Chlorhexidine for the prevention of thrush. The use of chlorhexidine for thrush

75% of women have experienced symptoms of a fungal infection at least once in their lives. They especially suffer during pregnancy due to the physiological characteristics of this period of life. Despite the “banality” and prevalence of the disease, coping with it is not so easy.

It is difficult to choose a medicine for women in an interesting position, because... many drugs are contraindicated due to their negative effects on the fetus.

To increase the effectiveness of therapy, doctors prescribe antiseptics along with antifungal drugs. Chlorhexidine for thrush (as an antiseptic) will be effective when prescribed in combination with antimycotics, and is not contraindicated during pregnancy.

Thrush is an inflammation of the vaginal and vulvar mucosa due to overgrowth and proliferation of the candida fungus. Candida can be part of the normal vaginal microflora and cause diseases under certain conditions:

  • hormonal changes (taking hormonal medications: birth control pills, glucocorticoids; endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism);
  • weakened immunity (during pregnancy, in old age, in newborns, especially in premature babies, under stress, with cancer, pathology of the liver, blood, etc.);
  • disruption of the normal vaginal microflora (taking antibiotics, intestinal dysbiosis).

  • Women are concerned about itching and burning, which intensify upon contact with water at night.
  • Copious cheesy discharge.
  • Swelling and redness of the labia, white coating.
  • Anxiety and irritability, insomnia due to unbearable itching and burning.
  • In difficult cases, the urethra and bladder are involved in the process. This causes pain in the lower abdomen and difficulty urinating.

If symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. You should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication. Before making a diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an examination.

It is often difficult to distinguish other infections from thrush, and in some cases it is combined with bacterial infections and masks them.

For example, with trichomoniasis or bacterial vaginosis. In addition to treating the fungus itself, it is necessary to determine the cause that led to the development of the disease and act on it, otherwise the unpleasant symptoms will return again.

Recently, forms of candida that are resistant to treatment with most drugs have spread. In this regard, it is necessary to culture the fungus on a nutrient medium and determine sensitivity to drugs.

Chlorhexidine for thrush

The fungus must be treated with antifungal drugs. Sometimes they are combined with antiseptics, in particular chlorhexidine. This contributes to the rapid disappearance of unpleasant symptoms. Effective for a combination of fungal and bacterial infections.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate is an antiseptic and disinfectant.

Available in:

  • solution;
  • gel;
  • candles.

Included in such combination drugs as depantol, bepanten.

Chlorhexidine has a bactericidal effect - it destroys microbes and a bacteriostatic effect - it slows down the reproduction process.

It affects the cell wall of microbes, disrupts its integrity, which leads to the death of bacteria.

Active against:

  • chlamydia;
  • gardnerell;
  • ureoplasma;
  • Treponema (the causative agent of syphilis);
  • Neisseria (the causative agent of gonorrhea);
  • trichomonas;
  • bacteroids;
  • protea;
  • herpes virus;
  • candidate

Candidiasis is treated with a 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine, the duration of exposure is from 10 minutes.

When is chlorhexidine used?

  • In gynecology. Due to the fact that chlorhexidine is active against most STI pathogens, it is used for emergency prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. But no later than 2 hours after sexual intercourse. Interesting! To prevent STIs, 1-2 ml of a 0.05% solution is injected into the urethra and 5-10 ml into the vagina. Hold for 2-3 minutes. The skin of the pubis, inner thighs, and genitals is treated. After the procedure, do not urinate for 2 hours.
  • For sanitization of the vagina before operations, childbirth, abortion, intrauterine interventions (insertion of a device, hysteroscopy, etc.). For the treatment of bacterial vaginosis.
  • In dentistry for rinsing dentures, gums, as well as for stomatitis and periodontitis.
  • For gargling with sore throats, pharyngitis and tonsillitis.
  • In surgery, for treating the surgeon’s hands before surgery, the surgical field and mucous membranes. For washing purulent wounds.
  • In urology for the treatment of urethritis and urethroprostatitis.
  • In dermatology for treating skin for infectious diseases.
  • For processing and disinfection of medical instruments.

