A good mucolytic and expectorant. Treatment of cough in children with mucolytics

Autumn and winter are the traditional season for children's colds. Cough is a common manifestation of this disease. It may be viral or bacterial in nature. A dry, non-productive cough is especially painful. When it turns into a wet state, it continues to bother not only the child, but also parents who are concerned about his health. To cope with this problem, serious treatment will be required. for children occupy a central place in therapy.

Indications for the use of an expectorant

Expectorants should not be used for a dry cough; this will only cause harm to the child’s health. With a non-productive manifestation, viscous sputum accumulated in the bronchi is not expelled. It fills the lumens of the bronchi, preventing them from functioning normally. The microbes that have settled on their walls continue to multiply, and the child’s condition worsens. There are several recommendations to alleviate the condition of a small patient:

  • Remove all objects that collect dust from the apartment or room where the child is.
  • Ventilate the room frequently.
  • The room temperature should not be higher than 20 degrees.
  • The air in the apartment should be humid; you can hang a wet towel on the radiator in winter or use a special humidifier.
  • Give the child enough liquid: water, cranberry juice, currant and raspberry jelly, tea with honey, if there are no allergies.
  • Use drinking and inhalation with mineral alkaline water, after releasing the gas.
  • In the absence of allergies, give decoctions of medicinal herbs: , .

A common cause of cough is the accumulation of viscous and difficult to separate sputum in the respiratory tract. Healthy respiratory organs secrete up to 100 ml of liquid secretion called mucus per day. It is necessary for their proper functioning, normal gas exchange, protection from various pathogens, dust, dirt and other harmful substances. When a large number of bacteria enter the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, the secretion of mucus increases sharply, and its consistency changes - it becomes viscous and difficult to separate.

Diseases that cause coughing:

  • Diseases of the lower respiratory tract of an infectious nature: pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis.
  • Inflammation provoked by external factors or internal processes: bronchospasm, allergies, bronchial asthma.
  • Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, in which viscous sputum appears: sinusitis, nasopharyngitis, rhinitis.
  • Diseases of the ENT organs: otitis media, sinusitis.

For all these pathological conditions, it is necessary to use expectorants. They can be of plant origin and synthetic. Parents should not choose them themselves. Even the most harmless herbal remedy can cause an allergy in a child and only worsen the condition. Expectorant drugs should be prescribed by a doctor: pediatrician, pulmonologist, otolaryngologist.

Type of expectorant drugs

Cough relievers are divided into the following groups:

  • suppressing irritation of cough receptors;
  • expectorants;
  • mucolytic.

Antitussives suppress dry, nonproductive cough. And the action of expectorants is aimed at reducing a productive cough with well-discharged thin sputum.

Mucolytic drugs alleviate the condition with a productive cough, but with viscous and difficult to separate sputum due to its dilution.

According to the mode of action and the effect obtained from expectorant drugs, they can be divided into 3 types:

  • reflex;
  • resorptive;
  • mucolytic.

The first two types of expectorant drugs irritate the mucous membrane of the lower respiratory tract, thereby producing an increase in the amount of mucus, diluting it, and facilitating its removal into the trachea by improving the peristalsis of the bronchial muscles. Mucolytic expectorants help thin sputum by disrupting the structure of mucopolysaccharides, but do not increase its quantity. Due to the high risk of bronchospasm, the use of all these medications is prohibited for children under 2 years of age.

All expectorant medications are selected by the doctor, guided by the diagnosis, the age of the child, and taking into account concomitant diseases. It takes into account drug compatibility and possible allergic reactions. As a rule, treatment begins with the appointment of mucolytics. If the child’s condition is not serious, the doctor limits himself to the use of herbal preparations. They act gently and cause fewer adverse reactions. Many of them have a triple effect:

  • thins mucus;
  • improve mucus evacuation;
  • have anti-inflammatory properties.

Mucolytic drugs

The table shows herbal expectorants.

Name Active substance Features of the action
Prospan, Gedelix, Gerbion Syrups with ivy leaf extract. Relieves bronchospasm, thins mucus, and facilitates its removal.
Dr. Theiss Syrup with plantain extract.

