Cure from any disease using digital series (G.P. Grabovoi)

Recently, the world has shown great interest in the work of Georgiy Petrovich Grabovoi, a unique person who leads the work on a program for human health, a mathematician who expresses any situation through formulas.

Grabovoi’s healing method includes diagnostics (information processing) and a recovery process. All cycles of Grabovoi’s work are based on clairvoyance (ask and receive an answer immediately) and remote control of information. Additionally, digital diagnostics are performed. “ I see my task not only in healing, I carry out regeneration (restoration) of matter, regardless of the original state" It is possible to restore an excised organ, says Grabovoi, even of a deceased person. “ This proves the illogicality of destruction, shows the technology of salvation and implements the principle of environmental safety in the world". The Lord created the world perfect, you can work miracles and live forever, but people are not spiritually ready for this.

Carrying out the recovery cycle is possible remotely - with thought. The speed of thought is 10 9 times faster than the speed of light! For a thought form, it doesn’t matter whether it is expressed positively or negatively, it immediately begins to create. In this way, a person unknowingly causes “damage” to himself or his loved ones. “ At least I could do it, otherwise I'm always unlucky!” If you want success, don’t say or think anything in a negative way. “ Say yes or no, the mean of the evil one.”

In Ancient Egypt they knew well the power of thought. It can begin to work instantly, but imprisoned in the unconscious with the help of spells, it can wait a long time in the wings and one day explode. Using their knowledge of human nature, the magicians of Egypt cast thought-form spells that protected the deep tombs of the dead from intruders. All Egyptologists who carried out excavations died at one time from unknown diseases.

Everyone can create a thought form using imagination, just make sure that it is intended for good. The negative thought form, having done its job, returns and threatens its creator with retribution. Evil is insatiable, it will consume both the offender and the avenger.

If we used our imagination to the fullest extent, we would achieve what we consider a miracle. If a person dear to you suffers from a disease that is not subject to traditional treatment, you can cure him with the help of a creative thought form. She will come into contact with the higher essence of the patient and help her materialize new cells to replace the dead..

The Lord created everything on earth perfect. Our double, the divine in us, the highest essence - perfect. Healing can happen instantly - that's what is called a miracle - when information about perfection is superimposed on the imperfection in us.

Words and spells have different meanings and different effects at different times. What was good 5 thousand years ago may now be incomprehensible and therefore scary - and rejected by us on a psychological level. Knowledge expressed in numbers is much more reliable. 2+2=4 at all times! What can be expressed in numbers is more provable, acceptable and explainable for a person than words and terms. Numbers and numbers overcome barriers of time and space. And in our brains there is a leveling of consciousness.

Higher mathematics, as a science, operates with endless series. Its formulas and numbers are close to reality.

The vibrations of words and letters are strong waves, runes, leaving an imprint on our entire lives. In different languages, in different peoples, vibrations are different. So the 22 letters of the English language have calmer vibrations than the 33 letters of Russian. And only numbers, combined with letters into a certain system, can influence people, regardless of what country they live in and in what time. The vibrations of words - waves with alternating peaks and troughs, following each other in a certain order - can be encoded using numbers. Each letter is assigned a specific number. This is numerology. The speed of number perception is the speed of transformation of space and time. You can say, read the number 52 written on the door - the apartment number, or you can perceive it instantly, right away. This is how working with numbers works.

Grabovoi argues that people cannot recover just because they have criterion of resistance of their personal consciousness. There is a very powerful sphere of information: “everyone knows” that after a tooth is removed it is not restored. The barrier of old knowledge has been developed. This can't happen because it can never happen. You have to tell yourself; “Anything is possible, I just don’t know about it yet.” It is very difficult to deny a mathematical formula. You can write it on a piece of paper - and it starts working! The success of such work depends on whether the possibility of tissue emergence has been initiated. “Yes, I can get well,” and you become gods.

There are an infinite number of future events. These are just forms of information that have an endless series. Those. Our future is uncertain; out of a huge number of events, some may happen, but some will not happen. Some organ may become ill, or it may not. We need to find among future events exactly the information that suits us and does not destroy the outside world. We must remember that in divine providence everything is perfect.

How to make sure that the result is sustainable? And infinitely good.

The axis of the infinite spectrum of future events is quite controllable. Technical measurements were made and it was proven that the source of a person’s information structure is located at the point between the eyebrows. On average, the length of the outgoing probe beam reaches 5 meters and fluctuates only plus or minus 2 mm. This information line controlled by technological translation into a vertical planar structure by concentrating on the index finger of the right hand.

Enhanced Concentration System by agreement, starts working every day at 22.00 Moscow time until 22.17. At this time, you can connect to the enormous power of egregor for good and maintaining peace.

By concentrating once you create a kind of double space, a phantom. You have two information spaces - the first is really existing, perfect (you “saw” a healthy organ), you enter information about the second space, simultaneously creating its matrix, transferring information about the perfect organ to the patient. You concentrate a second time on the finger. The duplication system begins to work, healthy tissue begins to be created. With this technology for creating tissue, an event that is perceived as an outgoing beam (1-2 mm) is immediately projected onto the area of ​​​​the created matter. You walk, eat, rest, and what is neglected works like a scanner and restores you.

Even just thinking about how this happens, consciously striving for our natural, perfect state is already an effective healing practice, it’s even more than something physical. Do you have a problem and need to solve it? – reflect work on it for 2 hours a day, think in a positive way! We need to look for the pros and cons in the current situation. If we are not allowed somewhere, maybe they are protecting us from something? We need to look at all the options and understand what is happening. When you concentrate on the finger, you can reduce everything to one impulse level of simply understanding the situation and, accordingly, the spiritual state.

Sometimes understanding is not enough. Then you can concentrate on numbers for a specific disease. Concentration can be done by the sick person himself, or you can help another by putting thoughts about his recovery into your concentration. You can move from one concentration to another, arranging the numbers in the sequence you determine - for complete recovery. The concentration can be applied at any time.

How to work with Grabovoi numbers?

For a series of 9 numbers: you can imagine that you are inside a ball, and the numbers are written on its inner surface. Information and concentration targets can be contained within the ball. Tune in to the number from which more light comes, fix it. Mentally connect the inner sphere containing the goal of concentration and the element of perception in the form of a number.

For a series of 7 numbers: you can imagine that the numbers are on the surface of the cube, on one of its faces. Listen to your feelings, move the numbers, move them, play with them.

You can mentally associate each number with any element of the external or internal environment, it is not necessary that they be homogeneous. For example, 1 – Christmas tree, 5 – love. You decide all this yourself. You symbolically equate the numbers with your chosen elements of reality, events in the future. These elements of reality can be not only physical, but also mental.

