How exactly should you ask for a salary increase? Effective words, phrases, methods. How to get promoted


Large organizations have regulations that determine the procedure for career advancement and the criteria for selecting applicants. This greatly simplifies the candidate's task. Simply collect all the necessary information about the requirements that must be met and prepare a point-by-point argument for your appointment. In most organizations there is no strict selection procedure, but there are always basic criteria that the candidate’s characteristics must meet. In any case, start by collecting as much information as possible about it.

Now structure the received data. Determine the extent to which you meet the stated requirements. Level of education, work experience, performance indicators. Write it all down on a piece of paper. In addition, list your personal characteristics that allow you to apply for this position (responsibility, demandingness, etc.). Next, think about what you can improve in the company’s work by taking this position (introduce a new methodology, increase sales, etc.). Write down specific proposals and the result that the company will receive if you are appointed.

Next, determine the best way to approach management with your proposal. Use the opportunity of a personal meeting if management is not geographically distant. In this case, make an appointment and present your arguments in favor of appointing you as a manager in a form convenient for transmission. These can be separate sheets by topic or a complete list of your proposals. Give all this to your boss at the end of the meeting for review.

To contact management remote geographically, write a letter stating your reasons and proposal for appointing you to a vacant position. The letter should be written in a business style, well structured and contain clear language. At the end of the letter, state your proposal, according to the rules of a business letter, in the form of a request “Please appoint me to the position...”.


  • How to ask for a promotion

Any person periodically needs to be rewarded for successfully completing tasks. It happens that management may forget about an employee who has been writing the most successful projects for many months and working overtime. Perhaps you yourself are tired of working in the same position for five years, without seeing any prospects for improving the situation. In this case, it makes sense to remind your boss about yourself.


Before going to your boss, analyze your successes in the near future, write down a list of successful ones so that you have something to justify your request to your boss. It is also advisable to go to the boss when you recently completed work on the next task and showed your best side. U boss Memories of your success will be fresh.

Also think in advance how you will characterize yourself. This is not your first day in this company and you should know which qualities are valued by the employer and which are not. Thus, an accountant does not necessarily need to say that he is a creative thinker, and a designer may not need to assure boss in its scrupulousness and adherence to traditions.

Choose a time to talk to. This is best done when the boss is not in a hurry and is not in a stressful situation, although with some boss It’s difficult for us to catch such a moment. Talk to the secretary - find out about the boss’s mood. Among the general recommendations are the following: it is better to talk in the first half of the day, but not in the morning - give your boss time to drink coffee and read a magazine. It’s also not worth starting a conversation on Monday. In general, try to catch the moment when your bosses are in a good mood.

Don't forget about your appearance. On normal workdays, the boss may not pay attention to how you look, but when you sit with him one on one and ask him for increase, he will definitely look at yours. Wear a business suit, carefully style your hair, and make sure your entire appearance is neat. However, do not overdo it and turn into a gray mouse in a jacket buttoned up to all the buttons. The boss should see in front of him a neat person who knows his worth.

Don't be afraid to talk about increase. You're not asking him to do you a favor; you think you'll be more useful in your new position. Say your request in an even, calm voice. The boss will definitely listen to your words.

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Tip 3: What is education as a way to transfer experience

The survival of all mankind was based on the transfer of experience from generation to generation, because human survival in the natural environment would not have been possible if not for the accumulated knowledge and experience. It is worth understanding what education is as a way of transferring experience

Experienced knowledge

It represents a special type of knowledge that was obtained as a result of direct observations, experiments, practical actions, and experiences. In its own way, experiential knowledge is a harmonious unity of skills and knowledge about a subject. Many philosophers and researchers (Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx) tend to believe that experience is transformed into knowledge, and knowledge turns into science.

Speaking about the education system as a way of transferring experience, one must understand that we are talking about the experience that was later transformed into knowledge and scientific knowledge. After all, experience itself can be both positive, bringing new discoveries, and negative, which either did not have any impact on the knowledge base of man and humanity, or was of an intermediate nature, preparing discoverers for new experiences.

