Names for girls: beautiful options and meanings.

Modern medicine allows future parents to find out the gender of their child long before it is born. And, of course, dad and mom immediately think about a name for their baby. Our advice is dedicated to future parents of girls - we hope they will help you choose a name for your princess! We studied the trends and came to a conclusion about which names for girls will be the most fashionable in 2016.

How to choose a name for your daughter in 2016?

First, remember: when choosing a name, it is not enough to be guided only by fashion or popularity. You should also take into account the time of birth of the girl, the euphony of the name and its compatibility with the patronymic and surname, family traditions and religious beliefs. Everyone knows that a name affects a person’s fate - and we all want your daughter to have a happy and wonderful life.

A church name guarantees your daughter the patronage of the Saint of the same name!

For a long time, the problem of choosing a name did not exist - the child was named in accordance with the church calendar. On the one hand, this is a tribute to traditions and, as the church claims, the protection of a guardian angel for life. Perhaps this is true. If you choose this path, then there is nothing to worry about - your daughter’s name is written in the calendar!

By the way, there is an opinion that names with double letters (Anna, Inna, Ivanna) give their owners two guardian angels at once! At baptism, some parents give a name that is written in the calendar, but in worldly life they call the child differently - this is an ancient custom-amulet. The name of the saint protecting your daughter will be known only to close people, which means this will help protect her from the evil eye, damage and slander.

Fashionable names for girls in 2016

  • Anna– a Hebrew name meaning “grace, merciful.” It is considered a popular female name, and deservedly so: Anna is artistic and beautiful, she is a woman with a big heart, ready to warm everyone. She has a delicate taste and is reputed to be a needlewoman - she does any work “excellently”. All types of art are subject to Anna. She is always careful, attentive, selfless and trusting, has a subtle intuition and never regrets what she has done. Confident Anna will never fall under the influence of others, and always makes her own choices.
  • Olga– this Old Norse name will undoubtedly be very popular in 2016. It means “great, sacred.” Olga is serious, thoughtful, ambitious and feminine, an excellent housewife and wife, very emotional and a little touchy. She will never cause problems for her parents and teachers, because she is not arrogant or hooligan, but has a penchant for kind and beneficent deeds. Remember: Olga achieves everything she wants in life and will definitely have a happy family!
  • Faith- Slavic name with the same meaning: “faith, belief.” Vera is always reasonable and prudent; from childhood she has worldly wisdom and a logical way of thinking. As a rule, she does not upset her parents - a girl with this name is obedient, quiet and not capricious, but she is invariably affectionate and gentle. Having chosen the path, she confidently follows it and does not deviate from the intended goal. She has a beautiful appearance and a kind heart, always ready to help. And natural modesty makes Vera a real treasure. In addition, Vera will grow up to be a caring mother and a faithful wife.
  • Hope– also a Slavic ancient name. Nadezhda is always restrained and purposeful, but not without adventurism, cheerful emotionality and noisiness. She will always follow the motto: “time for business, time for fun”; this allows her to achieve a lot in life and never be in need. For Nadezhda, family values ​​and the authority of her mother are important. Sociable and smart, she becomes a real support for friends and family.
  • Milena is a rare beautiful Slavic name that will definitely be popular in 2016. Milena is a light, gentle, kind and soft girl who strives to learn new things. Milena needs protection, so family is of utmost importance to her. Faithful and virtuous, she is loved by her parents, husband and team.
  • Nina is an undeservedly forgotten Greek girl’s name, which will be very fashionable in 2016. Nina is always independent, self-sufficient, persistent in achieving goals and proud. Perhaps she is not always restrained, and can even get into a fight, but only on the side of justice. Nina is punctual, principled and responsible, which allows her to occupy leadership positions as an adult. Natural charm, femininity and gentleness attract the best of men to Nina. Usually Nina is happily married, has an excellent large family and an established career. Lives to a ripe old age, surrounded by grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

In 2016, gentle and feminine names are in fashion - Olga, Milena, Nadezhda

Also among the popular ones in 2016 will be such beautiful female names as Pelagia(ancient Greek, “sea”), Miroslava(Slavic, “peace and glory”), Agnia(Sanskrit, “fiery”), Nika(ancient Greek, “victory”), Marfa(Aramaic, also known as Martha, “lady, mistress”), Mayan(name of the ancient Greek goddess of the Universe), Ulyana(ancient Roman, also known as Juliana, “born in July”), Ustinia(Latin, it is also Justina, “fair”).

