How to get rid of muscle tension in the neck. Stretch your neck

Quite often, close people turn to each other with a request to stretch their necks. It is important to perform impromptu massage sessions correctly so as not to cause harm.

Why is it good to stretch your neck?

The collar zone includes the back of the neck and the space between the shoulder blades. Many important vessels and nerves pass through here. For people who work with their hands (for example, hairdressers, computer scientists, engineers), this area suffers especially. This is because the main muscles that support the arms are located here. The muscles spasm, get tired, because of this, the blood supply to the spine worsens (this provokes osteochondrosis), and the organs and arteries that pass through this area suffer.

The group of organs dependent on the upper thoracic and cervical spine includes the heart and brain. Therefore, people who suffer from stiff necks experience decreased memory, poor attention, and often have heart and headache pain. When kneading the collar area, the muscles are able to relax, blood supply is restored, blood vessels dilate, and well-being improves.

How to massage

Before performing a massage, you need to measure your patient’s blood pressure: the procedure will lower it, and if the pressure is low (below ninety to sixty mm Hg), the session cannot be performed.

If the massage is performed at home, the person lies on his stomach, if in other conditions he sits down, his head should be placed on his hands or on a surface. The patient takes a comfortable position, which is what the massage therapist needs.

Rub the massage cream into your palms, warm it to body temperature, and spread it over the collar area. Apply the cream to the skin with smoothing movements, try to feel if there are tension in any areas (you can feel denser muscle areas than in other areas). Keep in mind that these areas have a paler skin tone than others. Clamp areas need to be massaged more thoroughly than other areas.

Stretch the deep muscles that are located along the upper thoracic spine. Place your hands on your skin and use your clasped hands to pass the wave across your skin ten times with your thumbs.

Massage your neck muscles. Grab them like a claw and knead them very gently by bending your fingers. Apply gentle pressure. If you overdo it, you can greatly reduce the pressure and displace the vertebrae.

Move to the back muscle group in the shoulder girdle (between the top edge of the shoulder blades and the spine). Muscles will warm up better if you use different techniques. Massage the muscles with your fingertips and nails. Take the skin with the underlying muscles in a fold.

Massage the area between the shoulder blades, left and right in turn. Place your hand behind your back and try to get under the bone. If possible, massage the rest of your back, as well as your scalp and feet. Finish the massage of the collar area with smoothing movements.

Problems with the neck are often observed in those who work at the computer, with papers, or bend over the kitchen stove for a long time... If our body is in a forced monotonous position for a long time, a spasm of the neck muscles occurs. And this is fraught with dangerous consequences, because overstrained muscles put pressure on the cervical vertebrae, on the vessels that supply blood to the brain and nerves that carry signals from internal organs to it. The result can be a headache, poor sleep, a feeling of fatigue, weakness the next morning, memory loss, and vision problems.

To prevent such consequences from occurring, you need to stretch your neck regularly. It's not that difficult.

On a note

It is very important to keep your neck relaxed while you sleep. To prevent the muscles from spasming, the cervical spine should be a continuation of the thoracic spine and be on the same straight line with it. Choose your pillow carefully so that it is not too soft, too low or, conversely, high.

In the office during breaks

Experts recommend periodically performing isometric exercises for the cervical spine during the working day. During them, the neck muscles should tense as much as possible, but for a short time. Since you do not make sudden movements, the exercises do not put pressure on the spine. They can be performed while sitting at the table.

Sit up straight, place your hands one on top of the other, forming a lock. Raise your hands to your chin and press your chin down. Neither the head nor the hands should move. Then relax and repeat the exercise several times.

Place your hands on your forehead. Try pressing forward with your head and resisting as hard as you can with your hands. Only the muscles above the shoulder tense, and the head and arms are motionless. After a while, relax.

Put your hands behind your head, place your palms on the back of your head. Try to tilt your head back, and apply back pressure with your hands, preventing you from doing this.

Place your palm on your temple, thumb behind your ear. Press your head against your palm, trying to bend your arm to the side, and at the same time resist this pressure with all your might. Switch hands and repeat the exercise.

