Gaming offers with payment for registration. Earning money by registering in affiliate programs

Hello! Welcome to the site dedicated to making money on the Internet. Currently the question is about work from home remains very relevant and with the right approach, you can learn in a short time make money on the Internet.

What does that require?

To get started work on the Internet it is necessary to carefully study the main nuances of this specific work.

You can spend hours reading articles on simple blogs, but, as practice shows, you won’t find anything worthwhile there. With us you will find the latest, unique and worthwhile information. We provide the most current and proven material with detailed explanations.

I don’t promise you mountains of gold, but if you have time and desire, you can make good money. - a new type of work that is gaining popularity. After carefully studying these articles, you will decide for yourself: is it worth making money online at all, is there any benefit from it, and the most important question: how much you can earn.

How to make money online

Study of general provisions: First of all, you need to study the section "Where to begin"- many initial answers to questions can be found there, namely: how to create an electronic wallet, how to create an email, how to cash out electronic money and many other questions.

Choosing a way to earn money: There are a lot of different ways to make money online on the Internet and you need to decide which type you will choose, the section will help you with this "Ways to earn money" as well as a section called "Freelance", where the points necessary for .

For beginners I advise you to start with an excellent service - This is the easiest way to earn your first money.

Working with a personal website (blog)

Working on a social network: If you are an active user of social networks, there is an opportunity to make good money from this. Having accounts on social networks, having studied the section "Work in Contact" can be found ways to earn money on this, promoting the community, getting likes and much more.

How much will you earn?

It all depends on you. You can do a couple of tasks and earn 10-20 cents a day, or complete 30-40 simple tasks and earn an income of a few dollars. And this is just from one project. A professional user works with several projects at the same time and has his own personal website. Everyone starts with simple tasks. And they gradually reach a higher level.

Where can you spend your earned money?

Most users ask this question. Let's look at the most popular options:

Pay for Internet provider services;

Pay for mobile communication services;

The Internet has long been a promising platform for making money. True, if , and can be included in the known methods of generating income, then earnings from registrations- a new product that we’ll talk about today. In addition to advice, I will give recommendations - sites where hundreds of other sites are collected that pay for registering accounts (sometimes even 100-150 rubles).

How to start making money by registering on websites

In order to discover earn money by registering on websites no need to search for sites with bonuses. Thanks to the presence of two excellent resources, you can automatically start yours:

earnings from simple registrations;

- (games);

earnings upon registration 150 rubles(bonus).

Let's look at the three methods above:

Method one (earning money from simple registrations). For completing such a task you can get approximately 5-50 rubles. Fortunately, the sites that I recommend below always have plenty of such tasks.

The second method (earning money by registering game accounts). Often, completing such tasks comes down to installing an application on an Android device. This is no less interesting earnings with a registration bonus. There is also enough work of this kind.

The final method (earnings upon registration with a gift of 100-150 rubles). From the first line of this paragraph you could understand how much they pay for registering on sites with a gift bonus. I won’t say that it’s very easy to find such tasks, but they appear with a stable frequency.

To get started, register at:

Here are the best tasks with registration fees. You can register for each one, or study the first one, and then the second one. To some extent, making money by registering on websites is a simple task, but it also requires desire and effort.

What is the registration bonus for?

Any sane person who does not yet know all the nuances of making money on the Internet will sooner or later ask questions... Why do I get paid money for simple registrations? What determines the income from account registration? Who rewards registration on the site with hundreds of rubles?

The answer is very simple and there is no need to look for a catch here (if you use two recommended sites) - earnings and bonuses upon registration go to you due to the fact that:

- you have become a new participant in the game;

— you have become a registered user of the site;

- you have become someone's referral.

— bank card numbers;

— passport or ID series.

Let me show you an example of how to complete a task and receive a bonus of 30 rubles upon simple registration?

I registered on the first site.

I went to the section: “completing tasks.”

Selected task type: “registration only”.

Found a good job and earned it 30 rubles for 1 minute 🙂

- mine earnings from registering accounts;

earnings from registrations in games.

Many web sites prefer pay-per-signup affiliate programs, and for good reason. Let's talk about them in this article and see what amounts are circulating in this area.

Registration is the simplest goal when draining traffic, so it is easier to achieve good conversion from it. Users are not always willing to part with money, but it’s easier to share personal data with them. Often they leave their contacts completely thoughtlessly in order to figure it out later; for the web, the main thing is to play on interest. At the same time, this work model has a disadvantage - low pay. The shortfall is compensated for by volumes, and in general, with regular work, you can earn a good income even for registrations.

