Games at prom. Graduation competitions - interesting and funny

I propose to arrange forfeits for the alumni evening -

Once we finally got together!

Don't be scared - these will just be forfeit questions.

Their task is to simply answer the question

which a former graduate will pull himself out of the magic)))

What usually happens when people who have not seen each other for a long time meet?

Hello, how are you, come on, tell me!

And you can’t immediately think of what to tell.

But when you announce that now we will play forfeits, and maybe someone will have to go to the board again, and someone will have to explain why he came to school without a diary, then the tension will instantly be relieved. If it doesn’t come off, he’ll switch to forfeits.

You can first scare your former classmates a little with scary tasks, and then announce that it was a joke. The tasks are actually easy - answers to common questions about yourself.

I think people will breathe a sigh of relief and, without any extra persuasion, will put their hand into the bag for their phantom.

In fact, although the questions are easy, they will leave some people stumped at first. But they will give you a reason to think about your life, if you had no time before.

And these notes with tasks will also give one plus - they will streamline conversations a little. Often at first everyone is silent and shy, but then some people’s stories cannot be stopped. Here you will have to stop under the honest pretext that it’s time for your friend to pull his forfeit. So,

Graduates evening, forfeits -

what questions should I write?

I came up with texts for you here and there with hints - to make it more fun, and you decide for yourself which of mine you will choose. But I advise you to be sure to read the entire task out loud.

  1. What interesting things have happened in your life over the past 5 years - did you raise something (someone), where have you been, what have you seen, gone somewhere, gotten into something, had a cool adventure, had an adventure?
  2. Your marital status or condition:
  • married, married
  • in sluggish search, in active search
  • I'm waiting for the prince (princess)
  • not yet impatient
  • I'm disappointed, I'm leaving for a monastery
  • you'll get married here when there are only crocodiles swimming around (you'll get married here when there are only monkeys around being clever)
  • in love and therefore happy?
  1. Where you work and what do you do? Or are you studying? Or are you idle? (I asked one of my friends this the other day, try asking it too - E.Sh.)
  2. Your current goal in life - what to achieve, what to come to, how to somehow change yourself? Or - I’m already fine, too lazy to move, it’s a bummer to go somewhere, but I don’t worry too much, and I won’t change myself - accept it as it is?
  3. What is the most important thing for you - in the last year, week, at this moment? Go somewhere, make peace with someone, apologize to someone, break free (family, financial, personal), slow down and rethink life, finally answer this stupid question (and who came up with it?!) ?
  4. What do you dream about - getting rich, discovering America, inventing the wheel, creating an alternative to Yandex, escaping to a desert island?
  5. What have you learned that is smart over the years - we need to move, they feed us well here too, hurry up slowly, they won’t catch up anyway?
  6. Where do you live - country, city, village, mansion, apartment, hut, roof of a house, with the world on your shoulders?
  7. What social networks are you on and what is your nickname there:
  • your real name and surname
  • Mother's Maiden Name
  • surname of the future husband, obtained (Rockefeller, Gates, Clooney, Nicholson, Safin, Prince Harry (no surname)))
  • or wives (Hilton, Ambani, Semenovich)?
  1. What have you radically changed in your life in recent years - work, profession, home, family, point of view (to what?), skates to sleds, socks to lard, euros to tugriks?
  2. Your secret thoughts now:
  • They would quickly finish judging and serve food
  • let me go to the Himalayas, otherwise I...
  • give me some water
  • how great is it that we are all here...?
  1. What is your most vivid memory of your school years - being kicked out of class, winning an argument with the teacher, winning the school Olympiad, being caught by the director with a cigarette, a new boy (girl) coming to class, falling in love with the teacher (teacher)?
  2. Tell us who you sat at the desk with in high school and where this person is now, what do you know about his current life?
  3. What stupid things have you done in the years after school, and what came of it? Corrected. or is it just as good? Do you need help?
  4. When you went to this meeting, what were you thinking about, what were you expecting? Did reality disappoint or exceed your expectations?

My courage, guys, was only enough for 15 forfeits on the topic - I don’t want to mix everything up. If more classmates come to the meeting, which is what I wish for you, then think up the rest of the questions and tasks yourself. Or pass the bag around the 2nd circle.

Or, if the gathering is not classmates, but graduates who know each other, the bag with these notes will again go off with a bang.

In a word, you will NOT be able to make a meeting of former students boring - I left you no chance)))

So use the forfeits that I wrote to you for the alumni evening, and you will have one less problem. And they have already been published - use them too.

With wishes of good impressions from meeting with classmates,

Your Evelina Shesternenko.

Often, after the end of the prom, not the most interesting moments of it are remembered. The ceremonial part with sentimental and touching speeches and the presentation of certificates will definitely be remembered. What about the festive, banquet part of it? Let your graduation be remembered with fun games and competitions!

We offer games, sweepstakes and competitions for the graduation party, which can be used during any festive events, and especially for the last evening of high school students.

Competitions for guests sitting at festive tables

Dates and numbers

The presenter invites the children to remember the most significant events in the life of the class and school, which were probably erased from memory by the time of graduation... Especially dates and other numbers, for example:

  • What year did you enter first grade?
  • What year did you graduate from primary school?
  • How many years have geography been studied at school? What about chemistry?
  • What is the number for the school principal's office?
  • How many steps are there on the stairs from the first to the last floor of the school?
  • How many steps (on average) are there from the nearest bus stop to the school?
  • How many bus routes stop at the nearest stop?
  • How many subjects did you study in your senior year? And how much for all school years?
  • Remember your classmates' birthdays. Whose date is closest to the beginning of the calendar year? Who celebrates their last birthday of the year?

There are a great many questions, the main thing is that there is no need for hackneyed and cliched ones. For each correct answer - a pre-prepared token (ticket, forfeit, candy, etc.). The prize is given to the one who received the most tokens.

I recognize you by name

Each group at the table was given an envelope with separate letters, from which they need to make up the surname, first name and patronymic of the teacher, head teacher or director of the educational institution. All groups have different personalities, but the same total number of letters. Students do not know who is encrypted. The winners are the team that guessed the fastest and completed the task.

This competition is also interesting because each of the encrypted name owners can then be given the floor to congratulate the graduates.


The presenter gives each group of children printed words - rhymes, and they need to compose a poem-burime on a school topic:

  • To school - for fun.
  • Teaching is torture.
  • Cheerful - new settlers.
  • Hiking - as you go.
  • Labor will be erased.
  • Lover is supreme.

You can create rhymes that will be understandable to this particular class, related to their joint travels, trips, meetings (for example, “museum - Colosseum”) The prize goes to the team that came up with the most interesting poem.

Hero of our time

We invite children, parents and teachers to decide which of the graduates is most suitable for the images of literary heroes (and along the way they will have to remember who this description belongs to):

Thus, you can recall important or simply memorable literary heroes: Ilya Muromets, Nightingale the Robber, The Inspector General, Young Peasant Lady, Poor Lisa, Alice in Wonderland, Margarita from “The Master and Margarita”, etc.

Ask the presenter or talented graduates to come up with descriptions of literary characters in advance. Agree, this is a very educational game for the graduating class! After its completion, be sure to reward the most well-read players with prizes!

Forecast Bureau

This is a task, as they say, for the future. We hand out paper and pens to 11th grade graduates, let everyone write how they see themselves in 15 years (you can set another deadline, but 5 or 10 is not enough to achieve something outstanding).

Let everyone imagine themselves at a respectable age, describe their future family, position in society, profession, place of work or residence.

We carefully roll each leaf into a tube and place it in a specially prepared box or vase where they will be stored.

If one of the parents or class teacher leaves these letters as a keepsake, years later it will be very interesting to read and evaluate whose predictions were closest to the truth.

