Graphic elements of electrical circuits GOST 2.755 84. Conventional graphic symbols in electrical circuits

State standard of the USSR GOST 2.755-87
"Unified system of design documentation. Conventional graphic designations in electrical diagrams. Switching devices and contact connections"
(approved by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated October 27, 1987 N 4033)

Unified system for design documentation. Graphic designs in electric diagrams. Commutational devices and contact connections

Instead of GOST 2.738-68
(except for subparagraph 7 of table 1)
and GOST 2.755-74

This standard applies to manual or automated diagrams of products from all industries and construction, and establishes graphic symbols for switching devices, contacts and their elements.

This standard does not establish conventional graphic symbols on railway signaling, centralization and interlocking diagrams.

Conventional graphic symbols of mechanical connections, drives and devices - according to GOST 2.721-74.

Conventional graphic designations of the receiving parts of electromechanical devices - according to GOST 2.756-76.

The dimensions of individual graphic symbols and the ratio of their elements are given in the Appendix.

1. General rules for constructing contact designations.

1.1. Switching devices on the diagrams should be shown in the position taken as the initial one, in which the starting contact system is de-energized.

1.2. Contacts of switching devices consist of moving and fixed contact parts.

1.3. To depict the main (basic) functional features of switching devices, conventional graphic designations of contacts are used, which can be done in a mirror image:

1.4. To explain the principle of operation of switching devices, if necessary, the qualifying symbols shown in Table 1 are displayed on their contact parts. 1.

Table 1

Note. The designations given in paragraphs. 1 - 4, 7 - 9 of this table are placed on fixed contact parts, and the designations in paragraphs. 5 and 6 - movable contact parts.

2. Examples of constructing contact designations for switching devices are given in Table. 2.

table 2

3. Examples of constructing contact designations for two-position switching devices are given in Table. 3.

Table 3

4. Examples of constructing designations for multi-position switching devices are given in Table. 4.

Table 4

5. Designations of contact connections are given in table. 5.

Table 5

6. Examples of constructing designations for contact connections are given in table. 6.

Table 6

7. Designations of finder elements are given in table. 7.

GOST 2.755-87

UDC 744:621.3:003.62:006.354 Group T52


Unified system of design documentation



Unified system for design documentation. Graphic designs in electric diagrams.

Commutational devices and contact connections

Date of introduction 01/01/88


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards


P.A. Shalaev, S.S. Borushek, S.L. Thaler, Yu.N. Achkasov

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated October 27, 1987 No. 4033

3. The standard fully complies with ST SEV 5720-86

4. INSTEAD OF GOST 2.738-68 (except for subparagraph 7 of Table 1) and GOST 2.755-74


6. REPUBLICATION. October 2000

This standard applies to manual or automated diagrams of products from all branches of industry and construction and establishes conventional graphic symbols for switching devices, contacts and their elements.

This standard does not establish conventional graphic symbols on railway signaling, centralization and interlocking diagrams.

Conventional graphic symbols of mechanical connections, drives and devices - according to GOST 2.721.

Conventional graphic designations of the receiving parts of electromechanical devices - according to GOST 2.756.

The dimensions of individual graphic symbols and the ratio of their elements are given in the Appendix.

1. General rules for constructing contact designations.

1.1. Switching devices on the diagrams should be shown in the position taken as the initial one, in which the starting contact system is de-energized.

1.2. Contacts of switching devices consist of moving and fixed contact parts.

1.3. To depict the main (basic) functional features of switching devices, conventional graphic designations of contacts are used, which can be done in a mirror image:

1.4. To explain the principle of operation of switching devices, if necessary, the qualifying symbols shown in Table 1 are displayed on their contact parts. 1.

Table 1



1. Contactor function

2. Switch function

3.Disconnector function

4. Switch-disconnector function

5. Automatic triggering

6. Travel or limit switch function

7. Self-return

8. No self-return

9. Arc suppression

Note. The designations given in paragraphs. 1-4, 7-9 of this table are placed on fixed contact parts, and the designations in paragraphs. 5 and 6 - on moving contact parts.

