The history of traffic lights: from the gas jet to artificial intelligence. How traffic lights have changed from the 19th century to the present day

100 years of traffic lights! August 5th, 2014

Exactly one hundred years ago, on August 5, 1914, the American Traffic Light Company installed the first electric traffic light at the intersection of 105th Street and Euclid Avenue in Cleveland. It had a red and green signal and made a beep when switching.

one of the first electric traffic lights

In fact, the first traffic light was installed on December 10, 1868 in London near the British Parliament. Its inventor is John Peake Knight. The traffic light was manually controlled and had two semaphore arrows: raised horizontally meant a stop signal, and lowered at an angle of 45° meant moving with caution. In the dark, a rotating gas lamp was used, with the help of which red and green signals were given, respectively. The traffic light was used to make it easier for pedestrians to cross the street, and its signals were intended for vehicles - while pedestrians are walking, vehicles must stop. However, this device did not work for long. Less than a month later, on January 2, 1869, a traffic light gas lamp exploded, injuring the traffic light policeman.

After this advent, traffic lights were forgotten for almost 50 years. Therefore, perhaps August 5, 1914 should be considered his real birthday. A traffic light in the familiar three-color (red, yellow, green) design appeared in 1920. Drive straight and turn left when the signal is green. But turning right... was allowed at any time in the absence of interference.

Following America, the Old World adopted traffic lights. The first was installed in 1922 in Paris. Other European capitals followed suit.

German traffic lights had a rather interesting design. They were a small tower with a booth where a policeman climbed in and regulated traffic. Needless to say, the advent of traffic lights has significantly simplified traffic management. For example, on Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, before the appearance of traffic lights, as many as 11 policemen were involved in regulating traffic.

By the way, one of these towers is still preserved in Berlin.

In the USSR, the first traffic light was installed on January 15, 1930 in Leningrad at the intersection of 25 October and Volodarsky avenues (now Nevsky and Liteyny avenues). And the first traffic light in Moscow appeared on December 30 of the same year at the corner of Petrovka and Kuznetsky Most streets.

Our country, as often happens, did not adopt Western experience, but went its own way. This is how the first traffic lights in Moscow looked unusual for a modern driver.

The device resembled a lantern, on each side of which there was a circle divided into unequal parts. It's very similar to a clock with a hand that goes around in a circle. The color it points to is the signal.

However, such traffic lights did not take root for long. Soon they were replaced with classic ones.

However, even here everything was not like that of other people. Red and green colors were in places opposite to the current ones. Only in 1959 did the USSR accede to the International Convention on Road Traffic and the Protocol on Road Signs and Signals. The traffic light has acquired a modern look.

Almost until the end of the Soviet era, a large number of traffic lights were controlled manually. A special person sat in a glass booth and pressed buttons to regulate the movement.

Fortunately, science has not stood still. Now the traffic lights themselves switch to the desired mode according to the programmed program. However, even now you can sometimes see how manual control is carried out.

By the way, a traffic light is not only a stand with multi-colored light bulbs, but also a controller that controls them. This is what the electronic components of a modern traffic light look like.

The average cost of constructing a new traffic light facility ranges from 1.5 to 5 million rubles.

The maintenance and regulation of this entire facility in Moscow is carried out by the Traffic Management Center, which a couple of years ago was supposed to unite all the city’s traffic lights into a single Intellectual Transport System. But something didn't work out.

Did you know that in our country there is a traffic light monument, and not even one?

In Novosibirsk (installed in 2006),

in Tomsk (2010).

There is even a whole traffic light tree in Penza (2011). It turns out that the head of the local administration proposed making it from old traffic lights.

photo Alexander Kachkaev

True, the idea is not entirely original, but clearly borrowed from London, where the world-famous Traffic Light tree is located. But for conservative Russia this is a big step forward.

photo wikipedia

We laughed and that's enough. A traffic light is a serious matter. It is worth quoting a famous phrase from a 1923 patent: The purpose of the traffic light is to make the order of passage through the intersection independent of the person sitting in the car.