In addition, in the coming year the names Maria, Ekaterina, Elizaveta, Anastasia, Daria and Sophia will continue to be fashionable. If you want to choose a name for a girl in 2016, taking into account the time of her birth, then you should know the character traits that correspond to the seasons.

  • Winter. During the coldest and harshest time of the year, mostly girls are born who are purposeful and talented in many areas. They are energetic and even conflict-ridden, so soft and gentle names are recommended for “winter” babies that will help smooth out harsh character traits.
  • Spring. At this time, morally flexible and resilient girls are born who are able to adapt to any situation and win not by force, but by reason. “Spring” daughters do not have fighting qualities, so firm and assertive names suit them.
  • Summer. The summer period gives birth to purposeful and persistent girls with a proud disposition and an active life position. But they can be soft, gentle, and affectionate. Therefore, “summer” princesses can be given any name.
  • Autumn. In autumn, practical, sensible and serious girls come into the world who grasp everything on the fly, quickly learn new things and are able to learn from mistakes. Romantic and fantasy names are suitable for them, which will deprive them of excessive severity and rationality.

What names should you not use?

Names for girls can be anything, but parents should remember to combine the first name with the surname and patronymic. Probably, you shouldn’t name your daughter Cleopatra, Glorinda or Odette if her patronymic name is Nikitovna, Matveevna or Fedotovna. Last name should also be taken into account. Agree, “Bernardetta Frolovna Bobikova” or “Julietta Ivanovna Sivokobylenko” sounds funny.

Choose a name with an affectionate diminutive rather than a teaser.

Also completely unusual for our ears are female names ending in a consonant - Carmen, Lourdes, Michelle, Nicole, Claire. You shouldn't give your daughter this name, even if Nicole Kidman is your favorite actress. It sounds ugly, for example: “Claire Antonovna Zyunkina.” Be sure to think about the diminutive form of the name - it should be short, sweet and gentle: Lyudmila - Darling. Olesya - Lelya or Lyalya, Alevtina - Alya.

It’s bad when the short version of the name looks like a dog’s name: Cleopatra - Klyopa, Patricia - Patya. Try to find a name that, regardless of pronunciation, will be sonorous and bright. For example, if a baby is named Carolla, then in childhood she may be teased as a “cow,” and Thekla will definitely be called a “beetroot.”

Choosing a child's name is an almost magical procedure, shrouded in secrets and legends. Both in ancient times and today, many believe that there is a mystical connection between the name of a son or daughter and his fate. This is why future parents want to know, because they need to fully prepare for the birth of their little princess!

What to name a girl in 2016?

If you are guided by the eastern calendar, then the Year of the Monkey promises happiness and prosperity to little mischievous girls, more lively and smart than them and their followers of 2017. Girls - smart, playful, restless "monkeys" - cause a lot of trouble for their parents: they need vigilant supervision. In the future, they will “settle down”, become good housewives and devoted mothers who understand their kids well, but you won’t get bored with them as children!

They say that names with double consonants can somewhat balance the character: Anna, Alla, Rimma, Marianna, Melissa, Inna - if you are choosing what to name a girl in 2016, give them preference, and your daughter will become more flexible and obedient.

Foreign names are also trending today. Nowadays, few people will be surprised by the Gabriels, Miroslavs, Elsas, Louises, Camillas, Tsvetans, Marthas, etc. However, psychologists warn that the name should be in harmony with the surname and patronymic. The name, even the full one, should at least be easy to pronounce. Just imagine how Oktyabrina Bronislavovna or Ariadna Vyachestlavovna will feel when they become adults!

Combinations of first and last names are also important. What do you think of Yasmina Pereplyueva, Ulita Zalomova or Uma Naumova? It’s okay, some mothers and fathers think, when she grows up, she gets married and will still have her husband’s last name. Yes, that's bad luck! I had a teacher I knew whose last name was Zhivoderova. I really wanted to change my “non-teaching” surname. She got married and... became Shkurova! So it’s better to immediately select a harmonious combination: the more unusual the surname, the “simpler” the name.

