Pump up your abs at home. The main enemy is fat

If we pump up the press at home correctly, the effect will not take long to arrive.

Ideas about the ideal body are constantly changing, but a beautiful toned stomach and thin waist never go out of fashion. Whether you're aiming for a ripped six-pack or just want a flatter belly, it all starts with a proper ab workout.

Not everyone is able to visit the gym regularly, but the good thing about abdominal muscle exercises is that they are quite easy to do at home on your own. Such training is the best option for many of us. If we pump up our abs at home, of course, just like in the gym, we must follow certain rules. This will increase the effectiveness of the exercises and make them safe.

Abs are not only beautiful, but also important for health

The harmonious development of the abdominal muscles is important not only for aesthetic appeal, but is also necessary for our body to function properly and maintain internal organs.

In addition to forming a beautiful silhouette, the abdominal muscles perform the following functions:

  • flexion and rotation of the spine;
  • body stabilization;
  • support of internal organs;
  • aids digestion;
  • participation in childbirth.

Therefore, it is necessary to pump up the press at home for everyone who wants to maintain their health, especially young women.

A little about the anatomy of the abdominal muscles

In order to successfully tighten your stomach at home, you need to have certain knowledge about the structure of muscles. This will help you realize the importance of a comprehensive approach to training.

In order to properly pump the abs at home, it is important to know exactly what muscles we are pumping.

The abdominal muscles consist of 3 parts.

  1. Rectus muscles. The most popular exercises (the so-called crunches) are designed to pump up this part of the abs. It is the rectus abdominis muscle and its tendon bridges that form the abs.
  2. Transverse muscles. These muscles are located directly under the straight lines. The main function of the deepest abdominal muscles is to support the internal organs. Their strengthening contributes to the formation of a sophisticated silhouette.
  3. Oblique muscles. Many women deliberately avoid exercises to develop these muscles because they are confident that they will lead to the disappearance of their waist. In fact, achieving such a side effect is almost impossible. On the contrary, undeveloped oblique muscles can negatively affect the waist, making it asymmetrical.

How to properly pump up your abs at home and use all the listed muscles? The answer is clear - only comprehensive training will help you achieve a beautiful, toned silhouette and the coveted six-pack.

It is important to understand that exercise does not lead to intensive fat burning. Therefore, if you want to achieve a toned stomach at home and lose excess weight, combine exercise with diet and cardio. This combination will provide fairly quick results.

If you work out your abs at home, use the following tips.

  1. The best time to train is in the evening, as in the morning the back muscles are too relaxed and more susceptible to injury.
  2. Exercise an hour or two after a light meal.
  3. Always exhale and inhale as you return to the starting position.
  4. Keep your head straight and try not to strain your neck.
  5. Aim for 3 sets of 30 reps of each exercise. Start with 12-15 repetitions. Remember that good technique is much more important than the number of repetitions.
  6. At first, do 3 classes a week, gradually increase their number to 5. Training at home is not as intense as in the gym, so you can do it more often.
  7. Don't do one program for too long. Muscles are able to adapt to stress. It is advisable to change the lesson plan every 1.5-2 months. Beginners can use video workouts, which are often called “abs building at home.” You will find several examples of such training at the end of the article.

Home workout plan for abs

So, how to properly pump up your abs at home? A comprehensive workout should include 3 elements: a short warm-up, the actual exercises and stretching.
A few minutes of running in place, swinging your legs and arms, and twisting your body are suitable as a warm-up. Perform all movements at an average pace.

Now you can start the exercises.

  1. Classic crunches. Take the starting position: lie on your back, bend your knees and put your hands under your head. Slowly lift your upper body and lower yourself.

    Crunches are a classic exercise that will help tighten your stomach at home.

  2. Side crunches. Raise your body and touch your left elbow to your right knee. Repeat on the other side.

    This version of crunches is aimed at working the oblique abdominal muscles.

