How to use burdock oil for hair. Burdock oil for hair: types, recipes, effectiveness, rules of use The healing properties of burdock oil for hair

The healing properties of burdock oil have been known for a long time. Therefore, it is actively used both in cosmetic procedures and in medicine. And also at home, when there is a need to “breathe life” into dull and damaged curls. In what situations should you resort to this hair care product? How does it affect hair? And in what form is it applicable?

Features and beneficial effects of burdock oil

This cosmetic and therapeutic product is available in pharmacies. It is an infusion or decoction of burdock root (burdock) in combination with natural oils. You can buy either a pure oil infusion or with additives, for example, a product with red pepper, which is very effective in various masks that you make yourself.

Due to its extremely positive effect on the structure of curls and roots, this natural remedy is applicable both as a treatment and as part of preventive measures.

Health benefits of oil
  1. Prevents and blocks hair loss; the oil is used in the first stages of baldness.
  2. Burdock oil helps to successfully resist dandruff and accompanying itching.
  3. Used as an adjuvant for seborrhea.
  4. Accelerates metabolic processes, increases blood circulation in the head and affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  5. “Awakens” hair follicles, thereby allowing you to achieve greater hair density.
  6. Relieves skin irritation and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  7. Saturates hair and skin with vitamins and natural substances necessary for the health of curls and their accelerated growth.
From a cosmetic point of view, burdock root oil has the following effects:
  1. relieves dryness, curls become more manageable, not stiff, not frizzy;
  2. adds additional shine, strands become smooth by strengthening the hair walls from the inside;
  3. prevents the appearance and eliminates excessive fragility;
  4. helps quickly and effectively restore hair after chemical and thermal exposure (coloring, curling, straightening);
  5. eliminates dullness of hair, saturates it with bright, expressive color.
In addition, burdock oil can reduce the risk of early gray hair. It creates an additional protective barrier that protects hair from aggressive external influences.

What does this medicinal and cosmetic oil contain?
  • Vitamins. The composition of burdock infusion includes: ascorbic acid (vitamin C), tocopherol (E), niacin (PP), and also contains vitamins from group B.
  • Essential oils.
  • A protein that has a beneficial effect on the growth and structure of curls.
  • Tannins.
  • Useful acids: stearic, oleic, linoleic, palmitic, ricinoleic.
  • Variety of mineral salts.
  • Inulin of natural origin.
  • And also components such as iron in combination with manganese, zinc, without which it is impossible to achieve significant hair growth, thickness and eliminate flaking.
Using burdock oil infusion on your own is not at all difficult. It is relevant both in its pure form (it is used to cover the hair and massage the head) and in the form of masks. It can be mixed with your usual shampoo, conditioner or balm, used during peeling to create better protection against microtrauma and before using a hair dryer or curling iron to prevent damage to the hair structure. However, some nuances must be taken into account.
  1. The oil has a very rich consistency. Therefore, it can make hair greasy if the product is used incorrectly. If your hair is quite oily, you should not take pure burdock oil. It must be combined with components in mixtures that will create a slightly drying effect.
  2. Treatment with oil lasts no more than 2 months, the course can be repeated after a pause of one and a half months. You should use it up to 3 times a week, but only on those days when you are not planning to use other cosmetics. As a form of prevention, burdock oil is used a couple of times every 30 days.
  3. Almost any mask with a burdock root base can be kept for up to 2 hours, this is enough to absorb nutrients into the skin and curls. However, it is not forbidden to leave the mask on overnight.
  4. The best result will be obtained if the oil is used not cold, but slightly warmed up. It is worth heating “on steam”; the temperature of burdock oil for hair should ultimately not be higher than 39 degrees. Otherwise, all the healing properties of the product will disappear.
  5. After application, you should wrap your hair with a film or bag, and wrap your head with a towel or a warm scarf on top.
  6. At the initial stages of using burdock oil, significant hair loss may be observed. This negative aspect, as a rule, disappears by the second week of using the product.
  7. For light curls, you need to choose burdock oil that is transparent or slightly yellowish. Otherwise, a greenish tint may appear on the curls.
  8. This natural remedy should be washed off using a concentrated, thick shampoo. Simply using clean, warm water will not get rid of oil on your hair.
  9. Rarely does burdock provoke an allergic reaction. But you still need to conduct a preliminary test for this.
  10. This oil can be applied to both dry and wet hair. It can also be used on dirty strands; the healing effect will not be lost.
  11. Covering the hair with mixtures with oil or pure burdock infusion occurs sequentially. How to apply the remedy correctly? First, the skin and roots are wetted, then the oil or mixture is distributed along the entire length of the curls, and finally applied to the ends.
  12. There is no need to take too much oil for one home procedure. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to wash it out of your hair, and the oiliness of your curls will become very noticeable.
Being a miracle cure, burdock root oil is rarely used in its pure form. The main reason is problems with washing it off from the curls. But if you do the procedure correctly once, then there will be no problems in the future.

You can wash burdock oil from your hair in several ways, using additional products.

Firstly If you first wet your hair and then just apply shampoo, you will need to rinse your curls 3-4 times to completely get rid of the oil base. To avoid such difficulties, you should take a thick, very foaming shampoo. Do not apply it to strands moistened with water, but on top of an oil or mask. Shake the curls and hold the cosmetic product on them for 5-8 minutes. Only then rinse with water.

Secondly, washing your hair under a running tap is not recommended, just like trying to wash off burdock oil with water poured from a basin. The water pressure should be strong enough so that the curls are washed completely. Therefore, it is necessary to wash off the product using shampoo only in the shower.

Third, will help get rid of oil, and rye flour will also have an additional strengthening effect. A liquid mixture should be prepared from it in advance. Before rinsing, apply this mixture to your head, massage and leave in the same way as with shampoo, for 5-8 minutes. Then rinse your curls. If necessary, the procedure can be completed using any usual hair washing product.

Additional tip: After rinsing off the oil, rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. These products will get rid of possible greasiness in the strands and add even more shine to the hair.

Making medicinal oil at home

When deciding to make burdock oil yourself, rather than purchasing it at a pharmacy, you need to take into account the following nuance: such a product may turn out to be too greasy, which will cause difficulties in the rinsing process. But if this does not deter you, then you can use one of three options for preparing burdock oil.

