Skinny fingers. How to make your fingers thinner - weight loss exercises, procedures and massage

The most common problem for girls is how to lose weight in their arms. Men usually have no problems with this area, but fragile creatures have to put in a lot of effort to achieve the desired result, because the skin on the hands is delicate, thin and often hangs, and the excess weight does not want to go away.

Why don't my arms lose weight?

For most people, their body structure, tendency to be overweight, and skin elasticity are genetically determined, so some make every effort, while for others everything happens by itself.

It happens that there seems to be no excess weight, but your arms look thick and flabby. Women's hands with a loose structure are quite difficult to form the correct outlines, but this is not a reason for despair. If you approach the problem comprehensively and persistently, the result will not be long in coming!

Rule number 1 and very important! Only regularity and an integrated approach to the problem can help get rid of it. Therefore, classes should be four to five times a week. In this case, it is desirable that one of them be combined with cardio exercise (running, jumping rope, aerobics or dancing to fast music).

Rule No. 2 is of the same importance: mandatory warm-up for 10-15 minutes and at the end of the session, stretching the muscles and tendons (stretching).

Rule No. 3: constant monitoring of the correct position of the spine (it should be straight), the position of the shoulders (they should not rise up towards the head) and the head - it should not sink into the shoulders or hang down. Using the top of your head, we constantly stretch the spine up along the axis.

Rule No. 5: all movements, with or without weight, are performed in a slow rhythm of 2-4 seconds per swing. Movement up or to the side with the hands is done while inhaling, and down or bending is done while exhaling.

And No. 5 - periodically add load, especially if the exercises are easy.

Some girls find it somewhat difficult to lose weight in their arms, so they need to use additional weight to increase the intensity of the impact, as well as the duration of the sets.

Exercises with weights

How to quickly lose weight in the hands of girls? Of course, with the help of additional weights. We choose dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg, large ones - only for those who want to increase muscle volume. If you have never worked out with weights before, then at first you can use one and a half kilograms.

  • Sitting or standing with your back fixed, lower your arms down and slowly raise your straight arms forward and up to the shoulder line. In this case, when lifting, the hand looks up, and when lowering, it looks down. From 15 to 25 times in one approach.
  • Having tilted your torso 45 degrees to the floor (it is better to bend your knees a little), move your straight arms as far back as possible, fix them by squeezing your shoulder blades, and bend your arm, holding the hand with the dumbbells sideways relative to your torso. It is important to ensure that the level of the elbow does not change its position - keep it constantly raised higher and work only with a bend. Do 20-25 times.
  • Raise your arms straight out to the sides as far as possible and lower them down. 15 times with your palms up, and the same number with your palm down.
  • Lying on a bench or floor, spread your arms to the sides without touching the floor and bend them towards your chest, keeping your elbows in line. Repeat 15 to 25 times.

What exercises should you do to lose weight on your arms if you don’t have dumbbells?

Exercises without weights

If you don’t have dumbbells in your arsenal, then how can you quickly lose weight on your arms at home? Strength exercises with your body weight will come to the rescue, which will cope with the task just as well.

Static loads are among the most effective

The most effective way for girls to lose weight in their arms without unnecessary body movements is, of course, the plank pose.

The queen of all static positions, with more than 20 options. At the same time, a pleasant bonus in the form of toned hips, buttocks and abs will stimulate in subsequent workouts. The main condition is the correct position of the spine: it should be elongated and without deflection, it is advisable to point the elbows back. And try to hold it for at least a minute, gradually increasing the time to three.

The well-known “bridge” is also very good for the shoulder girdle. Try to hold the position for at least 3 sets of 30 seconds.

Another great way for a girl to lose weight in her arms and shoulders is to simply extend her arms to the elbow line and hold, without bending or lowering, for 3-5 minutes, each subsequent minute simply rotating the shoulder joint slightly forward or backward. There are options - hands in front, or to the sides. It is recommended to use all varieties for a more detailed study of small muscles.

Stretching for the shoulder girdle

What do you need to make your arms lose weight faster? Of course, do deep stretching of muscle fibers and tendons. Why is this so important? In the area of ​​a person’s shoulders there are clusters of lymph nodes, and the lymphatic system is responsible for cleansing toxins, metabolism, and therefore the proper functioning of the entire body. If the muscles are compressed and are in chronic hypertonicity, the lymph nodes are pinched and cannot function normally, the outflow of lymph from the tissues is disrupted and swelling, stagnation of blood appears, and as a result, waste products accumulate. Where there is waste, there is excess weight. For this reason, do not ignore regular stretching of your arm muscles.

