Practical tips on how to get rid of muscle pain. Remedies for muscle pain

The human body is designed and created by nature to be perfect. A huge number of muscles (biologists count up to 850) normally work harmoniously, interconnectedly, harmoniously. But there is no person who does not know what muscle pain is. Why do muscles hurt, is this pain always caused by organic disorders, how to relieve it - these are important questions. Having received the answer, you will be able to act competently, quickly and to the maximum, helping yourself if the need arises.

Types of myalgia

Myalgia is the medical term for muscle pain. We have three types of muscle tissue:

  • Skeletal;
  • Smooth muscle tissue;
  • Cardiac tissue (myocardium).

The musculoskeletal system consists of skeletal muscles, most of the muscles of the body are skeletal. In trained people, skeletal muscle tissue is up to 60%. Pain syndrome due to health problems occurs in bodily tissue of any kind.

Let's remember: skeletal muscles, their movements, contraction, relaxation, we can control consciously. Conscious, thoughtful management makes it possible to correct their work and carry out the desired actions.

The internal organs are formed by smooth muscle tissue; they function independently of our consciousness. Heart tissue also works without our volitional effort. A person cannot consciously and directly control the work of smooth muscles and cardiac tissue. Indirect methods of influence remain at our disposal. We'll look at which ones later. You won’t get instant results, but those who have patience will achieve what they want.

When a person feels pain, a signal about it reaches the brain through nerves. The pain itself is localized in the muscles; they are equipped with pain receptors. Nerve endings read the impulse from these receptors and transmit it to the “control center” - the brain. A person feels muscle inflammation through pain (myalgia). Types of pain are distinguished by their location, manifestation (character), and intensity.


When the pain is concentrated in the muscles, tendons and ligaments, it is called fibromyalgia. A disease with unknown etiology and multiple painful manifestations. Those suffering from fibromyalgia are characterized by:

  • Headache;
  • Temperature instability (temperature jumps);
  • The reaction to sound and light is painful;
  • The nature of the pain is “spill over” - it begins in a specific area (neck, shoulders) and gradually or quickly spreads to other muscles of the body;
  • The pain is debilitating and may worsen at night;
  • Inadequate intermittent sleep, morning fatigue:
  • Meteopathic reactions;
  • Increased fatigue, feeling of constant tiredness;
  • Nervous abnormalities, depression may occur;
  • Muscle soreness throughout the body, mainly in symmetrical localization.

Researchers have conflicting opinions about the causes of fibromyalgia. It has been noted that it can occur as a secondary disease after prolonged stress or trauma. Infectious diseases can also cause complications: muscle pain, fibromyalgia.

People with fibromyalgia have a harder time tolerating painful stimuli than other people. They feel pain - more intensely. This affects mood, provokes neuroses and depression. The brain is responsible for this reaction, but this is not identical to a mental disorder. Possible causes of the disease:

  1. The synthesis of hormones responsible for tension or relaxation, stress or euphoria is disrupted. This imbalance is thought to stimulate muscle pain of increased intensity.
  2. Severe tick-borne infections (Lyme borreliosis, CCHF) can result in intense pain – fibromyalgia.
  3. Viral infections of other etiologies with severe progression are also fraught with a similar outcome. Regular flu can “inherit” this in the body.
  4. Weak immunity, allergic reactions.
  5. Side effect of drugs.
  6. Diseases leading to imbalance of hormones in the body, disruption of the endocrine system.
  7. Fluctuations in the level of growth hormone are a frequent companion to pathological muscle pain.
  8. Hereditary predisposition.

Women suffer from fibromyalgia more often than men. The disease depends little on age; both teenagers and older people get sick. Difficult to diagnose: diseases of the nervous system exhibit similar symptoms, diagnostic errors are possible. Consult experienced doctors.


Myositis is a disease of skeletal muscles. They can be:

  • Inflammatory;
  • Consequence of injuries;
  • Caused by intoxication of the body;
  • Consequences or accompaniments of infectious diseases.

Myositis is classified according to the number of muscles affected by myositis:

Among local myositis, cervical myositis leads in frequency, with lumbar myositis slightly behind. Sitting for a long time in one particularly uncomfortable position overloads the muscles of the entire body. The neck and lower back suffer first. An office (apartment), a computer, an air conditioner is an ideal combination for the development of these types of myositis. If this is a person’s usual environment. Muscle pain is painful and worsens with movement.

Some of the causes of myositis depend only partially on the person:

  • Intoxication;
  • Infections;
  • Injuries;
  • Systemic diseases (metabolic - vasculitis, lupus erythematosus). This reason leads to the development of polymyositis.

The rest are easier to adjust:

With myositis, the muscles become overstrained, become denser, and blood flow inside the tissues slows down. Impaired muscle functions and nutrition lead to chronic muscle pain.

Drafts often act as a trigger for myositis on soil already prepared by the reasons mentioned. That's why it's time for air conditioning - hot season - increases the incidence of myositis non-infectious etiology.

Viral nature of myositis

Pain and muscle aches spread throughout the body accompanies almost any viral disease that causes fever. The first symptom of the virus entering the body is a sharp rise in temperature and, at the same time, aching of skeletal muscle tissue. Diagnosis is sometimes difficult: many diseases declare themselves this way. They take into account the epidemiological situation of the region, doctors use the method of exclusion, look for additional symptoms, and prescribe tests.

Identification and elimination of the infection causing myositis corrects the situation: myositis is cured simultaneously with the disease that caused it. It often disappears once the temperature normalizes.


A systemic disease that affects skeletal muscles, simultaneously affecting the inflammatory process and smooth muscles. It is difficult, with multiple disorders:

  1. It is difficult for the patient to move, stand up, and take care of himself due to pain and weakness of muscle tissue. Muscle atrophy is possible with long-term dermatomyositis.
  2. Erythema (areas of intense redness) on the skin of the body – in 80% of patients.
  3. Damage to internal organs (lungs, heart, kidneys).
  4. Joints are often inflamed.

