Immunodeficiencies. Human immunodeficiency (primary, secondary), causes and treatment Treatment of immunodeficiency Volkovskaya

Immunodeficiency– this is a decrease in the functional activity of the main components of the immune system, leading to a disruption of the body’s defense against microbes, and manifested in increased infectious morbidity.

In the modern world, in a megacity, an immunodeficiency state can develop in any person. The danger of this condition lies in its untimely recognition and treatment, which leads to severe infections, autoimmune diseases and oncological processes.

Immunodeficiency conditions are divided into congenital and acquired or secondary (SID). Basically, we encounter secondary immunodeficiencies, and each of us has experienced this condition at least once in our lives. SID refers to disorders of the immune system that develop in old age and, as is commonly believed, are not the result of any genetic defect.

Forms VIEW


Clinical factors


Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome


Reason: radiation, cytostatics, corticosteroids, surgical interventions, trauma, etc.


Chronic, recurrent, infectious and inflammatory processes of the bronchopulmonary apparatus, paranasal sinuses, urogenital and gastrointestinal tracts, eyes, skin and soft tissues caused by opportunistic, opportunistic microorganisms with atypical biological properties and often with the presence of multiple antibiotic resistance

Signs VIEW

Signs of VID by which a doctor or the patient himself may suspect an immunodeficiency state

1. Recurrent virus-bacterial infections, characterized by:

  • chronic course;
  • incomplete recovery;
  • unstable remission;
  • unusual pathogens (opportunistic flora, opportunistic infection with reduced virulence, with multiple resistance to antibiotics).

2. Age, presence of blood relatives with primary immunodeficiency;

3. Unusual reactions to live, attenuated vaccines;

4. Upon examination, the patient may be diagnosed with developmental insufficiency or developmental delay, chronic diarrhea, low-grade fever, enlarged or complete absence of lymph nodes of the tonsils, thymus, skin abscesses, dermatitis, mucosal candidiasis, congenital malformation, impaired development of the facial skull, short stature (dwarfism) ), increased fatigue;

5. Iatrogenic interventions: chemotherapy, splenectomy, radiation;

6. Prolonged physical and/or psycho-emotional stress;

7. Allergy;

8. Autoimmune diseases;

9. Tumors.

Objectives of immunological research

  • confirm the presence of immunodeficiency;
  • determine the severity of violations;
  • identify the broken link;
  • evaluate the possibilities of selecting an immunocorrector;
  • evaluate the prognosis of the effectiveness of immunotherapy.


After a full immunostudy, the immunologist prescribes therapy.

Immunotherapy (correction of immunity)- treatment aimed at strengthening weakened immune defenses, correcting imbalances in ongoing immune reactions, weakening pathologically active immune processes and suppressing auto-aggressive immune reactions. Not all types of immune defense are effective against a specific infectious agent, but only some.

It is necessary to stimulate those parts of the immune system that are effective in protecting against a specific infection that the patient has.

Immunodeficiencies are understood as conditions of a weakened immune system, and therefore people suffering from immunodeficiencies are much more likely to suffer from infectious diseases, while the course of the infection is usually more serious and less treatable compared to healthy people.

Depending on the origin, all immunodeficiencies are usually divided into primary (hereditary) and secondary (acquired).Primary immunodeficiencies

Primary immunodeficiencies are inherited diseases of the immune system. Such genetic defects occur in one child out of 10,000. To date, about 150 such genetic defects have been deciphered, leading to serious disturbances in the functioning of the immune system.

Symptoms of immunodeficiency

The leading manifestation of both primary and secondary immunodeficiencies are chronic infectious diseases. Infections can affect the ENT organs, upper and lower respiratory tract, skin, etc.

Infectious diseases, their manifestations and severity depend on the type of immunodeficiency. As mentioned above, there are about 150 types of primary immunodeficiency and several dozen secondary immunodeficiencies, while some forms have features of the course of the disease; the prognosis of the disease may differ significantly.

Sometimes immunodeficiencies can also contribute to the development of allergic and autoimmune diseases.

Primary immunodeficiencies

Primary immunodeficiencies are hereditary diseases that are transmitted from parents to children. Some forms may manifest themselves at a very early age, others may remain hidden for many years.