  • Make a finger lock at the back, keeping one arm up and the other down. If you can’t bring your hands together, you can use a towel or belt to help.
  • Clasp the wrist lock from behind with straight arms and, leaning forward, pull your arms through you to the floor.
  • Extend your arms clasped in front and round your back, feeling the stretch between your shoulder blades.
  • Place your right palm on your left shoulder blade and push your elbow towards you, keeping your shoulder line parallel to the floor.
  • Stretch your arms straight up, clasp your fingers and, actively stretching the side of your torso and arms, lean slightly to the side.

The importance of healthy food

How can girls lose weight without proper nutrition? No way. You can hardly achieve the desired result with exercise alone, eating pancakes and drinking cola. Food should contain a high percentage of fiber for active intestinal function and sufficient protein for proper muscle function. On the contrary, we try to keep carbohydrates to a minimum - then the weight will go down, because, as you know, it is the last thing to go away. Down with smoking, alcohol and preservatives! Avoid foods containing high amounts of sugar, salt and gluten.

Additional procedures to help

For sagging skin, additional action is needed: you can use wraps with a thermal effect, massage of problem areas and creams with anti-cellulite effects. Also, if you have the opportunity to visit the pool, it is better to take advantage of it, because swimming is ideal not only for toning your arms, but also for your whole body.

As you can see, it is quite possible for girls to lose weight, the main thing is to put in a little effort, patience and willpower. When you put on a dress with thin straps, you will understand - it's worth it, right?

Fat deposits on the arms deprive the silhouette of its slimness and limit the ability to wear open dresses. Which greatly upsets many girls and women.

A sedentary lifestyle and consumption of high-calorie foods usually lead to excess weight. Fat accumulates on the arms and can be difficult to deal with.

A special set of exercises, diet and other effective methods will help give the arm muscles relief and a beautiful shape. And all this is possible at home.

A little anatomy

Muscle anatomy is represented primarily by the biceps and triceps. It is these muscles that are responsible for the shape of the arm, and it is they that are hidden by the fat layer. First of all, getting rid of fat will help.

TOP 5 methods for thin limbs

We offer you five of the most effective methods that will help not only lose weight in your arms, but also tighten your body overall. If you start using them in combination, then very soon you will get a slender silhouette, graceful and thin hands. Let's get started!

1. Stick to a diet

It must be remembered that strict diets cannot be used. This can lead to metabolic disorders and various health problems. You need to start with limiting the calorie content of the foods you consume. Building a proper diet will help you lose weight without harm to your health. What foods will help you lose weight and benefit your body?

  • Chicken, fish, seafood. They have low calorie content and are sources of easily digestible proteins. Contains essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Lactic acid and dairy products. If you choose dairy products with a low fat content - no more than 3.2%, then you can gradually lose weight without feeling hungry. They are excellent sources of animal protein and microelements and vitamins necessary for the body.
  • Vegetables. Excellent products in the diet of those who want to lose weight. Vegetables are low in calories - on average, from twenty-five to forty calories. The daily menu should include cabbage, radishes, lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers. In addition to vitamins and minerals, vegetables contain fiber, which helps burn fat and activates the process of losing excess weight.
  • Herbs and spices. They diversify the taste of dishes and activate the burning of excess calories. To digest dill, parsley, cilantro, the body spends more calories than these healthy herbs that are familiar to us contain. Red hot pepper literally burns fat - add it (preferably in small quantities) to food daily.
Carefully! When losing weight, foods should not be fried. Frying more than doubles the calorie content of the finished dish!

2. Do strength training

There is a special set of exercises that can specifically target the muscles of girls’ shoulders and forearms. It is in these areas that fat deposits are localized.