If during the session you realize what a spiritual investment you are making in the salvation of all humanity by treating yourself, the result will come faster.

When we talk about concentration, we talk about universal harmony. This is an element of saving everything around. With these concentrations, you can take an active part in healing the world. By doing this you are realizing the freedom given to you by the Creator.

Subject index of diseases. Grabovoi numbers.

Prostate adenoma - 51432144

Adenoids – 5189514

Alcoholism – 148543292


Tracheitis – 514854218

Bronchitis – 5481432

Laryngitis – 58143214

Rhinitis and sinusitis – 5814325

Sore throat - 1999999

Posthemorrhagic acute – 9481232

Appendicitis - 54321484

Cardiac arrhythmia – 8543210

Infectious – 8111110

Rheumatoid – 8914201

Astigmatism – 1421543

Atherosclerosis – 54321898

Optic nerve atrophy – 5182432

Infertility – 9918755

Blood biochemistry (laboratory norm) – 514832189

Myopia - 548132198

Diseases of the digestive system – 5432185

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract – 4512345

Warts – 5148521

Botulism – 5481252

Bronchial asthma – 8943548

Acute bronchitis – 4812567

Varicose veins – 4831388

Acute gastritis – 4567891

Chronic gastritis – 5489120

Hemorrhoids – 58143219

Acute hepatitis – 5814243

Hypertension - 8145432, crisis - 5679102

Hypotension – 8143546

Purulent-inflammatory diseases – 514852171

Headache – 4818543

Flu – 4814212

Farsightedness – 5189988

Dermatitis – 1853121

Cerebral palsy – 4818521

Diarrhea – 81234574

Dysentery – 4812148

Intestinal dysbacteriosis – 5432101

Gallstone disease – 0148012

Women's diseases – 1854312

Acute stomach - 5484543

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system – 514218873

Constipation – 5484548

Acute toothache - 5182544

Impotence – 8851464

Myocardial infarction - 8914325

Cerebral stroke – 4818542

Spinal stroke – 8888881

Coronary heart disease - 1454210

Candidiasis (skin and venereal diseases) – 9876591

Itchy skin – 1249812

Tooth caries – 5148584

Cataract – 5189142

Ovarian cyst – 5148538

Menopausal neurosis – 4851548

Coma – 1111012

Conjunctivitis – 5184314

Measles – 4214825

Urticaria – 1858432

Rubella – 4218547

Internal bleeding – 5142543

Meningitis – 51485431

Migraine – 4831421

Uterine fibroids – 51843216

Drug addiction (substance abuse) – 5333353

Runny nose (rhinitis) – 5189912

Allergic rhinitis – 514852351

Neurosis – 48154211

Unknown diseases and conditions – 1884321

Pain relief for childbirth – 5421555

Fainting – 4854548

Obesity – 4812412

ORZ - 48145488

Otitis – 55184321

Frostbite – 4858514

Chronic pancreatitis – 5891432, acute – 4881431

Acute paraproctitis – 4842118

Periodontitis – 5182821

Periodontal disease – 58145421

Liver damage - 48145428

Pyelonephritis – 58143213

Flat feet – 1891432

Pneumonia - 4814489

Gout – 8543215

Chronic polyarthritis – 8914201

Nasal polyps – 4819491

Uterine polyps – 5189999

Diarrhea – 5843218

Postpartum period (normal) - 12891451

Kidney damage - 5412123

Kidney stone disease – 5432143

Prostatitis – 9718961

Wounds – 5148912

Multiple sclerosis – 51843218

Stretching – 5148517

Rickets – 5481232

Vomiting – 1454215

Rheumatism – 5481543

Scarlet fever – 5142485

Vascular crisis – 8543218

Cramps – 51245424

Toxicosis of a pregnant woman – 1848542

Traumatic shock, shock-like conditions – 1895132

Anal fissure – 81454321

Acne vulgaris – 514832185

Stinging of wasps and bees – 9189189

Snake bite – 4114111

Acute uremia – 5421822

Ears, wax plug - 48145814

Bruise – 0156912

Acute cholecystitis - 4154382

Cystitis – 48543211

Tick-borne encephalitis – 7891010

Eczema – 548132151

Epilepsy – 1484855

Cervical erosion – 54321459

Esophagus – 8432182

Stomach – 9671428

12-point – 8125432

small intestine - 48481452

Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi

Restoring the human body by focusing on numbers

When perceiving numbers, as well as when perceiving colors, it is not immediately obvious that there is also a vibrational structure behind them. The fact that a correctly chosen sequence of numbers leads the body to the norm occurs because, taking into account the vibrational structure behind it, this number sequence itself is the norm. It represents the right sound, the right sound. And concentrating on this sequence of numbers means tuning. In the same way, musical instruments are tuned by the sound of a tuning fork. About a thousand names of diseases are given and for each a corresponding number series of seven, eight or nine digits is given. By tuning into any specific number series, you cure yourself of the corresponding disease.

[Picture: pic_1.jpg]

Restoring number series in the work “Restoring the Human Body by Concentrating on Numbers” were created by Grigory Petrovich Grabov in 1999.

general information

By tuning into any specific number series, you cure yourself of the corresponding disease.

The question arises: why is such a simple procedure as concentrating on a sequence of certain numbers so effective in curing diseases? What's the matter here? The point here is this. Every disease represents a deviation from the norm. Deviation from the norm in the functioning of individual cells, or organs, or the entire organism as a whole. Recovering from an illness means returning to normal. So, the digital series I’m citing is precisely what ensures a return to normal. By concentrating on this specific sequence of numbers, tuning into this digital series, you adjust the body to the state that is the norm. As a result, all this is recorded as a cure for the disease.

To explain the essence of such treatment, it is necessary to say a few words about the vibrational structure of numbers.

Our life is permeated with rhythm. The planets rotate periodically around the Sun. For the Earth, this means a periodic alternation of winter and summer. The earth rotates around its axis and we have a regular cycle of day and night.

And at the micro level the picture is the same. The electrons in an atom make regular movements around the nucleus.

Each of us, by listening, can hear the regular beating of our heart. In our body, every cell has its own rhythm. And so does a collection of cells, although, of course, it’s different. And a large collection of them, that is, already at the organ level, has one more. There is also a rhythm at the level of communication between organs.

In this respect, the body can be compared to an orchestra. The orchestra must not be out of tune when performing a piece. So is the body. The sound of the body should be harmonious. And if any organ or any connection in its work deviates from the norm, that is, begins to falsify, then this precisely means the onset of a disease. And then you, as the conductor of your orchestra, must wave your baton and restore its harmonious sound.

