Angora hamster. What types of pet hamsters are there? Care for claws and teeth

Compared to its short-haired relatives, the Angora hamster stands out for its particularly impressive and presentable appearance. From the outside it looks like a small, soft ball of fur. If you are considering the Angora variety of hamsters as pets, you will be interested in learning about the lifestyle, features of care and maintenance of the fluffy one.

Meet the fluffy hamster

First of all, the bright and unusual exterior of the hamster catches your eye.

Sometimes, by mistake, the Angora hamster is considered as a separate, independent species. However, in fact, the Angora hamster is a representative of the Syrian breed, only with a longer coat.

It was nicknamed Angora for its resemblance to the Angora rabbit. Under natural conditions it lives in the mountainous areas of the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Did you know?Hamsters are excellent swimmers. By drawing air into their cheek sinuses, they can float for a long time.

Appearance and character

Main external characteristics

  • body length: 10 cm - in females, up to 12 cm - in males;
  • weight: up to 180 g;
  • color: black, white, beige-cream, gray and silver, spotted, tortoiseshell and others;
  • wool: in females it does not exceed 2 cm in length, in males it reaches 5 cm.

The Angora hamster has very delicate, small front and hind legs, large cheeks, and bright, expressive black eyes. The tail is missing.

The breed is curious, makes good contact with people, and does not show aggression.

Still, there are situations when a hamster may bite or its behavior becomes aggressive.
Possible reasons for this:

  1. The animal is not yet accustomed to you, your hands and smell.
  2. The animal was picked up incorrectly: you abruptly covered it with your palm, grabbed it by the scruff of the neck, drove it into the corner of the cage and thus wanted to catch it.
  3. Perhaps there is a smell on your hands that attracts or, conversely, signals danger. Therefore, before picking up the hamster, you need to wash them well.
  4. There is no chalk stone in the cage for grinding down teeth.
  5. You tried to roughly or abruptly pick up a sleepy or sleeping pet.

How to determine the sex of an Angora hamster

The ability to determine the sex of an animal is important when purchasing in a store, as well as when further breeding animals, in order to prevent inbreeding.

So, to distinguish a boy from a girl, you need to carefully pick up the hamster in your palm so that the thumb and forefinger lightly hold it under the front legs, and the rest of the body hangs down.

You can hold the animal from below with your other palm. You cannot roughly grab an animal by the scruff of the neck.

Now you need to examine the area near the genitals.

In boys, there will be a large distance between the anus and the urethra: 0.5 cm in small hamsters and 1–1.5 cm in adult Angora males.
This area will be covered with wool. In females, the anus and genitals are located as close to each other as possible; hair does not grow between them, but, on the contrary, there is a small bald patch.

Also in girls you can find two rows of papillae, which males do not have.

Interestingly, many owners describe boys as more open to human interaction. Plus they smell less.

How long do they live?

If you provide the animal with all the necessary conditions and careful care, as well as a diet, it will delight you with its presence for up to 4 years.

But in natural conditions, a long-haired animal will not be able to survive.

Ironically, it is precisely because of their luxurious fur that the animals are not adapted to life in the wild, but in captivity they can be kept quite successfully.

Pros and cons of their content

Definitely, the main advantage of keeping them is their decorative value.
But that's it Pros of keeping an Angora hamster don't end:

  1. It is relatively simple and undemanding to care for.
  2. Behaves silently.
  3. Normally tolerates excessive attention to his person, calmly reacts to squeezing and caressing.
  4. Excellent training abilities.
  5. Can be propagated in captivity.
  6. Suitable as a first pet, including for children.
  7. Low cost of the animal and the necessary accessories for its maintenance.
  8. The animal is clean (which does not exclude the need for regular cleaning of the cage).

However, before purchasing a fluffy, also weigh some complexity and features of its content:

  1. Leads a nocturnal lifestyle.
  2. Only one animal can be placed in one cage.
  3. It can easily gain weight, so overfeeding is unacceptable. It is also important to provide the animal with exercise equipment.
  4. When walking around the apartment, it can chew and damage wires, shoes, and other objects, and therefore requires constant supervision outside the cage.
  5. May hibernate during winter.