Lollipops with sage extract.

Anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, bronchospasmolytic agent.

Pronounced bactericidal effect.

Bronchipret, Bronchicum Extracts of thyme herb and primrose roots. Good for thinning mucus. Do not take with antitussive medications.
Marshmallow syrup


Marshmallow root extract.

Tablets based on marshmallow root extract.

It thins mucus, accelerates its secretion, reduces inflammation, and has an enveloping effect.

The effect is the same as that of syrup.

Pertussin Syrup based on thyme extract with potassium bromide. Transforms a dry cough into a wet one, thins sputum.
Bronholitin Syrup with basil oil, ephedrine and glaucine. Antispasmodic and antimicrobial drug.
Licorice root syrup Treats dry and wet cough.

There are combined herbal preparations based on several agents at once:

  • – contains 11 medicinal plants;
  • Amtersol – contains extracts of licorice and thermopsis herb;
  • Linkas – contains 10 medicinal herbs.
A drugPhotoPrice
from 156 rub.
from 144 rub.
from 172 rub.

Synthetic mucolytics

Sometimes the child’s condition requires additional use of synthetic mucolytics. Of the variety of synthetic expectorants that have a mucolytic effect and are intended for children, 4 groups of drugs can be distinguished:

  • based on acetylcysteine ​​- Flymucil;
  • based on bromhexine hydrochloride - Bronchosan, ;
  • based on carbocisteine ​​- Libexin-Muco, Fluicort;
  • based on ambroxol - , .
A drugPhotoPrice
from 141 rub.
from 249 rub.
from 380 rub.
from 121 rub.
from 173 rub.

There are also combination products consisting of several active ingredients, both synthetic and herbal. They have not only antitussive, but also anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

The table shows synthetic mucolytics.

A drug In what form is it produced? How to use Peculiarities
Bromhexine Syrup and tablets. Regardless of food intake. Strengthens the effect of antibiotics. Do not combine with antitussive medications.
ACC 100 Granules. After eating. For inhalation, dilute in saline solution. Do not drink along with antibiotics; there should be a 2-hour gap between taking them.
Fluimucil Granules, solution for inhalation. Diluted in water. Dissolve only in glass containers.
Rinofluimucil Nasal spray. Do not use for more than a week.
Solution for inhalation and internal administration. During meals, dissolve in a small amount of liquid.
Syrup, tablets. During meals, add to any liquid. Mucolytic and expectorant drug.

Reflex and direct action expectorants

After mucolytics, and sometimes together with them, drugs that promote the removal of sputum are prescribed - expectorants. They produce increased secretion of liquid sputum by the bronchi due to the increased work of the bronchial glands, irritate the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi and increase the peristalsis of the bronchioles. All this stimulates the expectoration process and improves mucus removal. Many of the mucolytics have an expectorant effect to one degree or another.

Among the reflex-action drugs that irritate the gastric mucosa, thereby reflexively enhancing the work of the bronchial glands, the most are herbal remedies. They are prepared from the following medicinal plants:

  • thermopsis herbs and;
  • marshmallow and licorice roots.

Among the direct-acting drugs that directly stimulate the functioning of the bronchial glands, essential oils from anise, fennel, etc. are often used.

Traditional methods of treating cough

The arsenal of folk remedies is quite large. They can be divided into 3 groups:

  • for oral administration;
  • inhalation;
  • compresses and ointments.

Black radish is most often used for oral administration. Medicine can be prepared from it in different ways. The easiest way is to remove some of the pulp from a washed root vegetable with a whole tail and put honey there. The resulting juice is drunk 1 tsp. 5 to 6 times a day. You can cut it into pieces and bake it in the oven, sprinkled with sugar. Take the resulting juice in the same way as in the first case.

Warm milk, to which a teaspoon of honey is added, also helps. Drink this remedy at night. You can mix a third of a glass of Borjomi mineral water at room temperature (from which gas has been released) and the same amount of hot milk. Drink in one go. The mixture is prepared fresh each time.

It is not always possible to persuade children to drink or eat tasteless medicine. You can choose other means for them. They have no less effect, and children will take them with pleasure.