What are the types of offers with registration fees:

  • entertainment sites;
  • cashback services;
  • gambling;
  • coupon services;
  • games.

Among them are the highest paying registrations in the gambling industry. When connecting to an offer, clarify what kind of registration is implied on it. There are two types: simple with confirmation of contact information and active, when the user after the procedure must log in and perform minimal actions. This is a significant difference, because if the latter is assumed, you will not be paid simply for confirming your email address.

This nuance must be taken into account in the case of attracting motivated traffic from axle boxes, when it is allowed, of course.

Typically, affiliate programs that pay for registration prefer the following traffic:

  • from social networks;
  • from teasers;
  • from the context.

Subtleties vary from offer to offer, this needs to be taken into account. In addition to earning money from user clicks, you can get money for referrals. These are webmasters who follow your link and start driving traffic. The payment for an attracted referral is 5% of his income. A link to attract arbitrators can be obtained from the affiliate support.

Affiliate programs with payment for registration for making money on sites are in demand for any type of traffic: file, adult, women's, cinema, music. I intend to look at what current affiliate programs for registrar are currently available in different segments, including individual offers in CPA networks, in this review. You yourself will choose the website monetization systems that suit you to make money on the Internet.

I will try to provide an overview of affiliate programs with payment for registrations by type of traffic for greater convenience and will start with adult.

Adult traffic

SCAMMERS- The first solution on this list will be the erotic video chat BABNIK. - SCAM!!!

Among all existing ones, it offers the most significant conditions in terms of potential profit.
Payment – 7 rubles.

Additionally – from 20% on all user payments and 5% on payments to models

Pays 11 rubles for users from the CIS and 16 rubles- From Russia.


I will deliberately not write down the exact deductions, since they are constantly circulating. And this data will be meaningless in a month. Therefore, it is better to look at all current redemption rates immediately after registration. Verified.

7OFFERS: Kissmia
ACTIONPAY: Kissmia, Plirt, Connect, TeAmo, Yabadu.
AD1: Mamba, Casual Club, Plirt, ZooGra, Kissmia, Connect.
ADWAD: Flirchi.
MIXMARKET: eDarling – up to 80 rubles.

Forex and binary options

There are also similar offers in this category of affiliate programs with payment for registration.
ADSELLERATOR is the best binary options affiliate!!!
Lottmarket – Binary options (Ру) – 80 rubles.
A variety of promotional materials are available on it, and the cost-per-action format network itself provides the most favorable conditions for working on the RuNet. Her name is 7 OFFERS.
eToro Investments – 15.38 vmz and binary options uTrader – 4.62 vmz– ACTIONPAY.

Jobs and vacancies

Update from 03/19/2019:

The largest number of HR offers - about 15-20 - are currently collected in:

This category is a complete mess, since the most interesting offers constantly disappear and reappear. Therefore, I can say that job affiliate programs for today will be listed here.
Working at Oriflame – 77 rubles– available in ACTIONADS.

Lotteries and entertainment

Real world lotteries with payment for registration are available only in ACTIONPAY.
And they are presented in several sentences:
7 stars – from 40 to 60 rubles
Euromillionaire system 0.62 vmz

Female traffic

Coupon services, which are always relevant when monetizing sites, fit into this category. – 15 rubles– AD1
Bonusmall – 23 rubles– ACTIONADS

File traffic

There is such an interesting solution as Playkey. It is a cloud Internet service that helps you run games without installation or computer configuration requirements on any device connected to the Internet.
Payment is 9 rubles– AD1.

Training and Education

They are represented mainly by foreign language courses. The assortment is constantly changing, but there is always plenty to choose from.
Puzzle-English – 7 rubles– AD1 and 10 rubles at ACTIONPAY.


A separate line in this category is the online accounting “My Business” - 105 rubles per regu– ACTIONPAY.
It is difficult to find such a white and profitable offer. Use it for pleasure.
Intermediary service for transactions on the Internet SOTOTI – 20 rubles–ADWAD.

Gaming affiliate programs

I don’t see any point in comparing and analyzing gaming affiliates. Because every CPA network has games on such payment terms.
Perhaps the only ones I will focus on are:
RBKgames – 8 rubles– ACTIONADS
Marvel Heroes 2015 – 40 rubles– MIXMARKET.

Mobile traffic

The main affiliate programs with payment for registration for mobile traffic can be determined by several solutions. Because the rest only duplicate offers.

