Case history of end-stage chronic renal disease. Medical history of chronic renal failure

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Relevance of the topic: The product range of a pharmaceutical organization is of great socio-economic importance, since its quality determines the completeness of satisfaction of consumer demand and the level of trade services to market entities. A rationally formed assortment accelerates the turnover of goods and increases the efficiency of the enterprise. Thus, the product range must be studied in order to satisfy consumer demand, attract new customers, increase profits and increase the competitiveness of the pharmacy organization.

Currently, due to the deteriorating environmental situation and climate change, the incidence of respiratory diseases in our country has increased, and as a result, the demand for intranasal drugs has increased. This group of drugs occupies a significant part of the range and is in high demand, especially in the autumn-winter period, when diseases such as rhinitis and ARVI are widespread, that is, there is a peak incidence.

Thus, a properly formed assortment of intranasal drugs in a pharmacy that satisfies all consumer requirements can bring huge profits to a pharmacy organization, which is especially important in the context of the high competition of pharmacy organizations that we currently see.

The general foundations for studying assortment policy were laid by: Skripkina A.V., Kotler F., G.L. Azreva, K. Bowman, A. Weissman, A.P. Gradov, J.I.M. Putyatina and others. However, no one has yet studied consumer preferences in the Stolichki pharmacy chain, so this topic is relevant.

Goal: optimization of the range of intranasal drugs in the Stolichki pharmacy chain.

Research objectives:

Conduct a content analysis of literature sources devoted to the analysis of the range of medicines.

Give a general description of intranasal drugs.

Explore the range of intranasal drugs in the Stolichki pharmacy chain.

Compare prices for intranasal medications used for rhinitis in pharmacies of the Stolichki chain with the price range of Moscow pharmacies.

Research methods:

Retrospective analysis


Main partChapter 1. Assortment policy of pharmacy organizations

Pharmacy assortment

The word “assortment” is borrowed from French, where assortiment comes from assortir - “to select, sort, harmonize” (from sort - “grade”). In the Russian language, the word “assortment” has become widespread since the middle of the 19th century, and became known somewhat earlier - at the beginning of the 19th century.

Based on the meaning of the word “assortment,” let’s define the concept of assortment of a pharmacy organization:

The assortment of a pharmacy organization is a set of medicines and other medical (pharmacy) products, formed according to certain criteria.

Each pharmacy retail organization must create its own optimal range of medications in order to maximize profits from sales. She should correctly distribute her financial resources, relatively speaking, she needs to choose: purchase a large number of batches of a cheap drug or several packages of an expensive one.

There are several stages of working with an assortment: planning, formation and management.

Assortment planning

Assortment planning is the process of identifying promising trade names that will fill the assortment portfolio, satisfy consumer needs and ensure profitable operation for the pharmacy enterprise.

In his article, Yu. Lysak considers an integrated approach to assortment planning and indicates the following factors that should be taken into account when planning:

sales volume of each product item or certain group of goods;

features of the organization of the pharmacy itself;

location features;

customer needs and preferences;

Yu. Lysak also points out in his work a method of planning changes in the assortment, such as defect analysis. This method allows you to identify the demand for unavailable drugs by recording demand in the accounting system or on paper. But this method has a significant drawback: the data may be distorted due to an insufficient defect tracking system.

1.2. Formation of the assortment of a pharmacy organization

The process of forming the assortment of a pharmacy organization can be divided into the following stages:

1. Conducting market research (the morbidity level of the population is assessed; the demand for medicines and non-medicinal assortment is determined; an expert assessment of medicines is carried out; consumer preferences are assessed and determined; the approximate number of consumers-beneficiaries is calculated; competitors are assessed);

2. Taking into account the regulatory framework in force in the Russian Federation (trade rules; approved lists of drugs; categories of drug dispensing; restrictions on the dispensing of certain drugs (for example, tightening since 2017 of the dispensing of a number of drugs previously dispensed without a prescription); rules for free and preferential vacation);

3. Direct formation of the assortment (a list of main pharmacotherapeutic groups (PGs) is determined; then the PGs are distributed depending on demand; the number of positions in each PG is determined; a list of drugs is developed for a specific pharmacy);

4. The economic indicators of the formed assortment are calculated (the share of sales volume of individual groups and product names is calculated; the share of income by pharmacotherapeutic groups is determined; the speed of movement of drugs is calculated; inventory indicators are assessed);

5. Indicators of financial and economic activity are assessed, primarily trade turnover and profit;

6. Based on the results of financial and economic activities, decisions are made on the pharmacy assortment (if necessary, the assortment is analyzed for its width, depth, richness and comparability).

