I want to become a mermaid. Transformation into a real little mermaid

Are you, like many other girls, fascinated by the unrealistic abilities of the Little Mermaid, for whom conquering men’s hearts is as natural a process as breathing? Many people secretly dream of having superpowers. After admiring the “stacks” of fans falling towards the tail of this creature, they passionately ask: “How to become a mermaid right now?” To be honest, this is not a simple matter. But for a stubborn, wise girl, it is believed that there are no unsolvable tasks. Let's draw up a “work plan” if the desire is so great.

Step one: why?

Would you say that a girl looking for a way to become a mermaid right now does not need to understand the goal? You are wrong. This stage is extremely important. Let's start with a simple question: “What kind of mermaid do you want to become?” It turns out that there are many of them, they are different. The forest ones prefer to hide among birch and oak trees, luring guys into the thicket. Aquatic ones resemble a “promoted” image, endowed with a fish tail. Is that what you wish? The spirit of a drowned virgin turns into Mavka. She is endowed with an evil disposition. Does this interest you? So it turns out that before you receive instructions on how to become a mermaid right now, you need to find out what the girl wants from a magical transformation. Let's assume that there are few people who want to transform into Mavka; getting started is a serious matter (but how to dance?). Therefore, we will write instructions for converting it into a forest diva.

Step two: study the negative consequences

In folk art, half-girls, half-fish are given a place of honor. If you are looking for information on how to become a mermaid right now, you need to start with “the story.” And in folk tales, an important point for us will be the character of magical divas. After skimming several texts with one eye, you will see for yourself some of the viciousness of these creatures. The last term was used specifically so that interested girls understand: mermaids are not exactly people. This is manifested in their behavior that is not always understandable. A real mermaid is capable of murder. There are many legends about how the half-fish “tickled”. You need to realize: the changes in personality will be so complete that you will begin to look at issues of life and death from a slightly different angle. In magic, by the way, this transition is not considered a tragedy. The energy of a person (and other beings) is immortal. Now think for yourself, should you continue to figure out how to become a mermaid right now? Aren't you afraid?

Step three: preparation for the ritual

It should be noted that there are many methods of transformation. You just have to do some preparation. The fact is that to change consciousness (acquire the desired superpowers) a simple conspiracy is not enough (although it is necessary). The girl is advised to “tear off” and “throw away” all material dreams and demands. Mermaids don’t dream about rings or Mercedes, they don’t particularly care about outfits and manicures. With such a burden, you will spend years looking for a way to become a mermaid without or with a full moon. The material world must fade into the background (or further). Don’t worry, later, after the transformation, you can return to it. All your favorite dreams will remain in place, only during the ritual they will become an insurmountable wall between you and the goal. And, of course, be sure to believe in your abilities. Girls who have drowned women in their family find themselves in a privileged position here. Most likely, such daughters of Eve have a special gene that is necessary to turn into an aquatic diva.

Step Four: Ritual

One of the most famous is the ritual that takes place on the full moon. It was found completely by accident in an old manuscript. Naturally, it will not suit those girls who have a mermaid at home. But to understand the logic of the process, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with it. The girl was asked to plunge naked into a pond located deep in the forest. The lake is considered the most suitable. You need to stay in the water for more than an hour. Sit comfortably so that your body remains relaxed. Close your eyes, stop your thoughts, let your hair down freely. Read the spell (all the time): “Aer ukupiti syta unench improve abiye yuza.” These are the oldest words. They need to be learned and not confused. The voice should sound barely audible, but distinct. During the ritual, the girl was asked to completely identify herself with the surrounding nature. That is, her very being dissolved in the forest thicket and cool water. After an hour, you had to stand up and say loudly: “I am a mermaid!”

Step Four: Another Option

The ancient ritual is good for its naturalness and purity. But urbanization is not particularly suitable for modern children. Where should city dwellers look? And is it possible to swim in them? There is another way. For example, many are interested in how to become a mermaid without a full moon. Perhaps being busy prevents the girls from going into the forest at a certain time. Or maybe it’s scary to walk through the bushes under the full moon, at a time when creatures from another world are wandering among people. Ancient sources answer the question “How to become a mermaid without a full moon?” You need to prepare and drink a special magic elixir. It must be prepared with one’s own hands, carefully following the recipe. Drink it as soon as it is ready.

