How to quickly and effectively increase hemoglobin. How to increase hemoglobin in the blood with food

Hemoglobin is an important component of red blood cells; it delivers oxygen to all organs. A decrease in hemoglobin levels is dangerous for human health - it can lead to exhaustion of the body. It is important to be able to recognize the presence of a problem and know how to increase hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin delivers oxygen to all internal organs

Hemoglobin norms and reasons for its decrease

There is no single standard for hemoglobin. It varies depending on age, gender and some characteristics of the human body.

  1. The norm for women is 120-160 g/l. Due to the presence of physiological characteristics (the presence of menstruation), talk about possible anemia begins only when hemoglobin decreases to 110 g/l and below.
  2. The norm for men is slightly higher than that for women – 130–170 g/l.
  3. Pregnant women. Due to an increase in blood volume in a woman’s body, hemoglobin decreases. This is explained by the fact that it does not have time to be produced and its concentration decreases. Additionally, some of the iron is “taken” by the growing fetus. During pregnancy, the hemoglobin norm is in the range of 110–150 g/l.

A child's hemoglobin level varies depending on age.

Table: “Norms for newborns”

As for children aged 1 year and older, we are talking about low hemoglobin when its level drops below the mark.

Table: “Norms for children from 1 to 18 years old”

Before you begin to fix the problem, you should familiarize yourself with the reasons for its occurrence.

There may be several of them:

Frequent donation may lower hemoglobin levels

A decrease in hemoglobin in the blood never goes unnoticed. The process is accompanied by the appearance of some special signs.

Symptoms of low hemoglobin

There are several typical symptoms:

  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • tachycardia;
  • regular headaches and dizziness (even fainting);
  • sleep disorders (nighttime insomnia or daytime sleepiness);
  • excessive sweating;
  • the appearance of heartburn, vomiting;
  • frequent colds;
  • menstrual cycle disorders in women;
  • temporary decrease in potency in men.

Low hemoglobin makes a person get tired faster

Since hemoglobin is produced thanks to iron, the following signs will indicate a low level of the latter:

  • excessive dryness and paleness of the skin;
  • acquiring a bluish tint to the lips;
  • slower hair growth, split ends, dryness, hair loss;
  • formation of bruises on the body;
  • brittle nails;
  • unreasonable increase in body temperature (up to 37 degrees);
  • acquiring a yellowish tint to the skin;
  • changes in the mucous membrane of the tongue (it becomes red and more sensitive);
  • the appearance of difficulties with swallowing dry and solid food;
  • feeling of coldness and tingling in the extremities;
  • leg cramps;
  • disruption of the senses.

Many of the above symptoms appear even with a slight deviation from the norm.

It is important to pay attention to your well-being in order to determine the presence of a problem in time and take the necessary measures to increase hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin test

The diagnosis of anemia is not made based on patient complaints or external examination. You definitely need to donate blood for a general analysis. It will help determine the exact level of hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin level is determined from a blood test

There is no need for special preparation for the analysis. It is enough just not to eat anything for 8-12 hours before donating blood. Drinking regular or mineral water is not prohibited. The day before the test, it is better to refrain from long walks outside and significant physical activity.

How to increase hemoglobin at home

You can restore normal hemoglobin values ​​by eating certain foods or using medications. The first method is used for minor deviations from the norm, while medications are prescribed in more complex situations.

Medicines and drugs

The use of drugs is permitted only as prescribed by a doctor!

Tablets, capsules and drops

There are many drugs that can quickly increase hemoglobin.

The most popular among them:

  1. Totema. The medication is intended for internal use. It contains iron gluconate, manganese gluconate, copper gluconate and excipients. The use of the solution is allowed from 3 months of age. Adults are prescribed 2–4 ampoules per day. The pediatric dose is calculated individually and depends on the age and body weight of the child. Before use, the contents of the ampoule must be dissolved in the required amount of liquid that does not contain alcohol. A small amount of sugar is allowed. The medicine is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to its components, gastrointestinal ulcers, or elevated iron levels.
  2. The drug contains a complex of iron (III) hydroxide polymaltose. The medicine is available in the form of drops and tablets. This effective remedy is approved for use by patients who are at risk: the elderly, pregnant women, children. Before use, the drops can be dissolved in juice. Treatment with Maltofer should last at least 2 months, and the dosage depends on the age of the patient and can range from 1-2 to 80-120 drops per day. The drug is contraindicated if the patient has hypersensitivity to its components, hemosiderosis, impaired iron excretion, hemochromatosis.
  3. Sorbifer Durules. The tablets contain ferrous sulfate and ascorbic acid. Designed for internal use. Adult women and men are prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day. If there are special indications, the dose can be increased to 3-4 tablets 2 times a day. Sorbifer Durules is not used to treat patients with esophageal stenosis and other obstructive changes in the digestive tract, hypersensitivity to the main or auxiliary substances of the drug. The drug is not prescribed to children before they reach 12 years of age.

Maltofer is an effective means for raising hemoglobin


If it is important to raise hemoglobin very urgently, the doctor prescribes injections to the patient.

One of the most popular drugs can be used:

  1. Erythropoietin alpha. Solution for subcutaneous or intravenous injection. The active substance is epoetin beta. The dosage of the drug depends on the severity of anemia and the general health of the patient. It is not used in the treatment of patients who have suffered a stroke or heart attack within the last month, suffering from arterial hypertension, unstable angina, or thromboembolism. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the product is used only in extreme cases.
  2. Solution for intramuscular administration. It consists of iron (III) polyisomaltosate hydroxide and auxiliary components. The required dosage of the drug is calculated using a special formula based on the hemoglobin level and the patient’s body weight. The drug is not used to treat patients with infectious hepatitis, excess iron, infectious kidney diseases, cirrhosis of the liver, in the first trimester of pregnancy, or in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  3. Mircera. Solution for intravenous or subcutaneous administration. The active substance is methoxypolyethylene glycol-epoetin beta. The dosage of the drug is calculated based on the patient’s body weight. Use of the product is allowed no more than once a week and only under the supervision of a doctor. Contraindications to the use of the drug are childhood, arterial hypertension and the presence of hypersensitivity to its components.

