Why do you dream of a wedding bouquet - interpretation of the dream according to dream books. Dreamcatcher: what will happen in life if you catch the bride’s bouquet in a dream

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Why do you dream about a wedding bouquet? Dream interpretation

A wedding bouquet in a dream has different interpretations. If a girl dreams that she caught him, it means that her lover will remain faithful to her. If a girl who does not have a boyfriend catches a bouquet in a dream, then a fateful meeting awaits her soon. This dream speaks of serious, mutual feelings between lovers.

A wedding bouquet in a dream symbolizes good luck and a happy occasion. If you draw it up yourself, then a happy marriage is just around the corner. If there are roses in the wedding bouquet, then happiness in love and joy in the family await you. If the flowers in the bouquet are different, then the dream foreshadows a new acquaintance. A bouquet with dried flowers is a bad sign. It portends a serious illness. If the bouquet falls out of your hands, then the dream is also unpleasant, since your wish is not destined to come true.

See also in the dream book

In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreams about a wedding bouquet mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a wedding bouquet in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Dreaming of a wedding bouquet? Tell me your dream!

See also in the dream book


A bride in a dream is a harbinger of pleasant and long-awaited events that await you in the near future. To interpret your dream, you should read this article; it describes a detailed dream book according to which the bride is a symbol of pleasant changes and events.

If you are a young woman, you see yourself in the role of a bride and put on an outfit that you really like, then you will soon receive an inheritance. But you don’t have to worry about a close relative passing away. Receiving an inheritance after such a dream refers to a joyful and favorable event, as the dream book interprets. The bride portends disappointment if in a dream you saw yourself as a bride, but you don’t like the outfit at all, and the wedding ceremony brings unpleasant sensations.

If you had a dream with your daughter in the role of a bride, then on a subconscious level you compare her with yourself, or envy her. Such a dream suggests that the daughter is in many ways superior to her mother. And you are sad to realize that you have lost your former attractiveness and beauty. Sometimes you secretly dream from everyone to be in your daughter’s place and have many fans. There's no point in worrying about this. The dream book, according to which the bride promises pleasant events, promises you that if you stop being envious and live, rejoicing for your child, then everything will be fine with you and you will still receive many signs of attention from men.

If you are a man and saw your wife or lover as a bride, then this is a sign of your inner insecurity. You may be experiencing difficulties in sexual relationships. Only the worries are not at all justified, you are still full of strength, but you are controlled by your own fears. We need to get rid of them.

In a dream, if you kiss the newlywed, then this portends you a quick reconciliation with your friends, but if you put some effort into it, this is what the dream book foretells. The bride promises you good health if a girl in a wedding dress kisses you in a dream. If you are worried about feeling unwell, you will soon get better.

A man dreams of his daughter as a bride - for an upcoming event or a walk with friends that will bring pleasure.

Seeing a bridal bouquet in a dream indicates your dream of tying the knot. If you are making a flower arrangement for a wedding, then this means long loneliness due to the fact that you will help loved ones arrange their personal lives, as the dream book promises. Catching a bride's bouquet means a quick meeting with future lovers, who will later become a spouse. Catching and then giving a bouquet means that you yourself are ruining your happiness.

Seeing a dream in which you are a bridesmaid means that everything will be fine in your life, as the dream book promises. In this case, a bride in a dream promises you a wonderful and bright future, without serious health problems.

Trying on a bride's dress - this portends you unnecessary troubles that you will take upon yourself to help your friends. If in your dream you put on the outfit that the bride bought for herself, the dream book warns you that difficulties and difficult times are coming. If possible, it is worth giving up the burden and not taking responsibility for the actions of others.

Overall, the bride foretells a pleasant and prosperous time for you. If you have problems, they will be resolved successfully and will not bring unpleasant consequences. This is especially true for health and personal life.


The mysterious world of dreams attracts, fascinates and at the same time frightens with its mystery, mysticism and prophecies. In the world of dreams, the most familiar things can acquire symbolic meaning. And, what is most surprising, in the world of night dreams we can see those phenomena and events that will never happen in reality.