Digression: an ancient recipe for a magic elixir

It is necessary to prepare the following ingredients: a glass of salt and sea water, fish blood. You will also need the heart of a waterfowl (from the same specimen). Fish and its products must be fresh. Mix water with blood in a jar and quickly run to the pond. It can be either a lake or a calm river. Fast flow is not a welcome source of information about the ritual. Make a fire from forest branches. While it is heating, cut off a section of hair. Carefully wrap it around your heart and burn it in a hot flame. Collect the ashes and throw them into the elixir. Take three sips of the prepared potion, and quickly pour the rest onto the top of your head. Now take a dip in the waters. This is an ancient recipe. There is just no evidence to prove its effectiveness. They say that every girl, having tried it, never returned home.

How to become a mermaid at home

The options described above are suitable for girls who have firmly decided to devote themselves to magic, withdrawing from society. Not everyone is capable of this. And why lose life prospects if you can perform a ritual of partial reincarnation? You can do this at home, in the quiet of your own bathroom. This method is also suitable for those who are interested in how to become a mermaid without a tail. After the ritual, the girl gains all the benefits of a water diva, remaining the same as she was (physically). Keep in mind that your worldview will still change. Therefore, carefully study the first steps described in the article. Celebrating this great holiday is recommended for a girl to spend alone. Fill the bathtub with water. Pour half a kilogram of salt into it. Place lighted candles around the edges (necessarily from the temple). The mirror must either be taken out of the room or carefully covered with an opaque cloth. This is done so that evil spirits do not interfere with your concentration.

Performing a ritual at home

When everything is ready, you need to get naked, let your hair down, comb it, humming your favorite folk song in a low voice. Choose a smooth, unhurried melody that evokes a feeling of quiet, cloudless, happy peace. Now dive into the water. Feel her softness; salt will help!), become related to her (mentally). To achieve results, you need her energy without reserve. Immerse yourself in the water. Imagine the image in which

want to be reincarnated. You should not dive until you feel cold in your feet. You want to create a real sense of gentle flow around your calves and feet. It should feel cool no matter how hot the bath water is. If you get tired, catch your breath and dive again. It is believed that the ritual only starts the process of reincarnation. Next, it will be necessary to repeat it in any body of water while swimming. The abilities will soon begin to manifest themselves.

extra work

Persistent and fearless girls are advised not to stop at just one magical ritual. The fact is that not everything here depends on magical powers. There is a lot that a girl can do on her own, through training and self-discipline. What is the most attractive thing about mermaids (for candidates for their role)? Their extraordinary, magical charm. No guy can resist their charms. Most likely, girls are interested in precisely these abilities when they are looking for recipes on how to become a mermaid. The methods listed above provide only an initial impulse. It will take a long time before complete transformation takes place. Energy cannot change overnight. Such a restructuring will simply kill any person. But you can constantly improve yourself (after the ritual). There are exercises and settings for this.

Raising the mermaid within us

The enchanting voice is noted by everyone who met the wondrous creature. The girl is recommended to work on her sounds. A simple affirmation will do for this: “I am a mermaid!” It must be sung long and tenderly, constantly deepening the voice. To make it clear, try writing down this phrase in a calm state, and then in an excited state (when you want to jump for joy). Now compare. You will immediately hear where the voice sounds deeper and more “voluminous”. Try to speak with these characteristics all the time. Next, you need to use affirmations aimed at improving your femininity. Simple phrases like: “I am beautiful and desirable!”, “I am perfection itself!” will do. and so on. You still have to work on your movements. After all, mermaids are distinguished by a special gracefulness and languid bliss of gestures. Dancing or aerobics are suitable for this.