Ferrum Lek - solution for intramuscular administration

Folk remedies

You can increase hemoglobin at home using folk remedies. Pay attention to several recipes available to everyone.

Cocktail with rose hips

Add 1 tsp to a glass of rosehip infusion. honey and juice from 1 lemon. The resulting product should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Rosehip decoction is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Nuts and cranberries

You need to take equal proportions: honey, cranberries and walnuts, mix all the ingredients using a blender. Adults take 1 tbsp. l. per day, children - ½ tbsp. l. in a day.

Walnuts help increase hemoglobin levels

It is enough to simply consume 2 tbsp before breakfast. l. this product. To mask the not very pleasant taste of wheat, you can prepare a mixture with honey, raisins, dried apricots, and nuts.

Sprouted wheat is good for the body

Herbal teas

Buckwheat flower tea improves hemoglobin levels. To enhance the effect and improve the taste, a couple of rose hips are added to it. You can also drink infusions from dandelion roots, leaves or stems.

Herbal tea is good for increasing hemoglobin levels

Do not refuse treatment with medications in favor of folk remedies! Despite their simplicity, they are not suitable for all patients and are much less effective.

What to eat to increase hemoglobin?

What should you eat to increase hemoglobin? There are quite a few options available.

Products for low hemoglobin

If you have low hemoglobin, it is important to eat foods that contain:

  1. Iron: mushrooms, meat, liver, rice, barley, buckwheat, seaweed, banana, beans, apricots, pomegranate juice, beets, apples, carrots.
  2. Vitamin A: egg yolk, sour cream, cheese, pumpkin, cod liver, spinach, tomatoes, butter.
  3. Copper: peanuts, pistachios, walnuts, seafood, various cereals, pear, gooseberries.
  4. Vitamin C: rose hips, parsley, strawberries, black currants, citrus fruits.
  5. Cobalt: fish (hake, flounder, pike, sea bass), poultry, lettuce, green young peas, asparagus, kefir, cucumber.

Meat contains a lot of iron

Important advice: do not overdo it with foods containing a lot of calcium and zinc. These elements interfere with the full absorption of iron.

Sample menu for the day

During treatment, diet No. 11 may be prescribed.

In this case, the menu for the day may look something like this:

  1. Breakfast: omelet with natural sausages, fresh cabbage salad, oatmeal porridge, apple compote.
  2. Lunch: tea, hard cheese.
  3. Lunch: borscht with sour cream, rice with meat (chicken, duck, beef to choose from), cranberry juice.
  4. Afternoon snack: fresh berries or fruits.
  5. Dinner: millet milk, cheesecakes with currant jam, yogurt or milk.

Question answer

Let's look at the answers to some of the most popular questions about low hemoglobin.

How to prepare liver to increase hemoglobin?

It is enough to cut the product into pieces 1.5 centimeters thick, beat it a little and fry for 3 minutes on each side. The inside of the liver should remain pink and soft.

Cut the liver into small pieces

How much pomegranate should you eat to increase hemoglobin?

It is enough to consume 1/4 pomegranate per day. At the same time, it is necessary to include other iron-containing foods in the diet, since the human body absorbs only 5% of iron from fruits.

Pomegranate contains a lot of iron

How to find out hemoglobin at home

The exact level of hemoglobin can only be determined by a blood test. This can be done without leaving home using special test strips or expensive devices.

It is impossible to determine the exact level of hemoglobin solely by external signs!

You can check your hemoglobin at home using a test strip.

Is it possible to increase hemoglobin in a week?

The process of naturally raising hemoglobin levels requires 3–4 weeks or more. The exception is situations when the patient’s life is in danger and doctors take emergency measures: the use of fast-acting drugs, blood transfusions.

Raising hemoglobin is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to contact a specialist in a timely manner and choose the optimal treatment. If you follow your doctor's recommendations and diet, you can achieve the desired result.

Our body constantly needs the synthesis of hemoglobin - a protein that transports oxygen through the blood. Its level affects overall health, and a deficiency causes a loss of strength, which is more noticeable in childhood and old age. Therefore, people are interested in how to quickly increase hemoglobin in the blood. When you include foods containing iron in your diet, the level of vital protein returns to normal.

Middle level and functions

There is no single indicator for everyone, since the level of protein in the blood changes during the aging process and also depends on gender.

For women, an acceptable level is from 120 to 160 g/l, due to the characteristics of their body (menstrual cycle,). Suspicion of the presence of anemia occurs only after hemoglobin decreases to 110 g/l. Due to pregnancy and an increase in the amount of blood in the body, women's hemoglobin also decreases.

The standard explanation is that it does not have time to be synthesized, hence the decrease in concentration in the blood. Also, a percentage of iron is taken up by the new growing organism. In pregnant women, the normal protein level ranges from 110 to 140 g/l. In children, this indicator varies depending on age.

In men, the average is slightly higher - from 130 to 170 g/l.

Table of averages for newborns:

A reduced rate in children over one year of age is considered to be a level lower than those indicated in the table.

Table for children under 18 years of age:

Transporting oxygen is the main function of hemoglobin, so you should always monitor its level in the blood and avoid deviations. When it declines, oxygen starvation occurs; when it increases, the blood thickens, blood circulation slows down, which causes thrombosis.

Without “respiratory protein” we would simply suffocate. Oxygen metabolism is the main function of iron-containing protein.

How does it participate in breathing:

  1. Connects oxygen molecules into the lungs, then carries them through the bloodstream throughout the body. This process consumes almost all the oxygen, leaving only 2% in the plasma.
  2. After the cells absorb oxygen, they produce carbon dioxide, which also picks up hemoglobin and carries it back to the lungs for elimination from the body.

Diabetics should especially monitor their hemoglobin levels. For them, there is a separate blood test for glycated hemoglobin. It shows the level of protein associated with glucose. This makes it possible to use this test to control diabetes. If the analysis shows deviations from the normal state, you can understand the degree of compensation for diabetes.