Transfer of experience or experiential knowledge

Experience in modern society is transmitted through the education system, preschool, general, vocational and additional. Society has assumed the responsibility of raising children and adolescents through the education system, passing on to them the experience accumulated by humanity. Experience can be of several types: physical, emotional, religious, mental and social. The last two types of experience are most often concentrated in the modern education system. A person is socialized, acquires a certain position in society, and also acquires mental experience. It lies in the ability of the intellect to perform those tasks in which a person has previously acquired experience. For example, a student at an architectural university, studying for a specialty in construction design, will in the future be able to carry out construction calculations similar to those taught by his teachers.

The more knowledge accumulates, the greater the need for its structuring. This also applies to experienced knowledge. Therefore, it can be transmitted through the education system. Education itself is the process and result of a person’s assimilation of the experience of generations in the form of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Skills and abilities are the result of previously gained experience. And knowledge is something without which its correct application is impossible. In addition, only through acquired knowledge and accumulated experience is it possible for new knowledge to emerge. Therefore, education as a way of transferring experience is its most important function.

Almost all car companies and dealers sell only new cars, which can sometimes be a bit expensive. Therefore, many buyers strive to buy a used car.

There are many factors that determine the value of a car. For example, the make and model of the vehicle, as well as its age, mileage and general condition. While most resale value is predetermined, car owners can increase it by maintaining their car in good condition.

Experts offer the following advice to help car owners prepare their cars for trade-in:

Prepare all owner materials. The documentation that accompanied the car when you first purchased it is a key component in resale value. Ownership materials include warranty manual and instruction manual. It is also important to have a spare key and use it when necessary.

You need to look under the hood and fill in all the necessary fluids. These include brake fluid, power steering fluid and fluid, along with oil, coolant and antifreeze.

Do a basic operational check. First, check your dashboard to see if any warning lights suddenly turn on, then resolve these issues. Second, make sure all the lights, locks, windows, wipers, turn signals, trunk releases, mirrors, seat belts, outside mirrors, horn, air conditioning and heat, and seats are all set correctly and working. Accessories that were purchased with the vehicle, such as heated seats or sunroof, must also be in working order.

Do a road test yourself. Make sure the car starts easily and the gear selector operates properly. Also, check the steering performance and make sure the cruise control, overdrive, instruments and sound systems are in tip-top shape. Finally, check that the acceleration and brakes are working effectively.

Check the car for leaks. To do this, inspect everything under the hood.

Assess the overall appearance. Check the exterior for dents and scratches, make sure all wheels are in good condition and remove any stickers. The interior should have clean floors, carpets and seats, along with the panels and glove compartment. Remove all personal items from the glove compartment and trunk. Finally, wash your car at a professional car wash and look, for example on the Internet, for the approximate cost of a new car.

Finally, experts recommend regular maintenance and inspection of your vehicle by certified automotive experts throughout its life. You can take a potential buyer to the service station where you service your car, and there specialists will be able to provide your visit log and thereby confirm that the car is in perfect order.

Imagine, you have found a buyer for your old computer or laptop, or you are giving the equipment to friends who need it more than you. What needs to be done before the equipment changes owner?

The best thing, of course, is to format the hard drive and install a clean OS on it. However, if you don’t know how to do this, and you really don’t want to incur additional costs for a specialist’s work, you should do the following:

1. Delete personal information from your PC hard drive.

Save all personal files or an external hard drive and delete them from your computer. Pay special attention to ensuring that your old computer does not contain files with saved passwords and logins from the services you need (mail sites, government services, payment data for electronic wallets and cards), as well as photographs and scans of documents.

2. Delete your browsing history from your browser.

3. Uninstall software that you purchased separately. Do not forget to deactivate the licenses on this PC before deleting purchased software, otherwise you may have problems using such programs on your new computer.