Certainly, popular names for girls in 2016, according to the registry office, the same Katenkas, Oksanochkas, Lizonkas - dear, Russians who were always outside the class, suited both noblewomen and peasant women, and even today they caress the ear with their tenderness. However, the Year of the Monkey is unpredictable, so don’t be surprised when you hear that the newborn is named something especially pretentious: Giselle or Salamander, Mirinda or Dariga.

In recent years, girls are increasingly called by double names in the Western style: Sofia - Christina, Romana - Alevtina, Eva-Maria. It’s beautiful, of course, but don’t forget about the patronymic: foreign girls don’t have one, but here it happens – Elvira – Lucia Ivanovna Dobroplyasova.

How to name a girl according to the church calendar?

The tradition of naming girls according to the calendar in honor of the heavenly patroness continues to flourish today. Even if your daughter’s name is not in this book, do not despair; the name of the nearest saint will be written down in the Baptismal Certificate, and the baby will be named by that name.

The history of Orthodoxy is rich in deeds performed in the name of humanity by righteous women and holy martyrs. The names of Saint Matrona, Mary, the martyr Tatiana, Vera, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia will be popular among those who choose what to name a girl in 2016.

Some priests themselves suggest which name to choose. For example, if the name day of a martyr and a saint are celebrated on the same day, then they propose to name it after the name of the saint. This is where the opinion came from that children should not be named after martyrs in general, because life would be hard. This is a superstition, because Orthodox saints are real passion-bearers. Such is their strength of spirit that thanks to it they overcame all hardships, physical and moral torment and showed the world an example of righteous life.

So feel free to call your babies Irins, Ariadnas, Barbarians, Veronicas and other beautiful Orthodox names that fall on the date of birth or date of baptism, for happiness and a long life!

All new parents, without exception, immediately before birth begin to be puzzled by choosing a name for their child, but only a correctly compiled rating can help in this event, in this case, the rating of female names in 2016. Well, as for 2016, throughout it, mothers and fathers chose names for their children that corresponded only to popularity indicators. Thus, a rating of the most popular female names of the outgoing year was compiled, and you can find it below...

The most popular names for girls in 2016

The list turned out to be large, but from its list we chose the most “rated”. They became such variations...

Diana - and this name form has again appeared on the list of the most popular. Being a product of the Latin language and interpreted as “Divine,” it again found itself at the peak of popularity, and it was not for nothing that it was included in the rating of female names of 2016. And judging by the data, in 2017 it will again be on the list of the most popular.

Svetlana is a purely Slavic name, it has simply excellent meaning and promises a lot of good character. After many years of absence from the list of popular titles, they were included in it again - the reason is the patronage of the same Monkey...

Anastasia - the patron of this little name is the Rabbit, which goes well with the Monkey. One of the most famous name forms. In the past year, it gained demand in Ukraine and most regions of Russia.

Vasilisa - and this name form was forgotten a long time ago, but suddenly found new life in 2016. And this name also has incredible chances of returning to the rankings in 2017, the Year of the Rooster. True, as practice has shown, they remembered it only in Russia, and even then not in all regions.

Alexandra is “protector of people,” this is the interpretation of this name form. It has purely Greek roots and is extremely rare today, although starting this year, apparently, everything will change...

The monkey wanted a different outcome...

Veronica is one of the most famous names, originating from antiquity, and having clear Greek roots. Patronized by the Monkey. Means "victorious".

Agatha is an ancient Greek girl's name, derived from the word "agathos" and meaning "kind" and "good". It is considered one of the rarest in the Russian Federation and throughout the post-Soviet space. Didn’t make it into the ranking of female names in 2016, although it should have...

Sophia is an old name, generated by history and legends, interpreted as “endowed with wisdom.” It is in demand not only here, but also in the West.

Well, the full list includes such well-known name forms as Marianna, Martha, Milada, Sarah and many others.

And finally...

