Thin calves of legs what to do.

Skinny calves: the most effective exercises

Skinny calves: the most effective exercises

Thin calves are a much smaller problem than thick calves. A couple of months of regular home workouts - and the result is almost guaranteed!
Let's start with the equipment. You will need a thick book, a chair and dumbbells weighing 1 - 1.5 kg. It is also advisable not to forget about calves in everyday life.

Train your calves at least twice a week, but preferably every other day. 15 minutes is enough. The main thing is that the muscles are tired, so that you feel a burning sensation in the calf muscles. But don’t overdo it, otherwise your calves will start to cramp at night!

Stretch for skinny calves
Stretching is needed to prepare the calves for the main load and to make the muscles more elastic. In addition, stretching will help make your muscles sculpted and beautiful. You can replace one workout with stretching, or start your workout with one stretching exercise.

Alternating calf stretch with emphasis on the wall
Press against the wall with both hands. Lean towards the wall, bend one leg and place it forward, put the other back with a straight knee. The toe of the hind leg points straight ahead.
Press the heel of your back foot into the floor and move your hips forward a little. Hold the maximum stretch position for 20 seconds. Repeat for the other leg.

Stretching both calves with emphasis on the wall
Stand with your feet together, about a meter from the wall. Lean forward without bending your back. Place your hands on the wall, continue to bend toward the wall (from your ankles), and do not lift your heels off the floor. You should feel tension in your calves.
Be sure to keep your heels flat on the floor or as close to it as possible.
Keep your stomach pulled in to prevent your lower back from flexing.
To increase tension, bend your elbows, pushing your chest toward the wall.

Bent-over calf stretch
Lean forward, leaning on your hands, so that the angle between your legs and torso is approximately 90 degrees. Relax your legs and begin to alternately slowly bend and straighten your knees on one and then the other leg.

Calf toe stretch
Stand straight, take a step back with your left foot and transfer your center of gravity to it. Lean your body forward, grab your right toe with your right hand and pull it towards you as far as possible. Back straight! Stay in this position for half a minute. Repeat on the other leg.

Basic exercises for skinny calves
The main exercise for thin calves is calf raises in various variations. It should be borne in mind that the calves react to load differently than other muscles. Calves are difficult muscles, so they require more time and effort to work. When working with calves, you need to make sure that there is not too much stress on your back and spine.

Seated toe raises
Sit on the edge of a chair with your back straight. Place a thick book under your feet. Place one dumbbell between your knees and bend your legs so that one of your toes is touching the book. Lower your heels 3-5 cm closer to the floor.
Then slowly, forcefully, lift your heels until you are on your toes. Also slowly and forcefully return to the starting position.

Standing calf raises
Place a chair and place a thick book on the floor behind it. Take a dumbbell in your left hand and stand on a book so that your heels are hanging. The book should be so thick that when you sit on your heel, you do not stand on the floor, but only touch it.
Raise your right leg so that your foot is level with the knee of your left leg, and then lower your left heel as low as possible. Slowly stand on your toes. Then return to the starting position.
Repeat the exercise, changing legs and transferring the dumbbell to the other hand.

Calf squats
Place your left leg forward, squat down on it a little, and stretch your right leg back as far as it will go. Keep your hands behind your head, your elbows out to the sides, and your back should be straight. In this position, bend your whole body forward towards your left leg, trying to reach your knee with your chest. Repeat 15 to 50 times for each leg. After this exercise, tingling in the thighs is possible.

Climb the steps on your toes - that's where the load is!
Climb the steps slowly and slowly, placing all your weight on your supporting leg, trying to feel the tension in your calf muscles.
At home

Walk at home on your toes! At the stove - on tiptoes. Around the room - on tiptoes. Sit at the computer with your feet on your toes!

This type of exercise is relevant for many women because not everyone has been given perfectly beautiful legs by nature. Weak and thin, or “bottle” shaped calves, which occur with excess weight, can bring grief and spoil any figure.

But there is a possibility correct their shape and make them slim, and the gait is light. As always, special exercises for losing weight in the calves for girls can help with this. By doing them, you can pump up your calves if they are thin, and also, if necessary, remove fat from your legs.

A little anatomy

The posterior group of muscles of the lower leg is represented by:

  1. External and internal parts of the gastrocnemius muscle;
  2. Soleus muscle.

The gastrocnemius muscle (also called the triceps muscle) is located above the soleus muscle and is attached to the heel using the Achilles tendon. These muscles perform important functions, the back of the lower leg moves the foot forward and backward, and the anterior group of muscles of the lower leg provide it with a stable position while walking. These muscles, working together, bend the foot when walking. The calf muscles flex and extend the ankle joint and rotate it.