Reasons for the decline

A decrease in protein levels is only accepted as a problem when the process is not a one-time change. In case the decrease is recorded over a long period of time. To solve the problem, you should contact a hematologist. He will order a full examination and determine the source of the deviations that have arisen.

Common reasons for decreased values ​​not related to hormonal imbalances include:

  • lack of iron, which is involved in transporting oxygen to cells;
  • acute hemorrhoids;
  • poor nutrition;
  • a lack of ;
  • bleeding;
  • blood diseases;
  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract (poor absorption of iron).

It is also suspected that problems associated with iron deficiency in the body can develop the following diseases:

  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • oncology;
  • diverticulosis;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • alcoholic nephropathy;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • infectious diseases.

When making the above diagnoses, emphasis should be placed on restoring normal hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Symptoms of decline

Symptoms may indicate not only a decrease in hemoglobin, especially if they are one-day. But, if they bother you, you often need to make an appointment with a therapist. He will write out a referral for general tests, after which the picture of what is happening will become fully visible.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • unexpected drop in blood pressure;
  • dizzy;
  • frequent viral diseases;
  • tachycardia, for no apparent reason.

Ways to raise hemoglobin levels

To restore average hemoglobin values, it is advisable to follow nutritional rules and take medications. In case of safe deviations from the norm, you can use the first option - but medications are prescribed in serious cases.

To quickly increase the level of protein in the blood, medications are used:

Totema is a popular medication used orally. It contains iron, manganese gluconate and other additional components. Use in the form of a solution is prohibited for children under 3 months. Adult dose – 3-4 ampoules per day. The dose for children is calculated individually. Ampoules should be dissolved in water, you can add sugar for taste. It is forbidden to prescribe in case of individual intolerance to one of the components in the composition or hypersensitivity, gastrointestinal ulcers, or increased iron content in the blood.

Sorbifer Durules– the complex name should not scare you away; the product contains useful substances, such as ferrous sulfate and ascorbic acid, and is produced in tablets. Prohibited for children under 1 year of age. Taken orally. Dose for adults – 2 tablets per day. For individual needs, the dose is increased to 6-8 tablets per day. The drug should not be used by patients with esophageal stenosis or other damage to the digestive tract, as well as hypersensitivity or intolerance to the drugs in the composition.

Maltofer is a medicine in tablets and drops. Contains iron (III) hydroxide polymaltose complex. Helps people at risk: children, pregnant women, the elderly. Drops can be dissolved in juice, just like taking tablets with it. Treatment with the drug lasts at least 2 months. Dosages depend on age and range from 2 to 100 drops per day. Do not use in case of intolerance and hypersensitivity, iron excretion disorders, hemochromatosis.

Chemotherapy and hemoglobin

Low hemoglobin and anemia in patients with malignant tumors can last not only months, but also years. In such cases, people radically change their diet and take medications.

Since hemoglobin is an iron-containing organic material, its restoration is possible by consuming foods or medications with a high level of digestible iron in the composition. Your doctor should tell you how to deal with a decrease in protein levels in the blood after chemotherapy. In case of serious deviations, specialists will select an individual medication for use.

How can a pregnant woman or nursing mother cope with this problem? There are several solutions:

  1. Treatment with medications aimed at restoring the daily norm of iron in the blood.
  2. Follow a diet with foods rich in iron.
  3. Folk remedies.

Drug treatment for anemia is the main way to eliminate it. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, especially buying and taking medications yourself.

  • Furrum Lek;
  • Ferlatum;
  • Fenyuls;
  • Ferro - Foil.

These drugs are most often prescribed. Therapy lasts from 2 to 6 months, depending on the woman’s condition. The treatment does not harm the child's health. Iron collects in breast milk without causing side effects. Medicines can be taken with juices containing vitamin C. It helps iron to be better absorbed.

Increasing hemoglobin before taking the test

From a health point of view, quickly increasing the content of transport protein in the blood before taking the test is not the best solution. To obtain the proper result, you need to thicken the blood, which is very dangerous.

If you do decide, follow these steps:

  • do not drink water before donating blood;
  • do not eat salty foods;
  • eat sweet and sour, starchy foods (potatoes, buckwheat, bananas, smoked meats);

These products also include:

  • rosehip tincture with honey and lemon juice;
  • nuts and cranberries;
  • buckwheat flower tea;
  • Herb tea;
  • tinctures from dandelion roots, leaves or stems;

If the patient’s indicator is close to normal, such actions will help achieve results in a very short time. But it’s better not to joke with your health.

Herbs against anemia

Anemia is translated as bloodlessness, but the translation is too exaggerated. In reality, the values ​​are very close, this is anemia, and more precisely, a low content of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. The disease usually appears after severe blood loss from surgery or injury, but can also be the result of poor diet or chronic infection. There are many herbs used for anemia, but the following are the most popular and beneficial for health.

  • Clover inflorescences;
  • Rose hip;
  • Rowan;
  • Strawberries;
  • Dandelion;
  • Nettle;
  • Chicory juice;
  • May;
  • There are millions of morals;
  • Plantain juice.

Read more about the latter.

  1. Moral root or Leuzea is a remedy sold in pharmacies. Take 20 drops in the morning and evening. To use, take a small spoon of honey and half a liter of beet juice, add Leuzea and take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Juice from plantain leaves is taken one tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating.
  3. Eleutherococcus is also a pharmaceutical herbal remedy. Use 25 drops twice a day. Decoctions are also made from it. 2 tablespoons of crushed eleutherococcus are stirred in half a liter of water and boiled for about 3 minutes. After this, the broth is cooled and filtered. You should take 100 ml three times a day.

When using herbs for anemia, it is important to follow the technology for preparing medications and observe the duration of their use. Proper storage is very important for the plant to have the most beneficial properties.

Hemoglobin- a complex compound of iron and protein. It is found in red blood cells and performs an important function - it transports oxygen molecules to all organs and tissues. Participates in the capture of oxygen in the lungs and produces subsequent oxidation, directing it to all necessary structures.

The body needs oxygen to ensure the functioning of the body, energy exchange and recovery.

To produce hemoglobin, you should eat foods rich in iron. It is necessary for iron to be properly absorbed in the small intestine. It is essential that your food contains B vitamins, particularly vitamin B12 and folic acid. Read about it here.