Graduation 2017

Typically, competitions at such celebrations are repeated in different years, smoothly flowing from one scenario to another, but the 2017 graduation party should be remembered for something special. You can write 2017 wishes to the school or give the class teacher that many flowers.

  • For example, number 2: Kaverin’s book “Two Captains”, the song “Two Cheerful Geese”, Reshetnikov’s Painting “Two Again”, etc.
  • The associations with the number zero are interesting. For example, someone will remember the saying “zero without a stick,” while someone’s imagination or memory will suggest something completely unexpected.
  • By analogy, we remember everything connected with the numbers 1 and 6. Let both children and adults fantasize!

Songs about school

Remember songs that in one way or another relate to school themes or were heard in films about students. Condition: be sure to perform the chorus or one verse! The team that performed the excerpt most recently receives a prize.

Competitions on the dance floor


As you know, molecules are made up of atoms. All the graduates go out onto the dance floor and depict atoms dancing alone (moving chaotically in space).

Dance geography

Participants are divided into groups of 5-6 people. They dance, depicting the national and dance characteristics of the people, whose characteristic music sounds:

If you dance one verse or a characteristic passage from each melody, you will still end up with a dance battle for 20–30 minutes. Teachers and parents evaluate the performers with applause. Whoever gets the loudest applause is the winner!

Switching roles

This is another dance competition. Parents and teachers are invited to the dance floor - they form one team, and the students form another. Each team has its own task:

  1. Adults should show how, in their opinion, young people dance in clubs and discos to typical youth music.

    For complexity and interest, you can play them something from club dance tunes - from hip-hop and R&B to techno and house styles.

  2. And for young people, accordingly, offer melodies in the style of “disco of the 80s” for dancing, and ask them to perform dances with the characteristic movements of those years when their parents and teachers were young.

A very fun competition! It's especially fun to watch adults getting lost in the rhythms of club music.

The house that...

Everyone knows the poem "The House That Jack Built." Before the competition begins, players are given roles:

The presenter reads the poem, and the players try to act out their roles when their words are called. For example, the “house” stands up straight and makes a roof over its head with its hands, the “tit” flutters its wings, the “Chulan” squats down, “Jack” depicts a builder laying bricks, and so on. Moreover, the characters must interact with each other. “Jack” - with “house”, “wheat” - in an embrace with “closet”, “cat” catches “tit”, etc. Quite a cool competition.

The humor is that as the poem progresses, the presenter not only often repeats the same role words, but also speeds up the pace.

Artists need to carefully follow the text and do everything correctly, interacting with each other. The end result is still confusion, leapfrog and a lot of laughter!


Participants line up in two or three columns (like a train) on one line. Task: answering the leader’s questions correctly, take a step forward and get to the other shore. You can confer without breaking the column (this will be the most difficult). Having answered correctly, the entire column takes a step forward. Those who did not have time (answered later or incorrectly) remain in place. The first team to cross the crossing wins.

The questions should, of course, be from the school curriculum:


Everyone stands in a general circle and, starting with the leader, calls numbers from one to one hundred in turn. Condition: all numbers in which the number 2 appears must be replaced with the phrase “Mom, I’m sorry!”, and the number 6 with the exclamation “Wow!”

Thus, they will be called: one - mom, sorry - three - four - five - wow - seven - eight - nine - ten - eleven - mom, sorry, etc. The main thing is to set a good pace from the very beginning, and when participants will reach the numbers 16, 22, 26, 32, 36, it will be fun to follow the players and participate in the competition.

Whoever makes a mistake leaves the circle, and the team continues counting. The winner is the most attentive and persistent.

Game for everyone during prom

"Secret Friend"

The game is quite well-known and loved by many, so I would also like to suggest playing it as entertainment for the prom.

At the beginning of the evening, the boys pull notes from the box on which the names of the girls are written, and the girls - the names of the boys. The one whose name came with the note is your secret friend. Throughout the evening, without revealing your friend’s secret name to anyone, you can and should show him (her) special signs of attention, surprises, gifts, pleasant little things: an invitation to dance, a compliment, a flower. At the end of the evening, everyone tries to guess who was whose secret friend. In any case, the secret is revealed.

It’s also good to play “secret friend” with teachers and parents. Competitions specifically for parents are rarely held, but adults (fathers, mothers and teachers) can take part in the game both together and in parallel with high school students. And, believe me, then their toasts, dances, congratulations and compliments will become especially bright and unusual!


It’s also a well-known game, but for some reason it’s a classic of the genre, but for some reason it’s often forgotten and not taken seriously in the age of mobile technology. Although the age of 17-18 is a romantic and sentimental age for boys and girls, and therefore postal messages will come in handy at the graduation party, when the whole class gets together for the last time.

In a real or specially prepared mailbox for this day, you can, after signing an envelope, put a message to any person if you want to say something to him at the end.

Condition: no offensive statements from the senders and no offense from nonsense from the recipients.

We leave envelopes, pens, and paper next to the mailbox. We open it at the very end of the evening, and everyone will decide for themselves where and when to read the messages. Most often, it is these letters that remain as souvenirs in school yearbooks and girls’ diaries, and not SMS messages and letters on social networks.

It depends only on you what kind of competitions will be held at the prom: funny, intellectual, romantic or stupid and offensive. Under no circumstances should you leave this component of the last ball to chance; do not trust the hosts to prepare the evening 100%.

It makes sense to discuss in advance which competitions are preferable for your children and what you do not want to allow. In order not to blush later from hearing nonsense or vulgar games, think through this part of the evening thoroughly. After all, it is not the quantity of dishes on the tables, but the quality of the interesting time spent that graduates will remember for a long time.

Graduation party in 11th grade

(unofficial part)

Leading : Dear graduates, parents and guest teachers! Congratulations again to everyone on graduating from high school! And before we begin our unofficial part, I would like our children to take the oath of graduation:

I ask all graduates to stand up, put their left hand on their neighbor’s shoulder, and their right hand on their heart. Hundreds of eyes are turned to you. Repeat after me:

I, a graduate of 2014, leaving the walls of my native school, in front of my comrades, solemnly swear:and now just repeat the word - I swear

Do not forget your school, neither in sorrow nor in joy! (I SWEAR)

Until your last breath, remember the names and love all your teachers! (I SWEAR)

On the day of the alumni meeting, postpone all matters until the day after tomorrow and instead of one day, meet for two! (I SWEAR)

Write memoirs or orally convey to your children legends about joyful days within the walls of your own school! (I SWEAR)

And if I break this oath, then let me:

My favorite jeans will tear in the most inopportune place. (I SWEAR)

The laces on my sneakers will come undone when I take the long-distance running test. (I SWEAR)

Let the batteries in my player run out when my favorite song plays. (I SWEAR)

And let, and let the personal train that will take me to Sochi for the Olympics turn into a pumpkin.Three times -(I SWEAR) (I SWEAR) (I SWEAR)

Thank you, please everyone sit down.

In order for our evening to be the best, we must follow the following rules of conduct:

At the table: turn off your mobile phones and hold on tightly to your forks!
- Don’t throw cakes!
- Don’t drink champagne and don’t wash your face!
- Girls and women: be cheerful, set an example in dancing, and wipe your nose in games!
- Boys and men: behave like real gentlemen and invite girls, mothers and teachers to dance and try not to step on anyone’s feet!
- To teachers: don’t scold children, have fun today and have a great time!
- Parents: don’t sleep, admire your children, unite with teachers!
- Everyone: sing until you’re hoarse, dance until you drop, laugh until you cry, have fun from the heart!

We would like to hold a competition with you called “Scattered Pairs”. There are many well-known phrases and names that include some proper name. I will tell you a word, and you choose a proper name for it.