The calf muscles receive the greatest load during jumping, as well as when raising toes using weights. The soleus muscle gets a load when the knee is bent, so squats are a good way to train it. The gastrocnemius muscle is located above the soleus muscle - it is they who create the volume and shape of beautiful calves.

Top 7 exercises for calf muscles

Exercises for the calf muscles for women at home are selected in such a way as to sufficiently work out exactly that muscle group that gives the legs a relief outline. This can be achieved only by acting on the problem area.

The recommended complex consists of exercises that most effectively work the muscles, help lose weight in the lower leg and form slender legs at home:

  1. Calf raise;
  2. Rolling from toes to heels;
  3. Walking on your heels;
  4. Raising your toes while sitting on a chair;
  5. Squats with a load;
  6. Pistol.
  7. Jumping rope;

You can perform this set of exercises in one day. Warm up before doing it. It is recommended to include exercises such as:

  • Active jumps;
  • or ;
  • Rotate the foot clockwise and counterclockwise;

Also, to warm up, you can simply massage your calves with active movements. Well, you can complete the workout with statics, for example.

1. Calf raise

This is a great stretch for the calf muscles. It is recommended to start the complex with it.

  1. We stand facing the wall close and lean on it with our hands at chest level. We step back from the wall one and a half steps without lifting our hands.
  2. We rise and fall on our toes, transferring our body weight to them. The body must form straight line.
  3. If you round your back and lower your head, the load on your calf muscles will be minimal.

We carry out

Another great method burning fat from problem areas is walking up the stairs. An alternative could be

2. Rolling from toes to heels

The muscles of the lower leg and foot work.

  1. We stand straight, shoulders straightened. We place our feet shoulder width apart.
  2. We rise on our toes and roll onto our heels as much as possible, lifting our toes off the floor.
  3. We try to keep the body straight and maintain balance.

We carry out ten times, three to four approaches. We increase the number of exercises with each workout and bring it to seventy.

3. Walking on your heels

The muscles of the lower leg, thighs and buttocks work.

A useful and effective exercise that can be done several times a day. It will help make your calves and thighs slender and your gait easy.

  1. Stand on your heels, raise your toes as high as possible.
  2. We walk on our heels in small steps, keep the body straight, We don’t lower our heads.

To begin with, you can do three sets of ten steps. Gradually increase to ninety steps.

4. Seated calf raise with weights

The soleus muscle gets a good workout. The muscles of the buttocks and thighs work.

  1. We sit on a chair, our back is straight, we form a right angle.
  2. We lift the heels and toes off the floor one by one, rolling the foot with maximum amplitude.

We do the exercise at a slow pace for ten exercises - three approaches.

It is recommended to use a weight that must be placed on your knees. For example, dumbbells or several one and a half liter bottles of water, fastened together with tape. To begin, take three bottles. In subsequent workouts, we increase the load, gradually attaching one bottle at a time with tape.

5. Squats with dumbbells

Squats are a great way to work the area we need. . How to pump up a girl’s calves even more effectively? . The main load goes to the soleus and calf muscles. You cannot enlarge your calves without developing your soleus muscle.

Therefore, be sure to use this exercise in order to work out the lower leg muscles well and give them relief.

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Start squatting with a straight back, until your knees form a right angle.
  3. Hands with dumbbells move from the hip joint to the knee joint and back.
Carefully! The buttocks should not be lowered too low, otherwise the main load will go to the knee joint, which can create a risk of injury. Also, the emphasis of the load will be shifted from the lower leg to the gluteal muscles.

6. Pistol Squats

The main load falls on the gluteal, calf and soleus muscles.

We perform squats first on one leg, then on the other. If you haven’t done physical exercise for a long time, you won’t be able to do it the first time, but with subsequent training you can successfully master the pistol exercise. To do this, it will be necessary to work out the leg muscles well, using exercises for all muscle groups of the lower extremities.

Watch the video for more details:

Carefully! When performing the exercise, there is a very large load on the knee joint! Exercise of a high level of difficulty. Included in the training program of professional athletes.

7. Jumping rope

Gives a good workout of the main muscle groups and promotes weight loss of the calf muscles in women and. The main load goes to the lower leg muscles. We train the cardiovascular system, increase the overall tone of the body, and improve metabolism!