Let us raise our glasses so that this principle will never be violated. Happy holiday!)

Today this device, located on almost every corner, is directly associated with road safety. However, traffic lights can surprise not only with discoveries, but also with clashes between citizens and authorities, and even bans on their use. The invention had to go through a difficult path from a traffic controller’s tool to a traffic symbol.

How important a place a traffic light plays in our lives can be judged by statistics. Tireless scientists have calculated that, in total, a resident of a metropolis has to stand at a traffic light for about two weeks throughout his entire life. However, first things first.

History of traffic lights


It is easy to guess that the appearance of the traffic light is connected with the railway. Immediately after the start of mass use of trains, the need arose to regulate their movement. A few decades later, the mechanical semaphore used there appeared at a central London intersection.

In 1868, a specialist in the above-mentioned semaphores assembled a traffic controller based on them for an intersection near the House of Commons building in England. During the day, movement is directed by arrows that have two positions: horizontal (stop) and downward at an angle of 45°. Wheelchairs driving from the bridge onto George Street (or vice versa) were required to move with caution when they saw the second sign. At night, instead of them, rotating gas lamps began to work, which, like the semaphore wings, were driven by manual force.

In 1869, the first accident involving a traffic light occurs. The red and green colors of the lanterns attracted many guests to London, and some even traveled to it from the continent. However, less than a year after installation it was dismantled and forgotten for almost half a century. Despite the six-meter height of the first traffic light, the exploding lamp injured a guard, and the authorities had to wait for the invention of a more reliable design. A special decree prohibited the use of such devices.

Electric traffic light

The history of the traffic light is directly related to discoveries in other areas. The most rapid development awaited it at the beginning of the 20th century, when electrification began its march across the planet. The first patent for the original device was issued in 1923 in the name of Garrett Morgan, but the traffic light itself was invented much earlier.

  • 1910 Thanks to the efforts of Henry Ford, more and more mechanized carriages are appearing in the United States, which pushes progress in related areas. This year, Ernst Sirin, a native of Chicago, patents the design of an automatic traffic light. The signal is not highlighted, but the inscriptions speak for themselves - Proceed and Stop.
  • 1912 A resident of Salt Lake City is assembling a traffic light powered by electricity - the device is being installed in the city center. Unfortunately for Lester Wire, he did not patent his invention.
  • 1914 The first traffic light system and the registration of the American Traffic Light Company. On August 5, in Cleveland (the intersection of Euclid Avenue and 105th Street), a system of four electric traffic lights controlled from a guard booth was installed. The date is considered the birthday of the traffic light.
  • 1920 Three-color traffic lights are appearing in Detroit and New York. William Potts, a police officer from Detroit, thought of adding yellow to the two standard colors.
  • 1920–1930 The emergence of traffic lights in Europe. (1922 - Paris, 1927 - England).
  • 1930 Traffic light regulation reaches the USSR. On January 15, an automatic traffic controller is installed in Leningrad (the intersection of modern Nevsky and Liteyny prospects). Progress reaches Moscow in December of the same year (Kuznetsky Most and Petrovka). True, they began to be installed in large numbers only in 1933, when the experiment was considered successful. The third city that decided to install them was Rostov-on-Don.

Modern traffic lights

It is impossible to say for sure when and where the presentation of the modern traffic light took place. The mass distribution of diodes began in the mid-90s. The possibility of widespread production of flashlights based on diodes of different colors leads to the emergence of a device that is closest to the modern one. Most often they could be found in Moscow.

Despite the fact that we talk about it in the singular, today's traffic light is made up of many devices. In fact, the traffic at each intersection is controlled by its own computer, built into the controller, which systematizes the appearance of signals, and at the same time the traffic. Motion sensors are aimed at the pedestrian lane or its intended location. Thanks to motion indexing, the device can be programmed to operate in unusual situations.