In fact, becoming a mermaid is not very difficult. Some girls who have tried all the methods say that the last one (extra work) turned out to be the most effective and fastest. And most importantly, you don’t need to wait for magical powers to help. You do everything yourself - and you are happy with the result!

Nowadays, the famous TV series H2O is gaining more and more popularity. In this regard, girls are increasingly asking the question: how to become a mermaid for real.

If you have seriously thought and decided become a mermaid, then get ready for the fact that you will swim faster and better than anyone, learn to sing songs with a magical voice, and also acquire other magical powers.

Become a real mermaid very simple, you only need to perform a few rituals. But you just need to follow all the instructions exactly, otherwise you will never see your tail and the magic voice.

A magical way to transform into a mermaid from the movie H2O: just add water

The heroines of the film found themselves on an island in the center of which there was a volcano, but in fact, in the crater of the volcano there was a magical path to a small lake. All the girls, when they got to the lake, went into it; it was not deep at all and they didn’t even notice how the moon’s ray touched them. And later, as soon as they touched the water, they became mermaids, as if by magic. And as soon as the water dried up, they regained their human form.

Agree, become a mermaid in 1 second, Great! And most importantly, they themselves could decide when to become mermaids and when to become human again. But magic only happens in a fairy tale, you understand that!

Become a real mermaid, this is not for you to play magical creatures from the series, it is much more difficult.

An ancient way to turn into a little mermaid

Ancient legends say that previously mermaids had not only a fish tail, but also a fish head, which is not the most pleasant fact, and it also said that the little mermaids had no soul at all.

And just as you dream now of becoming a little mermaid, all the mermaids in the old days, on the contrary, wanted to become ordinary girls and meet their beautiful young man.

The little mermaids wanted to fall in love so much that they killed a guy who happened to be near the lake; they believed that at the moment of his death love would come into their souls. But this happened extremely rarely.

Back in those ancient times, some girls learned how become a mermaid but soon they dreamed of returning the human form back, since the fate of the little mermaids is not easy.

During the celebrations of national holidays, people were very afraid of girls who were dressed in mermaid costumes. There were games in which they had to catch up with a person, and if they succeeded, then the person was in danger of illness and failure.

Many people were already thinking about this, because everyone wanted to find themselves at least a little in the place of these mysterious creatures, to experience feelings of delight - scaring people.

A folk sign also said that if you wear a little mermaid costume at a holiday, you will soon meet your groom and you will have a wedding.

How to turn into a little mermaid the old Russian way

For folk festivals, girls dressed up in a little mermaid costume, it was a large green wreath on their heads, the branches of which covered their faces, then a gate was woven from large birch branches, and they had to go towards each other and kiss three times. This is how the ritual of nepotism took place. The little mermaids then stayed together all evening, and at the end of the holiday the little mermaids were obliged to take a dip in the nearest body of water if it was summer, and in winter the little mermaids swam in the bathhouse. In this case, it was enough to simply wet some part of the clothing a little, and also lightly wet your hands.

Also, in order to become a mermaid for real, you had to let your hair down and not comb it that day. And after the ritual of nepotism, all the little mermaids scratched each other’s hair and sang drawn-out lyrical songs.

At the very end of the holiday, the little mermaid girls had to put their wreaths in the water and braid their hair. This is how the ritual took place in the old days, the farewells of the mermaids, they became people again.

Tip No. 1. How to turn into a little mermaid, without the participation of the moon.

The Earth is rich in anomalous zones, which do not even require the presence of the moon. One of the strongest places of power is in Scotland.

Become a mermaid for real, any girl who wants it can be there, and a full moon is not required at all.

A prerequisite for turning into a little mermaid is unrequited love - after all, only a broken heart can turn an ordinary girl into a little mermaid.

Moreover, when a girl becomes a mermaid, she begins to take revenge on her love and destroys all the male souls she meets.

How to become a mermaid without a full moon, the answer is very simple, you need to go to the lakes in Scotland. Where you can turn into a little mermaid without much hassle and get the power to attract men and boys to you.

To perform the ceremony and become a mermaid, you must have a broken heart, since a pure and not vicious girl will never be able to turn into a little mermaid.