Chlorhekidine is prescribed for a combination of fungal and bacterial infections. Use suppositories or hexicon vaginal tablets containing chlorhexidine. They are inserted into the vagina 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days.

In the form of a gel, it is used to treat the vulva in girls, as well as in the treatment of thrush in men.

A 0.05% solution of chlorhexidine is used for douching or for irrigation (washing) of the vaginal and vulvar mucosa.

Douching with chlorhexidine

Before using vaginal forms of antifungal drugs, in order to increase their effectiveness, it will be useful to remove vaginal discharge, which is abundant with thrush. To do this, douching is performed.

Douching is performed while lying down in the bathtub. Using a sterile bulb, 10-15 ml of a 0.05% chlorhexidine solution is injected into the vagina. After this, you should lie down for 10 minutes.

The douching solution should be at room temperature. It is not advisable to urinate or wash yourself for 2 hours after the procedure.

It should be remembered that douching is not a safe procedure and therefore should be carried out after consulting a gynecologist. You can't douche:

  • during pregnancy;
  • after childbirth, abortion 6-8 weeks;
  • for acute inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • during menstruation.

When should chlorhexidine not be used?

If you have an allergic reaction. Before using the drug, a small amount is applied to the middle third of the skin of the forearm. If there are no reactions after 10-15 minutes, the drug can be safely used

Chlorhexidine during pregnancy and lactation

In women in an interesting position, as well as during lactation, the local use of chlorhexidine is not contraindicated.

Chlorhexidine is the drug of choice because it acts locally, is not absorbed into the blood and does not affect the fetus. Douching is contraindicated during pregnancy and 2 months after birth, but suppositories can be used. But before use, you need to consult a doctor.


  • When using chlorhexidine, increased sensitivity to sunlight develops. Burns may occur.
  • When rinsing the mouth with chlorhexidine, tooth enamel may darken and tartar may be deposited.
  • Chlorhexidine can cause allergic reactions, itching, dry skin, and rash.
  • The instructions state that chlorhexidine is destroyed upon contact with soap and detergents with an anionic group (aponines, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose), which are part of detergents, shampoos, and gels. Therefore, it is necessary to wash off their remains before using the drug.
  • Chlorhexidine is not compatible with iodine and other disinfectants - hydrogen peroxide, phosphates, chlorides, borates.
  • The effects of chlorhexidine are enhanced when combined with alcohols.
  • If the solution gets into your eyes, rinse them with running water.
  • Chlorhexidine enhances the effectiveness of some antibiotics: neomycin, kanamycin, cephalosporins, levomikol.

Thrush is an annoying, unpleasant disease. And, although it is not a contraindication for most everyday activities, it is a great distraction from them. The unbearable itching makes it difficult to concentrate on anything other than it. Fortunately, it is possible to get rid of these symptoms quickly enough if you choose the right medicine. Chlorhexidine is one of the most popular remedies for thrush. How to use it for women, men and children will be discussed further.

What will the article tell you?

What is Chlorhexidine

Many people know this medicine as antiseptic. Indeed, its effect is not limited to the treatment of thrush. This is a universal drug that quite successfully fights many bacterial infections, some types of viruses and yeast fungi, which include Candida, the causative agent of thrush. At elevated temperatures, this remedy is also effective in combating non-yeast fungi.

Domestic and foreign manufacturers produce medicines with the active ingredient chlorhexidine under the following brand names:

  • sibidine;
  • citeal;
  • hexicon;
  • plivasept;
  • amident.

At their core, all these drugs are a solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate in plain water. As the name suggests, this active substance contains chlorine. In combination with nitrogen, which is also present here, it acquires the ability to destroy primitive organic matter, which includes Candida yeast. So when asked whether candidiasis can be cured with this drug, we can say a confident “yes”.

Let's recognize the enemy: how Candida manifests itself in the body

Candida yeast is a bacteria that is widespread in nature. The ideal habitat for them is human mucous surfaces. They especially often affect the female genital organs. However, they can survive quite successfully on men’s eggs. They also chose the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and intestines.