Rhythm can also be found where at first glance it seems to be absent. Let's look at the rainbow that sometimes appears in the sky after rain. We will see magnificent colors, rich bright colors. But what are these colors from a scientific point of view? Our perception of a particular color occurs under the influence of an electromagnetic wave of a certain frequency. The frequency of vibrations in the violet part of the visible spectrum is approximately twice the frequency of vibrations in the red region. Thus, behind the difference in the perception of color is a different frequency of vibrations.

When perceiving numbers, as well as when perceiving colors, it is not immediately obvious that there is also a vibrational structure behind them. We found out that each color corresponds to a certain vibration frequency. The same is true here. Behind each number there is a corresponding vibrational structure. The same can be said about a sequence of numbers.

By the way, each digital series can be looked at as a certain combination of numbers. If we return for a moment to the colors of the spectrum, we can remember that science and technology have extensive experience in using their combinations. Take color television. All those different beautiful colors that you see on the screen are actually created by mixing only three colors: red, green and blue. Each of these colors is taken at the required brightness based on the required image.

An orchestra sounds different than one individual instrument. Each set of colors in the spectrum has its own effect. The situation is similar with sets of numbers. Entering numbers incorrectly in an aircraft's tail number can result in unwanted vibrations. And vice versa, a successful or better to say correct set of numbers contributes to the favorable development of events and the establishment of harmony. It is on this property of the correct combination of numbers that this treatment method is based.

I have already said that in the case of any disease, the correct sequence of numbers leads to a cure, that is, it brings the body back to normal. However, now that we have learned that behind each number and behind each sequence of numbers there is a corresponding vibrational structure, the healing using this method can be described differently. The fact that a correctly chosen sequence of numbers leads the body to the norm occurs because, taking into account the vibrational structure behind it, this number sequence itself is the norm. It represents the right sound, the right sound. And concentration on this sequence digitally means adjustment. In the same way, musical instruments are tuned by the sound of a tuning fork.

After the title of each chapter, immediately followed by a restorative digital series, which applies simultaneously to all diseases placed in this chapter. It can always be used, especially when the exact diagnosis is not known, but only that the disease belongs to this section. If the diagnosis is known, then the number row immediately following the name of this particular disease is used. You can additionally use, as I said, the general row of the chapter. The material in the book is presented in such a way that immediately after the name of the disease there is always a number row that cures this disease.

How to use number series

It may also happen that with some ailment it will be difficult not only to make a diagnosis, but even to determine the type of disease, that is, to specifically indicate the chapter to which this disease could relate. In order to be able to cope with the situation in this case, I placed another chapter in the book, the 26th: “UNKNOWN DISEASES AND CONDITIONS - 1884321.”

The essence of the method in this case is as follows. The human body is considered to consist of seven parts. I’ll give them now, and next to each part of the body I’ll put the corresponding restoring digital row.

1. Head - 1819999.

2. Neck - 18548321.

3.Right hand - 1854322.

4.Left hand - 4851384.

5. Torso - 5185213.

6.Right leg - 4812531.

7.Left leg - 485148291.

Now let's talk about how to use this data. Suppose a person has a headache. Then he can use the number row intended for the head. If a person experiences any painful sensations in two or more parts of the body at once, then one must consistently concentrate on the rows corresponding to these areas.

A few words about series with different numbers of digits. Let's compare sequences consisting of 7, 8 and 9 numbers.

If the sequence consists of 9 numbers, then, as a rule, it provides a cure for one or two specific diseases.


Read the numbers mentally or out loud:
1 2 3 4 8 1 4 and 1 4 2 1 3 8 4
Place each number on one plant leaf or twig,
and next to you (on the right) keep your image in memory,
where you look good and like yourself.
Concentration on stones:
Place the number rows 8 2 7 5 4 3 2 and 8 2 2 3 7 4 5 on any stone
and imagine a picture that you are young, beautiful, joyful.
Concentrate on a photograph where you are young and happy:
Place the photo in front of you at eye level and concentrate on the numbers.
Send the impulse (information) from the photo directly to yourself.
2 1 4 5 4 3 2 took a break and 2 2 1 3 4 4 5

Under your photo, where you are young and joyful, we put a piece of paper with number rows:
2145432, 2213445.
Bring a piece of paper with numbers and a photograph to your eyes, and the light of your eyes
Light both the number rows and the photograph at the same time.
Light up the digital rows to rejuvenate your photo.
Rejuvenation according to clinical indications: to restore health.
For men - just above the left heel and the knee joint on the inside;
For women - in the area of ​​the left elbow;
Rejuvenation for beauty:
For men – the right knee joint from the outside;
For women - in the area of ​​the right elbow.
Insert a photo of yourself at the age of 18 into the cassette with a lecture by G. P. Grabovoy:
In the morning and evening before going to bed, place this video cassette on the body reorganization point (anahata chakra) in the middle of the chest at the level of the heart, and as you inhale, draw in first the information from the cassette and then from the photograph.
The reaction may be warmth, whirlwinds in the body.
If you are tired, you can do the same.
Physical weight regulation:
first option:

1. Enter the number series 4812412 into the small sphere

2. Squeeze the sphere to a point and insert it into the stomach.

3. Enter the number series 1823451 into another small sphere and enter it into the pituitary gland.

4. Visualize a lilac-violet sphere 2.5 meters in diameter.

5. Place your phantom in the center along with the numbers embedded in it.

6. Send the sphere to the Creator Flow.
second option:

1. Place your phantom in the sphere of the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi.

2. Put a goal into your phantom: my weight...

3. Send the sphere to the Creator Stream.

To get results faster, do the controls more often.
to help work on rejuvenation and regeneration:
Informing surrounding objects:
First, you need to remove the accumulated information from objects that are often used at home (watch, glasses, comb, toothbrush, cup, plate, etc.) and then put new information of rejuvenation and regeneration into them.

1. Create a sphere to remove previous information. Include in it separately the information of a comb, toothbrush, glasses, etc. These items have absorbed all your previous states, they have collected information that needs to be reset. Then the sphere for removing previous information must be illuminated (filled with the silver-white color of the Teaching), that is, the goal of control must be fulfilled.

2. Create a subject awareness area. Enter the following items in turn:

* spheres of objects cleared of previous information (they can be put into one sphere).

* code 1489999 – normal laboratory parameters. Enter the illuminated numbers one at a time and illuminate the entire row inside the sphere.

* you can enter any codes from the book “Restoring Human Health by Concentrating on Numbers.”

* enter the sphere of “normal events”, the sphere of health for the norm of 18 years in the image and likeness of the Creator.

* enter the scope of macro-salvation.