  3. Reverse crunches. Extend your arms along your body and lift your legs so that your calves are parallel to the floor. Lift your pelvis off the floor and draw your knees toward your chest.

    Reverse crunches must be performed while keeping your legs bent at right angles.

  4. Raising your legs. Staying on the floor, lift your left leg so that it makes a 90° angle with your body. Lower your left leg and lift your right leg in the same way.
  5. Vacuum. Get on all fours, keep your back straight. Exhale and pull your stomach in as much as possible. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds. This simple exercise will allow you to quickly pump up your abs at home.
  6. Bike. Lie on the floor and extend your arms along your body. Bend your legs at a 45° angle and imitate riding a bicycle for a minute by moving your legs.
  7. Plank. Lie on your stomach. Bend your elbows and take a lying position. The body should be parallel to the floor. Tighten your abs and maintain this pose for 1 minute.

    Plank pose is a static abdominal exercise.

When performing exercises, do not forget to follow the recommendations on how to properly pump up your abs at home.

Remember that for the fat burning effect you should include cardio exercises in your exercise plan. They will bring the best results if performed immediately after the strength ones.

Finish the session with stretching. Lie on your back and stretch. At the same time, you should feel strong relaxation.

Thus, anyone can tighten their stomach at home. The main thing is to start exercising and remember that their regularity will not only change your figure, but also affect your health.

Example of abs workout video

The question of how to quickly pump up your abs at home is relevant for many. The abdominal area is one of the most problematic areas, and in order to notice clear results in this area, you need to be quite persistent. Many beginners initially approach their goal incorrectly. Some of them simply do not know how to pump up their abs quickly and effectively, and as a result, not getting results, they simply abandon their exercises. And the presence of a fatty layer on the stomach also bothers many people. In order not to be disappointed and achieve results, it is important to initially create a program that will be correct. You must know the meaning of each individual exercise, as well as understand the main mistakes in abdominal training that will prevent you from achieving the right results.

To quickly pump up your abs and get rid of your belly, you don’t have to go to the gym. In a relatively short time, you can cope with this task and at home. The exercises do not require specialized equipment. It is enough just to devote 30-40 minutes of time to them, and the result will not be long in coming.

Often, beginners believe that abdominal exercises are a great way to eliminate excess fat from the abdominal area. In fact, it’s worth knowing that excess fat in the body is often deposited in the abdominal cavity, and getting rid of it is extremely difficult. Therefore, if you have extra pounds, you first need to get rid of them, and then start pumping up your abs. Otherwise, even the most prominent muscles simply will not be visible under the fat layer.

It is also worth knowing that muscles do not grow during training, but in the intervals between them. Therefore, you need to give them the opportunity to rest and recover. This is especially important for beginners, because their body is not trained at all. Many novice athletes who are interested in how to quickly pump up their abs immediately begin to train a lot, frequently and to the point of exhaustion; they will quickly gain sculpted abs. In fact, sacrifices of this nature will not give any good results. They will only lead to unbearable muscle pain, with which you will not want to repeat exercises for a long time.

To achieve results, it is advisable to exercise 3-4 times a week, but in order to speed up the process, you can increase the frequency of training.

To get good results, it is enough regularly perform some exercises to quickly pump up your abs. However, to speed up the results, it is recommended to create a program that will include a set of different exercises. It is better that it involves performing exercises as often as possible, which will provide relief and endurance training. But even here it is important not to overdo it. To cope with such a task as how to properly and quickly pump up your abs, it is better to do 3-5 different exercises 20 times than the same exercise repeated more than 50 times.

Quick Ab Workout: What You Need to Know

If you want to quickly pump up your abs at home, then you need to know that the abdominal muscles adapt to the load quite easily. Therefore, you need to sometimes change your training program and make it more varied.