These pathogenic fungi are present in almost everyone. However, they are in a depressed state, not betraying their presence in any way. The secret is that a healthy immune system is capable of suppressing their vital activity on its own. But as soon as he “gives way”, Candida will rise up and begin to undermine human health.

These fungi multiply very quickly, forming huge colonies in the mucous membranes. With an advanced disease, they are able to entangle the entire body, as they have the ability to migrate. Therefore, treatment for candidiasis must begin when the first signs of the disease appear. These include:

  • itching and burning;
  • pain with any action affecting the affected area: swallowing, urination, bowel movement;
  • discharge resembling grains of cottage cheese.

However, official medicine does not yet know of a single case of death due to thrush. Candida fungi really recede quite quickly, you just have to start a competent fight against them. One of the remedies is Chlorhexidine.

Recommendations for use Chlorhexidine for thrush

Chlorhexidine is now available in three forms. These are vaginal suppositories or, as they are also called, suppositories, gel-cream and aqueous solution. Each is capable of fighting pathogenic bacteria in its area.

  • Chlorhexidine suppositories for thrush

Chlorhexidine in the form of suppositories is used for the most common form of thrush - vaginal. Usually the doctor prescribes a course of treatment, which can last from 7 to 10 days, depending on the course of the disease and the general condition of the patient.

Suppositories are introduced into the body daily, sometimes even twice a day. There is a strict limitation for this procedure: before starting it, it is recommended to empty the bladder, and then carry out the necessary hygiene procedures. And all because the therapeutic ability of the drug is destroyed when interacting with urine. For the same reason, you should be patient and not go to the toilet for at least 3 to 4 hours.

  • Gel cream

100 grams of gel cream contains 0.5 mg of chlorhexidine. This product is suitable for surface use. Most often used in cases where thrush has affected areas of the skin or nails.

The most effective way to treat with gel cream is in the form of a compress. To do this, a small amount of the product, about 3-5 grams, is applied to the affected area. A bandage is secured on top. Doctors recommend renewing it three times a day.

  • Solution

100 ml of the product contains about 0.25 ml of chlorheskidine. It is dissolved in ordinary purified water. This is the most popular form for the treatment of candidiasis. The solution helps get rid of pathogenic fungi on any affected area, both on the genitals and in the nasopharynx. These procedures are quite simple, but we will tell you about them in a little more detail.

How to use Chlorhexidine for vaginal thrush in women

To treat the most common form of thrush, vaginal, douching with chlorhexidine is most often prescribed. To carry out the procedure yourself at home you will need:

  • syringe;
  • Chlorhexidine solution;
  • sanitary pad with high absorbency.

For vaginal candidiasis the medicinal solution is injected directly into the vagina. For girls, 2-3 ml is enough; for adult women, you can increase the dosage to 5-10 ml.

Before starting douching, you should empty your bladder and thoroughly wash the area affected by thrush plain water. The use of soap or other cosmetics is not recommended. They may contain substances that will react with the medicine and deprive it of its healing properties.

Then rinse the syringe also without the use of detergents. Wipe it dry with a dry, clean cloth. Only after this can you take the Chlorhexidine solution.

It is best to insert the medicine into the vagina while lying on your back. At the same time, the legs are raised, bending at the knees, and spread wide. This provides the best access to the affected genitals.

The tip of the syringe is inserted into the vagina approximately 6-7 cm and slowly inject the medicine, leaving it the opportunity to fill the entire space.

Once all the medicine is inside, do not suddenly change your body position.. The syringe is carefully removed. At the same time, the legs are moved, but left in an elevated position. In order for the medicine to work, you need to lie there for a few more minutes, at least 2 - 3.

For women who are in good physical shape, it is recommended that after this time perform a simple exercise known as a shoulder stand or “birch stand.” After this, they slowly return to a lying position.

It is better to put on panties with an attached pad before taking a vertical position. The injected solution will still leak out and can ruin your clothes.