These spheres can be lined up in front of you and one by one introduced into the sphere of information. Put the common sphere on stream to the Creator.
Periodically inform the objects, then the objects become assistants in the work of rejuvenation and regeneration.
Any work you do, enclose it in a sphere and place it on the stream of eternity or the stream of the Creator.

The task of rejuvenation and regeneration is included in the task of macro-salvation.

* You must first work on rejuvenation every day in order to overcome the speed of collective consciousness with the speed of your thinking and consciousness.

* You must work every day for six months. The more you manage, that is, solve different problems using these technologies, the more freedom you have in life.

* There is a concept of “complete freedom”. In the process of work, the goal of any positive level is necessarily achieved.

(The principle of personal freedom, personal independence, is that you need to achieve eternity. Then you have equal conditions, equal systems of development that the Creator has. It turns out that eternity is a mechanism for achieving freedom. When we come to the level of complete freedom, then all problems are solved without fail.”
(Grigory Grabovoi)

* The case is brewing in secrecy. You need to say about your age that you are 18 years old, or remain silent altogether.

* An important factor in management is conviction. Confidence plays a big role in rejuvenation. We need to develop this confidence in ourselves.

* Remove photographs of recent years from the rooms and put those where you are young and cheerful.
And then the space will work for you.

“Focus on the image. Consider the segment as part of your consciousness, create more and more new reflections of the image in different places of your consciousness, and when there are a lot of reflections of the image in your consciousness, the image will turn into reality. You thereby increase the number of emitters.”
(Grigory Grabovoi “Resurrection and eternal life are now our reality”)

The body is part of the soul.

The soul forms the body through consciousness. The state of the Soul is the state of the body. The state of love is a divine state in which negativity is burned and rejuvenation occurs. Being in a state of love, we reach a higher level of consciousness. This is the path to the Creator, the path to spiritual growth. In a state of love, the Soul forms the body, bypassing consciousness. Without love, we degrade and slide to low vibrations, even our appearance changes for the worse.
The more love we send into the world, the more we receive from the world. We must accept everyone as they are, and not through their worldview: we must love unconditionally. Staying in a state of love is useful, since at this time there is a powerful regeneration of the physical body and rejuvenation occurs. There must be a constant desire for love.
Filling the sphere of consciousness with your image for 18 years

Large sphere of your consciousness.
Give the command to fill the sphere
of your consciousness in your image at 18 years old.

In the small sphere is the Sphere of your consciousness
your image at 18 years old. filled with your 18 year old image

* Try to do work on regeneration and rejuvenation in ordinary, real conditions, for example: in transport, on the road, while eating and with open eyes (not in an altered state of consciousness).

* You can manage regeneration and rejuvenation in any way. Just set a task and work. The more you work, the more effective the result.


1. Form a silver-white sphere in front of you, assign information to it: “the norm for 18 years in the image and likeness of the Creator.” In this area, enter your image at 18 or any other age.

2. Bring the sphere closer to your face and unpack it onto yourself, that is, pull it tightly over your head and over your entire body to the soles of your feet, like a mask and a spacesuit, tight so that wrinkles on the face are straightened out, the stomach and veins on the legs are drawn in .
In a similar way, you can work with another person, unpacking information on rejuvenation for him.

Write on a piece of paper: (For those who have difficulty visualizing and concentrating)

I act the way the Creator acts.
According to the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi “On Salvation and Harmonious Development”;
In cooperation with the Will and Soul of the Creator.

I assign digital series: 2145432, 2213445, 1421384,
817992191 for rejuvenation and self-healing of all people
Earth and me (name and surname), according to the norm, 18 years old
was originally created by the Creator and Eternity.

At the same time I do balancing control
all chakras, harmonization of all subtle bodies, cleansing of all
energy channels and overall health of everything
body according to the NORM given to me by the Creator and Nature.

Duration: instantly and for Eternity! LET IT BE SO!

Look at the photograph every day, illuminating with your gaze the entire text with the thought of
rejuvenation and self-healing.

In order to have an accurate idea of ​​the image and location of the pituitary gland, it is advisable to have a medical atlas with a three-dimensional image of the organs and systems of the body.
Ask a question: pituitary gland, where are you, respond. Listen to the sensations in your head. There may be a slight pain or some other sensation in the head area.

* The pituitary gland is responsible for the spiritual development of a person, for the ability to think and develop, for a person’s appearance.

* The pituitary gland is the center of human creativity.

* The pituitary gland is able to rejuvenate and regenerate the body.

* The pituitary gland is a channel for accessing information from the World.

* The pituitary gland is the material embodiment of the control of future events, the organization of the entire human body from one organ: through the pituitary gland it is possible to restore the organ and its functions.
Work with the pituitary gland should be carried out in stages.

Stage 1: Restoration of the pituitary gland

1. In the control area, create a sphere “the current state of the pituitary gland” (the color will be highlighted).

2. Place next to it a sparkling “pituitary gland norm” sphere emitting silver-white rays.

3. Place the “pituitary gland norm” sphere on the sphere
“the current state of the pituitary gland.”

Listen to yourself, to your feelings, since when the condition of the pituitary gland is restored, there may be exacerbations of diseases. If the condition worsens, stop working with the pituitary gland for a while.

Stage 2: structuring external and internal relationships

The external manifestation is a person as a person.
Internal manifestation is the relationship between Spirit, Soul, consciousness and internal organs.
4. Put all the norms and tasks into silver-white spheres and enter them into the sphere of the pituitary gland.

Full recovery

Normal health
Creative development

Stage 3: You can continue if you passed stages 1 and 2 easily. Exacerbations and temperature increases are possible.

Norm for 18 years in the Image and Likeness of the Creator

Immortal life

5. Enter into the sphere of the pituitary gland information about complete restoration, normal health, creative development, the norm for 18 years in the Image and Likeness of the Creator, and eternal life.

Digital health codes.

Treatment of rheumatism 8 4 5 8 8 repeat 66 times
treatment of lower back pain 8 4 5 1 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of pain in the knee joint 8 4 1 5 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of leg pain 8 5 8 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of joint pain 1 5 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of cholecystitis 9 1 8 0 1 repeat 66 times
Treatment of atherosclerosis 3 8 1 5 0 1 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of stomach diseases 5 8 0 1 0 repeat 77 times
Treatment of duodenal ulcer 8 1 5 1 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of neuralgia 8 0 1 0 repeat 66 times
Migraine treatment 3 8 1 5 0 0 0 0 repeat 77 times
Treatment of tracheitis 0 8 1 5 0 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of heart disease 3 5 3 3 repeat 66 times
Treatment of cardiac arrhythmia 3 5 3 1 3 repeat 66 times
Treatment of hypertension 8 4 5 1 0 1 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of dermatitis 9 9 1 1 1 repeat 66 times
Treatment of anemia 3 8 5 1 1 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of colds 8 0 1 5 1 1 1 repeat 66 times
Treatment of arthritis 8 4 5 1 0 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of toothache 9 1 9 9 repeat 66 times
Cataract treatment 8 3 1 5 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of glaucoma 3 8 0 1 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Treatment of hemorrhoids 0 8 0 0 0 0 repeat 66 times
Health promotion 9 9 1 1 repeat 66 times
Strengthening physical strength 9 8 9 9 9 repeat 66 times

This is taken from the texts of G. Grabovoi. But I decided to post them, believing that knowledge belongs to everyone. And I think Grabovoi did not invent them himself, but took them from higher spheres.

