Elijah's name day according to the Orthodox calendar and calendar. Saints named Ilya

Elijah - Hebrew Eliyahu - fortress of the Lord.

Name day of Elijah according to the church calendar:

  • 1st of January:Elijah the Egyptian, martyr; Ilya Muromets, Pechersky
  • January 21:Elijah of Egypt, hermit
  • The 25th of January:Elijah the Wonderworker. [from Paradise"]
  • January 27:Elijah of Sinai, martyr.
  • February 13:Ilia Ardunis, martyr.
  • March 1:Elijah the Egyptian, Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr.
  • April 10th:Elijah of Persia, martyr.
  • August 2:Elijah the Tishbite, prophet
  • August 30:Elijah of Calabria, St.
  • September 26:Ilya Tomsky (Kyustendzhiysky), martyr.
  • September 30th:Elijah of Tire, martyr.
  • November 16:Elijah, St.
  • November 17:Ilia Gruzinsky

Characteristics of the name Ilya

Ilya is a very kind and vulnerable boy. He is strongly attached to his family, has a hard time with quarrels, and his parents’ divorce can hurt him so deeply that this wound will not heal for the rest of his life. Ilya willingly helps around the house, and does it without reminders, and enjoys arranging his room. He is a very neat child.

Ilya has many talents. He draws especially well and is successful in natural subjects. He is generally sensitive to the natural world. He studies well, but sometimes he has inexplicable mood swings and apathy towards everything. Then his performance drops sharply. Ilya is an excellent designer and sees figures in space. He is well-read, endowed with a rich imagination, and inquisitive.

Ilya has a lot of friends. He is noble and frank. The opinion of his comrades is very important to him, so he often falls under their influence. Ilya is proud, he constantly needs attention, respect, and love from others. Ilya can get worked up over a trifle. When angry, he is unpleasant, capable of humiliating and saying offensive things. Usually his irritation passes as quickly as it flares up, and then Ilya greatly regrets his behavior. He has a highly developed sense of justice and is extremely conscientious.

It is perhaps difficult to find a more responsible person than Ilya. But his egoism and highly developed sense of property allow him to be jealous only of matters that directly concern him. If he takes on something, he will definitely finish what he started; everything else will not occupy his mind. He is able to engage deeply in even the most monotonous work. He is an excellent scientist, researcher, archaeologist, naturalist, design engineer, and architect. Creative professions are also suitable for Ilya: writer, artist, musician.

Ilya is an ardent, enthusiastic nature. He treats women with tenderness, he is romantic, full of surprises. Ilya appreciates inner beauty, sincerity, and generosity. In his youth he has many novels, but Ilya takes a long time to choose his ideal, so he does not marry early. He will become a devoted, caring, helpful husband. The family will be the “center of the universe” for Ilya. He will devote all his free time and energy to children, whom he takes care of until old age. Ilya lovingly furnishes his home, trying to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

Elijah from Hebrew - “fortress of the Lord.” Ilya is growing up as a fairly active and sociable child, who, even as a child, loves to help his parents. But it is worth noting that Ilya is not too picky in choosing friends, and is also easily influenced by them, so he can often find himself in even the most incredible stories. Ilya also has a sharp mind and incredible kindness. He is also very quick-tempered, but he moves away quite quickly and in any quarrel, he is always ready to take the blame. Ilya, as a rule, creates his family in detail - and this is where his economic streak comes into play.

First, he will stand firmly on his feet and earn enough to support his family on his own, and only then will he get married. Ilya is a very good and devoted father and husband. But it is worth noting that for all his commitment to family and home, Ilya loves to travel. A person with this name is always very gentle, attentive and caring; he, like no one else, is able to appreciate the woman with whom he is close. But he will never become friends with a rude, assertive lady who will try to impose her style of relationship on him. At the same time, he does not like it when people speak badly about a woman with whom he has an intimate relationship.

Ilya is a very caring man

Ilya has many love affairs, but his greatest joy comes from sexual contact with a woman for whom he experiences something more than sexual attraction. It is important for him that his partner not only understands him, but is also spiritually close to him. For a person like Ilya, it is the highest pleasure if he manages to conquer a very smart, free and independent woman. Although in public a person with this name can often be harsh, inattentive with his girlfriend, when alone with her, he will always be able to show her his true feelings.