4. Install a system cleaning program (for example, CCleaner) and “walk” through your hard drive and registry.

5. Make sure that there is no visible contamination (if there is, be sure to remove it), and also that turning on and off is normal.

The Russian mentality does not allow you to approach your manager with a request for a salary increase. I don’t want to be known as an upstart.

The feeling associated with underestimating the efforts made causes resentment, gradually spoils your character, and makes you unbearable. We are offended by our bosses for increasing the volume of work with the same financial reward. I would like to resolve this situation in my favor.

Note! In Western countries, it is common practice to start a conversation about increasing financial rewards for work done.

The correct way to ask management for a salary increase is:

  • When talking with your superiors, you need to control your own emotions. Uncertainty or overexcitement is an indicator of incompetence. Confidence will help resolve the issue in your favor. There should be no challenging behavior.
  • Applicants are perceived biasedly. Whining and complaints will not be liked, and you will be shown from an unsightly side. By repeating thoughts repeatedly, you will become known as a bore.
  • A request for a promotion must be supported by performance results; it is necessary to analyze the achievements and features of work over the past year.
  • We write down carefully thought-out arguments in your favor in a notebook. Give out the most significant fact of achievements at the end of the conversation, so it will be better remembered.
  • To talk with management, you need to choose the right time - a period of growth in your productivity.
  • Remind management that you are happy and proud of your job, your position, and the organization or company itself.
  • When talking about a raise, do not mention a specific amount. The boss may assign a larger supplement than you expected. If management is interested in the amount, talk about more significant financing than what you have planned.
  • Don't threaten to quit - the technique will work against you.
  • Don't start an important conversation in front of your work colleagues.
  • Don't be afraid of tricky, humiliating questions. Remember, you are a valuable employee who makes a great contribution to the company.

Note! Your boss's refusal won't ruin your career. It's just the way things turned out. It is important to maintain goodwill in relations with management.

This issue may also be resolved in the near future. A positive atmosphere during a conversation on this topic that worries you is the key to success in your work.

A survey of thousands of employed Russians by a research center showed:

  • 51% of “petitioners” turned to their managers for a salary increase.
  • 57% of those who applied were men.
  • 32% of “petitioners” - women - received an increase, and only 29% of men.

When should you ask for a raise and what arguments should you give?

The timing of the conversation will determine the decision regarding your request.

When is the best time to start a conversation?

  • An economic crisis has nothing to do with a salary increase if there is evidence of your underfunding compared to other employees. To retain a valuable employee, certain positions are cut.
  • Wait until your boss is not very busy. Loaded with problems, the manager will not understand the essence of the issue; he will simply brush you off without understanding the essence.
  • The manager is in high spirits - you have a better chance of getting a salary increase.
  • A good moment for conversation will be the time when you have the highest labor productivity or you have achieved excellent work results - you have won a professional competition.

Arguments for conversation with your boss:

I have more knowledge and skills in my work than my colleagues. The best argument. Skills include excellent command of a foreign language, extensive work experience, or something similar.
My results, achievements and qualifications should be paid accordingly. Factual confirmation is required. It would be good to know the expected amount of the salary increase.
I'm constantly late at work. The boss will consider this as your inability to cope with tasks during the working day.
My colleague earns more than me for the same job. You may not have information about the merits of your colleagues. The argument is similar to gossip, which no one welcomes.
I am invited to work in another company with a higher salary. This argument must be used carefully.

The boss may not like negotiations without his knowledge; instead of a salary increase, you can wait for dismissal.

The opposite situation may also happen: the boss will appreciate your importance and value.

More money is required for personal and family life. For example, to pay a mortgage or have a child. For management, this argument is not a reason to increase your salary. Your personal life does not concern or interest anyone.
I have been working for you for a long time and still receive the same salary. Facts and work results are needed. Nobody cares about work experience.