In large cities, synchronization and regulation of the operation of traffic lights located at a great distance is used through a single, remote control panel (no more than 250 meters from any device). Communication between remote controls is configured using the GSM network. The general algorithm and schedule are agreed upon and signed by the traffic police.

The system reacts to the breakdown of one of the devices and informs the inspector about it. The work program is quite complex, but the main goal is to allow the maximum amount of transport to pass through without delays. A full cycle of three signals ranges from 80 to 160 seconds and in the smartest systems it can adapt to traffic on the road. This is, for example, the SURTRAC system developed at Carnegie Mellon University. The computer in it regulates the operation of individual intersections based on information about traffic density in other areas.

The history of traffic lights for children begins with the color and meaning of the signals. The logic of choosing red and green is clear, but the arrangement of colors was not always this way. Until the early forties, the colors on traffic lights in the USSR were arranged in the reverse order, and the automatic traffic controller itself, with its toy appearance, could confuse the modern driver. Other facts can also be recalled.

  • Traffic light monuments can be found in different parts of the world. In Russia they can be seen on the streets of Novosibirsk and Perm. Both were opened in the 21st century: the first in 2006, and the second four years later.
  • The first city in Ukraine to use this device was Kharkov. The test model was installed in 1936.
  • There are a huge number of traffic lights in the world that regulate the movement of trains, river transport, etc. But the most amazing machine is located in Prague and coordinates the movement of pedestrians along Vinarna Čertovka Street. The fact is that its width is only 70 cm, and traffic jams can occur here without cars.
  • The last traffic light with the reverse arrangement of colors is in the city of Syracuse (USA). The first automatic traffic controllers installed here at the beginning of the last century caused violent indignation among local residents. Most of them came from Ireland, a country whose traditional color is green. At that time, red was associated with England. Residents smashed the windows of the machine until the authorities made concessions and turned the color signals upside down, putting green above red.

In the video - why these colors were chosen for traffic lights:


Over the entire century that has passed since its inception, traffic lights have managed to penetrate into all spheres of life. There are a huge number of types of regulatory boards designed for a wide variety of purposes. Ultra-precise traffic lights are even used in sports competitions.

Information displayed on the diode screen can inform the pedestrian and driver about the time remaining until the end of the signal. In the future, this direction will undoubtedly only develop, and, probably, over time, traffic lights will become so smart that we will completely rely on their work. In the meantime, it remains to closely monitor not only the signals, but also the situation on the road. Be vigilant, and then the green color will never change to red for you.

Yuri Moskalenko

On August 5, 1914, 95 years ago, the world's first traffic lights appeared at the intersection of Euclid Avenue and East 105th Street in the American city of Cleveland. They had switchable red and green lights and emitted a warning signal.

It would seem that everything is clear: there is a specific date, and all that remains is to see who came up with such a system? But in reality, everything is not so simple: here, as with the invention of football, several countries at once claim to be called the founders of this folk game. With traffic lights, too, everything is not so clear: there are plenty of contenders for the right to invention. It’s not for nothing that the famous poetess Larisa Rubalskaya once came up with the following lines:

Who invented the traffic light?

“It was, by the way,

Many years ago.

The plane was invented by a pilot,

The gardener invented a garden,

The tourist invented the road

The football player invented the ball.

But there's a lot left

Unsolvable problems.

Still unknown

Who invented the traffic light?

Who invented the traffic light? –

Still unknown.

Everyone does what they want

Whatever comes to mind.

And one day, by the way,

He will invent something.

A nail to the wall, a teapot to the jam,

Black bread for sour cabbage soup,

Much in life is not accidental

Wonderful things."

Who comes first?