So, you have arrived in Scotland, you need to come to any lake, or even better, a swamp, then find a bright scarlet flower and take it to the swamp, having previously cried over it with bitter tears. Just keep in mind that if you are not honest with mermaids, then it is better not to go to Scotland. Because mermaids do not forgive lies.

But if the mermaids feel that you are faithful to them, you will be accepted into their flock. And then, become a mermaid won't be a big deal.

Sometimes, whatever become a mermaid, it is not necessary to turn into it completely. It is enough just to have some of her qualities, such as the ability to swim quickly and a magically melodic voice.

And then, in any case, the little mermaids will notice you and accept you into their circle. You just have to really want it.

Remember, it is not enough to want to become a mermaid, you must have a set of abilities.

After all, only the best get into mermaids, strive and try, and then you will definitely fall into the ranks of these wonderful creatures.

The legend of becoming a little mermaid

According to an ancient legend, girls who found gemstones near the lake, upon finding them, immediately turned into a little mermaid and remained to live in this lake. The legend also said that only a true little mermaid can discern a gem in ordinary stones. And no one has ever seen these girls again.

In German legends there is a beautiful legend about Princess Leia, who was abandoned by the prince before her wedding. She, unable to bear the parting, and unable to bear the prince’s departure to another princess, threw herself into the noisy water of the river in order to perish forever in the abyss.

But she did not die, but turned into a little mermaid, and then all her life she lured lost travelers to the river bank, and then lured them into the waters of the river. Where they died.

Method number 3. How to turn into a little mermaid with a real tail, while possessing magical powers.

This is the most difficult task to complete. Since there must be a body of water near your house in which little mermaids live. If you don’t live near such a place, then until you move, you definitely won’t become a mermaid.

Little mermaids don't live just anywhere. Each mermaid has her own strong patron who watches and protects her. He also makes sure that a happy beloved girl, or simply an unprepared girl, does not accidentally turn into a little mermaid.

Nowadays, girls think less and less often. And now the keepers of the little mermaids, on the contrary, are looking around the world for hidden mermaids who simply do not know who they were born as.

Now, there are fewer and fewer places suitable for mermaids to live, and water bodies are increasingly polluted. And the dams become very harsh, ice appears on the water. Therefore, the likelihood of meeting a little mermaid in the north is extremely low. Now they prefer to live in bodies of water that do not freeze.

Therefore, develop positive qualities in yourself; whims and evildoers will never be able to rule the underwater kingdom, but fair, generous, smart, talented people are always needed in any kingdom.

And it is worth noting that only those with tails are considered real mermaids. But it is very inconvenient. You will only be able to swim and will never be able to walk again.

Method number 4. How to become a simple mermaid without a tail, at home.

Become a mermaid at home Any girl can do it, and to be a real mermaid, you don’t have to have a tail.

Remember that you can become a mermaid with daily training, don’t be lazy, try and you will succeed.

Start your exercises by training willpower; if you adore sweets and various goodies, then you need to give it up. Give up unhealthy foods in favor of fish and seafood.

All marine products contain phosphorus and calcium, which are so necessary for real mermaids. These vitamins will help you become the most attentive, and iodine will also help you be vigilant and resilient.

Do stretching exercises every day, because mermaids are very mobile and graceful, learn to sit with a straight back, remember that mermaids are, first of all, princesses of the underwater world.

To become a mermaid at home, you definitely need to monitor your behavior, you must become a role model for all your friends and acquaintances.

Your hair should always be combed and tied into a neat braid or ponytail. Remember your nails, they must be trimmed. Princesses of the seas cannot afford to walk around with bitten nails.

Train your memory and attention, you must know a lot and remember everything. There are so many types of fish that you have to remember.

To train your memory, there is an excellent easy exercise: you can first put, for example, 8 objects in front of you, then ask your mother to remove one object. And rearrange the rest. Your task is to learn how to quickly find what is missing. After you learn how to find the missing items among 8 objects, you can increase them and make them more and more each time. And then look, not for 1 item, but for several.