For example: Pants...(Pythagoras)

Law...(Archimedes, Pascal)
Tower…(Eiffel, Leaning Tower)
Lamp...(Aladdin, incandescent)
Table...(Mendeleev, Bradis) Alphabet...(Morse

Thread...(Ariadne, red)
Geiger counter)
Professor Dowell's Head)
Romeo and Juliet)
Minin and ... (Pozharsky)

Thank you, you did a great job answering the questions.
A telegram was sent to you, but some text is missing and now, with your help, I will try to restore the text. Name the adjectives one by one, we will substitute them and try to read the message.

(graduates say adjectives, the presenter inserts into the note)text further


For graduates.

(1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ graduates! We, walking next to you, are very glad that you are like this

(2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. And on this (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day you receive (4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _certificate. Taking advantage

(5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by chance, we want to tell you that there are not so many people like you (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on this (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ earth. We hope that your

8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ life will be (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. And every (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ year this (11) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day you will gather in such a (12) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ company. Traditionally, we wish you (13) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ health, (14) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ happiness, (15) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ years of life! (16) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ parents and teachers!

Now let's do a mock exam.

A treasure trove of knowledge. (Crib.)

Writing unit. (Pen.)

Removes stains, mistakes and bad grades. (Correcting fluid.)

Homemade mind training tool. (Belt.)

A tool for effective prompting. (Newspaper rolled up into a mouthpiece.)

Device for gnawing granite sciences. (Toy false teeth.)

School bell. (Bell.)

Safe for school supplies.(Pencil case.)

Something that will endure everything. (Paper set forrecords.)

Teacher's tool used forself-defense. (Pointer.)

Board marker. (Chalk.)

    Swedish, lunch, round (table).

    White, Andreevsky, festive (flag).

    Blue, morning, London (fog).

    Trade, postal, German (brand).

    Homemade, push-button, damaged (telephone).

    Great, responsible, No. 1 (fast).

    Black, March, scientist (cat).

    Straight, red, fifth (corner).

Now I want to have a little fun for you. I will read to you the beginning of well-known proverbs and sayings, and the endings to them will be school ones:

1. You can’t spoil porridge with oil...
...said the quick-witted one, putting an extra comma in the dictation just in case.
2. He who seeks will always find...
...thought the smart guy, looking at his neighbor’s notebook during a test.
3. Friendship and brotherhood are more valuable than wealth...
...exclaimed the polite man, knocking over a glass of coffee from his friend during a break in the buffet.
3. Smoking is harmful to health...
...the compassionate one sympathized, telling the head teacher that his friends smoked in the school toilet.
5. A penny saves the ruble...
...the frugal thought and decided not to donate money for gifts to teachers by March 8th.
6. If you know a lot, you will soon grow old...
...decided calmly when I received another bad grade in class.
7. Time for business - time for fun...
...said cheerfully, running home from music lesson.
8. Time is money...
...decided by the sensible one who went to football instead of doing his homework.
9. If you want to be healthy, toughen up...
...exclaimed the caring man, pushing his friend into the school pool.
10. Walk in step - never feel tired...
... declared businesslike, loading his classmates with axes and a sack of potatoes during a camping trip

Dear graduates! I ask you to reveal your little secrets by answering my questions:

1. Have you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?
2. Where does childhood go?
3. Which teacher has the most memorable voice?
4. Do you often run away from class?
5. Who did you like to copy from?
6. Who is the youngest in your class?
7. Which “5” was the most joyful for you?
9. What is your favorite moment in class?
10. What is your favorite place in school?

Games and competitions

Club “What? Where? When?" will invite teams of experts of different classes. They will be asked humorous questions and tasks. Interesting prizes can be presented from the management, parents, canteen workers, health center workers, etc.

Sample questions:

What can't you bake bread without? (No crust.)

What is in the middle of the earth? (Letter "m".)

What is not found in cabbage, beets, or turnips, but is found in tomatoes and cucumbers? (Letter "o".)

How can you carry water in a sieve? (Frozen.)

Why does the rooster close his eyes when he sings? (He wants to show that he is singing from memory.)

How do day and night end? (Soft sign.)

Host: Yes, we are parting with a lot when we leave school today. For example, you will never again be called “boys and girls” anywhere. These school messages will disappear from your life forever. But let’s finally play a game with you, which is called “Boys or girls, girls or boys.” Remembering your childhood is also sometimes useful. I will now explain the rules of the game.
You need to finish the sentence correctly. Where necessary, you need to say the word “girls, girls”, and where necessary - “boys, boys”. Only this game has a trick, listen carefully.
And one more condition. Boys should only say the word "boys".
And girls should say the word “girls.” Can we begin, are you all ready to listen carefully?
(Table competition “Girls and Boys”

1. For a drawing on motorcycle racing

They only strive...


2. They play with bows and bears,

Of course, just...


3. Any repair will be carried out delicately,

Of course, just...


4. Dandelion wreaths in spring

Of course, they only weave...


5. Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in your pocket...


6. Tie bows for yourself

From different films, of course...


7. The skates drew arrows on the ice,

We played hockey all day...


8. We chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses...


9. Test your strength in front of everyone,

Of course, they only love...


10. They wore uniform aprons

In the old school only...


Let's play the game "Guess the melody."

First team.

1. A song explaining the rotation of the Earth around its axis. (“Somewhere in this world”)

2. A song about a city as quiet as a dream. ("City of Childhood")

3. A song about a great desire to eat potatoes and an unwillingness to work. (“Antoshka”)

4. A song about a harmless pet that the whole house hated (“Black Cat”)

Second team.

1. A song about using a smile as electricity. (“From a smile”)

2. A song about a country where you can meet the firebird and the golden horse. ("Little country ")

3. A song about cheerful long-distance passengers. (“We’re going, we’re going, we’re going...”)

4. A song about a strange eared creature that every mongrel knows. ("Cheburashka")

Game with parents.
1. A place where students do not like to go. (Board.)
2. Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button.)
3. Flat globe. (Map.)
4. Dating club for parents and teachers. (Parent meeting.)
5. Album for parents' autographs. (Diary.)
6. From two to five. (Grade.)
7. The place where children serve 11 years. (School.)
8. Signal for the beginning and end of torment. (Ring.)
9. School-wide president. (Director.)
10. Frontal place in the classroom. (Board.)
11. Boys don't wear this. In any case, Russian (Skirt.)
12. It is worn by horsemen and hidden by schoolchildren. (Spur.)
13. Three months of happiness. (Holidays.)
14. Ten minutes of freedom. (Turn.)

Those who answer the questions correctly are given tokens. Those who collect the most tokens are awarded prizes.


Game with alumni “Where have you been?”
The words “disco”, “school”, “bathhouse”, “parental home”, “market” are written on large sheets of paper.

The graduate, without seeing the name of the card, answers the presenter’s questions:
1. How often do you visit this institution?
2. With whom?
3. What are you taking with you?
4. What are you doing there?
5. What sensations do you experience?
6. Where do you think you have been?

I invite all guests to tell the newlyweds, for the last time in their lives
evening fairy tale.
I choose a big redneck for the role of a turnip, grandfather and woman - dad on one side and
Mom on the other hand - who else but parents should tell their children
fairy tale For a granddaughter, usually a friend or a fidgety girl... a cat bug -
anyone interested and preferably a big goon for a mouse.
I choose in the dark without saying who is who.
I line up a turnip, a grandfather, a woman, a granddaughter, a bug, a cat, a mouse.

