Rome. It was dedicated to matrons, i.e. free-born married women. On this day, loving husbands presented gifts with special trepidation and surrounded them with affection and love. However, even slaves who were released from work by their mistress were allowed to celebrate. Roman women took to the streets in their best outfits and headed to the temple of the keeper of the hearth - the goddess Vesta. Women's Day first appeared in ancient Rome. It was dedicated to matrons, i.e. free-born married women. On this day, loving husbands presented gifts with special trepidation and surrounded them with affection and love. However, even slaves who were released from work by their mistress were allowed to celebrate. Roman women took to the streets in their best outfits and headed to the temple of the keeper of the hearth - the goddess Vesta.

What to give for March 8 It's almost March 8, but the gifts haven't been bought yet. But you need to choose gifts for your mother, loving wife, grandparents, sister, work colleagues, and so on. Here, each person needs a special approach. It's almost March 8th, but the gifts haven't been bought yet. But you need to choose gifts for your mother, loving wife, grandparents, sister, work colleagues, and so on. Here, each person needs a special approach.

Mimosas, roses and tulips These are the flowers our beloved women receive most often in the coming spring. There is very little left before the holiday, but we can already speak with sufficient confidence about the trends of this year. The Moscow region gives preference to simplicity and unobtrusiveness. On March 8, you should buy an armful of wildflowers. Florists do not recommend mixing different types; it is better to collect several dozen daisies or daisies. It is worth noting that tulips again turned out to be above fashion. The flight altitude is not high enough to sway under the blows of the florists. It is these flowers that our beloved women receive most often in the coming spring. There is very little left before the holiday, but we can already speak with sufficient confidence about the trends of this year. The Moscow region gives preference to simplicity and unobtrusiveness. On March 8, you should buy an armful of wildflowers. Florists do not recommend mixing different types; it is better to collect several dozen daisies or daisies. It is worth noting that tulips again turned out to be above fashion. The flight altitude is not high enough to sway under the blows of the florists.

March 8 in different countries of the world In Germany, International Women's Day is an ordinary labor day, despite its socialist roots. Germany has never been famous for its special zeal to celebrate the March festival. When citizens of the Eastern part took to the streets with banners and serious slogans, West Germans went to work. The peak of glory on March 8 was the years of the reunification of the two states, but the lack of enthusiasm among Westerners gradually discouraged those in the East. In Germany, International Women's Day is a regular labor day, despite its socialist roots. Germany has never been famous for its special zeal to celebrate the March festival. When citizens of the Eastern part took to the streets with banners and serious slogans, West Germans went to work. The peak of glory on March 8 was the years of the reunification of the two states, but the lack of enthusiasm among Westerners gradually discouraged those in the East.

March 8 is a day dedicated to the fight for women's rights. After all, it was on this day in 1857 that a demonstration of women workers in shoe and clothing factories was organized in New York City. As slogans, women put forward demands such as a 10-hour working day, workspaces with good lighting, and a salary no lower than what men receive.

Women's work was not valued at all - they paid pennies for it, while they had to work 16 hours a day. Long performances yielded results, and the women finally received a 10-hour working day. However, this was not the only achievement - unions were created in many enterprises in the United States. On March 8, 1857, hundreds of women took to the streets of New York City to achieve great results, also demanding the right to vote.

In 1910, at the International Conference of Socialist Women in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin made a proposal to celebrate International Women's Day. This proposal sounded like a call to fight. And this fight for equality had to begin all over the world. This call was supported by women in many countries who began to fight against poverty, as well as for their own right to work and respect for their own dignity.

And exactly a year later, on March 19, 1911, International Women's Day was celebrated in Austria, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland, when not only millions of women, but also millions of men came out to demonstrate in their cities. Now, in addition to the right to vote and hold leadership positions, women demanded the same production rights as the male half of the population.

The next International Women's Day was celebrated on May 12, 1912. In Russia, this day was first celebrated only in 1913 in St. Petersburg. In order for the celebration to be allowed, a petition was sent to the mayor of the city, which announced the holding of “... a scientific morning on women's issues.” Permission was received and on March 2, 1913, about one and a half thousand people gathered on Poltavskaya Street in the building of the Kalashnikov Bread Exchange. The agenda included scientific readings dealing with the following issues: women and the right to vote; state provision of maternity; high cost of living. In 1914, International Women's Day was celebrated on approximately the same day in many countries. This time women protested against the war and called for peace.