At first glance, it seems that it is necessary to increase the number of product units and expand the range, but this is not always the case. When forming an assortment, certain factors should be taken into account.

In his article, Satler V.V. highlights the criteria that should be paid attention to when forming an assortment. Among them, we can highlight criteria that a pharmacy can influence when planning and forming an assortment, and which it cannot. [17]

Tables 1. Criteria that are taken into account when forming the assortment.

We can influence

We can NOT influence

Trends in the development of the pharmaceutical and pharmacy market;

Demand for medicines;

Economic indicators of the assortment: share of sales volume of individual pharmacotherapeutic groups and names; share of income for the group and for individual product lines; speed of drug movement.

Mandatory minimum range of medicines for pharmacies;

List of medicines available without prescription;

Morbidity rate of the population (its level);

Income level (purchasing power) of consumers;

Therapeutic effectiveness of drugs;

Competitiveness of drugs;

Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of drugs.

In my opinion, the most important criteria are: the demand for drugs, the speed of movement of the drug and the profitability of their sales.

Also, when starting work on assortment formation, it is necessary to take into account certain factors that can influence this process.

Factors influencing the formation of the assortment are divided into general and specific.

General factors are factors that do not depend on the specific operating conditions of a pharmacy organization; These include: consumer demand and production of goods.

Specific factors are factors that reflect the specific operating conditions of a pharmacy organization. These include the following factors, which can be divided into: factors that we can control when forming the assortment and which we cannot influence.

Table 2. Factors influencing the formation of the assortment.

We can influence

We can NOT influence

size of the pharmacy organization;

type and type of pharmacy;

pharmacy specialization;

conditions of goods supply and logistics;

technical equipment of the pharmacy;

number of suppliers;

degree of renewal of the product range;

the presence of direct competitors in the area of ​​operation of this pharmacy, the number and composition of the population served, the qualifications of employees;

typical diseases for the area where the pharmacy operates;

the presence of medical organizations in the pharmacy service area;

demography of the region;

economic factors (VED, possible sizes of trade markups, tax intensity, etc.);

information circulation in the “patient-doctor-pharmacy” system.

I also believe that it is necessary to take into account whether the pharmacy is a chain or a single pharmacy, and what form of display of goods is: open, closed or mixed.

1.3. Assortment management

Product assortment management refers to the activity of forming, maintaining and improving the assortment of goods in order to ensure the profitability of trade.

Marketers usually highlight the following main points of assortment management:

Formation of assortment;

Establishing the level of requirements according to its characteristics - breadth, depth, richness and harmony.

Breadth is characterized by the number of assortment groups that make up the product nomenclature of a pharmacy organization. For example, if a pharmacy sells medicines and optics, then the breadth of its assortment is equal to two.

1.3.1. Main characteristics of the product range

The depth is determined by the number of assortment items in each assortment group. In the pharmacy it is characterized by a variety of dosages, concentrations, and packaging of one name of the drug. That is, when we have in our assortment not just an ampoule solution of analgin, but in different concentrations, different packaging and dosages, registered in the State Register of Medicines, then the depth of such an assortment is satisfactory. On the one hand, a deep assortment allows you to maximally satisfy the needs of consumers and makes it possible to offer them a wide range of prices, which increases the competitiveness of the pharmacy, but on the other hand, maintaining such an assortment requires a large amount of money, that is, a deep assortment increases the costs of a pharmaceutical organization.

Saturation is the number of positions in all product assortment groups. The saturation of a pharmacy organization with goods depends on growth in demand, high profitability of goods, and the introduction of new competitive medicines and medical products to the market. Currently, in connection with the state import substitution program, the pharmaceutical market is constantly being saturated with new drugs.

Harmony is characterized by the degree of interchangeability of goods of different product groups in terms of their purpose, requirements for the organization of production, promotion on the market and use.