Delicious medicines for little patients

It can be taken with water or added to tea. The dosage rate is a teaspoon several times a day.

For four figs you will need 3 glasses of milk with a high percentage of fat. Boil in milk until a third of the liquid has evaporated. Cover and let it brew. Drink half a glass of the decoction before meals. You also need to eat figs.

Honey is added to fruit drinks prepared according to a traditional recipe - a teaspoon per glass. Drink 3 times a day.

1 Better efficiency
2 The safest remedy
3 Fast action
5 The most popular drug

Cough is one of the most common symptoms that accompanies a person throughout his life. Often, it is characterized by bronchitis. To recover, you need to take a large number of different medications in the form of tablets, syrup, powder. One helps better, the other worse. Why is this happening?

It all depends on the stage of the disease, the form of its course, the general condition of the patient, the nature of the cough (dry or wet). Therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor based on these criteria. It is impossible to clearly name the best remedy. Each has a unique property and works differently.

The pharmaceutical market is overflowing with expectorant drugs. A special niche is occupied by powerful synthetic drugs with many side effects and contraindications. They cope well with symptoms and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Herbal medicines (safe and effective) also deserve attention.

In any case, you can’t do without going to a specialist. We can only recommend the most effective and prescribed medications according to doctors and patients. Products that received high ratings and positive reviews are presented in the TOP of the best.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best reflex expectorants

When drugs enter the stomach, they act on the receptors of its mucosa, activating the gag reflex. In this case, the patient does not feel the urge to vomit and nausea. After administration, there is an improvement in bronchial peristalsis and an increase in sputum volume. This effect is typical for pharmaceutical preparations based on extracts of thyme, coltsfoot, marshmallow and other plants.

5 Pertussin

Various release forms
Country Russia
Average price: 37 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Presented in the form of syrup, tincture and mixture. The main active ingredients are thyme, thyme herb extract and potassium bromide. Taking Pertussin promotes better sputum discharge, increases the volume of secretions, thins and accelerates mucous secretions. The drug is approved for use from 12 years of age.

Prescribed for tracheitis, bronchitis, whooping cough and acute respiratory infections as one of the best expectorants. Dosage for adults – 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Children are prescribed, depending on age, from half a teaspoon to 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day.

4 Mukaltin

Best price. Allowed during pregnancy
Country Russia
Average price: 8 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Available in the form of tablets, capsules and lozenges. Active ingredients: marshmallow root, asparagine, betaine. Recommended for use for dry cough from 6 years of age. The medicine coats the mucous membrane, softens and has an expectorant effect. As a result of treatment, inflammation is relieved and damaged areas of the mucous membrane are regenerated.

The dosage and frequency of administration are determined by the doctor depending on the disease and individual characteristics. The effectiveness increases due to the formation of a film on the mucous membrane, as this prolongs the effect of the drug. For a better expectorant effect, Mucaltin is taken with sodium bicarbonate. It can be taken with bromhexine to relieve irritation from bronchial tissue. Patients talk in reviews about the quick relief of symptoms of dry cough and irritation of the mucous membranes.

3 Stoptusin

Has a local anesthetic effect
Country: Israel
Average price: 140 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The drug is available in three forms - syrup, tincture and mixture. The main active ingredients are guaifenesin and butamirate. The antitussive effect occurs due to the anesthetic effect of butamirate on the nerve endings of the bronchial mucosa. Guaifenesin reduces the viscosity of sputum and stimulates its reflex discharge from the bronchi. Prescribed for dry cough, in the postoperative and preoperative period. Children are allowed from 6 months.

I recommend taking it after meals, dissolving the required amount in half a glass of water, juice, or tea. Dosages are calculated based on the patient's weight. They are described in detail in the instructions. Frequency of administration – 3-4 times a day with an interval of 6-8 hours. The effectiveness of the drug increases with the consumption of large amounts of liquid. It is better to measure the exact dose using the syringe that comes with the syrup. During treatment, it is recommended to refrain from driving and working at heights.