How much do they cost and how to choose when buying

These fluffy creatures are inexpensive - you can buy a hamster at a pet store for less than $10.

It is optimal to buy an animal at the age of 1.5–2 months. During this period, you can begin to train him and teach him to go to the toilet.
When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following points in order to choose a healthy animal:

  1. The fur is clean, soft, and there are no bald spots or bald spots on the body.
  2. There is no discharge from the eyes or nose.
  3. The area near the anus is clean.
  4. The animal is moderately active: not sleepy, but also not running around the cage excitedly.

Did you know?In Vietnam, you can be fined almost $1,000 for keeping a pet hamster.

Angora hamsters, however, like all other breeds, reproduce very often, producing numerous offspring.

Therefore, it is quite possible that you will be able to get the animal from acquaintances or friends completely free of charge.

Choosing and arranging a home

The purchase of a pet is necessarily accompanied by the purchase of a home for it.
At first glance, it may seem that the fluffy can be settled anywhere, because this animal is completely unpretentious. But that's not true.

A parrot cage or glass aquarium are not the best options for a home for a hamster.

For this animal it is worth buying a special cage, which then needs to be equipped according to all the needs of the animal.

Size and material

When buying a cage, you need to immediately buy a room “for growth”, since the animals grow quickly and there is no point in buying separate cages for a young and mature animal.

Usually, a room measuring approximately 50*50 cm with the same height is enough for hamsters.

It is better to choose a cage with high-quality metal cross bars so that your pet can climb on them.
It must have a plastic tray, as well as a door with a reliable latch.

Important! When the cell size is less than 30*50 cm, the animal can develop a number of pathologies and diseases: obesity, weak immunity, cardiovascular diseases, and also a reduced life expectancy.

Some cage requirements:

  1. The distance between the rods for an adult Angora hamster should be no more than 10 mm; for a female with babies it is reduced to 5 mm.
  2. In a multi-level cage, the distance between floors should be 30 cm or less to prevent injury to the animal when it falls.
  3. Floors in multi-level cages should be made of plastic, but not metal bars, to prevent limbs from getting stuck and injured.
You can also choose completely plastic cages, which are already equipped with various tunnels and passages, exercise equipment and other accessories for an active pet.

Among other things, they have a plastic roof, can have several levels (floors), and can also be connected to other blocks.
The cost of such cages is quite high, but for a hamster they will be a real paradise.

What does a hamster need in a cage?

A hamster, including an Angora, is a very active, one might even say athletic animal, so the cage must be equipped with various exercise equipment and devices for exercise and play.

Hamsters are constantly busy with something, so putting them in an empty cage is simply unacceptable.

In the wild, hamsters are extremely mobile - looking for food and materials for housing, they can travel tens of kilometers.

Main accessories:

Where to put it in the room

It is important for the animal to choose a cozy, warm, calm place in the apartment.

Areas with drafts are absolutely not suitable (place on the floor, near a window). Also, you should not place the cage in direct sunlight or in places where other pets might covet the animal’s peace of mind. Also, do not place the cage near flowering or other indoor plants that may be allergens for the animal. The ideal place is on a high stool or table in the corner of the room, away from the windows.

How many individuals can be kept in one cage?

As we have already indicated earlier, the Angora hamster does not tolerate neighbors, therefore it must live in a cage alone.

If you want to keep several individuals, each will have to be provided with a separate place of residence.

Important!If Angora hamsters are kept together, they will constantly fight, chew each other, and can cause severe injuries when fighting for territory.

Bathing and grooming

In the standard sense, the handsome Angora will not need bathing.

Firstly, he is naturally clean; he cleans his fur and entire body with his tongue and paws.

Secondly, due to the miniature size of the hamster, it is very easy to overlook and fill his ears and nose with water.
In addition, swimming in water will be a huge stress for the animal, as a result of which it can become hypothermic and get sick.

Given the long and shaggy coat of the animals, they will require regular brushing with a toothbrush.

The main decoration of Angora hamsters often collects dirt: garbage, food debris and litter.

Caring for the fur of females is much easier, since their fur coat is shorter.