I tested 8451000 on myself - it works!
I did this while walking, one number for each step. Counting by pinching your fingers.

Here are the instructions: “When concentrating on numbers, you must at the same time be aware of yourself, feel your body, see it internally, see it absolutely healthy. This is important for quickly restoring a normal state.”

Numbers create a certain vibration.

This is only a small part.
If you go to the Internet at the address “digital health codes” you can find a lot of interesting things there. I wish you success.

Digital series corresponding to disease groups

Critical conditions (this includes acute respiratory and cardiovascular failure, cardiac arrest, shock conditions) 1258919
Tumor diseases 8214351
Sepsis 58143212
DIC syndrome 5148142
Diseases of the circulatory system 1289435
Rheumatic diseases 8148888
Respiratory diseases 5823214
Diseases of the digestive system 5321482
Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract 8914254
Endocrine and metabolic diseases 1823451
Occupational diseases 418548
Acute poisoning 4185412
Infectious diseases 5421427
Vitamin deficiency diseases 1234895
Childhood diseases 18543218
Obstetrics, women's diseases 1489145
Nervous diseases 148543293
Mental illness 83454444
Sexual disorders 1456891
Skin and venereal diseases 18584321
Surgical diseases 18574321
Diseases of the ear, nose and throat 1851432
Eye diseases 1891014
Diseases of the eubs and oral cavity 1488514
Unknown diseases and conditions 1884321
Norm of laboratory parameters 1489999

“Since the simplicity of the method is its great advantage, I used this approach as the basis when writing a reference book for curing any disease. This book has already been written. It is called “Restoring the Human Body by Concentrating on Numbers.” It has more than a hundred pages. It contains about thousands of names of diseases and for each there is a corresponding number series of seven digits.By tuning into any specific number series, you cure yourself of the corresponding disease.

The question arises: why is such a simple procedure as concentrating on a sequence of certain numbers so effective in curing diseases?
What's the matter here?
The point here is this. Every disease represents a deviation from the norm. Deviation from the norm in the functioning of individual cells, or organs, or the entire organism as a whole. Recovering from an illness means returning to normal.
So, the digital series I’m citing is precisely what ensures a return to normal. By concentrating on this specific sequence of numbers, tuning into this digital series, you adjust the body to the state that is the norm. As a result, all this is recorded as a cure for the disease.

To explain the essence of such treatment, it is necessary to say a few words about the vibrational structure of numbers.
Behind each number and each sequence of numbers there is a corresponding vibrational structure, then the healing when using this method can be described differently. The fact that a correctly chosen sequence of numbers leads the body to the norm occurs because, taking into account the vibrational structure behind it, this number sequence itself is the norm.
It represents the right sound, the right sound. And concentrating on this sequence of numbers means tuning. In the same way, musical instruments are tuned by the sound of a tuning fork.

When using this method, you need to concentrate on a sequence of numbers or on each number from this sequence separately in turn.
Instead of reading numbers sequentially, you can proceed as follows. You concentrate first simultaneously on the first and last numbers of the digital series, then on the second and penultimate, then on the third from the beginning and third from the end, and finally on the central number.

When working with digital series, you can act differently and in this respect. You can, moving from one number to another, concentrate on each number for the same amount of time. Or you can linger on some numbers for one time, and on others for another. You can even focus on each of the seven numbers for different times.
By changing the duration of concentration on any number, we thereby change the intensity of the action of this number. Consequently, when changing the duration of concentration on individual numbers of a given sequence, a slightly different sound appears and therefore it acts somewhat differently. When doing practical work, rely on your intuition here, although the restorative effect is achieved for any duration of concentration.

I draw your attention to the following. While concentrating on numbers, you must at the same time be aware of yourself, feel your body, see it internally, see it absolutely healthy. This is important for quickly restoring normal conditions.

RTprtpr (251x201, 7Kb) By tuning into any specific number series, you heal yourself, your loved ones, children, etc. from the corresponding disease.
If you are helping another person, then at some distance from yourself, imagine the image of this person.
Somewhere between you and the image there should be the desired number series. You can simply write these numbers on a piece of paper and place it between you. When concentrating, your contact with the image should occur in a straight line through the numbers. It is very important to remember that when you concentrate on numbers, you should constantly have the thought of the health of this person.

The book consists of 27 chapters. Each chapter examines a set of specific diseases. The first 25 chapters cover almost all known diseases.
Chapter 26 gives concentrations to cure unknown diseases and conditions.
After the title of each chapter, immediately followed by a restorative digital series, which applies simultaneously to all diseases placed in this chapter.
It can always be used, especially when the exact diagnosis is not known, but only that the disease belongs to this section.
If the diagnosis is known, then the number row immediately following the name of this particular disease is used. You can additionally use, as I said, the general row of the chapter. The material in the book is presented in such a way that immediately after the name of the disease there is always a number row that cures this disease.

As an example, I will give the beginning of the first chapter.
HEART STOP (clinical death) - 8915678

Further, I will give here only the titles of the following chapters with the corresponding reconstructive digital series.
CHAPTER 3. SEPSIS - 58143212.

It may also happen that with some ailment it will be difficult not only to make a diagnosis, but even to determine the type of disease, that is, to specifically indicate the chapter to which this disease could relate.
In order to be able to cope with the situation in this case, I placed another chapter in the book, the 26th: “UNKNOWN DISEASES AND CONDITIONS - 1884321”.

The essence of the method in this case is as follows. The human body is considered to consist of seven parts.
I’ll give them now, and next to each part of the body I’ll put the corresponding restoring digital row.
1. Head - 1819999.
2. Neck - 18548321.
3. Right hand - 1854322.
4. Left hand - 4851384.
5. Torso - 5185213.
6. Right leg - 4812531.
7. Left leg - 485148291.
Now let's talk about how to use this data. Suppose a person has a headache. Then he can use the number row intended for the head. If a person experiences any painful sensations in two or more parts of the body at once, then one must consistently concentrate on the rows corresponding to these areas."