Complex composition
Country: Germany
Average price: 178 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

An effective medicine for adults and children from 3 years of age. It copes well with dry coughs, quickly turning them into productive ones. Promotes better sputum separation. Not addictive. Relief occurs 2-3 days after use. Rengalin has antispasmodic and analgesic effects. Relieves swelling, inflammation, prevents allergies.

Reviews about the solution are positive. Patients characterize it as one of the best expectorants. The advantages include accessibility, reasonable cost, and the possibility of use for children. Many people like the complex composition, on the basis of which several effects are achieved at once. Of course, it was not for nothing that the drug made it to the TOP.


The best drug with an immunostimulating effect
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 256 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Herbion has established itself as the best natural-based drug. Can be given to children from 2 years old. It has a sweetish taste, due to which the child eats it with pleasure. The syrup copes well with dry, scratchy coughs. It has antibacterial, expectorant and immunostimulating effects.

The peculiarity of the drug is that on the first day of use, the cough intensifies, thereby increasing the volume of expectorated mucus. But after a few days the symptom disappears. Full recovery occurs after 7 days. However, you should not stop treatment to avoid relapse. Another note that doctors talk about: Gerbion should not be used together with other drugs that have a different mechanism of action. In this case, therapy will be useless.

The best cough expectorants with direct resorptive action

Resorptive drugs entering the stomach are absorbed and irritate the bronchial receptors. The amount of fluid increases, the resulting sputum dilutes and is easier to remove from the body.

5 Sodium chloride

Has a detoxifying effect
Country Russia
Average price: 33 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Physiological NaCl solution is available in the form of injections and infusions. Sold in the pharmacy strictly according to a doctor's prescription. The main active ingredient is sodium chloride. It is considered effective in relieving intoxication and replenishing sodium loss in the body. Helps increase the volume of fluid in the vascular bed, which helps maintain constant plasma pressure. Due to the increase in fluid, sputum becomes less viscous and is easier to remove from the respiratory tract.

The dosage of the drug is strictly individual and prescribed by a doctor. Children are allowed from birth. The drug is easily combined with many medications and is completely absorbed by the body. Therefore it has wide application. Patients in reviews indicate high effectiveness as an expectorant. Combination with norepinephrine is not recommended. For adults, the daily dose should not exceed 500 ml, for children - from 20 to 100 ml/kg of weight.

4 Codelac Broncho

Has anti-inflammatory activity
Country Russia
Average price: 190 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Available in the form of lozenges, capsules and tablets. The main active ingredients are ambroxol hydrochloride, sodium glycyrrhizinate and liquid thyme extract. Ambroxol promotes the rapid removal of sputum, normalizes the ratio of serous and mucous substances, and reduces the viscosity of secretions. Glycyrrhizinate relieves inflammation and has an antiviral effect. Thyme promotes better removal of mucus through the respiratory tract. The medicine is allowed for children from 12 years of age.

Codelac promotes better penetration of antibacterial drugs into the bronchi. Prescribed for pneumonia, bronchitis, COPD. Take it with meals, 1 tablet 3 times a day. Lack of results after 4 days is considered a good reason to review treatment. It is forbidden to drink in combination with antitussive drugs.

3 Gedelix

The best hypoallergenic drug. Allowed for children from birth
Country: Germany
Average price: 335 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Herbal remedy based on ivy. Intended for the treatment of both dry and wet cough. Liquefies and removes secretions, relieves bronchial spasm. Effective in acute stages of bronchitis. Thanks to its natural base, Gedelix eliminates the occurrence of allergies. Which gives the drug a certain advantage.

Reviews from patients characterize the medication on the positive side. The price fully corresponds to the quality. Gedelix helped many people get rid of chronic painful cough. The taste is not the most pleasant, but the effectiveness is undeniable. Experts recommend the drug for purchase, noting the main advantages: reasonable price, high performance, natural composition and absence of side effects.

2 Overslept

The next representative of the best ranking is Prospan herbal drops. They act quickly and gently, removing phlegm efficiently. In addition, they have a calming effect and improve blood circulation in the lungs and support the immune system. Thanks to their natural composition, they are absolutely safe. Only in some cases can they cause allergies, which are associated with individual intolerance to individual components.