  • It is recommended to start and end the complex with muscle stretching exercises - “exercise with support on the wall” or one of the varieties
  • You can feel how the calf muscle is activated in the following way: in a lying position, pull your foot towards you with your fingers. Remember this feeling - all exercises where you feel it will help work your calf muscles! If your calves are weak, the sensation may be uncomfortable and you will benefit greatly from stretching.
  • Experienced instructors recommend Stretch your muscles between sets. This creates better conditions for the growth of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Stretching between sets helps relieve tension, prevents muscle spasms, and also helps pump them up.
  • Increase the range of movements gradually. Do not try to immediately reach the maximum - you can stretch the ligaments. Running, cycling, tennis and all types of active sports training have a positive effect on the formation of calf muscles and their beautiful shape.
  • Walking up the stairs is a very useful type of exercise for the legs. Works well on the calf muscles, as well as the and muscles, and trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Forget about the elevator at home and at work: if you have the opportunity to walk on the stairs during the day, then be sure to use it! This type of walking should ideally take about fifteen minutes a day.

How to reduce calves on legs for girls - 3 more methods

Extra pounds like to be deposited in this area. Typically, this occurs when excess weight accumulates throughout the body. How to remove calves on legs quickly? There is a set of effective measures that can be followed to cope with this problem. But you shouldn’t think that the result will be in a week, but in a month it’s quite possible.

1. Changing dietary principles

Poor nutrition is one of the main causes of cellulite on the calves. How to get rid of cellulite? You need to adhere to two simple principles:

  1. Using low fat foods.
  2. Exclusion from the daily diet of flour and confectionery products.

It’s good if the basis of the diet is boiled chicken and fish, vegetables, herbs, fermented milk products, herbal teas, green tea. Grain and bran bread, bean dishes, porridges from various cereals - in small quantities.

After losing weight, you can return to your normal diet, but remember to eat at in moderate quantities. It is important to keep in mind that the number of calories received from food should not exceed the calories that you burned, otherwise the weight will return again.

2. Massage

Various types of massage for weight loss have a good effect on muscles and help improve metabolism.

Self-massage – rubbing, kneading and patting movements – gives excellent results. You can also massage and rub your calves with a special massage mitten.

Add a handful of sea salt, a few drops of tea tree oil and a few drops of linseed or mustard oil to one liter of water. Dip the mitten into this healing solution and intensively rub the areas of your calves and thighs. A very pleasant and effective procedure, beneficial for the skin and helping to remove excess fat deposits.

3. Wraps

After completing a set of exercises, wraps work especially well. Their compositions may be very different, but they are all beneficial effect on muscles and skin, help reduce fat deposits, accelerate blood flow, have a lymphatic drainage effect, relieve fatigue from the legs:

  • Coarse sea salt and honey - in equal quantities. The duration of this wrap is half an hour;
  • Seaweed steamed in boiling water. Action time – up to half an hour;
  • Mustard powder diluted with warm water. Action time is from one minute to three minutes. You should feel warmth and a slight tingling sensation.

Here are a few rules, following which, you can get the maximum effect from the wraps:

  1. Before the procedure, you must take a shower using a fine, light scrub. You can use the pharmacy version, you can take fine salt with the addition of any vegetable oil.
  2. The composition of the compress is best applied to clean dry skin calf area;
  3. Wrap the top with cling film;
  4. Wrap yourself in a blanket and lie down, relaxing;
  5. Wash off the mask with warm water, lubricate with nourishing cream.

A course of ten procedures will bring very good results. You can do wraps every other day, or every two days.

Carefully! If you feel pain and burning, remove the compress immediately: this wrap is not suitable for you!

When combined with exercise and a healthy diet, positive results can be achieved. in just a few months. Weak and thin calves can be toned up very well and feel confident in clothes of any length. Using the above set of exercises will also help those who are overweight. Using these recommendations, you can build toned muscles and not gain extra pounds in the future.

Hello, my dear girls and, especially, fit girls! Friday is women's day, on which we go to the bathhouse and devote our notes to “narrow” issues of figure correction. And today on the agenda is a topic that is relevant for many young ladies, namely: how to lose weight in your calves? After reading, each of you will know exactly how to make her legs slimmer and her calves less prominent. We will look at the causes of large shins, get acquainted with issues of anatomy and, most importantly, analyze a specific training program aimed directly at solving the problem that concerns us so much.

So, ladies, take your seats and put your ears on top :).