Required ingredients:

  • burdock roots, available in every pharmacy;
  • oil of vegetable origin to choose from, but exclusively cold pressed.
Option one

Grind the roots of the plant to a paste. Then take about 150 g of roots and fill them with about one glass of the chosen oil. The container with the tincture is left for a couple of weeks in a dark, cool place. Then the mixture should be thoroughly strained and stored in a separate container.

Option two

Pour 75-100 grams of crushed burdock roots into 200 ml of oil and leave in a warm but dark place for about a day. Then the tincture is filtered, poured into a separate container and ready for use.

Option three

Pour about 100 g of already prepared burdock roots with 150 ml of the selected oil. Leave the composition in the dark for 7 days. Afterwards, you need to heat the tincture for 15 minutes, it is better to use a water bath. Only after this is the resulting herbal remedy thoroughly filtered, poured into a bottle and stored in a cool place.

Using burdock oil without additional ingredients

Without accompanying components, this natural medicinal infusion is used for:
  • eliminating itching and dandruff;
  • preventing hair loss and strengthening them;
  • protection during head peeling or during periods of exposure to high temperatures, for example, by drying curls.
Within the first two options, the tool is used as follows, taking into account previously given recommendations:
  • Heat the oil slightly;
  • massage your head, rubbing it into the skin, roots, then distribute along the entire length of the strands;
  • It takes a couple of hours to keep burdock oil on your hair and then rinse thoroughly.
When planning to do peeling, a few drops of burdock oil need to be poured into the mixture with which the procedure will be carried out. To protect your hair from the aggressive action of hot air, before using a hairdryer, you should comb your hair with a comb dipped in burdock oil.

Restoring, strengthening and empowering masks based on burdock root oil

Mask with burdock oil for hair loss

You will need:

  • burdock oil;
  • basil oil;
  • lavender oil;
  • rosemary oil;
  • aloe in gel form.
Basil, lavender, rosemary are mixed together, the amount is half a small spoon of each product. Then the composition is added to the aloe gel (1 large spoon) and then the entire contents are poured into a heated oil infusion of burdock root (also 1 large spoon). All curls are covered with the mixture, it is rubbed into the roots and skin. The mask lasts for 60-70 minutes and is washed off.

Additional mask recipe against hair loss

You need to take burdock oil and onion juice. Such components are mixed in equal volumes. Then the composition is applied to the hair and left for 70-90 minutes. Afterwards, you need to rinse your curls thoroughly.

Effective oil mask for hair growth

For the mixture you will need:

  • mustard, crushed into powder;
  • burdock oil.
Both of these components are mixed in a 1:1 ratio (for example, 50 g of each component). Then the resulting mask must be heated in a water bath. And only after that it is applied to the curls with slow, gentle movements. In this case, there is no need to create an artificial “pair effect”. Leave the mask on for 1.5-2 hours.

Pepper and burdock mask

For the product you can additionally use:

  • egg yolk;
  • Castor oil.
The selected ingredient (yolk or castor oil) is mixed with one small spoon of chopped red hot pepper. Then 2-4 tablespoons of burdock oil are added to the composition. You need to mix everything again. And after that the resulting product is applied to the hair. Stays on for strictly 60 minutes and is washed thoroughly with running water.

This mask should not be used too often. You should also not cover your head. If you feel an excessively strong burning sensation, then a similar mask with pepper should be washed off immediately.

Burdock oil is a very popular and affordable hair care product. Its beneficial properties can hardly be overestimated, the result has been tested for years, and the price remains one of the lowest on the market in contrast to other similar products, for example, lavender or ylang-ylang (the cost of a package of burdock oil is 5-10 times lower than that of competitors).

What is burdock oil and how is it produced?

An indispensable remedy against hair loss is burdock oil - a product gifted by nature and used by women for hundreds of years. It has a healing effect, treats joints, weakened curls, gives them shine, and helps improve the condition of eyelashes. In short, this is an indispensable product in the arsenal of any girl who cares about her beauty.

Burdock oil is made from the root of the burdock plant, a plant with pink flowers, large leaves and the ability to “stick” to clothes. You can find burdock in almost any rural area where the soil is sufficiently fertilized. This is a weed plant, it grows quickly and usually there is a whole “clearing” at once, so digging up the roots is not difficult.

Making the drug yourself will seem like a waste of time and effort to some: it is much easier to buy the coveted bottle at the pharmacy, use it for its intended purpose and wait for the effect. However, a self-made potion is environmentally friendly, because you are confident in the quality of the raw materials - there are no impurities or other additives in it.

On an industrial scale, the product is produced not by direct pressing, as is done with other raw materials, but by oil extraction. The basis is a fatty base oil - olive or sesame. Each manufacturer uses different raw materials, so girls often notice the difference as soon as they buy a product from a different brand.

Burdock balm has a pleasant herbal scent that remains barely perceptible after washing your hair. It will not interrupt the scent of perfume or mix with other cosmetic scents.

What is contained in burdock oil

The product is rich in vitamins and minerals. This is a real natural storehouse that improves the condition of curls. Among the beneficial substances are:

Vitamins A, B, E. They are responsible for accelerated hair growth, fight dandruff, dry ends, add shine, and improve metabolic processes. They also participate in the restoration of skin cells, improve blood circulation, the general condition of the strands, and their appearance.

Microelements such as iron, copper, calcium, manganese and cobalt are necessary for full growth and healthy scalp and hair follicles. Without them, the strands will not be able to grow normally, and a person does not receive a sufficient dose with food, so additional exposure is required.

Inulin cleanses the scalp, improves immunity, and helps fight external irritants, be it styling products or bright sunlight.

Fatty acids are conductors in the absorption of vitamin E; they improve the condition of the strands, giving a pleasant shine and shine.

Protein substances necessary for the body as building material and additional nutrition.

Essential elixirs that relieve dandruff, have anti-inflammatory properties and are a natural antiseptic.

Flavonoids are components of plant origin that have an antiviral effect.

The effect of using burdock oil is noticeable after just a few uses. Source: Flickr (Marissa Alden)

Properties of burdock oil

So does burdock oil help hair? The effect of use is noticeable after just a few uses. On the other hand, this miracle drug can only guarantee results for two months from the date of manufacture. Typically, a product purchased at a pharmacy is stored for at least a year (that’s what it says on the label), but buying it is highly not recommended. Despite the absence of a rancid smell and other qualities of a spoiled balm, it will not give the same result as in the first weeks after production.