Note! If you are denied a promotion, try to perform even better to demonstrate your value. You can return to the conversation after a while. The boss is a reasonable person, he can also be fair.

Interesting fact! American scientists have identified the day when a conversation about a salary increase ends with positive results. This is every Wednesday of the week. The experts drew their conclusions based on research into the thoughts and behavior patterns of executives.

European sociologists have identified the best time of day to make requests to your superiors. It falls at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. At this moment, government officials are in a positive mood, which will have a positive impact on resolving the issue.

If the request is voiced at three o’clock in the afternoon, do not wait for the decision you need. This is a critical moment in the biorhythm cycle of the human brain.

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Having no work experience, at the first stage of our career we agree to work with almost any salary. Naturally, initially this salary is quite low. After working for some time, we realize that we would like to achieve something more. Indeed, it is not possible to remain in a starting position in a company all your life.

It happens that a manager immediately sees and notes the successes of his subordinates and himself offers them a new position and, accordingly, a new salary. But, you understand, this does not always happen and not with everyone. So if you feel like you're stuck in your position, it's time to work on improving your position.

If you feel that you have significantly improved your professional skills, become more qualified and competent, and have taken on more responsibilities than before, it's time to announce your achievements to your superiors.

Be confident. The most important psychological point is that you go to your boss not to beg for alms, but to negotiate new conditions under which you agree to provide your services to the company. After all, in the end, your work is a commodity. So why, if it is good and of high quality, should you give it away at a minimal cost?

Getting ready to talk with your boss

In order to achieve your goal, you will need to clearly think through your negotiation tactics. You must be convincing, but at the same time tactful and calm. To prevent the conversation from being chaotic, think about what you want to say in advance. Make a list of your accomplishments and the reasons why you should be promoted.

In order not to be mistaken with the arguments, you must know what the boss is looking at when deciding whether to promote a person:

Agree, be that as it may, talking about promoting an employee and increasing his salary is not the easiest topic for a boss. Therefore, you shouldn’t show up at your boss’s office and startle him with your demands right from the start. If you shock your boss and try to back him into a corner, you will most likely be rejected.

But being too modest is also not recommended. A person who is insecure and not mentally prepared to talk about a promotion is also most likely to be refused. You shouldn’t describe each of your merits in a long and tedious manner, and even more so, you shouldn’t push for pity by talking about your financial difficulties. Also, you shouldn’t complain that someone in the company receives a higher salary than you, although they work much less. Tell your boss only what he is interested in hearing.

You can analyze vacancies on the labor market. Compare the average market cost of labor for a specialist of your qualifications and profile with the salary you receive. Make sure your actual and potential skills match the higher salary or position. And don't be greedy when making salary demands.

Otherwise, it will be easier for the boss to find a specialist who will agree to work for the same money that they are paying you now. If you can make compelling arguments, you can consider that half the job is done. The main thing is not to be afraid of being rejected. Even if this happens, life will not end there.

Choosing a time for a meeting

As you know, the result of a particular meeting largely depends not only on the arguments given by the parties, but also on the time and circumstances of the conversation. Therefore, you can talk to your boss about a promotion only when the conditions are favorable for making a positive decision.

Agree that if the company is making losses in the current quarter, your requests are unlikely to find a response. But if you and your colleagues exceeded the plan, attracted new clients and contributed to the conclusion of a very profitable deal, the boss is more likely to agree to listen to you. As for the specific time of day, not every time is suitable here either.

The beginning of the working day can be a bad moment. At this time, the person may not have fully woken up yet and is generally not in the best frame of mind. In addition, the boss may be busy in the morning, and your visit will be untimely.

The end of the working day is also not the best time to talk about a promotion. Your boss is most likely tired during the day and wants to quickly get away from work. And here you give him another topic to think about. It is unlikely that the boss will be delighted.

The best option is to meet in the afternoon. Firstly, quite a significant amount of work has been done. Secondly, the chef will come home from lunch well-fed, relaxed and good-natured. It is in this state that it is better to bring him into a conversation about your prospects.