It is necessary that there are no pathological changes in the bloodstream, that is, acquired or congenital blood diseases.

How are hemoglobin levels and normal values ​​determined?

The hemoglobin level is related to age, gender and other characteristics:

In a similar article we talk about.

Symptoms of low hemoglobin

Low hemoglobin is characterized by asthenic symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • irregular heartbeat and hypotension;
  • In difficult situations, fainting occurs.

If a decrease in hemoglobin is a consequence of iron deficiency, then symptoms of dystrophy are observed:

  • dry skin;
  • cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • brittle nails and hair - they begin to fall out and grow slowly;
  • dysfunction of smell and taste.


There are both obvious and hidden:

  1. Obvious blood loss appear during a variety of injuries, wounds, operations, hemorrhoids, or a long menstrual cycle.
  2. Hidden blood loss occur during the period of female pathologies, such as uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts, during gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastric ulcers.
  3. Small time range between 2 pregnancies, hormonal disruptions within the body or diseases of internal organs.
  4. From donors, systematically donating blood, a decrease in hemoglobin is observed.
  5. In childhood, with an improper diet and in pregnant women, since the growing fetus is able to draw iron from the mother’s body.
  6. Dysbacteriosis and psychoemotional disorders.

What are the dangers of low hemoglobin, complications

When hemoglobin decreases due to anemia caused by iron deficiency, a variety of symptoms appear:

  • Lethargy, malaise, decreased ability to work, dizzy.
  • Sometimes shortness of breath occurs, tachycardia, the perception of taste and smell changes, dryness occurs in the oral cavity, and the tongue may tingle.
  • To external signs of anemia include dryness and thinning of the hair, paleness and flaking of the skin and lips, brittleness and loss of shine of the nails.
  • Women experience burning or itching. During an intense decrease in hemoglobin, there are fainting conditions, dizziness and constant headache, and fatigue. Muscle relaxation is often observed, leading in some cases to urinary incontinence.
  • Interruptions may occur in the functioning of the immune system, which leads to adverse consequences during the period of any illness.
  • Decreased hemoglobin is a common condition in many pregnant women. Significant deviations from normal indicators affect the health of the mother and baby.

Women also experience the following consequences of low hemoglobin:

  1. uterine hypotension;
  2. disturbed location of the placenta;
  3. hypoxia;
  4. delay or absence of fetal formation.

Newborns experience reduced weight, underdevelopment, disruptions in breathing and the nervous system, further mental and physical abnormalities, and atrophied muscles and organs. In this regard, it is important to know how to increase hemoglobin in a child.

Often, reduced hemoglobin indicates the presence of a disease or other disruptions within the body. These include infectious lesions, genetic pathologies, dysfunction of hemoglobin synthesis.

When hemoglobin is reduced, it is necessary to change the menu; in the case of strong deviations from the norm, you need to consult a specialist - a hematologist.

Required daily intake of iron

  • The average iron requirement per day is approximately 10 mg for men, 15-20 mg for women, up to 45 mg per day is allowed. Over the course of a month, women lose almost 2 times more minerals than men.
  • The need during pregnancy is often so great, which will exceed the total iron content that comes from nutrition. Then auxiliary treatment is used in the 2nd part of pregnancy and after childbirth for 2-3 months.

    It is possible to increase hemoglobin during pregnancy when hemoglobin is not significantly reduced and in women before pregnancy the indicators were normal.

  • Sufficient iron reserves within the body are considered to be 300–1000 mg in women and 500–1500 mg in men. The vast majority of people have iron reserves at the lower limits of normal. It is known that many healthy women do not have any iron stores.

Foods that increase hemoglobin levels

During iron deficiency, the greatest effect is achieved by taking beets; they are consumed both raw and boiled. This product promotes the regeneration of iron levels in the body, “starts” red blood cells, and saturates the blood with oxygen.

Other vegetables can help quickly increase hemoglobin:

  • Carrot. Consumed fresh, can be added to salad, or cooked.
  • Tomato. Helps improve blood composition, nourishes it with important microelements, and prevents blood clots from forming.
  • Zucchini. Rich in iron, potassium and magnesium. Vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron.

The above products help strengthen the body and restore intestinal function, which has a good effect in the fight against low hemoglobin.

Folk remedies often use green walnuts to increase hemoglobin. They are consumed together with honey, raisins, and cranberries.

Juices from stores do not have any particular benefit for increasing hemoglobin; only natural products will be useful. They are well absorbed and rich in vitamins.

During treatment, prepare them 2-3 times a day, drinking them immediately:

  • Especially useful: carrot, apple, beet juices.
  • Fresh zucchini juice mixed with carrot or potato juice is also effective. Gives a calming effect and has a beneficial effect on the absorption of iron.
  • Pomegranate juice, popular as a drink that restores iron levels within the body, is disputed by experts. It is believed that it causes constipation and other side effects from the gastrointestinal tract.

Recipes for folk remedies that increase hemoglobin

To treat anemia with the help of folk remedies, it takes time from 2 to 6 weeks. But during this time, you can achieve a lasting and reliable result.

Honey compositions:

  • Select 200 grams of walnuts, buckwheat cereals and dark honey. Grind to fine grains and mix with honey. Take the mass (2 tablespoons) in the morning 30 minutes before meals, without drinking.
  • The same amount of honey is crushed and combined, walnuts, dried apricots and raisins. The finished mass is consumed 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
  • Dried apricots, prunes, raisins, walnuts are crushed. The components are mixed and taken in quantities equal to the volume of 1 glass. 2 lemons with peel are crushed using a blender. Combine the prepared solutions with a glass of honey and mix. Take 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.
  • 1 lemon and 5 leaves of 3-year-old aloe, which has been in the refrigerator for about 3 days, is crushed using a blender and mixed with a glass of honey. Use 3 times a day, 20 grams.
  • Good effect can be achieved when every day in the morning take 2 tbsp. l. wheat sprouts seasoned with honey. Sometimes they add dried fruits and make a salad.