Genetic defects that cause primary immunodeficiency conditions can be divided into the following groups:

  • humoral immunodeficiencies (lack of production of antibodies or immunoglobulins);
  • cellular (usually lymphocytic) immunodeficiencies;
  • defects in phagocytosis (capture of bacteria by leukocytes);
  • defects in the complement system (proteins that promote the destruction of foreign cells);
  • combined immunodeficiencies;
  • other immunodeficiencies associated with breakdowns of the main components of the immune system.

Secondary immunodeficiencies

Secondary immunodeficiencies are acquired diseases of the immune system, as well as primary immunodeficiencies associated with weakened immunity and an increased incidence of infectious diseases. Perhaps the best known secondary immunodeficiency is AIDS resulting from HIV infection.

Secondary immunodeficiencies can be associated with infections (HIV, severe purulent infections...), medications (prednisolone, cytostatics), radiation, and some chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus).

That is, any action aimed at weakening our immune system can lead to secondary immunodeficiency. However, the rate of development of immunodeficiency and its inevitability can vary greatly, for example, with HIV infection, the development of immunodeficiency is inevitable, while not all people with diabetes may have an immunodeficiency state even years after the onset of the disease.

Prevention of immunodeficiencies

Due to the hereditary nature of primary immunodeficiencies, there is no prevention for this group of diseases.

Prevention of secondary immunodeficiencies mainly comes down to avoiding HIV infection (protected sex, use of sterile medical instruments, etc.).

Complications of immunodeficiencies

The main complications of both primary and secondary immunodeficiencies are severe infectious diseases: pneumonia, sepsis, abscesses... Taking into account the very large heterogeneity of these diseases, the prognosis and possible complications should be determined individually.

Diagnosis of immunodeficiencies

A prerequisite for identifying immunodeficiency is a chronic (often recurrent) infection. In most cases, the simplest tests can reveal serious damage in the immune system: the total (absolute) number of leukocytes, as well as their subtypes of neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes, the level of serum immunoglobulins IgG, IgA , IgM, test for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Much less frequently, there is a need to diagnose more subtle elements of the immune system: phagocytic activity of macrophages, subtypes of B and T lymphocytes (determination of so-called CD markers) and their ability to divide, production of inflammatory factors (cytokines), determination of elements of the complement system, etc. .

Treatment of primary immunodeficiency

Depending on the severity of immunodeficiency and its type, treatment may have its own characteristics.

Important points are to assess the feasibility of using live vaccines, stopping smoking and drinking alcohol, prescribing broad-spectrum antibiotics for bacterial infections or modern antiviral drugs for diseases caused by viruses.

Immunocorrection is possible:

  • using bone marrow transplantation (an important organ of the immune system);
  • replenishment of individual elements of the immune system, for example, immunoglobulins;

Treatment of secondary immunodeficiency

The treatment of secondary immunodeficiency is based on the following general principles:

  • infection control;
  • vaccination (if indicated);
  • replacement therapy, for example, with immunoglobulins;
  • use of immunomodulators.

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Immunodeficiency - what is it?

Doctors note that patients are increasingly being diagnosed with serious diseases that are difficult to treat. Immune deficiency, or scientifically known as immunodeficiency, is a pathological condition in which the immune system does not work properly. Both adults and children experience the described disorders. What is this condition? How dangerous is it?

Immunodeficiency is characterized by a decrease in activity or the inability of the body to create a protective reaction due to the loss of the cellular or humoral immune component.

This condition can be congenital or acquired. In many cases, IDS (especially if not treated) is irreversible, however, the disease can also have a transitive (temporary) form.

Causes of immunodeficiency in humans

The factors causing IDS have not yet been fully studied. However, scientists are constantly studying this issue to prevent the onset and progression of immunodeficiency.

Immunodeficiency, causes:

The cause can only be identified through a comprehensive hematological diagnosis. First of all, the patient is sent to donate blood to assess cellular immunity indicators. During the analysis, the relative and absolute number of protective cells is calculated.

Immunodeficiency can be primary, secondary and combined. Each disease associated with IDS has a specific and individual severity.

If pathological signs occur, it is important to promptly consult your doctor to receive recommendations for further treatment.

Primary immunodeficiency (PID), features

It is a complex genetic disease that manifests itself in the first few months after birth (40% of cases), in early infancy (up to two years - 30%), in childhood and adolescence (20%), less often - after 20 years (10%).