One final point: think about the last time you approached your boss asking for a promotion. If this happened less than six months ago, there is no point in starting the conversation again.


In addition to the time, it is also important to choose a place for conversation. Ideally, you will be able to talk with the boss face to face in his office. This way the boss will feel at ease, which means he will be able to consider all your arguments calmly and thoroughly. Never try to start a conversation about a promotion when your boss is very busy with other issues or is about to attend an important meeting. On the eve of important negotiations with partners, when there are plenty of reasons to worry, you should not burden a person with your problems. No one will listen to you, and you will make yourself look like an unceremonious and annoying type.

It is also wrong to think that conversations about promotion are appropriate during corporate events and banquets. Believe me, the boss does not at all enjoy talking to you about business in the midst of general fun. In addition, it will be inconvenient for you to run after your boss, making your way between tables, and, shouting over the music, telling him about your professional achievements.

Mistakes when talking to your boss

1. Lack of argumentation. If you have not prepared for the meeting, cannot explain exactly why you need a promotion or salary, and why you are worthy of such honors, you will be refused. An illogical and chaotic narrative will look extremely unconvincing.

2. Complaints from a “veteran of labor.” Never tell your boss that you deserve a promotion because “you’ve been working for the company for many years.” You are not in the army. Here no one is rewarded for their length of service. If an employer doesn't see a real benefit to their business, they really don't care how many years you work for them. So come up with better arguments.

3. Complaints about fatigue. You don’t need to tell your boss that you work like a horse without vacations or days off. In fact, no one is stopping you from taking advantage of your legal time to rest. Therefore, your workaholism is not yet a reason for raising your salary or moving to a new position.

4. Comparison with other employees. Don’t complain that Petrov and Sidorov’s salaries were increased, but you, poor unfortunate, did not. Firstly, this will express doubt about the boss’s fairness. Secondly, you will gain the reputation of being an envious person and a gossip. Who, instead of performing his direct duties, only looks into his colleagues’ wallets.

5. Tales of plight. The boss is absolutely indifferent to the fact that you have three loans hanging on you, and even a mortgage. This is exclusively your personal drama that does not concern him. Your employer is not the head of a charitable organization, so it is not at all profitable for him to simply subsidize you.

6. Blackmail and ultimatums. Many employees, when talking to their boss about a promotion, begin to threaten them with dismissal or that they will go to work for competitors. Well, perhaps this will have an effect on an extremely impressionable boss for the first time. But it is much more likely, especially if this is not the first time you have resorted to blackmail, that they will hand you a piece of paper and a pen so that you carry out your threat and leave the company. So, instead of a new position and a big salary, you will only receive a paycheck and a work book. It would be good if they fired you of their own free will.

What to do if you are refused?

The main reason why most employees hesitate to talk to their boss is the fear of refusal. And this fear overpowers the expectation of benefit from a positive solution to the issue. But should you be afraid of rejection? Is this really the end of the world? Not at all. So even if you were not given a new position and salary, do not rush to become despondent.

First, when you hear a refusal, immediately ask what caused it. Perhaps it's not about you at all. It may also be that the company, for some objective reason, cannot yet afford to pay employees a higher salary or the desired position is still occupied. There is also a chance that the boss is not happy with how you perform your duties.

In this case, tactfully ask what shortcomings you should pay attention to. Having corrected the mistakes, after a while you can again go to an audience with your superiors. Perhaps then the issue will be resolved in your favor. The main thing is not to perceive a refusal to promote as a tragedy.

Some more tips on how to get a promotion and salary increase:

Getting a promotion or salary increase is not easy. However, if you choose the right time, place and circumstances, and prepare convincing arguments, there is a high probability that you will be able to convince your boss.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 8 minutes


The mercantile issue of increasing wages is always considered inconvenient and “touchy” in our society. However, a person who knows his own worth well will be able to find ways to resolve this issue and will have a direct conversation with his superiors. Today we will look at advice from experienced people on how to adequately ask for a salary increase.