Name day Ilya

Ilya celebrates his name day: January 1, January 21, January 27, March 1, April 5, May 20, August 2, August 25, August 30, September 26, September 30, November 16, November 17, November 22, December 5, December 18, 29 December, December 31st.

  • Name Ilya according to zodiac sign: suitable for Aries.
  • Ilya's talisman: diamond.
  • Patron saints of Elijah: Elijah the Tishbite, prophet.
  • Compatibility of the name Ilya: favorable relationships with names: Angela, Anna, Vera, Elena, Irina, Sophia.

In addition to August 2, Ilyas celebrate their name days, for example, October 11, January 1, 21 and 27, and August 30.

The meaning of the name Ilya

The name comes from the Hebrew Eliyahu. It is translated as “my God is Yahweh.” Another meaning of the name Elijah is “the fortress of the Lord” or simply “believer.” Initially comes from the names Il, Ilu, Ilum, Ilim, Elim - strong, mighty, God.

It is worth noting that the first mention of the name in written sources is found in the Old Testament, in the story of Elijah the prophet.

Positive traits of people named Ilya:

economical, helps parents since childhood;

has a sharp mind;

quickly “grabs” any information;

ready to help in a difficult situation;

loves children.

Negative features:

not particularly picky in choosing friends;

easily susceptible to bad influence;

hot-tempered in an argument.

People named Ilya advise you to choose a profession doctor, teacher, investigator or mechanic. It is believed that Ilya men very often occupy the highest positions.

The name is suitable for Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.

The meaning of the name Ilya depends on the time of birth: those born in the spring are too emotional, in the fall they are panicky afraid of making a mistake in their chosen one.

Compatibility with female names

Ilya will have a successful marriage with Vera, Anna, Sofia and Natalya.

It is advised not to start relationships with Angelina, Tatyana, Margarita, Christina, Valeria, Veronica and Zhanna.

Congratulations on Angel's Day

Happy holiday, Ilya

I want to congratulate you!

Wish you luck

And fun all year round

So much happiness!

To make life richer

So that there are no worries!

And sorrows and adversity

So that you can win

Congratulations on your name day, Ilya!

May the Earth itself help you in everything!

And I wish you to live your life only in happiness,

So that the thread of faith and hope does not break!

Ilya, today, on his name day,

I want to wish you

To be a real man,

He knew how to live and fight.

You always achieve your goal

And don't give in to anyone

Bask in the rays of beautiful love

And never be discouraged

Ilya is the envy of everyone, successful,

Always support and console,

And on my name day with congratulations

I rush to you with inspiration.

May there be a lot of happiness in life,

Warmth, care and compassion,

In abundance, fairy tale love

And live in pleasure!

Prayer to Saint Elijah for every day

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Elijah, as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.

What not to do on Elijah Day:

  • work in the field and around the house;
  • shout and sing loudly - lightning may strike;
  • use foul language and entertain bad thoughts;
  • let pets outside;
  • on this day you cannot stand under a tree - you may be struck by lightning;
  • you cannot stand at crossroads, as evil spirits gather there;
  • bathe.

Name Ilya comes from the Hebrew Elijah, translated meaning my God - Yahweh, the strength of the Lord, the power of God, the believer. A good, reliable and beautiful name, but it has some feminine psycho-emotional load. Its owner is a gentle person. With all the variety of positive and pleasant qualities, the lack of strength of character and willpower is clearly expressed.

Ilya has quite a lot of patron saints. Apparently, this is due to the fact that in previous centuries the name was quite common in Rus'.

One of them is the Rev. Ilya Muromets. According to folk legend, this is the famous Russian hero, about whom many epics have been sung.

It is believed that it was the Monk Elijah who became the founder of the three-fingered formation, now used by Orthodox Christians for prayer.

Another patron of this wonderful name is the prophet Elijah the Tishbite. This is one of the greatest prophets of the Old Testament. At a time when the Egyptian people began to worship pagan gods, Elijah predicted that, as punishment, a drought would last for three years, which would end only after his prayer. For three years the prophets of Baal cried out in vain from morning to evening to their idols - the sky was silent. But as soon as Elijah turned to God with fervent prayer, heavenly fire immediately burned the altar. The sky darkened and heavy rain began, watering the earth, which was yearning for life-giving moisture. The people, seeing such a miracle, believed in the only God the Savior. For his persistent and zealous faith in God, the prophet Elijah went to heaven alive in a chariot of fire.