If you are wondering why you dream of a bouquet of flowers, then you should understand its meaning in more detail, and popular dream books will help you do this.

What does the dream prophesy?

    Miller's Dream Book

    Unmarried a girl who sees a bouquet of flowers in her hand can count on the appearance of a new promising admirer and pleasant flirting with him. For a married lady to have such a dream means pleasant compliments addressed to her. If a man dreams of fresh flowers in a bouquet, situations will happen in reality in which he will feel like a real winner, despite the circumstances.

    The dream serves as a warning of impending troubles if you dreamed of a bouquet of withered flowers. Such a dream promises troubles in matters that you will be drawn into against your will. Also, according to Miller’s dream book, seeing a bouquet of flowers with mourning ribbons or stained in the ground is a sign of worries about relatives or people from your close circle.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Receive a beautiful bouquet as a gift - to good luck in business, and at this stage of life she will become your constant companion. Selling a bouquet of flowers means that in the foreseeable future a person will appear in your life who will give you a reason for joy. Buying a bouquet of flowers means flirting, frivolous coquetry in pleasant company.

    If you had a dream in which someone took a bouquet of flowers from you, literally tore it out of your hands - to the appearance of envious people who will try to interfere in your life, will try to force you to play by their own rules.

    Longo's Dream Interpretation

    Receive a beautiful, luxurious bouquet as a gift - In reality you will experience success, but it is important not to be subject to vanity.

    Holding a large bouquet of red flowers in your hands - to impulsive behavior in reality, and in such a state you should be careful not to take rash steps.

    A dream in which you accept a bouquet of flowers as a gift, but they quickly wither and turn to dust - to the dreamer's illness or his loved ones, and this illness will change the course of his current life.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    Receive flowers as a gift - Such a gift bouquet promises everyday joys, communication with pleasant people. To put a luxurious bouquet in a beautiful vase in your home - to prosperity, well-being in the house.

    Buying a bouquet of flowers - in reality, take a series of active actions that will give a quick positive result.

    Giving a bouquet of flowers to a friend - such a dream promises that in reality you will show concern for someone; Giving flowers to a stranger means a new useful acquaintance. A dream in which you give a bouquet of flowers to a deceased person - to a slight sadness, nostalgia in reality.

    Loff's Dream Book

    Receive as a gift - you will fall under someone’s influence. If you gave a bouquet of flowers to someone - to the good news from afar or from those people who have not been seen for a long time. Throwing away a wilted bouquet of flowers means getting rid of a burden, something that weighed you down and prevented you from enjoying life.

Bridal bouquet

Seeing a bridal bouquet for an unmarried girl is a harbinger that in reality her plans will soon come true. If a married lady had such a dream, it means the appearance of a suitor and light, non-binding flirtation.

But if you happen to have a dream about a dirty, wilted wedding bouquet, then it is possible that in reality you will have to face infidelity, betrayal, and betrayal.

Miller's dream book gives a detailed interpretation of a dream about a wedding bouquet:

  • Losing a wedding bouquet in a dream- to minor troubles in real life that will affect the couple’s relationship.
  • Buy a wedding bouquet- such a dream promises a small but pleasant profit, received at the right time.
  • Giving a wedding bouquet in a favorable environment, while experiencing joy and positive emotions - to a pleasant adventure in reality.
  • Giving a wedding bouquet in an atmosphere that is disturbing, while experiencing negative emotions - to a quarrel with a person with whom you value the relationship.
  • Catch the bride's bouquet- to good luck, a love adventure.

In Vanga’s dream book you can find the following interpretation of a dream about a beautiful wedding bouquet:

  • An unmarried girl has such a dream- to the appearance of a gentleman, to a romantic relationship.
  • To see such a dream for a married person- you will experience interest in pleasant experiences and emotions.
  • In a dream we saw a withered, dirty wedding bouquet- to a quarrel and resentment on the part of the person with whom you value the relationship.

