Ivan's name day: dates of the church calendar, icons. Name day of Ivan (John) according to the church calendar

Ivan is one of the most common male names among many nations; Angel Day can be celebrated on one of the days indicated in the list. There are several of them every month, so there are no difficulties in choosing a name day.

The main days of remembrance of the following saints are considered:

  • 20.01., 11.09., 07.07. – John the Baptist (Prophet, Baptist).
  • 09.02., 12.02., 27.09. - John Chrysostom.
  • 21.05., 03.07., 09.10. - John the Theologian.

In addition to those mentioned, many Christian figures canonized by the church are presented.

Full church uniform

Ivan is a word from Hebrew. roots, means Jokanaan the mercy of God. Today it sounds completely different from the original source. John - this is the church form, this is the name of one of the evangelists who were among the Lord’s favorite disciples. Of the 12 apostles, he occupies one of the central places. Considered the predecessor, forerunner of Jesus Christ.

There are many modern synonyms:

  • Jean (France).
  • Ivan (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus).
  • John (England).

Characteristics of a man named Ivan

The owner has a broad soul and a cheerful nature. Not stupid, kind, sociable. He is characterized by openness and excessive gullibility. Can be stubborn if vested interests are affected. A good family man. Loving, much loved dad. Never stingy. He values ​​marriage, but is not averse to turning aside sometimes.
It is believed that such a man is difficult to figure out. We are not predictable. Several opposing qualities can coexist in him at once. Friends are always around. If you are busy with something, then not just one thing at once. Any job is suitable, as long as it is to your liking.
He does not forgive jokes made on himself, and can ruin many years of communication if the interlocutor’s wit is unsuccessful. He carefully selects his wife. Without being jealous, he trusts his wife, although he considers himself free in many respects. There is usually more than one child.

History of the Saints

John Chrysostom

  • 09.02.
  • 27.09.
  • 26.11.

Born in Antioch in the 4th century. He was orphaned early and was raised only by his young mother. From a young age he studied the Holy Scriptures. After the death of his mother, he accepted monasticism. I started writing. He owns many written works. He lived in a cave and was silent for 2 years. Upon his return, he was ordained to the rank of deacon. He continued to work on theological books. Having become a presbyter, he showed brilliant oratorical abilities, for which he was nicknamed Chrysostom.

In the capital, how the patriarch improved the spiritual priesthood. He donated the money he received to hospitals and support for pilgrims.

Defending the offended, he fell into disgrace with the empress. They tried him for insulting him, they wanted to execute him, but they expelled him from the country. At this moment, the only heir to the throne dies, and an earthquake occurs in the city. John Chrysostom is returned back. A couple of months later they are expelled from the country again. The patient is insulted and humiliated and sent to Abkhazia, where it takes 3 months to get there. In Comana 14.09. he died. Before his death he said: Thank God for everything! He was buried there.

After 31 years, the relics were transferred to the capital. During the ceremony, people shouted: Accept your throne, father! The imperishable lips from the grave answered: Peace to all! In 1204 they were transported to Rome, and in 2004 they were returned to Istanbul, where they remain to this day in the Cathedral of St. George in Phanar.

John the Theologian

  • 21.05.
  • 03.07.
  • 09.10.

John the Theologian - grandson of St. Joseph the Betrothed, brother of St. James, nephew of Christ. Saint John is a witness of the Lord's miracles during his lifetime. The question of betrayal at the Last Supper belongs to the saint. He did not leave the cross with the crucified Christ, he was next to the Mother of God, showing concern for Her until the Dormition of the Most Pure One.
While traveling to Asia Minor by sea, he survived a shipwreck, but miraculously escaped. Upon arrival, he was attacked by local residents; it all ended with them also becoming Christians. To attract the pagans to faith, he prayed to the Lord for an earthquake. They were baptized. The angry Emperor Domitian sentenced the Theologian to death. The apostle drank poison, but did not become poisoned, nor was he boiled in boiling oil. The ruler, considering him immortal, sends John into exile to Fr. Patmos.

  1. Miracles were revealed along the way:
  2. One who fell into the water was saved.
  3. A seriously ill man was healed.
  4. The ship's crew received fresh fresh water.

The Apostle's guards received holy Baptism.

Through the efforts of John the Theologian, the majority of those living on the island became Christians; having seen numerous miracles, the new ruler of Nerva, who ascended the throne, had nothing against the activities of the apostle and freed him. As a keepsake, the former exile left one of the two Gospels, which he dictated to his assistant Prokhor. His Revelation is still considered one of the most mysterious works.