It should be understood that patients do not suffer from IDS, but from those infectious and concomitant pathologies that the immune system is unable to suppress. In this regard, patients may experience the following:

  • Polytopic process. This is multiple damage to tissues and organs. Thus, the patient may simultaneously experience pathological changes, for example, in the skin and urinary system.
  • Difficulty in treating a particular disease. The pathology often becomes chronic with frequent relapses (repetitions). Diseases are rapid and progressive.
  • High susceptibility to all infections, leading to polyetiology. In other words, one disease can be caused by several pathogens at once.
  • The usual therapeutic course does not give the full effect, so the dosage of the drug is selected individually, often in loading doses. However, it is very difficult to cleanse the body of the pathogen, so carriage and a latent course of the disease are often observed.

Primary immunodeficiency is a congenital condition, the beginnings of which were formed in utero. Unfortunately, screening during pregnancy does not detect severe anomalies at the initial stage.

This condition develops under the influence of an external factor. Secondary immunodeficiency is not a genetic disorder; it is first diagnosed with equal frequency in both childhood and adulthood.

Factors causing acquired immunodeficiency:

  • deterioration of the ecological environment;
  • microwave and ionizing radiation;
  • acute or chronic poisoning with chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, low-quality or expired food;
  • long-term treatment with drugs that affect the functioning of the immune system;
  • frequent and excessive mental stress, psycho-emotional stress, anxiety.

The above factors negatively affect immune resistance, therefore, such patients, in comparison with healthy ones, will more often suffer from infectious and oncological pathologies.

Main reasons, which may cause secondary immunodeficiency are listed below.

Errors in nutrition - The human body is very sensitive to a lack of vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids, fats, and carbohydrates. These elements are necessary to create a blood cell and maintain its function. In addition, the normal functioning of the immune system requires a lot of energy, which comes with food.

All chronic diseases negatively affect the immune defense, worsening resistance to foreign agents penetrating into the body from the external environment. In the chronic course of infectious pathology, the hematopoietic function is inhibited, therefore the production of young protective cells is significantly reduced.

Adrenal hormones. An excessive increase in hormones inhibits the function of immune resistance. A malfunction occurs when material metabolism is disrupted.

A short-term condition, as a defensive reaction, is observed due to severe surgical procedures or severe injury. For this reason, patients undergoing surgery are susceptible to infectious diseases for several months.

Physiological characteristics of the body:

  • prematurity;
  • children from 1 year to 5 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • old age

Features in people of these categories are characterized by suppression of immune function. The fact is that the body begins to work intensively in order to bear additional load to perform its function or survive.

Malignant neoplasms. First of all, we are talking about blood cancer - leukemia. With this disease, there is an active production of protective non-functional cells that cannot provide full immunity.

Also a dangerous pathology is damage to the red bone marrow, which is responsible for hematopoiesis and replacement of its structure with a malignant focus or metastases.

Along with this, all other oncological diseases cause a significant blow to the protective function, but disorders appear much later and have less pronounced symptoms.

HIV – human immunodeficiency virus. By suppressing the immune system, it leads to a dangerous disease - AIDS. All the patient's lymph nodes are enlarged, oral ulcers often recur, candidiasis, diarrhea, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, purulent myositis, and meningitis are diagnosed.

The immunodeficiency virus affects the defense response, so patients die from diseases that a healthy body can hardly resist, and even more so when weakened by HIV infection (tuberculosis, oncology, sepsis, etc.).

Combined immunodeficiency (CID)

It is the most severe and rare disease that is very difficult to cure. CID is a group of hereditary pathologies that lead to complex disorders of immune resistance.

As a rule, changes occur in several types of lymphocytes (for example, T and B), whereas with PID only one type of lymphocyte is affected.

CID manifests itself in early childhood. The child does not gain weight well and is delayed in growth and development. These children are highly susceptible to infections: the first attacks may begin immediately after birth (for example, pneumonia, diarrhea, candidiasis, omphalitis).

As a rule, after recovery, a relapse occurs after a few days or the body is affected by another pathology of a viral, bacterial or fungal nature.