By the way

Psychological stress can lead to the appearance of tension in the neck. Against this background, hormones are released into the blood, which increase muscle tension. If a stressful situation drags on, it becomes chronic - muscle spasm occurs. To remove it, sometimes you need to go not only to a massage therapist, but also to a psychologist. True, there is also a feedback here: when we perform gymnastics to physically relax the neck, psychological tension also decreases slightly.

At home after work

To relieve the tension that has accumulated during the day from the neck muscles, when you come home, you need to lie down on the floor for a while in this position: put your feet on a nearby chair, a small cushion under your lower back, and the same under your neck. This position will relieve the entire spine and relieve fatigue from the cervical region.

It’s good if you buy a nozzle for hydromassage and, screwing it onto the shower, run a strong stream of warm, almost hot water over the back and sides of your neck.

For those whose necks are especially tired, you can buy a Shants collar at the pharmacy. Or make it yourself. Take a thick layer of cotton wool and roll it into a fairly tight roller to fit your neck. Then wrap with several layers of gauze, fold and sew up the edges. Sew two ties from ribbon and gauze on each side - and the collar is ready. You need to put it on by tying the ties at the back.

This collar is used in hospitals for various injuries of the cervical spine. It will come in handy when, upon returning from work, you feel heaviness in your head and tension in your neck muscles. Wear the collar for at least an hour or two while you do household chores. It is important that it secures your neck tightly - you should not be able to tilt your head. Thanks to this, the muscles from which the load has been removed will relax. And then you can start doing gymnastics - it will be great if you find time for exercise at home.

Osteochondrosis (from the Greek osteon - bone and hondros - cartilage) - “ossification of cartilage”. The spine consists of the vertebrae themselves and the intervertebral discs. It is the latter who suffer from osteochondrosis; they seem to “ossify” and become less elastic. This often occurs with increased physical activity or, conversely, with a sedentary lifestyle and lack of sufficient exercise.

The intervertebral cartilages do not have their own vessels that would supply them with useful substances from the blood; in this sense, the discs can only rely on connective tissue. Excessive compression or relaxation of deep muscles disrupts the movement of blood, and the process of “drying” begins in the cartilage. And increased stress can even lead to displacement or damage to the disc, intervertebral hernia, which is fraught not only with acute pain and discomfort, but also with other health problems.

Cervical massage is an effective and pleasant means of preventing and alleviating the course of the disease.

The cervical spine is the most fragile and subject to overload, since it bears the mass of the skull and also makes many more movements than other sections. Many important blood vessels and major nerves pass through the neck to the brain. Therefore, sometimes the problem that causes pain is in the spine, but, as people say, “radiates” to the neck. Before starting any procedures, including massage, consult a specialist, otherwise you can only aggravate the situation, because massage in this case is a type of treatment, and not a pleasant relaxing procedure.

Another common mistake is using medications for high blood pressure. The fact is that osteochondrosis of the cervical spine affects the blood vessels, causing the pressure to increase, and this is not a matter of the heart.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine gives pain not only in the neck, but also in the area between the shoulder blades and the back of the head. At the same time, the neck becomes like cotton wool, it is difficult to turn it to the side. Blood flow in the cervical vessels worsens, the brain lacks nutrition, so headaches, dizziness and even fainting are possible.

The first thing that a patient suffering from osteochondrosis and his attending physician think about is pain relief, since the pain can be truly unbearable. After this, the doctor, as a rule, prescribes moderate exercise in the form of exercise therapy (physical therapy) and neck massage. The first method for the neck may not be as useful as massage, since the number of movements of the cervical spine is limited and you can only really “stretch” it with your hands. In addition, massage performs several functions: reducing pain, improving blood flow in the cervical region, relieving muscle spasms, and toning the neck and back muscles.

For each patient with osteochondrosis, the massage scenario is individual, since it is important to take into account the phase of development of the disease, its characteristics, concomitant diseases (pressure changes, breathing problems, and so on). Having received a referral for a massage from a doctor, choose a really good specialist whose actions will not aggravate the situation, but will help you cope with the illness. Also remember that massage should begin when the peak of the disease has already passed and the pain is not felt so acutely, otherwise the massage will turn into torture.