Reviews about the medicine are positive. The most popular forms of release are syrup and drops for inhalation. The therapeutic effect is the same for both. It copes well with both dry cough and purulent bronchitis. Children and adults are treated with Prospan with pleasure, noting the high speed of action. For many patients, it has become an indispensable tool in the home medicine cabinet.


Soft action. Allowed for children from birth
Country: Germany
Average price: 331 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Bronichipret is based on thyme extract, which effectively but gently thins mucus and removes it from the lungs. Additional benefits include the ability to reduce swelling and coughing fits. The medicine has a pronounced anti-inflammatory property. It can be given to children from 3 months.

Patients characterize it as economical, convenient and effective. The result does not take long to arrive. On average, it appears 2 days after application. Unlike its analogues, Bronchipret acts gently, without causing excessive mucus secretion. Thanks to this, it is easier for the child to cope with the separated secretion. Doctors advise taking the product with plenty of liquid, then the effect will be stronger.

The best mucolytic cough remedies for bronchitis

Mucolytic drugs are recommended for use by patients with productive cough, when it is difficult to remove viscous sputum. They are divided into three types depending on the effect on sputum: diluting it, accelerating excretion and stopping the process of its formation. Taking mucolytics together with antitussives is prohibited. Children under 2 years of age are not prescribed medications of this type due to their inability to cough.


The most popular drug
Country Russia
Average price: 20 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

One of the “old” but proven drugs, widely used in medical practice. It has pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Reduces swelling, redness and hyperemia of the mucous membrane. It dilutes sputum, so it is eliminated faster. Available in several forms. Adults often use tablets; children are prescribed syrup.

According to reviews, Ambroxol is well tolerated and causes virtually no adverse reactions. In individual cases, nausea and headache are possible. The product protects the respiratory mucosa from infections. Many doctors often prescribe it for the treatment of bronchitis and for the prevention of other diseases. The variety of drug release forms allows you to choose the most appropriate treatment.


High efficiency at an affordable price
A country: Germany, Russia
Average price: 106 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

an inexpensive drug that has won the favor of customers. The action of the active substance begins exactly one day after application. All components are well tolerated, side effects are rare. Available in the form of tablets, syrup for children and drops. Often prescribed to patients with various forms of bronchitis.

With a dry cough, Bromhexine enhances the work of the ciliated epithelium, promotes the formation of a large volume of sputum and its elimination. Clots become less viscous, which provokes their rapid separation from the mucous membrane. The most popular are inhalation drops and tablets. Many years of use have proven the high effectiveness of the drug.


Fast action
Country: India
Average price: 297 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the powerful medicines that must be used strictly according to the prescription. Not suitable for the treatment of classical viral diseases. However, it copes well with severe respiratory tract pathologies. It is especially prescribed as a treatment for diseases accompanied by dry cough. The result comes quickly. Often, five days are enough to get rid of the disease.

Ascoril has many contraindications and adverse reactions. Some complain of headaches and decreased blood pressure. However, most patients are satisfied with the therapy. Not only an expectorant, but also an antiseptic effect is observed. Doctors say that the drug has several effects at once, including bronchodilator and mucolytic. The medicine has proven itself to be the best.


The safest remedy
A country: Germany, Italy, Slovenia
Average price: 230 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Carbocisteine ​​is widely used in medical practice. It is often prescribed to adults for dry and wet cough. The medicine dilutes sputum well, promotes separation, and also prevents its formation. The difference between this drug and similar ones is safety. Despite its strong effect, its use is not accompanied by bronchospasms.

According to the observations of patients, the positive effect is noticeable within a day. The cough becomes more intense, sputum is released better and in larger quantities. Doctors say that Carbocysteine ​​regenerates mucosal cells, restoring them. Patients are advised to purchase the drug in its pure form, avoiding analogues and products based on it. This will allow you to save money significantly without compromising your health.


Better efficiency
Country: Germany
Average price: 125 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The rating of the best could not bypass the strong expectorant ACC. The high activity of the active substance allows you to break the viscosity of bronchial mucus, thanks to which you can quickly cure colds, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis and other lung diseases.