Another important point that determines the beneficial properties is the storage container. In the best case, the bottle should be made of dark glass, but most often it is sold in a plastic bottle, so after purchase it is recommended to pour the contents into a more suitable container.

Burdock oil can be used as a preventive measure: if you are satisfied with the condition of your hair, but you want to be sure that your curls receive enough vitamins and will delight you with their beauty in the future. Many people are interested in the question: does burdock oil make hair grow? Yes. It can be successfully used to achieve this goal. Its use with an additional component - pepper extract, which helps awaken the hair follicles, is especially effective.

For severe hair loss, the product is one of the first gentle drugs prescribed by doctors. Its other ability - getting rid of excessive fat - is associated with the work of restoring follicles and sebaceous glands. The main thing when using is not to overexpose the product on your head.

For damaged curls, burdock balm is simply irreplaceable, as it is a natural source of minerals. If you use a hair dryer, straightener, styling products, paints, or other chemicals, you should make a mask at least once a week. The drug smooths out stratified scales, seals split ends, saturates strands with life-giving moisture, and has a nourishing effect.

For dandruff, itching and excessive dryness of the head, it is also recommended for use, as it allows you to nourish the skin with vitamins, gently cleanse, relieve inflammatory processes, and also has an antiviral effect.

Methods of using burdock oil

There are no contraindications for its use, with the exception of individual intolerance. Blondes and girls with light brown hair should use this product with caution, as it can leave a greenish tint on the strands. If you have colored hair, the elixir can noticeably remove the color, so don't use it too often. Heated oil, and it is in this state that the product should be applied to the hair, is called thermal oil.

The most common way to use the product, which many do not even suspect, is its presence in cosmetics, shampoos and balms of plant origin. Often the ingredients on the labels of the bottles are written in Latin, so not everyone knows what exactly they are putting on their head. Most often, burdock balm is added to products that position themselves as an environmentally friendly biological substance of natural origin.

However, the maximum effect can be achieved only if natural thermal oil is applied in its natural form. The product is evenly distributed onto clean, damp strands. Particular attention should be paid to the scalp: the oil should be rubbed in with massage movements, preheated in a water bath. After this, the hair is carefully combed so that the composition is distributed evenly. It is not recommended to use a wooden brush: it will absorb the product. Then you need to put on a cap and wrap your head with a towel. After 25 minutes, you can wash off and rinse your hair with warm water and balm. The procedure should be repeated 1-3 times a week, depending on the condition of the strands and the availability of free time.

To achieve maximum effect, before use you can make a scalp scrub and then carry out a wrapping procedure. This type of care requires a significant amount of time, but the curls will look great! An additional effect of using the scrub is improved blood circulation in the scalp; thermal oil has a faster effect on the hair follicles and stimulates hair growth, because the “platform” for its application has already been prepared. However, the procedure should not be performed more than once a week. The scrub should be used with caution on dry skin.

Some foods don't interact well with each other. However, burdock-based drugs do not interfere with other procedures, be it lamination, straightening, coloring or styling. The components cannot penetrate into the very depths of the hair, causing rapid washing out of the coloring pigment - this will require a dozen procedures.

How to properly wash off oil

There are no special subtleties in washing off burdock oil.

These days, hair care products prepared according to folk recipes are very popular. The leader in this sense is burdock hair oil. Our great-great-grandmothers knew about its benefits, but even today many people try this remedy on their own curls.

The greatest value for burdock oil in the entire plant, which is also called burdock, is its roots. This oil can be purchased in pharmacies and cosmetic departments of stores, or you can prepare it yourself at home.


The tanning components that are part of burdock allow us to properly care for our curls, providing the necessary nutrition, and as a result they will look healthy and beautiful.

The presence of vitamins in a product is what affects the nutrition of the cell of any organism and its “building materials”. The vitamins that burdock oil is rich in can have a positive effect on human hair. And minerals are a source of energy and help maintain the balance of vitamins in the body.

Mineral substances have properties that have a delayed effect on the aging process, so that the scalp remains young. In addition, minerals are responsible for feeding the body with the energy necessary for metabolic processes to normalize.

The effect that inulin has on the body also ensures the normal state of the metabolic process and cleanses the body of harmful substances.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of using burdock oil for hair include a number of its qualities:

  • hair becomes shiny;
  • acquire brightness;
  • hair oiliness is normalized;
  • hair becomes voluminous and silky;
  • no more split ends;
  • return to normal after unsuccessful chemotherapy;
  • hair roots receive nutrients and vitamins.

If you regularly use burdock, combing your hair becomes much easier, and this is an excellent choice for girls who do not want to part with long hair. The only problem that arises when using burdock oil is that it is not so easy to wash off.


The product made from burdock contains essential oil, many vitamins, and saturated fatty acids. It also contains inulin, which improves microflora and accelerates metabolic processes.

Thanks to these properties, burdock oil can be used to treat dry skin seborrhea, psoriasis, and eczema. This remedy will also help with hair loss due to metabolic disorders or due to exhaustion during pregnancy and childbirth. Burdock oil is also an excellent remedy for treating dandruff.

In addition, everything that burdock oil consists of can normalize metabolic processes and blood circulation.

Which is better: burdock or sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn has also long been famous for its healing qualities in caring for skin, hair and nails. Its berries contain a large amount of polysaturated acids and vitamins. The best way to prepare sea buckthorn oil is considered to be homemade, as it is the most environmentally friendly.

Using sea buckthorn to treat hair is suitable for those people who prefer independent procedures - safe and at minimal cost. Just like burdock oil, sea buckthorn oil has a restorative and healing effect. The product moisturizes and can have an anti-inflammatory effect on the epidermis and bulb, stimulates hair growth and regeneration processes.

Both types of oil can be bought, or you can make it at home - in any case, it will help with many problems: it will relieve baldness, dryness, split ends, dandruff and a whole range of other troubles that make your hair look less than ideal. The presence of B vitamins, carotenoids, vitamin E and an antibacterial component determine the significant healing effect of sea buckthorn oil. Burdock oil is noted as well accelerating the process of hair growth, sea buckthorn oil is reviewed as nourishing and gives silky hair. Burdock has been used for centuries as a natural hair care product and against hair loss. It relieves irritation from the scalp and can improve its overall condition.