In fairly mild cases, massage can be performed at home. To do this, the patient needs to lie on his stomach on a flat, hard surface (bench, couch). Your legs should fit completely on the couch and not hang down. Place your arms bent at the elbows, palm on palm, and rest your forehead on your palms. You should start by kneading the muscles adjacent to the cervical spine using pinching movements. Next, the neck muscles are massaged using “stretching” with the fingers. Gradually move to the thoracic region (shoulder blades and interscapular space) and head (circular movements and stroking). Head massage cannot be ignored, since it is from the lower part of the skull that the most important nerves that suffer from osteochondrosis depart.

Sometimes the massage can be done while sitting. The procedure is carried out every two days. At first, massaging the neck may cause pain to the patient, especially in the area of ​​severe damage, but over time the discomfort will pass, leaving lightness and relaxation.

Reviews from our patients

I read on the website of the Bobyr clinic that all consultations are free of charge. I came to the clinic on Malomoskovskaya. It turned out that in order to communicate with an osteopath, you need to pay (albeit a little, but still necessary!). I asked why that was. They answered...

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Doctors of the Bobyr clinic: work experience of 10 years

Bobyr M.A. Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Candidate of Medical Sciences, vertebroneurologist, osteopath, chiropractor, defanotherapist Toroptsev D.A. Candidate of Medical Sciences, chiropractor, reflexologist, neurologist. Sorokin S.D. Chiropractor, reflexologist, defanotherapist, vertebrologist. Zhivotov A.A. Chiropractor, physiotherapist, neurologist, orthopedist. Babiy A.S. Manual therapist, defanotherapist, pediatric orthopedic surgeon.

Moscow, metro station Alekseevskaya

  • Moscow, metro station Alekseevskaya, st. Malomoskovskaya, 21, building 1


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One of the most common complaints is “stiff neck.” We hear this phrase from all over the office, from colleagues and acquaintances. People sit at the computer in a certain position all day long. You don't even need to get up from your chair to do this.

1) using the ribs of both hands (from the side of the index finger), alternately lightly hit the mental muscle.

2) with the palm of your right hand, hug your left fist and press under the chin for 20 seconds. Do this 20-30 times. The fist seems to crush the muscle.

3) exercises up and down, left and right with the head, circular turns of the head. For those who have never done this exercise, start three times, gradually and over a long period of time increasing the number of these exercises.

4) self-massage along and across the chin and occipital muscles.

5) massage with two fingers from the tip of the ear to the middle of the collarbone. This makes it possible to tighten the side muscles and get rid of high blood pressure.

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Before starting each lesson, it is necessary to warm up your neck. It takes about 5 minutes, but thanks to it you can reliably protect your muscles from injury and damage.

Experts advise supplementing the neck warm-up with stretching - it is performed immediately after the first set of exercises. The duration of stretching is 3 – 5 minutes.

The movements that you will make are performed regularly by a person. However, in the case under consideration, they are performed with a certain number of repetitions and in combination. Warming up your neck allows you to prepare your muscles for the upcoming loads.

Be sure to use:

  • Tilts the head back and forth;
  • Tilts to the sides;
  • Head rotation;
  • Twists (shoulders should remain motionless).

These exercises are done in one set, 15–20 repetitions. Starting position – standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging freely along the body. It is unacceptable to round your back or raise your shoulders - it is advisable to fix them straight and maintain one position throughout the warm-up. Exercises to warm up the neck are done slowly and under control.

Be sure to use:

Exercises to warm up the back of the neck. You need to slowly tilt your head, placing your chin on your chest. Stay in this position. If pain occurs, it is recommended to interrupt the movement.

Exercise to work the lateral muscles of the neck. Raise your hand and, bending it, cover the opposite ear with your fingers. Tilt your head towards your shoulder, helping with your hand. Proceed carefully to avoid damaging the muscles.

Repeat the movement, tilting your head in the opposite direction. It is enough to warm up the neck muscles for 5 minutes, this is quite enough to prepare it for the upcoming load.

Exercise to work out the front surface of the neck. Many sports fans forget to pay attention to this area, but this is a serious mistake. To avoid it, proceed as follows.