Modern Ilya Since childhood he has been a real master. His sense of ownership is very strongly developed: any game, any business is his, he is the organizer and believes that he must be responsible for the results. By nature he is an organizer; a gentle, kind, frank and straightforward person. Sometimes, for absolutely inexplicable reasons, arrogance can appear, and at these moments it is quite difficult to calm it down. He does not belong to the category of dreamers - he prefers concrete and quick results. Being a noble man, Ilya is very devoted to his family. Often falls under the influence of friends, as a result of which he can go astray, but not for long. This is a nature that passionately craves attention, care, and love. Cannot tolerate neglect and coldness. He is overly hot-tempered, but quickly moves away, after which he punishes himself for a long time for his incontinence.

January 21– Elijah of Egypt, the hermit.
March 1- Martyr Elijah the Egyptian, Palestinian (Caesarean).
1st of January- Martyr Elijah the Egyptian.
October 11, January 1– Ilya Muromets, Pechersky.
January 27- Venerable Martyr Elijah of Sinai.
September 30th- Martyr Elijah of Tyre.
September 26- Martyr Elijah of Tomsk (Kyustendzhisky).
August 2- Prophet Elijah the Tishbite.

All your friends love you,
Don't doubt it
And always like this, Ilya,
Stay cool.

May luck be constant
Walking on his heels.
Let all your ideas
We have enough strength and resources.

In personal life let it be
Everything is always in order.
May your spirit be healthy
In the heart and figure.

Congratulations today
Mine to you, Ilya,
I wish you to be happy
Life was yours.

Holy name to you
Given from birth
Divine power
It carries within itself.

I wish you to be strong
Always with soul and body,
The victory ended
So that any matter.

They go with you through life
May true friends
Success and recognition
I wish you.

Dear Ilyushenka, I congratulate you on your day. May your life be joyful and beautiful, may success await you in your affairs, may your health grow stronger and your strength be renewed every day, be happy, contented and loved by everyone!

Today is your holiday, Ilya,
So always be you at the helm,
Like a wise, experienced driver.
After all, you are a winner in life!

Let the bodyguard protect you
And this is your guardian angel!
Nice guy, congratulations
We can't imagine life without you!

On this day we congratulate you.
After all, today is your holiday, Ilya.
We wish you all the best,
May fate be kind to you.

May everything be fine in your life:
And work, and home, and family.
May love be long, happy,
Everything will be fine for you.

Let everything you plan come true,
Let the whole world smile at you.
We wish you to meet the bird of happiness,
I met him in reality, not in a dream.

Ilya, Ilya, Ilyushenka!
I wish you, darling,
More happiness and warmth,
It’s not for nothing that your mother gave birth to you on this day.
May you be cheerful and funny
And you were not like a gherkin.
Stay healthy too
Always love and smile.
Be an example for all of us
Today, tomorrow and now.

Happy holiday to you, Ilyusha,
Listen to us, your friends,
We issue you a decree
Do it now!
Have fun from the heart
Sing to the fullest of your chest, breathe,
Let go of bitterness, troubles,
Accept triumph, victories,
Don't notice the trifles
Celebrate your birthday.

I will praise you today
I have no talent.
Congratulations, cool guy
You are the best, Ilya.

I wish you only happiness,
Let the troubles pass home.
The laughter of friends and the chatter of loved ones
Let them always sound only in him.

In personal life - deep feelings
And great victories in labor.
Let your path be wide,
May you be lucky in everything.

Ilya is a divine name,
Let it protect you.
On your birthday, dear
Let the Angel soar in the sky.

We hastened to congratulate you
And wish you a sea of ​​happiness.
So that life, no matter how in a hurry,
I could give everything to you.

We wish you good friends,
And so that the enemies are weak,
So that everything is fine in the family,
To collect the flowers of fate.

With all my heart to you, Ilya,
I wish you happiness and prosperity!
Let your friends be faithful
Let your career go smoothly!

I wish you great health
And strength in a young body!
Fill your life with love
Success, joy, goodness!

I will boldly tell you today,
There are no secrets behind the heart,
About your bright talents,
Our incomparable Ilya.

You are smart, charismatic,
Don't change, be like this.
Be in demand at work
And we love beauties.

Let happiness smile
Only wide for you
Let you walk through a difficult life
It will be fun and easy.