Each parent has the right to independently choose a name, and it doesn’t matter whether it will be from the 2016 name rating, or from the list of rare names, and the patronage of the symbol, be it astrological or zodiac, plays only a secondary role in building the personality of the named person. But if you are a well-wishing father or mother who also believes in astrology, then it is better to treat this matter as responsibly as possible, because the meaning of the chosen name, according to the given, has the greatest influence on the future character.

When choosing a name for their daughter, parents are guided by various factors, including the memory of a loved one, the unusual sound, and its hidden meaning. Any names carry some information that, after birth, can influence its bearer, forming special habits, worldview, and character. In addition, before naming a girl, it is necessary to compare the choice with the middle name and pronounce the rumor, analyzing the overall sound. Consult with relatives, thereby you will find out the collective opinion.

What to name a girl

If you are interested in names for a girl, then think about whether the choice you made is suitable for the baby. Its acceptance by society is of no small importance. For a child to live among people, how will they react to an elaborately exotic option? Each is beautiful, but in its own way, in a certain area and for each nationality.

It would be inappropriate to use an Arabic name for a fair-haired girl living on European territory, even if it is very beautiful, melodious and unusual. It is better to focus on the multinational option, which can be selected from the directory. And if you have twin girls, then the search becomes much harder. In such cases, it is recommended to name the baby something consonant with the name of the second child: Ksenia and Semyon, Olga and Oleg, Masha and Misha.

Beautiful double names for girls Anna-Maria, Sofia-Victoria, Olga-Anastasia are gaining popularity. This happens because parents cannot decide on one of the options. Sometimes mothers believe that this will give the baby a couple of guardian angels at once. Psychologists say that such girls can begin to lead a double life. To prevent this from happening, the child is given one name, which is registered in the registry office, and a second name at baptism.

Choosing a name for a girl according to the Orthodox church calendar

Orthodox names have different origins - Hebrew, Greek, Latin. This is due to the fact that the Byzantines “collected” all the options they encountered. The church calendar included the Scandinavian ones - Olga, the common Slavic ones - Bogdan, the ancient Germanic ones - Henrietta. Recently, it has become fashionable to name a daughter according to the calendar. To choose your option for a girl, you need a complete church calendar, in which the name days of the saints are noted for each specific date of the month. Here is an example of several options for Christmastide:

  • The January girls were called: Anastasia, Ulyana, Evgenia, Maria, Tatyana, Eva, Alice, Polina.
  • February: Zoyas, Ksenias, Annas, Svetlanas, Valentinas, Agnias, Inns.
  • Martovskys: Antoninas, Marinas, Margaritas, Anastasias, Kiramis, Galinas, Ulyans, Valeries, Daryas.
  • April: Annas, Darias, Alexandras, Allas, Larisas, Evas, Nikas, Sophias, Olgas, Irins, Lydias, Tamars.
  • Maiskys: Elizabeths, Marias, Taisiyas, Julias, Zoyas, Irins, Fains.
  • June: Alenami, Sophia, Elena, Innami, Annami.
  • July: Angelinas, Innas, Irinas, Zhannas, Juliannas, Olgas, Valentinas, Julias, Rimmas, Veronicas.
  • Augustovskys: Marys, Magdalenes, Svetlanas, Milenas, Nonnas, Olympiads, Ulyans, Eves, Daryas.
  • September: Anfisa, Natalia, Vasilisa, Milena, Ulyana.
  • Oktyabrskys: Ariadnas, Irinas, Sophias, Eulampias, Pelageyas, Mariannas, Veronicas, Zinaidas.
  • November: Alen, Elizaveta, Elena, Natalia, Valeria.
  • December: Angelinas, Catherines, Anfisas, Olgas, Varvaras, Annas.

Girl names by month for 2016 and 2019

The popularity of names changes annually. Fashionable in one season, it becomes out of date in another. There have been no big changes in the current 2016-2017 season. Let's look at fashionable Slavic options by month. It is recommended to call December girls Ekaterina, Olga, Varvara, Marina. For those born in January, Anastasia, Tatyana, Nina, Claudia, Evgenia are relevant; in February - Maria, Anna, Evdokia, Svetlana, Zoya.