How to lose weight in calves? FAQ questions and answers

Well, first I would like to remind you that this is the second note in which we analyze “narrow” women’s curvy issues and bring our loved ones into delicious shape. The first creation under the title is waiting for you to give it the grace to be read, so we don’t hesitate and, if the topic is relevant, we study and apply the knowledge in practice. We are going further and today we will deal with the female bottom, and not the buttocks (how to pump them up and so all the sites are mucking about), and a more specific muscle group - the calf or, in common parlance, the shins.

In general, it’s worth saying that the question “how to lose weight in calves?” is one of the most popular, at least among female readers, because it (the question) quite often came from young ladies who very persistently demanded recommendations regarding its solution. In general, the problem of large calves is relevant mainly for the fair sex. Moreover, the problem does not necessarily occur only in women’s bodies; no, thin and sonorous ones are also susceptible to this “misfortune”.

For example, in the past you were involved in dancing or another sport in which you actively worked your legs, and now, when the hobby has passed and the general forms have deflated, the infectious calves remain in their place - large and voluminous. And it turns out that you are all so thin and airy, and your legs are like those of the male sex. Many young ladies have a complex about this and cannot afford to open their legs - wear short shorts or dresses. In general, it’s sad and sad :) and in this note we will try to clearly and clearly outline the plan for dealing with large calves.

So, let's go.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Why do I have big calves? Main reasons.

Everyone knows that girls are inferior to men in terms of bones and muscles, but there is one muscle group in which they often “do” our brother, and these are the calf muscles and ankle girth. It is the lower legs of women that often have the same, or even larger, girths as those of men. Therefore, it is no wonder that ladies want to make their calves thinner.

In this note, by large calves we will understand the following:

Of course, each case is individual, but in general we will get rid of large calves. So take another look at yourself from behind. (and not only independently) and decide for sure whether your shins fit into the category: large, dense, bottle-shaped.

As for the main causes of thick calf muscles, these include:

No. 1. Genetics

One of the biggest reasons for having big calves is your parents. Look at their legs/shins. (especially on the female side) and rate yours. If your loved ones have massive shins, then most likely you will have the same ones over time. And the question of how to lose weight in calves may also be relevant for you. The good news is that you can fight genetics by making adjustments to your original anatomy. For example, if you have a short Achilles tendon, your calf muscles will appear larger (the muscle is longer). If you have a long Achilles tendon (muscle is shorter), This allows the calf muscles to “sit high,” which makes the lower leg look smaller and thinner. Compare two different types of shins (with different types of Achilles tendon).

It is impossible to lengthen tendons (this is determined by genetics), however, you can avoid certain movements/exercises that make your calves bigger.

No. 2. Sports/Exercise

Certain sports/physical activities (for example, football, ballet, stepper exercises, running on an incline) in which there is a constant load, incl. on the forefoot, can lead to a build-up of the calf muscles.

No. 3. Adipose tissue

Calves are problem areas. This means that a girl can have a chiseled figure, but her lower leg muscles are her “Achilles’ heel”, i.e. a place where fat accumulates, which is the last place to leave. Few people know, but the habitat of fat is not only the subcutaneous space, but also the intramuscular space. However, the fat does not go away locally, and the general strategy for losing weight in the calves is total weight loss. Moreover, it is possible that you can significantly lose weight everywhere, but your calves will lose a minimal percentage of fatty tissue.


Muscle resection – removal of the intramuscular (deep) layer of fat. Liposuction is the removal of subcutaneous fat.

No. 4. Run

Sprinting – running at speed, contributes to increasing the volume of the calf muscles. Therefore, if you decide to lose weight, and you were told that sprinting is the ideal way to do this, then do not be surprised that at the end you will get extremely dubious results in losing weight, but quite obvious results in increasing your calves.

As for jogging, an increase in the volume of the lower leg can only be achieved in the long term with frequent (4-5 once a week) jogging (up to 60 minutes). Therefore, by moderating our running, we can influence the lower volumes.

No. 5. heels

What girl doesn't love wearing heels? However, few young ladies know that constantly wearing them (at least 5 days a week) leads to excessive stress/overload on the calves and a slight increase in their volume. Another, more obvious negative factor in relation to heels is the shortening of the Achilles tendon, and the more excess weight a lady has, the more stress her tendon experiences.

Now let's delve into the theories and talk about...