2. Examples of constructing contact designations for switching devices are given in Table. 2.

table 2



1. Switching device contact:

1) switching without breaking the circuit (bridge)

2) with double circuit

3) with double opening

2. Pulse closing contact:

1) when triggered

2) upon return

3. Pulse normally open contact:

1) when triggered

2) upon return

3) when triggered and returned

4. A contact in a contact group that fires earlier in relation to other contacts in the group:

1) closing

2) opening

5. A contact in a contact group that triggers later in relation to other contacts in the group:

1) closing

2) opening

6. Contact without self-return:

1) closing

2) opening

7. Self-return contact:

1) closing

2) opening

8. Switching contact with a neutral central position, with self-return from the left position and without return from the right position

9. Contactor contact:

1) closing

2) opening

3) closing arc extinguishing

4) breaking arc extinguishing

5) closing with automatic operation


Unified system of design documentation



GOST 2.755-87
(CT SEV 5720-86)


Moscow 1998


Unified system of design documentation



Unified system for design documentation.

Graphic designs in diagrams.

Commutational devices and contact connections


(CT SEV 5720-86)

Date of introduction 01.01.88

This standard applies to manual or automated diagrams of products from all branches of industry and construction and establishes conventional graphic symbols for switching devices, contacts and their elements. This standard does not establish conventional graphic symbols on railway signaling, centralization and interlocking diagrams. Conventional graphic symbols of mechanical connections, drives and devices - according to GOST 2.721. Conventional graphic designations of the receiving parts of electromechanical devices - according to GOST 2.756. The dimensions of individual graphic symbols and the ratio of their elements are given in the Appendix. 1. General rules for constructing contact designations. 1.1. Switching devices on the diagrams should be shown in the position taken as the initial one, in which the starting contact system is de-energized. 1.2. Contacts of switching devices consist of moving and fixed contact parts. 1.3. To depict the main (basic) functional features of switching devices, conventional graphic designations of contacts are used, which can be made in a mirror image: 1) making contacts 2) breaking contacts 3) switching contacts 4) switching contacts with a neutral central position 1.4. To explain the principle of operation of switching devices, if necessary, the qualifying symbols shown in Table 1 are displayed on their contact parts. 1.

Table 1



1. Contactor function
2. Switch function
3.Disconnector function
4. Switch-disconnector function
5. Automatic triggering
6. Travel or limit switch function
7. Self-return
8. No self-return
9. Arc suppression
Note. The designations given in paragraphs. 1 - 4, 7 - 9 of this table are placed on fixed contact parts, and the designations in paragraphs. 5 and 6 - on moving contact parts.
2. Examples of constructing contact designations for switching devices are given in Table. 2.

table 2



1. Switching device contact:
1) switching without breaking the circuit (bridge)
2) with double circuit
3) with double opening
2. Pulse closing contact:
1) when triggered
2) upon return
3. Pulse normally open contact:
1) when triggered
2) upon return
3) when triggered and returned
4. A contact in a contact group that fires earlier in relation to other contacts in the group:
1) closing
2) opening
5. A contact in a contact group that triggers later in relation to other contacts in the group:
1) closing
2) opening
6. Contact without self-return:
1) closing
2) opening
7. Self-return contact:
1) closing
2) opening
8. Switching contact with a neutral central position, with self-return from the left position and without return from the right position
9. Contactor contact:
1) closing
2) opening
3) closing arc extinguishing
4) breaking arc extinguishing
5) closing with automatic operation
10. Switch contact
11. Disconnector contact
12. Switch-disconnector contact
13. Limit switch contact:
1) closing
2) opening
14. Temperature sensitive contact (thermal contact):
1) closing
2) opening
15. Normally closed contact with delay operating:
1) when triggered

2) upon return

3) when triggered and returned

16. Normally closed contact with delay operating:
1) when triggered

2) upon return

3) when triggered and returned

Note to paragraphs. 15 and 16. Deceleration occurs when moving in the direction from the arc to its center.
3. Examples of constructing contact designations for two-position switching devices are given in Table. 3.