Clasp your fingers in a “lock” at the back of your head and, supporting your head, tilt it back. The exercise is suitable for both men who want to strengthen their neck, and for women - it is an excellent prevention of premature skin aging.

Tousled hair and flushed cheeks indicate that some work has been done: this is how our body arranges a brainstorm - a rush of blood to the brain.

Since self-massage is an unconditioned reflex for a person, we can only cultivate the movements. Like a professional massage therapist, we will use the techniques of stroking, rubbing, kneading, patting, and vibration.

At the same time, we have a number of advantages over professionals: we know and feel our body better, we will not allow unwanted effects, we will gently but meticulously knead the pain point, and we will use our own services at any time.

Self-massage and massage are useful for any healthy person. Contraindications are not related to joint diseases, but they are quite extensive and strict - treat them carefully.

Tumors of any location - benign and malignant - can be an absolute contraindication and require prior consultation with an oncologist.

Contraindications to massage: elevated body temperature, furunculosis, acute phlebitis (inflammation of the veins) and thrombosis, areas of varicose veins, skin bleeding and inflammation, eczema and dermatitis, sunburn, lymphadenitis.

During pregnancy, during menstruation and in the presence of an abdominal wall hernia, do not massage the areas close to the abdomen.

Particular care should be taken to avoid areas of skin that have large moles. Or small but prominent moles.

The beauty of self-massage also lies in the fact that it can be performed in conjunction with any of the complexes that we have already learned. And we are free to massage before warming up or during a break between individual exercises.

Self-massage is the same body care product as brushing your teeth. However, unlike brushing your teeth, massage after eating is not recommended.

We will describe local massage techniques. And the sequence of a full massage should be like this: we work on the hips and knee joints; then chest, neck, arms; then the stomach; then we consistently massage the pelvis, lower back, back; and finally the head.

Hygienic preparation for a massage is quite simple: clean hands and applying cream to the massaged areas of the skin. Any cream will suit us, Vaseline can be used. There are special oils for massage containing extracts of pine needles and herbs. One of these herbs is larkspur (also known as comfrey and bonebreaker). Larkspur is used in folk medicine to treat joints. Now traumatologists widely prescribe it as part of rehabilitation therapy. During self-massage, it is important to pay attention to the vector of its implementation: along the lymphatic vessels - towards the lymph nodes. That is, the neck is massaged from top to bottom, since the nearest lymph nodes are located under the collarbones and in the armpits. The legs are massaged from the foot - up the shin - up the thigh. We massage our hands from the hands - up the forearm - and up the shoulder to the armpit. But the lymph nodes themselves (“glands”) cannot be massaged.

Massaging the neck

The neck can be massaged while sitting or standing, the main thing is that the muscles are as relaxed as possible. In a horizontal position, the massage will not work: if you lie on your back, the main muscles are inaccessible; if you lie on your stomach, the neck turned to the side strains the muscles and negates our efforts.

We first stroke the back of the neck with our hands, not forgetting that the movements are made from top to bottom. Then in a horizontal direction (a little more forcefully than stroking) we rub the muscles. And then we knead the heated muscles with our fingers, like plasticine, in a vertical (top to bottom) direction.

We especially carefully rub and knead the so-called trapezius muscles - they are more like a triangle with vertices: Upper back point of the neck - Shoulder joint - Spinal column at the level of the diaphragm. The tightest part of the trapezius muscle usually pulls painfully and tilts the neck toward the shoulder. The massage of the back of the neck should be completed with stroking.

And all we have to do is stroke the front part of the neck: from the chin - down.

The most common cause of headaches is obstruction of venous outflow in the vessels of the brain. This difficulty is provoked precisely by problems in the collar area (neck and trapezius muscles). Therefore, after massaging the collar area, it is useful to perform a few simple movements to enhance venous and lymphatic outflow.

Exercise for the neck and trapezius muscles

Attention! The exercise is performed in the absence of acute pain in the cervical spine. Remember the rule: if your neck hurts, you don’t need to turn your head sharply! A sudden movement up and down or turning can lead to spasm of the neck muscles - this is a serious complication of inflammation in the cervical spine.