To prepare healing compositions from honey, it is more advisable to use dark varieties. It contains a lot of fructose, which helps absorb iron into the bloodstream. Buckwheat contains many elements that speed up the normalization of the blood formula.

In addition to honey, tinctures and juices have a good effect. They are absorbed by the body quite quickly; they contain many different vitamins, including C, which promotes the absorption of iron.

Recipes for using juice and tinctures:

  • Mix half a glass of beet and carrot juice. Drink the mixture in the morning before meals. After 2 days the blood will become better.
  • Half a glass of apple and cranberry juice stir in 1/4 cup beet juice. Shake all the time, drink every day.
  • Recommended every day in the morning before meals drink a mixture of half a glass of carrot juice and half a glass of boiled milk. Take until the hemoglobin level returns to normal.
  • Take carrots and beets in half, lemon juices are mixed, honey and cognac are added, everything is thoroughly mixed, poured into a glass container, wrapped in foil and placed in the refrigerator. When 3 hours have passed, start applying 3 times every day according to Art. l.
  • Tincture of clover, blackberry, St. John's wort, white damselfish is extremely useful for increasing hemoglobin. These herbs are mixed, then 20 g of the mixture is taken, brewed in 200 ml of hot water and the entire mass is drunk within a day. Therapy lasts 4 weeks.
  • The effect is given by tincture of rowan and rosehip, 3 tablespoons are poured with 40 mg of boiled water and infused for 10 minutes. Take half a glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Half a glass of buckwheat is ground in a coffee grinder, combine with a glass of kefir and leave overnight to swell. By morning, take the prepared mass as breakfast. Buckwheat is the most useful food product, containing 16 elements and vitamins, and is recognized as the most effective porridge to raise hemoglobin.

Calcium prevents the body from absorbing iron, so it must be removed during the recovery period. The specialist will prescribe the necessary products containing iron that accelerate the recovery of hemoglobin.

Traditional medicine recommends medicinal tinctures that help raise hemoglobin:

  • A good remedy is a tincture of yarrow herb: 0.5 liters of boiled water is brewed with 1 tbsp for an hour. l. raw materials, then cooled and strained through cheesecloth. Take the product 3 times a day, 1 tsp before meals. tinctures.
  • Rowan normalizes hemoglobin content. 2 tsp. berries are poured with 0.5 liters of boiled water. The product is infused for 1 hour, then mixed with sugar or honey to taste and drunk 4 times a day, half a glass.
  • Brew soak in boiled water 1 tbsp. l. dried red clover heads. The drug is infused for 45 minutes, then filtered and drunk before meals, 2 tbsp. l. Heather flowers are brewed in the same way.
  • Peel and thoroughly wash 300 g of garlic, then add 1 liter of alcohol. The product is infused, shaking occasionally, for about 4 weeks. Drink 3 times a day, 1 tsp. This tincture is washed down with milk.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="How to increase hemoglobin in the blood" width="300" height="188" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C188&ssl=1 300w, https://i0.wp..jpg?w=564&ssl=1 564w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" data-recalc-dims="1"> Рассмотрим, как повысить гемоглобин в крови, что такое анемия, какую роль выполняет гемоглобин, почему не хватает железа в организме, как можно его повысить.!}

We will also find out the symptoms of low hemoglobin and what are the ways to normalize it at home, using folk remedies and medications.
Let's consider the functions of hemoglobin and its structure.

What is low hemoglobin (anemia). The main function of hemoglobin

Previously, a decrease in hemoglobin levels was called anemia - from the words “little” and “blood”, that is, when the hemoglobin level decreased, there was little blood (red blood cells) in the body. Red blood cells are red blood cells that are made up of hemoglobin, which determines their color. Each red blood cell contains slightly less than 300 hemoglobin molecules (normal).

Hemoglobin has a protein nature and its molecule performs two functions:

heme is responsible for the transfer of oxygen from the lungs; it is in the heme that iron ions are located
globin– binds the end product of food combustion – carbon dioxide and transports it to the lungs

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="Structure of the hemoglobin molecule" width="544" height="460" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=544&ssl=1 544w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C254&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 544px) 100vw, 544px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

In order to more easily understand how this happens, you can imagine a red blood cell as a machine with oxygen, which is loaded and unloaded by loaders - hemoglobin molecules.

Digital indicators of hemoglobin are normal and when its level is low, see below:

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When there is a lack of hemoglobin, oxygen starvation cells, which is commonly called anemia or anemia.

In this article we will look at a decrease in hemoglobin levels due to a lack of iron, that is, iron deficiency anemia.

Why does the regulation of oxygen supply to the body depend on the kidneys?

How does the body know when to start red blood cell synthesis and when to stop it?

The process of blood formation in the red bone marrow is regulated by a special hormone that is synthesized in the kidneys and is called erythropoietin.

Normal blood formation directly depends on the functions of the kidneys, as a regulator and controller of this process. If the kidneys are sick, the synthesis of the hormone is disrupted and anemia also occurs.

The most common cause of low hemoglobin in the blood is lack of iron for the synthesis of the hemoglobin molecule or iron deficiency anemia. What are the symptoms and causes of iron deficiency anemia? How can you find out if we have it?

Anemia is characterized by either a complete absence of symptoms, or they are very varied. But there is nonspecific complaints, symptoms of anemia:

  1. all-consuming weakness, simply a vital need to lie down
  2. inability to grow long hair due to split ends
  3. appearance of stickiness in the corners of the mouth
  4. inability to retain heat, the person is constantly cold
  5. pallor of the skin combined with pallor of the mucous tissues
  6. women's hands show anemia, especially with regard to nails, which peel and break, longitudinal stripes appear on the plate, white spots appear, or their shape becomes spoon-shaped
  7. perversion of taste (may want to eat chalk) and smell (like the smell of kerosene, printing ink)
  8. a symptom of choking on the first sip of liquid or a lump of food

Anemia is not a diagnosis, it is a complication of something, some disease or condition.

