How to quickly create a presentation in PowerPoint and Word. How to make a presentation in Word - an example to help

Knowing how to competently present your work is a high art. That's why it's so important to know the intricacies of creating a presentation on a computer. But if you have never encountered this “beast” before, we will tell you in detail and show you how to make a presentation in Word (as well as in Powerpoint) with step-by-step instructions.

What kind of presentation can you make yourself?

In an office package (namely Microsoft Power Point), which most students have most likely already mastered, you can make a very decent presentation - from several sheets (slides), with sound effects, with graphs and diagrams.

But before you start, you’ll have to stock up on the essentials—those without which no presentation will work:

  • high-quality text - it is better to write it yourself, taking into account the characteristics of the audience to whom you will give your presentation. A little humor (the main thing is not to overdo it) and beautiful design - and the presentation will go off with a bang!
  • high-quality pictures, graphs, diagrams, diagrams - it is best to use personal photos or drawings. But if there are none, feel free to use stock images with good resolution. If you don’t know which program is best for making drawings for presentation on a computer, use graph - it does an excellent job of creating graphs. If all this is too complicated for you, ok: take a piece of paper and a pen, draw it yourself, take a photo and paste it into a presentation as a drawing!
  • video (if necessary). If you don’t know how to shoot high-quality videos, then it’s better not to use them at all. In addition to filming, you also need to be able to process the footage well. However, long live youtube, where you can find a lot of useful things that have already been filmed by someone.

And of course, the most important thing you need to create a powerpoint presentation is a plan! No matter how beautiful your own presentation may seem to you in your thoughts, without a plan and a logical sequence of thoughts, it will be just a set of text, pictures and graphs. Carefully consider your target audience, as well as the time you will have to meet it.

Invaluable instructions on how to make a presentation in powerpoint

Here you can create and delete slides, change their places if necessary, and give them titles.

If you're not happy with the default presentation look, play around with the slide layout options. Just right-click on the slide on the slide itself. An action will appear on the left where you select the “layout\...” setting.

Now is the time to work on the appearance of your powerpoint presentation. You can select a theme by opening themes - find the “Design” button in the toolbar and select “Themes” there.

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Do you see how the presentation has immediately changed? Now let's move on to the content of the slides.

After you have selected the desired type of chart, the program will open a window for you in which you will need to enter the main indicators to be displayed in the presentation. This is what it will look like:

It’s also easy to work with tables - in the tools, select “Insert/Tables”, immediately select the required number of rows and columns (everything is like in Word) and fill it out to your health!

We agree to the condition of the program that while viewing the slide, the video will play automatically and that’s it.

You can also play with different types of animation, framing and other “tricks”, but we are looking at the basic creation, so some other time.

  1. Presentation directly. To start viewing your presentation, just launch it and press F5. Another way is to start the presentation, click “Slide Show” and select “Start Show Over”.

So you have created the simplest, but quite attractive presentation that will help you achieve the desired effect. If you don’t have the opportunity (well, let’s say, a computer) or the time to write it in Power Point yourself, you can always turn to !

A presentation from its original meaning - an advertising presentation of a product or service - over time is increasingly transformed into a tool that clearly demonstrates an idea or conveys it in a condensed text form with visual illustrations, graphs or diagrams. The most popular computer program for this is, of course, Power Point. So why is the question of how to make a presentation in Word so often asked? It's all because of the text. It is quite difficult to structure it in slides. Therefore, it is recommended to first write the text on a sheet of paper and only then import it into Power Point.

How to create a presentation in Word - the principle of information distribution

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to present the material to the listener in an interesting, bright and exciting way. Only in this case will the presentation be effective. To do this, at the initial stage it is necessary to structure the text. This is not difficult to do. A presentation is time, slides, information. This is something that the human brain cannot perceive for more than 20 minutes on one emotional level. Therefore, the duration of the presentation should not exceed this time period. This leads to the calculation of the number of slides. So, for a presentation of 20 minutes there should be no more than 10-12. It is on this number of slides that all information must be presented in a concise but accessible form.

Text structure

To better understand how to make a presentation in Word, let’s look at the process itself using an example. Each slide is a separate small subtopic that reveals the general idea. Therefore, a presentation in Word begins with the structure of the headings. It looks like this:

Main title

Subtitle 1

Subtitle 2

Subtitle 3

Subtitle 4

Subtitle 5

Subtitle 6

Subtitle 7

Subtitle 8

Subtitle 9

Subtitle 10

Text distribution

The first slide is usually the title page. Therefore, the main heading will contain the name of the topic. The next two slides usually contain an introductory part. For example, let's take a transport company offering a partnership to a logistics firm. In this case, information containing the following is suitable for entry:

Achievements and opportunities;

Main activities.