Presenter - A radio theater came to us at the microphone. The troupe is constantly traveling
from one FM radio station to another and reads the same thing live
fairy tale
We're rehearsing now...
I give out phrases:
Since your turnip is big, be your turnip. And when I say "Turnip" you
must say one word: Oba-na!
Our grandfather is a suspicious, nervous man and always says the same thing: “Eat
I'm full of flies!"
Our grandmother is an enthusiast, she always says “I’m ready”
The granddaughter is always surprised and says, “Wow!”
The bug barks, the cat meows,
But the mouse only says two words “Pee Pee” and that’s it!

In this reading of Repka, the leader plays a big role, because he leads the outline
story and most importantly comments on everything (improvising on the spot)

And so, the microphones are turned on.

Presenter - Russian folk tale "Turnip"... Planted by grandfather
Grandfather - Flies are eating me!
Presenter - Turnip...
Turnip - Both-on...!
Presenter: The turnip has grown...
Turnip - Both-on...!
The presenter is a big one.. Grandfather came
Grandfather - Flies are eating me!
The presenter took the turnip by the tops, tensed, strained, and pulled... But
then his woman came up to him, hugged him from behind and deeply
whispered in my ear...
Baba - I'm ready!
Presenter - This is where the grandfather weakened...
Grandfather - Flies eat me...
Presenter - And the turnip came to him because of the tops:
Turnip - Both-on!
Presenter - Here the granddaughter came running to the garden
Granddaughter - Well, nevermind!
Presenter - She managed to say when she saw this picture and grabbed the woman
Baba - I'm Ready
Presenter - The woman said louder to the grandfather in his ear... The grandfather somehow nervously began to tug
Grandfather - Flies are eating me...!
Presenter - But the turnip stubbornly sat in the ground and did not want to come out...
Turnip - Both-on!
Presenter - And then a bug came running
Bug - woof woof! (If they bark badly, you can comment “Some kind of
the unfed Bug came running..." Go eat...)
Presenter - And she grabbed her granddaughter...
Granddaughter - Well, nevermind!
Presenter - The granddaughter said with indignation and pulled the woman
Baba - I'm Ready!
Presenter - And the woman kept telling grandfather about her feelings... The grandfather was already quietly freaking out
continued to pull the turnip
Turnip - Both-on!
Presenter - A cat ran up here
Cat - Meow!
Presenter - And grabbed onto the Bug
Bug - woof woof!
Presenter - Bug as a granddaughter
Granddaughter - Well, nevermind!
Presenter - Granddaughter to grandma
Baba - I'm Ready!
Presenter - Baba is like a grandfather!
Grandfather - Flies are eating me...!
Presenter - Grandfather in the turnip!
Turnip - Both-on!
Presenter - They remained standing.... Unexpectedly, from behind the barn, a wide
step... came out... the mouse...
Mouse-Pee Pee
Presenter - (Pause) She went out to relieve herself... and did it right for the cat!
Presenter - How the cat will scream out of indignation... and how it will slash with its claws
Bug - woof woof woof!
Presenter - How the Bug gnaws the Granddaughter!
Granddaughter - Well, nevermind!
Presenter - Yes, how the granddaughter will pull Baba!
Baba - I'M READY!
Presenter - The woman screamed at the top of her voice, how can she pull her grandfather!
Grandfather - EAT ME FLIES!
Presenter: How did they pull this turnip...
Turnip - BOTH!
Presenter - And they pulled her out!
That’s the end of the fairy tale, and everyone who listened... thank you.
Actors take a bow.

So many feelings mixed up in my soul at once,
After all, today is my boys’ graduation!
I won't forget how I took you in the fifth grade,
Over the years we have become one family!

Trips, holidays, concerts, KVNs -
There were many amazing moments!
You guys will definitely remember them,
And may they always live in your hearts!

It's not so easy for me to let you go today,
You are the first issue, you are doubly dear to me!
I wish you to live with dignity, nobility,
After all, humanity, conscience, honor are always at a premium!

Strive for goals and love your loved ones,
Don't forget school, class, teachers!
May life be full of achievements and discoveries,
Walk joyfully and confidently along it!

An apple from an apple tree.

(game for parents and children)

(to graduates) Congratulatory telegrams were sent to our graduates. Try to guess who they are from.

Let your talent be in demand!

Congratulations on graduation...Dima Bilan.

(The graduate who answered correctly comes out to the song of D. Bilan)

May there be many wonderful days!

Congratulations to you... Sergey Lazarev.

(graduate exits similarly)

Always try, graduate, don’t be lazy

The group wishes success to everyone..... "BIS"

Laugh with happiness and live without blemish,

Make more jokes! Greetings from ..... Galustyan.

Be in love, big kids!

The group wishes you love... "Ranetki".

Now I'll give you a few seconds to bring one parent at a time.

Let's welcome couples!

You know, if you look closely at children and parents, you can see a lot in common. Parents want their child to take the best from them, but children do not always strive to be like their relatives, they want to be even better. However, we cannot escape the old wisdom - “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” To do this, as soon as the music starts, our couples will choose the same hats and put them on.

(choose hats)

We could stop there, but we are interested in seeing the similarities not only in tastes. Perhaps parents and children also have external similarities, for example in their gait. Before our eyes there is a fashion show of two generations.

(couples walk across the site)

In my opinion, the most similar couple was the family......You are declared the winning couple. Your prize is a digital camera.

(hands over a photo frame)

Look at the photo and recognize yourself in each other. We escort this pair of winners to their seats and begin the next round.

Parents feel like they know their children well. But this is not true. Let's check how things are going for you. We choose the most knowledgeable couple. I ask all parents to stand on my right side, and children on my left. Parents receive a pen and paper and answer my questions in writing. And then your children will answer the questions.

(children leave)

Child's annual assessment in mathematics.

Child's hobby.

Child's favorite school subject.

Age of the child.

Then the children answer the same questions.

The couple with the most matches is declared the most knowledgeable. We give her smartphones as a gift. (notepads)

Write down your phone numbers in them. Now you can always call each other and find out how you are doing. We see off the couple to applause.

Now, of the three remaining couples, I want to determine the most friendly one. And for this we will give you a newspaper. Try making a briefcase with four hands in weight.

(they fold the briefcase to the music)

Here is the friendliest family to whom we give a video camera so they can capture their smiling faces.

(hand over a mirror)

We have two pairs left, and we will see how close they are in intelligence. We choose the smartest couple. I have two options for questions, I will ask you to choose option 1 or 2.

(pairs draw cards with numbers 1 or 2)

So you got odd questions, and you got even ones.

Odd question.

How many kids were there in the fairy tale “Seven Little Goats”?

Fair question. Why, despite the closeness of the lancelet to lower fish, is it classified as a special group of skullless fish?

Odd question. What did the grandfather pull in the fairy tale “Turnip”?

Fair question. How will the properties of the hydrogen atoms of hydroxyl groups change under the action of alkali metals?

Odd question. Who laid the egg in the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”?

Fair question. Why are Galileo's transformations and the classical law of addition of velocities incorrect at a speed of motion commensurate with the speed of light?

(to the couple who answered the odd numbered questions) You answered all the questions, you are our smartest couple. Therefore, get a prize from us - a computer, or rather a mouse from it, go to the team and amaze with your intelligence.

Don't despair. You only lost in the game, but you will win in something else. You made it to the finals, which means your couple is a star. And those who are showered with stars are the happiest. Therefore, you are declared the happiest couple! There is no need for greater happiness than finding a common language between adults and children and being similar in at least some way. And since they say, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” then you get an apple as a gift. I would like to wish everyone that you never quarrel, help and support each other, and then the stars of happiness will rain down right on you!

Everyone has long known the game “Crocodile”, which you can play. You, dear parents, listen carefully to the recording and try to guess whose child said this.

Write down:

Mommy, please let me go to the disco. I learned my homework, washed the dishes, and threw out the trash.

You are called to the director. The boys were smoking, and I just went out to get some air. I honestly didn't smoke.