These are the exercises that will help us work our arms and give relief to our muscles:

  1. Curling arms with dumbbells for biceps. Form a beautiful line of the arm and shoulder.
  2. Curls with dumbbells behind your head for triceps. Prevents sagging muscles and forearms.
  3. An excellent workout for the arms and shoulder muscles. By doing them regularly, you will soon notice how the volume of your arms decreases and your muscles become stronger.
  4. An excellent workout for the muscles of the whole body. Focusing on your arms makes your muscles strong and strong.
  5. An ideal exercise for the arm muscles. Those who perform it regularly do not suffer from excess weight and have beautiful and prominent muscles of the shoulder girdle.

It is good to alternate strength loads with such gymnastic exercises as "", "", asanas "" and "", exercises with a skipping rope. They develop flexibility, form beautiful posture, help monitor weight and keep fit.

There are no restrictions for gymnastic training - you can do it several times a day if you wish. The main criterion is good health and vigor. Excessive fatigue and lethargy indicate that you have over-exercised and the load needs to be reduced.

Attention! Strength exercises cannot be performed daily - the muscles must rest and recover.

3. Try contrasting water treatments

This could be a shower or alternately pouring cold and hot water from a bucket.

Such temperature-contrasting procedures activate metabolism, tone and accelerate the burning of fat deposits. They also have a hardening effect, but in order not to catch a cold, you need to start them in the summer months, and reduce the water temperature gradually.

Those who do not like cold water can limit themselves to contrasting compresses. To do this, you need to prepare two towels and a basin with hot and cold water. Alternately apply a well-wrung out hot and cold towel to the areas of fatty deposits. The total procedure time is ten minutes.

Attention! We start all contrasting water effects with hot water and end with cold! The procedure should not cause chilliness and be pleasant.

4. Drink more fluids

They cleanse the body well of harmful substances and start the fat burning process. Healthy nutrition experts recommend keeping a bottle of water or a kettle of green or herbal tea in a visible place and sipping it throughout the day.

Melissa, mint, St. John's wort, fennel, and oregano are good for herbal tea. You just need to add very little of them - a pinch to a medium-sized teapot. Sugar cannot be added to this tea.

If you want something sweet, you can eat a spoonful of honey or dried fruits once a day.

Those who don’t like tea can brew a handful of any fresh, dried or frozen berries and drink the same throughout the day. Such a “compote” needs to be brewed, not boiled. This method will preserve all the vitamins in the drink, and will help improve health in any season.

5. Give a special massage

You can do it in a salon or on your own. It is necessary to apply any massage or vegetable oil to the forearm and rub and knead the area of ​​fat deposits in the direction from the elbow to the shoulder joint. Before massage procedures, it is better to use a scrub made from sea or ordinary salt.

Method of preparing the scrub. Mix a tablespoon of salt and the same amount of cream or vegetable oil. Apply to the problem area and rub in circular movements.

Massage procedures in combination with the rest of the above methods will most effectively combat fat in the arms and hands. They can be done several times a week - preferably before bed, so that after them you can relax and unwind.

For detailed massage techniques, watch the video:

If you want to get a beautiful arm line and lose weight, listen to the advice of nutritionists and sports doctors - choose the “golden mean” in everything. Don't get carried away with dieting too much! It is enough to reduce the calorie content of food and remove all fried foods from your diet. Try to lead an active lifestyle, walk more if possible. Use strength training in moderation and regularly. Take care of your body, be cheerful and joyful!

When a woman’s shoulders are excessively full or, conversely, the skin on them sagging, she has to wear long sleeves and is embarrassed to go to the beach. Knowing how to lose weight in your arms is necessary after a course of losing excess weight, when your body has become slimmer and your shoulders are flabby and unattractive.

How to lose weight in your arms without pumping up

To make your shoulders slimmer, it is not necessary to increase muscle volume. A couple of weeks of simple exercises at home, performed every other day, is enough.

The simplest exercise to make your arms slender is to restore tone to the triceps, the muscles behind the shoulders.

  • Sitting on the edge of a chair, lean on your hands, placing them on the sides of your hips, elbows slightly bent. Move your body forward.
  • Bend and straighten your elbows to a right angle between your shoulders and forearm.

To make the exercise more difficult, straighten your legs.

Exercises without dumbbells to remove fat from arms

In order for your arms to quickly lose weight, the muscles must be constantly tense when performing these exercises. As a rule, 10 repetitions are enough:

1. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread to the sides. Bend your elbows so that your hands are behind your head and return to the starting position. Bend your hands perpendicular to your forearms, raise and lower your arms several times with a small amplitude. Extend the brushes to the sides.