But let's return to the original problem. How to make a presentation in Word? So, the three slides at this stage should have headings.

  1. Movement is the path to success.
  2. Our capabilities.

The next 6 headings must be divided into several groups. 2-3 slides should contain more detailed information about the company: principles and mission, experience and terms of work in the market, licenses and certificates, development shown in graphs and diagrams, competitive advantage, share of shares in free sale, and so on. As a result, for our example, the following three subheadings will look like:

  1. Goals and principles of Dvizhok LLC.
  2. Standards - order in work.
  3. Development from year to year.

The last group of slides usually contains basic information about the company's products or services offered. Each of them can be dedicated to a separate slide. If the list of services is large enough, then they can be grouped according to certain characteristics. In the case of the fictional Dvizhok LLC, it looks like this:

  1. Service package No. 1.
  2. Minimum offer.
  3. Expensive does not mean at a loss.

The last slide may contain contact or simply general information.


When answering the question of how to create a presentation in Word, you must remember that the text editor has editing functions. In our example, the generated headers end up looking like this:

  1. LLC "Dvizhok" and CJSC "Logistic".
  2. Movement is the path to success.
  3. Our capabilities.
  4. Goals and principles of Dvizhok LLC.
  5. Standards - order in work.
  6. Development from year to year.
  7. Service package No. 1.
  8. Minimum offer.
  9. Expensive does not mean at a loss.

At this stage, you can set the font type and color, font size, and style. To do this, you need to select the created headers and set the necessary parameters in the command ribbon. It is recommended to choose the font size according to a certain principle: you need to know the age of the oldest listener in order to divide it in half. According to experts, this typeface will be easy to read for any audience.

Font color is also an important parameter that determines how the presentation will be perceived. Microsoft Office Word is a text editor that provides a wide range of capabilities. But remember that the fonts should be contrasting with the main background of the slide. Optimal combinations: white with black, red or blue.

The choice of font type should be based on how it will be perceived on a large screen. When asked about how to make a presentation in Word, experts will answer unequivocally: set the correct font. It is not recommended to use standard Times New Roman; it is better to give preference to Lucida Console.

Everything should be beautiful

The style of presentation headings is set in the command ribbon. On the Home tab, a significant space is occupied by a menu dedicated to this editing topic. When choosing a style, it is worth remembering the nature of the presentation. So, if it is dedicated to organizing a children's party, you can easily give preference to italics, but at the same time it is completely unsuitable for a serious business proposal.

Saving and importing

Coming to the end of the answer to the question of how to make a presentation in Word, it must be said that it is impossible to save a file created in a text editor in the .ppttx format. The document with headings must be closed. Next, use the right mouse button. That is, just click on the created file and select the “Open with” command. In the explorer that opens, select Power Point.

The modern world has entered a stage of active progress, which is already difficult to contain. New technologies are created, new companies are opened, various communities emerge, corporations are created, people get educated, etc. Such active development requires a technological approach to providing information, which, in fact, drives all these processes. It is the ability to correctly provide data, colorfully describe processes and, with the help of computer technology, prove one’s point of view - all this allows one to achieve incredible success and results. That's why people needed the ability to create presentations. But here the question immediately arises: how to make a presentation with slides? How to make it colorful and acceptable? What programs are needed to implement your plans? From this article you can get all the necessary information that will allow you not only to understand how to create representative presentations, but also how to do it in all available ways.

What is a presentation?

How to make a presentation with slides? The answer to this question is quite simple, so first you should understand the meaning of this word and its meaning. Presentation is a universal and interactive presentation of various types of information using text, statistical data, diagrams, sound, video, etc. Thanks to this opportunity, you can colorfully present information, compile a huge amount of data and lay it all out in front of the public in a concise and understandable form. A presentation has the property of increased understanding, that is, those who follow this type of presentation of information and listen to the speaker perceive the data much more easily and remember it more easily. All that remains is to figure out how to make a presentation on a computer with slides. This can be done in several ways, thanks to universal programs.

How to create a presentation?