The disease can develop rapidly (acute dermatomyositis), but it can also occur in a chronic form or have a mild subacute course. Any form is difficult and dangerous.

The causes of dermatomyositis have not been reliably studied. But without a cause, diseases do not develop. Presumably the formation of the disease is influenced by:

  • Recent infections;
  • Excessive exposure to the southern sun;
  • Side effects of vaccinations and certain medications.

The disease is treated medicinally by a rheumatologist with hormonal drugs.

Myalgia of psychogenic nature

The psyche is the least studied system, affecting all areas of the body’s activity. Psychogenic factors lie deep in the subconscious. They are not always recognized even by doctors who specialize in studying them. Muscle pain is not always confirmed by a specific diagnosis. The patient is examined, the parameters show normal. There are no organic abnormalities in either the muscles or organs. The joints are anatomically intact and function normally. But the pain syndrome remains.

Such pain is classified as psychogenic. The symptoms are periodic, the patient feels pain, but doctors cannot yet decipher its nature.

Treatment is symptomatic - analgesics. A person experiencing psychogenic pain is advised to:

  • Sedatives;
  • Consultation with a psychotherapist or observation by a neurologist;
  • A change of scenery;
  • Elimination of traumatic factors;
  • Distraction procedures;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Taking vitamins;
  • Physiotherapy.

Choosing an experienced practitioner is important. People suffering from psychogenic pain often undergo dozens of uninformative examinations and consult with highly specialized doctors. Everyone makes a presumptive diagnosis and prescribes new examinations. The person is exhausted from running in circles, doctors sometimes get irritated: everything is normal, but the patient does not agree with this.

Mutual understanding between the doctor and the person visiting the medical facility is important. A gentle, informative conversation will solve half the problem. If you were irritably told: “You need to see a psychiatrist!” - look for another doctor. The irritated doctor had already signed his name under his helplessness. He simply doesn’t know why your muscles hurt.

Sore after workout

Pain the day after training is common. You do not exercise for fun: you set a goal to improve your body. Strengthen your health by exercising your muscles. Skeletal muscle tissue is the only one of the three known to us that we have the right to control at our discretion. Through exercise a person develops it. A heavy load will result in morning pain. Excessive - will not go away the next morning.

Post-workout pain can be either positive (good) or negative (bad).


Reasonably planned activities cannot go unnoticed by the body. By doing exercises to stretch muscles that have lost their former elasticity, you benefit these muscles. But they are accustomed to an abnormally shortened state. A well-chosen program is not dangerous - it is useful, but the unusual load causes pain after the lesson, and even during it. Be patient, you are regaining your fitness and improving your health. Ligaments and tendons adapt to the exercises, become elastic, and you yourself gain flexibility and strength.

The main thing is don't give up. A beautiful body and good health are worth patience. After physical activity, metabolic processes are activated, blood flow increases, and stagnant zones are eliminated. Muscle fibers grow faster. A person develops health and gains strength.

Normally, muscle pain appears on day 2 after training. If the body has not responded at all, the load is insufficient, increase it.

What to do with “training” pain, why do they occur?

In working muscles, metabolic processes are activated and lactic acid is synthesized. The product is necessary; it is involved in the production of ATP, a substance that provides energy to the body’s processes. During intense exercise, excess lactic acid is produced. It is necessary to remove the unused residue from the body, which causes pain and burning in the muscles after exercise. This is a natural reaction to redundancy. The rule of moderation has not been canceled. Dose the load wisely.

Let's look at techniques on how to get rid of muscle pain after training.

  1. To keep pain to a minimum or not to appear, use a universal pain reliever: cold. We warmed up during training and sweated. Afterwards you take a shower and wash off the sweat. Finish the water procedures with cold ones. Either it’s a cold shower (short-term – 1 minute, no more), or you plunge into the pool. The water in it should be cold, the time should be the same. Minute.
  2. Exposure to cold causes active blood flow, rushing it to the muscles, washing out excess lactic acid, its breakdown and removal from the body. The source of pain goes away, health is restored.
  3. Cold procedures will also help on the second day, if on the first you did not know about them or did not perform short-term cooling. But first, do some warm-up and stretching exercises. During them, the pain will ease. Finish with a shower as described above.
  4. A properly organized drinking regimen will help prevent pain. Periodically take a sip of pure water (not carbonated) in pauses between exercises. During classes, drink often, but little by little - only a sip. This helps the body to cope with stress correctly.
  5. Bathhouse, sauna “Russian style” (wet, with steam) - immediately after classes. The benefits are undoubted, but only if this warming ends with a cold (not cool) douche or a short immersion in cold water (bath, pool).
  6. You should not bask the next day when your muscles are sore. Pain is swelling, swelling does not provide warmth. It is acceptable to warm up with exercises, followed by a cold douche. It will become easier.


Intense pain that lasts more than two days indicates possible causes:

  • Exceeding the adaptive capabilities of the body;
  • Traumatic tissue damage, sprained ligaments;
  • The manifestation of symptoms of a hidden illness;
  • Exacerbation of a chronic disease.

If your temperature rises or you experience pain that is not typical of muscle fatigue, visit your doctor. It is necessary to find out the state of internal organs and systems, to exclude the possibility of overlapping symptoms.

Causes of muscle pain

The pain is always muscular, regardless of location. Only the type of muscle differs. Bones and nerves do not contain pain receptors. The causes of troubles often depend on the person himself.

In the leg muscles

The legs bear the greatest load - they bear the entire weight of a person. Complaints about pain in the legs are common: even healthy legs sometimes get tired and hurt. The leg can hurt in any part.