Care for claws and teeth

As such, nail and tooth care is not required, but the hamster must have wooden objects, twigs, and chalk (mineral) stone in its cage so that the animal can constantly grind down its teeth as needed.
They grow in hamsters throughout their lives and, if not worn down, can grow so large that they become a health hazard.

Cleaning the cage

The cage needs to be cleaned once every 1-2 weeks as it gets dirty. To do this, the pet should be placed (in a walking ball, glass jar, carrier). Next, the cage must be freed of all accessories, washed with hot water without detergents and dried. The filler must be removed and the tray must also be washed clean. Feeders, drinkers, and running wheels must be washed. Next, you need to fill the tray with fresh filler (adding some old stuff so that the animal recognizes its home) and place accessories around the cage.
To make cleaning the cage much easier, your hamster can be toilet trained, and this should preferably be done from a very tender age.

This is easier to do than it seems, because by nature hamsters are very clean and usually choose one secluded corner of the cage for urination. This is where the toilet should be placed.

Did you know?In the cheek sinuses, hamsters can transport up to 1/5 of their own weight, that is, on average, about 40 g of food.

Toilets are sold in pet stores, most often they are triangular in shape and can be open or closed.

You also need to purchase filler. To prevent an unpleasant odor from emanating from your pet’s cage, change the litter every two days and flush the toilet with water.

Video: cleaning a hamster cage

What to feed hamsters at home

In conclusion, let’s look at another important aspect of keeping a fluffy cat - feeding.

It is very important that your pet’s diet is moderate and balanced, because living in captivity can cause hamsters to gain weight very quickly and greatly.

What is possible

Basic diet:

  1. Corn. Every day you need to include oats, flax, and millet in your menu.
  2. Plant products. Angora hamsters will happily gobble up vegetables and fruits, nuts, and berries.
  3. Greenery. Plantain, lettuce, dill, parsley, dandelion, and clover are suitable.
  4. Animal products. A couple of times a week, the diet should be supplemented with cottage cheese and kefir, natural low-fat yogurt, as well as chicken boiled without salt. Once every 10 days you can indulge in a mealworm.
In pet stores you can buy your pet special grain and dry fruit mixtures, special hamster treats (pellets, crackers, cookies).
If you feed homemade fruits, they must first be pitted.

Angora hamsters are called furry kings. This is a very clean animal that does not require the utmost attention. There will be no problems with caring for Angoras - he eats little, is not noisy, carefully maintains hygiene and is absolutely not aggressive.

Children are big fans of this type of rodent; they associate this hamster with a plush toy.

Characteristics and description

The Angora is a long-haired descendant of the common Syrian hamster. This type of hamster was nicknamed Angora for its soft and fluffy fur. These animals are practically never found in nature, because they are completely unadapted for independent life. Hamsters have no defensive reactions, they also do not know how to camouflage themselves, so most, unfortunately, die.

Living at home, fluffy Angoras feel great. In 1972, the Angora hamster was domesticated for the first time. Angora hamsters come in a wide range of colors, from white and black to peach, pink and cream.

Only males are called Angora hamsters, because only their fur length can reach 5 cm. The length of females’ fur rarely reaches 2 cm and they weigh slightly less.

Angoras have a number of differences:

Hamsters, in addition to long hair, have an extremely cute appearance. Black beady eyes and small pink ears delight not only children, but also adults.

Before getting a hamster, you need to find out if other family members are allergic to hamster hair or other components.

So, how to choose the right healthy animal?

  1. A healthy Angora has hair without lumps, bald spots and shines;
  2. The eyes are clear, there is no discharge from the nose;
  3. The anus and the hair around it are clean;
  4. The hamster's state is relatively playful, without sudden mood swings;

It should be remembered that it is not recommended to keep several individuals in one cage at once. They will not get along calmly; during fights they can cause serious injuries to each other.

To avoid being bitten, you need to follow some simple rules:

  • a sleepy or sleeping pet should not be suddenly grabbed;
  • before picking up the hamster, you need to wash them thoroughly;
  • You cannot cover the top with your palm;
  • you cannot drive around the cage and drive into a corner;
  • grab the fur.

Angoras are practically no different from other species. They are unpretentious to food and live for about 2-3 years. The price in pet stores for Angora hamsters is acceptable, however, do not forget that a hamster needs a house, a drinking bowl, a bath and a feeder.