The year 1917 in Russia was decorated with the slogans “Bread and Peace” - this event occurred a few days before Emperor Nicholas II abdicated the throne. The organized provisional government promised women the right to vote. This happened at the end of February, or more precisely, February 23 according to the Julian calendar, March 8 according to the Gregorian calendar.

The Soviet government declared March 8 a public holiday, which became a day off in 1965. On this day, the state performed an annual ritual, reporting to society at ceremonial events on the implementation of state policy towards women in real life. But time gradually erased the political overtones from International Women's Day.

In this country, March 8 is not a day off. Here, as in Poland, this holiday has socialist roots. And before, while Germans from East Germany congratulated women, in Western Germany they had never even heard of such a holiday. After the reunification of the two Germanys, March 8 gained some popularity in the country. But it never became a tradition for Western Germans to widely celebrate this day, while Eastern Germans have forgotten it a little. And despite the fact that the media mentions March 8th as International Women’s Day, women are celebrated in Germany on Mother’s Day, which is celebrated in May. On this day, women mothers are freed from all household chores.

In this country, it has been customary to congratulate women for two thousand years. Only earlier this holiday was called Trung Sisters Memorial Day. These were brave girls who led the liberation war of the Vietnamese people against Chinese aggression. When their army was surrounded, the girls threw themselves into the river so as not to surrender. After the victory of socialism in Vietnam, the Day of Remembrance of the Trung sisters smoothly transitioned to March 8th.

March 8 is not widely celebrated in France. Although it is referred to in the media as International Women's Day. Only communists and other leftists celebrate this holiday. The French honor women in May, on Mother's Day. Interestingly, this holiday has nothing to do with young girls. They are congratulated on Valentine's Day.

The Italians are perhaps the few Europeans who were not part of the former socialist camp, but treat March 8th in the same way as the Russians. True, they don’t have a day off on this day. It is interesting that Italian women and men do not celebrate March 8th. They gather in groups of women and go to a restaurant or cafe. In the evening, bars with male striptease open all over Rome, entry to which is free for women.

The holiday of March 8th passes very unnoticed for the Chinese. Unless the old revolutionaries receive official congratulations. In addition, it is not customary here to give cut flowers to anyone, so only foreigners, and mainly Russians, buy bouquets on the eve of this day in Beijing. At this time, you can already buy roses, daffodils and some other flowers.

Turkmenistan is characterized by the dominance of family values; accordingly, the role of women is traditionally great and revered. The holiday of March 8 is celebrated in Turkmenistan after some break. It was abolished by the first President of Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov, in 2001. Under him, the women's holiday was celebrated on Novruz Bayram in March and was called the National Holiday of Spring and Women of Turkmenistan. However, in January 2008, the President of the Republic Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed a law amending the Labor Code and returned International Women's Day to March 8.

In Bulgaria, the holiday of March 8 has not yet become national. This is a normal working day. So men have a reason to congratulate not only their wives, but also their female colleagues at work. Usually at work, after lunch, feasts are arranged, or colleagues as a whole team go to a restaurant or cafe. Recently, some women in Bulgaria have somewhat cooled down their attitude towards the holiday. It is often noticed that women, unlike men, congratulate each other on this day with great enthusiasm.

March 8 is Women's Day! One of the days of the year, When you bring warmth to all smiles, When flowers bloom in the soul! And in this bright hour, as before, May Hope, Faith and Love accompany you again! On spring days, we would like to take away all adversities from you, and present a cup of sunny mood to dear women.

Grandmothers, mothers, girls, Women of our country, I would like to congratulate you all, Happy First Spring Day! For a whole year you were in worries, You couldn’t even straighten your backs, But today stop working, It’s high time for you to rest. We men adore you, for your love, beauty and work. And let me free your gentle hands from their fetters today. We will put on the housewife's robe and take care of the children. We will give you flowers and gifts and bake a cake for your holiday!