Heaviness and pulling sensations in the thigh muscles occur for various reasons.

Presumably, the person is used to sleeping in a position that is comfortable for him, but unphysiological for the hip muscles or joints. If he or the doctor does not identify this cause, no treatment will eliminate the pain syndrome. How to remove it? Try sleeping in a different position and compare the sensations. If the pain subsides, congratulate yourself, you are healthy.

Pain on the inner side of the thigh may turn out to be “training”, occurring after working out the muscles with stretching exercises. In the femoral muscle, pain is also likely from being in an uncomfortable position for a long time, or from static overexertion.

Pain in the legs above the knees, not caused by systemic diseases, is common in untrained people. They occur after an unusual load on the hip extensor muscles. You can’t immediately give strength exercises without a good warm-up, warming up, and stretching the muscles. This also applies to work in the garden: at the beginning of the season, you may not calculate your strength, you may overdo it. The flexors and extensors, which have become unaccustomed over the winter, are overstrained so that the next day it is difficult to move due to pain.

Kinesiotherapist Sergei Bubnovsky demonstrates the benefits of warming up in television programs. A person who did not reach the floor with his fingers can do this freely and painlessly after warming up his muscles on the simulator.

Pain in the calf muscle is an unpleasant and alarming symptom. The deep vessels of the legs are affected, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis are formed. If the pain recurs and is accompanied by limping (intermittent claudication), an examination is necessary. This is how obliterating endarteritis begins, requiring patient treatment.

The calf muscles also hurt from exertion if they are weak.

If pain in the leg is caused by osteochondrosis, protrusion or hernia of the spine, the gluteal region of the affected side is also painful: the sciatic nerve passes through it (Fig. 2).

In the muscles of the arms and chest

Pain localized at the level of the shoulder girdle, arms and chest is an alarming symptom. It is not necessarily caused by a dangerous disease, but it is necessary to analyze the symptoms in this regard.

Remember whether there were any provoking factors the day before or shortly before the onset of pain:

  • Awkward movement causing pain;
  • Emotional stress.
  • If you suffer from chronic diseases: osteochondrosis, cardiovascular diseases - have such pains arisen against the background of exacerbations of this chronicle before?

    Analysis of the state and comparison of factors will help you navigate and determine action tactics. If the chest area, shoulder and forearm simultaneously hurt, the picture is typical for osteochondrosis, but heart pain can manifest itself in the same way. Call a doctor or an ambulance. When there is no opportunity for consultation, try to find out the reason yourself.

    Differences between muscle and heart pain.



    Intensifies with movement, changing body position. You can find a comfortable position in which the pain will decrease.

    It does not increase or decrease with movement and changes in body position.

    By palpating you can find the place - the “epicenter” of pain.

    Does not respond to palpation.

    Dulled by taking analgesics.

    Painkillers don't work.


    Periodically subsides, then intensifies.

    The location of the pain is clearly identified.

    The pain is “blurred”; it is difficult to pinpoint the exact location of its concentration.

    Taking nitroglycerin does not reduce the intensity of pain.

    Nitroglycerin relieves or stops pain.

    Having ruled out the possibility of a heart attack, we study the symptoms to understand the cause of the trouble.

    Many people are familiar with painful discomfort from the shoulder to the elbow. The shoulder and forearm cause pain after or during unusual exercise. A poorly developed muscular system cannot withstand it and is injured. Pain in the shoulder and forearm can be caused by:

    • Sprain;
    • Humeroscapular periarthritis;
    • Joint injury (shoulder, wrist, elbow);
    • Complications of felon;
    • Tendon inflammation;
    • Dislocations;
    • Osteoarthritis.

    There are other reasons, determined by a combination of symptoms.

    The chest area, if the heart is in order and there has been no injury, is usually worried due to problems with the spine (osteochondrosis). Intercostal neuralgia and herpes (shingles) are also sources of thoracic pain.

    You can guess the cause of the illness. Reliably establish a diagnosis - no. Find an opportunity to visit or call a doctor.

    In back

    Most often, pain occurs in the muscles of the lower back and cervical region. The lumbar region bears the main load when moving and lifting heavy objects. Incorrect movement injures even strong, trained muscles. The weak cannot even withstand working under the load according to the rules.

    An incorrectly selected bed or an uncomfortable position when resting at night will cause pain after sleep. Lumbar pain is also inevitable with diseases:

    • Radiculitis;
    • Osteochondrosis (lumbar);
    • Spinal disc herniation;
    • Injuries;
    • Internal diseases of nearby organs;
    • Referred pain in internal diseases.

    The trapezius muscle (Fig. 3) is overstrained from lack of movement. Static loads of holding the body for a long time in one position cause pain in the upper back and neck. There are other causes of injury to the trapezius muscles:

    • Hernia of the spine (cervical and thoracic regions);
    • Sports injuries;
    • Occupational hazards (driving a car - static posture, vibration; monotonous work on a conveyor belt, at a machine);
    • Uncomfortable tight or heavy clothing;
    • Carrying heavy objects on a belt (bags, backpacks) over the shoulder;
    • Drafts.

    Negative emotions reflexively “slouch” a person. Slouching is one of the common causes of cervical pain.

    In the facial muscles

    Facial muscles also sometimes suffer and cause suffering to their owner. Pain can occur in any muscle. The most complaints are about the masticatory muscles: the load on them is high and, if the teeth are not in order, it is also asymmetrical. Unsuccessful dental prosthetics, which disrupts the bite, causes intense pain in the temporomandibular joint. The muscle tissue adjacent to it becomes overstrained and inflamed.

    After “dental” problems come:

    • Neuralgia;
    • Referred pain (from ENT organs, neck, shoulders);
    • Psychogenic reasons.