COLOR THERAPY can enhance the healing effects of numbers.
To do this, you need to write or see the numbers in the right color.

Abscess - blue, blue-violet
Alcoholism - yellow, indigo
Allergy - light orange, indigo
Alzheimer's disease - blue-violet, azure
Anemia - red
Loss of appetite (anorexia) - lemon, yellow
Excessive appetite (gluttony) - indigo
Arthritis - purple, blue-violet
Asthma - orange, blue
Bronchitis - blue-green, blue, turquoise
Blister - milky, milky blue
Inflammation - blue
Hemorrhoids - dark blue
Hypertension (high blood pressure) - green, blue
Hypotension (low blood pressure) - red, red-orange
Headache - green, blue
Flu - purple, turquoise, dark blue
Breast disease - red-violet, pink
Dyspepsia - lemon, yellow
Vision deterioration - azure, indigo
Toothache - blue, blue-violet
Infections - purple
Intestinal disorder - yellow-orange
Colic - lemon, yellow
Bone diseases - lemon, purple
Skin diseases - blue-violet, lemon
Bleeding - blue-green
Leukemia - purple
Fever (increased temperature) - blue
Menstrual disorders - light red, blue-green
Bladder disease - yellow-orange
Muscle pain - pale orange
Nervous diseases - blue-green, green
Burns - blue-green, blue
Tumors - purple, blue-violet
Parkinson's disease - indigo
Liver diseases - blue, yellow
Pneumonia - red, indigo, red-orange
Kidney disease - yellow, yellow-orange
Swellings - blue, light blue
Cold - red
Cancer - blue, blue-violet
Hay fever - red-orange
Heart disease - pink, green
AIDS - purple, indigo, red
Rash - turquoise, lemon
Nausea - pale blue
Anxiety - green, blue
Acne - red-violet, red
Ear disease - turquoise
Eczema - lemon
Epilepsy - dark blue, turquoise
Ulcers - green

From reviews of treatment using this method:
1. “My blood pressure constantly stayed around 160/100. One day it jumped to 200/140. They dictated two sets of numbers to me and said that the first of them (1289435) would improve the functioning of the circulatory system, and the second (1489999) would normalize the body’s main indicators: blood pressure , composition of blood, urine, temperature, sugar level. The method of treatment is extremely simple. You need to write down the number series on paper and concentrate on them in silence, repeat or consider them. There was no strict treatment time in her notes. I immediately began such an easy treatment and honestly worked with numbers every day for about a month. You won’t believe it, but I no longer had attacks of hypertension. Not right away, but the pressure went down." P. Markova, Ivanovo.

2. “I myself have been studying this teaching for about a year. And I’m not alone - there are several people united by a common interest. And so, during this year we managed to cure 3 people, our acquaintances, using Grabovoi’s methods. I don’t even want to name the diseases - scary. Doctors are surprised that their patients are alive, despite the traditional course of the disease. We apply these methods to the runny nose or flu, neuralgic pain, fever, etc. And always successfully, because the disease disappears within an hour or two your strength, and then there is either a quick recovery, or the disease proceeds in a very weak form.
Did you ask if there are people cured by these methods? I answer - yes.
Are there cases where these methods did not help? The answer is also affirmative." Vasily F. Kiev


Concentration can be carried out either by the person himself for self-restoration, or one can concentrate by putting into the concentration the thought of restoring another person through a given concentration.
You can concentrate on the number series corresponding to the chapter, immediately covering all the diseases that are included in a specific chapter, if the disease relates to the title of the chapter, but there is no exact diagnosis.
If the diagnosis is known, then you need to concentrate on the numbers corresponding to the specific diagnosis.
With concentrations, you can move from one concentration to another and thus understand how to arrange the sequence of numbers in order to create control towards the complete restoration of health.
Try to find your own concentration.
This approach extends to the general management system through a concentration on numbers. In this case, concentration can be done sequentially, that is, for example, from the first to the seventh number, or by choosing numbers.
Thus, the concentrations are different and the methods of concentration can be individual depending on how they are applied. You can apply concentrations at any time, either by memorizing them or by writing them down.


Acute respiratory failure - 1257814
Acute cardiovascular failure - 1895678
Cardiac arrest - 8915678
Traumatic shock, shock and shock-like conditions - 1895132

Malignant testicular tumors - 5814321
Malignant bone tumors - 1234589
Tumors of the uterus - 9817453
Brain tumors (brain and spinal) - 5431547
Stomach cancer - 8912534
Skin cancer - 8148957
Breast cancer - 5432189
Bladder cancer - 89123459
Liver cancer - 5891248
Esophageal cancer - 8912567
Pancreatic cancer - 8125891
Penile cancer - 8514921
Kidney cancer - 56789108
Prostate cancer - 4321890
Colon cancer (colon and rectum) - 5821435
Thyroid cancer - 5814542
Ovarian cancer - 4851923

Cardiac arrhythmias - 8543210
Arterial hypertension - 8145432
Arterial hypotension (hypotension) - 8143546
Atherosclerosis - 54321898
Heart blocks - 9874321
Varicose veins - 4831388
Vegetative-vascular dystonia (neurocirculatory dystonia) - 8432910
Hypertensive crises - 5679102
Hypertension - 8145432
Myocardial infarction - 8914325
Ischemic (coronary) heart disease - 1454210
Cardialgia - 8124567
Cardiomyopathies - 8421432
Cardiosclerosis - 4891067
Collapse - 8914320
Myocarditis - 8432110
Circulatory failure - 85432102
Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) - 5432150
Congenital heart defects - 9995437
Acquired heart defects - 8124569
Rheumatism - 5481543
Cardiac asthma - 8543214
Heart failure - 8542106
Vascular insufficiency - 8668888
Vascular crises - 8543218
Angina pectoris (angina pectoris) - 8145999
Thrombophlebitis - 1454580

Joint diseases - 5421891
Infectious arthritis - 8111110
Gout - 8543215
Rheumatism - 5481543

Bronchial asthma - 8943548
Acute bronchitis - 4812567
Chronic bronchitis - 4218910
Pneumonia - 4814489
Pneumosclerosis - 9871234
Lung cancer - 4541589
Respiratory tuberculosis - 8941234
Emphysema - 54321892

Gastritis - 5485674
Gastroenterocolitis - 8431287
Hepatitis - 5814243
Biliary dyskinesia - 58432144
Constipation - 5484548
Colitis - 8454321
Chronic pancreatitis - 5891432
Food allergy - 2841482
Diarrhea (diarrhea) - 5843218
Acute cholecystitis - 4154382
Chronic cholecystitis - 5481245
Liver cirrhosis - 4812345
Enteritis - 8431287
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum - 8125432