This is a very important skill, otherwise how will you control your sea possessions. Suddenly something will disappear.

Method number 5. How to turn into a little mermaid in a few minutes.

To do this you will need a magic mirror, find it, and you can only find it if you are a real mermaid. Having found it, you must look at yourself in the mirror, pour river water on it and turn around yourself 5 times. And then, stepping into the mirror, you will turn into a real little mermaid.

But remember that having thus turned into a mermaid, you will never be able to become an ordinary girl again. Your tail will forever replace your legs.

This is the easiest and safest way to become a little mermaid. And the fastest one, you must admit, all you need is a magic mirror, but if you are a real mermaid, it will be very easy for you to find it.

Of course, it is best to look for it where there is water. Since the water is a magic mirror, it is impossible to find at home.

Method number 6. How to become a little mermaid at home and at the same time receive an answer from the little mermaid.

To do this you need: a sheet of green and blue paper, a pen with blue paste, a silver spoon, a knife, water in a transparent glass, a peacock feather, a mirror, your hair that you found on the pillow on your birthday.

So, let's start doing magic!

  1. Take a piece of paper and write your cherished dream on it - I want to become a real little mermaid;
  2. Then, take a glass of water and carefully pour all the water onto the paper, according to your desire, and cut the blue paper into pieces there.
  3. Then, put a peacock feather and your hair on the ready-made sheet. And start folding in half, then in half again, so you need to fold 6 times! Be careful and careful, nothing should spill out, and the sheet with the wish should not be torn.
  4. Then look in the mirror and silently say your wish, and then place the mirror on the piece of paper with the wish.
  5. After this, you need to carefully pack it in a transparent bag and take it and bury it near the lake or river where you want to live when you become a little mermaid;
  6. And then all that remains is to wait, exactly 3 full moons - that’s almost 3 months. Then, go to this place, dig up your bag, and remember, if you didn’t find it, it means the little mermaids accepted your request. Wait, they will appear in front of you soon.

Sometimes, they are not exactly sure about you, then they may leave new tasks to get to know you better or test you further.

But sometimes it happens that the little mermaids completely trust you and then, instead of a bag, they will leave you a magic ring, putting it on, you will immediately turn into a little mermaid.

After watching the popular TV series for teenagers “H2O”, many girls began to dream of turning into mermaids. No wonder - the charming heroines of the series attract people with the gift of magic, grace and dexterity of movements in the water. Fans of the series rushed to look for the answer to the question of how to become a mermaid for real. We will try to help them with this, however, we do not give any guarantees!

The surest way to become a real mermaid

Light the candles, take a full bath of salt water (preferably with sea salt), immerse yourself in it and read the following spell: “Oh, great gods, I pray, fulfill just one request of mine! I want to become half man, half fish. But my tail will appear when I am in the water, and when I am on land, I will again become a man with legs.”

It is advisable to perform this ritual on the full moon and after taking a bath, look at the full moon, and then go to bed.

Another option for how to truly become a mermaid is to take a ladle filled with water when the moon is full and go out onto the balcony with it. Wait for the reflection of the moon to fall into the water, and pour yourself over from head to toe, wash yourself, drink a little of this water.

They say that you can get by with just one glass of water, simply by washing your face and drinking water in which the moon is reflected. Or put a shell in a glass of salted water, place it in front of the full moon all night, and in the morning drink and wash with this water.

But the most reliable option for dousing with water is considered to be swimming in a body of water (lake or river) during the full moon. If the full moon is reflected on the water of a lake or pond, this is the best chance to turn into a real mermaid!

Simple ways to become a mermaid without a full moon

If you wait a long time for the full moon, but you can’t wait to turn into a mermaid, you can use another method.

Take a bowl of water, a wooden comb and go out onto the balcony. Place the comb in a bowl. Close your eyes and say the following phrase: “Mermaids, take me to your place, give me your powers: I want to control the air, boiling water and ice.” Without opening your eyes, touch the water. Open your eyes and comb your hair with a wet wooden comb, continuing to ask the mermaids for magical powers.