Let's return to the topic of nutrition. If you have excess belly fat, your abs won't be visible. Then a diet correction or a simple diet will help. You should not starve and exhaust yourself with strict restrictions. In this case, the muscles will not receive the necessary nutrition, and even the fastest way to pump up the abs will be pointless. Sports and proper nutrition must go hand in hand, only then will it be possible to achieve good results.

A burning sensation in the abdominal muscles will indicate that the training is effective. It should be pleasant, but not too painful - it is important to listen to your body.

How to pump up your abs quickly at home: effective exercises

Those who want to know how to quickly pump up their abs at home should understand a few features of the relief of the press. It consists of an upper, lower, and also a lateral part, which is also known as the “oblique muscles.” The training program should include exercises aimed at all these muscles. The exercises suggested below, if performed correctly, will help pump up your abs quickly:

Nutritional Features

To achieve an effective result, it is not enough to learn how to pump the press quickly. To make the desired six-pack appear faster, adjust your diet and get rid of the fat layer that can hide your amazing figure. Initially, it is important not to overeat. It is better to eat often, but not in large portions, otherwise everything that the body cannot absorb will be deposited in fat in the abdominal area. You should also adhere to the following rules:

  • Drink enough liquids. To ensure your metabolism works correctly and your muscles receive sufficient nutrition, drink at least two liters of water.
  • If you're building abs, give up alcohol. The fact is that alcohol destroys the cells of the body, and accordingly, they have a destructive effect on the muscles. Those who regularly use it will definitely not be able to achieve beautiful relief quickly.
  • Fats in the diet are necessary, but only healthy ones, and only in limited quantities, so you need to limit them in the diet. They should make up no more than a fifth of the total calories. You should choose low-fat dairy products; instead of frying, you should choose boiling or steaming. The best source of fats is seafood and fish. Fish oil (omega 3) is an extremely beneficial muscle supplement. In addition, fish contains a lot of protein, which will speed up the muscle building process.
  • Speaking of proteins. They should make up at least a third of your total diet. Sources of proteins are fish, eggs, chicken breast, dairy products. Also, the diet should contain enough complex carbohydrates (about 60%). They can be obtained from cereals, pasta, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. It is important to avoid fast carbohydrates. They significantly slow down the process of losing weight. Eliminate sweets, pastries, chocolate, fast food, very sweet fruits and other foods that do not fill you up but cause spikes in blood sugar levels. Also, many often forget about the calorie content of drinks. The same soda, store-bought packaged juices, sweet coffee drinks - this is an abundance of extra empty calories that prevent you from losing fat and gaining muscle definition.

Adjust your diet and pay attention to effective exercises, and the results will soon follow. You can alternate between different exercises, start with simple ones and gradually complicate them. The main thing is regularity. Also, videos on how to quickly pump up your abs can be very useful for you, which will clearly demonstrate what you need to achieve your goal.

A beautiful flat stomach, without a drop of fat on it, is the dream of many men and women of all ages.

Every person can achieve ideal relief; the main thing is to see the goal, not give in to laziness, and also know how to perform the exercises correctly so that the effect from them is maximum.

Pumping the abs at home allows you to form the coveted “cubes” in the shortest possible time, as well as increase the overall tone of the body, improve the functioning of many internal systems of the body. You can do abdominal muscle training at any age, and you don’t need to buy a gym membership.

The main condition for homework is regularity and correctness of execution.

Most beginning athletes do not have special exercise equipment at home that helps strengthen their abs (pumping up with their help is much faster). Some have sports equipment that can be used as an addition to training: horizontal bars, wall bars, dumbbells, weights.

And even in the absence of all these “helpers,” you can cope with the task of pumping up your abdominal muscles. All that is needed is the desire of the athlete himself and knowledge of the ab pumping scheme.

There are several dozen different exercises to pump up all the abdominal muscles. Most of them do not require special equipment, but when using even standard sports equipment, training is more effective, since they increase the load, helping to expend more energy.