Table 3



1. Switch closing contact:
1) single pole

Single line


2) three-pole

2. Closing contact of a three-pole switch with automatic operation of the maximum current

3. Closing contact of a push-button switch without self-return, with opening and return of the control element:
1) automatically
2) by pressing the button a second time
3) by pulling the button
4) via a separate drive (example of pressing a reset button)
4. Three-pole disconnector
5. Three-pole switch-disconnector
6. Manual switch

7. Electromagnetic switch (relay)

8. Limit switch with two separate circuits
9. Thermal self-regulating switch Note. A distinction should be made in the representation of the contact and the thermal relay contact, depicted as follows
10. Inertia switch
11. Three-point mercury switch
4. Examples of constructing designations for multi-position switching devices are given in Table. 4.

Table 4



1. Single-pole multi-position switch (six-position example)

Note. Switch positions in which there are no switched circuits, or positions connected to each other, are indicated by short strokes (an example of a six-position switch that does not switch an electrical circuit in the first position and switches the same circuit in the fourth and sixth positions)

2. Single pole, six position transfer switch

3. Single-pole, multi-position switch with a moving contact that closes three adjacent circuits in each position

4. Single-pole, multi-position switch with a moving contact that closes three circuits, excluding one intermediate

5. Single-pole, multi-position switch with a moving contact, which in each subsequent position connects a parallel circuit to the circuits closed in the previous position

6. Single-pole, six-position switch with a moving contact that does not open the circuit when moving from the third to the fourth position

7. Two-pole, four-position switch

8. A two-pole, six-position switch in which the third contact of the upper pole operates earlier, and the fifth contact later, than the corresponding contacts of the lower pole.

9. Multi-position switch of independent circuits (example of six circuits)
Notes to paragraphs. 19:
1. If it is necessary to indicate the limitation of movement of the switch drive, use a position diagram, for example:
1) the drive ensures the transition of the moving contact of the switch from position 1 to position 4 and back

2) the drive ensures the transition of the moving contact from position 1 to position 4 and then to position 1; reverse movement is only possible from position 3 to position 1

2. The position diagram is connected to the moving contact of the switch by a mechanical connection line

10. A switch with complex switching is depicted in the diagram in one of the following ways: 1) general designation (an example of the designation of an eighteen-position rotary switch with six terminals, designated A to F)

2) designation according to design

11. Switch two-pole, three-position with neutral position
12. Two-pole, three-position switch with self-return to neutral position
5. Designations of contact connections are given in table. 5.

Table 5



1. Pin connection contact:
1) detachable connection:
- pin

- nest

2) collapsible connection

3) permanent connection

2. Sliding contact:
1) along a linear conductive surface
2) along several linear conductive surfaces
3) along an annular conductive surface
4) along several annular conductive surfaces Note. When making diagrams using a computer, it is allowed to use shading instead of blackening
6. Examples of constructing designations for contact connections are given in table. 6.

Table 6



1. Detachable contact connection

2. Four-wire detachable contact connection

3. Four-wire connector pin

4. Four-wire connector socket

Note. In paragraphs 2 - 4 digits inside rectangles indicate contact numbers
5. Detachable coaxial contact connection

6. Contact jumpers
Note. Type of connection, see table. 5, paragraph 1.
7. Terminal block Note: To indicate the types of contact connections, the following designations may be used:

1) pads with removable contacts
2) pads with detachable and non-separable contacts
8. Switching jumper:
1) to open

2) with the pin removed
3) with the socket removed
4) to switch
9. Connection with protective contact

7. Designations of finder elements are given in table. 7.

Table 7



1. Finder brush with circuit breaker when switching

2. Finder brush without breaking the circuit when switching

3. Finder field contact (output)

4. Group of contacts (outputs) of the finder field

5. Contact finder field

6. Finder field contact with initial position Note. The initial position designation is used if necessary
7. Contact finder field with images of contacts (outputs)