    Such pain can be relieved only by curing the disease that caused it.

    Belly and abs

    The press, if it exists, manifests itself as a pain syndrome in athletic people. The man overdid it, put stress on his stomach during classes, and “pumped up” his abs. Unpleasant, but not scary. Moderate warming up with exercises, a cold douse or a short cold compress afterwards, and the problem will go away.

    The body changes during pregnancy. The abdominal muscle tissue gradually stretches, taking on increased weight. Sometimes a woman feels the process painful. This is not dangerous. If before pregnancy she was preparing, playing sports or doing health-improving exercises, abdominal enlargement is painless. Additionally, by performing exercises designed for pregnant women, a woman protects herself and her child from unpleasant sensations.

    The child has

    Muscle pain in a child, especially a small one, may indicate the onset of an infectious disease or a rapid rise in temperature. Keep an eye on this and measure your temperature. Observe for any other changes in how you feel (rash, difficulty swallowing, swollen lymph nodes). Childhood illnesses are characterized by high fever, pain (ache) in the muscles, anxiety, and lack of sleep. Call a doctor - only he can diagnose the child. It is dangerous to hesitate. Even if it’s just fatigue, overwork, overload of untrained muscles - It’s better to be safe than to miss the onset of a serious illness.

    Treatment and prevention

    If people thought about the meaning of the word “prevention”, they would rarely face the need to undergo treatment. But a healthy person is less interested in prevention than a sick person is interested in treatment. Let's talk about both concepts. First, about treatment.

    Having been repeatedly warned about the unacceptability of self-medication, we use it. In some cases, this is the only possible, and at the same time, the only correct solution.

    1. It is strange to go to the doctor if a healthy person is overtired during training or overdosed on the load. He can restore aching muscles himself. How to treat? Not by passively squeezing on the sofa waiting for you to feel normal, but by warming up, stretching and cold water. It will invigorate, help, be beneficial.
    2. The discomfort caused by static overvoltage is also not worth bringing to the doctor. Choose a time period that is easily tolerated, after this period of time get up, walk, warm up, stretch. Give your muscles a rest. Gently massage the painful areas. It will become easier. At home, make salt lotions at night (water and salt - 10% solution, cotton cloth soaked in it, and a towel on top). The condition is returning to normal.
    3. If your shoulder hurts, don’t baby it, give it the right amount of stress. Rotational movements (it will hurt, it will pass) and hand pulls with a rubber expander are safe.
    4. If you “strained” your back while lifting a heavy object, do not grab the ointment for muscle pain. It is for the extremely impatient and the measure is temporary. Spread the mat, lie on your back, hands behind your head. Reach your bent knees with your elbows. Doesn't it hurt? – Place cold under your lower back and continue treatment. Everything will work out, often after the first lesson.

    Not everything can be treated at home. Require immediate medical attention:

    • Acute conditions;
    • Severe injuries;
    • Internal illnesses with fever causing muscle aches,
    • Children's diseases;
    • Retrosternal and radiating to the shoulder (left, sometimes right) burning painful sensations;
    • Doubtful, incomprehensible cases.

    A person who has gone through an illness perceives the concept of “prevention” differently. He doesn’t want a repetition and treats prevention with respect. And she is simple:

    1. Simple exercises for waking up.
    2. Cold douse or bath – 1 minute.
    3. When doing any work, “don’t sit still” - take short breaks. Walk, stretch, warm up. Sit down. Anything but useful.
    4. Watch your weight. Nutrition and again exercise will help here;
    5. Generate positive emotions.
    6. Do not be afraid of life, remember that it is movement. And vice versa: respect the movement, not forgetting, it is life.

    Love the body given to you by nature just like that, not for merits to it. Pain in joints and muscles is not a death sentence. Make yourself strong – by yourself. Take as an example those who do not give up, who have risen after severe injuries or illnesses. Overcoming them is an example and a reproach to those who have bent under the usual overstrain of our long-suffering tissues. Disabled people who have given up their crutches. Wheelchair users who stand up from their wheels on their own feet. Artists without hands. Paralympians. They did it. So can you. Awaken in your soul the desire to become healthy and do not let it fall asleep. Everything will work out.

    In order to get rid of muscle pain, an integrated approach is needed, so therapy is aimed at influencing all body systems that are involved in the pain syndrome.

    The typical prescription of the first stage of treatment is ointments, gels, and topical topical preparations. Their task is to change the pathological muscle-pain connection. As a rule, drugs from the group of myelorelaxants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and less commonly analgesics are prescribed. In addition, distracting, irritating agents, warming ointments, often based on medicinal herbs, poisons, and containing essential oils, have a good effect. Among the most popular products are Voltaren-gel, Deep-Heat, Diclofenac-gel, Apizatron, Myoton, Vipratox and others.

    Algorithm of therapeutic actions for muscle pain:

    • Immobilization of a body area, limb, ensuring muscle rest.
    • Applications, rubbing using external means.
    • Prescription of myelorelaxants.
    • Prescription of NSAIDs – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
    • For pain, administer injections (analgesics) to the trigger zone.
    • Acupuncture.
    • Massage.
    • Performing special muscle stretching exercises.
    • If muscle pain is secondary, treat the underlying disease causing the symptom.

    Ointment for muscle pain

    Ointment for muscle pain is, as a rule, the first remedy that can relieve a painful symptom, spasm. Ointments can have different effects:

    • Painkillers, analgesics.
    • Relieving inflammation.
    • Increasing blood circulation, hyperemic.
    • Warming, irritating.
    • Relieving swelling.