Upon his return, he lived in Ephesus, but often traveled, carrying the word of God. At the age of 95, the Lord announced that he would soon leave the earth. John and his disciples went into the field, where a cross-shaped grave was prepared. The old man lay down there. He was covered with earth up to his neck, and his head was covered with a light blanket. The holy apostle ordered everyone to leave. The next day, residents came to say goodbye to the deceased, but he was not in the hole. For many years this place smelled of myrrh. Those who visited were healed spiritually and physically.
John the Theologian is considered the patron saint of those who earn their daily bread by writing and everything related to books and words.

– among the most common male names among many nations, Angel Day can be celebrated on one of the days indicated in the list. There are several of them every month, so there are no difficulties in choosing a name day.

The main days of remembrance of the following saints are considered:

  • 20.01., 11.09., 07.07.– Forerunner (Prophet, Baptist).
  • 09.02., 12.02., 27.09. - John Chrysostom.
  • 21.05., 03.07., 09.10. - John the Theologian.

In addition to those mentioned, many Christian figures canonized by the church are presented.

Ivan is a word from Hebrew. roots, means Jokanaan "mercy of God." Today it sounds completely different from the original source. John - this is the church form, this is the name of one of the evangelists who were among the Lord’s favorite disciples. Of the 12 apostles, he occupies one of the central places. Considered the predecessor, forerunner of Jesus Christ.

There are many modern synonyms:

  • Jean (France).
  • Ivan (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus).
  • John (England).

Characteristics of a man named Ivan

The owner has a broad soul and a cheerful nature. Not stupid, kind, sociable. He is characterized by openness and excessive gullibility. Can be stubborn if vested interests are affected. A good family man. Loving, much loved dad. Never stingy. He values ​​marriage, but is not averse to turning aside sometimes.
It is believed that such a man is difficult to figure out. We are not predictable. Several opposing qualities can coexist in him at once. Friends are always around. If you are busy with something, then not just one thing at once. Any job is suitable, as long as it is to your liking.
He does not forgive jokes made on himself, and can ruin many years of communication if the interlocutor’s wit is unsuccessful. He carefully selects his wife. Without being jealous, he trusts his wife, although he considers himself free in many respects. There is usually more than one child.

History of the Saints

John Chrysostom

Memorable days:
  • 09.02.
  • 27.09.
  • 26.11.

Born in Antioch in the 4th century. He was orphaned early and was raised only by his young mother. From a young age he studied the Holy Scriptures. After the death of his mother, he accepted monasticism. I started writing. He owns many written works. He lived in a cave and was silent for 2 years. Upon his return, he was ordained to the rank of deacon. He continued to work on theological books. Having become a presbyter, he showed brilliant oratorical abilities, for which he was nicknamed Chrysostom.

In the capital, how the patriarch improved the spiritual priesthood. He donated the money he received to hospitals and support for pilgrims.

Defending the offended, he fell into disgrace with the empress. They tried him for insulting him, they wanted to execute him, but they expelled him from the country. At this moment, the only heir to the throne dies, and an earthquake occurs in the city. John Chrysostom is returned back. A couple of months later they are expelled from the country again. The patient is insulted and humiliated and sent to Abkhazia, where it takes 3 months to get there. In Comana 14.09. he died. Before his death he said: “Thank God for everything!” He was buried there.

After 31 years, the relics were transferred to the capital. During the ceremony, people shouted: “Accept your throne, father!” The imperishable lips from the tomb answered: “Peace to all!” In 1204 they were transported to Rome, and in 2004 they were returned to Istanbul, where they remain to this day in the Cathedral of St. George in Phanar.

John the Theologian

Memorable days:
  • 21.05.
  • 03.07.
  • 09.10.

John the Theologian - grandson of St. Joseph the Betrothed, brother of St. James, nephew of Christ. Saint John is a witness of the Lord's miracles during his lifetime. The question of betrayal at the Last Supper belongs to the saint. He did not leave the cross with the crucified Christ, he was next to the Mother of God, showing concern for Her until the Dormition of the Most Pure One.
While traveling to Asia Minor by sea, he survived a shipwreck, but miraculously escaped. Upon arrival, he was attacked by local residents; it all ended with them also becoming Christians. To attract the pagans to faith, he prayed to the Lord for an earthquake. They were baptized. The angry Emperor Domitian sentenced the Theologian to death. The apostle drank poison, but did not become poisoned, nor was he boiled in boiling oil. The ruler, considering him immortal, sends John into exile to Fr. Patmos.