Cases and various instructions about gaming offers are increasingly appearing. This topic is of interest to many money makers, because attracting a new player is much easier than finding a buyer for an online store. At the same time, the reward can be quite good, especially if you are active.

Earning money from gaming offers - payment for registration and activity, most often offered in such affiliate programs. Game developers receive their benefits, partners actively advertise their projects and attract huge audiences.

If the game is interesting, it will definitely hook a large number of fans, they will no longer be able to tear themselves away from it.

Gaming offers - earnings on the site and without a site

Computer games attract different audiences. They can be played by children as young as 15 years old, or by adult men whose age is approaching 40 years old. There is such a wide range of audiences in this niche, although this is even a plus. You can find suitable traffic on almost any site.

As a rule, there are gaming offers with a registration fee. Often you come across affiliate programs where they pay for completing a certain level or give a percentage of the player’s expenses. For example, we chose one of the gaming offers from a popular CPA network:

For registration, 20 rubles are paid, another 110 are received by the partner if the player is active. In general, 130 rubles for each registration, which is quite good.

It is easier to attract people to a browser game than to force a person to buy a product or pay for some service. You will attract him to the entertainment, so even sending messages will not be perceived as spam.

With your own website it is much easier to attract players by putting up banners, recording videos, and writing reviews. It is also quite possible to do this without a website, but it is advisable to invest money in it.

It is too difficult to achieve decent income using free methods. We will now tell you about all this in detail.

How to choose a game offer for yourself?

Do not connect to all gaming offers at once; you need to choose the most profitable offers and look for suitable options for your traffic sources. Whether it's a website or a YouTube channel, you'll have to look for games that will definitely interest your target audience.

The most important factors are:

  1. Game type.

We are talking about client and browser games. In the first case, you need to install a client on your computer, in the second case, the game is much simpler and can be entered through a browser. They pay more for registrations in client games based on offers, but in browser games it is easier to get a lot of registrations.

  1. Traffic type.

Filters are installed for each offer; be sure to check if your traffic sources are suitable. Such information must be found on the description page. Most often, contextual advertising for a brand, motivated traffic, mobile traffic (if it is not a mobile application) is prohibited:

  1. Promotional materials.

If landing pages, banners and other promotional materials are not added to the offer, you will have to create them yourself. On the one hand, no one wants to bother with this, on the other hand, you will create unique promos, they will definitely not be hackneyed, and this is important when you order advertising:

  1. Targeting.

Not all registrations in the game are paid, because the traffic may not meet the conditions. It is especially important to pay attention to GEO targeting. As a rule, gaming offers have country restrictions.

  1. Rates.

The most important point when choosing an offer is the size of the reward and the target action. Here you need to compare the available offers. For example, in one game they may pay 20 rubles for registration, while in another they will pay 60 rubles for completing levels. This makes it easier to attract 3 players and get paid for registration without waiting for their activity.

Rely on the most important points when you decide who is best to collaborate with. There are now more than 100 offers on CPA networks for the most popular games, there is a choice, so don’t rush to use the first offer you come across.

Gaming CPA offers, where to look for offers?

Occasionally there are online games that have their own affiliate program. Although there are exceptions - such as, with this affiliate program I earn money myself, through it users are attracted to the browser game My Lands, where they can earn real money.

However, now we are not talking about this, but about gaming offers. Huge number of offers you will find on these sites:

  1. is the largest aggregator of affiliate programs, which currently has almost 1,500 advertisers. There are 125 gaming offers here, including exclusive ones. I will note the most convenient statistics.
  2. is also a well-known aggregator, currently offering 84 gaming offers (not counting games for mobile devices). Since 2015, this network began to actively develop, and there are also original offers.
  3. – for making money specifically on gaming offers, this is the optimal project. After personal use, I highlighted several disadvantages: long loading times, not the most user-friendly interface and confusing statistics.
  4. – 31 offers for online games are now available here. This project includes several systems simultaneously, including a CPA network. I didn’t like that payments come once a month and banner codes are inconvenient to use.
  5. – about 30 offers are available on this site, there are many exclusives. For example, they recently added a game that is positioned as an investment project (a game with money withdrawal).
  6. – I became acquainted with this affiliate program when I learned that you can attract traffic here through tasks on Wmmail. Not the most popular CPA network; it has only 11 offers for games.

These sites are quite enough to start making money on online gaming affiliate programs. The only thing is that almost everywhere you need to add a traffic source. If you don’t have a website, then at least create a group on social networks (to use it as a landing page).