People have also long known sea buckthorn as a plant that can heal many diseases, and it differs in both internal and external use.

It will not be possible to say unequivocally which oil is better, because the result in both cases is the same, and hair, if treated from time to time with burdock or sea buckthorn oil, will certainly acquire thickness, shine and strength.

Best before date

The expiration date when purchasing burdock oil is of great importance. This is not the case when you need to be happy about a promotion if the product's shelf life is about to expire.

This is oil, and it can go rancid over time, and this happens many times faster if it is not stored correctly - in the sun and in heat. In addition, everything useful that is in the composition of burdock oil ceases to be so after the expiration date; it will no longer have any healing properties.

It’s great if the oil is packaged in opaque glass or some kind of darkened polymer - this will extend its shelf life.

According to the rules for storing burdock oil, the temperature should not exceed 25C and it should be in a dark room. If all storage conditions are met, burdock oil can be stored for up to 2 years.

How to choose

When buying burdock oil, pay attention to what is listed in its composition. It is better to have fewer ingredients, and burdock root to top the list. In addition, the label must contain information about the name of the oil that was used to infuse the root. If you have a really high-quality product in your hands, it will indicate either olive or almond oil. A product infused with rapeseed or soybean oil will be much less useful and effective.

If we talk about the industrial production of burdock oil, then components that can enhance the healing effect are most often added to it. These include a number of vitamin preparations, pepper extract and some other components. However, such additives cause a higher cost of burdock oil. The product in colorful packaging will also be more expensive. The most budget option is, of course, home production.

If the product sold in the store is of high quality and natural, then it will look like a transparent, thin oil with a subtle pleasant smell or without it at all. Such a product will be easily washed off and will not grease the scalp. Only now you will see this at home, and the containers on sale, as a rule, are not transparent. The best solution to ensure that your choice is always successful is to purchase burdock oil from trusted brands.

How to use at home

If you are going to use pure burdock oil, and not masks with it as one of the components, then stock up on a comb with fairly fine teeth, a shower cap, a warm terry towel, and don’t forget shampoo and the oil itself (it’s better to warm it up a little , then the effect will be stronger).

Apply the product to damp hair (before washing or after) - to the very roots, and then use a comb to distribute it evenly throughout the hair to the very ends. After this, it is recommended to lightly massage the scalp for a couple of minutes, then moisten the comb in oil and comb all the hair again. Now you need to put on a shower cap and put a warm towel on your head.

Let the oil remain on your head for one to two hours, but not overnight. Then the product should be washed off with your shampoo (lather at least twice). Additionally, the oil acts on the entire length of the hair, restoring its healthy structure.

You can significantly improve the quality of your hair and strengthen it if you treat it with a burdock product at least once a week. Do this for two months, then a two-week break and again the whole procedure from the very beginning - this way you can strengthen your hair well.

A mask with burdock oil for colored hair (or in cases where highlighting is constantly being done) is prepared from two tablespoons of slightly warmed burdock oil, two egg yolks, one teaspoon of buckwheat (ideally) honey and five grams of cognac or brandy. This “explosive” mixture is applied to the hair and washed off after half an hour. This mask never dries out your hair, which means it is also suitable for split ends and dry hair. In addition, such a mask can easily cope with the dryness of curly hair, which will magically become manageable.

The versatility of this mask is that it can also be used for facial skin - wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin is tightened and toned.

For bleached curls, burdock oil must be well purified, otherwise its greenish tint can color such hair.

You can also use burdock oil as a leave-in hair care product. To do this, apply it to the hair after washing your hair and drying it slightly. This method makes the hair more elastic, it becomes manageable and easy to style.

There is an opinion that it is not recommended to use burdock oil to solve problems with oily hair. However, you can prepare masks using it as one of the components, when such hair can be made healthier and the problem with excessive grease can be solved. This will become possible with the addition of a product to the mask that can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. For example, these mask options:

For oily hair

Mix burdock oil (15 g), crushed grape seeds (5 g), freshly squeezed grapefruit juice (15 g) and lemon essential oil (5 drops). All hair is thoroughly lubricated with this mixture, and the mask is left for about half an hour and then washed off.

Eggs and lemon for dandruff

You will need half of one lemon, two yolks and, of course, burdock extract (one tablespoon). Use in the same way as pure burdock oil. For girls who would like to lighten their hair a little, burdock will help - if you use it constantly, the oil will slightly lighten your hair to a beautiful platinum shade.

With added red pepper to improve hair growth

Burdock extract, to which red pepper has been added, is also called pepper extract. This option will be appreciated by those whose hair is not thick enough or weak enough. This hair mask will be restorative and will stimulate intensive hair growth. This mask is also recommended for baldness.

When else is this product used?

Burdock oil is used not only for the scalp and hair, because it is a natural antiseptic, which means it will help treat cuts on the skin or small wounds.

They use this wonderful remedy for the thickness and fluffiness of eyelashes, as well as for dry eyelids and skin irritations.

In addition, you can use burdock oil both as a means to strengthen and against brittle nails, due to its softening effect on the cuticle and strengthening the nail plate. In this case, warm baths of burdock oil help, which are recommended to be done for a whole month.

How to wash off

Do you need to completely wash off the mask from your hair? Of course, the remnants of the mask cannot cause any harm to the hair, but many of the fair sex are concerned about how it will look for aesthetic reasons. After all, the mask will not dry completely, and from the outside it will seem that your hair is wet.

So it’s better to wash off the oil completely, and this can be done in different ways, and with the simplest means:

  • Egg yolk. Women have learned to wash oily hair with this method a long time ago: 2 or 3 yolks need to be applied to the entire length of the hair, massage the head and after a couple of minutes rinse everything off, and then take regular shampoo and wash your hair.

  • Mustard. There are reviews about this method as the most effective. You will need warmed clean water (1 liter) and dry mustard (2 tablespoons). Everything is mixed until the lumps disappear and the oil is washed off the head with this solution. After this, wash your hair with shampoo as usual.

  • Lemon juice. Lemon can be replaced with apple cider vinegar. Take warm water (1 liter), lemon juice or vinegar (4 tablespoons), mix everything and rinse your head. Then, as usual, I wash my hair with shampoo. This method is not recommended if there are any scratches on the scalp.