IMPORTANT!!! A horizontal bar, dumbbells, a treadmill, an exercise bike and a wall bars are excellent helpers not only for pumping up the abs, but also for all other areas of the body.

The main problem for most guys and girls who want to improve their appearance is the fat layer located on the stomach.

Most abdominal pumping schemes are designed specifically to strengthen muscle tissue, and not to burn fat reserves, therefore, even if you intensively pump your body, you will not be able to see the treasured cubes.

The solution is an integrated approach to solving the problem. The exercise technique should include not only strength training, which strengthens the muscles, but also cardio training, which helps to lose excess weight.

How to supplement homework?

There are a number of mandatory conditions, without which there is no point in training. This:

  • proper, balanced nutrition;
  • refusal of strict diets;
  • clear daily routine.

Dietary restrictions combined with active physical activity will give the opposite result - instead of losing weight, the athlete will begin to actively gain weight. This is due to the body’s reflexes: personal reserves disappear, food is not supplied, which means that you need to actively stock up on what enters the body. Therefore, leaving the diet before starting training is mandatory.

The diet must be complete, providing the body with a complete supply of energy. The main thing is to give up foods that contain fast, empty carbohydrates.

You need to exclude sweets, flour products, and fast food from the menu. Preference should be given to protein products, grains, and gifts of nature. They must be prepared in such a way that they are subjected to minimal heat treatment. You need to eat often, but in small portions.

The main thing is that the body is satiated, since the feeling of hunger is a bad helper in sports. The basic rule of proper nutrition is to consume fewer calories than you expend. Only in this way will the body begin to release its fat reserves, which will contribute to weight loss in the right places.

Another important condition for losing excess weight is the load on the heart. It is provided by aerobic exercise: cycling, running, race walking, swimming, skiing. If it is not possible to engage in these sports, and buying a simulator is too expensive, then a jump rope, which is inexpensive, and has enormous benefits, will save you.

Thus, 15 minutes of training with a jump rope is comparable to the load received when covering half a marathon distance. Moreover, during jumping, absolutely all the muscles of the body work, including the heart, so a jump rope can easily replace any exercise machine.

Nuances of preparing a training program

When drawing up a training plan, you need to take into account that the abs consists of several muscle groups (2 paired and two single), so for a beautiful, flat stomach you will need to provide a load to each of them. The abdominal diagram includes the rectus and oblique (right and left) muscles.

If a guy’s goal is to get beautiful abs, then the rectus muscle should be worked out first. The oblique sections also need to be trained, but less attention can be paid to them, since they will also receive their share of the load.

But girls will have to fully pump up, since their main problem is the presence of “ears” at the waist - kind of pockets on the sides. Ideally, to get a beautiful figure, you need to train all muscle groups, so abdominal pumping schemes, especially those starting from scratch, must include at least minimal work on all areas of the abdomen.

The training program should include exercises for the transverse pelvic floor muscle (lower press), which is responsible for the support and correct positioning of the abdominal organs.

When drawing up a scheme for pumping up the press for men and women, you should take into account the following nuances:

  • exercises designed to strengthen specific muscle groups have a positive effect on the condition of all parts of the abdominal press;
  • pump up the muscles of the lower section more difficult than the upper;
  • to strengthen each department, only two to three effective exercises are required;
  • When working with the lower part, the upper part will also become stronger.

Important tips for pumping up abdominal muscles at home

In order for the training to be as effective as possible, and for a flat, beautiful stomach to appear as quickly as possible, the exercises must be performed correctly. So, each movement should begin while inhaling, and moving to the main position should be done while exhaling.

The minimum number of repetitions for a beginner is 10 times, for a man with average physical shape - 20. As soon as the muscles acquire tone, you can add weights to your training or move on to more complex exercise options.

The first classes, designed for beginners, should be short - the maximum duration of the main workout should not exceed 10 minutes. During this time, you should thoroughly work out the technique of performing the movements, so that when they become stronger, you will no longer be distracted by little things like breathing, correct position, etc.