2. Content analysis of the Russian market of intranasal drugs used for rhinitis

Rhinitis or inflammation syndrome of the nasal mucosa can have an allergic or non-allergic, infectious etiology. Approximately 50% of the adult population suffers from bacterial or viral rhinitis. An even higher incidence rate is observed in children. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis in different countries of the world is 4-32%, in Russia - 10-24%. Allergic rhinitis is often associated with bronchial asthma; 55-85% of patients with bronchial asthma report symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Currently, in the complex therapy of rhinitis, various groups of drugs are used, among which selective α2-adrenomimetic drugs for intranasal administration occupy a special place. This pharmacological group is used to relieve the symptoms of the disease, providing a local vasoconstrictor effect and relieving swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Based on statistical data, we can conclude that quite a large number of people, of different age groups, are interested in purchasing drugs from the product range we are studying. It should also be noted that for the most part, intranasal drugs used for rhinitis are OTC drugs (over-the-counter drugs), which makes them more accessible to the consumer.

Currently, 232 drugs are registered in Russia that have α 2 -adrenomimetic activity and are used for rhinitis of various etiologies. At the same time, only 7 international non-proprietary names of this group are registered on the Russian pharmaceutical market. And only one INN is included in the list of vital and essential drugs - xylometazoline.

Figure 1 - Structure of selective α2-adrenomimetic INNs

by number of trade names.

The leading position in the Russian pharmaceutical market in terms of the number of registered trade names is occupied by drugs with INN xylometazoline (57%), oxymetazoline (24%) and naphazoline (9%). The remaining INNs range from 1% to 4%. [rice. 1]

Based on the number of active ingredients in the drug, the α 2 -adrenergic agonist drug market is divided into single-drug drugs and combination drugs:

Figure 2 - Structure of the Russian market of selective α2-adrenomimetic drugs used in the treatment of rhinitis by the number of active ingredients.

The majority of drugs belonging to the group of α 2 -adrenomimetics are single-drug drugs (93%) and only 7% are combination drugs. [rice. 2]

Intranasal medications are available in three dosage forms, drops, sprays and nasal gels. In the diagram below we can see what share of the pharmaceutical market this or that form occupies:

Figure 3 - Structure of the Russian market of selective α2-adrenomimetic drugs used in the treatment of rhinitis by dosage form.

Thus, based on the data in the diagram, we can conclude that half of the drugs included in the group under study are available in the form of a nasal spray (50%). Slightly less, namely 44%, are presented in the form of nasal drops, and gels account for only 6%.

Figure 4 - Structure of the Russian market of selective α 2-adrenomimetic drugs used in the treatment of rhinitis by country of production.

The leader of the Russian market of intranasal drugs by country of origin is Russia (50%). Germany ranks second (15%). The rest of the countries range from 1 to 4%. [rice. 4]


Pharmacy "Stolichki" belongs to the social network pharmacies and is very popular among the population. The range of intranasal drugs used for rhinitis is represented by 87 trade names, which is approximately 38% of the range of the Russian market of drugs in this group. Of the 7 INNs, only 5 are presented in the pharmacy: xylometazoline, oxymetazoline, naphazoline, xylometazoline + dexapentanol and xylometazoline + ipratropium bromide. As we found out earlier, these drugs occupy leading positions in the number of trade names on the Russian market.

Figure 5 - Structure of selective α2-adrenomimetic INNs

medications used in the treatment of rhinitis

by the number of trade names in the Stolichki pharmacy chain.

The first place in the number of trade names is occupied by xylometazoline (56%), the second is naphazoline (19%), the third is oxymetazoline (15%), the fourth is the combination drug xylometazoline + ipratropium bromide (8%) and the fifth place is xylometazoline + dexapentanol (2 %). [rice. 5]

In the Stolichki pharmacy chain, intranasal drugs are presented in three dosage forms: drops, sprays and gels.

Figure 6 - structure of selective α2-adrenomimetic drugs used in the treatment of rhinitis in the Stolichki pharmacy chain by release form.

More than half of the range of intranasal medications in the Stolichki pharmacy chain is occupied by sprays (58%), slightly less by drops (40%), and gels account for only 2%. When compared with the Russian market, there are more gels registered than are present in the pharmacy’s assortment. [fig.6]

Figure 7 - structure of selective α2-adrenomimetic drugs used in the treatment of rhinitis in the Stolichki pharmacy chain by country of origin.

The Stolichki pharmacy chain contains drugs from 11 and 16 registered countries of origin. The leading position is occupied by Russia (35%), Germany is second (23%), and France is third (9%). The rest of the countries range from 1 to 7%.