  1. Miracles were revealed along the way:
  2. One who fell into the water was saved.
  3. A seriously ill man was healed.
  4. The ship's crew received fresh fresh water.

The Apostle's guards received holy Baptism.

Through the efforts of John the Theologian, the majority of those living on the island became Christians; having seen numerous miracles, the new ruler of Nerva, who ascended the throne, had nothing against the activities of the apostle and freed him. As a keepsake, the former exile left one of the two Gospels, which he dictated to his assistant Prokhor. His Revelation is still considered one of the most mysterious works.

Upon his return, he lived in Ephesus, but often traveled, carrying the word of God. At the age of 95, the Lord announced that he would soon leave the earth. John and his disciples went into the field, where a cross-shaped grave was prepared. The old man lay down there. He was covered with earth up to his neck, and his head was covered with a light blanket. The holy apostle ordered everyone to leave. The next day, residents came to say goodbye to the deceased, but he was not in the hole. For many years this place smelled of myrrh. Those who visited were healed spiritually and physically.
John the Theologian is considered the patron saint of those who earn their daily bread by writing and everything related to books and words.

Nowadays, many traditions that seemed lost forever during the years of Soviet power with its attitude towards religion have been revived. Among them is the custom of congratulating each other on name days. The only trouble is that today we do not always know on what days it is appropriate to do this. In this article we will try to figure out when to congratulate everyone who bears the name Ivan, whose angel's day (name day) appears in the Orthodox calendar more than a hundred times.

Russian name born in Palestine

According to researchers, the name Ivan, so common among us and always considered originally Russian, is actually borrowed from Hebrew, where it sounds like Yohanan (יוחנן), which is usually translated by the expression: “Yahweh (God) had mercy” or “Yahweh had compassion.”

Appearing in the Middle East, this name gained extraordinary popularity among Slavic and a number of other peoples. In particular, in its basic form - Ivan - it is widespread among Croats, Gagauz, Serbs, Macedonians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Slovenes, Bulgarians and, of course, Russians.

A name that has stepped into the world

In the second half of the 20th century, due to the establishment of closer international contacts, the fashion for the name Ivan spread to many English-speaking, Portuguese-speaking and Spanish-speaking countries, among which the main place is occupied by the states of Latin America. In them it acquired a sound characteristic of each nation, for example, Ivan or Evan.

It is known that often the most common name in a particular nation is used to designate an entire nation. For example, during World War II, the Germans called all Russians Ivans, without distinguishing their real name. At the same time, our compatriots called them Krauts - from the name Fritz, common in Germany. In literature, and especially in journalistic literature, you can find the name Tommy to denote the English.

Broken tradition

Well, when are Ivan’s name days celebrated according to the Orthodox calendar, and when should we congratulate the owners of this most popular name in Russia? To answer this question, everyone should know one important thing - name days are celebrated on the day when the church celebrates the memory of the saint whose name he bears. But a new question immediately arises - since this name has always been common, there have been a lot of saints of God who have borne it throughout the history of the church, and there are more than a hundred days of their commemoration in the church calendar - which one to choose? When, for example, should Ivan celebrate his name day?

Orthodox name days in former times coincided with birthdays, and this happened for the following reason. It was customary, when giving a name to a newborn, first of all to look into the calendar and find out which saints are commemorated on the day on which he was born. The child was named after one of them, and this saint was considered his guardian angel. Thus, birthdays and name days were always celebrated on the same day.

During the years of Soviet godlessness, this custom was forgotten, and names for newborns were given according to the imagination of the parents and the whims of changing fashion. Thus, in our days, Ivan’s name day according to the church calendar and the birthdays of the owners of this name, as a rule, do not coincide. What should I do?


In order to somehow streamline the current situation and not leave its flock without angelic protection, the Church offered us the only possible option - to celebrate the name day on the holiday closest to the birthday of the saint whose name we bear.

As an exception: if a person wishes to have as a guardian angel some other saint of the same name, whose day is not the closest on the calendar, then for this he is recommended to ask for a blessing from his parish priest, of course, if he attends church.

As mentioned above, Ivan’s name day days are celebrated more than a hundred times a year, so the choice is very wide. Since the scope of this article does not allow us to talk in detail about all the saints of God who bear this name, we will dwell in more detail on only some of them.

Holy forerunner of the Savior

Of course, the most famous and prominent representative of the host of saints bearing this name is John the Baptist - the closest predecessor of Jesus Christ, who predicted the imminent coming of the Messiah. A resident of the desert, whose youth was spent in an atmosphere of strict asceticism, he called the Jews to repentance in the name of the coming Kingdom of Heaven.