8. Finder field showing groups of contacts (outputs)

8. Examples of constructing searcher notations are given in Table. 8.

Table 8



1. One-move finder without brushes returning to their original position
2. One-motion finder with brushes returning to their original position.
Note. When using a finder in a four-wire path, the designation of a finder with the brushes returning to their original position is used

GOST 2.755-87 UDC 744:621.3:003.62:006.354 Group T52 INTERSTATE STANDARD Unified system of design documentation GRAPHIC SYMBOLS IN ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS OF DEVICES SWITCHING AND CONTACT CONNECTIONS Unified system for design documentation. Graphic designs in electric diagrams. Commutational devices and contact connections Date of introduction 01/01/88 INFORMATION DATA 1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards DEVELOPERS P.A. Shalaev, S.S. Borushek, S.L. Thaler, Yu.N. Achkasov 2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated October 27, 1987 No. 4033 3. The standard fully complies with ST SEV 5720-86 4. INSTEAD GOST 2.738-68 (except for subparagraph 7 of Table 1) and GOST 2.755-74 5. REFERENCED REGULATIVE AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS Designation of the normative and technical document to which the reference is given Clause numberGOST 2.721-74Introductory partGOST 2.756-76Introductory part 6. REISSUE. October 2000 This standard applies to manual or automated diagrams of products from all industries and construction and establishes graphic symbols for switching devices, contacts and their elements. This standard does not establish conventional graphic symbols on railway signaling, centralization and interlocking diagrams. Conventional graphic symbols of mechanical connections, drives and devices - according to GOST 2.721. Conventional graphic designations of the receiving parts of electromechanical devices - according to GOST 2.756. The dimensions of individual graphic symbols and the ratio of their elements are given in the Appendix. 1. General rules for constructing contact designations. 1.1. Switching devices on the diagrams should be shown in the position taken as the initial one, in which the starting contact system is de-energized. 1.2. Contacts of switching devices consist of moving and fixed contact parts. 1.3. To depict the main (basic) functional features of switching devices, conventional graphic designations of contacts are used, which can be made in a mirror image: 1) making contacts 2) breaking contacts 3) switching contacts 4) switching contacts with a neutral central position 1.4. To explain the principle of operation of switching devices, if necessary, the qualifying symbols shown in Table 1 are displayed on their contact parts. 1. Table 1 Name Designation 1. Contactor function2. Switch function3. Disconnector function4. Function of switch-disconnector5. Automatic operation6. Function of travel or limit switch7. Self return8. No self-return9. Arc suppression Note: The designations given in paragraphs. 1-4, 7-9 of this table are placed on fixed contact parts, and the designations in paragraphs. 5 and 6 - on moving contact parts. 2. Examples of constructing contact designations for switching devices are given in Table. 2. Table 2 Name Designation 1. Contact of the switching device: 1) switching without breaking the circuit (bridge) 2) with double circuit 3) with double circuit 2. Pulse closing contact: 1) when triggered 2) when returned 3) when triggered and returned 3. Pulse opening contact: 1) when triggered 2) when returned 3) when triggered and returned 4. A contact in a contact group that operates earlier in relation to other contacts in the group: 1) normally open 2) normally closed 5. A contact in a contact group that operates later in relation to other contacts in the group: 1) normally open 2) normally closed 6. Non-self-resetting contact: 1) normally open 2) normally closed 7. Self-resetting contact: 1) normally open 2) normally closed 8. Switching contact with a neutral central position, with self-return from the left position and without return from the right position9. Contactor contact: 1) making 2) opening 3) making arc extinguishing 4) opening arc extinguishing 5) closing with automatic operation 10. Switch contact 11. Disconnector contact 12. Switch-disconnector contact 13. Limit switch contact: 1) making 2) opening 14. Temperature-sensitive contact (thermal contact): 1) normally open 2) normally closed 15. Normally closed contact with a delay that operates: 1) when triggered 2) when returned 3) when triggered and returned 16. Opening contact with a delay that operates: 1) when triggered 2) when returned 3) when triggered and returned Note to paragraphs. 15 and 16. Deceleration occurs when moving in the direction from the arc to its center. 3. Examples of constructing contact designations for two-position switching devices are given in Table. 3. Table 3 Name Designation 1. Closing contact of the switch: 1) single-pole Single-line Multi-line 2) three-pole 2. Closing contact of a three-pole switch with automatic operation of the maximum current3. Closing contact of a push-button switch without self-return, with opening and return of the control element: 1) automatically 2) by pressing the button a second time 3) by pulling the button 4) by means of a separate drive (an example of pressing a reset button) 4. Three-pole disconnector5. Three-pole switch-disconnector6. Manual switch7. Electromagnetic switch (relay)8. Limit switch with two separate circuits9. Thermal self-regulating switch Note. A distinction should be made in the image of the contact and the thermal relay contact, depicted as follows 10. Inertia switch11. Three-point mercury switch 4. Examples of constructing designations for multi-position switching devices are given in Table. 