    List of the most popular and effective drugs used in the treatment of myalgia:

    • Viprosal is based on viper venom, also containing fir essential oil, camphor and other active substances. The ointment has contraindications - allergies to essential oil and poison.
    • Capsicum containing bexyl nicotinate, camphor, turpentine, dimexide. The ointment relieves muscle pain well, but it should not be applied to surfaces with wounds or cuts.
    • Finalgon containing nicotinic acid ester, nonylic acid vanillyl amide. It activates blood circulation well, dilates blood vessels, and has a local warming effect.
    • Fort-gel.
    • Diclak-gel.
    • Denebol-gel.
    • Ben-Gay.
    • Fastum-gel.
    • Olfen.
    • Analgos.
    • Dolobene.
    • Tarflex.
    • Apisatron.
    • Finalgel.
    • Traumeel.
    • Diclosan.
    • Veral.
    • Deep Hit.
    • Revma gel.
    • Espol.

    Ointment for muscle pain can be bought without a prescription at any pharmacy, but it is better if a doctor examines the damaged muscle, determines the extent of the damage, the cause of the pain and prescribes a specific, effective drug.

    Medicine for muscle pain

    The cure for myalgia can be either a topical drug, tablets, injections, or massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, or therapeutic exercises.

    It all depends on the severity of the pain, the location of the muscle and the prevalence of the symptom.

    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, mainly based on diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin:

    Ointments with diclofenac:

    • Diclovit.
    • Diklak.
    • Dicloran.
    • Voltaren.
    • Diclofenac.
    • Ortofen.
    • Diclobene.
    • Dicloran plus.

    Ibuprofen ointments:

    • Nurofen
    • Dolgit
    • Movalis, Nurofen, Nimid and other drugs in this group are also effective.

    Ointments containing poisons, extracts of capsicum, such as Viprosal, Doctor Theiss, Espol, Efkamon, Camphocin and others, have a local irritating, pain-reducing effect.

    Compresses with alcohol - formic, camphor, and balms - are applied to the area of ​​the damaged muscle.

    Warming massages are prescribed using heat, external warming agents, and a heating pad.

    Immobilization with a tight bandage is indicated.

    Sets of exercises for stretching spasmodic muscles (post-isometric relaxation) are effective.

    Pain is relieved with painkillers, analgesics and antipyretics are prescribed.

    For concomitant depressive conditions (fibromyalgia), antidepressants are indicated.

    For fibromyalgia, a course of psychotherapy has a good effect, especially with the use of behavioral techniques, relaxation techniques, and autogenic training.

    Pain reliever for muscle pain

    Before you relieve a pain symptom or choose a pain reliever for muscle pain, you need to determine the root cause and what the nature of the damage to the muscle fibers is. If myalgia is caused by vascular disorders, the analgesic should be selected in accordance with the effect on the vascular system, but if the pain is caused by microtrauma of the fibers, a completely different drug is chosen in the same way as to neutralize pain during myositis - muscle inflammation. An anesthetic for muscle pain should act on excessive irritation, excitation of deep tissue receptors that react to damage reflexively.

    As a rule, to relieve pain, tablet forms of NSAIDs are prescribed - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antipyretics and analgesics, which help eliminate foci of inflammation, reduce tissue swelling, and relieve pain. It should be noted that almost all NSAIDs have undesirable side effects on the organs of the digestive system, therefore, when prescribing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, their negative effects and benefits of use are always taken into account. Indomethacin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, and analgin can also negatively affect the body. To avoid gastropathy, NSAIDs are always prescribed 30-40 minutes after meals and only in a limited course. In addition, there are more gentle methods of treating muscle pain - these are external agents that do not have toxic properties and are quite effective in relieving pain symptoms.

    Risks of prescribing painkillers for myalgia:

    • Age (children, elderly).
    • History of gastrointestinal diseases.
    • Incompatibility with glucocorticosteroids.
    • Pregnancy.
    • Long-term use (NSAIDs should not be used for more than 7-10 days).

    Benefits of NSAID pain relievers for the treatment of myalgia:

    • Local application in the form of external agents has a pronounced analgesic effect.
    • Anti-inflammatory effect.
    • Reduced swelling.
    • Activation and increase in range of movements.
    • Activation of local microcirculation.

    Muscle pain patch

    Muscle hypertonicity, spasms and microtraumas of muscle fibers provoke pain and can limit a person’s movement. Modern treatment of myalgia includes all available methods and types, but the most common and effective is the method of local thermal action on the trigger pain zone. Applications with ointments, gels, tinctures, as well as kinesioplasters (from kinesis - movement) are used as warming up. The patch for muscle pain is easy to use, effective and helps to quickly neutralize the pain symptom, relieve swelling and relieve spasms. Local action is ensured through transdermal penetration of medicinal substances contained in the patch and warming up the muscles in the deep layers.

    The patch for muscle pain is also used for the following diseases and conditions:

    • arthritis, arthrosis.
    • bruises (contusions).
    • stretching.
    • lumbodynia.
    • soft tissue swelling.

    The great advantage of the kinesioplaster is the absence of side effects on the gastrointestinal tract, as when prescribing NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics or analgesics. The patch fits perfectly and complements basic therapy, significantly reducing recovery time. The previously popular warming pepper patch has now been replaced by new types of external pain relievers - Extraplast, patches based on Chinese medicinal herbs, Nanoplast Forte, Ketonal Thermo and other patches that do not cause skin irritation and have breathable and hygroscopic properties.

    Bananas for muscle pain

    Myalgia, muscle strain, especially after training, is accompanied by a decrease in glycogen levels in muscle fibers. This is due to the fact that glycogen supplies energy nutrition to muscle tissue in the form of glucose; if there is not enough glycogen, nutrition is disrupted, pain symptoms intensify to the point of spasms, and the process of catabolism (disintegration) of muscle cells develops. You can correct the situation in various ways, including a carbohydrate-rich diet. However, regular carbohydrate foods may not only have an effect on muscles, but rather provide additional kilocalories, and therefore affect weight gain.