Mommy, I didn’t tear out the pages from the diary and didn’t sleep through the first two lessons - the teacher is just nagging.

Dad, I didn't play cards in class. I studied the World Atlas under my desk to decide where to go on a trip.

Dad, renovations at the school begin tomorrow, so we don’t study, really.


Pairs are created from those present.

They answer questions about the school. Buttons - one person in a pair and he makes some sound when the second in a pair presses it.

What color is the school?

How many floors are there in the school?

The year the school opened.

How old is the school?

Day and month of Knowledge Day.

The date and month of the class teacher's birthday.

How many graduations did the school have?

The exact time of the bell for class.

Who is last in physical education?

How many girls are there in the class?

How many boys are there in the class?

“Drawing a new shape”

In the slot on whatman paper one graduate has a head, the other in a pair draws his form.

"The Tale of Koshchei the Immortal"

(prepare costumes)

“Dance while sitting” to different tunes

(first all parts of the body dance,

Only hands

Only legs,

Facial expressions.) - “Sponges in a bow”

"Squirrels and Christmas trees"

(boys stand in a circle - they are Christmas trees, girls dance around them - they are squirrels, as soon as the music stops - the squirrels jump onto the Christmas tree, whoever didn’t get a Christmas tree comes out, taking one Christmas tree.)

"Put on quickly"

(teams of 5 people one by one run up to the chairs, put on panties, a shirt, a cap, climb onto the chair, make a grimace, get off, undress and run back).

It seems to me that many of the listed qualities are simply necessary for translators. Therefore, I suggest you try the literary version of “Children’s Haiku Poems from the Land of the Rising Sun” in Russian.

    Lived with an old woman

Two puffer fish

One is white, the other is gray - two cheerful fish.

    The son of a gray goat lived with an old woman.

He went into the bamboo grove to graze.

Everything in this world is changeable, only the horns and legs are eternal.

    Came out of the fog

Moon with the face of a samurai.

He drew his sword from his kimono pocket.

    Brothers Enike and Benike

Enjoyed sushi

Whatever the child enjoys, as long as he doesn’t drink sake.

    Elderly woman

Sowing peas on the slope of Fuji

    The cat died

The fur on the tail is no longer the same.

Keep quiet or taste it.

    A greedy person is like beef.

To the drum of distant Turkey

Salted cucumber fruit.

    Rice cake baked by a samurai

Who should I treat?

Samurai, Samurai, choose whoever you want.

    Tanya lost face - chan -

Crying about the ball rolling into the pond.

Take me in your arms, daughter of the Samurai.

    The bull's son moves with an uneven gait.

Take a deep breath - they end in tots.

Falling is inevitable.

    Commoners have gathered - who should lead?

Steps forward with a loud speech

Shishel - myshel - san.

    Chichichi is an agile tree monkey.

Helps the brick seller, pulls the rope.

Makes wonderful sounds.

    A girl and a boy walk together in a rock garden.

Tili – Tili is a rice soup.

Future husband and wife.

    Satisfied rice traders are dancing on one leg -

Fooled a stupid man

Four fists.

    Strict Samurai etiquette:

Who calls you a dirty word?

That's what he's called himself.

    Zen wisdom teaches equanimity:

The hurtful words you say about me -

You are transferring it to yourself.

    Take a close look at the grass

Here sat a green grasshopper that looked like a cucumber fruit.

Oh yes frog.

    Tell us about your travels, Chizhik-Pizhik-san

Have you seen distant rivers?

Did you drink hot sake?

    It, ni, san, si, then - a carefree walking hare

Got hit by hunting nunchucks.

Slap-slap, oh-oh-oh.

    Playful summer fly

Sat down on sakura jam.

That's the end of the haiku.

Fairy tale "Teremok"

Teremok - (Creak - creak!)

Norushka mouse - (Wow, you!)

Frog - croak - (Quantically interesting!)

Bunny - runaway - (Wow!)

Chanterelle - sister - (tra-la-la)

Spinning top - gray barrel - (tyts-tyts-tyts)

Clubfoot bear - (wow)

Text is attached.

Lottery forecast.


Parting words from parents to children.

(23 qualitative adjectives)

Text is attached.

Glove relay.

"The ball is a conductor"

(2 columns of players -1- inflates the ball, releases it where it flew, from there the next one inflates it again.)

“Bring me a glass!”

The presenter invites 10-12 people to participate in the game. They all line up in one line facing the table, at a distance of 5-6 meters from it. The presenter says the phrase: “Bring me a napkin!” Participants need to have time to take a napkin from the table and return to their place while the music is playing. The last one is eliminated from the game. Then the names of the items change - telephone, tie, sock, shirt, shoe, and so on in ascending order. Condition: you cannot bring your own things! The winner of this competition, which takes place literally at the table, is the participant who reaches the final.This game is very funny and exciting, and guests participate in it with pleasure.

Fun steam room

Three to four couples from among the guests are invited. Each couple is given a basin, two brooms, two washcloths, as well as sheets and hats. To the accompaniment of catchy music, couples begin to “wash and soar” each other. The participants’ task is to quickly wrap each other in a sheet, put on a hat, and sit in one basin in the most impressive position with washcloths and brooms in their hands at the moment the music ends. The winners are determined by the audience and the presenter.

A volunteer is selected. One presenter takes him away and explains that he will have to depict a kangaroo with gestures, facial expressions, etc., but without making a sound, and everyone else must guess what he is depicting. And at this time, the second presenter tells the audience that now the victim will show a kangaroo, but everyone must pretend that they do not understand what kind of animal is being shown to them. It is necessary to name any other animals except kangaroos. It should be something like: “Oh, so it’s jumping! So. It’s probably a rabbit. No?! Strange... Well, then it’s a monkey.” After five minutes, the imitator will truly resemble a maddened kangaroo.

* * *
You will need two tin cans, 20 coins. Two couples are called - a gentleman and a lady. The gentlemen have a jar attached to their belt. Ladies are given 10 coins. Ladies move 2 meters away from gentlemen. At the presenter’s signal, the lady must throw all the coins into the gentleman’s jar. The gentleman helps her by rotating his waist (if he has one). The pair with the most coins in the jar wins.

* * *
A simple but very fun game, known since childhood. One of the guests quickly and vaguely whispers a word to the neighbor on the right. He, in turn, whispers what he heard to his neighbor in the same manner - and so on in a circle. The last participant stands up and loudly pronounces the word given to him, and the one who started the game says his own. Sometimes the result exceeds expectations. The game option is “Associations”, i.e. the neighbor does not repeat the word, but conveys the association with it, for example: winter - snow.

* * *
To play, you will need a large box or bag (opaque) into which various items of clothing are placed: size 56 panties, caps, size 10 bras, glasses with a nose, etc. funny things. The presenter invites those present to update their wardrobe by taking something out of the box, with the condition not to take it off for the next half hour. At the host’s signal, the guests pass the box to the music. As soon as the music stops, the player holding the box opens it and, without looking, takes out the first thing he comes across and puts it on himself. The view is amazing!

* * *
Props: a bag of sucking candies (like “Barberries”). 2 people are selected from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag (in the hands of the leader), putting it in their mouth (swallowing is not allowed) and after each candy they call their opponent “Sweet Tooth Drum.” Whoever stuffs the most candy into his mouth and at the same time clearly says the magic phrase will win. It must be said that the game takes place under the cheerful shouts and whoops of the spectators, and the sounds made by the participants in the game lead the audience to complete delight!

* * *
The participants of the game stand in a circle. The first player, placing a regular playing card to his mouth, inhales air and, holding the card in this position, passes it to the next participant. He, in turn, accepting the card while inhaling, thus passes the card on - and so on in a circle. Option: you can split into two Teams and conduct a relay race.