4. Table 4 Name Designation 1. Single-pole multi-position switch (six-position example) Note. Switch positions in which there are no switched circuits, or positions connected to each other, are indicated by short strokes (an example of a six-position switch that does not switch an electrical circuit in the first position and switches the same circuit in the fourth and sixth positions)2. Single pole, six position transfer switch3. The switch is single-pole, multi-position with a moving contact that closes three adjacent circuits in each position4. The switch is single-pole, multi-position with a moving contact that closes three circuits, excluding one intermediate circuit5. The switch is single-pole, multi-position with a moving contact, which in each subsequent position connects a parallel circuit to the circuits closed in the previous position6. The switch is single-pole, six-position with a moving contact that does not open the circuit when it moves from the third to the fourth position7. The switch is two-pole, four-position8. The switch is a two-pole, six-position switch in which the third contact of the upper pole operates earlier and the fifth contact later than the corresponding contacts of the lower pole9. Multi-position switch of independent circuits (example of six circuits) Notes to paragraphs. 1-9:1. If it is necessary to indicate the limitation of the movement of the switch drive, a position diagram is used, for example: 1) the drive ensures the transition of the moving contact of the switch from position 1 to position 4 and back 2) the drive ensures the transition of the moving contact from position 1 to position 4 and then to position 1; reverse movement is only possible from position 3 to position 12. The position diagram is connected to the moving contact of the switch by a mechanical connection line10. A switch with complex switching is depicted on the diagram in one of the following ways: 1) a general designation (an example of the designation of an eighteen-position rotary switch with six terminals, designated A to F) 2) a designation compiled according to the design11. The switch is two-pole, three-position with neutral position12. The switch is two-pole, three-position with self-return to the neutral position 5. The designations of the contacts of the contact connections are given in table. 5. Table 5 Name Designation 1. Contact of contact connection: 1) detachable connection: - pin - socket 2) dismountable connection 3) permanent connection 2. Sliding contact:1) along a linear conductive surface2) along several linear conductive surfaces3) along an annular conductive surface4) along several annular conductive surfaces Note. When making diagrams using a computer, it is allowed to use shading instead of blackening 6. Examples of constructing designations for contact connections are given in Table. 6. Table 6 Name Designation 1. Detachable contact connection2. Four-wire detachable contact connection3. Four-wire connector pin4. Four-wire connector socketNote: In paragraphs 2-4 digits inside the rectangles indicate the contact numbers5. Detachable coaxial contact connection6. Contact jumpers Note. Type of connection, see table. 5, paragraph 1.7. Terminal block Note: To indicate the types of contact connections, the following designations may be used: 1) blocks with removable contacts 2) blocks with removable and non-separable contacts8. Switching jumper: 1) for opening 2) with the pin removed 3) with the socket removed 4) for switching 9. Connection with protective contact 7. Designations of finder elements are given in table. 7. Table 7 Name Designation 1. Finder brush with circuit breaker when switching2. Finder brush without breaking the circuit when switching3. Finder field contact (output)4. Group of contacts (outputs) of the finder field5. Finder field contact6. Finder field contact with initial position Note. The designation of the initial position is used if necessary7. The finder field is contact with the image of contacts (outputs)8. Finder field with images of groups of contacts (outputs) 8. Examples of constructing finder designations are given in Table. 8. Table 8 Name Designation 1. Finder with one movement without returning the brushes to their original position2. One-motion finder with brushes returning to their original position. Note. When using a finder in a four-wire path, the designation of a finder with the brushes returning to their original position is used3. Finder with two movements with brushes returning to their original position4. Relay finder5. Motorized finder with return to initial position6. Motorized finder with two movements, driven by a common motor7. Finder with an image of contacts (outputs) with one movement without returning the brushes to their original position: 1) with opening the circuit when switching 2) without opening the circuit when switching 8. Finder with an image of contacts (outputs) with one movement with the return of the brushes to their original position: 1) with opening of the circuit when switching 2) without opening of the circuit when switching 9. Finder with images of groups of contacts (outputs) (an example of a finder with the brushes returning to their original position)10. Step finder indicating the number of steps of forced and free search (example 10 steps of forced and 20 steps of free search)11. Finder with two movements with return to the starting position and indicating the decades and connection to a specific (sixth) decade12. Finder with two movements, with return to the starting position and multiple connection of contact fields with several finders (example, two) Note. If it becomes necessary to indicate that the finder is installed in the desired position using the marking potential applied to the corresponding contact of the contact field, the designation should be used (example, position 7) 9. Designations of multiple coordinate connectors are given in table. 9. Table 9 Name Designation 1. Multiple coordinate connector. General designation2. Multiple coordinate connector in a four-wire path3. Vertical of multiple coordinate connector Note: The numbering order of outputs can be changed4. Vertical multiple coordinate connector with m outputs5. Multiple coordinate connector with n verticals and m outputs in each vertical Note. A simplified designation is allowed: n - the number of verticals, m - the number of outputs in each vertical. APPENDIX Reference Dimensions (in the modular grid) of the main graphic symbols are given in table. 10. Table 10 Name Designation 1. Contact of the switching device1) making2) opening3) switching2. Pulse closing contact when triggered and returned3. The switch is a two-pole, six-position switch in which the third contact of the upper pole operates earlier, and the fifth contact later, than the corresponding contacts of the lower pole4. Finder with two movements with return to the starting position and multiple connection of contact fields with several finders, for example two