The British are trying to take away the championship from the Americans. And they have a reason for this - the great-grandfather of the modern traffic light was installed on December 10, 1868 in London, near the British Parliament building. Its inventor, J.P. Knight, a specialist in railway semaphores, simply transferred the principle adopted in his department. His “traffic light” was manually controlled and had two semaphore wings. If the wings were raised horizontally, this meant a “stop” signal, and when they were lowered at an angle of 45 degrees, movement was allowed, but only “with caution.” In addition, a gas lantern was suspended from a high iron pole, covered with red glass on one side and green glass on the other. The lantern could be turned in one direction or the other using a handle installed at its base.

Daylight hours in London on December 10 are as short as a sparrow's beak. Not everyone had time to “slip through” during daylight hours. For the “latecomers,” Knight came up with a backlight. The “switch” of the signals was a special policeman who turned on the required light. But this invention only worked for less than a month - on January 2, 1869, the gas in the lantern exploded for some unknown reason, the policeman was seriously injured, and later died in the hospital. After which the “bobbies” flatly refused to stand guard near the gas lamp. Regulation has faded away. At least for a long 44 years.

Why does a detective need a traffic light?

In 1912, 24-year-old Salt Lake City police detective Lester Wire invented the first electric traffic light. First he made a large wooden box with a sloping roof, then circular holes in which there were glass, painted red and green. In order for everyone to see the “traffic light”, the box was installed on a long pole, and from it the wires were lowered in snakes onto a special cart. Here was the “control panel” for the traffic light.

And yet, many experts believe that the real traffic light was born on August 5, 1914 and was invented by Garrett Morgan, an African-American inventor and businessman from Cleveland, Ohio. Actually, Garrett needed a traffic light only after he bought his first car. His invention operated on the same principle as semaphores at railway sidings. The only difference was that Morgan came up with this move: each signal (red and green) turned on automatically for a certain amount of time. It is on this principle that almost all modern traffic lights operate. Both with and without hints in the form of a digital countdown...

True, Morgan managed to obtain a patent for the invention only nine years later, in 1923. And four years later, two inventors at once managed to “improve” the system proposed by Garrett. For example, such a “passage” was not without interest - if an approaching driver saw a red light at a traffic light, it would sound a horn using a special horn. The signal reached the ears of the policeman in the booth, who immediately switched the light. True, this system worked only up to a certain point, until the number of cars exceeded all permissible limits. Not every traffic controller could navigate the cacophony of sounds...

Italians have their own traffic light...

Here are two more interesting facts. Firstly, the yellow traffic light appeared in 1918, and secondly, in the Soviet Union, the first traffic light was installed in 1924 at the intersection of Kuznetsky Most and Petrovka streets in Moscow.

And the last thing: the coolest traffic light was invented by the Italians. This is what they call a special diet, according to which you can lose a few kilograms without blinking an eye….

They advise starting your meal with yellow foods. For example, potatoes, pumpkin, omelet, bell pepper of the appropriate color, banana, orange, persimmon, tangerine.

And finally, the meal ends with red foods and dishes: shrimp, lobster, salmon, tomatoes, carrots. And it is recommended to finish everything off with raspberries, strawberries, cherries, and pomegranates.

As you can see, here the colors also “switch” one after another...

Yuri Moskalenko On August 5, 1914, 95 years ago, the world's first traffic lights appeared at the intersection of Euclid Avenue and East 105th Street in the American city of Cleveland. They had switchable red and green

Did you know that the traffic light had a birthday on August 5th? And in 2014 he turned 100 years old! It was a century ago that the first electric traffic light was invented. You are experienced driver or a newbie after driving lessons? Doesn't matter! We think the history of the traffic light will be interesting for everyone to read.

The great-grandfather of our traffic light

Just imagine what it would be like on the roads, if we didn’t have a regular traffic light. But who should we thank for such a useful invention? This is what they say driving instructors.

The very first traffic light in human history was installed in December 1868 in London next to the Houses of Parliament. This smart device was created by a certain John Peake Knight, an engineer who worked on semaphores, that is, devices that regulate traffic. railway transport.