Get at least 10-30 thousand participants so that the site is accepted on all aggregators.

How to get a lot of traffic to gaming offers?

The answer is obvious, you need to create more traffic sources and promote them more actively. For example, start a blog about games, a gaming channel on YouTube, or at least a group on social networks. However, it will take a lot of time to develop the site, especially since the competition is serious.

You can get a quick start if you invest money. You choose any advertising service and add banners from CPA networks to it. You pay for advertising and start pouring tons of traffic into gaming offers.

Only gaming offers with different tariffs were used. Advertising was purchased through various teaser networks. In general, any advertising services are suitable here, the main thing is that the list of available traffic sources does not prohibit their use.

In addition to the most popular communities, this exchange allows you to order advertising in lesser-known groups. What are they needed for? Their prices for posts are humane; not everyone has 10-20 thousand rubles to buy advertising on MDK. In addition, first you need to test everything with minimal costs.

Free ways to earn money through affiliate programs with gaming offers

You don’t yet have your own platform and start-up capital to buy advertising? You can start with free methods of attracting traffic. You have to spend a lot of time and work, but you manage to take the first steps from scratch. Where can you place promos (banners, links and teasers) for free?

  1. Choose pages on other people's sites with a comment form and unobtrusively recommend projects. Try to make your comment not look like spam.
  2. Add a promotional post on your social media page. To ensure that as many people as possible see it, use appropriate hashtags. And also be active, attract users to your page.
  3. Search Q&A services for posts about games. Many people there are interested in what to play, which games do not have paid features, and so on. The answer should contain not only a link, but also some related information.
  4. We can’t help but mention the most popular method – forums. On them you can easily create your own topics with descriptions of games or you can leave promos in the comments. Choose any forums, in smoking rooms you can create topics on games, this is entertainment.
  5. Now the best way to collect free traffic is YouTube. You can upload videos with game reviews to it. Using WordStat, find the top queries for games and use them as titles.
  6. Look for other sites that allow you to post your materials and share links. A striking example of this, which is filled with copy-paste. The site has high traffic, so it is possible to attract players from it.

It is impossible to compare these methods with advertising campaigns; they are less effective. But there is an advantage here - you don’t need to pay anything. Perhaps one of these methods will help you raise start-up capital so that you can then invest it in advertising.

Gaming offers with payment for registration - pitfalls of earning money

There are no ideal ways to make money. Everywhere has its own nuances and disadvantages. Working with CPA networks is no exception. Beginners constantly face difficulties, and due to lack of experience, they cannot solve them.

You need to know where the rakes are placed so as not to step on them.

Let's look at the pitfalls of making money on gaming and other offers:

  1. Payment for action.
    Beginners often don't understand that completing levels in games is a difficult task. Not all players will be active; many will refuse to continue after only trying and registering. Therefore, it is better to start with gaming offers with a registration fee.
  2. High competition.
    Through the same social networks it is becoming increasingly difficult to find targeted traffic. Thousands of advertisements, completely clogged targeted ads, all this forces you to look for new effective sources of traffic.
  3. Risks.
    When using traffic arbitrage (purchase of advertising), there are serious risks of being left without money. It’s not worth throwing all your savings into this business right away. Yes, the direction is profitable, but without experience there is nothing to do here.
  4. Testing offers.
    Before conducting serious advertising campaigns and spending large sums on it, it is worth checking the effectiveness of the offer yourself. Not all games are equally attractive, and neither are promotional materials.
  5. Motivation and prospects.
    When you buy traffic and pour it into gaming offers, no one can make a lot of profit right away. To achieve stability and receive decent rewards, you need to work hard and long to achieve this, without giving up, even if you fail.
  6. Attention to details.
    It is important to pay attention to details, of which there are quite a lot when working with offers from CPA networks. You need to constantly analyze statistics, monitor the quality of traffic from different sources, correctly identify the target audience, and so on.

No matter how much you study the theory, you will still make mistakes, I tell you this based on my own experience. But the prospects in this niche are serious, if you understand everything well, choose high-quality traffic sources for yourself and learn to identify worthy offers, you will get a solid profit.

When starting to work with CPA networks, try to find gaming offers with registration fees without holding.

Firstly, registration is the simplest action.

Secondly, the absence of a hold will allow you to quickly receive money and put it back into circulation. Find at least 5-10 thousand rubles for an effective start and don’t buy cases for anything, it’s better to spend this money on practice, personal experience is more important than any theory.

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