Pros and cons of the content

As with any animal, owners sometimes have difficulties in keeping a pet, so before purchasing it is necessary to find out all the pros and cons of keeping Angora hamsters. The advantages include:

There are few disadvantages, but they still exist:

  • Angoras are prone to obesity;
  • the hamster needs additional accessories: a mineral stone, a simulator;
  • hibernates and is active at night;
  • capable of chewing wires and shoes, so it is recommended to let him out for a walk in a special ball;
  • may emit an unpleasant odor if the cage is not cleaned in time;
  • doesn't get along with neighbors.

The choice of a future home for an Angora hamster should be approached with all responsibility. Experts recommend purchasing a cage 35-40 cm high; the top must be closed. The cage should have horizontal bars on which the animal can climb. The bottom of the cage can be covered with sawdust, coarse sand or filler from a pet store.

It is necessary to choose the right place where the cage with the pet will stand. Do not place the cage in direct sunlight, near heating devices and away from water. It is also extremely important to install the cage so that other pets cannot reach the hamster.

Don't forget about the nest. It can be made from fluff, hay, and finely chopped white paper. Cotton wool and newspapers are not suitable for making a nest.

In the wild, furry hamsters are constantly on the move. The hamster needs to install a simulator in the cage, it will work perfectly running wheel. Due to the Angora's long coat, the wheel must be about 20 cm in diameter so that the hamster does not step on its own fur when running.

Drinking bowl You don't have to buy a big one. Angoras drink little, but the water must be fresh daily. Hamsters make up for the lack of water by eating juicy vegetables and fruits. There should be 2 feeders, separately for dry and separately for wet food.

Angora hamsters grow teeth quickly. The hamster must grind its teeth; for this, veterinarians advise owners to purchase mineral stone. The stone is freely available at any pet store or veterinary pharmacy.

Feeding the hamster

You should definitely create a proper diet for your Angora hamster. The daily diet must contain three main components that are extremely important for the pet’s health: cellulose(millet, oats, flax), plant protein(vegetables, fruits, dried fruits), animal protein(boiled unsalted chicken, cottage cheese).

In addition to the above-mentioned main components, the hamster’s diet should contain:

  1. Mixtures from the pet store (cereals and fruits).
  2. Treats (cereal sticks, hamster biscuits).
  3. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds.
  4. Egg white (once every 7 days).
  5. Fresh fruits (apples, grapes).
  6. Vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers).
  7. Berries.
  8. Yogurt 0% fat.
  1. Human food.
  2. Mushrooms.
  3. Smoked food.
  4. Salty food.
  5. Fried food.
  6. Sweet food.
  7. Garlic.
  8. Bow.
  9. Potatoes.
  10. Pasta.

Hamster diseases

Owners of hamsters often encounter the manifestation of certain diseases. The most common ones are:

Angora hamsters are perfect for a person who has decided to have a pet for the first time. They do not require special care or much effort. If your pet is sick, under no circumstances should you self-medicate; you should immediately contact a specialist.

The debate about what species the Angora hamster belongs to is not groundless. Many consider it a separate species in the hamster family, which is fundamentally wrong. In fact, this is a variety of Syrian individuals, differing in the quality of their coat. This is what they call Angora.

Individuals can be long-haired or short-haired. Their ubiquity is due to their great popularity among people. To have information about what an Angora hamster looks like, you can see the photo at the end of the article.

Rules of care and maintenance

Introducing Angoras is a responsible, important step. People who are not prepared to constantly care for an animal should not take on great responsibility. How long Angora hamsters live in captivity depends on their lifestyle, care, and maintenance. Important points in organizing life activities are:

  • cell selection;
  • choice of location;
  • equipment inside the home.

Taking into account these points, organizing the living space of an Angora takes some time, however, care must be carried out at a high level in order to achieve a long life expectancy.

How to choose a cage?