* * *
To play you need a large basin of water. Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and remove it from the water.

* * *
The apple is tied by the stem and suspended. Participants approach the apple one at a time and try to bite it, holding their hands behind their backs. And this is difficult to do. You can organize a competition: hang several apples, the one who eats them faster will win.

* * *
Witnesses of the bride and groom, as well as willing couples, participate in this competition. Let there be not very many of them: two or three. The rest carefully watch what is happening and evaluate the winners.
So, all participants are blindfolded and placed opposite each other. The presenter attaches clothespins to their clothes, 5-6 pieces per person is enough. These must be very different places.
At the leader’s command, the music is turned on and the players begin their work. Blindfolded, they must find the clothespins on their partner and remove them. The music should last no more than 2-3 minutes. As soon as the music stops, the competition is over. Whoever has the most removed clothespins is the winner.
If suddenly some couple manages to remove all the clothespins before the music ends, then the winner can be announced immediately.
The losers are fined: they are given a glass of vodka to drink.

* * *
A man and a woman are blindfolded with a scarf at the rate of 1 scarf for 2 eyes. Participants are taken to different ends of the hall. The woman, who is also a Good Samaritan, receives a glass of vodka in her hands, which she must carry, without spilling, to the man and pour him where it should be. If there is still a snack left, in the good Samaritan’s second hand there is a sandwich with a snack, for example, with eggplant caviar (it is easier to smear it off the face in case of failure).
The game is fun. In emancipated companies, where women drink and men are coded or “filmed,” a perverted version of the game called “tamp down your beloved” is used with a reversal of roles.

* * *
Any number of people can participate in this, perhaps the most frivolous game, but if there are too many of them, and even if they are not on their feet, then the holiday risks turning into mass wallowing on the floor. Therefore, two “gladiators” more or less firmly standing on the ground will be enough.
Participants in the game are tied with a thread around their waists and left behind with a “tail” reaching to the floor, at the end of which an empty matchbox is tied. The task of each of them is to step on the opponent’s box and tear it off the string without using hands.
The winner plays with the next player. You can play this way until you lose orientation in time and space.

* * *
In the center of the playground, 6 chairs are placed in a circle with their backs facing inward. 6 brave men - “pilots” - sit on them, each with a large balloon on his lap. Six insidious “air bombers” scatter on command and land on their partner’s ball with all their might in a jumping manner. Whose balloon bursts immediately, but whose partner, the “pilot,” remains safe and sound, will receive a new balloon as a prize.
It is important that the “pilots” are able to sit firmly on a chair and hold the ball on their knees, and the “bombers” can not only stand firmly on their feet, but also move them at the speed of a normal person running while drunk.

* * *

Poetry of love.
"...Love and poetry are inseparable. This has been the case at all times and remains to this day.... Now each of our couples will have to become poets for a short time."
Rules: Each pair is given a card with the beginning lines of a quatrain that needs to be completed. After one minute, the pairs present their version of the poem to the audience. Poems are assessed with applause.
Couples are given a card with the words:
"On Valentine's Day I see a strange picture..."

The presenter calls 5-7 guys. A balloon is tied to the back of each participant on a string. The goal of the competition is to pop your opponents' balloons without using your hands. The player whose balloon remains undamaged wins.

Fanfare sounds.


It's a school night for you,

The most memorable evening.

We invite you to the ball,

For the last meeting.

This day has come -

Last day, farewell.

He is the most memorable

And a little sad.



School bells rang

11 years of lessons passed

And today you are graduates!

Skvortsova Zinaida Sergeevna

/ ./




/ Music Pause./

HOST. Dear friends!


11th grade


"The Artist" - Katya Medvedeva

"Botanist" - Chigarev Alexey

"Chief" - Dubinin Peter

11 "B" class

“Nurse” - Julia Dergacheva

"Schumacher" - Sechin Sergei

resourceful, cheerful ones of you!

So go for it!/



introduce the school.


HOST. Dear graduates!








dance floor.


Competition program:

    Competition "School Bell" -

3 pairs per class.

The faster one wins.

    COMPETITION “Statue of Love”

4. Competition "Get into the ring"


HOST. DEAR GRADUATES! Tonight is still the night


friendly applause.

HOST. DEAR FRIENDS ! Today graduates as a sign

(they shout: We love you!)

parents ./ raise their hands/


    What were you singing when

    Question for a male parent:

LEADING. Amazing!

1 . Classroom teacher

2. Graduate

3. Graduate - “Oh, girls, I’m in love”

4. Graduate

5. Dad

6. Mom - "Where are you? I'm running after you!

7. Graduate

8. Graduate

9. Lech graduate

10. All graduates - dancing, dancing, dancing...

Dance program


your release,

Game program:


helium balloons:

3. I’m returning to my yard

There is grass in the yard

There is firewood on the grass

didn't catch

Classroom hour!

3. .

couples cards) – rock and roll

Game program:

    Choosing a King (5

2. choose the Queen


THIRD Feast.


tables. /sweet table/


- What are your impressions of the school?

- What are you dreaming about now?

- What’s the director’s name?




blitz survey.


Presenter .




1.Egyptian pyramids

2. Hanging Gardens in Babylon

3.Temple of Artemis in Ephesus






Ready for a surprise again

As a sign of achievements and good luck!


(relay of wishes)


distributes Bengali




- Oksana Baranova

- Ershova Tatyana

- Mamatova Ekaterin

Dyukarev Anatoly

- Dobrev Nikolay

- Ovsyannikov Andrey

- Titkova Maria

- Tyupina Katya

- Stepanov Amir

- Storozhev Maxim

- Kireeva Svetlana

Gribov Andrey

Chuev Alexey

- Katya Medvedeva

- Malakhov Nikolay

- Dakhin Gennady

- Torgashova Katya

- Chigarev Alexey

- Loskutov Alexey"

- Dubinin Peter

- Naberezhnykh Vadim

- Kharlanov Ivan

11 "B" class

- Tanya Medyntseva

- Yukhanov Yaroslav

- Kisel Alexandra

" - Kucheryavenko Tatyana

Migunova Tatyana

- Julia Dergacheva

Agafonova Victoria

" - Chernikov Alexander

- Korneva Alina

- Belogurova Karina

« -Otrishko Alexander

- Zhidovkina Maria

" Temnikov Nikolay

- Kozlova Alina

- Sechin Sergei

- Goncharuk Dmitry"

- Gvozdetsky Mikhail"

- Nikita Kaskov


Don't forget these candles with you.

They will stay with you for a long time!




  • Back

"Educational program for toastmaster" prom script


Fanfare sounds. The phonogram of the “school waltz” sounds. In the hall, parents line up in a living corridor on both sides. The class teachers lead their classes into the hall to the friendly applause of their parents.

Presenter. The school waltz is spinning,

Spin the earth! The universe is spinning!

You came to the ball from the ship "teaching"

And from the ball to the ship called “life”!

Good evening, dear friends! We welcome the best graduates of the best school No. 3 with applause!

It's a school night for you,

The most memorable evening.

We invite you to the ball,

For the last meeting.

This day has come -

Last day, farewell.

He is the most memorable

And a little sad.

HOST. Dear graduates, teachers and parents, I ask you all to come to the tables./music plays while everyone is seated/

HOST. Dear friends! Every year on a summer night, at the end of June, a celebration of youth, youth, beauty, health and happiness comes to school! This is our graduates spending their last evening at school.

School bells rang

11 years of lessons passed

Since you became students,

And today you are graduates!