Calves: questions of anatomy

To start deflating your calves, we first need to understand what they are in terms of structure. Many people believe that the lower leg = calf, in fact the muscles of the lower leg consist of 2 large muscles:

  • soleus - originates from the fibula and tibia and lies under the gastrocnemius, pushing the latter to the surface;
  • gastrocnemius (gastrocnemius) - originates from the femur and has 2 heads – medial head and lateral head.

These two muscles work together to bend the leg.

When assembled, the anatomical atlas of the lower leg muscles looks like this (clickable).


The ideal size (girth) of the calf should correspond to the girth of the biceps of the arm.

As for muscle fibers, in the majority of people, slow-twitch fibers predominate in the gastrocnemius and soleus (55 And 70% respectively). However, there is a certain percentage of people whose calf muscles consist of 60% from fast-twitch fibers.

In the note key, we are also interested in questions of “internal” anatomy, i.e. what happens inside the lower leg muscles when performing a particular movement/exercise.

And the following happens.

In other words, when performing exercises on the muscles of the leg, there is an increase in pressure in the veins of the leg (before 300 mmHg) and blood pumping/pumping (and) calves. As a result, after a high-quality load, the athlete feels the filling of the target region with blood, as well as swelling and breaking (burning) of the calf muscles.

Actually, we have figured out the theory and now we move directly to...

How to lose weight in calves: the practical side of the issue

One of the most difficult cases of calf correction in terms of reducing their volume is the situation when we have developed (all 3 ) the heads of the calf muscles and excess fat (subcutaneous/intramuscular).

In cross-section, this “disgrace” presents such a picture.

It is quite obvious that losing weight in the calves is the process of reducing the percentage of fatty tissue in the entire body and focusing on training the muscles of the lower leg - the gastrocnemius and soleus.

I think many young ladies have a question on their lips: won’t I make them even bigger by training my calves? Maybe we should just not touch them? In fact, your calves will not shrink on their own, even if you neglect them and don’t train for six months/year, the result in reducing their volume will not satisfy you. Those. The only way to make your calves smaller is to give them the right load/exercise and mix it up with a certain type of cardio.

We will explore the last two questions further and start with...

No. 1. Cardio

The main rule for aerobic activity to reduce calves is to use resistance-free and high ( 35-45 minutes) duration of one session. Translated into plain language this means that you should not use:

  • treadmill with incline;
  • running uphill;
  • sprint;
  • stepper;
  • walking on a changing staircase simulator;
  • resistance exercise bike.

It is this kind of cardio that will have a voluminous effect on your calves, i.e. using it, you will reduce the percentage of fatty tissue in the entire body, but your calves will become denser/muscular.


If you want to shrink your shins, you should avoid (or minimize) sitting in a cross-legged position, because this position leads to pinching of the large popliteal artery and disruption of blood circulation, ultimately leading to the formation of mesh/stars and varicose veins. Standing in one position for long periods of time also reduces blood circulation to your calves, which can cause toxins to build up in the muscles of your lower legs.

The main types of cardio that can be used to lose weight on calves include:

  • walking at a constant pace on a flat treadmill;
  • long distance running (before 50 minutes, 3 once a week);
  • low jumping rope;
  • elliptical trainer;
  • exercise bike without resistance;
  • burpees;
  • climbing with feet to hands;
  • swimming.

A visual version of what was voiced represents the following picture.

No. 2. Training program

Well, for dessert we have two highlights of the program :), i.e. special PT, which are aimed at reducing calves and shaping the lower legs.

Training parameters for the gym:

  • quantity per week - 2 ;
  • intensity - moderate/normal;
  • rest time for m/b approaches - 60 seconds;
  • cardio - walking with a constant change of pace on a flat treadmill immediately after training before 40 minutes;

Home workout options:

  • quantity per week - 3 ;
  • intensity - high;
  • rest time for m/b approaches - 30-40 seconds;
  • number of approaches/repetitions - specified;
  • cardio - long-distance jogging immediately after training before 40 minutes;
  • stretching the calf muscles after each approach.

The program itself and the atlas of exercises present the following picture.

These are two different programs with the help of which you will solve the question of how to lose weight in your calves. We're done with the substantive part, let's move on to...


Today we answered the question - how to lose weight in calves. I am sure that after assimilating and applying the information in practice, you will have one less problem area. Don't believe me? Try it, and the results will not take long to arrive!

Good luck, my beauties:) and see you again!

PS: How are things going with your calves?