Spring girls, distinguished by their cheerfulness and lively character, are given serious names that balance their activity. Girls born in March are recommended to be called Kirami, Margarita, Regina. For April babies, Christina, Taisiya, Tamara, Olga are suitable, for May babies - Antonina, Valeria, Sofia. Summer girlies are feminine and have a unique ability to please others. Call the June beauty Ulyana, Alena, Maria.

Born in July - Zhanna, Julia, Elena. Call the August maiden Anna, Seraphima, Valentina, Olga or Milena. Practical and purposeful ladies are born in autumn. This season the September girls were called Nadezhda, Anfisa, Vera. In October they give preference to Veronica, Zlata, Anna, in November - Eurosigne, Natalya, Alena, Olga.

Beautiful and rare Russian names for girls

In Rus', in ancient times, girls were named in order to protect them from evil spirits and unkind deeds. They formed names from words denoting animals and plants. They were very similar to nicknames. After the Baptism of Rus', women began to give girls personal names. It was then that most of the options appeared, which are currently considered modern and rare. They were influenced by their religious character because girls were named at baptism. It is interesting that in those days names were divided into aristocratic and peasant. The most beautiful ones that have come down to us are:

  • Zlata.
  • Anna.
  • Olga.
  • Seraphim.
  • Vasilisa.
  • Angelina.
  • Ulyana.
  • Nellie.
  • Augusta.
  • Anfisa.
  • Pavel.
  • Alice.

List of the most popular female names and their meanings

In Russia, the list of popular girls' names includes old and new options. To make the right choice for a girl, it is necessary not only to correlate them by ear, but also to know its history and meaning. The fate of the baby largely depends on this. You should avoid funny, overly original ones. Let's look at what the most popular names for newborn girls mean, according to dictionaries. Let's start with the letter "A", and then alphabetically:

  • Arina is calm.
  • Anna from Hebrew "grace".
  • Valentina from Old Russian means healthy.
  • Valeria is strong.
  • Victoria from Old Slavonic means “victory”.
  • Galina is calm.
  • Daria is the winner.
  • Diana after the Roman goddess.
  • Catherine from Old Russian means immaculate.
  • Elena is sunny.
  • Elizabeth from Old Russian means worshiper of God.
  • Jeanne is a gift from God.
  • Irina - peace.
  • Ksenia from Old Russian means a stranger.
  • Christina is dedicated to God.
  • Kira is a mistress.
  • Maria from Old Russian means bitter.
  • Olga is a saint.
  • Polina is smart and beautiful.
  • Seraphim, which comes from Hebrew, is mobile.
  • Julia is gentle, affectionate.

Top modern foreign names for girls according to the 2019 rating

The rating contains the following modern girl names: Eastern Azerbaijani, Turkish, Kazakh, Uzbek, Bashkir, Asian, Kyrgyz, Georgian, European, Belarusian, Moldavian and even foreign Polish, German, American and English. Let's consider the most interesting, unusual and beautiful options for babies of different nationalities and cultures. Muslim, Islamic names come from Turkic culture, some of them are taken from the Koran. Among them are the famous Arab ones - Zuhra, Aliya and Latifa; Persian - Gulnara, Dilyara, Firuza and Yasmina.

As Islamic culture spread, Zainab, Asiya, Fatima, known thanks to Islamic sacred texts, became popular among the eastern peoples. Uzbek babies receive names whose roots go deep into the history of Islam: Asmira means “the most feminine and beautiful princess.” Guldasta – “bouquet”. Dinora – “gold coin”. Zukhra – “beautiful”. Farkhunda - “happy”. Tatar girls are usually called Lucii, Albins, and Roses. Popular - Aisha, Vazikha, Bella, Nadiya. According to statistics, the most common Crimean Tatar name for a girl is Alina.

Girls of Kazakh nationality receive the names Aliya, Asiya, Asem, Bibigul, Botagoz, Gulmira. Caucasian peoples professing the Christian Catholic faith name their daughters in accordance with the desired qualities and with meaning. This is how Armenian girls are called: Amalia - pure, Azniv - honest, Azatui - freedom-loving, Gayane - keeper of the home. The leaders in the ranking of European options are Alena, Kira and Valeria. In Moldova, newborn girls are called Yaroslava, Sophia, and among non-traditional names Luna and Soare are the leaders.