Since the drug is very powerful, it has a number of side effects, including bronchospasms and shortness of breath. Used as prescribed by a doctor in the appropriate dosage. Judging by the reviews, ACC perfectly dissolves phlegm and removes it from the lungs. The form of effervescent tablets is very convenient. It promotes rapid absorption of the medicine. The World Health Organization cannot do without this medicine. It is considered one of the most important.

Mucolytics are drugs to relieve a wet cough with hard-to-clear sputum. They thin bronchial mucus, reduce inflammation, and improve the bioavailability of antibiotics. The medicine is sold in pharmacies and comes in different shapes, weights and prices.

Operating principle

Once in the body, the components of mucolytic agents are absorbed into the blood and enter the bronchi. There they interact with mucus, destroying the structure of protein compounds. As a result, the viscosity and thickness of sputum decreases.

In addition to thinning mucus, mucolytic agents have a healing effect. They improve the condition of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, as well as the alveoli of the bronchi and lungs. As a result, gas exchange improves and the risk of tissue swelling decreases.

Doctors warn that in the first days of treatment the patient feels an “imaginary deterioration”, and the maximum positive effect occurs 4-5 days after the start of the course of taking mucolytic drugs.

Indications for use

The medicine is prescribed as an auxiliary treatment for diseases of the respiratory system:

  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • tracheitis, cystic fibrosis.

In addition to mucolytic agents, the treatment regimen includes drugs to destroy the pathogen, medications for, and vitamin and mineral complexes.

Contraindications and side effects

Each mucolytic agent has instructions for use, which indicate contraindications for its use. General prohibitions include:

  • pregnancy (first trimester);
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • ulcers and bleeding in the digestive tract.

Mucolytics should not be taken simultaneously with cough suppressants. Otherwise, a significant part of the sputum will remain in the tissues of the bronchi and lungs. Stagnant mucus is a favorable environment for the development of secondary infections.

Mucolytics in the form of syrup are prohibited for people with diabetes.

When treating cough in bedridden patients, the doctor reduces the dosage of the mucolytic agent. Such patients find it difficult to cough, so a “flooding effect” of the lungs may occur. In this case, special suction is used to remove mucus.

Mucolytic agents for children

Gentle plant-based mucolytics are used to treat children.

"Doctor Mom" The main substances of the drug are extracts of medicinal plants. Kids enjoy taking sweet syrup 3 times a day after meals. Older children can dissolve hard ones.

"Mukaltin." The drug contains tartaric acid to thin sputum, marshmallow extract for anti-inflammatory effects, and potassium bicarbonate to stimulate secretory function. The medicine can be given to children over three years of age.

Medicines for adults

For the treatment of adults, mucolytics with a stronger effect on the body are prescribed.

"Ambroxol". The main substance of the drug, ambroxol hydrochloride, has secretolytic and secretomotor properties. The effect of the medicine is enhanced by taking the tablets with plenty of clean water.

"Fluimucil." The drug destroys the protein compounds of sputum and stimulates the production of bronchial secretions. The medicine is produced in the form of granules, effervescent tablets, solution for injection and inhalation.

Mucolytic agents for inhalation

Inhalations with saline solution and mineral water can be done independently when the first symptoms of a cold appear. Mucolytic solutions are used only after prescription by a specialist.

"Trypsin." Dilute one ampoule of the drug with 3-5 ml of saline and pour it into the nebulizer tank. To prevent hoarseness, do not increase the dosage of the product, but after the session, gargle with warm boiled water.

"ACC." Before filling the nebulizer reservoir, dilute in a 1:1 ratio. Do inhalations 2-3 times a day between meals. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, the maximum course of treatment is 10 days.

Almost all colds and inflammatory diseases of a bacterial or viral nature are accompanied. Depending on the nature of the pathology and the physiological state of the lungs and bronchi, the cough may occur with sputum (wet) or not be accompanied by discharge ().

Modern pharmaceutical companies offer many products to help cope with coughs of various etiologies and prevent its unpleasant consequences.