2. Place your palms together at face level, slowly lower them to your stomach, with your closed fingers constantly pointing upward. Turn your hands downwards with your fingers, then up again and return to the starting position. Shake your hands when finished.

3. Stand up with your back straight. Extend your arms to the sides, shoulders perpendicular to the body, elbows bent, palms facing up. Keeping your shoulders parallel to the floor, lower and raise your hands in an arc in front of you.

4. Spread your straightened arms to the sides, perform rotations in a circle of minimum radius.

5. Straighten your arms to the sides. To lose weight in your hands, rotate them along an imaginary axis so that your palms are alternately up and down.

6. Feet shoulder-width apart, torso slightly tilted forward. Alternately cross your straightened arms in front of you with a small amplitude.

7. Raise your straightened, tense arms up and cross them above your head.

8. Stand straight, elbows bent, forearms clasped at face level. Raise and lower your arms so that your forearms remain closed.

9. Feet shoulder-width apart, torso slightly tilted forward, knees slightly bent. Straighten your tense arms parallel to your thighs. At the same time, bend your arms, moving them as far back as possible. The forearms move parallel to the hips.

Exercises to lose weight in your arms and shoulders

This home complex helps reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat and trains the arm and shoulder muscles.

To quickly lose weight in your arms, each exercise must be performed for 30 seconds. During breaks, give your muscles a rest, but don’t just shake or swing your upper limbs. To achieve quick results without pumping up your muscles, it is useful to perform “shadow boxing”: alternately strike forward or upward at a pace in front of you.

1. Stand up straight, feet together, straightened arms with dumbbells spread to the sides, fingers bent towards the floor. Use your brushes to draw small circles back and forth.

2. Standing position, arms with dumbbells down. Straighten your arms in front of you, perform 4 movements up and down. Lower your arms, spread them out to the sides, and again perform 4 movements up and down.

3. Lying down, torso and legs form a straight line, palms on the floor wider than shoulders, arms straight. Bend your left and right arms, transferring your body weight to your elbows and forearms. Return to starting position. To quickly lose weight on your arms, it is important to perform this exercise at a pace.

4. Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides, bend them so that the dumbbells are at forehead level, slightly raise and lower your arms from this position 4 times, putting pressure on your shoulders, then straighten and bend your elbows 2 times, lifting the dumbbells up.

5. In a standing position, place your hands with dumbbells on the sides of the chest, elbows bent and pulled back, chest protruded forward. Straighten and bend your arms in front of you twice so that your forearms move parallel to the floor, then move your elbows back four times from the starting position.

Exercises with dumbbells to slim your arms and strengthen your back

The weight of the weights can be 1-3 kg. If you don't have dumbbells, you can replace them with plastic bottles filled with water. Repeat each sports movement of this complex 8-10 times, performing 3 approaches:

1. Lie on the mat, knees bent, feet on the floor shoulder-width apart. In straightened arms, dumbbells touching each other, their handles parallel to the floor. Extend your arms to the sides and bend them slightly at the elbows, touching the floor with your elbows.

2. Lying down, back straight, knees on the mat, ankles crossed. Palms on the floor wider than shoulders. As you inhale, bend your elbows, and as you exhale, straighten them.

3. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Close your arms straight above your head with dumbbells. As you inhale, bend your elbows so that the dumbbells are behind the back of your head. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

4. Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells down. Raise your arms straight in front of you and spread them to the sides. Bring it in front of you again and lower it.

5. Skier pose: feet together, body slightly tilted, elbows bent. As you exhale, alternately extend your left and right arms with the dumbbell, moving it back. This exercise helps you lose weight in your arms and develops your triceps.

Exercises for losing weight and shaping your arms

This set of sports movements was developed for former model Cameron Diaz. Exercises do not pump up muscles, but restore their tone. 10 repetitions of each movement are enough:

1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells in your arms. As you inhale, place the toe of your right foot behind you on the left, bend your legs, and touch the floor with your right knee. At the same time, bend your elbows so that the dumbbells are at shoulder level. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat for the other side.

2. Lie on your stomach, hands on the floor in front of you. Raise your straightened legs above the floor, bend your back, straighten your arms with dumbbells to your buttocks. Stay in the bent position for 10-30 seconds.

3. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Straightened right arm with a dumbbell above your head, left palm on your belt. Bend your right elbow so that the dumbbell is behind the back of your head, while inhaling, tilt your torso to the left, and exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat for the other side.

4. Stand up, left palm on your belt, holding a dumbbell in your right hand. As you inhale, step forward with your left foot, simultaneously bend your right knee and touch the floor with it. Extend an arc in front of you with your straightened right arm and touch the dumbbell to the floor near your left foot. As you exhale, vigorously straighten your left leg and return to the starting position. At the same time, describe an arc with your right hand with a dumbbell in front of you, so that in a standing position, your right hand is straight again and looking up. Repeat for the other side.

5. Lie on your back, stretch your arms with dumbbells in front of you, perpendicular to the floor. Bend your left arm and touch the floor near your right ear, then vice versa.

6. Lying on your back, place your hands with dumbbells near the crown of your head, elbows bent above your face. Flex and straighten your forearms. Make sure your elbows remain in front of your face.

7. Sitting on the mat, stretch your legs forward, straighten your arms behind your back, turn your hands with your fingers forward, parallel to your legs. The body rests on the floor only with the heels and palms, the legs and torso form a straight line. Bend and straighten your elbows, performing reverse movements. When finished, bend your elbows and hold in this position for 30 seconds.

Modified: 12/15/2018

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

Mar 3 2016

Every girl strives to be slim in order to appear in public in open outfits and win the hearts of men with her appearance. Unfortunately, not every lady has been given ideal forms by nature. Many of them are forced to puzzle over how to lose weight in their arms and shoulders. This is not a big problem. A proper, healthy diet combined with light exercise and simple procedures will provide the desired results within a few weeks. Make every effort, and you will certainly be able to lose those extra pounds!

What to do to lose weight on your arms and shoulders

It is impossible to answer this question in a few words. The human body is an incredibly complex mechanism consisting of many organs and systems. Correcting volumes in the arms and shoulders requires an integrated approach. In order for excess fat to go away, you need to create all the conditions for this. The following sections of this article provide specific information on how to remove fat from your shoulders and arms. Check them out, take note of the valuable recommendations, and then start fighting those hated extra pounds!

Compliance with diet and nutrition

The saying “You are what you eat” reflects the essence of healthy eating in the best possible way. To reduce excess fat, you must control the quantity/quality of food you eat. Create a strict dietary menu for yourself for the week and strictly adhere to it. Plan your diet so that there are about 5-6 small meals throughout the day. You need to remove all harmful foods from your diet without exception, and also forget about overeating. Only in this case will it be possible to get rid of those unfortunate extra centimeters and put your body in order.

Physical exercise

Fat is a reserve of energy that the body provides for a rainy day. It will take some effort to remove it. Physical activity tightens the body and helps burn excess calories. Join a gym, start doing exercises in the morning, and after a few weeks you will notice noticeable changes. Make it your goal to strengthen your muscles. To prevent your classes from being wasted, ask your trainer to explain what exercises you need to do to lose weight.

Massage or wrap

A pleasant massage procedure relaxes muscles, has a healing effect and helps you lose extra calories. By stretching your shoulders with your hands, you will increase blood circulation in the body. Due to this, metabolism is activated, which will entail an increase in tissue needs. To satisfy them, the body will use some of the stored fat. It’s hard to believe, but with a healthy diet and the right approach to sports, massage procedures speed up the process of losing weight in your shoulders and arms by 25-30%.

When discussing the question of how to reduce arms above the elbow, we must not forget about wrapping. These procedures are also aimed at increasing blood circulation in the body. Modern women who are losing weight quite productively use seaweed, chocolate, mustard, and essential oils to wrap their arms and shoulders. Provided that the rules of the procedure are strictly followed, an amazing effect of losing weight in the shoulders is ensured.