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Slender beautiful legs are the dream of every young lady, regardless of her age and build. But the concept of “slim and beautiful” does not always include the definition of “thin”. After all, often too thin legs become more of a complex for a girl than a reason for pride. But if desired, any woman, regardless of her initial parameters, can make her legs beautiful and attractive. True, this will require a lot of effort. We will talk about how to correct the situation in our article!

For those who want to make their legs thin and slender

There are a huge number of ways to achieve slender legs. But you should prepare in advance that working on yourself will be long and possibly difficult.

How to achieve this?

Three main ways will help the girl with this.

As a rule, you should start with it, adding sufficient physical activity to a competent diet.

It is necessary to remove from your daily menu all fatty, smoked, and too salty dishes and foods. The basis of the diet can be boiled or baked fish, meat and chicken, as well as fresh or stewed vegetables, fruits in any form, nuts, cereals, fresh dairy and dairy products.

As a snack, you need to get used to eating not the usual sandwiches, but, for example, toast made from grain bread with a piece of lightly salted fish, an oven-baked tomato, a handful of nuts, a banana, or drinking a glass of kefir. By strictly adhering to such a healthy diet, you can make your legs and thighs thin.


Special wraps help to cope not only with cellulite, but also with extra centimeters on the hips, buttocks and calves. At the same time, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon; you can do them at home. The most effective of them are hot wraps. During and for some time after such procedures, the process of fat breakdown occurs, toxins are removed from the body, and the legs become noticeably slimmer and thinner.

First option

For the first option, you will need to heat a couple of tablespoons of natural bee honey in the microwave, mix them with the yolk of one egg, and also add a few (1-3) drops of any essential citrus oil. Next, this mixture is applied to the entire surface of the legs, and covered with cling film on top. The wrap lasts about twenty minutes, after which the entire mass is washed off with warm water.

Second option

For the second option, you will need to take almond (or more budget-friendly sunflower) oil, add juniper to it, and then lubricate the legs with the resulting oil mixture and wrap in cling film. This wrap also lasts about twenty minutes, after which the entire mass is washed off in the shower.

By the way, after the mixture is applied during each wrap, it is recommended to move thoroughly and warm up. You can also wear warm pants over the film.


And, of course, you can’t do without physical activity. The following is an example of a fairly simple and yet effective set of exercises. It needs to be done every other day.

This complex primarily includes squats. For example, you can squat on one leg, extending the other forward and leaning sideways against the wall. There are a huge number of options. Repeat - 15 times. The complex should include at least two variations of squats.

It is also helpful to raise your legs 90 degrees while lying on the floor and extending your arms along your body. Repeat - 30 times.
This also includes the well-known “bicycle”, when lying on the floor you need to turn imaginary “pedals” with your feet. Repeat - within 10 minutes.

And finally, swings. To do this, you need to lie on your side with your legs extended. And then raise your upper leg as far as possible. Repeat - 20 times with each leg.

How to make toned legs look thin

If, as a result of regular physical activity, your legs become pumped up rather than thin, then this problem can be quickly corrected by changing your training system. Firstly, the loads should be reduced, but made more frequent. Secondly, there should not be long pauses between them, and the same pace should be maintained for at least 15-20 minutes. And thirdly, the weight on the simulators should be chosen small.

You can also “dry out” with a special diet, eliminating flour, sweets and any foods that contain starch.

For those who see thin legs as a problem

But thin legs do not always please their owner. Sometimes they become the reason for the most real experiences. Especially if the thinness is too obvious. But this problem can be dealt with in a variety of ways.

As a rule, excessive thinness of the legs is either an individual feature of a person’s figure, or a consequence of a long-term strict diet.

In some cases, the legs become too thin due to anemia or a serious lack of vitamins in the body. Only a specialist can determine the main reason.

What to do?

First of all, you should review your diet and, if necessary, make it more nutritious. If the cause is a lack of vitamins, then you need to introduce as many fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet as possible, or even purchase a special vitamin complex at the pharmacy.

And, of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to do without appropriate exercises. More about them below.

How to pump up very thin legs and make them beautiful

There are a huge number of exercises that will help improve the shape of your legs and make them more sculpted and slender. It is important to remember the basic rules for their implementation. To tone up your legs, exercises should be performed at a slow pace and long, exhausting workouts should be avoided.

For example, you need to squat at least 15 times in one approach. In this case, the back should be perfectly straight.