  • Herbal decoction. First, you should wash your hair with shampoo, and then rinse it with a decoction of chamomile, mint or nettle. Prepare the decoction as follows: infuse 2 tbsp in 1 liter of boiling water for half an hour. spoons of herbs and at the end add essential oil (2-3 drops) to the infusion.

  • Soda with shampoo. In some container, mix one part baking soda with three parts shampoo, mix everything well and apply the mixture completely to all your hair. Then rinse off the mixture and your hair will be perfectly clean.

How to cook it yourself

Burdock oil is prepared in different ways:

First recipe

Grind the root of large burdock (about 50 g) and pour olive oil (100 g) into it. Close and put in a dark place for 10 days. After this, bring the oil to a boil, reduce the heat to low and cook for 15 minutes. Then the mixture is cooled and filtered. Place the resulting oil in a suitable bottle and store it in a cool, dark place.

Second recipe

Fresh burdock roots are dug up, crushed and filled with any vegetable oil (the proportions are the same as in the first recipe). Then the composition stands in a dark place for a whole month, after which the oil is ready for use.

You can use homemade oil as long as it smells good. As soon as you feel it going rancid, immediately replace it with fresh infused oil.

Rating of the best

Today, burdock oil is not in short supply and can be purchased at many retail outlets. Unfortunately, you can end up with a fake. If the manufacturer is unscrupulous, then the oil may contain silicone impurities and other chemicals that will definitely not benefit your hair. To avoid harming yourself, trust well-known brands that value their reputation.

For example:

  • "Mirrolla"- this product has been sold for a long time and has the most positive reviews. This product from Mirrolla is, first of all, high quality and affordable price. The company has been producing this product since 2004, and today all its products are based on extracts of medicinal plants. These products are available in various combinations of oils and extracts from other plants, which make the oil even more effective.

  • "Eveline"- this oil acts as an aid to weakened, sparse and falling hair. It does not contain alcohol, dyes or any flavorings. It can be applied quickly and washed off easily. The result will be noticeable after the first use. This natural composition contains potent natural ingredients that can penetrate deep into the hair structure and actively restore its fiber, as well as strengthen the damaged hair bulb.

  • "Golden Silk"- this product contains an additive in the form of clove essential oil, which enhances the activity of burdock and strengthens the roots. Blood circulation in the bulb itself improves, making the hair healthy and have a beautiful shine.

Another product from this manufacturer contains additions in the form of nettle oil and a phytocomplex of clove oil, corn oil and vitamin “E”. With the use of this oil, dry scalp, itching, dandruff disappear, hair begins to grow noticeably faster and becomes silky. The oil does not weigh down the hair and is easily washed off with regular shampoo.

  • "Elf" - This product contains components that can destroy enzymes that inhibit hair follicles and lead to baldness. If you use the product regularly, the hair follicle becomes stronger, its normal blood supply is restored and dandruff disappears. Easy to use, easily washed off with warm water, gives hair elasticity and shine.

  • "Bielita-Vitex"- intensive care for dull and weakened hair, which is often dyed and over-dried with a hairdryer. The root is strengthened, hair stops falling out, and the effect of dry hair is eliminated.

  • "Fito-cosmetics oil" It has a very mild effect, so in its pure form it is recommended for use even on the skin of newborn babies. You can also combine it with other cosmetics, for example, with shower gel, shampoo or conditioner.

Burdock oil for hair. What is included in its composition, how to prepare it at home, in what cases it should be used and how. All this will be discussed in this article. There are also several useful mask recipes for different hair types.

Hair has long been considered the best decoration of a woman. Long hair even had a magical effect. From a religious point of view, hair is an integral part of a woman, which is a sign of her purity and innocence. Therefore, some religions even deny the fact of cutting hair. How to care for them, how to make them even more beautiful, shiny and luxurious. All these questions concern more than one woman today.

The issue is especially acute for urban women. After all, hair, like skin, absorbs all the dirt and dust of city life. Plus, the condition of hair is directly influenced by stress, a woman’s diet, the quality of cosmetics used, and fatigue. Due to the negative influence of all these factors, hair begins to split, falls out, triples its usual shine, becomes thin and unruly. That is why beauty salons have even introduced special spa treatments for hair. But if it is not possible to regularly visit a beauty salon, you can easily provide your hair with proper care at home. How to do this?

Miracle burdock oil

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers did not know such hair and scalp care products as are known to modern girls. They didn’t know what shampoo, conditioner, or masks were. How then did they cleanse their hair of dust and dirt? And why did they still wear long and thick hair? All this is due to the fact that they used exclusively the gifts of nature. The main thing in the cosmetic arsenal were natural remedies. They used different roots, foliage and branches of different plants. Some of their recipes have come down to us. One of these miraculous natural substances is burdock oil.

This oil is obtained from the roots of the most inconspicuous plant - burdock, hence its name - burdock. Yes, it can be unpleasant when its spines stick to things or animal fur. But this plant is worthy of respect because of the miraculous effect after using an infusion of its root.

Oil composition

Modern scientists and cosmetologists could not take our grandmothers at their word. Therefore, they decided to study this substance and find out why it has such a positive effect on our hair, giving it health and beauty. During the tests, it was found that there are all the most useful vitamins that we often take in tablets. These are vitamins A, E, C, group B. This oil contains iron, zinc, vanadium, tin, strontium, manganese, copper, etc. There are already ready-made essential oils and polysaccharides here. All these containing burdock oil have only healing properties. This means that our grandmothers were right when they used it almost everywhere for medicinal purposes.

Burdock oil contains huge amounts of useful substances

Indications for use

Considering burdock oil as a medicinal substance, we must know when it can and should be applied to the hair and how it should be done. Let's first decide what problems you should resort to oil in the first place. The use of oil is exclusively indicated in the following cases:

All these indicators and factors are the primary reason for using burdock oil. But even if you do not observe any problems with your hair, then using this oil 1-2 times a month will be an excellent prevention of problems and will not harm your hair in any way. It will only preserve their healthy and natural shine for longer.

How does oil affect hair?

The fact that the effect is exclusively positive and restorative is understandable. But why is such an effect still observed? The fact is that burdock oil restores metabolism and blood flow in the scalp. Sometimes it is the disruption of these processes that is the only cause of hair loss, dullness and split ends. You need to use masks with burdock oil regularly for at least a month. Experts say that the true result can be seen only after 15 procedures with this oil. No more than 1 procedure per week is allowed. But it all depends on the type of hair and the nature of the problem for which the oil was prescribed.