Table 3. Intranasal medications used for rhinitis of various etiologies.


Prices in Moscow pharmacies

Prices in the Stolichki pharmacy chain

minimum price

maximum price

minimum price

maximum price

Snoop spray called. 0.05% 15ml

Tizin Classic spray called. 0.1% 10ml

Afrin spray called. 0.05% 15ml

Sanorin spray called. 0.1% 10ml

Otrivin spray called. 0.1% 10ml

Otrivin spray called. 0.1% 10ml (menthol-eucalyptus)

Rinostop spray called 0.1% 15ml

Nazivin spray called. 0.05% 10ml

Nasal spray called 0.1% 10ml

Rinonorm spray called. 0.1% 20ml

Thus, based on the data obtained, we can conclude that the Stolichki pharmacy chain does not have the lowest prices for intranasal medications used for rhinitis of various etiologies, but they do not reach the maximum threshold, remaining at an average level.


Having analyzed the literary sources devoted to the analysis of the assortment of medicines, I came to the conclusion that each pharmacy retail organization must create its own optimal assortment of medicines, based on the factors of its planning and formation.

Currently, 232 intranasal drugs used for rhinitis of various etiologies are registered in the Russian Federation. Most of them are single drugs (93%). The leader in the number of registered trade names is the drug with the INN xylometazoline (57%). The dominant dosage form is the nasal spray form (50%). 50% of the Russian market is occupied by domestically produced drugs.

In the Stolichki pharmacy chain, the range of intranasal medications used for rhinitis is represented by 87 trade names, which is approximately 38% of the range of the Russian market for drugs in this group. In terms of the number of trade names, the leading drug with the INN is xylometazoline (56%). More than half of the range of intranasal drugs is occupied by drugs in the form of nasal sprays (58%). The Stolichki pharmacy chain includes drugs from 11 and 16 registered manufacturing countries, with Russia taking the leading position (35%).

A study of prices for a range of intranasal medications used for rhinitis of various etiologies showed that the Stolichki pharmacy chains have an average price level compared to Moscow pharmacies.

The Stolichki pharmacy chain should expand the range of intranasal medications by including new trade names, and it is also necessary to monitor new products on the pharmaceutical market.


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Lychkovskaya M. N. Effective tools for creating an optimal assortment in pharmacy chains // Young scientist, 2015, No. 4. pp. 374-377.

Maksimkina E. Strategy for assortment formation//Russian pharmacies, 1999, No. 2. pp. 22-23.

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List of vital and essential drugs for medical use for 2018 [electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access - 05/20/2018)

Register of Medicines [Electronic resource]/Reference book system “Register of Medicines of Russia” - Access mode: (access date: 05/13/2018).

Russian Association of Allergologists and Clinical Immunologists. Clinical guidelines: allergic rhinitis, 2018. 23 p.

Satler V.V. Specifics of the assortment policy of pharmacy organizations in modern economic conditions//Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Conference “Economics, Management, Finance”. Krasnodar, 2018. pp. 121-124.

Semenova A.V. Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language // UNWES, 2003. 704 p.

Slavich-Pristupa A.S. Formation of assortment in pharmacies // Economic Bulletin of Pharmacy, 2004, No. 9. P. 11-15.

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Yagudina, R.I., Arinina E.E. School of Pharmacology: Rhinitis and ARVI // Russian Pharmacies, 2010, No. 4. pp. 21-23.