What are expectorants and mucolytics used for?

considered the most dangerous for the body. A sharp contraction of the bronchi without secretion of the product leads to various pathological conditions. In the absence of sputum production, the cough reflex causes a lot of suffering. Moisturizing the respiratory mucosa is vital for the body, since this secretion helps the internal organs protect themselves from the negative effects of pathogenic microorganisms and dangerous factors of the external and internal environment.

With a large amount of secreted sputum, it can also be life-threatening, since the production of mucus by the bronchi more than is necessary according to the physiological norm leads to blockage of the airways and serious difficulty breathing in the future. Accumulating in the bronchi, sputum can gradually thicken and harden, accumulating harmful substances and provoking the risk of developing a more serious condition for the patient.

It is in the mechanism of action on the lungs and bronchi that the main difference between expectorants and mucolytic drugs lies.

Expectorants promote active secretion of sputum. They act on the cough center of the brain and help the bronchi contract more intensely, removing phlegm out.

Mucolytic agents are used in cases where, during the course of an illness, too much sputum is released and at the same time it has an extremely dangerous, viscous and thick consistency. Mucolytics are needed to break down the molecular bonds inside the sputum, making it more liquid and accessible to natural elimination from the body.

After the mucus becomes easily separated and its passage through the respiratory tract does not cause difficulties, doctors recommend either switching from mucolytics to expectorants, or immediately prescribing a combination drug that can have several therapeutic effects on the human respiratory system.

We recommend reading:

Types of expectorants

Expectorants are also called “secretomotor”, since they are the ones that can start the process of mucus secretion and ease the internal condition of the human respiratory organs.

Depending on the mechanism of action of expectorant drugs, experts divide such drugs into two groups:

  1. reflex drugs;
  2. direct acting drugs.

Reflex-action drugs actively affect the receptors responsible for the secretion of secreted sputum. This occurs due to preliminary irritation of the stomach receptors and an active effect on the cough center of the medulla oblongata. This mechanism of action helps to enhance the severity of the cough reflex and accelerate the synthesis of liquid bronchial secretions.

To drugs of reflex action include the following medicines:


It can provoke a large number of side effects and allergic reactions, so pharmaceuticals containing sodium benzoate are used with caution, under the supervision of a physician.

  • Essential oils : terpene and eucalyptus. The most well-known preparations containing a large number of such oils are Eucabal, Doctor Mom, as well as herbal cough medicines with a high percentage of essential oil raw materials. These active substances have an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, acting both on the receptors responsible for the production of mucus and directly on the epithelium lining the surface of the respiratory organs.

Direct acting expectorants contribute to strengthening the direct liquid component of sputum, significantly facilitating its separation. The main side effect of these active substances is increased snot secretion and lacrimation, since the drug can affect the viscosity of any physiological fluids of the body. Such drugs are considered classic or even outdated, and therefore are used quite rarely: sodium and potassium iodides, ammonia, anise essential oil.

The exceptions are oregano and wild rosemary, which are part of popular antitussive preparations, and are also contained in combined cough medicines: Doctor Mom, Bronchofit, etc.

Types of mucolytic agents

Mucolytic agents are classified mainly by their composition, since their mechanism of action is very similar: diluting the composition of sputum, changing its composition to something more easily separated from the surface of the bronchi and lungs, and gradually removing excess secretions from the body.

Among mucolytics, experts especially highlight the following drugs:

To achieve the fastest effect, medical specialists recommend using mucolytic agents as inhalations, in special dosage forms for direct inhalation. This will significantly facilitate absorption processes and will not waste unnecessary time on the release of active metabolites directly in the body.

Despite the fact that almost all cough medications are available without a doctor’s prescription, before use it is advisable to consult with a specialist to select the most effective pharmacological agent in each specific clinical case.

If desired, the use of chemical medications can be combined with popular and herbal antitussives. However, you need to remember that herbs may also be incompatible with the active pharmacological components of the medication you are taking. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions not only to become familiar with the mechanism of action and side effects, but also to find out exactly how to take this medicine and what additional therapeutic measures it combines well with.

What does mucolytic mean?