Another way to become a mermaid with power without a full moon. At midnight, go out onto the balcony or just open the window and say into the night: “I want to turn into a mermaid with the power of controlling air, ice and boiling water.” Stomp your left foot three times. Then write the following phrase on a piece of paper: “I whisper three times, I knock three times, I want three powers,” put the piece of paper under your pillow and fall asleep.

Tips on how to become a mermaid in the summer

Summer is the most favorable time to turn into a mermaid. We have already written about swimming in the lake under the full moon. There are also a few more “summer” recommendations for girls who have decided to turn into mermaids at any cost:
- try to swim in a river, lake, or sea as often as possible - let your skin get used to the effects of water on it;
- learn to dive and hold your breath for a long time under water - but know when to stop!
- try to swim like a little mermaid, while crossing your legs - it won’t last you long, but it’s worth a try.

How to become a mermaid with the power of magic in other ways

Less common, but also effective ways to turn into a mermaid.

Method one. You need to smear a small piece of paper with toothpaste, place it on the edge of the sink, turn on the water in the sink, turn off the light, close the door and call the mermaid three times. When she arrives (you won’t necessarily be able to see her, you may just hear the rustling of scales or the smell of fish), you need to ask her for her tail.

Method two. On a full moon, you need to eat the tail of a herring and wash it down with a glass of milk. After this, take a bath.

Method three. Take fish scales, your hair, a candle and two mirrors. Wrap the hair in paper and burn it. Place mirrors opposite each other, light a candle. Place the ashes from a hair burned in paper into a glass of spring water and drink it. Look in both mirrors in turn and say: “I want to become a mermaid with the power to control air, ice and water!” After this, take a bath.

We hope that each of you understands that all of the listed ways to become a real mermaid are nothing more than a myth and an ordinary game. However, the power of belief in mermaids actually makes many people smell fish or feel pain in their legs after performing such rituals. In any case, we want to remain satisfied with the result of at least one of the listed methods of turning into mermaids.

For many years, there have been myths about mermaids that live in a wide variety of lakes and rivers. They spend their entire lives there and are distinguished not only by their beautiful fish tails, but also by their supernatural abilities. It was due to this that many began to admire these creatures. In fact, there is a belief that absolutely anyone can become a mermaid. This is quite possible if you believe in the methods and do everything necessary. That's why it's worth a try. But first, you need to study the essence of these mythical creatures as carefully as possible. They are so unpredictable that sometimes you don’t know what to expect from them.

In fact, stories about mermaids with beautiful tails go back to ancient Babylon. It was there that people believed that such hybrids existed, and that they also had enormous power. Moreover, over time, in addition to women, they also began to remember about amphibian men. They even began to be called newts, and soon this name stuck with them. Numerous stories and legends began to appear. Everyone brought something of their own to them and tried to somehow diversify them. As a result, not only mermaids appeared, but also sirens. Fundamentally, these types were practically no different, only you can become the first even at home, unlike the second. Let's figure it out and find out how to become a mermaid.

What you need to know about mermaids?

How to become a mermaid and what you need to know about them? It has always been believed that mermaids are evil and many sailors believe that a mermaid is an exceptionally bad sign. Her plans are to bind the sailors into her nets and send them to the bottom. To do this, mermaids make mesmerizing sounds that act like hypnosis on a person. That is why many sailors are sure that if you see a mermaid, you can expect trouble, and it will come at the most inopportune moment. Some even believed that if you noticed a mermaid even out of the corner of your eye, you could know with certainty that you would die.

There are domestic and Western mermaids. Each type has its own characteristic differences. In our understanding, this creature is a cute girl who lacks a fish tail and scales. At the same time, a distinctive feature of a mermaid is its very delicate skin. If she goes out onto land during the day, then under the rays of sunlight her body begins to shine through. Considering that they are spirits, the presence of organs is out of the question. This image has been created for centuries and today it looks exactly like this. At the same time, many believe that mermaids can stay on land without water for a long time. Naturally, the stay of these creatures on earth has its limits. If they do not return in time, they may simply die.