Immersing them in the waters of the Jordan River, Saint John performed sacred ablutions, symbolizing cleansing from sins. He also performed this ritual over the Savior who appeared to the world. It is not for nothing that Ivan’s name day, associated with the days of veneration of this saint, can be celebrated seven times a year: January 20, March 9, June 7, July 7, September 11, October 6 and October 25.

Jesus' Beloved Disciple

Another New Testament owner of this name is the closest disciple of Christ, the youngest of his associates and, apparently, the most beloved - the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian. He wrote not only one of the four canonical (recognized by the church) Gospels, but also the famous book “The Revelation of John the Theologian,” also known as the “Apocalypse,” and two apostolic epistles included in the New Testament.

Being next to his Teacher during the days of Christ’s earthly life, after his ascension to heaven he went a long way, preaching the word of God to the pagans, and the only one of the twelve apostles was honored to die a non-violent death. Modern owners of this name, who have chosen the holy evangelist as their heavenly patron, celebrate Ivan’s name day on one of the following days: May 21, July 13 and October 9. In the Catholic Church, December 27 is added to the listed dates.

Author of the Divine Liturgy

They are also celebrated on the days when the Orthodox world commemorates one of the three ecumenical saints and teachers of the church - St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople. His name is on a par with such pillars of the church as Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian. Being an outstanding preacher and theologian, he left behind many works that are studied today in all theological educational institutions.

His most famous creation is the Divine Liturgy of the Eastern, or as it is called, the Byzantine rite. According to tradition, it is divided into two parts, called the “Liturgy of the Catechumens” and the “Liturgy of the Faithful.” People who are churchgoers or at least periodically attend church are well acquainted with it, since it occurs almost daily. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates his memory three times a year: on February 9 and 12, and on November 26.

The Righteous One from the Baltic Shores

And finally, we cannot help but remember our Russian saint of God, beloved and revered by the people - the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, whose memory is celebrated on January 2 and July 14. During the days of his earthly life, he gained fame as an outstanding preacher, spiritual writer, church and public figure, as well as a social figure who held extreme monarchical views, for which he was extremely negatively assessed by Soviet propaganda.

As the rector of St. Andrew's Naval Cathedral in Kronstadt, Father John was an Honorary Member of the Imperial Palestine Society and the personal confessor of Emperor Alexander III. It is an undeniable fact that by the beginning of the 20th century he became the most famous and authoritative figure in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Meanwhile, in life, the priest was always a non-covetous and ascetic. He invariably used the huge sums of money he received from wealthy donors for the needs of the diocese. The monument to the holy righteous man is the Ioannovsky Convent, erected at his expense in St. Petersburg. Revived after decades of Bolshevik desecration, it again became one of the spiritual centers of Russia.


As stated above, Ivan’s name day can be celebrated on a variety of days of the year, and detailed information about them is easy to obtain by looking at the church calendar. The main thing is not to forget about them and congratulate your family and friends on time, thus showing them a warm and attentive attitude.

"given by God." In Russia, the male version of the name - Ivan - has taken root more, although in pre-revolutionary times girls were often called the female version - Ivanna. John is celebrated twice a year - on July 10, on the day of remembrance of the Righteous John the Myrrh-Bearer, and on December 28, when the Venerable Martyr Joanna is commemorated.

Girls who are given the name Yana in the world are baptized by Ioanna.

Joan the myrrh-bearer

The patron saint of the name Joan, who is almost not mentioned in the scriptures, was one of the myrrh-bearing women. It is mentioned twice in the Gospel of Luke. It was this woman who was among those who brought incense to the body of Christ and witnessed the appearance of angels who announced the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Joanna was the wife of King Herod's steward named Chuza and led a carefree and respectable life. Her husband held a high post, and the woman had no worries until their only son fell ill. Having called the child Jesus Christ, the couple did not understand why he refused to come to them. And the whole point was that it was in the palace that his Forerunner John the Baptist was killed. However, Jesus did not hold grudges and healed their sick son. When Herod found out about this, his anger fell on the shoulders of the steward. The situation was aggravated by the fact that it was Joanna, who knew the Baptist and listened to him, who took the head of the murdered man from the hiding place and buried it in one of Herod’s estates. Her husband Khuza, finding himself in a position where he could lose everything due to the king's anger, decided that it would be less painful for him to expel his wife from the house.

Apparently, this is how Joanna found herself among the poor and needy, wandering after Christ with faith in God in their hearts. Joanna humbly shared all the hardships of the journey with others, and Jesus’ mother Mary wept with her for her son left in her husband’s house, whom Joanna never saw again.