There are several rules of conduct after douching with Chlorhexidine for thrush in women. Compliance with them will ensure a lasting therapeutic effect. Within 2-3 hours after the end of the procedure you cannot:

  • wash yourself (only wiping your thighs with a napkin is allowed);
  • go to the toilet;
  • enter into intimate relationships.

You can get rid of thrush quite quickly if you douche 2-3 times a day, following all the rules and precautions.

Is it possible to wash yourself with Chlorhexidine if you have thrush?

Washing with Chlorhexidine solution is the easiest way to treat thrush. To do this, the pharmaceutical solution is diluted so that the proportion of the active substance is 0.05%. Then use it for its intended purpose, thoroughly washing the infected mucous membranes.

You can do this twice a day: morning and evening.

Chlorhexidine for thrush in men

To get rid of thrush on the genitals, men should also prepare for the procedure in advance: empty the bladder and thoroughly rinse the genitals with clean water without using cosmetics.

Then apply a small amount of Chlorhexidine solution to a soft cloth or cotton pad and thoroughly treat the affected surfaces

How to rinse

For diseases of the nasopharynx, it is important to properly rinse and wash with Chlorhexidine. To do this, a pharmaceutical 20% solution is diluted so that the proportion of the active agent is no more than 7%. For this purpose, clean, boiled or distilled water is used.

A sufficient amount of the prepared solution is taken into the mouth and rinsed for 3-4 minutes, making sure that during this process all surfaces are irrigated: cheeks, tongue, gums, throat. You can rinse several times in a row.

It is recommended to combine this procedure with nasal rinsing. Candidiasis very often affects the nose and mouth at the same time. And even the absence of symptoms of thrush in one of these cavities cannot guarantee its absolute cleanliness from Candida fungi.

To rinse, the prepared medicinal solution is injected into the nostril using a syringe, small syringe or pipette and inhaled deeply. Do not be afraid if a small amount of the product gets into your mouth or throat. This will not cause any harm to health.

Contraindications for the use of Chlorgesxidine

The medicine has only one contraindication: individual intolerance to the drug. Although under some conditions it loses its medicinal properties and becomes no more useful than ordinary water. This happens when:

  • interaction with soap and other detergents;
  • interaction with drugs containing iodine.

Chlorhexidine during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a contraindication for the use of Chlorhexidine. This product is not an antibiotic, it is non-toxic. Its active components are able to penetrate the mucous membranes and remain there for quite a long time. In this case, the drug does not enter the bloodstream. And thus cannot harm the health of the mother and the unborn baby.

However, it is important to determine the correct dosage during this period. All doses recommended for ordinary healthy people can be safely divided by at least two.

Special requirements when using the drug against thrush

In order to completely get rid of thrush and prevent relapses, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Thrush should be treated together with your sexual partner, even if he does not show symptoms of the disease;
  • Children can be prevented from candidiasis only after reaching the age of seven. From now on, rinsing and external use of Chlorhexidine are acceptable.
  • if thrush appears frequently, then courses of treatment and prevention should be carried out regularly.

Chlorhexidine for thrush: reviews

This medicine was introduced to the pharmaceutical market in the middle of the last century. The medicinal qualities of the drug can be evidenced by its longevity on pharmacy shelves, as well as numerous positive reviews.

“I managed to catch thrush while on vacation in the village. The nearest pharmacy is in the regional center, and the range there is analgin, iodine and brilliant green. Mom advised me to buy Chlorhexidine. Oh, miracle! He ended up there. After a couple of days there were no longer any symptoms, the remedy helped. Overall, everything ended well. Now I keep a bottle of this very medicine in reserve.” Lyubava

“I have been using this product for a long time, starting in the 70s of the last century. Always works flawlessly. Now, of course, there are more expensive means and, probably, more effective ones. But why pay more when there is an inexpensive alternative?” Ella Georgievna

The effect of Chlorhexidine has been known for a long time. Our mothers and even grandmothers used it to treat thrush. So we can confidently call it well proven. Although it destroys pathogenic bacteria, it does not pose any threat to humans. Therefore, you can use it even during pregnancy.