Glomerulonephritis - 4812351
Acute glomerulonephritis - 4285614
Pielit - 5432110
Pyelonephritis - 58143213
Polycystic kidney disease - 5421451
Renal colic - 4321054
Kidney stone disease - 5432143
Kidney failure - 4321843
Cystitis - 48543211

Agranulocytosis - 4856742
Anemia - 48543212
Leukemia - 5481347
Lymphogranulomatosis - 4845714

Diabetes insipidus - 4818888
Diabetes mellitus - 8819977
Myxedema - 4812415
Adrenal insufficiency - 4812314
Obesity - 4812412

Viral hepatitis A and B (Botkin's disease) - 5412514
Helminthiasis - 5124548
Ascariasis - 4814812
Herpetic infection - 2312489
Flu - 4814212
Dysentery - 4812148
Giardiasis - 5189148
Acute respiratory diseases - 48145488
Erysipelas - 4123548

Headache - 4818543
Dizziness - 514854217
Cerebral palsy - 4818521
Cerebral stroke - 4818542
Migraine - 4831421
Narcolepsy - 48543216
Trigeminal neuralgia - 5148485
Herpes zoster - 51454322
Brain tumors - 5451214
Spinal cord tumors - 51843210
Sleep disorder - 514248538
Traumatic brain injury - 51843213

Alcoholism - 148543292
Drug addiction (substance abuse) - 5333353
Neuroses - 48154211
Epilepsy - 1484855

Impotence - 8851464
Frigidity - 5148222

Warts - 5148521
Vitiligo - 4812588
Gonorrhea (male) - 2225488
Dermatitis - 1853121
Urticaria - 1858432
Microsporia - 1858321
Psoriasis - 999899181
Trichophytosis - 4851482
Acne vulgaris - 514832185

Adenoids - 5189514
Sore throat (acute tonsillitis) - 1999999
Laryngitis - 4548511
Runny nose (rhinitis) - 5189912
Runny nose, vasomotor, allergic - 514852351
Otitis - 55184321
Acute tonsillitis - 1999999
Chronic tonsillitis - 35184321

EYE DISEASES - 1891014
Astigmatism - 1421543
Myopia (myopia) - 548132198
Glaucoma - 5131482
Farsightedness - 5189988
Cataract - 5189142
Strabismus - 518543254
Corneal ulcer - 548432194
Barley - 514854249

Gingivitis - 548432123
Tooth caries - 5148584
Acute toothache - 5182544
Stomatitis - 4814854


The answer is clear - Of course he could! And many scammers do just that all the time.
This is exactly what they are doing to fool people.
And even more so, having mastered the methods of manipulating the psyche and consciousness.
Yes, there are some swindlers out there..
Entire states (through the media), such as the USA, Britain, Germany, France, lie to entire nations, and you doubt that one person could lie.

I remember how he, or someone similar to him, resurrected a person - he conjured something, cast spells, etc. and then he says - That's it, I resurrected. Now wait, he can appear anytime, anywhere, whenever he wants. Maybe time will pass, maybe he doesn’t want to, maybe you’ll see him in the crowd, etc. But he has already been resurrected.

This is such a mess for people who have immeasurable grief, and they believe in any nonsense in such a state.

The daily audience of the portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Certificate No. 1

Methods were used according to the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi. I worked with the term “Repression” from the book by G.P. Grabovoy. “Number series of psychological norming”:

"REPLACEMENT 59871798139 (suppression; repression) is one of the types of psychological defense - a process as a result of which thoughts, memories, drives, and experiences that are unacceptable to an individual are expelled from consciousness and transferred to the sphere of the unconscious, continuing to influence the individual’s behavior and being experienced by him as anxiety, fears and so on."

And I confirm that I managed to get rid of the complexes that greatly hindered me at the most inopportune moments.

Moreover, getting rid of inharmonious information using this method automatically rearranges the events of our lives towards eternal harmonious development. Everyone can do this - the main thing is to make a decision and work with technology for as long as needed.

Maria. September 2012,


Certificate No. 2

Methods were used according to the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi. At present, concrete results have already been obtained to relieve my brother’s alcohol addiction through our joint work with the following series from the book by G.P. Grabovoy. “Number series of psychological norming”:

"ALCOHOLISM CHRONIC 148543292317 914 - In chronic alcoholism, as you get used to alcohol, the manifestations of abstinence worsen, mental and physical dependence on drinking alcohol arises (a painful need for alcoholism in order to avoid the phenomena of mental and physical discomfort that arise when abstaining from alcohol), pathological changes in internal organs, metabolic disorders, damage to peripheral nerves, functional organic changes in the central nervous system.In parallel, social and mental degradation increases, alcoholic epilepsy and alcoholic psychoses appear.

ALCOHOLISM 148543292 - alcohol abuse.

ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ABUSE: PSYCHOLOGICAL PREVENTION 148543292 5194 5194 (psychological prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction) - methods of psychological prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction."

For two months now there have been normal relations in the house. We thank G. Grabovoi for technologies that restore a person’s self-confidence and joy of being.

Hope. December 2012,


Certificate No. 3

Methods were used according to the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi. I worked with a term from the book by G.P. Grabovoi. “Number series of psychological norming”:

“SELF-ACTUALIZED PERSONALITY 191 317 481901 (self-actualizing personality)” - a person builds himself as a person who reaches the level of self-actualization. The person becomes “special, not burdened by many small vices such as envy, anger, cynicism and others; not prone to depression, pessimism, egoism, etc. Such a person is distinguished by high self-esteem, tolerant of others, independent of conventions, simple and democratic, has a sense of humor of a philosophical nature, is prone to experiencing “peak feelings” such as inspiration, etc.

By working with these number series, I already have concrete results that have allowed me to get rid of many years of fears, which until now have blocked many interesting undertakings in the bud and prevented me from expressing my thoughts clearly and clearly in various life situations. Based on my practical experience, I affirm that I am freed from internal problems, acquiring true freedom, the ability to make the right decisions, the ability to perform harmonious actions and, as a result, shape the events of my life and the lives of my relatives in the most creative way. I thank Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi for the opportunity to become a self-actualizing Personality!

Anna. December 2012,


Certificate No. 4

I started working in the fall of 2012 using number series from the book by G.P. Grabovoi “Number series of psychological norming”. I concentrated several times a day for 15-20 minutes. She noted that she had become more balanced and attentive. Relationships with people around me have improved - they have become more trusting and open. Sleep became deeper and waking up easier. I am very grateful to the author of this work, Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi, for the opportunity to develop and recover using divine-level technologies.

Natalya, 36 years old.