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What to do if you have symptoms of anemia

If you find several symptoms characteristic of low hemoglobin, you need to:

  1. Take on an empty stomach general blood analysis, where the level of hemoglobin, red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets, and the color index of the blood will be determined (in iron deficiency anemia it is hypochromic, that is, less than 1).
    Of course, it is better to do it not the old fashioned way, but with a modern hematology analyzer.
  2. If a general blood test shows a low level of hemoglobin, then it makes sense do a biochemical blood test, which will precisely indicate the presence of iron deficiency.
  3. Find the reason low hemoglobin with the help of a doctor. Only after identifying the cause of low hemoglobin can treatment begin.

What are the causes of low iron levels?

1. Nutritional reason. A lack of iron intake from food is observed in people who:

  • don't eat eggs
  • avoid eating meat (vegetarians)
  • fasting to lose weight
  • are on mono-diets
  • drink too much coffee and tea
  • mineral deficiency in food
  • vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency

2. High iron consumption. It is here that we remember pregnant women who often give birth and are in a period of long lactation. They are the ones who give the fetus a lot of iron so that it, the fetus, can function normally. During prolonged physical activity in athletes or people with heavy physical labor, iron consumption increases significantly.

3. Massive bleeding. Bleeding can be visible or invisible. The latter in extreme cases can lead to death.

Invisible bleeding is caused by:

  • period
  • haemorrhoids
  • ulcers and gastritis

4. Previous viral infections— anemia will go away on its own with the help of a certain diet

5. Changes in hormonal levels in the body. This happens due to its restructuring during gestation, during the period of maturation - adolescence, and due to a violation of the synthesis of certain hormones.

6. Chronic kidney diseases, gastrointestinal tract(special treatment is required, anemia will not go away on its own)

7. Frequent use of medications- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs - painkillers and antipyretics, such harmless in appearance:

  • aspirin
  • Nurofen
  • Brufen
  • diclofenac
  • Voltaren
  • dexalgin
  • ketonal

Reduced hemoglobin levels are characteristic of 30% of the world's population In fact, every third woman has symptoms of anemia.

There are cases when the iron level in the body is normal, but red blood cells are not synthesized due to pathologies of the spinal cord and stem cells or bone marrow damage.

At home, you can raise low hemoglobin levels by eating certain iron-containing foods. But it is possible to raise hemoglobin levels with food only if the analysis for ferritin content shows availability of iron reserves in the depot liver.

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General recommendations for increasing hemoglobin at home

When increasing hemoglobin by fattening and consuming iron-containing foods, it is necessary to take into account some nuances or general recommendations:

1. Many foods interfere with iron absorption. This especially applies to coffee and tea, which are rich in caffeine and tannin, respectively.

2. When consuming iron-containing foods, it is necessary to reduce or eliminate the consumption of calcium-containing foods (dairy products) from the diet.

3. When eating foods that increase hemoglobin, it is advisable to increase the consumption of freshly squeezed citrus and apple juices, since the presence of vitamin C will increase the percentage of iron absorption from food.

4. We significantly reduce the cooking time, since the longer the food is subjected to heat treatment, the more it loses beneficial substances, which are destroyed during the cooking process.

5. Important! Iron from plant foods is practically not absorbed due to the presence of phytates, which are contained in legumes, nuts, and cereals. To get rid of phytates, legumes, cereals, and nuts are soaked in water and the water is drained after soaking them in the evening. In the morning we will have healthy products.

6. In addition to calcium, iron antagonists are magnesium, which is found in nuts and cereals. In order not to interfere with the absorption of iron, foods containing calcium and magnesium, oxalic acid (spinach, blueberries, sorrel) are consumed two hours before taking iron-containing foods or two hours after taking iron-containing foods.

7. The following foods help absorb iron: honey, fruits, bell peppers and cauliflower, kiwi and tomatoes, red meat, poultry and rabbit, liver (any), fish, seafood, porcini mushrooms, butter.

8. Soy protein, phytates, dietary fiber, calcium, polyphenols (beans, nuts, tea, coffee) slow down the absorption of ferum.

What foods help increase low hemoglobin

All iron in our body comes from food. And there is a lot of it coming. But a small percentage of the ingested amount is absorbed.

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Therefore, when choosing iron-containing foods, we pay attention not so much to the amount of iron in them, but to its digestibility.

For example, there is much more iron in plant foods than in animal foods, but it is almost not absorbed from there. Therefore, choose products that iron is found in heme form:

  • meat, especially red
  • offal
  • seafood, especially shrimp

Good effect on iron absorption presence of microelements:

  • cobalt

Iron from a plant diet improves its absorption in the presence of meat, but at the same time, it worsens the absorption of animal iron. Side dish of stewed vegetables for meat or buckwheat porridge - optimal solution, since vegetables contain what is necessary to improve iron absorption:

  • ascorbic acid (kiwi, tomatoes)
  • fructose (sweet fruits)
  • citric acid (lemon, as a seasoning for dishes)
  • succinic acid (sauerkraut, fermented milk products, cheeses, black bread, shellfish)
  • folic acid (parsley, young nettle, dried apricots)

It’s very easy to make at home for a meat dish. vegetable salads:

1. Carrot salad with beets, raisins, nuts and prunes. Grate raw carrots and beets on a coarse grater, add nuts, raisins and prunes soaked the night before, chopping them. Stir and add olive oil to the mixture. Be sure to soak nuts to get rid of fetates.

2. Spinach, egg and sour cream salad. Soak lettuce leaves for 2-3 hours to get rid of iron absorption inhibitors. Cut. Grind boiled eggs. Stir and season with sour cream. In order for the iron from spinach, of which there is a lot, to be well absorbed, it must be consumed with protein foods, in this case with an egg. The same salad can be a side dish for meat chops and fried fish.

3. Salad of eggs, lemon, garlic and hard cheese. Egg yolks contain huge amounts of iron. In order for it to be absorbed, vitamin C (lemon) is needed. Grate the eggs and cheese, add chopped garlic and squeeze the juice from one lemon. You can just chop the lemon finely. Mix everything and season with olive oil.

It’s good to drink juices squeezed at home:

1. Mixed juice from carrots, beets and apples. This recipe will quickly increase hemoglobin - in just two days. In equal proportions - 100 ml each - mix freshly squeezed juice of carrots, beets and apples.