When choosing a living space, you should pay attention to such points as:

  • dimensions - it should be large so that the hamster has enough space. Especially large ones are chosen when several individuals are kept together;
  • ventilation – the home must be well ventilated, otherwise ammonia accumulations may form, which will lead to respiratory problems in pets;
  • cleaning – the living space is cleaned at least twice a week, which means it shouldn’t take much time. The most difficult dwellings to clean are plastic cages and aquariums. When cleaning, it is advisable to transfer the pet to another cage, and not to a jar; it is strictly forbidden to release it into the wild, even in apartment conditions;
  • the bottom must be made of a plastic monolith. It is easy to clean, does not lead to breaking off the Angora’s claws, and therefore does not cause unnecessary discomfort to him.

When choosing a “house” for your pet, you should pay attention to its size and the size of the cells between the rods. It is important that he cannot escape from his home, which is extremely difficult to keep track of, because this animal is most active at night, when its owners are sleeping.

How to equip the Angora's home?

In many ways, the quality of keeping a pet depends on the equipment available in the cage. There are “houses” that are sold fully prepared for organizing the life of a hamster, however, usually they do not contain exactly what the animal really needs. The main equipment used to organize the regime moments of a hamster individual is:

  • feeder - it is desirable that there are two of them - one contains dry food, the other contains products that are changed twice a day due to the ability to quickly deteriorate;
  • A drinking bowl is a vital element for a pet’s life. You can make a drinking bowl with your own hands or choose it in a store;
  • running wheel – will be able to provide proper activity to a hamster in captivity, which is important for its normal development. It is equipped with a solid surface so that the animal’s paws do not fall through or be injured;
  • A special type of block (mineral stone) will act as a sharpener for your pet’s teeth. It is extremely important that the hamster can grind down his teeth, otherwise they will turn into fangs, as they are constantly growing.

These things are a kind of condominium for an individual of the hamster family. This is the minimum necessary for the normal organization of the life of a pet.

Choosing a place for a pet

The pet should be comfortable in its new home, and therefore it is extremely important not only to equip it, but also to choose the right place to install the cage in the apartment. Places that promote the formation of drafts, that is, a balcony, floor, near a window area, are not suitable for installing a cage. You should not allow your pet to be constantly exposed to direct sunlight during the day. Moreover, he must be protected from encroachments on his personal space by other pets when they are present in the room. You should not place the cage near flowering and other plants, as they can cause your pet to frequently escape from the cage space. The ideal location for the cage would be a stool or table located in the corner of the room on the opposite side of the window.

Reasons for the aggressive behavior of the Angoras

Often, owners of Angoras return to the pet store with a complaint that the pet bites. There may be several reasons for a hamster's aggressive behavior:

  • not enough time has passed for him to get used to being handled;
  • attempts to pick up incorrectly (causing discomfort to the baby);
  • sudden movements of the hands;
  • the smell of food left on your hands;
  • absence of a block in the cage for grinding teeth.

If the animal's bites are mild, there is no need to worry - it is showing natural curiosity, developed due to its poor ability to see. Well, in order for the pet not to bite at all, it is necessary to take it in your arms as often as possible during the first time after purchase.


Care and maintenance is not only the organization of living space, establishing contact, but also the correct selection of products necessary for the pet for its normal growth and development. The basis of the diet will be dry food, which can be purchased at the same pet store as your pet. Do not forget that it is stored in a cage in a separate feeder from the one where vegetables and fruits are placed. When choosing them, you must remember that there are crops that are prohibited for consumption by the Angoras. Fruit and vegetable pieces are removed from the feeder twice a day or more often if a “rotten” smell occurs.

Naturally, the hamster will set up a kind of pantry in the house, where it will put aside a certain amount of food it receives. Until a putrid smell comes from there, it is not recommended to touch it. Any human touching it, moving it to another place, or completely cleaning it will cause enormous stress in the body of a small animal. This usually leads to impaired cardiac activity in babies.

Products prohibited for consumption

Prohibited products for Angora are:

  • milk and its derivatives;
  • salty, fried, smoked, sweet foods (what a person usually eats);
  • spices;
  • canned food;
  • mushrooms;
  • dry pasta;
  • citrus fruits, other exotic fruits.

The consumption of these products leads to the development of stomach diseases, which can cause his untimely death.