The oil returns natural shine to hair, strengthens hair follicles and makes hair healthy. After such masks, hair becomes manageable and smooth. An excellent effect is also observed on mechanically damaged hair: after a hair dryer, perm and dyeing.

How to use

We have considered in what cases it is worth using burdock oil. But how often can this be done? How to apply oil to hair? The oil can be used in its pure form, or it can be mixed with other beneficial substances: mustard, egg, kefir, etc. Currently, there are a lot of masks containing burdock oil. The ingredients that should be added to the oil depend on your hair type and the nature of the problem with it. The frequency of mask use also depends on these factors.

The oil is applied warm. That is, it should be heated to human body temperature. This can be done by pouring it into a container or placing a bottle of oil under running hot water. Oil temperature is important to get more effect and positive results faster. But don't overheat the oil. You should not experience any pain or burning when applying it.

Before applying the oil, you should wash your hair with shampoo and dry it with a towel. The oil is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the head, like hair dye. Apply the oil by hand or using a hairdressing brush or cotton pad. Simultaneously with applying the oil, it is necessary to massage the scalp. The oil massage continues for 15 minutes. After applying the oil, you should create a sauna effect for your hair. To do this, you should put on a bag and wrap a terry towel or a warm scarf around your head. This is done to achieve the desired effect. The duration of the mask depends on the problem. Duration can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The mask is made, as we have already said, no more than once a week for a month. Then you can take a break for 3 weeks and repeat the procedure again.

Please note and do not lose sight of the fact that the components of the oil can cause allergies. To exclude such a situation, before use, be sure to perform an allergy test, as with hair dye: apply the oil to a small area of ​​skin on the wrist and wait 30 minutes.

How to wash off a mask with burdock oil

After you have walked around with a mask on your head for a certain period of time, it, of course, needs to be washed off. The mask with burdock oil is washed off, like any other, with warm water and shampoo. Afterwards you can use the balm. It is advisable that both shampoo and conditioner contain herbs. This will help consolidate the result. The mask is washed off with a large stream of water. But sometimes one approach is not enough. If the hair remains oily, the procedure can be repeated. An excellent tip for better rinsing burdock oil from your hair, to avoid the effect of greasy hair, you can use highly salted water, and then soften your hair with balm. You can also add yolk to the butter. Firstly. This is another nutrient for your hair. Secondly, this combination is easier to wash out of the hair than pure oil.

Washing off a mask based on burdock oil is not an easy process.

Cooking at home

We are used to buying ready-made masks and balms in stores. This makes our life much easier and saves time. Burdock oil can also be purchased. Better, of course, at the pharmacy. They sell products that are least susceptible to processing and have a composition as close to natural as possible. When buying burdock oil at a pharmacy, carefully read the packaging. It should contain only natural ingredients. But if you are not lazy and prepare burdock oil at home, then your hair will very soon thank you greatly, becoming silky, shiny, healthy and manageable.

How to do this at home. You will need burdock root and any oil. Ideally you need olive or almond oil. But if there is none, then even ordinary sunflower will do. The ratio is as follows: 100 g of roots per glass of oil. The washed roots are infused in oil for a day; after 15 minutes, the infusion should be simmered over low heat, cooled and strained. Store self-prepared oil in a glass container.

Burdock oil has different effects depending on what hair it is used on. Let's consider the effect of oil on different types of hair, and what masks can be used. And most importantly, how, how many times a week or month.

Hair masks based on burdock oil

For oily hair

First of all, I would like to warn those with oily hair. Keep in mind that burdock oil is a fatty product. The use of such masks will make your hair even more oily. If you want to restore shine and make your hair more manageable, but you do not have more serious criteria for using oil, then do not rub it into the roots. Limit application to hair length. This will also provide you with the desired effect, but will protect you from the effect of greasy hair after removing the mask. But it does not mean. That the mask is contraindicated for you. Even if you have serious problems and need to apply a mask to your roots, you can feel the positive effect of the oil.

Burdock oil is suitable even for those with oily hair

You need 1 tablespoon of oil, 1 teaspoon of grape seed oil, 1 tablespoon of grapefruit pulp and 10 drops of lemon oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair for 15 minutes. This mask will accelerate hair growth, cleanse the scalp, refresh and tone it.

Masks for dry hair

Dry hair always needs extra moisture and care to keep it looking healthy. You can add a few drops of burdock oil directly to the shampoo before use or to the balm. If the problem is more serious, then it is better to prepare masks based on burdock oil. You can add wheat germ or chamomile oil to the oil prepared at home or purchased at the pharmacy. All ingredients should be mixed in 1 tablespoon. All this is thoroughly rubbed into the scalp and left for 40 minutes, just as stated in the section on using oil. This mixture should also be applied warm.

For normal hair

You can enhance hair growth, give it shine, eliminate brittleness and split ends using a mask of burdock oil and several other elements: bey oil, ylang oil, chamomile. For 2 tablespoons you add 5 drops of each oil.

Masks for damaged and weak hair

If you prefer ready-made oils, then when you decide to use it for restoration, pay attention to oils with the addition of nettle, chamomile, peach oil, castor, sea buckthorn and wheat germ.

For lifeless hair, a mask with burdock and castor oils in equal proportions is perfect. Kefir, yolk and honey are also added to them. The latter elements enhance the healing properties of castor and burdock oils. You can simply add honey and yolk to burdock oil. Cognac also has a beneficial effect on dry and damaged hair. Such masks should be left on the hair for about two hours, and then rinsed off thoroughly with warm water.

After mechanical impact on the hair, it is good to add cocoa to the oil to quickly restore it. This will add elasticity and manageability to curly hair. Lightened hair will become stronger after such a mask. The yolk is also not left unattended here. You take 3 tablespoons of butter, 2 yolks and 1 teaspoon of cocoa. The mask is left for about an hour, then everything is washed off with water, and then washed with a vinegar solution or a solution of lemon juice (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). For preventive purposes, such a mask should be done 2 times a month, and when dealing with problems, once a week.

Masks for severe hair loss and growth

Hair growth is promoted by adding yolk, lemon juice, and red pepper to burdock oil. If you use pepper, then you take oil along the length of your hair, and there is much less pepper. Excess of it can cause scalp irritation. After mixing, all ingredients should be heated in a water bath and applied to the scalp for an hour.