The juice should be drunk at least half an hour before a meal, or 2 hours after, and under no circumstances should sugar be added. Can be diluted with water, especially beetroot (1:2). Optimal effectiveness can be obtained by drinking around 600 ml of juice per day.

2. Strawberry juice. Strawberries are a source of folic acid, which helps increase hemoglobin in the blood. Consume as juice or raw berries in unlimited quantities.

3.Juice mixture, which will increase hemoglobin in 7 days. Mix 2/3 carrot juice, 1/3 beet juice and juice from half a lemon. Drink for 7 days at any time half an hour before a meal or two hours later. Watch the video on how to prepare the mixture.

Good news! When squeezing juices, all nitrates and pesticides will remain in the fiber (cake), and the juice itself will be free of poisons. Juices should be drunk a maximum of 30 minutes after squeezing and do not store them for future use.

You can also prepare a vitamin mixture of chopped dried apricots, raisins, nuts and honey at home. Be sure to soak all foods (except honey) to increase their digestibility. Take 1 tablespoon per day. Very suitable for expectant mothers throughout pregnancy.

Folk remedies for raising hemoglobin in the blood

In folk medicine, there are recipes for increasing hemoglobin levels through the use of tinctures, teas and extracts from herbs and plant fruits. I will give the most useful ones.

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I recommend it to preserve all the beneficial substances avoid boiling and pouring boiling water. A much better effect is obtained by extracting herbs in a thermos at water temperature no more than 50 degrees throughout the night. The fruits can be chopped.

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How to increase hemoglobin levels in infants, nursing mothers and cancer patients

Despite the fact that the Internet is replete with all sorts of recipes for increasing hemoglobin levels by taking foods with a high iron content, Dr. Komarovsky believes that by fattening it is possible to stabilize anemia or prevent its development, but it is unrealistic to increase hemoglobin! It is possible to increase hemoglobin levels only with the help of drugs.

The judgment is quite controversial, since I know enough cases where hemoglobin was increased with the help of nutrition and traditional medicine recipes.

If you still cannot increase it with the help of nutrition or traditional medicine recipes, I recommend the natural drug Hemobin, which you can order by clicking the banner below:
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The baby may become lethargic and inactive due to oxygen starvation (hypoxia), caused by a lack of hemoglobin to synthesize a sufficient number of red blood cells.

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Why low hemoglobin is dangerous for a child:

  • the child gets tired quickly
  • the incidence of viral infections increases sharply
  • the child is developmentally delayed
  • sleeps worse

If a child is fed breast milk, then the mother's milk contains a special substance - lactoferrin, which is an iron-containing protein. It helps iron to be absorbed. For example, from the meat that mothers eat, at best, 20% of iron is absorbed. And the baby will absorb 60% of iron from mother’s milk. This is a feature of breast milk lactoferrin.

One more example:

V formula contains much more iron than breast milk, but iron is absorbed from there much worse than from breast milk, where there is much less of it.

Despite this, there is always a shortage of iron. In order for a child to develop normally and not suffer from iron deficiency, there is one phenomenon in nature:

a child, even before birth, as a fetus, stores iron in order to survive while he is fed milk. This is one of the reasons for low hemoglobin in pregnant women in the third semester.

Attention! The iron reserves accumulated by the fetus in the womb are enough for the child to develop normally for 5-6 months.

What needs to be done when the baby is 6 months old

The advice of Dr. Komarovsky, whom I respect, is that if you have these three factors, then The child needs a general blood test:

1. The pregnant woman had low hemoglobin levels
2. The expectant mother did not use iron supplements during pregnancy
3. The child is already at the age when the accumulated iron should run out - 6 months

Why is analysis needed? To adjust baby's feeding and for mom to start taking high-quality vitamin complexes or natural food supplements with a full range of essential minerals and vitamins. I recommend it to my friends sprouted cereal grains factory-produced, which are 100% natural, they can be consumed by the mother (1 tablespoon) and added to any food for the child - 1/2 teaspoon.

Pregnant woman or nursing mother

The main task of a pregnant woman is to do everything to the unborn child could store iron reserves even before birth. Expectant mothers need to eat iron-containing foods: meat, liver, fish.

Vegetarians must take iron supplements when carrying a child.

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A pregnant woman can also do an analysis for ferritin content. Ferritin liver is a complex protein complex (iron protein) that acts as the main intracellular iron depot in humans and animals. This analysis will show:

  1. The pregnant woman's hemoglobin level has decreased, but she there are iron reserves in the depot liver
  2. a pregnant woman has a decreased hemoglobin level and no iron reserves in the depot

In the first case, it is possible to increase hemoglobin only through nutrition, in the second case, the first place comes out use of drugs.
If a woman’s body has run out of iron reserves, then the child has nowhere to take it from. A pregnant woman will not be able to increase the amount of iron through food, as she will not have time to make a reserve - this takes about three months. In this case it is necessary take iron supplements(see below), not excluding nutrition with iron-containing foods.

For oncology after chemotherapy

After intensive chemotherapy, hemoglobin levels always decrease. It is also necessary to raise it with preparations containing iron (tablets and injections), and in extreme cases, when oxygen deprivation is critical, a special blood transfusion is given - red blood cells.

Your attending physician will tell you which pharmaceutical drug to use to raise hemoglobin after chemotherapy, depending on the general condition of your body.

In some cases of low hemoglobin, it is possible to raise it with drugs made from grape seeds or grape meal. As an example, the Freelife phytocomplex, in the case of oncology, it is recommended to use from 8 to 16 capsules per day (100% natural preparation). In addition to raising hemoglobin, it kills cancer cells.

All actions must be coordinated with the attending physician. It is he who will select the most optimal treatment for such a disease. If you are interested, follow the link.

Medicines to increase hemoglobin in the blood

There are two types of drugs: tablets (capsules) and injections. Although it is believed that injections are more effective, they are recommended by a doctor as a last resort, in the absence of iron absorption in the gastrointestinal tract, since a number of unpleasant side effects are observed with the injection: nausea, vomiting, stomach pain.

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When using iron supplements, the color of stool may change to darker.