    An alternative option that is considered dietary and at the same time nutritious is bananas.

    How can bananas help with muscle pain? First of all, due to the large amount of vitamins, microelements, natural sugars and a minimum amount of calories. As an argument, here is a list of useful substances per 100 grams of bananas:

    Obviously, bananas “work” for muscle pain due to a large amount of typical “muscle” microelements - magnesium, potassium, sodium and phosphorus.

    In addition to the fact that you can restore not only strength, but also muscle tissue, by eating 2-3 bananas daily, they are often used as an external pain reliever for myalgia. The recipe is:

    • peel 5-7 bananas.
    • wash and chop the peel.
    • pour crushed banana skins with 0.5 liters of vodka (in a dark glass bowl).
    • Store the infusion in a cool, dark place for at least 14 days.
    • After 2 weeks, the tincture is ready, it can be rubbed into painful spots, applications and compresses can be made.

    Muscle pain after exercise

    How does muscle pain occur?

    Pain that occurs in overworked muscles and lasts from 12 to 48 hours after exercise is called sore throat. It occurs due to microscopic tears in muscle tissue. Previously, it was believed that the cause of sore throat was the accumulation of lactic acid in tissues, but modern research does not confirm this theory.

    Muscle pain is a signal from the body that it needs rest to recover.

    How to prevent muscle pain

    There are several ways, if you cannot avoid muscle pain after training, then make it less painful and lasting. So mandatory warm-up and stretching will help avoid injuries and reduce soreness. Alternating “heavy” and “light” exercises also helps to keep muscles toned, but at the same time strengthen them without unnecessary pain.

    Surprisingly, coffee helps reduce muscle soreness. Athletes say that just two cups of coffee, drunk before training, reduce fatigue and pain several times.

    Take vitamins, antioxidants, and sports-specific supplements. Renowned trainers recommend L-glutamine, L-arginine, betaine and taurine, which can also help restore muscle mass.

    Eating a balanced diet can prevent unnecessary muscle soreness. When the body lacks nutrients, muscle fibers weaken and “tear” from the slightest exertion.

    If you play sports, especially weight training, you should not go on diets, eat rationally, not forgetting protein-rich foods, vegetables and fruits


    The easiest way to relieve pain, including muscle pain, is to take painkillers. Previously, analgesics (Analgin, Aspirin) were used for this purpose. Now, medical professionals specializing in sports medicine recommend taking non-steroidal drugs such as Ibuprofen. For those who experience stomach problems from the above medications, Acetaminophen (Tylenol) helps, which, although not anti-inflammatory, has pain-relieving properties. You can also use various external products - creams and gels, which may contain menthol, capsaicin, methyl salicylate. However, you should not use painkillers on a regular basis, as the drugs can affect the ability of the muscles to heal themselves.

    You should not take painkillers before training. By masking your symptoms, you may not feel a serious injury is coming.


    Massage relieves muscle pain by increasing the action of neutrophils, which relieve inflammation. Massage also increases the number of mitochondria in the muscle, which increases its ability to extract oxygen. If you do not have the opportunity to use the services of a massage therapist, do self-massage, knead your muscles with your fingers, palms, and knuckles. Start massaging above and below the injured muscle, and then move directly to it. A special massage roller or massage mat will help you achieve good results; a hydromassage bath will be an excellent remedy for tired muscles.

    Causes of muscle pain after exercise

    • More details

    Cold and warm

    Warm water will relax tense muscles and improve blood circulation. Normal blood flow to the muscles will allow them to receive more oxygen and nutrients for recovery. Ice, on the other hand, reduces blood flow, but it relieves pain and reduces inflammation. Both heat and cold relieve muscle spasms. For best results, you can alternate between cold and warm showers, gently massaging the sore muscle.

    Place a few spoons of baking soda in a warm bath that you can take to reduce muscle pain after a workout. It will help remove toxins from the body


    After a training day, be sure to get some sleep. Sleep should take at least 8-10 hours. It is during sleep that the body produces hormones important for recovery, reducing night rest, you slow down the progress of the body’s “repair” work, preventing you from getting rid of toxins and building muscle mass.

    A person is constantly in motion; if the patient’s movement is difficult and causes pain, then this indicates the course of some disease. Pathologies of musculoskeletal tissue are diagnosed more and more often every year. A sedentary lifestyle and bad habits lead to the development of inflammatory and degenerative changes in human joints and muscles.

    Modern medicine offers a lot of ways to get rid of trouble. An important aspect of treatment is taking painkillers. They help not only relieve discomfort, but also cope with swelling, redness, and increase the range of motion of the affected joint. The following material is devoted to the tablet form of analgesics. They are allowed to be taken only after consultation with a doctor.

    Causes of pain in joints and muscles

    Why does a person feel pain in muscles and joints? It is almost impossible to independently identify a negative factor. To make a diagnosis, visit a doctor immediately; some diseases are dangerous to health and have many complications. Doctors divide the causes of pain into several main groups; each type of pathology is treated differently.

    Autoimmune diseases

    This group of diseases includes lupus erythematosus and others. Pathologies are often inherited. All diseases are united by the fact that they are caused by various autoimmune problems in the patient’s body (the patient’s immune system reacts to its own cells in a hostile manner, constantly attacking them, which leads to the destruction of bone tissue).

    The diseases are characterized by acute pain and a chronic course. Rheumatoid arthritis affects not only the joints, but also nearby tissues. Discomfort is felt with various movements of the affected joints. The approach to treating such diseases must be comprehensive, include not only painkillers, but also anti-inflammatory drugs, exercise therapy and other manipulations.