Choosing a name for a child is a whole problem. Olga Vladimirovna Gorelova, a teacher at the Department of Russian Language at Far East State University, will tell you how to find a suitable, beautiful and at the same time rare option. In her words, every name is not just some combination of letters and sounds, it is the story of a person. From the moment a child is born and gets a name, he begins his journey. When choosing a name, you need to pay attention to ease of pronunciation, interpretation and combination with the patronymic. In addition, from our video story you can learn what you should not name your child.

Girls, I’m writing to the forum for advice, because I no longer know what and how to think about it (I apologize in advance for the many letters))). The child will turn 8 years old in May and is finishing first grade at a lyceum school. Born with hypoxia, he was pumped out for a day in intensive care, as a result: he walked late (1.5 years), spoke late (in some words, at 4-4.5 years). I was afraid that he wouldn’t be accepted into a regular school at all, but in the 0th grade his speech improved, he learned to read, count within ten, etc. what preschool children usually know how to do (thanks to neurologists, psychologists and a talented tutor). Now to the point:
Finished the third quarter and has 3 C's and 3 B's. Mathematics and English are excellent, the rest is not so good. But I don’t focus on this; I’m confused by the attitude of his teacher. Middle-aged (45-50), as they say, “old school,” very strict, demanding and tough. My child (rather secretive) never complained about her, but I heard a lot of complaints from her in the first half of the year: “he sleeps all the time, doesn’t listen, yawns, is inactive, doesn’t respond, he’s on the wall, etc.” . All this is said in such a tone (maybe I’m exaggerating) as if he is the worst fool in the class (in which there are 32 children). The workload at school is severe: in addition to general subjects, there is a ton of homework (for example, solving 1 page a day from Nefedova’s “3000 examples in mathematics” and keeping a reading diary: read a story and draw a picture for it (5 pieces per week)). In order to improve my studies, I enrolled my son in additional classes. classes with a tutor, who teaches lessons with him every day for 2 hours and prepares for another 1 hour in individual subjects. The son opened up, became cheerful, made new friends, and every day he rushes to see this tutor as if it were a holiday. As a result, after a month of classes: I wrote the last two tests in mathematics as “excellent”, in other subjects it was also good - from “two” to “four”. Only his Russian language is not very good, but remembering how he couldn’t hold a pen and connect two words literally a year ago, I’m generally happy with what I have. But when I asked his teacher how his studies were going, I heard that he was cheating on tests (yeah, he cheated on two tests in a row), and in general, “things are still there.” In short, he remained a fool.
I was brought up in a system where the teacher and his word are the law, and the teacher’s authority is unshakable. Maybe I was just lucky with my teachers. But the peremptory nature of my son’s teacher confuses me. I won’t admit it to anyone, but it seems to me that my son is not comfortable with her, she is stingy with at least encouragement. If you constantly oppress a person, then every desire can be repulsed.
And the atmosphere in the class is somehow unhealthy: everyone is competitive, everyone gets on each other’s heads (in the first grade!), all the children are nervous, somewhat aggressive. My son didn’t make any friends in six months at school, but he made friends with everyone with his tutor (she teaches at a private training center) on the very first day. And it seems to me that the teacher’s attitude was reflected in the attitude of individual children in the class: a classmate has been picking on my son all year, last week he kicked him, and the teacher told me: your son provoked him himself (as it turned out later, he suggested playing catch-up, so he’s my I caught up with my son and kicked him in the legs).
Now I’m thinking: is it worth transferring my son to a regular school, not a lyceum? Or maybe this is the case everywhere? Or maybe I've screwed myself up and am overdramatizing everything?
I’ll say right away that I never asked the teacher for special treatment for my son, but before the start of the school year I honestly warned him that he had minor problems with speech. And the teacher, at first glance, is not a monster, maybe she has such a method and it would be worse if she didn’t demand anything from him at all? I’d really like to hear your opinion (my son’s father is divorced, my mother throws up her hands and says that if I transfer him, I’ll “teach him to run away from problems.” In general, it hurts....