Treatment of primary immunodeficiency

Today, medicine has not yet invented a universal medicine that helps to completely overcome all types of immunodeficiency conditions. However, therapy is proposed aimed at relieving and eliminating negative symptoms, increasing lymphocyte protection and improving quality of life.

This is a complex therapy, selected on an individual basis. The patient's life expectancy, as a rule, depends entirely on the timely and regular use of medications.

Treatment of primary immunodeficiency is achieved by:

  • prevention and concomitant therapy of infectious diseases in the early stages;
  • improving protection by bone marrow transplantation, immunoglobulin replacement, neutrophil mass transfusion;
  • increasing lymphocyte function in the form of cytokine treatment;
    introduction of nucleic acids (gene therapy) in order to prevent or stop the development of a pathological process at the chromosomal level;
  • vitamin therapy to support immunity.

If the course of the disease worsens, you should inform your doctor about this.

Treatment of secondary immunodeficiency

As a rule, the aggressiveness of secondary immunodeficiency states is not severe. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of IDS.

Therapeutic focus:

  • for infections - elimination of the source of inflammation (with the help of antibacterial and antiviral drugs);
  • to increase immune defense - immunostimulants;
  • if IDS was caused by a lack of vitamins, then a long course of treatment with vitamins and minerals is prescribed;
  • human immunodeficiency virus - treatment consists of highly active antiretroviral therapy;
  • for malignant tumors - surgical removal of a focus of atypical structure (if possible), chemotherapy, radiotherapy,
  • tomotherapy and other modern methods of treatment.

In addition, if you have diabetes, you should carefully monitor your health: adhere to a low-carbohydrate diet, regularly test your sugar levels at home, take insulin tablets or administer subcutaneous injections in a timely manner.

Treatment of CID

Treatment for primary and combined forms of immunodeficiency is very similar. The most effective treatment method is considered to be a bone marrow transplant (if T-lymphocytes are damaged).

  • Today, transplantation is successfully carried out in many countries to help overcome an aggressive genetic disease.

Prognosis: what awaits the patient

The patient must be provided with high-quality medical care in the early stages of the disease. If we are talking about a genetic pathology, then it should be identified as early as possible by taking many tests and undergoing a comprehensive examination.

Children who suffer from PID or CID from birth and do not receive appropriate treatment have a low survival rate to two years.

In case of HIV infection, it is important to regularly test for antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus in order to control the course of the disease and prevent sudden progression.

It’s worth thinking about our protective shield already when the first signs of its weakening appear: frequent colds, weakness, dizziness, etc. IDS can be provoked by many factors, so it is necessary to know the nature of its occurrence in order to choose an adequate method for eliminating the disease. An immunologist is called upon to clearly identify the prerequisites that led to the disease.

There are two main types of pathology.

  1. Primary immunodeficiency is a congenital disease caused either by genetic defects or various exposures during fetal development. Depending on the level of exposure and localization of the process, they are: cellular, antibody, combined, expressed by insufficiency of the complement system and defects in phagocytosis.
  2. Secondary immunodeficiency. This pathology is much more common. The disease is caused by a wide variety of environmental factors, which negatively affect almost all elements of the immune system. This group includes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, known as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

The list of causes of secondary immunodeficiency is quite wide:

  • lack of important substances for the proper development of the body due to malnutrition;
  • the impact on the body of chronic infections, which, constantly affecting the immune system, reduce its reactivity over time. Also, such diseases have a bad effect on the state of the hematopoietic system, which is responsible for the creation of extremely important lymphocytes;
  • helminthiasis;
  • blood loss or kidney failure;
  • various types of poisoning, prolonged diarrhea, due to which there is a sharp loss of all necessary nutrients;
  • diabetes mellitus or thyroid disorders;
  • oncological diseases.

Procedure process


If you or your child are often sick and therapy does not help, it is worth checking your immune system. Before your first visit to the doctor, you can do a little preparation so that the consultation goes quickly and efficiently. For example:

  1. Write down any symptoms you notice.
  2. Gather all previous test results you have ever had.
  3. Do some family medical history.
  4. Make a list of medications and vitamins you have taken recently.
  5. Prepare in advance all the questions you plan to ask the doctor.
Such actions will help the healthcare worker quickly diagnose the disease and prescribe the necessary therapy.