It was a simple design with two semaphore arrows. The first traffic light was controlled manually. A horizontal arrow meant stopping, and when the arrow was raised up at an angle of 45 degrees, you had to move extremely carefully. At night, the arrows were replaced with gas lamps of different colors. Red - stop, green - further movement is allowed.

The main task of traffic lights of that time was to make pedestrians crossing the roadway easier and safer.

When did the electric traffic light appear?

In 1912, thanks to Lester Wire, a resident of Utah in America, the first traffic light that operated from an electrical network appeared. But it was not patented. And only two years later, engineer James Hogue from Cleveland designed a device that became the prototype of the modern traffic light. Then four traffic controllers were immediately installed on crossroads 105th Street and Euclid Avenue. In addition to light signals, they could also give sound signals. Control came from a glass booth built nearby. There was always a duty officer there who was responsible for the operation of the traffic light.

Three-color traffic lights appeared a little later, in 1920, but instantly filled the streets of New York and Detroit. Their creators are considered to be John F. Harris and William Potts.

France became the first European country to install a traffic light. This happened in 1922, when residents of Paris began to drive according to the readings of these unique devices. In 1927, the traffic light reached England.

In our country, then the USSR, the first traffic light was installed in Leningrad at the intersection of modern Nevsky and Liteiny avenues (then they were called Volodarsky and 25 October Avenue). This happened in January 1930 and became a significant event in the history of Russian road traffic. A little later, in December, with traffic light Muscovites were also able to meet. It was installed on New Year's Eve, December 30, 1930.

By the mid-20s. In the last century, almost 50 types of traffic lights of various designs were invented. It is worth noting the invention of the Attica Traffic Signal Company. The system they developed could count down to the start by lighting up the lights. By the way, today such a scheme is actively used in motorsport.

How does a modern traffic light work?

If you think that a traffic light is a simple design with periodic switching of light displays, then you are deeply mistaken. Modern traffic lights are very complex devices. These include:

  • housing with lamps,
  • road controller alarm ,
  • special vehicle sensors.

Today, traffic lights are installed on special supports and poles along highways and mainly at intersections.

Rules this silent " traffic controller» a computer that independently selects and synchronizes movement in accordance with the constantly changing road situation. Sensors instantly record vehicles, as if setting the rhythm of their movement with the help of well-known light signals.

In large cities and metropolitan areas, traffic lights are combined into automated systems that control the movement of all city vehicles.

Such systems are capable of creating surprisingly complex effects, such as the “green wave”.

Further development of this motion control tool lies in the field of artificial intelligence development. Over time, the traffic light will take over the entire regulation of traffic flows, completely eliminating humans from this process.

Amazing facts

By the way, in Japan for a long time blue was the permissive color. signal traffic light.

The term “traffic light” entered the Russian language after the inclusion of this concept in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia in 1932.

And the largest traffic light is in London. This is the so-called “traffic light tree”, located on the square near the Canary pier. This design does not regulate anything, but is a kind of memorial and symbol of victory. It marks that the “three lights” have prevailed over the road chaos. The height of the memorial is 8 meters, and this traffic light consists of 75 devices controlled by just one computer.

On a note

Over the past hundred years, the three-color traffic controller has constantly evolved, becoming more complex, more convenient and smarter. Today there are traffic lights not only for cars, but also for pedestrians, trams, cyclists and even horses. Arrows appeared allowing red signal turn right, as well as sound signals, so that visually impaired people can safely cross the roadway.

Perhaps someone will think that traffic lights are some kind of restriction... But just think how many lives they have helped save over this century.

Traffic without these traffic controllers would be chaotic and extremely dangerous. When passing by, don't forget to say thank you...

P.S. We remind you once again that the prohibitory traffic light signal is not only red, but also yellow. Traffic for motorists and pedestrians Only allowed on green. Don't forget this simple rule and you will always be safe.

Video about why red, yellow and green signals are used in traffic lights:

Good luck at intersections and obey traffic rules!

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