Luckily for us, mermaids aren't born very often. Spring, winter and autumn are periods for hibernation. Mermaids are in the depths of the sea and simply resting. Only when summer comes do they begin to slowly get out and perform their pranks. For centuries, mermaids have been a nuisance to residents of coastal towns and villages. During the full moon, the power of these beautiful creatures is especially noticeable. They become incredibly powerful and can do whatever they want. That is why you should behave as carefully as possible with such girls. All people try to avoid them by the “tenth” road, so as not to incur grief on themselves once again. If you don’t wander around bodies of water, then perhaps you won’t even come across anything like it. However, thousands of eyewitnesses claim to have actually seen such ladies.

There are legends that when summer comes, mermaids come to land and take up places on the rocks near the shore. They take beautiful combs from the fish skeletons and begin to comb their long hair. During this process, water flows from the mermaids, which washes them and thereby supports their vital functions. That is why the comb is a very important attribute for these creatures. Using it, they do not dry out in the air and can stay on dry land longer under the rays of the sun. If the comb is lost or broken, then the mermaid will have little time left to return back to the lake or river. Otherwise, the mermaid may simply die.

How to become a mermaid? Current methods

Many people believe that it is quite possible to become a mermaid, and the most striking examples are death without baptism or being born dead. It is these girls who become beautiful mermaids who spend the rest of their days in bodies of water. Drowned women who decide to commit suicide can also turn into a creature with a fish tail and scales. Sometimes transformation occurs in situations where a girl became engaged to her lover and died immediately afterwards. There are many legends about girls who, having such a fate, became mermaids. Many people believe these stories and consider them to be true. But with the advent of modern TV series, transformation into mermaids has become more loyal and simpler. In fact, there are several working methods.

It is known that the best time to transform into mermaids is during the full moon. It is from the moon that these creatures begin to feed on the energy that gives them life. To become a mermaid on the full moon, you must first of all wait for it. It is worth preparing for the ritual in advance, so it is best to find out in advance when the full moon will be and mark these days on your own calendar. After this you will have to find a deserted place. A variety of parks and forests, where there is practically no one, are best suited. You should take a small bucket with you on the road and fill it with water. During the full moon, you will have to turn the bucket in your hands so that the moon is clearly reflected in the water. Once the angle is correct, you will have to douse yourself with this water, but you must leave some water at the bottom of the ladle. After you have washed, you will have to rinse yourself a little with the remaining water and take a few sips.

There is a belief that you can become a mermaid not only during the full moon. Yes, on such days they have quite a lot of power, but in fact it reaches its peak on the so-called “Rusal day”. It comes every year in the summer; for the Orthodox it is the day of the Holy Trinity. In order for the transformation process to proceed correctly, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. Given that Trinity Day falls on a different day each year, it is best to find out the date in advance. As a result, when that very day comes, it is on this day that a girl can come to any deserted body of water and try to become one of the mermaids. To do this, you will need to strip naked and go into the water up to your neck. This is done so that the creatures accept you as one of their own. As soon as you find yourself in the water, you will have to dive into it and go down, but you cannot close your eyes. You need to see everything that happens underwater and if everything is done correctly, the mermaids will begin to test you. They often send nightmare visions that can be seen right in the water. If a girl manages to overcome her fear, she will become one of them. If she doesn’t have enough strength to control herself, then she can be dragged to the very bottom.

How to become a mermaid at home?

In fact, you can not go anywhere and perform one simple ritual at home. Each mermaid has some kind of supernatural abilities, and this method makes it possible to gain a wide variety of possibilities.

To gain the power of fire, girls who turn into mermaids light a match and wait until it burns to ashes, which is what they will need during the ritual.

If you like the water element, then it will be under your control after using a spoon, into which only 3 pinches of salt are poured and the whole thing is filled with water.