It is a set of slides with various information that you need to be able to arrange in logical chains and correctly present to the public. How to make a presentation with sound and slides? This is not a problem: almost any program that is associated with creating interactive performances has audio overlay functions. Therefore, this moment is not so unattainable. How to make a presentation with slides and music? The principle of adding music tracks will be identical to how simple sound is added. Therefore, there is no need to worry about this possibility. It exists, and using it is not so difficult. But in order to be able to create the presentation itself, you need to understand that special programs are needed for this. For example, Word, PowerPoint, Sony Vegas and many others. It is also possible to create presentations directly on the Internet, with several people at once. And almost every tool has everything you need to create high-quality interactive material. But in order not to spend a long time looking for what exactly to use, the recommendations of our article will already give you a hint on the best programs in this category.

Universal program "Word"

How to make a presentation with slides on Windows 7? To do this, it is enough to have the Word program, which at first glance is intended for typing text and formatting it. But if you use the functions of this program correctly, you can create a high-quality presentation, however, it is worth considering that you cannot add animation, but it is not always necessary. Otherwise, Word has all the tools to create full-fledged interactive content. The main thing is not to forget to turn on “view mode” during your presentation, which will allow you to scroll through your presentation. It is also worth noting that Word is a budget creation option if, for example, you do not have the opportunity to use more universal programs. The program is so simple that the question of how to make a presentation with slides in Word should not cause difficulties. You just need to put in a little effort.

Other creation options

So, how to make a presentation with slides in Word? There should be no more problems with this issue, since almost everyone uses Word. But there are other questions that may unexpectedly arise during the deliberation process. For example, how to make a presentation with slides on Windows 7 without using specialized programs? Unfortunately, this is almost impossible to do; even the option with separate pictures should not be considered, because they also need to be created somewhere. It is better to use all available means and not rack your brains.

PowerPoint program

How to make a presentation with slides in PowerPoint? To do this, just install this program and use it. While working with this tool, you will find a huge number of different elements that will allow you to create an interactive presentation of the highest quality. Thanks to PowerPoint, all the highest quality and incredible interactive presentation projects are created. This program is a universal and best tool for creating presentations, which is recommended to be used first if the number of available functions and quality are important to you. How to make a presentation with slides in this program? The main thing is to give free rein to your imagination and understand what exactly you need. Don't be afraid to experiment and use everything available on the toolbar in PowerPoint. Only after careful attempts will you be able to understand and understand how real masterpieces are created.

Presentation Features

It is quite difficult to judge the possibilities of interactive projects, since they depend primarily on your desire and imagination. It is the one who creates the presentation who breathes life, color and interest into it. Regarding the technical side of the possibility of creating an interactive, there are a great many possibilities. You can upload videos of any production, insert music, adjust the display time, add animation, graphs, tables, text and much more. There are no restrictions on this, except perhaps in time, because presentations cannot be endless. The rest is complete freedom of action. The main thing is that you need to clearly understand your topic, your goals and simply skillfully handle all elements of the program.

Universal software package

That's basically all you need to know about how to make a presentation with slides. There is no point in thinking and dreaming about a specialized software package, since it simply does not exist. You can personally assemble your own assembly of programs. For example, PowerPoint should be the basis; in addition to it, a video editor is needed that allows operations on video and sound. A program that allows you to work with images would be a plus, but Photoshop is great here. Here, in fact, is all the necessary assembly, allowing you to approach the creation of personal presentations with the highest quality and fruitfulness. All that remains is to learn everything, but this is up to you, since training can last in different ways, and the goals of acquiring new skills are always different. Understanding these programs is not so difficult; the main thing is to have patience and desire, which, in fact, is rare. And if you really want to gain professional skills in this matter, then don’t hesitate - start mastering it right now. The programs have a Russian interface, which will facilitate the process of self-development.

Presentations are the future

So, we think the question of which program to use to make a presentation with slides should no longer worry you, since you can easily answer it to anyone who is interested. It is worth understanding that, despite progress, new technologies, active development of the IT component and programs, the presentation will always come first in any project. And if you master the art of creation now, then in the future you will not have problems with this direction in any field.

To work with presentations, you will need Microsoft PowerPoint. It is included in the standard package Microsoft Office, which can be found on the Internet or, if desired, purchase a licensed disc. Right-click on the desktop and select Create, looking for the desired program.

Today there are many versions of PowerPoint, but the most commonly used are 2007, 2010 and 2012 editions. You can check your version of a program by simply looking at its name in the Control Panel. The difference between these versions is not very big - some movements in the menu, slight changes in the interface and the like, so it will be easy for the owner of PowerPoint 2007 to navigate in later versions of the program.