    Coping with pain is an art, follow some rules:

    • selection of analgesic is carried out from weak to strong. Exceptions are those cases when the pain syndrome is very strong and the use of weak painkillers will not give any results;
    • Chronic pain is a serious problem. Do not take many medications at once; unpleasant symptoms may worsen. Focus on treatment, take chondroprotectors regularly. Also change painkillers, addiction is an unacceptable aspect;
    • acute pain is often a signal of various injuries. In this case, NSAIDs are indispensable.

    Take analgesic tablets for joint and muscle pain only after consulting a doctor. Stop self-medicating Follow the instructions carefully. Exceeding the dosage or taking it incorrectly can lead to serious consequences.

    Video - review of drugs for joint pain from the TV show “Live Healthy”:

    Muscle pain (myalgia) is a pulling, sometimes painful or spastic muscle pain: The term myalgia is composed of the Greek words Myos muscle and Algos pain. Muscle pain can be localized in a specific area of ​​the body, or radiate or be diffuse. In principle, pain can occur in any of the more than 600 muscles in the body.

    Muscle pain (myalgia) occurs most often in the area of ​​the shoulders and neck in the back. About 75 percent of adults in Europe suffer from back pain that is of some muscular origin. Muscles are divided into skeletal and smooth. Skeletal muscles include muscles that provide human movement and connect bone structures. Quite often, pain is caused not by skeletal muscle, but by smooth muscle (for example, problems in the smooth muscle of the heart can be the source of chest pain). Smooth muscles are located in the walls of hollow organs of the body such as the stomach, bladder and blood vessels and play a large role in normal organ function. The cardiac muscle, which forms the heart, is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.

    Muscles respond to commands from the brain and nervous system or other stimuli, for example, reflexively when a neurological examination is performed using a hammer. Muscles contract when stimulated and relax after contraction. Muscles can become a source of pain due to a variety of diseases and conditions, including infections, injuries, autoimmune diseases, neurological and muscular diseases, malignancies (cancer), and even after taking certain medications. Muscle pain can also involve ligaments, tendons and fascia, which are soft tissues that connect muscles, bones and organs.

    A person may feel muscle pain in specific muscles of the body, such as the back muscles or leg muscles, or the pain may be diffuse throughout all muscles, such as with the flu. In a patient with chest pain during an angina attack, the pain is due to problems in the myocardium. Menstrual pain is pain caused by the smooth muscle of the uterus. Temporary skeletal muscle pain often occurs due to muscle tension due to awkward movement or excessive strain. This type of pain often affects one or more muscles and is usually sharp and intense. Abstinence from the activity that caused the pain, rest, topical cold, and anti-inflammatory medications usually help reduce pain associated with overuse of the muscles. Muscle pain can be caused by serious medical conditions such as fibromyalgia, infections, or dermatomyositis.

    Muscle pain can be a symptom of a serious medical condition, such as a muscle tear or infection. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help if muscle pain is persistent or worsens.

    Not only muscle pain, but any pain is an important signal for the body. Various stimuli can cause pain, such as heat or cold, pressure or shock, as well as electrical stimulation and chemicals. The so-called pain receptors are responsible for transmitting these stimulating sensations. Pain receptors are free nerve endings that are located both on the surface in the skin and deep in the muscles, tendons and ligaments, as well as in various organs. When pain receptors are stimulated, the signal from them goes to the central nervous system, where the signal is analyzed and a protective response occurs, which is aimed at preventing further damage.


    Muscle pain may occur along with other symptoms, which vary depending on the underlying disease. For example, muscle pain that is caused by an injury may be accompanied by bruising and swelling in the area of ​​the injury. Additional symptoms that may accompany muscle pain include:

    • Depression
    • Diarrhea
    • Symptoms of acute respiratory illness (fever, chills, sore throat, fatigue, headache, cough)
    • Impaired concentration
    • Loss of appetite
    • Muscle cramps
    • Numbness, tingling or burning (called paresthesia)
    • Problems walking
    • Sleep disorders
    • Swelling at the site of injury
    • Sudden weight loss
    • Vomit

    Serious symptoms that may indicate a life-threatening condition

    In some cases, muscle pain may occur in association with other symptoms that may indicate a serious or life-threatening condition, such as a heart attack or meningitis. You should immediately consult a doctor if you have any of these symptoms:

    • Changes in consciousness or attention, such as loss of consciousness or sudden memory loss
    • Changes in mental state, such as disturbances in perception of one's surroundings
    • Chest pain radiating to the arm, shoulder, neck, or jaw
    • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath
    • Inability to move any part of the body
    • Impairment (loss) of vision
    • Lack of urine
    • Progressive weakness and numbness
    • Seizure
    • Stiff neck with high fever

    Cause of pain

    Skeletal muscle pain is most often caused by direct trauma or injury from a muscle strain or tear. A muscle strain occurs when a few muscle fibers are damaged, while a muscle tear occurs when a large number of muscle fibers are torn. A rupture (tear) of a tendon can also lead to muscle pain. Muscles and tendons have the ability to regenerate, but if a muscle or tendon is severely ruptured, surgical restoration of the integrity of the damaged structures is required. Muscle pain can be caused by cramps resulting from overuse or abnormal nerve impulses that lead to excessive muscle contraction. In some cases, muscle pain can be a symptom of serious or life-threatening conditions such as a heart attack, meningitis, or cancer.