Picking flowers: what does it mean?

A dream in which you pick flowers into a bouquet has a generally positive interpretation, but it is worth paying attention to the details of this night vision.

In the dream book of the Bulgarian seer Vanga, the interpretation is given: collecting flowers in a bouquet is a sign of success which you will achieve thanks to your efforts and hard work.

Collecting a bouquet of wildflowers in a large, wide field - to the fulfillment of hopes regarding material wealth, this is promised by Nostradamus’ dream book.

To collect a large bouquet, in which there are many different flowers, is dream-prediction of a favorable period in life when you enjoy pleasant moments.

But there are some details that predict difficult life situations:

  • Picking flowers in a cemetery– be prepared for the fact that disturbing news in reality will take you by surprise.
  • Pick flowers with thorns into a bouquet(for example, thistle) - to risk, and this risk will lead to troubles and difficulties.
  • Collecting faded flowers in a bouquet– inadvertently take the wrong steps and it will take a lot of effort to correct this state of affairs.
  • Picking flowers secretly - your reputation will be tarnished, which will not have the best effect on your business.
  • Pick flowers at night- to disappointment in real life.

A dream about a bouquet of flowers is “news” from the kingdom of Morpheus that in the real world you will have good luck, good news and joyful events.

Seeing a bouquet of daisies in a dream means the appearance of a modest admirer who is in no hurry to reveal his interest in you. Vanga’s dream book gives the following interpretation: to see such a dream for a pregnant woman means a pleasant, calm course of pregnancy.

When you dreamed of tulips in a bouquet, it is a harbinger that in reality you can count on a pleasant romantic adventure, a long-awaited meeting with a person for whom you have tender feelings.

A beautiful bouquet of lilacs is a dream-harbinger of mutual feelings, a tender and romantic period in a relationship.


Flowers are one of the most powerful images that appear to us in dreams. The interpretation of what a bouquet of flowers means in a dream intrigues more the representatives of the gentle sex.

After all, when it comes to flowers, we are in a hurry to think about a date or a wedding. But for men, a dream in which roses, carnations and other plants appear also promises a lot of interesting things.

Who gives the bouquet

Flowers in a dream can appear in different ways. If you dreamed of a bouquet, to correctly interpret the dream you will need to remember: did you receive or give the bouquet?

1. You receive.

  • If you have been given a beautiful arrangement of fresh flowers, your desires and dreams will come true in the near future.
  • But the dream book also characterizes the bouquet that is given as a symbol of certain illusions.

2. You give.

If you give flowers, remember the person who received them. There is a chance that in reality you do not get along, but soon a positive trajectory will emerge in your relationship.

Collect flowers - an exciting romantic date awaits you. In many dream books you can find an explanation that collecting different flowers and arranging them in a bouquet is a sign of pleasure, joy, and bright events in life.

Type of flowers

As mentioned above, each flower is endowed with deep symbolic meaning. Most often I dream about:

  • Chamomiles, wild flowers
  • Carnations
  • Lilac
  • tulips

1. Roses. The dream book interprets a bouquet of roses as a traditional image of love and passion. The classic interpretation of a dream about roses means a strong, exciting passion awaits you.

The development of a romance is unpredictable: it can be either a short, passionate romance or deep feelings. Happiness, luck, joy - this is what a bouquet of roses most often means in dreams. And the fewer thorns on the stems, the better.

2. Chamomiles. A bouquet of daisies or other wildflowers in a dream is a very positive image. They dream of impending changes for the better, and they will affect any personal relationship.

For girls, a bouquet of daisies promises mutual understanding with their loved one. Some dream books interpret a bouquet of daisies as an omen of new friendship, new acquaintances.

3. Carnations.

  • This modest flower symbolizes a quick acquaintance that will give you a good, loyal friend.
  • If you receive a bouquet of red carnations, you will soon achieve recognition. Your merits will be appreciated by those whose opinion is especially important.
  • Giving carnations is a sign that there is a person in your life with whom a strong relationship is a reliable support.