However, in this case, you should remember the features of the file format and saving them. A presentation created in versions 2007 and later will have a .pptx extension, which either will not open at all in Microsoft Office 2003, or will open with significant visual and quality losses.

Therefore, when working with later versions, it is advisable to additionally check the performance of the presentation and save it using the “Save As” item, and then select “PowerPoint Presentation 97-2003” in the “File Type”.

Choosing a presentation design

First you need to choose a design for your future presentation. You can use a template - the choice of default designs is quite large. Each template will give you the location of the slide title and subtitle.

It’s very easy to check if a design suits you – just by hovering your cursor each template is instantly “tried on” for the future presentation.

As a rule, the first slide is different from all subsequent ones, since it is the title slide. Slides starting from the second will also have a title, but instead of a subtitle you will see a field for “slide text”. To create a new empty slide, you can simply highlight the already created one with the mouse and press Enter.

Just like with Microsoft Word, you can adjust the “page orientation” in PowerPoint. The most commonly used orientation is “landscape”. You can also customize page settings by adjusting the size and frames of the slides.

This feature is useful because the presentation can be adjusted to different types of screens, adapting to their individual characteristics. Thus, Potential performance also increases presentations.

If you're used to doing things your own way, you can only choose the design you like and then remove the fields for the title and text of the slide. This will allow you to independently arrange the text on the slides and format it to your taste, increasing the efficiency of information delivery and the performance of the presentation.

Setting up a design layout

Right-clicking on the slide field will bring up a context menu, where in the “Layout” section there are several templates for design. You will choose it depending on the target audience - it can be a hard, strict design, or floral patterns and bright colors. The text for working with a presentation can be located anywhere - an Internet page, a hard drive, another presentation, or a CD/DVD disc.

The text of the presentation can be copied from another resource or entered yourself. The number of PowerPoint fonts will be the same as in Microsoft Word installed on your hard drive or system drive.

The text here is exactly the same aligned to width, left and right and in the middle, there is bold, italics and the like. Remember that the text should not occupy more than 40% of the slide - otherwise the information will be poorly perceived by the audience.

Graphs, tables, bulleted and numbered lists will help make your presentation more effective. Graphs and original tables are present in SmartArt in the “Insert” section.

The performance of your presentation will improve significantly if you replace solid text with a visual graph or diagram, and using PowerPoint templates will help you do this in style.

An obligatory element of almost every presentation is images, since the presentation is aimed primarily at visual perception. The fastest and most convenient way to place an image on a slide is to copy its original and paste it into the slide field, adjusting the size.

The location of the image, as well as the text, can be any– computer hard drive, Internet resource, etc. It is better to check the image size in advance, since files that are too large will have to be reduced, and files that are too small will have to be stretched.

The most interesting part of working with a presentation is adding animated “transitions” from slide to slide. The later your version of PowerPoint, the greater the choice and potential functionality of animations.

Applying animation effects in a presentation

Please note that some animations in later versions will not work in older versions of the program. In addition to animating the slides themselves, the same effects can be applied to the presentation text.

For example, you can apply Fade to the title of a slide, and Fade in or Fade out to the table below. You can check how the animation works by clicking on the “Preview” button in the “Animation Area”.

Presentation is an excellent tool suitable for such types of professions as: designers, engineers, students, economists, marketers. A presentation is made to present a large amount of information, as well as create a beautiful video series of pictures, photographs, videos, and other things.

How to make a presentation on your computer using PowerPoint

The most popular program in which you can make a presentation is the Microsoft Power Point program. Microsoft Office includes not only Power Point, but also other component programs. Power Point is automatically included in the list of standard programs. Using the MS Power Point program, you can create masterpiece presentations, both schematic with graphs, diagrams and diagrams, and simple bright ones, with photographs, flash elements and videos. It all depends on your needs and imagination.

In order to start making a presentation, you first need, of course, to launch the program and select a slide layout (template). This selection is made in the left corner of the menu using the “Create Slide” function. The selected layout can be applied to all slides in the presentation, or for each individual slide.

To the left in this menu is the “Designer” function. Using it, we select a design template: background, color scheme, animation effects. The Power Point program contains the most popular general thematic design templates. If you have skills with graphic editors, for example, then you can insert your own drawings or photographs.

How to make a presentation in Word

Power Point is very similar in nature to the MS Word program. In it you can choose the size, font, font type. To decorate your presentation, choose animation effects and highlight important phrases in the text with color.