When to ask for a salary increase? Choosing the right moment

As you know, the management of any company will not be in too much of a hurry to increase wages for its employees until it is interested in their more energetic activity, while simultaneously increasing their efficiency. A salary increase is often a lever of influence on employees, a means of stimulation their involvement in affairs, bonuses for good work with the prospect of an “even better” job. Thus, a person who has decided to ask the company management for a salary increase must “gather all his emotions into an iron fist”, and very thoroughly think through the argument .

How to prepare for a conversation about a salary increase? Deciding on the arguments

  1. Before you start talking about a salary increase, you should accurately identify all your positive qualities, as well as your significant role in work the entire team. Remember and first list for yourself all your merits, production achievements and victories. If you had any special rewards - certificates, gratitude, it is worth remembering them and then mentioning them in a conversation.
  2. In order to ask for a salary increase, you must firmly know the amount you are applying for , it needs to be thought out in advance. It often happens that an employee’s salary is raised by no more than 10% of his previous salary. But there is a little trick here - ask for an amount that is a little more than your salary, so that the boss, after haggling a little and lowering your bar, still settles on the 10% that you initially counted on.
  3. In advance you must abandon the pleading tone , any “pressure for pity” in the hope that the boss’s heart will tremble. Get ready for a serious conversation, because this, in essence, is business negotiations necessary in normal work. Like any business negotiations, this process requires an accurate formulation of a business plan - it must be drawn up before going to the authorities.
  4. Before an important conversation, you need determine for yourself the range of questions that may be asked to you and also think through accurate and maximally reasoned answers on them. People who are unsure of themselves can rehearse this conversation with any other understanding person, or even go to a psychologist for a consultation .

Deciding to go to your boss yourself and ask for a salary increase is not so easy. But what to do if the employer doesn’t see your achievements and doesn’t even think about revising your motivation? Long gone are the days when salaries could only be increased upon transfer to another position.

“If you have an increased number of responsibilities, you are forced to do the work of other employees, you have received new subordinates, or you are mastering new areas - this is a good reason to ask for a salary increase,” says Maria Zhukova, head of the personnel department of the Begun company.

Step one. Prepare yourself mentally

Experts say that the value of an employee is determined by three factors: the significance of his work for the company, real and potential skills and the average market value of specialists in his profile. You need to have a clear understanding of these components - then you will be able to evaluate yourself from the employer’s point of view and successfully build a dialogue with him.

“The manager goes for an increase in compensation only if he is sure that the employee deserves it,” says Anna Lenda, head of the HR department of Creative Media CJSC. “In order not to look unfounded, it is necessary to back up your words with documents and specific figures confirming your success.” .

Anna Babakina, HR manager at Syngenta, agrees with this: “You need to prepare for a conversation with the employer in advance. To do this, you need to answer the question for yourself: why should I actually get a salary increase? And the best answer to this question is support with facts confirming that you are truly a valuable employee. Remember your achievements, initiatives, proposals that were accepted and benefited the company. You can also note what you learned while working in this organization, what new tasks or activities you mastered , that is, how much you have expanded your functionality as a specialist."

“Secondly, assess whether your salary really lags behind the market,” continues Anna. “This can be done by looking at the vacancies that are published on job search sites.” “You can collect information by interviewing friends from other companies, as well as by studying advertisements in newspapers and the Internet. There is no point in asking for a raise if your current salary is already higher than the market average,” advises Anna Lenda.

Step two. Choose the right moment

Preparing for a conversation should not be limited to just systematizing your knowledge and arguments in favor of promotion. Half the success depends on the right choice of moment and time for conversation. Psychologists advise not to pester your boss with a request for a raise in the first half of the day, since this is when the most work is done. It’s better to do this after lunch: there are fewer urgent matters, and a well-fed person is in a more complacent mood. If you look at it more broadly, it hardly makes sense to stutter about a promotion when the company is not doing well. In addition, you should not ask for a raise on payday.