The process of eliminating ailments

Treatment of primary immunodeficiency is carried out using the following methods:

  • etiotropic therapy (in this case, the patient’s genomic deficiency is corrected);
  • treatment with immunostimulants;
  • transplantation of bone marrow, immunoglobulins, thymus cells.

Treatment of immunodeficiency in children, as well as in adults, is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Secondary IDS is much easier to cure than primary one, because the prerequisites for its occurrence are transient factors. Therefore, it is possible to have an effective suppressive effect on them using the right therapy. After diagnosis and establishment of the true cause, a course of treatment is prescribed.

More often than adults, children are susceptible to secondary IDS, since they have not yet fully developed a mechanism to combat harmful environmental factors.

Given the lack of vitamins and minerals, appropriate vitamin complexes are prescribed. If the presence of a chronic infection is established, then first of all its foci are sanitized.

Immunostimulants help strengthen the immune system after illnesses and operations.


Signs differ depending on the type of disease and may vary from person to person. Among them:

  • frequent infectious disorders that recur from time to time;
  • infection and other blood diseases;
  • developmental delay;
  • problems with the digestive tract;
  • fungal infections;
  • stomatitis;
  • hair loss;
  • allergic reactions;
  • weight loss.


Taking almost every immunostimulant has its own contraindications. Particular care should be taken when treating children with autoimmune problems. Such children should take medications only as prescribed by the attending physician. However, just like pregnant women.


Characteristic complications for both types of disease are serious infectious pathologies, such as pneumonia, sepsis and others, which depend on the cause of IDS. Early diagnosis can prevent long-term problems.

Prices and clinics

Such a difficult problem should be trusted only to professionals with many years of experience. The portal site will help you select a decent clinic and doctor, including taking into account your financial capabilities.

And heating not working in cold weather - for many this was enough to get sick in the spring. The occurrence of ARVI, colds and almost any disease is inextricably linked with the functioning of the human immune system. Some people drink Kagocel to avoid getting sick, others eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, and still others take vitamins or dietary supplements. Doctor of Medical Sciences and head of the immunology department of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital Irina Kondratenko told The Village whether it is possible to increase immunity, whether yoghurts and vitamin capsules help with this, how stress affects health and what immune memory is.

- How does a person develop immunity?

The immune system, in essence, is engaged in recognizing foreign elements in the body. Such recognition exists even in single-celled organisms, and the more complex the organism, the more complex the defense - both from external factors and from failures within. For example, if a tumor cell appears or a cell into which a virus has entered, and viral proteins appear on its surface, such a cell is destroyed. This system is called acquired immunity.

The human immune system is formed before birth, and after birth it actively learns to recognize foreign agents, including pathogens. The first thing we can do to help a child’s immunity is to simply keep him in normal conditions, that is, if the child is healthy, if his immune system works normally, then he should have full contact with the external environment, he should not be artificially limited.

- If you limit a child from contact with the environment in the hope that he will not get sick, how will this affect the immune system?

Badly. He will not live endlessly under a hood; sooner or later he will have to face the influence of the surrounding world: he will want to take a walk on the street, he will want to eat sand in the sandbox, and so on.

Most children go to kindergarten and school, where they are exposed to a significant amount of microorganisms carried by the people around them. The better the baby is prepared, that is, the better his immune system is familiar with external aggressors, the less he will get sick.

There is the concept of “immune memory” - this is the body’s ability to remember viruses in order to successfully repel their attacks the next time it encounters them. However, for some viruses the immune memory is short. For example, we get chickenpox once in our life, but we can get the flu a hundred times, because the virus changes quickly and the body does not remember it for a long time.

- It turns out that the older a person is, the better his immunity?

Unfortunately no. On the one hand, with age a person faces a large number of diseases, but on the other hand, the body ages, becomes decrepit, and the immune system along with it. In old age, a person’s immune system weakens; he cannot protect himself from diseases as before.

- So, with age, it becomes more and more difficult to improve immunity?

Look, what kind of regeneration does the child have? Everything heals on him like on a dog. For a teenager, everything is no longer so simple, for a 40-year-old it’s even worse, and for an 80-year-old it’s generally bad. This applies to all systems of the body: cardiovascular, nervous, and immune. A person who takes care of himself, makes his brain work and goes for walks, has a strong body and rarely gets sick. And an elderly, sedentary person who sits a lot in a confined space and is sick with something has a very weak immune system. Just blow on it and that's it. And try to kill the one who skis at 80 years old.