This adaptation period ranges from three to seven days - it all depends on the strength of the athlete’s muscle corset.

There is no need to start right away with a long and difficult complex: the feeling of fatigue and strength the next day will discourage you from exercising further for a long time. Since most of the exercises are performed on the floor, you should take care of the presence of a mat - this is the kind of sports accessory that will help you train with greater comfort.

The average abdominal training scheme for boys and girls is designed for 30 days. There are special tables that describe the most effective exercises for all muscle groups, which should be performed every day, gradually increasing the load. Training schemes are different: some include daily training, others imply one day of rest once a week.

They are designed for different levels of physical fitness, and therefore even those whose experience in sports is zero will be able to choose the optimal training schedule. The main thing is to perform the exercises in full, observe the number of exercises and approaches.

Basic exercises for training

Abdominal pumping schemes designed for 30 days usually include the following exercises:

  • straight and oblique twists;
  • touching your toes with your hands;
  • reverse crunches;
  • lateral twists.

All exercises are performed in the starting position “lying on the floor”. The legs should be bent at the knees and the feet should be firmly fixed (they should not slide). Hands are removed behind the head. For straight twists, you need to carefully lift your body up, pulling your forehead towards your knees; for oblique twists, touch the opposite elbow.

In the second type of exercise, the leg to which the hand will reach should be lifted off the floor - this way the effectiveness will be maximum. All movements should be performed energetically so that their amplitude is as high as possible. First, twisting is performed in one direction, then the supporting leg is changed, and the training is carried out on the second side of the body.

To touch your toes with your hands, you should lie on the floor and raise your legs up. If it’s hard to hold them straight at first, you can bend your knees slightly. Raising your torso, you need to pull yourself up to your feet, until your ankles or toes touch, and then carefully lower yourself back.

For reverse crunches, you need to extend your arms along your body, pressing your palms to the floor. Cross your feet, fix your pelvis. If your physical fitness allows, then raise your shoulders and head. Pull your knees towards the thoracic spine.

For side crunches, you need to press your legs tightly together and lower them to the right or left of your body, bending your knees. Place the opposite hand behind your head and secure the other hand on your thigh. Gently pull your body towards your knees. The last two types of exercises require smoothness and softness: sudden jerks are prohibited.

Perform the exercises alternately in both directions.

The “vacuum” exercise is good for working the transverse muscle. Its advantage is that not only the abdominal muscles are stressed, but also the heart, which means it helps burn fat deposits.

To perform, you need to choose one of the poses:

  • On knees;
  • sitting, the pelvis is lowered down, the palms are fixed on the knees;
  • sit with a straight back, put your hands on your knees;
  • stand straight;
  • Lie on your back with your knees bent, hands on your stomach, elbows to the sides.

As soon as the position is accepted, you need to inhale deeply through your nose and immediately exhale sharply through your mouth, while your stomach retracts as much as possible. This is followed by a half-minute pause, during which it is not recommended to breathe. Afterwards you can relax and repeat.

This complex will help you get beautiful and strong abs in just a month of daily training. Over time, it can be complicated by adding new exercises or increasing the number of approaches. The main thing is not to give up training and eat right.

Strong abdominal muscles are needed not only to seduce girls on the beach, but also to provide stability to the midsection during deadlifts and squats. Well-developed abdominal muscles create a natural strength belt that protects your spine.

For you to see your beautifully developed abs, the percentage of fat in your body should tend to 10-12%.

Muscles involved in the formation of your torso

  1. Rectus abdominis muscle
  2. Oblique muscles
  3. Intercostal muscles
  4. Intra-abdominal muscles (deep abdominal muscles)

As is often mentioned, this includes the rectus abdominis (upper and lower) and the obliques. But we would also focus on two important points - these are your intercostal muscles, which give the appearance of the side of your torso, and the most important thing, which many often forget about, are the intra-abdominal muscles (deep abdominal muscles), to work which you need to perform a vacuum exercise in a stomach. We have already looked at a more detailed anatomy of the abdominal muscles earlier (link below).