UDC 744: 621.3: 003.62: 006.354 Group T52


Uniform* * system of design documentation CONVENTIONAL GRAPHIC NOTATIONS IN DIAGRAMS.


Unified system for design documentation. Graphical design in schemes. Switchgear devices and contact connections

Crap. 1 Damn. 2 Damn. 3

5. Designations of contacts of switching devices are given in table. 1.

Note. The options given in paragraphs. 16 and c apply to all relevant graphic symbols of this standard.

switching without breaking

d 1) switching with middle position

Continuation of the table. /



b) upon return

4. A contact in a contact group that fires earlier in relation to other contacts in the group:

a) closing

b) opening

5. A contact in a contact group that triggers later in relation to other contacts in the group:

a) closing

b) opening

6. Normal contact with a retarder operating:

a) when triggered

b) upon return

c) when triggered and returned

7. Opening contact with a retarder operating:

a) when triggered

b) upon return

Continuation of the table. 1



c) when triggered and returned

Notes to paragraphs. 6 and 7:

1. Deceleration occurs when moving in the direction from the arc to its center.

2. The retarder designation may be depicted on the opposite side of the moving contact designation, for example

8. Contact without self-return:

a) closing

b) opening

9. Self-return contact:

a) closing

11. Disconnector contact

12. Switch-disconnector contact

13. Contact with automatic return when overload

14. Contact with mechanical connection. General designation:

a) closing

b) opening

Continuation of the table. 1

b. Examples of constructing designations for two-position switching devices are given in Table. 2.