The share of pharmacological groups in the total volume of medicines used in detoxification therapy in narcology was determined by the number of international nonproprietary names (INN). As a result of the research, it was established that 55 INNs are represented on the Russian pharmaceutical market under 453 trade names (TN). In terms of the number of TN, the group of rehydrating drugs predominates, which indicates their great diversity. Next comes the group of vitamins, which is slightly inferior to the leading group. The smallest number of TN is represented by the group of antipsychotic drugs. Medicines used in detoxification therapy in narcology are supplied to the Russian market by 72 manufacturing companies from 22 countries. The assortment structure is dominated by domestically produced drugs – 337 TN (74.4 %). The rest of the assortment comes from foreign manufacturers – 116 TN (25.6 %). Among them, Germany occupies the leading place - 23 TN (5.1 %), followed by Ukraine and Belarus - 20 TN each (4.4 %). A small share of the assortment is represented by products from foreign countries, such as Hungary, Serbia, Belgium, Poland, India, etc. In detoxification therapy in narcology, most drugs are represented by solutions, since dosage forms for parenteral administration are more in demand, which is explained by the need for a rapid onset of effect and recovery from the state of intoxication. Among the solutions, depending on the method of administration, solutions for infusion predominate. A fifth is in solutions for intramuscular administration. Next come solutions for intravenous administration. In order to study the retail market for drugs used in detoxification therapy in narcology, the assortment indicators of the pharmacy organization GAUZ RND of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan were calculated: breadth, completeness and depth of the assortment. The assortment breadth coefficient of 0.76 indicates a wide range of drugs. The completeness coefficient shows a sufficient number of names of dosage forms of one pharmacological group available in a pharmacy organization. The low value of the depth coefficient indicates a small variety of drugs for detoxification therapy presented in the RND pharmacy organization. The range of medicines used in detoxification therapy in narcology, which is presented in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan by wholesale suppliers, has been studied and analyzed. Using price lists of regional distributors, a number of indicators were compiled in the form of an update index. Bronchodilators have the highest renewal index, followed by the group of detoxifying drugs. The lowest renewal index is for antispasmodics and carbohydrate nutrition products. When determining the degree of renewal, it was calculated that the group of rehydrating agents has a high renewal index. The analeptic group has the most significant renewal index.


used in detoxification therapy in narcology


structural analysis

1. Valentik Yu.V. Medical and social work in narcology / Yu.V. Valentik, O.V. Zykov, M.G. Tsetlin. – Arkhangelsk: ed. Arkhangelsk State Medical Academy, 2007. – 301 p.

2. Ivanets N.N. Lectures on narcology - M.: Medpraktika, 2001. - P. 223–229.

3. Koshkina, E.A. Features of the use of surfactants among the population of certain regions of Russia / E. A. Koshkina, K. V. Vyshinsky // Narcology. – 2010. – No. 4. – P. 16–24.

4. Kuzminov V.N. Drug addiction, substance abuse: pharmacotherapy of drug-related diseases / V.N. Kuzminov, A.S. Abrosimov // Medicines in narcopsychopharmacology. – Kharkov: Prapor, 2002. – P. 68–107.

5. List of medicines registered, included in the state register of medicines and approved for medical use in the Russian Federation (as of April 2012, according to the electronic database of the state register of medicines).

6. Sagittarius, N.V. Emergency conditions in chronic alcoholism / N.V. Sagittarius, S.I. Utkin // Psychiatry and psychopharmacotherapy. – 2001. – T. 3, No. 3. – P. 83–88.

7. Fattakhov F.Z. Analysis of the activities of drug treatment institutions in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2009–2011. / F.Z. Fattakhov, G.G. Tukhvatullin, I.V. Tazetdinov. – Kazan: Republican Narcological Dispensary of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, 2011. – 150 p.

By the end of the twentieth century, the abuse of alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substances (PAS) swept the entire world and became a pandemic. According to experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of patients with diseases associated with addiction to psychoactive substances alone today is about 500 million people.

At the regional level, including in the Republic of Tatarstan (RT) (according to the State Autonomous Institution "Republican Narcological Dispensary (RND) of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan"), alcoholic pathologies also have high rates.

Currently, there are nine groups of emergency conditions in narcology. For each group, appropriate approaches to intensive care are proposed and treatment regimens are developed.

Intensive therapy methods currently used in narcology remain ineffective because Indications for their use have not been developed and there are no clearly substantiated comprehensive programs. One of the main methods is detoxification. The patient is given infusion therapy in a volume of 40-50 ml/kg under the control of central venous pressure, blood plasma osmolarity, average erythrocyte diameter, water-electrolyte balance, acid-base status and diuresis. If necessary, diuresis can be stimulated with diuretics or appropriate selection of the volume of infusion therapy. The specific choice of drugs and solutions for infusion therapy should be based on the existing violations in this case. Thus, it is necessary to replenish water losses, replenish electrolyte losses, improve the rheological properties of blood, i.e. increasing its suspension properties, reducing viscosity and aggregation of formed elements, increasing the osmolarity of the fluid in the vascular bed, detoxification itself, which is carried out by transfusion of hemodez or neocompensan solutions, vitamin therapy, electrochemical methods of detoxification, especially one of its variants - the method of indirect electrochemical oxidation of blood, in which the blood does not directly come into contact with the electrodes, and a physiological solution (0.89%) undergoes electrolysis, resulting in the formation of atomic oxygen in the composition of sodium hypochloride at the anodes. The infusion volume averages 400-600 ml per day.