  1. Starting position: sitting, hands on knees, head and back straight.
  2. Press your chin to your chest for a few seconds.
  3. Slowly tilt your head back, pulling the back of your head towards your back.
  4. Return to starting position.
  5. Tilt your head to the left as much as possible and return to the Starting position.
  6. The same tilt to the right. Return to starting position.
  7. Press your chin to your chest and slowly roll your head from shoulder to shoulder.
  8. Return to starting position.
  9. Lift your chin up. Slowly and carefully roll your head from shoulder to shoulder.
  10. Return to starting position.
  11. Perform rotational movements with your head in one direction and the other. Repeat 2 times in each direction.

After this, it is very useful to slap yourself on the neck with a towel dipped in cold water: 1-2 times on the left and right.

Massaging the lower back

The lower back, unlike the neck, can be massaged while lying down - in this position the muscles are relaxed.

If it is possible to massage only while standing, you need to take into account the starting position for such self-massage: legs shoulder-width apart, the pelvis should be moved back and forth throughout the massage.

When stroking the lower back, the hands move smoothly in different directions - you can make horizontal or circular movements.

We carry out the rubbing firmly:

  1. With the pads of your fingers. We place our fingers perpendicular to the spine, from the spine to the sides using horizontal, wavy or circular movements, “raking” the muscles.
  2. Using the back of the hand with both hands (fingers pointing down), make horizontal movements from the spine in both directions. The hands are clenched into fists.
  3. The back of one hand. We place the other hand on top of the massaging hand to increase the pressure. Apply pressure to the lower back with vigorous circular movements.

Effective kneading of the lower back muscles is difficult to achieve. You can only pinch yourself slightly, which is also not bad. The main thing is to finish the massage with stroking.

After a lower back massage, it is useful to do a hang on the horizontal bar. While hanging, you can perform the following technique:

  1. For 2-4 seconds, instantly tense the muscles of your entire body.
  2. Now relax as completely as possible.

Repeat tension-relaxation 2 times. Do not forget that you can only jump from the horizontal bar in general good shape. Therefore, it is better to play it safe when going down onto the stand.

Massaging the gluteal muscles

As you understand, “Starting position: sitting” is not suitable for us now. But you can massage while standing or lying down.

Starting position: standing. We transfer the weight of the body to the massaged leg. We move the other leg slightly to the side and bend the knee a little - “long standing pose.”

We stroke the muscle from the hip upward.

Let's do the grinding like this:

  1. We walk in circles with our fingertips around the tailbone.
  2. Using the pads of your fingers, rub the gluteal muscles vertically: from the hip to the lower back, over the entire area.
  3. Bend your hand into a fist, use your knuckles to massage your lower back with a horizontal movement from the spine to the stomach.

After rubbing, perform the “vibration” technique. It is necessary to achieve not only superficial, but also deep trembling of the gluteal muscles. Vibration is performed from bottom to top. After vibration, we will do stroking again.

Vibration - massaging the muscle by patting with a relaxed hand or moving the fingers rigidly. The purpose of this technique is to cause the muscle to tremble.

In the “lying down” position, massage of sore gluteal muscles is performed while lying on the healthy side. Sore muscles appear at the top and in a relaxed state. Massage techniques are the same as in a standing position.

A sedentary lifestyle causes trouble to the gluteal muscles. Meanwhile, you can knead them without getting up from your chair!

Exercise for the buttock muscles

  1. Starting position: sitting, keeping your back straight, hands resting loosely on your knees.
  2. We lift our legs off the floor and roll on the chair from one buttock to the other - not straight, but in a circle, through the tailbone area. Let's make 8-10 such semicircles.
  3. We return to the starting position and completely relax the gluteal muscles.
  4. Now we sharply and strongly strain our buttocks for 5-6 seconds.
  5. And we relax again.

Repeat tension-relaxation 2 times.

Massaging the foot and ankle joint

Massage of the foot, ankle and lower leg is necessary daily for those who have even slightly manifested flat feet. And it is important to massage the foot and lower leg at the first manifestations of gout - a growing “bone” at the base of the big toe. There is no need to wait for sudden trap pains, if only because preventing pain with self-massage is a free and undeniable pleasure.