How to pump up your abs at home

This exercise pumps up all parts of the abs, including the obliques. Lie on your back. The hands are behind the head (but do not pull the head forward). The upper body is in a twisting state throughout the exercise. Perform 4 sets of as many reps as possible on each set. Rest between sets for 30-60 seconds.

3. Plank

The plank is a simple and effective exercise for training the abdominal muscles: all you need is a flat floor. And you won’t even have to make any movements, since the “plank” is a static exercise. This is its simplicity, but this is also particularly difficult, because the press is almost constantly under tension. To perform the exercise, lie down and rest your elbows on the floor. Forearms pressed firmly to the floor. The feet rest their toes on the floor. The body forms a straight line. Stay in this position for as long as possible.

More exercises and complexes for home abdominal workouts

How to pump up your abs in the gym

We offer 3 of the most effective abdominal exercises that you can perform in the gym.

Raising the torso on an incline bench is one of the main and most effective exercises for training the abdominal muscles. Lie down on a bench and straighten your torso completely. Hold your hands in front of your chest or behind your head. The lower back is pressed against the bench. As you exhale, by tensing your abs, bend your torso and lift. As you inhale, smoothly return to the starting position. Perform 3-4 sets of 15-25 repetitions (use additional weights if necessary).

Crunching with an overhead pulley can be very helpful. Make sure your lower back remains motionless at all times. Only the upper part of the body (and the hands with which you hold the handle of the block) should move. To reduce the stress on your elbows, use a palms-facing grip instead of an overhand grip. Don't use too much weight, otherwise you'll just be yanking on the cable, bending at the pelvis and working the muscles in your arms and upper back. Do the exercise carefully, without pelvic flexion. Only the spine should bend. Perform 3-4 sets of 15-25 repetitions.

In this exercise, the lower abdominal muscles receive maximum load. Lie with your back on an incline bench, holding the top of the bench with your hands. Tightening your abs, lift your legs off the floor. As you exhale, lift your legs toward your body, simultaneously lifting your hips and pelvis off the bench. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Perform 3-4 sets of 15-25 repetitions.

More exercises and complexes for abdominal training in the gym

How to pump up your abs on the sports field

To pump up your abdominal muscles on the sports field, we recommend using a horizontal bar and parallel bars.

This exercise is aimed at training the abdominal muscles and hip flexors. Straight leg raises engage the rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata muscles. When lifting legs with bent knees: rectus muscles and, to a lesser extent, external oblique muscles of the abdomen. Using a wide or medium grip, grab the bar of the horizontal bar. As you exhale, raise your legs to form a right angle between them and the body. As you inhale, slowly return to the starting position. Perform 3-4 sets of as many reps as possible on each set.

In this exercise, the emphasis is on the lower abs. Turn your back to the bars and grab the handles. With a sharp movement, pull your knees to your chest and then lower your legs back. At the lowest point, do not lower your legs completely; the abs should be in constant tension. Perform 3-4 sets of as many reps as possible on each set.

More exercises for abdominal training on the sports field

1. If you feel that the exercise is too easy for you and you do more than 25 repetitions in one approach, then you need to use additional weights in the form of a dumbbell or a plate, or use the resistance of a rubber band. Using additional weights in the range of 15-25 repetitions will help pump up your abs more efficiently and quickly.

2. Doing ab exercises right before deadlifts or squats will reduce the midsection stability needed for compound lifts. Hence the rule: it is better not to pump your abs before basic exercises.

3. Do not take long pauses between approaches and exercises - this will reduce the effectiveness of the workout. Rest between approaches should not be longer than 60 seconds (ideally 15-30 seconds), between exercises - no more than 90 seconds.