Candidiasis (thrush) is a very unpleasant disease that mainly affects the female half of the population. "Chlorhexidine" for thrush is a common medicine, available in the form of a solution and suppository. The drug relieves the painful symptoms of the disease and improves the general condition of women's health.

What kind of drug?

"Chlorhexidine" refers to medications that have antiseptic and disinfectant properties. It has a detrimental effect on microbes, viruses and pathogenic fungi, preventing their reproduction and development. When applied externally to the skin and mucous membrane, the drug does not cause irritation or burns, and is gentle and safe.

Composition and action

The drug is available in the form of vaginal suppositories, 10 pcs. in cardboard packaging and aqueous solutions with the concentration of the substance:

  • 0,05%;
  • 0,1%;
  • 0,2%.

Suppositories are used for vaginal candidiasis.

The active ingredient of both dosage forms is chlorhexidine bigluconate and auxiliary components. Instructions for use are included with the medicine package. The pharmacological effect of Chlorhexidine is due to its antiseptic and bactericidal properties. The drug is active against gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and viruses, inhibiting their development and destroying the cellular structure.

Indications for therapy

The pharmaceutical product is indicated for the treatment and prevention of diseases caused by the pathogenic effects of microorganisms sensitive to the active substance. Dosage forms of the drug are used in gynecology, dermatology, surgery and dentistry. The solution is widely used in the treatment and disinfection of medical and surgical instruments, and the skin of the hands before and after surgery.

Instructions for use of "Chlorhexidine" and dosage for thrush

For candidiasis, Chlorhexidine is used for douching, washing, etc. The drug is used against fungi of the genus Candida in the intimate area and in the mouth. Before treating the affected area, a 0.5% solution is diluted with water (1:10), but when using a product with a weak concentration, no dilution is required. Before use, the drug is kept at a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Before the procedure, the genitals or oral cavity are washed well under running water; there is no need to use soap or any other disinfectants, since Chlorhexidine is incompatible with them.


When the genitals and hands are thoroughly washed, you can douche with Chlorhexidine. Procedure:

  1. The Chlorhexidine solution is taken into a rubber bulb or a special syringe, the tip of which is inserted shallowly into the vagina.
  2. The liquid is poured in gradually to avoid leakage.
  3. When the syringe is empty, the patient should lie down for at least 10 minutes.
  4. This procedure is carried out 2 times a day, morning and evening.
  5. The duration of therapy will be 7-10 days, depending on medical recommendations.


The safety of the procedure allows it to be performed during pregnancy.

When treating thrush in the intimate area, washing is considered the most gentle and safe method, which is why it is recommended to use it during pregnancy. During the procedure, the solution gets onto the walls of the vagina, but not inside, so its use does not threaten either the mother herself or the developing fetus. To wash, use a 0.05% solution; there is no need to dilute it with water. You need to wash yourself twice a day, the procedure takes 4-5 minutes. Next, the genitals should be wiped and an antifungal ointment or cream prescribed by the attending physician as the main therapy should be applied. If the itching is severe, you can wash yourself more often; Chlorhexidine will help relieve unpleasant symptoms more quickly.

Tampons and suppositories

A more convenient dosage form is tampons. You can make them yourself by twisting cotton wool and a piece of bandage. A properly formed tampon is well moistened in the solution and inserted deep into the vagina. It is important not to forget to leave the thread outside so that after 3 or 4 hours you can deftly remove the tampon. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening, the antiseptic solution will cure thrush in 7 days.

Vaginal suppositories with Chlorhexidine can be purchased at any pharmacy. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. This dosage form is convenient in the treatment of not only thrush, but also vaginosis and sexually transmitted infections. The administration is carried out twice a day, the course of therapy is quite long and will be at least 3 weeks. The treatment is effective, the symptoms of thrush disappear already on the 3rd day after use, and the fungus itself disappears after 2-3 weeks.

Use during pregnancy

Weakened immunity and hormonal imbalance promote the growth of fungus.