table 2



1. Switch:

a] single-pole

single-line multi-line

b) multi-pole, for example, three-pole

2. Three-pole switch with two make and one break contacts

3. Double-pole switch, closing one circuit before opening the other

4. Three-pole switch with automatic return

Note. If it is necessary to indicate the value upon change of which the return occurs, use the following signs:

a) maximum current

b) minimum current

c) reverse current

d) maximum voltage

e) minimum voltage

e) maximum temperature

Continuation of the table. 2


b) with break contact

12. Pull push-button switch:

a) with normally open contact

b) with break contact

13. Rotary push-button switch:

a) with normally open contact

b) with break contact

Note to paragraphs. 11-13. The above designations assume that push-button switches are self-resetting

Continuation of the table. 2



14. Push-button switch without self-reset:

a) push with return by pulling the button

b) push-button with return by pressing the button again

c) push-type with return via a separate drive, for example, by pressing a special button (reset)

7. Examples of constructing designations for multi-position switching devices are given in Table. 3.

Table 3



I. Single-pole multi-position switch, for example, 6-position. General designation

Note. Switch positions in which there are no switched circuits, or positions that are connected to each other, are indicated by short strokes, for example, a 6-position switch that does not switch an electrical circuit in the first position and switches the same circuit in the fourth and sixth positions

2. Single-pole, 6-position switch with continuous switching

3. Single-pole, multi-position switch with a moving contact that closes three adjacent circuits in each position

4. Single-pole, multi-position switch with a moving contact that closes three circuits, excluding one intermediate

5. Single-pole, multi-position switch with a moving contact, which in each subsequent position connects a parallel circuit to the circuits closed in the previous position

6. Single-pole, 6-position switch with a moving contact that does not open the circuit when moving from the third to the fourth position



7. Double-pole switch, 4 position

8. The switch is a double-pole, 6-position switch in which the third contact of the upper pole operates earlier and the fifth contact later than the corresponding contacts of the lower pole

9. Multi-position switch of independent circuits, for example, six circuits

Notes to paragraphs. I -9:

1. If it is necessary to indicate the limitation of movement of the switch drive, use a position diagram, for example:

a) the drive ensures the transition of the moving contact of the switch from position one to position four and back


b) the drive ensures the transition of the moving contact from position one to position four and then to position one; reverse movement is only possible from position three to position one

2. The position diagram is connected to the moving contact of the switch by a mechanical connection line

10. Switches with complex switching are depicted in the diagram in one of the following ways:

first method The switch is depicted as the following symbol, and a contact closure table is placed on the diagram field

second way

third way

The dot indicates the closing position of the corresponding contact




11. Switch 2-pole, 3-position with neutral position

Note to paragraphs. 1-11. In the above notations it is assumed that the switching devices do not have self-reset

12. Two-pole, 3-position switch with self-return to neutral position

pp. 3-7 (Changed edition - “Informative Index of Standards” No. 3 1978).

8. Examples of constructing relay designations are given in table. 4.

Table 4


1. Electrical relay with make, break and switch contacts

2. An electrical relay with make contacts, one of which operates before the others

Note to paragraphs. 1, 2. In the given designations it is assumed that the relay contacts are self-resetting


3. Polarized relay:

a) for one direction of current in a self-resetting winding

b) for one direction of current in the winding without self-return

c) to both directions of current in a winding with a neutral position

Note. The contact marked with a dot closes when a DC voltage is applied, the positive terminal of which is applied to the terminal marked with a dot.

4. Electrothermal relay without self-reset, with return by pressing a button

9. Designations of contact connections are given in table. 5.

6) collapsible connection

c) permanent connection

2. Sliding contact:

a) along a linear conductive surface

b) along several linear conductive surfaces

c) along a ring conductive surface

d) along several annular conductive surfaces

Note. The ratio of the lengths of conductive and insulated sections, as well as their number, is determined by the design of the product