Moscow city. 2013

Certificate No. 5

I, Marina M., have been using the methods of Grigory Grabovoi to restore the health of myself and my loved ones and to harmonize and optimize events for many years. Many surprising and convincing results were obtained regarding the rapid restoration of health, the normalization of relationships with loved ones, and the successful solution of problems in various spheres of life. One area of ​​application of Grigory Grabovoi’s technologies particularly interested me.

When I realized many years ago that the speed of control depends, among other things, on your own worldview, that is, on what character traits may appear in you in different life situations - whether you have the opportunity to get confused, offended, greedy, judge, be afraid, - I began to work very seriously with myself to change, or better yet, correct my possible reactions.

For control, I used an easy-to-understand, but very effective method of connecting two spheres in my perception - the golden-yellow sphere of God and the sphere of control purpose. I included in the scope of management goals the task of transforming one or another character trait into a divine norm.

I really liked the work, because I clearly realized that methodically and faithfully I was turning from a twitchy, capricious, selfish creature into a normal person. I learned to love people, learned to be grateful, learned not to depend on other people’s opinions, got rid of feelings of guilt, feelings of fear, the ability to judge others and myself for what I had done earlier.

The fact is that, of course, from the outside it was impossible to say about me that I was as I described. We were always brought up very well, taught to be polite, friendly, attentive, etc. Outwardly, everyone around me perceived me very well, and considered me a good person. But this did not suit me, since I understood very well that external manifestation is like a mask hiding information underneath that may not be visible to people, but it is precisely this - this internal component of my personality that is the true information on the basis of which all my events. All my failures, material problems, illnesses - all this was a reflection of my inner self and no masks could change anything. There was only one option - by working on myself, changing my inner reality, my essence, I got a chance to change my outer reality, become happy, joyful and healthy.

In order to describe all cases of application of this particular control, you need to write not a certificate, but a book. Maybe someday I’ll write. I worked on myself constantly. I understood that if I didn’t take on myself with all the rigor and perseverance, it would take a very long time to achieve my goal. The results were tangible. One after another, such attachments as condemnation, resentment, and pride were released from me. Life became easier. More and more often, a feeling of joy, liberation, and flight appeared in my heart. The hardest thing was with fears. They rose and rose at the most inopportune moments. But I firmly decided that I would stop only when I changed everything about myself that I had in mind.

In 2012, Grigory Grabovoi’s book “Number series of psychological norming” was published. After reading the introduction to this book, I was very happy. I told myself, “God heard my prayers.” The system that I had been building for myself for many years was proposed by Grigory Petrovich to be used by all people, and even through concentration on number series. For me, working with number series is a joy. When working with them, I feel very good the accuracy, speed and power of control.

The ability to normalize non-creative information in your consciousness and form creative vibrations, such as courage, will, self-confidence and others, through concentration on number series is a gift from the Creator to people precisely at the current crucial stage of our development. This is an opportunity for rapid structuring of consciousness and access to the path of accelerated spiritual development.

I will describe the work with two rows from this book, with which I had to work for three months.

“REPLACEMENT 59871798139 (suppression; repression) is one of the types of psychological defense - a process as a result of which thoughts, memories, drives, and experiences that are unacceptable to an individual are expelled from consciousness and transferred to the sphere of the unconscious, continuing to influence the individual's behavior and experienced by them as anxieties, fears, etc.”

In September and October 2012, fate gave me the opportunity to get rid of my fears once and for all. Formulating the previous management goal, I used concentration on this number series to completely dismantle my fears. During this time, I had to have a lot of conversations with people that I simply would not have gone to before, since I was always very afraid of getting into situations in which I had to defend my principled position, risking hearing a lot of unpleasant and sometimes rude words in my mouth. address.

Before going to the next meeting, I recited the series, holding the control goal, countless times. And one after another the issues were resolved in the most fantastic way. People listened to me calmly and accepted my arguments and explanations of my positions with understanding. The issues were resolved one after another in the most harmonious manner. Along the way, ceasing to be afraid, I realized that I was getting rid of dependence on other people’s opinions. I felt that I could finally say directly and openly what I thought to anyone, without fear of being offended or misunderstood.

I felt limitless inner freedom. It was an amazing feeling. Of course, this freedom is only possible if a person does not violate Divine laws. But within the framework of the laws, learning to resolve situations the way it is necessary for you, and not the way someone would like it to be detrimental to you, is vitally important.

This was truly the most powerful lesson of my life. Numerical series of psychological standardization are a high-speed way to normalize a person’s internal reality, subject to methodical and persistent concentration on them.

The second row, thanks to which another difficult barrier was passed, is ABULIYA.

“ABULIA 419316 019817 311 - Pathological disorder of mental regulation of actions - psychopathological syndrome, expressed by lethargy, impaired volitional impulse, lack of desires and motivation for activity, inability to make a decision and perform the right action, although the need for it is realized.”

I fully understand that the book uses extreme state characteristics to describe terms. But all extremes start small. And after reading the definition of this term, I realized that I had been struggling with something similar within myself for quite some time. I just didn’t think that such a condition was described as a psychological disorder. Probably everyone knows the feeling when you realize that you urgently need to do something - learn your homework, prepare for an exam, clean your apartment, wash the dishes, etc. - but some inner, incomprehensible force literally glues you to your chair like glue, and you cannot make the effort, rise up and do what you yourself consider necessary.

To solve just such a problem, I concentrated on this number series. The result was amazing. After half an hour of concentration, I couldn’t sit still. I always wanted to do something useful. I felt that there were no barriers between the desire to do something and the action itself. Getting up and running to the store, washing the dishes, preparing food - all of this suddenly became such a natural and easy task that you didn’t need to persuade yourself for a long time and convince yourself that it wasn’t difficult for you, that it was very necessary; there was no need to look for explanations or any additional efforts to move forward.

After reading the book described, my cherished dream sparked a goal in me - to become a self-actualizing person.

“SELF-ACTUALIZED PERSONALITY 191 317 481901 (self-actualizing personality) - a person who has reached the level of self-actualization. It turns out to be special, not burdened with many small vices such as envy, anger, cynicism and others; not prone to depression, pessimism, selfishness, etc. Such a person has high self-esteem, is tolerant of others, independent of conventions, simple and democratic, has a sense of humor of a philosophical nature, is prone to experiencing “peak feelings” such as inspiration, etc.”

I invite everyone to a fairy tale, which today has already become reality. Become who you are - a person created in the image and likeness of God. Become the creator of your own destiny, become a decision maker, and not someone for whom someone else is constantly deciding something. Everyone has a chance. As Grigory Grabovoi said, to build eternal safe systemic development, KNOWLEDGE, WILL and DESIRE are required.

Knowledge is fully contained in the books of Grigory Grabovoi.