Today is the graduation party! After this night, everyone will go their separate ways. Everyone will begin their own path in life. But the warm moments of school life, interesting lessons from kind and noble teachers - you will never be able to forget all this. There is a person at school whom everyone respects. This is the director. Today he congratulated you on graduating from school, presented your matriculation certificates and to your directorSkvortsova Zinaida Sergeevna The floor is given for a table congratulations to the graduates of 2010.

/ wishes of the director of music. Pause ./

Presenter . Dear friends! How many times do I catch myself thinking that school

teachers, let's shout to the best school in the world: Hurray!(shouting)

HOST. Dear friends! I wish you bon appetit and I want

inform you that a disco will be open for you today. Her

DJ - Sasha is the most popular DJ in the city!

Dear graduates! Today is your last night at school. And you must spend it in such a way that you remember it for the rest of your life. You must light up the party to the fullest! Agreed?

Also at our evening you can make a musical congratulation to your friends, classmates, and favorite teachers. And one more little information: There are personalized balloons attached to each of the chairs you sit on. Please save them until the end of the evening. You will need them for a symbolic action called “Farewell to Childhood.” At dawn, you will all go to the fountain and, having made your most cherished wish, release your balloons into the sky. Your wish will definitely come true if you really want it and believe in it.

And I will be with you this night - the presenter’s name is Natalya Nikolaevna. We wish you a pleasant holiday!

/ Music Pause./

HOST. Dear friends! It's sad to part with mine

pupils. Agree that current graduates -

the most, the most... / graduates confirm /

Presenter. Now I am announcing a competition of nominations for “The Most, the Most of

you". Over the 11 years of study, you have learned a lot about each other.

I will name the nomination, and you should

guess who received this nomination. So, let's begin!

11th grade

Nomination - “Class Stylist” - Oksana Baranova

“Soul of the Company” - Ershova Tatyana

“Theater Star” - Ekaterin Mamatova

“All so brutal” Anatoly Dyukarev

"Computer genius" - Nikolay Dobrev

“Sex symbol of class, handsome” - Ovsyannikov


“The cutest” - Maria Titkova

“Miss Modesty” - Katya Tyupina

"Real Colonel" - Stepanov Amir

"The smartest" - Maxim Storozhev

"Hostess" - Svetlana Kireeva

"Disco Dancer" - Andrey Gribov

"Internet Lover" - Alexey Chuev

"The Artist" - Katya Medvedeva

"Mr. Orator" - Nikolay Malakhov

"Future politician" - Dakhin Gennady

"Nightclub Lover" - Katya Torgashova

"Botanist" - Chigarev Alexey

"Showman" - Alexey Loskutov

"Chief" - Dubinin Peter

"Musician" - Vadim Naberezhnykh

"The Great Mathematician" - Ivan Kharlanov

11 "B" class

“Brunette in Chocolate” - Tanya Medyntseva

“Favorite of Girls” - Yukhanov Yaroslav

“The Brain of the Class” - Kisel Alexandra

“Informal” - Kucheryavenko Tatyana

“Smile of the class” - Migunova Tatyana

“Nurse” - Julia Dergacheva

“Glamour of class” Agafonova Victoria

“Open Heart” - Chernikov Alexander

“The Mystery Girl” - Alina Korneva

“The most fun” - Belogurova Karina

"Olympic Hope" -Otrishko Alexander

“Kindness Itself” - Zhidovkina Maria

"Musician 2" - Temnikov Nikolay

"Miss Positive" - ​​Alina Kozlova

"Schumacher" - Sechin Sergei

"The most businesslike" - Dmitry Goncharuk

"Football star" - Mikhail Gvozdetsky

"The best friend" - Nikita Kaskov

HOST. Dear graduates! And all together you are awarded the most

the highest category - true friends! Applause! Hooray!

I congratulate you on your first awards and want to inform you that

prom has just begun and you still have everything ahead of you. IN

The program has many competitions, prizes and surprises. Today on

Prom Queen will be chosen at graduation and, of course,

King. These titles will be awarded to the most active

resourceful, cheerful ones of you!

So go for it!/

HOST. Dear friends! We continue our program. Eleven

years you were in a magical land - the land of childhood, the doors to

which your school has revealed to you. I would like you to

once greeted with applause those who helped you

become adults. Applause to your strict, wise and fair teachers. All these years they put a piece of their soul into you, gave you human warmth, their love.

.(one word of congratulations and wishes)

HOST. Dear graduates! It is impossible without your teachers

introduce the school.

Auction “Without which it is impossible to imagine School No. 13”


(whoever calls last wins the prize).

HOST. Dear graduates!

There are women at school who look like flames,

On a barely noticeable candle tongue

They've been walking next to you for two years

Who are these women? Come on, let's shout!

Graduates shout: class teachers!

HOST. Right! This is the class teacher of class 11A -Sderzhikova Vera Ivanovna and class teacher 11B - Chernykh Capitalina Mikhailovna

HOST. But we will now find out what they were like for each of you. I will ask graduates to name as many definitions as possible.

(an auction of kind and respectful words addressed to class teachers. And then graduates must leave their autographs on the word Kapitalina Mikhailovna and the word Vera Ivanovna. The table of graduates is divided into two halves. Whose team is faster?)

The wishes of the class teachers

HOST. Dear friends! Once again I want on behalf of all students

express words of gratitude to all teachers,

present in this hall. We tell you again

thanks a lot. !And may good luck accompany you all your life

your noble cause. But with particular pleasure I

I would like to remind all graduates about your first

teachers. Welcome with applause:

_________________ Lyudmila Ivanovna Zhiltsova and Elena Kucheryavykh


__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

HOST. Dear graduates! I am now addressing the young men. You are yours

the first teachers taught to be real gentlemen.

Now we'll see what came of it. I invite

to the site of the first teachers, boys, prepare for them


Competition “Kiss the hand of your favorite teacher”

Graduates - boys are divided into teams, depending on how many teachers there will be. Each team is opposite its teacher. On command, everyone runs up, kisses her hand, returns, and the next one runs. Whose team is faster will win.

HOST . Dear friends! Well, now we invite you to

dance floor.


HOST. Dear graduates! I remind you that today, at the evening, we must choose the King and Queen of the ball. To get these titles you need to be very active, cheerful, resourceful, participate in our competitions, be real ladies and gentlemen! It's all ahead! Well, now - dancing!

Dance program - 3-4 dances.

Competition program:

    Competition "School Bell" - The graduating class is divided into two teams. Opposite each team is a cube with a school bell on it. The first participants run up, take the bells, run back and ring the bell, pass the bell to the next team member. Whoever rings louder and runs faster is the winner!

2.Competition “Bankers Competition” - 3 pairs per class.

Female depositors must invest 10 in their male banks

dollar bills in different places without repeating them. Whose couple

The faster one wins.

    COMPETITION “Statue of Love” / 4 pairs student-teacher, student-parent, student-student, parent-teacher / The best pair is determined by the applause of the audience.

4. Competition "Get into the ring"



HOST. DEAR GRADUATES! Tonight is still the night

the most unusual, she is the only one. Smile at each other, say good words, make wishes - they will definitely come true. On this magical night you can take a glimpse into the future. Want to?

In my magic bag there are predictions for you for the near future. Who knows - maybe this is the most accurate prediction in your life.

(graduates draw out tickets to see who will be who)

HOST . Dear graduates! Today the closest and dearest people -

your parents. Today they are present in this hall and want

share your holiday with you. Your certificates are theirs too

certificates too. Together with you they did not sleep at night and

were preparing for exams. Let's say hello to the parents

friendly applause.

HOST. DEAR FRIENDS ! Today graduates as a sign

they want to confess their love to their parents

(they shout: We love you!)

And now I ask you to raise your hands, who has the best

parents ./ raise their hands/

Everyone, I have no doubt. But this one was the first to raise his hand

The graduate and this graduate. Please distribute to your

Parents have these balls - three balls for moms and three for dads.