  1. You will need to stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and hold a small rubber ball between your knees. Next, you need to alternately squeeze it with your legs for five seconds, then relax your legs for one second. Repeat - 20 times.
  2. You need to sit on a chair, facing the back. Holding on to it with both hands - then rise, then fall back. The feet should not leave the ground during the process. Repeat - 30 times.
  3. Pose - straight back, feet shoulder-width apart. Next, you need to slowly rise on your toes, and then squat slightly, spreading your knees in different directions. Repeat - 20 times.
  4. In the case under discussion, walking on your toes (repeat - at least 80 steps), as well as exercising on a special exercise bike, will be very useful. If you don’t have access to such a device or a regular bicycle, you can simply replace them with an exercise called “bicycle”. Lying on your back, you need to raise your legs up and spin imaginary “pedals”. This exercise is performed for at least 15 minutes. The same time is recommended for training on the appropriate simulator.

For those girls who do not have time to play sports, you can, for example, simply switch from public transport or a car to a bicycle. The effect will be simply amazing. After just a couple of weeks of such trips, a clear relief will begin to appear on your legs.

Special exercises for thin calves

To make your calves more voluminous and expressive, you should also perform special effective exercises.

The most effective thing in this case is raising on your toes. To do this, stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Next, rise on your toes for a count of “one,” and then lower back onto your heels for a count of “two.” Repeat - 30 times. To enhance the effect, you can pick up dumbbells.

Walking on toes, which was mentioned above, also falls into this list.

To vary your exercises, you can also raise and lower your feet from toe to heel, sitting on a fitball, standing at the edge of a step platform, or doing it at a slow pace with weights. The number of repetitions can be increased each time. Professionals recommend training every other day to achieve the desired effect.
Of course, it is best to do this under the close supervision of an experienced professional trainer. In this case, he will be able to warn the student against a variety of possible mistakes and correct his exercise technique in a timely manner. Otherwise you will have to do it yourself. But, if it is not possible to visit the gym, then you can exercise on your own at home. It is best to do this near a mirror so that you can observe yourself from the outside during the entire process.

Video: Exercises to create perfect legs

Every girl strives to be even slimmer than she is. But what about those girls who have thick calves on their legs, which leads to various problems?: You cannot wear a miniskirt, jeans, etc. Therefore, there is always something to strive for and achieve even more than has been achieved. In this material we will look at how you can reduce the calf muscles of your legs at home and what you will need for this.

Why do calves get fat?

Calves are muscles that take an active part in human walking. But why, these calves increase in size in girls, thereby reducing the attractiveness of their legs. The reasons for this may be the following:

You can get rid of swelling using the following methods:

  • An examination by a doctor who will help you understand the cause of swelling and tell you how to make your calves thinner. Often the cause of swelling in the legs is various diseases: diabetes, kidney and heart problems.
  • After finding out the cause, you can begin ways to combat swelling. To do this, first of all, you should follow a diet that excludes the consumption of fatty, fried and salty foods.
  • You can get rid of edema by taking diuretics, which remove excess fluid from the body.

How to reduce the calves of obese women? You can combat this by playing sports. The first gymnastic exercises that help quickly get rid of fatty layers on the calves are: running, swimming, walking and jumping. But in this case, it is recommended to load not only the legs, but the entire body as a whole, so as not to disturb the shape of the body.

If you have been so fond of sports since childhood that your legs have become like a man’s, then now bringing your calves into normal shape will be more problematic than with the first two options. After all, the process of reducing the volume of calves will be long and quite complex. Only one thing can be noted: with such an increase in calves, you can be sure of the absence of various kinds of ailments (swelling or fat deposits).

So how to reduce calves on the legs of “athletes”? Bringing trained calf muscles back to normal is quite difficult, but possible. The first thing you need to do is to give up heavy training and various types of stress on your legs. It is also important to review your usual diet and exclude protein foods that promote muscle growth. You should give preference to fruits and vegetables, which will help control body weight and correct your figure.

Important ! To reduce the volume of pumped-up calf muscles, women should give preference to active muscle stretching exercises.

What needs to be excluded from everyday life

To remove voluminous calves on the legs, women should follow some rules and points. These moments include:

  1. Get rid of shoes that restrict your every step. Tight, uncomfortable and small shoes and clothes should not be worn.
  2. Do not drink water at night. Since during a night's rest, water causes swelling in people prone to this phenomenon.
  3. It is forbidden to sit on a chair with your legs tucked under the seat. This position is incorrect and leads to impaired blood circulation. As a consequence, impaired blood flow in the body leads to an increase in the volume of the calves.
  4. It is necessary to eliminate long walks from your daily life if the reason for enlarged calves is their training.
  5. Strictly exclude fatty, salty, smoked and fried foods from your diet.
  6. It is also necessary to reduce cycling, since pedaling leads to muscle development, and therefore enlargement of the legs.