“Have you successfully completed the probationary period and fulfilled all the requirements and tasks assigned to you for this period? At this moment, you can safely apply for a salary increase,” says Anna Lenda. “However, you should not talk about an increase if recently (less than 6 months ago ) you have already made this request, and the issue has been resolved in your favor." Maria Zhukova adds that if an employee applying for a promotion has made a serious work error on the eve of a scheduled conversation, the conversation should be postponed until the situation is resolved positively. Also, do not discuss salary increases casually - wait until the manager has time for full communication.

Olesya Milekhina, general director of the recruitment agency Helion Image, believes that it is imperative to ask for an increase in “the salary or bonus part of compensation after several years of work in one company, if during this time the motivation system has not changed.”

Step three. Choose a place to talk

It is best to talk to the boss in his own office: he feels on his territory and is completely relaxed. According to Maria Zhukova, resolving issues about salary increases at corporate parties is a common mistake. At such holidays, the manager, of course, is often in a good mood, but is clearly not in the mood to resolve work issues. He will listen to your request and your arguments, but most of the information will fall on his ears.

Step four. Decisive conversation

Finally, you come to the main point: the conversation with the manager. Psychologists try to reassure: “An increase in salary or promotion is not a matter of life and death, but just the acquisition of another life experience, and, of course, a way to improve your financial and social situation. Do not forget that there are always a lot of alternative opportunities achieve what you want. You just need to learn to see and use them."

But their beliefs rarely work: at the most crucial moment, the employee begins to worry, and the conversation may turn out to be crumpled or even simply not take place.

Make a plan in your head of what you want to say. Experts advise that instead of saying that you are not satisfied with your current salary or position, as most people do, you need to take a different approach. For a successful outcome of salary negotiations, you can demonstrate to your boss your own achievements or market dynamics, as a result of which similar specialists in competing companies began to earn more.

We asked our experts to simulate the situation of a conversation with a boss.

Anna Lenda: “Ivan Ivanovich, I wanted to discuss my work with you. I really like working in our company, and I want to bring maximum benefit. Therefore, it is important for me to understand how you evaluate me. What do you think I still need to work on? Do you think I have prospects for a promotion or salary increase (of course, if the company has such an opportunity)? I want to present my chances and your assessment of my work. After all, salary is also an assessment."

“You shouldn’t justify your desire to get more money with the words: “I’ve been working for two years, I’ve never been on vacation and I’ve never taken sick leave,” or “I spend all weekends in the office,” continues Lenda. “Such arguments are nothing but You will not cause irritation." Under no circumstances give an ultimatum: “Either you raise my salary or I quit.” The most likely answer would be “Quit.”

And here is an example of Olesya Milekhina’s answer: “Ivan Ivanovich! Could you give me a few minutes? I really like working in our company. I am interested in the tasks that I solve, I have good relationships in the team, and I see future prospects for myself professional and career growth. The only thing I know is that the level of income of specialists with my education and experience last year on average in the market increased by 20%. In this regard, could you think about revising my motivation system or listen to my suggestions about this question?"

What if it’s a refusal?

Psychologists are again trying to console: refusal is not a reason for depression. If you are denied a promotion, talk to your manager about giving you more responsibilities that will be rewarded. If this option does not suit you, then directly ask what is involved in this decision. “Even if the employer wants to increase your salary, he cannot always do this,” says Anna Lenda. “In this case, ask when you can return to this conversation. If you were refused because the quality of your work does not meet the requirements of management, ask "What you need to change to improve your results. Make a list of goals and objectives so that both you and your manager clearly understand what you agreed on."

Olesya Milekhina and Maria Zhukova agree with this opinion: “If an employee is generally satisfied with his current place of work, you should not make a hasty decision to leave the company. It will be appropriate to return to the conversation about promotion in a few months.”