HOST . Dear parents! And now we will find out which of you is the most fun! I’ll give you a card and a pen. (Calls 6 people and asks them to write one phrase from their favorite song on their card)

    The presenter asks a question to the male parent:What were you singing when

your wife gave birth to you a son (daughter)?

    What did you sing when your son (daughter) learned to walk?

    Question for a male parent:What did you sing when your son (daughter) and your wife did homework in the first grade in the evenings?

    What did you sing when your son (daughter) brought the first deuce in his diary?

    What did you sing when your son (daughter) told you that he kissed a young girl for the first time?

    What will you sing tomorrow morning after graduation?

(all parents are awarded prizes)

LEADING. Amazing! While the parents were having fun, our graduates

depressed, thinking about something. And now I'll try to guess

your thoughts, and moreover, voice them so that everyone

those present heard. Want to?

There is a competition “Thoughts” (hat)

1 . Classroom teacher “It’s great that we are all here today.”

2. Graduate - “a soldier is walking through the city, along an unfamiliar street”

3. Graduate - “Oh, girls, I’m in love”

4. Graduate - “My baby, I miss you”

5. Dad - “and there are still three days and three nights ahead, but the shish kebab with cognac is very tasty.”

6. Mom - "Where are you? I'm running after you!

7. Graduate - “Katya, take the phone, it’s him, it’s him.”

8. Graduate “Oh, Lekha, Lekha, I feel so bad without you.”

9. Lech graduate – On the French side, on an alien planet

I have to study at the university

10. All graduates - dancing, dancing, dancing...

Dance program (if they don’t dance - a competition about the school canteen - an auction of school dishes. For each answer - a dumpling. Which of the graduates received a dumpling goes to the site - thus - two teams of future hungry students. Whose team throws a dumpling faster - to pan, that team wins.

Dance program

Presenter. Dear graduates! And now comes your “Minute of Glory”

Now you must prove to everyone present in the hall why

your release, 2010 edition is the best and most special!

Game program:

1. So, a moment of glory for the guys. Tongue Teller Competition with

helium balloons: (the winner is determined by applause)

1. I was going to school one day, in my 11th grade.

2.And at the school doors, I lost my briefcase

3. I’m returning to my yard

There is grass in the yard

There is firewood on the grass

4. Above me the ships were tacking, tacking, yes

didn't catch

5. conclusion: I once walked in the yard all

Classroom hour!

2.. Which girl is the fastest? (competition "Flowers" - run and bring a mobile phone, a kiss from a classmate, a tie, a shoe)

3. . Competition “I want to dance with the general” become / prepare

couples cards) – rock and roll

Dance program - 15 min.

Game program:

    Choosing a King (5 chairs - James Bond competition: take off your shoes,

There are ties on the chairs, jackets on hangers inside out. Assignment: sit down to the music, put on your shoes, put on a tie, put on a jacket and say “I am the real James Bond!”

2. choose the Queen (walk to the music under the tape and sit on


THIRD Feast.

HOST. Dear friends, we again invite you all to come for

tables. /sweet table/

Presenter . So that you don’t accidentally forget your home school

Come on, everyone answer the questions without hesitation!

The blitz response time is 5 seconds:

- What are your impressions of the school?

- What are you dreaming about now?

- On what floor is the head teacher’s office?

- What’s the director’s name?

- In what year was your school building built?

- Who in your class encouraged the others to play truant?


- What was harder to carry: textbooks or a diary with


- What inscriptions did you make on your desk during training?

- Where did you hide your cheat sheets during exams?

- Who from your class will you continue your friendship with?

- What advice do you give to the director when you leave?

(ask if there will be questions from teachers)

Presenter . Bravo! Applause to the graduates! They endured with honor

blitz survey.

HOST. AND NOW - SING, FRIENDS!(whoever guesses the song sings it). A table of alumni, teachers and parents take part in the competition.

/A competition is being held - KARAOKE - make a selection of songs/

Presenter . (Holds the “Romantic Couples” competition))

HOST . /holds a competition among graduates “The Smartest”

/application / and a quiz for teachers “please tell me the seven wonders of the world.”


1.Egyptian pyramids

2. Hanging Gardens in Babylon

3.Temple of Artemis in Ephesus

4.Zeus statue in Olympia/Greece/

5. Galakarkos Mausoleum /Türkiye/

6.Colossus of Rhodes /Rhodes Island, Asia Minor/

7.Foros lighthouse /Foros island, Egypt/

Prizes are awarded for correct answers.

HOST holds a competition among female teachers “Princess on

pea.”/seven cones, handkerchiefs)



The school waltz sounds. There is a “star path” laid out in the hall. The class teachers stand near it, they have a large bowl in their hands, two candles are burning in it./Distribute sparklers to the children in advance /

HOST. Dear graduates! The moment has come when the faces of classmates become a little sad, when there is anxiety and excitement in the eyes of teachers and parents. These are the last minutes of prom. It's time to say goodbye to school, goodbye to childhood. Take your balloons and write your name on them. A balloon is a symbol of your childhood, which is leaving today. Who wrote, stand in a circle.

And in a moment of farewell, but happy

Ready for a surprise again

Keep your ball happy

As a sign of achievements and good luck!

Presenter . Hold them tight, make your most cherished wish. They say that everything in this world happens in heaven. So now we will convey the wish we made to the balloons, each to our own.

And, when you traditionally come to the fountain to greet the sunrise, you will all release them into the sky together, and all your wishes will certainly come true.

(relay of wishes)

Presenter. Dear graduates! But you will meet the dawn after

how will you walk along the star path (distributes Bengali


LEADING . I INVITE ALUMNI TO THE STAR TRAIL. As you pass under the dream constellation, stop at the bowl of knowledge. This cup is in the hands of the class teacher and light your flame of goodness, love and justice and carry it along the starry path that will lead you to the real road called “Life”


- Oksana Baranova

- Ershova Tatyana

- Mamatova Ekaterin

Dyukarev Anatoly

- Dobrev Nikolay

- Ovsyannikov Andrey

- Titkova Maria

- Tyupina Katya

- Stepanov Amir

- Storozhev Maxim

- Kireeva Svetlana

Gribov Andrey

Chuev Alexey

- Katya Medvedeva

- Malakhov Nikolay

- Dakhin Gennady

- Torgashova Katya

- Chigarev Alexey

- Loskutov Alexey"

- Dubinin Peter

- Naberezhnykh Vadim

- Kharlanov Ivan

11 "B" class

- Tanya Medyntseva

- Yukhanov Yaroslav

- Kisel Alexandra

" - Kucheryavenko Tatyana

Migunova Tatyana

- Julia Dergacheva

Agafonova Victoria

" - Chernikov Alexander

- Korneva Alina

- Belogurova Karina

« -Otrishko Alexander

- Zhidovkina Maria

" Temnikov Nikolay

- Kozlova Alina

- Sechin Sergei

- Goncharuk Dmitry"

- Gvozdetsky Mikhail"

- Nikita Kaskov

SOLEMN music sounds. Graduates walk along the star path and stand in a semicircle. Parents applaud.

HOST. To have enough strength on the road,

So that the path is brighter and easier

In the moment of farewell on the school threshold

Don't forget these candles with you.

May these candles burn out for good reason,

May you remember this hour

Let the warmth of partings and meetings

They will stay with you for a long time!

HOST. Dear graduates! We wish you happiness! Invite

each other for the last dance!

/ the music “we wish you happiness” sounds, everyone dances, /

HOST. Dear friends! Our graduation party is over! Let this evening and this night be remembered by you forever! Goodbye childhood! Hello youth! I wish you happiness, goodness, light and good luck! Good luck!

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