  1. Bend your leg at the knee and place it comfortably on the other leg.
  2. We hold the foot with our free hand, and with a massaging hand we stroke the sole from the tips of the toes to the heel. We perform the movements using the pads of our fingers.
  3. If you are not sensitive to tickling, squeeze with your thumb over the entire sole and actively comb the sole with four knuckles on your fists (the ridge of your fist). “Squeezing” - massage with the edge of the palm or the knuckle of the thumb (the hand is bent into a fist).
  4. Work each toe with rotating and sucking movements. Perform flexion, extension, and rotation of your toes. At the same time, alternate between active (independent bending of the joints) and passive (using a massaging hand).
  5. Fix the ankle joint with your free hand and work the arch of the foot with the crest of your fist and the edge of your palm. Without reducing the fixation in the ankle, use a massaging hand to twist the foot in different directions.
  6. Rub the heel with the forceps of your palm: grab it with a massaging hand and sharply squeeze your fingers, sliding off the heel.
  7. We work the ankle joint from behind in a circular motion, clasping it with the entire palm or rubbing it with four fingers (in this case, the massaging hand has to be actively rotated at the wrist). Massage the front surface of the foot tightly with four fingers.
  8. We wrap our fingers around the Achilles tendon (it attaches the muscles of the back of the leg to the heel bone) and massage it with vertical movements. Then we work it out using four fingers in a circular motion.
  9. We finish the massage with a dense, noticeable stroking of the foot with an open palm over the entire surface - from the toes to the shin: the front and side surfaces. We grab the largest areas of the foot with our palm.

An excellent massage for the sole of the foot is rolling tennis balls, rolling pins, or rolling the soles of your feet on wooden ledgers while sitting at a table or watching TV in the evening. If it is possible to finish treating your feet with a cold bath for a few seconds, it will be very useful for both the ankle joint and for the general hardening of the body.

Massaging the thigh and shin

To massage the thigh and lower leg, you need to take the most comfortable position:

  1. You can place the leg being massaged on a stand.
  2. You can massage in a lying position, lifting the massaged leg up.
  3. A good relaxation effect is to put one foot on top of the other.

The direction vector for the leg massage is upward: from the foot to the knee, from the knee to the groin area and buttock.

We are already familiar with the techniques of shin and thigh massage: stroking, rubbing, kneading the muscles. The calf muscles and thigh muscles lend themselves well to vibration - in this case, the thigh must be raised and a shaking movement causes trembling.

For the leg muscles, you can use the squeezing technique. 2-3 seconds after squeezing, the skin looks white because the superficial veins are compressed - then blood flow is intensively resumed.

If there are painful muscle tightness, the so-called “trigger zones” (from the English trigger - trigger), you need to carefully work them out with the pad of your thumb. The trigger zones are massaged in a radial direction in order to gradually warm up the muscle and move closer to the center of inflammation.

Well-warmed muscles should be thoroughly spanked over the entire surface with an open palm. And finish the massage with a wide, dense stroking.

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We stretch our neck. How to relieve muscle tension

Spasms of the neck muscles are fraught with many health problems, so the neck needs to be relaxed in time. Simple techniques will help with this.

Why is it important?

Problems with the neck are often observed in those who work at the computer, with papers, or bend over the kitchen stove for a long time... If our body is in a forced monotonous position for a long time, a spasm of the neck muscles occurs. And this is fraught with dangerous consequences, because overstrained muscles put pressure on the cervical vertebrae, on the vessels that supply blood to the brain and nerves that carry signals from internal organs to it. The result can be a headache, poor sleep, a feeling of fatigue, weakness the next morning, memory loss, and vision problems.

To prevent such consequences from occurring, you need to stretch your neck regularly. It's not that difficult.

On a note

It is very important to keep your neck relaxed while you sleep. To prevent the muscles from spasming, the cervical spine should be a continuation of the thoracic spine and be on the same straight line with it. Choose your pillow carefully so that it is not too soft, too low or, conversely, high.