Almost every one of us has had a cold, bronchitis or respiratory infections that were accompanied by coughing and sputum production. Mucolytic drugs have a secretolytic effect and help thin mucus, speed up its release and facilitate breathing. They are prescribed when thick mucus forms in diseases. These diseases include: pneumonia, bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, ear inflammation. A feature of mucolytic agents is the improvement of the process of sputum discharge without increasing its volume.

Classification of mucolytic agents

Mucolytic drugs are divided into three main groups:

  • affecting the viscosity of mucus;
  • activating the release of sputum;
  • reducing the amount of mucus.

Medicines that affect bronchial secretion can be of direct or indirect action. Drugs that destroy polymer mucous bonds act directly.

Indirect acting drugs include:

  • changing the biochemical composition of mucus;
  • changing the adhesion of the gel layer;
  • affecting hydration;
  • balms and volatile substances;
  • drugs that stimulate the gag reflex;
  • changing activity in the bronchial glands.

Mechanism of action of mucolytic agents

The effects of mucolytic drugs are aimed at facilitating the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract. In the process, the serous mucosal cells on the lining of the bronchi are stimulated, during which the disturbed ratio of the mucous and serous components is restored and hydrolase is activated. The action of the drugs is also aimed at breaking the disulfide bonds of sputum and inhibiting the formation of mucus.

Mucolytic drugs

Mucolytic drugs are used to treat a dry cough to turn it into a wet one. They are also used to treat nasal inflammation. For sinusitis, they mainly use Fludex and Mucodin. They contain carbocisteine, which helps remove mucus and restore breathing. At the same time, it helps fight sinusitis and rhinitis.

Mucolytic agents of plant origin

The use of plants as medicine comes to us from ancient times. This is due to the fact that they have noticeable advantages over synthetic drugs. First of all, these are minimal side effects. Traditionally, plant extracts, dry mixtures, oils, and herbal mixtures are used. They have anti-inflammatory properties, reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and significantly facilitate the discharge of sputum. Phytoncytes, found in many herbs, help fight bacteria and viruses. They have a pleasant taste that children and adults enjoy. In some cases, allergic reactions may occur. It is important to closely monitor the body's reaction.

Preparations based on thyme, in addition to their main effect, reduce soreness and hoarseness. Such a drug is Bronchicum. It is sold in the form of syrup, lozenges and elixir.

The content of ivy leaf extract in the preparations has an expectorant effect and reduces spasms in the bronchi. Sage has bactericidal properties and treats not only coughs, but also pharyngitis and laryngitis. Marshmallow root thins mucus and creates conditions for its easy removal. Medicines based on a combination of thyme and plantain extracts are used to treat tracheitis and bronchitis, when it is difficult to cough. Such medicines include Linkas, which also contains violet and hyssop.

Expectorants and mucolytics

Expectorants have reflex and resorptive action. The former contain saponin and alkaloids (infusions of thermopsis, marshmallow and istod). When taken, they irritate the stomach receptors, and this leads to stimulation of the vagus nerve in the brain. Further, the secretion of mucus in the bronchi increases and the bronchial muscles contract. Resorptive drugs (thyme, anise fruits) are absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract, released in the form of mucus and dilute sputum. Preparations containing iodine help break down sputum proteins. The mucolytic effect causes the sputum to become viscous and drain well. At the same time, the secretory function of the bronchial glands is normalized. The effect occurs within thirty minutes and lasts up to ten hours.

List of mucolytics

Mucolytics have several dosage forms and provide different modes of delivery. This can be oral, endobronchial or inhalation. This allows the use of mucolytic agents as a means of complex therapy in the treatment of acute and chronic stages of respiratory disease. This is also indicated for the treatment of ENT organs with the release of purulent secretion. These drugs are suitable even for treating infants.

Mucolytic agents for children

Preparations based on marshmallow are used to treat diseases in children. They are used for pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis, and pulmonary enphysema. Such medicines include: Mukaltin, Alteika syrup, marshmallow roots in the form of herbs.

Thermopsis preparations have a pronounced expectorant property. They reduce the viscosity of sputum and stimulate the secretory function of the bronchi. These include: Codelac Broncho with thyme, Stoptussin phyto syrup,