- Is it possible to effectively increase immunity and get sick less?

Increasing immunity is not boiling a kettle, and the opinion that immunity must be increased is not very true. Every intervention in such a complex mechanism as immunity must be justified.

Professor Andrei Petrovich Prodeus (who works at the ninth children's hospital) once conducted a study in six Moscow kindergartens. I don’t remember the exact numbers, but approximately 300 people took part. Before the start of the study, the Soviet system was restored in all kindergartens, in which a nurse worked at the entrance, who did not allow sick children to attend the kindergarten and sent them home with their parents. As a result of the experiment, the incidence of disease in the gardens was halved. Without the use of drugs and immune-improving biological food additives.

Often parents turn to an immunologist with a complaint that their child is constantly sick, for example, twice a month. But in fact, you shouldn’t get sick twice a month, because after fighting the infection, your immunity should be restored. If someone gets sick twice a month, then these are not two different diseases, but one untreated.

The best thing I can advise is not to take sick children to childcare centers, and for adults to try not to suffer from colds on their feet. It’s also worth getting a dog or just imagining that you have one. In other words, go for walks in the morning and evening, and you will be healthy.

To boost immunity, many people drink immunomodulators, of which there are many types, but, unfortunately, the mechanism of the “magic” action of most of them has not been studied and their effectiveness has not been proven.

- Wait. What are immunomodulators?

An immunomodulator is a kind of “magic” smart remedy that regulates the immune system. However, the only modulators that can be used, in my opinion, are drugs containing parts of disease-causing organisms. These organisms are capable of causing an immune response, but they cannot cause disease. Essentially these are small vaccinations. If you follow the instructions and recommendations of an immunologist, treatment with such drugs often has a good effect.

If somebody gets sick twice a month then these are not two different diseases, but one untreated

- What kind of small vaccinations?

You know, it is now forbidden to name commercial drugs everywhere. But I have already said that these are drugs created on immunogenic substances from commonly occurring microorganisms that cause infections.

- Are these small vaccinations prescribed in clinics?

They do not need to be prescribed; you do not need a prescription to purchase them. But a competent doctor, of course, can advise them.

- Do Actimel, Immunele and other similar drinks increase immunity?

These drinks are enriched with various beneficial microorganisms, without which we cannot exist. Once in the intestines, where we have many immune cells, they not only improve digestion, but also, through complex mechanisms, have a very mild positive effect on the immune system.

If before the race If a runner gets an immunogram, he will have the same blood parameters, but if he does at the finish line then the results will be similar to the results of a person with severe immunodeficiency

- How many illnesses per year is considered normal for a resident of a metropolis? That is, to what extent should we not sound the alarm?

By American standards, a child can suffer from uncomplicated respiratory viral infections 10–12 times a year. By our standards, it is good if a child gets sick no more than six times, and an adult even less.

But this depends on many risk factors: where and how a person works (in a team or in a separate office), what type of transport and how often he uses it, and other things. For example, if you wear a fur coat on the subway in winter, and then run out into the cold with a wet back, then naturally you will catch a cold. In addition, the metro has a closed ventilation system, air circulation is limited, people inhale what they exhale, and there are a huge number of people there. Someone sneezed, coughed - and everyone breathes it all. The same goes for working in a large team: it’s one thing when you’re sitting alone in an office or working at home, and another thing when you’re sitting in a team: someone came in with a cold - and everyone along the chain got sick.

- Why do we get sick more often in winter than in summer, although fewer viruses survive at low temperatures?

Yes, because we wear fur coats on the streets, and it’s hot in transport. Accordingly, our body tolerates temperature changes, and most people are not ready for this. In addition, few people are tempered.

Indeed, the influenza virus does not survive in extreme cold, but there are many other pathogens. In winter, we are faced with many troubles at once: wet weather, changes in atmospheric pressure or severe stress for a variety of reasons - it’s bad for the whole body, and the immune system is hardest of all.

- But the immune system does not weaken?