4. Lilac. According to many dream books, it means a strong passion will soon arise. A person of the opposite sex will appear and will literally bewitch you. But this passion promises to be short-lived - the feelings that flare up will quickly subside.

A lonely person dreams of lilac inflorescences; he yearns for love experiences. Feeling the floral aroma at the same time means the desire to fall in love will soon have a chance to come true.

  • In this case, a bouquet of white lilac branches will symbolize innocent and pure affection.
  • And lilac flowers represent passion and desire.

5. Tulips. A bouquet of tulips received in a dream means that an improvement in one’s financial situation is on the horizon. Perhaps you will win the lottery or receive an expensive gift. Flowers can also symbolize strong love on the part of a fan or admirer, an abundance of declarations of love.

A bouquet of tulips is a symbol of frivolity. This is a sign that the time has come to be more attentive to all life events. Stop leaving things to chance. If you pay attention to this dream and listen to it, you will be able to achieve great results in your activities.

Color meanings

1. A bouquet of white flowers promises harmony and tranquility. Ahead of you is a life without obsessive difficulties and worries.

For lonely people, the dream is especially favorable: happiness in your personal life is just around the corner. If there were drops of dew on the petals, fate predicts you strong health and long life.

2. A composition of pink flowers is the personification of everything new. Pink is a symbol of beginning, youth, innocence. Pink flowers represent some kind of reality event that will change life for the better. You may not even attach importance to it, but the effect will be amazing.

3. Orange flowers are a sign of immediate, sincere joy that will fill the dreamer’s life. This joy can be associated with any area of ​​life.

4. Yellow has always been interpreted in two ways.

  • On the one hand, it symbolizes cheerfulness, wisdom, happiness.
  • But on the other hand, it is an image of cunning and deceit.

You dream of yellow buds as a warning: soon you will have to rely solely on your own inner voice.

5. Red flowers traditionally represent love and passion. But besides this, a bouquet of red flowers can mean impending recognition of your merits, an improvement in your financial situation, and success in creativity.

The bride's bouquet

It is not surprising that any girl will be very interested in why the bride’s bouquet is dreamed of, and especially what it means to catch it.

For a free girl, such a dream speaks of a subconscious desire to get married as soon as possible. Catching a bouquet in a dream means you will soon meet a person for whom deep feelings will be mutual.

Constancy, fidelity and strong feelings are the answer to the question of why you dream about a wedding bouquet. But if in a dream the bride's bouquet is given, this is a sign of a possible serious quarrel. . Be more tolerant and attentive to your loved one.

Trust your intuition first of all, and the dream book will help you find the correct interpretation of the symbol you see.

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The bride's bouquet portends good things both in real life and in dreams. Dream books believe that the main interpretation of why one dreams of catching a bride’s bouquet is the subconscious desire of the sleeper to get married. One way or another, this plot will bring changes to your life.

Basic interpretation

You saw something pleasant in a dream, but you can’t remember the details of what you saw. Dream Interpretations believe that if at least one detail remains in your memory, then you will probably be able to find an accurate interpretation. So, if the bride's bouquet

  • was in your hands - great happiness awaits you in reality;
  • became the reason for girls - you will actually have to fight for success;
  • was disheveled and withered, which means that in real life you will have a lot of problems and troubles;
  • arrived - a pleasant surprise awaits you.

Miller's opinion

If in a dream you managed to catch a bride, then, as Miller’s dream book suggests, in reality you will be able to take part in some kind of love adventure and meet your destiny. Make a wish, and your cherished wish will definitely come true.

Towards confrontation

Do you want to understand why you have a dream in which you are trying to jump as high as possible and grab the bride’s precious bouquet? This episode certainly demonstrates your determination. In addition, the Eastern Dream Book believes that in reality you will be able to achieve the desired result.