Factors influencing life expectancy

The lifespan of Angoras is directly affected by their care. The Angora hamster, the photo of which is posted below, usually looks like a happy, carefree pet. With proper organization of living space and lifestyle, there will be no disputes about how long Angora hamsters live.

In favorable conditions, with the organization of the correct diet, constant vaccination and examinations by a veterinarian, an individual can live up to four years. By the way, in the wild, such animals live no more than two to three years, and careless individuals live for less than a year. Factors influencing the life expectancy of pets are:

  • conditions for organizing living space before acquisition by a new owner;
  • creation of favorable conditions during transportation;
  • monitoring the maintenance of order in the baby’s home;
  • organizing a proper diet;
  • absence of injuries and illnesses.

Reproduction of "angoras" in captivity

Reproduction of Angora hamsters in captivity is not the easiest task, one might even say it is troublesome. To breed new individuals, you will need three cages - for the male, female and for organizing the mating site. A hamster comes into heat every four days. The best age for mating females is from four months to a year.

When pregnancy occurs, the wheel is removed from the hamster's cage and more napkins are added so that she can build a nest. The interesting position of the female lasts no more than twenty days. Born babies are kept in the same cage with their mother for about a month, then they are placed in separate cages.

It is extremely important to provide the pregnant female with a proper diet. Her food should be rich in proteins, which means that once every two weeks a tiny amount of milk and meat, made in the form of puree, is added to provide complementary feeding for children. When having a baby from the hamster family, you should not think that caring for him is not as responsible as keeping a dog, cat or other pets.

The Angora hamster is a type of Syrian breed with long hair. Usually only males of the subspecies are called this way, whose fur reaches 5 cm. In females it does not grow longer than 2 cm. It is this feature that makes pets everyone’s favorites. They cannot be found in the wild because their color does not allow them to camouflage.

In addition to their long coat, Angorikas are characterized by large cheeks, lack of a tail and small front paws. Their height does not exceed 12 cm, and the weight of an adult is approximately 180 grams.

How long do Angora hamsters live and their cost?

Hamsters of this breed live for about three years. If the owners follow the rules of care and maintenance, the lifespan of rodents increases by another year.

An Angora hamster in Russia costs from 200 to 350 rubles - it all depends on where the animal was purchased. But the purchase is not the final expense. For normal and comfortable living conditions, he will need not only a cage, but also auxiliary accessories: a wheel, a feeder, a drinking bowl, a toilet, etc.

Before purchasing a rodent, make sure it is healthy.

Signs of the condition are:

  • Smooth and shiny skin without bald spots.
  • No nasal or eye discharge.
  • Active behavior without obvious signs of overexcitation.

Animal conditions

The reproduction and life expectancy of Angora hamsters directly depends on the correct conditions for keeping the animals. It is important to know that it is prohibited to keep several same-sex rodents of this breed in one cage. They do not tolerate neighbors and therefore fights for territory causing serious injuries cannot be avoided.

Features of the subspecies:

  • He quickly gets used to the house and toilet, gets along well with children and makes almost no noise at night.
  • Rarely gets sick with proper care.
  • Clean and unpretentious in food.

Despite this, there are some difficulties:

  • This breed of rodent is prone to becoming overweight, which has a negative impact on health. Therefore, it is necessary to control food portions and install exercise equipment in his home.
  • Nocturnal - during daylight hours they sleep or hide in the house.
  • It can hibernate if the room temperature drops below 10 0 C. Carefully ensure that Angoriki do not become overcooled.

The Angora hamster, a photo of which can be found on the Internet, chews furniture, shoes, wires and everything it can reach, because its teeth are constantly growing. In this regard, it is necessary to control its behavior outside the cell.

Requirements for rodent housing

The dwelling is installed in a place away from heating devices, drafts and direct sunlight. Make sure that curtains or wallpaper do not come into contact with the cage - otherwise you risk their integrity. The Angora hamster's cage is filled with twigs and the obligatory mineral stones, on which it grinds its teeth.

The floor is covered with a special granular filler (cat litter cannot be used). The resting place is a plastic house, the floor of which is covered with paper, cloth or hay. You should not use cotton wool as insulation, especially if you are breeding animals - small paws and newborn babies get tangled in it.