In most situations, women only respond positively to burdock oil. The only negative is time. You need to be patient if you decide to treat your hair with burdock oil. But remember, the effect will definitely be there. This has already been proven by many generations and doctors.

How does natural burdock oil affect hair?

Burdock oil is a unique phytoactivator.
This oil contains proteins, mineral salts, natural inulin, essential and fatty oils (palmitic and stearic acids), tannins, and vitamins. All these substances are extremely beneficial for hair growth and strengthening.

The effect of burdock oil on hair and its structure.

Natural burdock oil strengthens the roots and structure of the hair, and also nourishes them, in addition, accelerates hair growth, prevents hair loss, has a therapeutic effect on dandruff, itching and dry scalp, in other words, has an antiseborrheic and antimicrobial effect. In addition, this oil is able to restore damaged hair structure, which is typical after coloring and perm.

- baldness and hair loss;
- hair growth;
- for seborrhea, itching and dandruff;
- to restore weak and damaged hair structure: with thinning hair, loss of shine, fragility, splitting at the ends.

The use of burdock oil for hair treatment.

Preheat the burdock oil. Rinse your hair under running warm water and dry gently with a towel. Next, the oil should be rubbed into the roots of the hair for twenty minutes, dividing them into partings. At the end, distribute the composition over the entire length of the hair and leave the mask for one hour. Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to wash off the oil in warm water using shampoo. This procedure is recommended to be carried out once or twice a week. The course of treatment is about 10 procedures.

Based on the above, burdock oil can be safely called a unique panacea for many hair problems. The main thing is to be patient and complete the entire course of treatment with this phytoactivator.

In order to keep your hair beautiful and healthy, professional astrologers recommend cutting and coloring your hair only on favorable days according to the Lunar haircut calendar.
You can view the Lunar calendar of haircuts for August 2014 on the website:….

Be healthy!

What is burdock oil

This product is a squeeze from burdock roots by extraction - the dry roots are infused with various plant components (peanut, olive, sunflower or sesame oils). In its finished form, it can be found with various additives that stimulate blood circulation (red pepper, garlic, nettle, onion). This product is used only on the scalp to achieve the effect of accelerated hair growth. Oil extraction allows you to preserve many of the beneficial substances of this product:

  • natural inulin;
  • fatty acid;
  • stigmasterol;
  • proteins;
  • sitosterol.


The healing properties of the product are explained by the substances it contains. All of the following beneficial components have a beneficial effect on hair - its growth and appearance. For example, inulin is a natural conditioner that smoothes, nourishes, and gives a healthy shine, not greasy, like in advertising photos. The chemical composition is as follows:

  • vitamins A, B, C, P, E;
  • fatty polyunsaturated amino acids;
  • proteins;
  • tannins;
  • inulin;
  • minerals (copper, vanadium, zinc, boron);
  • sitosterol;
  • stigmasterol.


Since this is a natural remedy, the effect of use should be expected after 2-3 weeks of regular use. Burdock oil has a beneficial effect on hair - it becomes soft, shiny, and more manageable. By stimulating blood circulation in the scalp, hair follicles work more actively - this helps to grow length faster. After use, scalp itching and dandruff disappear, various wounds heal faster, and irritation is eliminated.


Burdock oil is useful not only for hair, but also for the body, nails, and facial skin. It is used in its pure form and added to various homemade masks as an auxiliary component to base oils. By rubbing your eyebrows and eyelashes daily, you can achieve an amazing effect - after a month, your eyelashes will become longer, thicker, more voluminous, and your eyebrows will grow rapidly. Some manufacturers add burdock extract to shampoos, conditioners, hair dyes, mixtures for coloring eyebrows and eyelashes so that they are saturated with useful substances.

For nails

Due to its nourishing and moisturizing properties, the product is actively used in cosmetology in the field of nail care. During a cosmetic procedure, it can be applied in its pure form to the cuticle to soften it, or massage the nails to increase blood circulation. The oil makes nails stronger, prevents them from becoming brittle, and makes them more well-groomed. Great for those who have the following problems:

  • dry cuticle;
  • fragility;
  • delamination of the nail plate;
  • fungal infection;
  • rough surface of the nail plate;
  • slow nail growth.

For face

The main advantage that this oil boasts is its lack of comedogenicity. This means that it does not clog pores and does not provoke the development of inflammation on the face (pimples, blackheads), such as castor oil. Burdock oil can be used to remove makeup from the eyes - at the same time, it delicately cleanses the skin around the eyes and promotes the strengthening and growth of eyelashes. After cleansing, everything should be rinsed off with warm water with soft gel or micellar water.

The issue of moisturizing and nourishing skin of any type is always relevant. After washing, it is recommended to apply a light moisturizer with a few drops of essential oil. This will eliminate flaking and moisturize dry skin. You can also apply it directly to rashes to dry out pimples and speed up the process of their maturation. After application, you can blot your face with a clean paper napkin and absorb any remaining residue.

For skin

At any time of the year, the skin needs to be moisturized. In winter, due to dehydration, cold and dry air, the skin tightens and becomes dull. To restore it, you need to regularly nourish the skin with special products. One of the best is burdock oil. While taking a bath or shower, a few drops can be added to the shower gel on a washcloth, lubricate the feet to soften the skin, prepare them for a pedicure, add a few drops to the foot cream. This will help maintain youthful and healthy skin for many years.

Burdock oil for hair

This product is mainly used for hair care. It is universal because it is suitable for solving many problems: split ends, dry dandruff, baldness, lack of shine. In case of hair loss, burdock squeeze is rubbed into the scalp, actively massaging it to improve blood circulation and stimulate hair growth. For greater effect, it is better to give preference to a product with the addition of red pepper, which more strongly stimulates the flow of blood to the hair follicles.

To get rid of split ends, make hair softer and more manageable, burdock oil can be applied in its pure form to the entire length of the curls, paying special attention to the ends, and leave under a shower cap with a warm towel for 60 minutes. You can also add it to nourishing masks by mixing it with castor, coconut, argan, and olive oil. You need to wash off such masks with shampoo, but you should rinse your hair 3-4 times so that the mask is completely washed off. If you don’t have time to apply a mask, you can add a couple of drops to your balm or conditioner.