The period of bearing a child weakens the female body, as a result of which immunity decreases and the functioning of internal organs occurs in an enhanced mode. Often pregnant women develop thrush, the treatment of which is extremely necessary, but at the same time risky. Only the attending physician can select the correct drug for treatment; independent prescription of therapy is strictly prohibited. "Chlorhexidine" during pregnancy is used in the form of a solution of low concentration (0.05%). They wash the mucous membrane of the vagina and oral cavity.

Douching and using vaginal suppositories during pregnancy is prohibited.

Chlorhexidine is included in many suppositories for thrush, but it can also be used in liquid form for washing, douching, and treating the external genitalia with sprays and creams. The liquid form can be used as a mouth rinse. Without knowing how Chlorhexidine is used for thrush, you should carefully study the instructions.

Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic drug used to destroy fungal colonies of candidiasis and restore vaginal microflora in women. The product is available in three forms:

  • liquid for washing and douching;
  • spray for treating the skin around the head of the penis, anus or labia;
  • Chlorhexidine suppositories (universal option);
  • gel or cream.

The product prevents the proliferation of fungi and allows you to quickly cleanse the mucous membranes of the external manifestations of thrush (curdled mass, white coating). The cleaned surface becomes ideal for subsequent application of an antifungal agent.

Chlorhexidine for thrush is used in conjunction with antifungal tablets. It is impossible to cure thrush by washing or douching alone.

How to use

Women are most often prescribed Chlorhexidine in the form of suppositories. Spray, gel, cream are effective, but relief does not come so quickly after use. Pregnant women use the medicine only on the recommendation of a doctor. There are practically no side effects, but it is not worth risking the baby’s health.

To treat the genital organs of men affected by the Candida fungus, use creams, gels or sprays with Chlorhexidine.

Chlorhexidine solution is also used for thrush in men. The liquid can be applied to a cotton swab to make it convenient to treat damaged areas. Men can use liquid medicine to rinse the urethra.

Mouth rinses

Chlorhexidine for oral thrush is used for rinsing the mouth and treating the mucous membrane with tampons. Rinsing treats oral thrush in men and women. Usually 1 tbsp is enough for the procedure. spoons. Rinse time – 20-25 seconds. You need to take the liquid into your mouth, rinse your mouth and throat thoroughly, then spit out the substance.

For prevention purposes, a 0.5% solution is used, and for treatment - 0.1%. Concentration is important, so the medicine is sold in a form ready for use. There is no need to dilute it further. After rinsing, it is not advisable to drink or eat anything for 1-1.5 hours.


To douche with Chlorhexidine for thrush, you need to use 0.5% medicine. If the bottle was stored in the refrigerator, you need to wait until the product warms up to room temperature. You won’t have to warm anything up, but you should never douche with cold medicine. The optimal temperature is 22 degrees.

The douching rules are as follows:

  • You need to wash yourself first, do not use soap;
  • treat the outer surface with a cotton swab containing Chlorhexidine;
  • treat the tip of the opened bottle with ethyl alcohol and insert it into the vagina;
  • after pressing the side walls of the bottle, up to 15 ml of liquid enters the vagina.

After douching, rinse with warm water and treat the outer surface of the genital organ with an antifungal agent.


When treating thrush, you need to wash yourself with Chlorhexidine for 10-15 days in a row. Washing is carried out with a 0.5% preparation. Men and women can wash themselves. This method of treating thrush is also suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers. The product does not penetrate inside, therefore it is absolutely safe. Before use, wash with warm water without soap. To wipe, use a towel or napkin; they must be dry, clean, preferably only after washing.


If for some reason Chlorhexidine suppositories are contraindicated for a woman, you can use tampons. It is inserted into the vagina before bed. In the morning, remove and wash. Treatment lasts for at least 2 weeks.

Regular tampons are not suitable, you will have to make them yourself.

The material for the tampon is cotton wool and a bandage. A lump of cotton wool is rolled into a flagellum, wrapped in a bandage or gauze, and secured with thread, leaving one end on the surface. Only sterile materials are used. The tampon is impregnated with Chlorhexidine; this is the best option for thrush in women.

Light candles

If a woman combines work and treatment, then it is better to administer the suppository approximately 1-2 hours before she plans to leave the house. In the evening, the suppository is administered before bedtime.