It is also possible to control the air. To do this, water is boiled in a kettle, with a glass placed over the spout. After some time, the steam will begin to turn into water, which you need for the ritual. Having chosen all the ingredients you need, you will have to mix them and drink them all together at midnight. For the spell to work, you must say the phrase: “Archangel Michael, and with him Saint Gabriel, draw your bows, load your arrows. Where should your holy arrows fly. There, take the legs from the slaves (your name), but return them at will. Amen.” After using this method, abilities begin to gradually appear after 3 days. Complete transformation will happen only after a week, while you cannot tell others about your actions for a whole year.

There is another way to become a mermaid at home, but it takes longer, and you may have to perform the ritual several times. To do this, you will need to take a bath in the third month of the year and precisely on the third day. At the same time, place candles in the corners of the bathroom. The girl needs to go into a bathtub filled with water with a fish tail in her hand and say the words of the spell: “Archangel Michael, and with him Saint Gabriel, draw your bows, load your arrows. Where should your holy arrows fly. There, take the legs from the slaves (your name) , but return them at will. Amen." As soon as you finish saying everything you need to, you need to immediately dive under the water and do not close your eyes. You should clearly see the burning candles underwater. You need to stay in this state for 5-7 seconds and watch what is happening all this time. If you see a shadow or some movement, then the process has begun. Usually, in order to be reincarnated, it is necessary to carry out this procedure regularly. Soon you will be able to become one of the mermaids.

P.S. “This material is of an entertaining nature and there is no need to try to become a mermaid, mermaids are a priori fictional creatures.”

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The surest way to become a real mermaid
Another way to truly become a mermaid is to take a wide jug or basin filled with water on a full moon and take it out onto the balcony or, even better, onto the street (if you are in the country or live on your own property). Wait for the reflection of the moon to fall into the water and pour it all over from head to toe, then wash your face and drink a little of this water.

An even more reliable option for dousing with water is swimming in a body of water (lake or river) during the full moon. If the full moon is reflected on the water of a lake or pond, this is a great chance to turn into a real mermaid!

More easy ways to become a mermaid without a full moon:
1 way to become a mermaid without a full moon

If you wait a long time for the full moon, but you want to turn into a mermaid quickly, you can use another method.

Take a container of water, a wooden comb and go out onto the balcony. Place the comb in the water. Close your eyes and say the following phrase: “Mermaids, take me to your place, give me your powers: I want to control the air, boiling water and ice.” Without opening your eyes, touch the water. Open your eyes and immediately comb your hair with this comb while continuing to recite the spell.

Method 2
how to become a mermaid with power without a full moon

At midnight, go out onto the balcony or just open the window and say into the night: “I want to turn into a mermaid with the power of controlling air, ice and boiling water.” Then, on a piece of paper, be sure to write the following phrase with a blue or blue felt-tip pen: “I whisper three times, I knock three times, I want three powers,” put the piece of paper under your pillow with the wording facing up and calmly fall asleep.

How to become a mermaid with the power of magic in other ways

More effective ways to turn into a mermaid:

1 way

In the evening, after washing your face and brushing your teeth, turn off the light in the bathroom, light the candles, and close the door. Plug the sink and fill it with water. Then say 3 times: “Mermaid, the main of all mermaids, who gives power to other mermaids, come!” These will call the mermaid to you. Attention: do not be alarmed if you suddenly hear a rustle, rustle of scales, sigh, or smell fish. This means that you are doing everything right. When you feel this, just talk to the mermaid and ask her for a tail. Then, after communication, of course! thank her and say: “I thank you mermaids, and I ask you to go about your business! Thanks for the help". After this, remove the plug from the sink and let the water drain. Then blow out the candles and go to bed.

Method 2

Take the scales of a raw fish, wrap them in a sheet of paper and burn them, then take your hair, a candle and two mirrors. Also wrap the hair in paper and burn it. Place the mirrors opposite each other, light a candle. Place the ashes from the hair burned in paper into a glass of spring water and place it between the mirrors. Look in both mirrors in turn, and then at the glass and say: “I want to become a mermaid with the power of controlling air, ice and water!” After this, blow out the candles, then take a shower, first dousing yourself with this water.