People who study the connection between a name and a person’s character claim that Johns are very kind and radiate their kindness to their neighbors.

Venerable Martyr Joanna

In the world her name was Susanna. She was the only child of the presbyter Rome Gavanius. The girl was educated, but at the same time very religious and chaste. She refused marriage, deciding to devote her life to serving Christ. King Diocletian, who insisted on her, sent first his wife, then his son, so that they could persuade her to marry. His son Maximilian found her praying in the house and wanted to dishonor her, but he saw the radiance bending over the girl and disappeared in fear. Then the angry Diocletian ordered his mercenary, the sadist and torturer Macedonius, to force Joanna to renounce her faith. He beat her with sticks in front of her family, but she was adamant. Then she was executed by cutting off her head. This act inspired her entire family and servants to accept.

The church calendar marks many memorable dates. Almost every day is dedicated to some saint, very often not just one, but several. Today we will learn in more detail when Ivan’s name day is celebrated, what is inherent in a person whose name is that, and which famous personalities are included in the list of the Orthodox calendar.

History of the name

In everyday life, we often meet people with completely different names. For example, Vanya or Ivan. In church form it is used as John.

The origins are rooted in Jewish culture. The literal translation is “God took pity.”

The name never had great popularity, despite the fact that it was often used to call kings. Most likely, this is caused by a special characteristic imposed on it by folk art.

Very often the name was used as a generalizing collective image of the people. The main character in fairy tales was often Ivan.

Interestingly, during World War II, the Germans called all Russians by this name.

However, Ivan’s name day has nothing to do with folklore.

In Tsarist Russia, runaway peasants hid their origins and, if they were caught, when asked about their name they answered that their name was Vanya, but they had forgotten their last name. This is how entries were made in the documents.

With the advent of Christianity, it became normal to give a child a name according to the Orthodox calendar. So it became quite widespread and gained particular popularity. According to the Orthodox calendar, Ivan’s name day is celebrated several times a month.

Features of the name

People have a tendency to constantly analyze and derive general formulas. This rule also applies to names. It is believed that each has its own aura, a force that in one way or another influences the personality, giving it certain character traits.

Ivan has been a rather controversial personality since childhood. On the one hand, he is immersed in his own world, thoughtful, on the other hand, he loves to learn new things and meet people.

Such people often face problems in their studies. Outside observers may get the impression that the person is disinterested and absent-minded. This is due to the fact that Ivan often gets lost in his thoughts. At the same time, they have fairly developed mental abilities and excellent powers of observation.

A striking feature of people named Ivan is optimism. They can achieve great success in any endeavor only if it truly inspires them. Quite often, having achieved their goal, they lose interest in it.

Character traits

It is quite difficult to understand the intricacies of Ivan’s mental structure; he is too multifaceted and versatile a person. They can be kind and open, while deep down they conceal their own motives. Not without cunning.

The disadvantages include unstable mood, which manifests itself in sudden outbursts of anger and aggression. Such moments pass quickly enough and cause a person to feel sadness and regret about his own behavior.

By choosing Ivan as a friend, you can be sure that he will not let you down. Will always support you in a difficult situation. And if you entrust Vanya with a secret, he will definitely keep everything a secret.

The opinions of those around him are of little concern to him if it does not concern his personality. I am ready to listen to advice, but this does not mean that he will adhere to it.

In love, as in other matters, he shows perseverance and perseverance. If the object of his attention does not reciprocate, Ivan will not give up just like that. He will slowly, unobtrusively approach the target. But as stated above, once you reach it, you may lose interest.

We know about his childhood and activities from the Gospel of Luke. The saint led an ascetic lifestyle. He did not need expensive clothes or gourmet food. He had everything he needed to live and serve God.

He began his sermons around 28 BC. John traveled around Jordan and called people to baptism so that their sins would be forgiven.

He cannot be called an ordinary preacher, rather a prophet. After all, he was retelling the will of God.

John carried out the water baptism of Jesus, to whom the evangelists assign an important role in the life of the Son of God.

The saint's life ended in prison, where Salome's messenger eventually cut off his head.

But besides him, there is another Ivan, whose name day the Orthodox celebrate several times a year.

Apostle and Evangelist

One of the disciples of Christ, who is mentioned in the New Testament, is He who preached throughout his life. The number of his followers constantly increased. The miracles that the apostle repeatedly demonstrated to the pagans played a significant role in this.

During the struggle against Christianity, he was sentenced to death. However, neither poison nor hot oil could kill him. Therefore, the apostle was simply left in captivity, where he lived for many years.