Effective exercises for losing weight on your arms, shoulders and back

Sports activities will help strengthen the body, build muscle mass and, most importantly, lose excess fat. If you focus on proper nutrition, but do not pay attention to physical exercise, the skin on thinner shoulders may sag, but women are afraid of this no less than being overweight. To avoid this, exercise 20-25 minutes a day. Show persistence, and very soon you will become the happy owner of a slim, toned figure. The most effective exercises for beautiful arms and shoulders are described below:

  1. Exercise with a stool. Take the starting position: standing with your back to the stool, lean your elbows on the corners with your hands. Keep your hands in your normal position. Close your fingers, keep your knees together. Leaning on your palms, slowly lower yourself down, almost to the floor. Freeze in this position for a couple of moments, and then, straining your biceps, return to the starting position. Repeat the described exercise 13 times in the morning and evening.
  2. Raising your arms behind your back. For the next exercise you will need a towel. With your feet 40 cm apart, bend your knees slightly and lean your body forward. Take a towel in your hands and stretch it so that you feel tension in your muscles. Smoothly raise your arms up, then lower them down. This exercise effectively burns excess fat, trains the forearms, and strengthens the biceps. Once you master the behind-the-back raises, you will understand how to quickly lose weight in your arms and shoulders. Repeat the exercise three times a day, 16 times, and very soon you will notice the result: excess fat will recede.
  3. Push-ups at an angle. Another extremely effective exercise for those who do not know how to remove fat from their arms. For this you will need a chair again. Take a lying position, keeping your palms shoulder-width apart. Rest your toes on the chair. Keep your body level and begin to push up slowly. As you lower down, try to lightly touch the floor with your chest. To prevent the effectiveness of the exercise from decreasing, keep your lower back straight and do not bend.
  4. Exercise with dumbbells. An exercise to work the muscle groups of the arms, chest and forearms in order to burn excess fat. Take dumbbells and, tense your shoulders, raise them in front of you at the level of the solar plexus, keeping your elbows slightly bent. Freeze in this position for a few moments, and then spread your arms in different directions. Again, take a short pause and return to the starting position. When performed daily, the described exercise will ensure uniform weight loss in the arms and shoulders. Repeat 17 times on each approach.
  5. Mill. Standing straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Alternately rotate your arms in a circle, tense your shoulders. Lift the right one up (over the back), and lower the left one down, then vice versa. To speed up the process of getting rid of excess fat, complicate the exercise - arm yourself with dumbbells. Additional stress on the shoulder muscles will help you lose weight faster.

When your fingers are too thick and short, it is impossible to wear a beautiful ring or have a light manicure. The question arises: how to make your fingers smaller? And is this possible? Length and shape are determined mainly by genetics. But there are several effective methods for making your fingers slim.

To make your fingers smaller: finger exercises.

Removing excess fluid and losing weight

The hands and feet become larger due to swelling. The key factor in the problem is sodium. It retains fluid in the body. If a person consumes more than 2.3 grams of sodium per day, fluid will inevitably accumulate in his extremities. Sources of sodium include salt, baking soda, baking powder, sodium alginate, monosodium glutamate and sodium nitrate. Reducing your use of these substances will reduce hand swelling. Therefore, it is necessary to read labels before purchasing products.

Herbal diuretics can also help. In order for your fingers to lose weight, you need to remove excess fluid from the body. For this you can use lingonberry leaf, bear's ear, linden blossom, flax seeds, etc. Herbal decoctions reduce swelling. If these do not help, you should consult your doctor to find out the medical reasons for fluid retention.

Overall weight loss will help make your fingers thinner. Sometimes you need to lose 5% of your total weight per month to make your arms and legs appear slimmer. To do this, you need to include more natural products in your menu. These include whole grains, vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meats, eggs and soy. You need to make it a rule to count the calories you consume per day. Physical exercise greatly stimulates the process of losing weight.

How to lose weight on your fingers with gymnastics

Frequent training makes any part of the body thinner. You can exercise your fingers using a variety of objects, including the kitchen table and computer keyboard.

Here are examples of simple exercises:

· make a fist, covering all the others with your thumb. Hold your fist for 30 seconds. Then release, spreading your fingers as wide as possible;

· Place your hand palm down on a flat surface. Slowly straighten your fingers so that they are pressed against the plane. Hold the position for 30 seconds;

· bend your fingers so that their tips touch the base of the lower joints. Hold for 30 seconds;

· Place your hand on the table, palm down. Raise and lower each finger in turn, keeping your palms flat on the table surface.

Each exercise should be repeated four to five times.

A healthy lifestyle brings harmony to your appearance. And if weight loss and gymnastics do not help, the shape of your fingers can be corrected with the right manicure, rings and elegant gloves.