The immune system does not weaken, but is subjected to greater stress. In winter it is cold, damp, people get sick more often. Moreover, if a person has fallen ill with one disease and has not yet recovered, and someone sneezes on him, then he can get sick again. This happens less often in the summer because the environment is better.

- Does stress experienced by a person affect the immune system?

Immunity is also affected by such simple things as nutrition, rest, and morale. Stress, of course, too. The most obvious example is the stress that athletes experience. For example, if a runner is given an immunogram before a race, he will have the same blood parameters, but if done at the finish line, the results will be similar to the results of a person with a severe form of immunodeficiency.

Emotions excite the cortex and other brain structures; the hypothalamic-pituitary system forces the adrenal cortex to produce more hormones that negatively affect lymphocytes (protective cells). Therefore, if you are tired or overexerted, your immune system has a hard time. But there is no need to swallow medications, including immunomodulators. If possible, you should just rest, calm down, eat well, get vitamins, trace elements and minerals. If you do not have congenital immunity disorders, if you are a healthy person, then this will be enough for the body to start working well again.

Sometimes it even happens that people do not get sick due to some kind of adverse impact, because they are tense and concentrated on some kind of activity: the child got sick - the mother was mobilized, and then the child recovered - the mother relaxed and got an infection. Because the immune system, which has many influences, reacted incorrectly, internal regulation was disrupted.

- Does taking vitamins affect immunity?

There should be enough vitamins, but primarily through good nutrition. Naturally, there are periods when immune cells lack resources. For example, in the spring, after a long period without berries, fruits and sun, or in regions where there is a lot of meat and little grain, people have a lack of B vitamins. Or a person simply eats monotonous food out of habit - then there are not enough vitamins and there is a need to take additional artificial ones.

Vitamins do not have a direct effect on the immune system: I drank it and there were more lymphocytes. Vitamins have an indirect effect. That is, they help improve the functioning of other systems and organs - and the immune system also becomes easier.

Genetically determined disease does not necessarily manifest itself from birth, it can manifest itself in adulthood: at 15 years, and at 35, and at 70

- How to recognize immunodeficiency?

Looking for illnesses in yourself is a thankless task. Many people feel that their symptoms always correspond to the disease being described.

There are so-called warning signs that may indicate immunodeficiency. Among them, it is worth highlighting more than six otitis media per year, two sinusitis per year, skin problems, taking antibiotics does not help for more than two months, thrush, vaccination complications, developmental delays, micronodules, features of the facial structure, fevers, arthritis, and so on. If you have two signs from the list, then you need to make an appointment with an immunologist.

- What causes immunodeficiencies?

There are a lot of primary immunodeficiencies: these are congenital, genetically determined diseases. Currently, more than 350 forms have been described. Primary immunodeficiencies have different genetic origins and varying degrees of severity. Some are harmless, and some are absolutely incompatible with life; if left untreated, patients can live no more than 12–18 months. Therefore, undiagnosed immunodeficiency in time can lead to death. The overall incidence of primary immunodeficiencies is approximately 1:10,000, although it varies widely among different forms.

Despite the fact that primary immunodeficiencies are of a genetic nature, the disease does not necessarily manifest itself from birth; it can also appear in adulthood: at 15 years, and at 35, and at 70. This does not apply to all forms of primary immunodeficiencies, but only to several , for most, a late start is casuistry. Why this happens is not yet fully understood; genetic defects are also influenced by various factors, which are called epigenetic. It is possible that there are other mechanisms that we have not yet recognized.

Secondary immunodeficiencies are not genetically determined; they are caused by exposure to certain factors: tumors, severe infections, tropical diseases, severe injuries and extensive burns. For example, a child falls ill with blood cancer (leukemia) - they begin to treat him with chemotherapy to kill tumor cells, and at the same time kill non-tumor cells - secondary immunodeficiency develops. Unlike primary ones, secondary immunodeficiencies are transient, that is, after the end of exposure to unfavorable factors, the immune system gradually recovers itself.

- How is immunodeficiency treated?

There are forms that do not even need to be treated. And there are those for whom conservative treatment will not help. Then it is necessary to change the diseased immune system to a healthy one, that is, to carry out a transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells, from which a healthy immune system is formed. In many forms, if you prescribe the necessary therapy (administer immunoglobulin, use antibiotics and other anti-infective drugs as indicated), you can live like people without the disease.