- French long-acting drug. One contains 256.3 mg of ferrous sulfate, which corresponds to 80 mg active iron, ascorbic acid and other beneficial substances. There is a special active substance - mucoproteosis, which ensures a slow and gradual release of ferrous sulfate and due to this there is no irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

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- the most common remedy for iron deficiency anemia. Approved for use by pregnant and lactating women. Consists of iron sulfate.

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- used for low hemoglobin caused by iron deficiency and folic acid deficiency. Recommended during pregnancy. Ingredients: iron, ascorbic acid, cyanocobalamin, folic acid.

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For intravenous and intramuscular use in renal failure and anemia caused by kidney disease and poor synthesis of the hormone that regulates the formation of red blood cells (erythropoiesis) in the red bone marrow. Available in bottle form.

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- prescribed for insufficient synthesis of its own hormone, which is responsible for the formation of red blood cells. Recommended for use by cancer patients during intensive care and for premature babies with very low body weight. Composition: epoetin beta.

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There are also a huge number of medications, but they are prescribed by a doctor, and he also determines the dosage of taking the medications I have listed.

In today's article, we learned in more detail how to increase hemoglobin in the blood, what anemia is, what role hemoglobin plays, why there is not enough iron in the body, and how you can increase it. We also learned the symptoms of low hemoglobin and what are the ways to normalize it at home, using folk remedies and medications.

Stay healthy!

The level of hemoglobin largely determines the health status of people. Hemoglobin, found in blood, is a complex protein that makes up red blood cells (erythrocytes).

It is due to the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin that the blood has a red color. By the way, sometimes the patient himself can tell by the color of his blood whether his hemoglobin is normal or low. The richer the color of blood, the more red pigment it contains - hemoglobin.

When saturated with oxygen, hemoglobin turns into the substance oxyhemoglobin in arterial blood and is delivered to organs and tissues. There it gives up oxygen and turns into deoxyhemoglobin. Thus, hemoglobin performs the respiratory function. With the help of hemoglobin, every cell of our body breathes. In addition, turning into carbhemoglobin, the red pigment of the blood carries carbon dioxide from the tissues.

Hemoglobin is destroyed in the liver, where it is converted into bilirubin and excreted in feces and urine.

A decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin per unit volume of blood is called anemia(anemia). The World Health Organization provides impressive figures. Anemia is the most common blood disorder, affecting more than 2,000,000,000 people worldwide.

A decrease in hemoglobin levels occurs when a person loses a lot of blood. However, most often, anemia can develop when the necessary substances are supplied with food in insufficient quantities or are poorly absorbed by the body. Such substances are iron, vitamin B12, folic acid, proteins. Anemia associated with a lack of iron in the blood is called iron deficiency. Iron deficiency anemia is the most common, so we will talk about it.

Anemia causes fatigue, dizziness, tachycardia, lethargy and weakness. A person's skin becomes pale and dry, and the mucous membranes are affected, especially the oral mucosa and tongue. Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia increase gradually. For a long time, the patient may not know about his anemia. It will help to identify anemia (Hb norms for women are 120-140 g/l, and for men - 130-160 g/l).
This disease can be triggered by infectious diseases and frequent bleeding, but most often it is caused by poor nutrition. So, first of all, to prevent anemia, you need to reconsider your own diet. Low hemoglobin requires the inclusion of iron-rich foods in the menu. In pediatric practice and with mild anemia in adults, dietary adjustments can completely eliminate the problem of low hemoglobin.

Products containing iron and increasing hemoglobin

First, you need to determine a list of products that increase hemoglobin, i.e. containing iron and promoting its absorption.

There is a lot of iron in cereals: buckwheat and oatmeal, beans, peas. It is especially necessary to pay attention to meat, liver, eggs, and caviar. Note that among animal products, liver contains the maximum amount of iron. In terms of iron content, seaweed, prunes and rose hips can be compared with liver. Iron is also found in blueberries, beets, pomegranates, figs, dogwoods, dill, parsley, spinach, and lettuce; fruits: persimmons, quinces, peaches, pears, apples (especially sour ones).

Do not underestimate foods that contain moderate amounts of iron: green onions, radishes, potatoes - although they do not contain much iron, it is well absorbed due to the content of organic acids. For the same reason, foods that increase hemoglobin are pumpkin, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, turnips and sauerkraut.
However, the absorption of iron by the body is not guaranteed simply by the fact of taking the above products. It is very important in combination with what foods we take food that increases hemoglobin.

Ascorbic acid, which is rich in plant foods, promotes the absorption of iron. For example, iron is poorly absorbed from fruits and vegetables, but plant foods contain a lot of vitamin C, which makes iron absorption much easier.

It is most easily absorbed from foods that contain heme iron - the iron found in animal hemoglobin. However, what you pair the meat with is extremely important. With low hemoglobin, it is not rational to eat meat in combination with cereals and pasta. Although many grains contain iron, cereals contain phytates, which interfere with iron absorption. Therefore, it is recommended for anemia to combine meat with vegetable side dishes, as well as buckwheat.
A glass of orange juice itself contains practically no iron, but if you drink it after lunch, the absorption of this microelement by the body doubles. But foods high in calcium significantly reduce this ability. So foods rich in iron and containing a lot of calcium (for example, dairy products) should be separated at the time of intake. For example, if you have buckwheat or meat for lunch, then tea or coffee with milk is out of the question. Also, if a portion of food was rich in iron, then you should consume dairy products no earlier than 3-4 hours later.
During and immediately after a meal, it is better not to drink coffee and tea on their own (even without milk), as they interfere with the absorption of iron due to the tannins they contain. In case of iron deficiency anemia, a completely useless food would be, for example, buckwheat with milk: buckwheat itself increases hemoglobin, but in combination with milk, iron is not absorbed from it.

By following all the recommendations given above and eating right, you can gradually increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood with mild anemia. However, only a doctor can determine the extent of the disease; perhaps to increase hemoglobin in your case, it will not be enough to just follow a diet, but you will need to take iron supplements. There are also anemias not associated with iron deficiency. Only a doctor can figure this out based on laboratory tests.

Be healthy!