Benefits for hair

Burdock oil, which contains vitamins and other active ingredients, has a beneficial effect on eyebrows, eyelashes and hair. Regular use of masks with oil or applied in its pure form helps restore hair structure, stimulates growth, and prevents split ends and fragility. The benefits of burdock oil for hair cannot be overestimated, because it is one of the best and most effective remedies for beautiful, lush, healthy hair. According to reviews, regular use of oil on eyebrows and eyelashes at night helps to grow them.

How to use

To achieve excellent results, you need to follow several important rules:

  1. The course of application is 5 months, apply no more than once a week.
  2. It is better to make masks for dirty hair, when oily shine already appears.
  3. If your scalp is oily, it is better to lubricate only the lengths, especially the ends.
  4. All masks should be washed off by washing your hair with shampoo. You will need to apply shampoo with sulfates 3 times, natural cosmetics 4-5 times.

How to heat burdock oil in a water bath

The main rule that must be followed to get the effect of masks is the correct temperature. It is known that all beneficial substances are better absorbed and work correctly if you heat the mixture for the mask in a water bath. The pores open up, all vitamins and active ingredients penetrate better. Before applying to the strands, you need to prepare the mixture. Boil water in a saucepan. Turn the lid upside down and place the container with the mixture on it. While the water is boiling, it will warm up to just above room temperature.

Traditional medicine recipes

This product can still be used in almost all homemade face and hair masks. In folk medicine, burdock occupies a special place, because previously it was used not only for external use, but was even consumed internally in salads and soups. If you have the opportunity to collect your own, for example, country burdock, then you can prepare the oil yourself. For this you will need:

  • collect 50 g of plant root, dry, chop;
  • root extract pour 150 ml of any fatty vegetable oil;
  • leave to brew for 14 days;
  • strain.

It can be used not only by women, but also by men, for example, to grow a beard. There is an effective recipe for a mask for growing a beard, which will require:

  • burdock oil – 3 tablespoons;
  • ground red pepper – 5 g (the dosage needs to be adjusted based on sensations, the mask should bake, but not too much).

What should be done:

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Apply the mixture to the beard with a brush (the skin should be clean and dry).
  3. Leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with soap or mild cleansing gel.
  5. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

Hair mask based on burdock oil

To maintain a healthy scalp, you need to regularly make natural masks. Hair treatment with burdock oil is a budget-friendly way to transform your hair, like after salon treatments, to get rid of dandruff and itching. To speed up their growth and prevent loss, you can make the following mask, for which you will need:

  • burdock oil with red pepper – 100 ml;
  • essential oil - a quarter of a teaspoon;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • add 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon lemon juice.

What do we have to do:

  1. Mix all ingredients well.
  2. Distribute with a brush over partings onto dry hair.
  3. Put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a towel.
  4. Leave for 1-2 hours.
  5. Wash off with shampoo.
  6. Repeat once a week.


Before using burdock oil for hair, you need to remember that an allergic reaction may occur. Since this is a completely natural product, the only contraindication for use is individual intolerance. According to reviews, to make sure there is no allergy, you can apply a couple of drops of oil to your hand and leave for an hour to see if an allergic reaction manifests itself - itching, irritation, rashes. If not, the product can be used.


The table shows the price range at which oil from different manufacturers is purchased in Moscow and the Moscow region. At the cheapest price, you can buy it in an online store by ordering through an online catalog. To try, you can immediately buy several options at any pharmacy.

How does burdock oil affect hair?

Burdock oil is obtained from burdock root, which is also known as burdock.

For avid gardeners, burdock is of no use; moreover, it is mercilessly exterminated as a weed. Lovers of forays into nature will certainly remember the burdock by its thorns, which every now and then cling to clothes. But in cosmetology this plant is definitely in good standing. Rich in vitamins, minerals, tannins and organic acids, burdock oil is incredibly widely used in the field of beauty and health. And speaking of beauty, it is impossible to ignore hair, because hairstyle is the calling card of every woman.

The benefits of burdock oil for hair are as follows:

  • proteins contained in burdock oil extract are able to fill the cuticle cavities, making the hair truly strong, shiny and even;
  • the mineral composition of burdock oil affects both the structure of the hair itself and the condition of the skin, thanks to which the hair receives the necessary nutrition;
  • natural inulin, which is included in the product, perfectly strengthens follicles and affects hair growth;
  • vitamins A and E, contained in excess in the oil extract, can give any hair an attractive and healthy appearance;
  • tannins help cleanse the scalp well, removing excess sebum and all kinds of impurities. The substances are also notable for their ability to fight fungal infections that cause dandruff;
  • the product has a pronounced restorative effect, helps hair that has experienced perms or other aggressive procedures;
  • The product is often used for skin diseases of the head due to its antibacterial properties.
  • perfectly moisturizes the scalp and helps maintain optimal acid-base balance;
  • one of the most powerful hair growth agents, stimulating increased blood supply to the follicles.

As for contraindications, as a rule, burdock oil extract should not be used by people with allergic reactions to its components or intolerance. Trichologists also warn against the undesirable use of this product in case of any damage to the scalp.

The use of burdock oil for hair growth

Masks for hair growth often include burdock oil extract. To create a home remedy, take 3-4 tablespoons of burdock oil, pour into a non-metallic container, and then heat in a water bath to body temperature. Apply the mask along the entire length of your hair for 1-2 hours, after wrapping it in cellophane and a warm towel.

For those who are interested in how to use burdock oil in complex masks for growth, there is an excellent recipe with red pepper. To prepare the mask you will need 3-4 tablespoons of oil extract and 5 ml of capsicum tincture. Rub the slightly warmed mixture into the roots with light movements and leave for an hour.

Burdock oil for hair thickness

Burdock oil is also used to increase hair thickness. To do this, mix 3 tablespoons of extract with one egg, beat thoroughly and distribute along the length of the curls. After 2 hours, the mask is washed off with warm water.

The honey mask also includes burdock oil to improve the thickness of your hair.

For one tablespoon of burdock root oil, there is one teaspoon of liquid natural honey. After rubbing the mixture into the roots, wait an hour, then rinse off the product.

For those with hair with high oil content, a recipe with mustard and sugar will be useful. You will need two tablespoons each of mustard powder and burdock root oil extract, as well as an egg yolk and 1 spoon of sugar. Mix all your ingredients until smooth, after adding a little warm water for a comfortable consistency, then boldly apply to your head for 20-30 minutes.