Therefore, before you begin to bring your legs back to normal, you should find out the reason for their enlargement.

Calf stretch: exercises

Calf stretching is the first way to solve the problem of ugly legs in women at home. Therefore, if you decide to make your legs slender and remove bulky calves, then you should start with stretching.

To do this, you should perform the following exercises to stretch the calf muscles::

  1. To begin with, do a light warm-up of the legs, which allows you to avoid many injuries. Warm-up includes squats for 2-3 minutes.
  2. After warming up, we begin light exercises aimed at stretching the muscles. To do this, you will need to take a stable stance and stretch up as much as possible, and then lower yourself to the floor. During the exercise, it is important to take your time, control your breathing and do everything correctly. When performing this type of exercise, you should feel your calf muscles.
  3. The exercise is more difficult, which involves taking a stand on one leg. The other leg should be clasped with your hand. Now the raised leg must be straightened in front of you so that a right angle is formed between them. The calf stretch is carried out similarly on the second leg.
  4. The exercises are carried out slowly, without haste, and at the same time be sure to take breaks between procedures. These exercises may seem difficult the first time, but repeating them daily is the key to success.
  5. The last exercise you can do is walk on your toes. At the same time, it is important not to walk on your toes, but to reach towards the top as much as possible.

After starting such a set of exercises, it is necessary to control the frequency of the procedures and the load. To do this, you can even start a journal in which to record all useful information.

Pumped calves: what to do

If you have pumped calves, then it is important to pay attention to the following set of exercises:

  1. Place the leg on the full foot. The most effective way to reduce the size of pumped-up calves is to stand on your full foot while walking. In this case, you should not only stand on your full foot while walking, but also while running or performing other exercises.
  2. Do not perform exercises that involve developing the calf muscles. After all, in this case, the calves will not decrease in any way, but will only increase. Therefore, avoid the following types of exercises:
    — jumping rope;
    - climbing stairs;
    - sprinting.
  3. It is necessary to engage in exercises that will contribute to a positive effect on the cardiac system. These types of techniques will not only reduce the calf muscles, but also get rid of extra pounds. In this case, the following exercises are performed:- swimming;
    - long distance running;
    - exercise on a bicycle or exercise bike.

Here is another set of exercises with which you can remove bulky calves on your legs:

  1. To begin, you should stand in a stance with your feet shoulder-width apart. After this, you need to slowly rise up on your toes and also lower down.
  2. A pose in which one leg is raised up, and the other one should be raised on its toes and lowered.
  3. You should stand on the threshold of the room with your toes, and your heels should hang from it. After this, you lift up onto your toes and return to the starting position.
  4. In a lying position, you need to bend your knees. The exercise begins by raising your legs up and straightening them. In this case, the toes must be pulled up.

This small set of exercises allows you to give your calves a beautiful shape and your legs femininity and uniqueness at home.

Optimal loads: what to pay attention to

Of course, reducing the volume of calves is not complete without an integrated approach to solving this problem. The complex includes not only physical activity, but also proper nutrition or dieting.

Let's consider what loads should be used when performing these exercises.

  1. The duration of anaerobic exercise should not be too long. The optimal time for performing procedures should not exceed 30-40 minutes. In this case, the set of exercises should be varied: from simple calf stretches to going down or up the stairs. But let’s not forget that it all depends on the reason for the enlargement of the calves.
  2. Water aerobics is exercise in water that has a positive effect not only on the calves, but also on most human muscles. Therefore, water exercises are an integral part of the complex, with the help of which a woman tries to make her legs more beautiful and slimmer. The duration of water aerobics classes should be from 20 to 30 minutes, several times a week.
  3. Step aerobics. Another equally important method to make your legs slimmer is by reducing the volume of your calves.

Important ! Women should also know that it is impossible to increase the volume of their calves by performing the specified set of exercises, but it is possible to make their legs slim and attractive.


To summarize, it should be noted that it is possible to reduce the calves on your legs, but you need to work on yourself. After all, as you know, nothing is given for nothing. To achieve something, you need to work long and fruitfully, and in order to work like that, you need to have the desire and desire for the best. And never stop halfway without achieving your goal - this is only another reason for grief.