The basic principles of pharmacotherapy for emergency conditions should include a syndromic approach. The most common complications of chronic intoxication are liver damage (hepatoprotectors are prescribed), autonomic disorders (benzodiazepine tranquilizers are used), neurological disorders (drugs that improve cerebral circulation, metabolism, anticonvulsants, dehydration therapy, and vitamin therapy are prescribed).

Against the backdrop of a tense situation with drug addiction diseases, a rejuvenation of the patient population, and a growing range of medicines, the development of marketing strategies for institutional consumers is required.

The purpose of this research is to determine the structure of the range of drugs used in detoxification therapy in narcology using marketing analysis methods.

Materials and research methods

Economic and statistical (comparisons, groupings, rankings), marketing methods of analysis.

Research results and discussion

Using federal standards for the treatment of drug addiction patients, 55 international nonproprietary names (INN) of medicinal substances used in detoxification therapy were identified. For a structural analysis of the assortment, drugs registered in the State Register of Drugs of the Russian Federation were considered.

Medicines used in detoxification therapy in narcology belong to 25 pharmacological groups. In terms of the largest number of INNs, the group of hepatoprotectors predominates - 16.0%. Next comes the group of vitamins - 10.0%. The group of hypoglycemic drugs makes up 8.0% of the total volume of drugs (Fig. 1).

As a result of the research, it was established that 55 INNs are represented on the Russian pharmaceutical market under 453 trade names (TN). In terms of the number of TN, the group of rehydrating drugs predominates (47 TN), which indicates their great diversity. Next comes the group of vitamins (46 TN), which is slightly inferior to the leading group. The smallest number of TN (2 TN) is represented by the group of antipsychotic drugs used in detoxification therapy in narcology.

Medicines used in detoxification therapy in narcology are supplied to the Russian market by 72 manufacturing companies from 22 countries (Fig. 2).

Rice. 1. The share of pharmacological groups in the total volume of drugs used in detoxification therapy in narcology, by the number of INNs

Rice. 2. Assortment outline of the Russian market segment of drugs used in detoxification therapy in narcology

It should be noted that the structure of the assortment is dominated by drugs of domestic production - 337 TN (74.4%). The rest of the assortment comes from foreign manufacturers - 116 TN (25.6%). Among them, Germany occupies the leading place with 23 TN (5.1%), followed by Ukraine and Belarus - 20 TN each (4.4%). A small share of the assortment is represented by products from foreign countries, such as Hungary, Serbia, Belgium, Poland, India, etc.

An important component of the therapeutic effect in the treatment of most diseases is the correct choice of dosage form. In detoxification therapy in narcology, the majority of drugs are represented by solutions (79.82%), since dosage forms for parenteral administration are more in demand, which is explained by the need for a rapid onset of effect and recovery from the state of intoxication (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Structure of the range of drugs used for AI by dosage forms

Among solutions, depending on the method of administration, solutions for infusion predominate (45.40%). A fifth falls on solutions for intramuscular administration (18.0%). This is followed by solutions for intravenous and intramuscular administration (12.60%) (Fig. 4).

We also studied and analyzed the range of drugs used in detoxification therapy in narcology, represented in the Republic of Tatarstan by the following wholesale suppliers: Medif, Kazan-Pharm, SIA-International, Protek, Katren, Baltimore ", "Pharmacy Holding", etc. Using the price lists of regional distributors, a number of indicators were compiled in the form of an update index (Fig. 5).

In addition, we also calculated the update index by pharmacological groups (table).

Rice. 4. Methods of administration of drugs used in detoxification therapy in narcology

Rice. 5. Index for updating the range of drugs used in detoxification therapy in narcology from regional distributors

Index of updating the assortment of regional distributors by pharmacological groups

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Update index


Cardiac glycosides




Carbohydrate foods


Regulators of phosphorus-calcium metabolism


Rehydrating products

Products that restore electrolyte balance


Detoxification agents


ACE inhibitors

Slow calcium channel blockers

Thus, it has been established that among the drugs used in detoxification therapy in narcology, the highest renewal index is for bronchodilators (0.66), followed by the group of detoxification drugs - 0.37. The lowest renewal index for antispasmodics and carbohydrate nutrition products is 0.06 each. When determining the degree of renewal, it was calculated that the group of rehydrating agents has a high renewal index (0.70). The analeptic group has the highest renewal index - 0.80. The lowest renewal index is 0.05 for vitamins.