To maintain the Angorika's physical fitness, install additional ladders, running wheels, hammocks or tunnels in the cage. Choose a wheel for Angora hamsters that is at least 20 cm in diameter so that the fluffy dog ​​does not get entangled in its own fur.

Provided that your animal is litter box trained, you will have to clean it twice a week and it will not take much time, because this breed is very clean. The animal is removed from the cage, and the cage is washed under running water using special cleaning agents.

Grooming and bathing

Long hair can cause a lot of trouble for owners and discomfort for the animals themselves. It must be combed out, simultaneously removing entangled particles of food and waste. For this, use a regular toothbrush. To make the wool less dirty, you need to use wood pellets instead of sawdust to fill the floor of the cage.

Important! Bathing animals is prohibited - this leads to stress, inflammation and colds. Instead of water, place a small container with ordinary river sand in their home so that Angara hamsters can clean their coats on their own.

Feeding an Angora hamster

Since the rodent species in question was bred artificially, their diet should be as balanced as possible and contain as much protein food as possible.

A proper diet for animals consists of:

  • Fiber. Daily oats, flax or millet.
  • Animal proteins (every 2 - 3 days). Poultry and dairy products.
  • Plant proteins (nuts, vegetables, berries and fruits) - every day.

It is advisable to feed the Angorika with special grain mixtures, which can be purchased at any pet store at an affordable cost. Their range is large, so before purchasing food for your hamster, study the photos and information about the composition, as well as reviews on the Internet.

Make sure that household furries do not stock up on food - sour foods can poison them. Before feeding, you need to remove the seeds from fruits - the acid they contain is a dangerous poison for Angora hamsters.

Animals should not be given food containing dyes or preservatives. Besides:

  • Sweet, smoked, pickled, canned and salted.
  • Watermelons, almonds and exotic fruits.
  • Sorrel.

After eating chips or salted peanuts, the animal will not die, but stomach problems are guaranteed. If you want your Angora hamsters to live as long as possible, follow these rules.


Angora hamsters reach reproductive age at 1.5 months. You can mate representatives of different breeds, you need to select partners based on weight, size and immediately remove the male - a pregnant female becomes very aggressive and can injure or kill her “husband”.

New mothers can eat their offspring - this is due to a lack of protein in the body. To preserve the offspring, feed pregnant hamsters heavily with chicken, milk and egg whites. In addition, you should not pick up newborns - the foreign smell will turn the mother away from the children and the offspring will die.

The health of hamsters and possible diseases are all in your hands. Try to make sure that these cute animals delight you for more than one year. Care will return with boundless love and trust.

These amazing creatures actually have the right to be proud of their fur. In the photo, the Angora hamster looks like he is a disheveled, fat rodent with a touching expression on his face. But if you wet a hamster, you can immediately see how small he really is. Although it is impossible to wet or bathe hamsters of this breed in general, these sissies are very prone to colds.

The Angora hamster's long coat needs to be groomed daily.

Otherwise, the Angora variety of hamsters is not much different from the Syrian:

  • average lifespan is two years;
  • low mobility in adulthood;
  • passion for climbing the walls and ceiling of the cage;
  • intelligence and curiosity.

Males have much longer fluffy hairs than females. Thus, boys can boast of wool 5 cm long, while in girls it reaches no more than 2 cm. The color of the coat is mainly peach-golden, although there are Angoras with black or red stripes.

Long fur is both a joy for the owner and a special responsibility. You will have to take care of your hamster every day. If you do not brush your pet with a soft brush, the fur will become matted and dirty and unsightly. So that the baby can take care of himself, place a bath with clean sand in the cage.

In order for a long-haired hamster to be comfortable, it needs to be provided with special conditions:

  • instead of wood shavings, it is better to fill the bottom of the cage with pressed wood pellets;
  • the running wheel should be large, at least 20 cm in diameter, since the Angora breed is very large;
  • The stomach of this breed of hamster is very sensitive, so special attention must be paid to nutrition.

Include boiled meat, real cottage cheese, fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains in your pet's diet. He especially loves flaxseeds, oats and corn, and loves pumpkin and eggplant. You cannot feed the animal from your table, or give it citrus fruits, onions, cheese or potatoes.