Have you ever seen in a dream how you are fighting over the bride’s bouquet? In real life, you will have a rival, but if you wish, you can get rid of her. Did you imagine that you intercepted a treasured bouquet of flowers, but then gave it to someone else? This story is a warning. In reality, your relationship with your partner is at risk. You will have to put a lot of effort into maintaining them.


Why dream of unexpectedly receiving a bouquet at a friends wedding? In real life you will be pleasantly surprised.

A dream in which you modestly stand aside from the main crowd of beauties wanting to catch a wedding bouquet, and unexpectedly become its owner, is very favorable. The dream interpretation promises you an unconditional victory: you will bypass all your rivals and win the heart of your beloved man.

To trouble

The lunar dream book explains why the withered one dreams. The interpreter recommends resisting your temptations. After all, your reputation is now under threat, and you, without knowing it, can tarnish it.

If the disheveled bouquet that you caught was nevertheless torn out of your hands, then in reality you are destined for trouble. However, other than a little disappointment, you have nothing to fear.

If the bouquet you caught withered right in your hands, then, according to the Modern Dream Book, a serious quarrel with your soulmate awaits you. Be patient, there is a possibility that the conflict will provoke separation from your loved one.

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All dream books emphasize that a bouquet is a composition where each flower has an individual meaning. The role of the bride reflects the readiness for change, the presence of expectations from fate and her partner. In all interpretations, the explanation of why the bride’s bouquet is dreamed of comes down to the origin and creation of personal relationships. Although the wedding ceremony itself has polar interpretations - from sadness and death to joy and happiness.

According to Freud

There is almost no such unambiguous interpretation of what the bride’s bouquet dreamed of in dream books. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to link with this request, both the bride herself and the entire wedding as a whole. In Freud's dream book on these topics, we can conclude that if you dreamed of a wedding and you were in the lead role with a bouquet in your hands, then a surprise awaits you, which you should not refuse. Someone else's wedding also speaks of upcoming pleasant information. The image of the bride itself also does not carry any sharply negative information, the options for the alleged events depend on how it is interpreted in the system of psychoanalysis.

According to Miller

This dream book does not interpret the bride’s bouquet as a separate event. But it contains an interpretation of colors that you may have been able to see. So, early marriage is associated with fresh blooming roses, and a bouquet made up of many bright flowers will tell a large number of fans. Unblown buds lead to material well-being, and a withered bouquet portends illness and loneliness.

According to Vanga

The dream book interprets the wedding seen as a subconscious desire to tie the knot. It seems that we are not talking about the bouquet as such. However, a wedding party in a dream may well predict the same holiday with friends in reality. Even being a guest at such a celebration in a dream is also good, but on the condition that you will definitely help a close friend. The dream is interpreted this way.

According to Juno

The wedding ceremony, which includes the traditional throwing of the bride’s bouquet, is interpreted as impending changes in her personal life. But a dream in which there is a bride’s bouquet or just flowers in a vase can be interpreted in different ways. A caught bouquet promises many all sorts of benefits - a meeting with a loved one, happiness and success in your personal life, friendship with interesting people nearby, a short trip or serious career growth.

According to Tsvetkov

The dream book does not explain why the bride's bouquet is dreamed of, but simply interprets the bouquet as an opportunity to receive false news. And the wedding ceremony, which determines the ownership of the bouquet, is generally associated with the concept of sadness.

Tell your friends about your dream,
save so as not to lose

The interpretation of these dreams can be completely different, since every detail plays a role, even insignificant at first glance. A wedding bouquet in a dream has different meanings, depending on specific situations. Let's find out why the bride's bouquet is dreamed of.

Why do you dream of a bridal bouquet in your hands?

A dream in which you see a bridal bouquet suggests that subconsciously you are ready for marriage and really want it. If you hold the bride's bouquet in your hands, it means that you have mutual love. You and your significant other are completely ripe for a serious relationship and are ready to tie the knot.

A dream in which you throw away a bouquet suggests that aimlessly lost time awaits you. This is also a signal that you yourself are not allowing your dream to come true.