In order to study the retail market for drugs used in detoxification therapy in narcology, indicators of the assortment of the RND pharmacy organization were calculated: breadth, completeness and depth of the assortment. Considering that the number of assortment subgroups in a pharmacy organization is 19, and the number of groups permitted and represented in the State Register is 25, the assortment breadth coefficient was: 19/25 = 0.76. The pharmacy of the RND Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan offers drugs of all dosage forms with the exception of suspensions. The assortment completeness coefficient was: 5/6 = 0.83. Understanding a drug variety as the final form of release, taking into account the following indicators: size, volume, concentration, type and shape of packaging, the depth of the assortment was calculated: 47/563 = 0.083. The assortment breadth coefficient is closer to 1.0, which indicates a wide range of drugs presented in the RND pharmacy organization.

The completeness coefficient (0.83) shows a sufficient number of names of dosage forms of one drug or one pharmacological group available in a pharmacy organization. A low value of the depth coefficient (0.083) indicates a small variety of drugs for detoxification therapy.

Our results allow us to draw the following conclusions:

  • The range of medicines used in detoxification therapy in narcology is represented by 453 trade names of 55 international non-proprietary names from 25 pharmacotherapeutic groups, with a significant part of the range coming from domestic manufacturers (71.2%), and solutions predominate in dosage forms (78. 9%), administered as infusions (45.4%);
  • Among the groups of drugs used in detoxification therapy in narcology, bronchodilators have the highest renewal index, followed by the group of detoxification drugs. The lowest renewal index is for antispasmodics and carbohydrate nutrition products. When determining the degree, it was found that the group of rehydrating agents has a high renewal index. The analeptic group has the highest renewal index. Vitamins have the lowest renewal index;
  • The pharmacy organization GAUZ RND Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan offers a wide range of drugs, a sufficient number of names of dosage forms of one drug or one pharmacological group and a small variety of drugs for detoxification therapy.


Tukhbatullina R.G., Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head. Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Kazan State Medical University, Kazan;

Nasybullina N.M., Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Kazan State Medical University, Kazan.

The work was received by the editor on December 19, 2013.

Bibliographic link

URL: (access date: 01/04/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Basic indicators are used to characterize the assortment

Assortment indicators:

  • Ш Latitude;
  • Ш Completeness;
  • W Depth;
  • Ш Structure (share);
  • Ш Update index.
  • 1. The breadth of assortment is characterized by the number of assortment groups of goods available for sale.

An indicator of the breadth of assortment is latitude coefficient- Ksh:

Shfact. - the number of groups, subgroups of goods available in the organization or produced by industry;

Shbaz. - the number of groups, subgroups of goods approved for use in the country and presented in the State Register of Medicines and Medical Products.

For example: if among the assortment groups of goods in a pharmacy there are 3 available (there is no medical equipment), and there may be 4 groups (see classification), then

Ksh = * = 0.75

2. The completeness of the assortment is characterized by the number of subtypes of one type of product available in the organization or produced by industry. Subtypes of such a product as drugs can be dosage forms: tablets, dragees, capsules, injection solutions, ointments, suppositories, etc.

An indicator of the completeness of the drug range is completeness factor- Kp:

Pfact. - the number of names of dosage forms of one drug or one pharmacotherapeutic group (PTG) available in the pharmacy institution under study;

Pbaz. - the number of names of dosage forms of one drug or one (FTG) approved for use in the country.

Ideally, this coefficient should be equal to 1.0. However, in real conditions it is lower and, depending on the volume of work of the pharmacy, the demand for drugs or FTG, being in the range of 0.4-0.8.

3.Depth of assortment characterizes the presence of varieties of one type of goods available in an organization or produced by industry, i.e. These are variants of individual products. A type of drug refers to specific drugs of a certain dosage form, dosage concentration, packaging, etc.

An indicator of the depth of the assortment is the depth coefficient Kg:

Gfact. - the number of names of medicinal products of one drug or FTG available in the pharmacy;

Gbaz. - the number of names of medicinal products of one drug or FTG approved for use in the country.