Chlorhexidine is far from a harmless medicine. Frequent use leads to drying of the mucous membranes and the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the vagina. This applies to douching and washing. The microflora, altered due to vaginal dryness, may not be able to withstand it, then even more favorable conditions for the spread of candida will be formed in the body.

If you are allergic to the components, burning and redness appear in the groin and labia.

The drug is not prescribed:

  • if the patient is under 16 years of age;
  • there is a high sensitivity to the components;
  • during menstruation (therapeutic value is extremely low).

Douching with Chlorhexidine during pregnancy increases the risk of infection of the fetus.

Analogues and price

Chlorhexidine can be purchased at a price of 10-20 rubles per bottle. Candles in quantities of 10 pieces are sold at a price of 160-170 rubles per package. The cost of a spray, cream or gel is also insignificant. Analogues are Hexicon, Hibiscrub, Amident candles. They are available from the pharmacy without a prescription, but before looking for a replacement, you should consult your doctor.

Candidiasis is a fungal disease that occurs due to damage to the mucous membrane. The disease is accompanied by itching, burning, pain and redness, cheesy discharge. For effective treatment of thrush, most doctors prescribe drugs that can suppress the active reproduction of candida fungi. A drug such as Chlorhexidine has proven itself well. This drug has antibacterial properties and copes well with viruses, yeast-like fungi and various infections. How and when can you take it so as not to harm your own health?

The presented drug is especially popular in the fight against candidiasis. Chlorhexidine can be used to temporarily control the spores of many infections. It is important to note that Chlorhexidine does cleansing for thrush. The drug is produced in special bottles that are convenient for external treatment of the mucous membrane. For surface treatment, it is recommended to use a more concentrated product.

For therapy, you can use Chlorhexiine suppositories. Such suppositories are actively used in the treatment of vaginosis, as well as for emergency protection against various sexually transmitted infections.

Chlorhexidine kills yeast-like fungi and also inhibits their reproduction and development. The effect of the drug begins immediately after contact with the affected surface. The advantage of Chlorhexidine is that it helps even with heavy cheesy discharge, thoroughly cleansing the mucous membrane. The medicine is active only on the surface, so there is no effect on the entire body, which allows it to be used during pregnancy and lactation.

With prolonged use of the medication, there is a risk of developing bacterial vaginosis due to the death of beneficial microflora. That is why it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. You should definitely contact a specialist.

Features of application

The most effective method of treating thrush is douching. Douching is contraindicated during pregnancy.

If a drug concentration of 0.5% is used, then it should be diluted with water, maintaining a ratio of 1 to 10. It is advisable to use boiled water. If the concentration is 0.05%, then there is no need to dilute Chlorhexidine. For douching you will need a sterile syringe. Before use, the solution must be slightly warmed. After the procedure, the vagina must be washed to avoid dryness of the mucous membrane.

Chlorhexidine should be used twice a day. The duration of therapy is no more than five days. Instead of a syringe, you can use a special Esmarch mug. You can also douche with a bottle in which Chlorhexidine is stored. It is advisable to carry out the procedure while lying on your back. Do not forget to carry out all the necessary hygienic procedures before douching, and after it, rinse the vaginal mucosa with warm water.

Rules for the use of the drug

Chlorhexidine has no contraindications, so the drug is well tolerated. In case of high concentration, irritation of the mucous membrane may occur, which provokes itching, burning and redness. For this reason, it is important to rinse your vagina with clean water after douching. When used, individual intolerance may occur.

It can be used for thrush even by pregnant women, since Chlorhexidine does not have a detrimental effect on the fetus and its development. However, for pregnant women it is better to use vaginal suppositories, since douching is prohibited!

Main analogues of Chlorhexidine

In addition to Chlorhexidine, its equally effective analogues can be used. These include the following medications: Citeal, Amident, Plivasept and Kategel. These drugs differ in the concentration of the active substance and composition.

To make the treatment of thrush in women more effective, you should use modern medications. Chlorhexidine can be used in combination with antifungal agents.