If a bouquet in a dream consists entirely of white roses, then a very joyful event will happen in your life that will change your life for the better. When the bouquet consists of variegated flowers, a new acquaintance will soon take place. It may also mean that there are many friends around you who will always support you.

In a dream they give a bridal bouquet, give a bouquet

When you are given a bridal bouquet in a dream, it means that you need to take a closer look at the person from whom this gift came. It is quite possible that he is hiding something, but does not show it. When someone gives you a bouquet in your dream, it is a symbol of constancy and fidelity.

When a young man dreams that he is giving a bouquet to his future wife, this is bad and sad news. If you see a wilted bouquet in your dream, be careful. This indicates a disagreement with your husband or fiancé. Also, failures in your personal life can be associated with your worst enemies who will try to annoy you.

What does it mean to make a bridal bouquet, to catch

If you are making a wedding bouquet for someone, then this is a sign that there will be no luck in personal happiness in the near future. You try more to improve someone else's personal life than your own. If you are now single and dream that you are catching the bride’s bouquet, it means that you will soon meet the person you have been waiting for for so long. You will love him with all your soul, and happiness with him is guaranteed.

If you already have a boyfriend, he will be faithful to you. Not catching the bouquet thrown by the bride promises you quarrels and disagreements with your beloved man. When in a dream you catch a bouquet, but give it to another person, then in life you are giving away your happiness, that is, you are destroying it yourself. Sometimes a wedding bouquet in a dream means that you receive little attention and are tired of everyday life.

Why do you dream about catching a wedding bouquet?

The issue is resolved and closed.

    make a herbarium, and then you can smoke it, if you wish, of course

  • Yes, why not? He's already throwing wife, she will brides unnecessarily. You can throw a double. It is not advisable to store dried flowers at home; I just took the ribbon off mine and put it in a box.

    If the brides would hang around with them, yeah... The witness usually does this

    no, the bouquet will just be caught in another city

    Yes, it doesn’t mean anything. Dreams are accumulated emotions and desires. Perhaps you just want him to apologize to you. But at the same time you will repay him in the same coin.

    A WEDDING DRESS seen in a dream means that you will find yourself in a completely new circle of people, in which you will make many interesting acquaintances.

    If in a dream you stained your snow-white wedding dress, then in reality you will be bitterly disappointed in the goal to which you spent so much time dedicated.

    A dream in which you rent a wedding dress suggests that your chosen one does not value you. Perhaps the reasons for his courtship are not in you, but in the things around you, in your social status, money. Take a closer look at it.

    If you dreamed of a torn wedding dress, then, unfortunately, a break with your lover awaits you.

    A luxurious wedding dress signifies entertainment and fun.

    WEDDING - if in a dream you were invited to someone’s wedding, then in reality you will receive a profit or receive an inheritance. For married people, such a dream foreshadows the birth of a child.

    A dream in which you see yourself at someone's wedding suggests that you will find a brilliant solution to a problem that has been tormenting you for quite a long time.

    If a girl gets married in a dream, then in reality she will be able to prove her independence and determination. Her opinion will increase in the eyes of those she respects.

    Your own wedding, seen in a dream, means happiness in marriage.

    A dream in which your wedding was upset at the very last moment foreshadows unreasonable anxiety and forebodings.

    If in a dream your fiance married someone else, then in reality you should be wary of treachery on the part of members of the opposite sex.


    VEIL - a girl’s dream of a veil promises her an imminent marriage proposal. For people connected by marriage, such a dream warns of adultery.

    If you buy a veil in a store - for a long-awaited wedding; if you are already married or married - to divorce or family troubles.

    If you dreamed of a dirty or torn veil, your family happiness is under threat. You need to pay attention to the health of your spouse.

    You see two veils in a dream and cannot choose which one to wear - such a dream warns a married lady about her husband’s infidelity or his temporary cooling towards his other half. Your life together needs variety.