4. The structure of the assortment is the quantitative ratio of groups, subgroups, types, names of individual goods in the general set of goods. The assortment structure is calculated as the ratio of individual groups to the total number of products included in the assortment. Structure indicators can be expressed as percentages or shares of the whole, i.e. from one.

The structure of the drug assortment is characterized by the share of individual FTGs in the total number of drug items available (or sold) in a pharmacy.

Share individual FTGs in the assortment are calculated using the formula:

Aftg - FTG assortment (number of items),

AO - general assortment (number of items).

In addition, the share of each group can be calculated based on turnover:

Also, the structure of the drug assortment is characterized by the share of sales of individual FTGs in the total volume of consumption. Thus, among the leading groups in the structure of the drug assortment, antibiotics, cardiovascular drugs, psychostimulants, analgesics, and drugs for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract predominate.

Stability of the assortment characterized by changes in indicators of breadth, completeness, depth and structure of the assortment over the time periods under study.

The formation of an organization’s assortment involves its constant replenishment and updating in accordance with the needs of the population.

Assortment update- this is the replacement of existing goods with new ones with better consumer properties that most fully satisfy the needs of consumers:

The assortment is updated in two directions:

  • 1. introduction of new nomenclature items;
  • 2. exclusion from the State Register of obsolete goods.

Degree (index) of renewal (lo)- this is the share of new products introduced into sale during the last year, five-year period or other time period under study:

lo = m/M, Where

m - number of new products,

M is the total number of items in the pharmacy’s assortment or approved for use in the country.

The higher the o, the better the update is considered.

To characterize the assortment of a pharmacy, an indicator of the completeness of use of the assortment of drugs can be used.

Complete use of the assortment Medicines (Pi) characterizes the degree of use of the range of medicines available in a pharmacy over a certain period of time. Pi is calculated using the formula:

a - the number of names of medicinal products of one drug OR FTG that are in demand in a pharmacy during the period of time under study;

A is the number of names of medicinal products of one drug or FTG available in the assortment of a pharmacy.

Conduct an analysis of the indicators of the assortment of drugs containing diphenhydramine for a conventional pharmacy (calculate the coefficients of completeness, depth, renewal index and completeness of use).

Outgoing data (conditional)

1. Determination of the assortment completeness coefficient.

According to the State Register, 6 dosage forms of diphenhydramine are approved for use in Russia, incl. Angro powder (kg), tablets, sticks, suppositories, injection solution in ampoules and a syringe - tube. During the study period, the pharmacy had 4 dosage forms available: Angro powder, tablets, suppositories and solution for injection in ampoules. Hence:

Kp = 4:6 = 0.67

Calculations showed the value of Kp<1, что не способствует полному удовлетворению потребности населения в случае индивидуальной лекарственной терапии.

2. Determination of the assortment depth coefficient.

According to the State Register, 9 diphenhydramine preparations are approved for use in Russia, including Angro. The pharmacy had 6 in stock, incl. angro, tablets of 2 dosages and ampoules. Hence:

Kg = 6:9 = 0.67

Since a number of diphenhydramine preparations are not available in the pharmacy, the resulting Kg is also less than 1.

3. Determination of the update index.

According to the condition, the new drug is diphenhydramine sticks of 50 mg. Therefore, the index for updating the range of drugs for diphenhydramine is small and amounts to only:

Io = 1:9 = 0.11

4. Determining the completeness of use of the assortment.

In the process of studying the assortment of diphenhydramine-containing drugs, it was found that out of 6 drugs available in the pharmacy, 5 drugs were in demand: angro powder, solution for injection, tablets of 50 mg and 100 mg, suppositories of 20 mg. Hence:

Pa = 5:6 x 100% = 83.3%

Thus, when developing an assortment policy in a pharmacy, attention should be paid, firstly, to increasing the completeness and depth of the assortment of diphenhydramine-containing drugs through the purchase of unavailable drugs; secondly, on the introduction of new drugs into the pharmacy assortment and better use of existing ones.

Methods for studying the range of medicines

Currently, various methods are used to analyze the assortment of the pharmaceutical market, depending on the goals set in the marketing research.

In most cases, this may be an analysis of the assortment of the regional or local market and the use of drugs by medical specialists in the treatment of outpatient and inpatient patients. The information obtained during such studies makes it possible to formulate an organization’s assortment policy depending on the supply of goods available on the market, as well as on the demand for drugs.