    Traumatic causes of muscle pain

    Muscle pain can be associated with any injury, including:

    • Impact with a blunt object
    • Muscle strain or tear
    • Excessive or repetitive movements
    • Nerve compression (due to disc herniation, spinal stenosis)

    Neuromuscular diseases and conditions

    • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, Charcot disease) is a severe neuromuscular disease that causes muscle weakness and disability.
    • Brain or spinal cord injury
    • Dermatomyositis (a condition characterized by muscle inflammation and skin rash)
    • Lyme disease (an inflammatory bacterial disease transmitted by ticks)
    • Multiple sclerosis (a disease that affects the brain and spinal cord and causes weakness, coordination, balance, and other problems)
    • Muscle breakdown (rhabdomyolysis)
    • Muscle infections such as an abscess
    • Parkinson's disease (a brain disease that causes poor movement and coordination)
    • Polymyalgia rheumatica (a condition characterized by muscle pain and stiffness)
    • Polymyositis (muscle inflammation and weakness)
    • Stroke

    Other possible causes of muscle pain

    Muscle pain can be caused by many other diseases and conditions, including:

    • Depression
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Angina or myocardial infarction
    • Hypothyroidism
    • Flu or other respiratory illnesses
    • Kidney failure
    • Electrolytic disturbances (abnormalities in potassium or calcium levels in the blood).
    • Pregnancy
    • Systemic lupus erythematosus
    • Vitamin B12 or vitamin D deficiency

    Medicines and substances that may cause muscle pain include:

    • ACE inhibitors (used to lower blood pressure)
    • Cocaine
    • Statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs)

    Questions that help determine the cause of muscle pain include:

    • Are there other symptoms such as sore throat or fever?
    • Do you feel pain in one specific area or throughout your body?
    • How long does this condition last?
    • In what parts of the body is pain localized?
    • What reduces pain or increases pain?
    • What medications are you currently taking or have recently taken?

    Potential complications of muscle pain

    Complications associated with muscle pain depend on the underlying disease or condition. For example, muscle pain associated with fibromyalgia or a degenerative disease can lead to decreased mobility and associated complications. Many skeletal muscle pains, however, respond well to treatment. However, if muscle pain long-term and associated with a systemic disease, this can lead to the following complications, including:

    • Chronic pain
    • Immobility and associated complications (such as bedsores and blood clots)
    • Persistent pain resistant to treatment
    • Amyotrophy
    • Muscle contracture
    • Permanent muscle or nerve damage (most often due to nerve compression), including paralysis.
    • Decreased quality of life


    Diagnosis of muscle pain (myalgia) is primarily based on the history of the disease and symptoms. Most muscle pain is related to muscle strain (for example, due to poor posture or sedentary lifestyle) or injury (for example, sprains, bruises, or muscle soreness from sports). Instrumental research methods, such as ultrasound or X-ray, CT, MRI, help confirm or differentiate cause of muscle pain.

    Medical history (anamnesis).

    The doctor will be interested in the type of pain, the location of the pain, and the intensity of the muscle pain. This information may be key to identifying the causes of leg pain. Information about the presence of muscle injuries, the presence of bruises, factors that lead to an increase or decrease in muscle pain or whether the pain is persistent, for example with a herniated disc, and the time the pain appears (day or night) is very important.

    Inspection. An examination by a doctor can determine the presence of painful areas, the presence of areas of discoloration of the skin, range of motion in muscles or joints, muscle strength, the presence of local tenderness in the tendon area, or the identification of trigger points (for example, with fibromyalgia). In addition, reflex activity, sensitivity and other neurological tests are important to detect the presence of neurological disorders. The time of onset of muscle pain is also relevant, as, for example, with osteoporosis or ankylosing spondylitis. Alcohol or drug abuse can be a possible cause of muscle pain and information about this is important in determining the causes of muscle pain. Some medications may also cause muscle pain as a side effect.

    Laboratory research methods.

    Blood tests can determine the presence of an inflammatory process or infections, autoimmune processes; biochemical tests can determine dysfunction of internal organs (for example, liver or kidneys).

    Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). This research method allows you to visualize the presence of muscle inflammation (myositis) and ruptures of muscles and tendons.

    Research methods such as CT or MRI are necessary to visualize problems in deep muscles where ultrasound examination is of little information or when it is necessary to visualize neurological conditions or traumatic injuries. Electrophysiological research methods (EMG or ENMG) can determine the presence of inflammatory or degenerative muscle diseases or impaired nerve conduction due to compression of nerve roots or other neurological diseases.

    A muscle biopsy is usually used as a last step in diagnosing muscle diseases, and only if there are clear signs of such diseases.


    Treatment for muscle pain depends on the cause of the symptom. Therefore, the most important factor determining treatment tactics is making an accurate diagnosis. For example, if muscle pain is caused by taking certain medications, then in such cases it may be enough to stop taking these medications or replace them with other medications. Drug treatment for muscle pain may include NSAIDs or analgesics, and even opiates.

    Acute muscle pain

    For acute muscle pain that occurs after an injury, it is necessary to provide rest and unloading, and in some cases, immobilization. In addition, local cooling with ice wrapped in a towel has a good effect in such cases, which helps reduce swelling, inflammation and pain. In addition, it is necessary to stop the exercise that led to muscle pain. Treatment of muscle injuries requires quite a lot of time, since early restoration of normal loads can lead to chronic pain and lead to excessive scarring of muscle tissue, and in severe cases to the development of myositis ossificans.

    Chronic muscle pain

    Treatment for chronic pain may include heat treatments as well as other treatments such as:

    • Acupuncture and acupressure
    • Electrotherapy (therapy through electricity)
    • Electromyostimulation
    • Physiotherapy
    • Manual therapy

    Systematic exercises (physical therapy) are especially relevant when the cause of chronic pain is degenerative diseases of the spine, such as osteochondrosis, spondylosis, and disc herniation.

    Surgical treatment methods are used for severe traumatic muscle injuries or when there is compression of the nerve roots.

    Prevention of muscle pain consists of the following rules: maintaining a healthy lifestyle, sufficient physical activity, a balanced diet, proper ergonomics of the workplace, avoiding alcohol abuse and smoking.