4. Abdominal muscle training should not be long, persistent and tedious. If you do everything correctly, you can achieve excellent results through short and intense exercise. There is no need to train your abs more than three times a week. We recommend performing 2-3 exercises of 3-4 sets 2 times a week (for example, Monday and Thursday). 10-15 minutes is enough to pump up all the abdominal muscles.

see also

There are many people in the world who constantly lead a healthy lifestyle and even more who have never thought about it. But sooner or later, each of us comes to the conclusion that we need to change something in ourselves. Some people dream of losing excess weight, others dream of building muscles, and ask questions, for example: how to pump up abs at home.

As winter recedes and we move closer to summer, the question of a beautiful, pumped-up figure becomes more acute, especially for the lower abdominals.

Not everyone can afford to go to the gym, perhaps some people simply don’t have time for it, but there are exercises that you can do even at home.

In addition to all kinds of exercises, proper nutrition should also be considered, which is the best expert in the fight against an unattractive belly. It is believed that 60% of success in this difficult task depends on what we eat.

You can simply try to pump up your abs at home for days on end, but this will not give any visible results. Yes, the abdominal muscles will gain elasticity and definition, but they will still be hidden under a thick layer of fat. First you need to get rid of unnecessary subcutaneous fat.

Its percentage in the body should be no more than 8–10%. It is only at first glance that it is difficult to achieve such a result, but in reality everything turns out to be much easier. A properly selected gentle diet, and then a transition to a balanced diet - this is the solution to the problem.


Let's consider the case when you need to pump up your cubes. There is one rectus muscle in the abdomen that needs to be trained. It has a conditional division into upper, middle and lower abs. From this we can conclude that by focusing on the so-called lower abs, you will also use all of its areas.

The most effective is, of course, twisting. We also present to your attention a number of other exercises. 8 exercises will help you pump up your abs at home.

The program is called P90X Ab Ripper and requires only 15 minutes 3 – 4 times a week.

How to train your abs at home (abdominal exercises):

  1. Reverse crunches. This exercise puts the heaviest load on the abs. This is where you should start your training. Take a position lying on your back, lower your arms at your sides and rest your palms on the floor. Raise your straightened legs, bend them at the knees and try to curl into a ball. When performing this exercise, alternately tense and draw your abs inward. Perform 4 sets of 15 reps.
  2. Bike. Sitting position on the floor. Place your palms on the floor, pull one leg and then the other to your chest, imagining that you are riding a bicycle. The exercise is performed 25 seconds “forward” and 25 seconds “backward”.
  3. Leg pull-up. Without leaving the starting position of the previous exercise, bend your knees and touch the floor with your feet. Place your palms on the surface, stretch your legs, but do not straighten them completely, pull them towards your chest and return them to an almost straightened state.
  4. Frog crunches. Sitting position, feet touching the floor. Raise both legs and press them to your chest, try to wrap your arms around your knees without touching them. Then straighten your legs and spread your arms to the sides. You can also perform this exercise with your legs apart at some distance.
  5. Full crunches with legs apart. Lying position on the floor, legs apart. Raise your torso and try to reach your left leg with your right hand, while placing your left hand behind your head. After changing hands, repeat everything from the very beginning.
  6. "The Piper's Scissors." Lying position on the floor, legs together, arms at your sides. Slowly lift one leg up, then the other; when returning to the starting position, your legs should not touch the floor, remaining suspended all the time.
  7. Raising the knees and pelvis. The starting position is similar to the previous one, with your palms resting on the floor. Feet together, knees apart. Raise your legs up without using your hands and trying to lift your pelvis off the floor as much as possible. The knees should be apart at all times.
  8. Raising straight legs up. The starting position is still the same. Raise your straightened legs up perpendicular to the floor surface. Try to lift your pelvis off the surface as high as possible without helping with your hands.

Consistent training and diet are the key to success in getting beautiful sculpted abs. Now you know how to pump up your abs at home and it all depends only on your focus.