In the office during breaks

Experts recommend periodically performing isometric exercises for the cervical spine during the working day. During them, the neck muscles should tense as much as possible, but for a short time. Since you do not make sudden movements, the exercises do not put pressure on the spine. They can be performed while sitting at the table.

Sit up straight, place your hands one on top of the other, forming a lock. Raise your hands to your chin and press your chin down. Neither the head nor the hands should move. Then relax and repeat the exercise several times.

Place your hands on your forehead. Try pressing forward with your head and resisting as hard as you can with your hands. Only the muscles above the shoulder tense, and the head and arms are motionless. After a while, relax.

Put your hands behind your head, place your palms on the back of your head. Try to tilt your head back, and apply back pressure with your hands, preventing you from doing this.

Place your palm on your temple, thumb behind your ear. Press your head against your palm, trying to bend your arm to the side, and at the same time resist this pressure with all your might. Switch hands and repeat the exercise.

By the way

Psychological stress can lead to the appearance of tension in the neck. Against this background, hormones are released into the blood, which increase muscle tension. If a stressful situation drags on, it becomes chronic - muscle spasm occurs. To remove it, sometimes you need to go not only to a massage therapist, but also to a psychologist. True, there is also a feedback here: when we perform gymnastics to physically relax the neck, psychological tension also decreases slightly.

At home after work

To relieve the tension that has accumulated during the day from the neck muscles, when you come home, you need to lie down on the floor for a while in this position: put your feet on a nearby chair, a small cushion under your lower back, and the same under your neck. This position will relieve the entire spine and relieve fatigue from the cervical region.

It’s good if you buy a nozzle for hydromassage and, screwing it onto the shower, run a strong stream of warm, almost hot water over the back and sides of your neck.

For those whose necks are especially tired, you can buy a Shants collar at the pharmacy. Or make it yourself. Take a thick layer of cotton wool and roll it into a fairly tight roller to fit your neck. Then wrap with several layers of gauze, fold and sew up the edges. Sew two ties from ribbon and gauze on each side - and the collar is ready. You need to put it on by tying the ties at the back.

This collar is used in hospitals for various injuries of the cervical spine. It will come in handy when, upon returning from work, you feel heaviness in your head and tension in your neck muscles. Wear the collar for at least an hour or two while you do household chores. It is important that it secures your neck tightly - you should not be able to tilt your head. Thanks to this, the muscles from which the load has been removed will relax. And then you can start doing gymnastics - it will be great if you find time for exercise at home.

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How to properly massage the neck with osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis (from the Greek osteon - bone and hondros - cartilage) - “ossification of cartilage”. The spine consists of the vertebrae themselves and the intervertebral discs. It is the latter who suffer from osteochondrosis; they seem to “ossify” and become less elastic. This often occurs with increased physical activity or, conversely, with a sedentary lifestyle and lack of sufficient exercise.

Why is osteochondrosis dangerous?

The intervertebral cartilages do not have their own vessels that would supply them with useful substances from the blood; in this sense, the discs can only rely on connective tissue. Excessive compression or relaxation of deep muscles disrupts the movement of blood, and the process of “drying” begins in the cartilage. And increased stress can even lead to displacement or damage to the disc, intervertebral hernia, which is fraught not only with acute pain and discomfort, but also with other health problems.

Cervical massage is an effective and pleasant means of preventing and alleviating the course of the disease.

What you need to know about our neck?

The cervical spine is the most fragile and subject to overload, since it bears the mass of the skull and also makes many more movements than other sections. Many important blood vessels and major nerves pass through the neck to the brain. Therefore, sometimes the problem that causes pain is in the spine, but, as people say, “radiates” to the neck. Before starting any procedures, including massage, consult a specialist, otherwise you can only aggravate the situation, because massage in this case is a type of treatment, and not a pleasant relaxing procedure.

Another common mistake is using medications for high blood pressure. The fact is that osteochondrosis of the cervical spine affects the blood vessels, causing the pressure to increase, and this is not a matter of the heart.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine gives pain not only in the neck, but also in the area between the shoulder blades and the back of the head. At the same time, the neck becomes like cotton wool, it is difficult to turn it to the side. Blood flow in the cervical vessels worsens, the brain lacks nutrition, so headaches, dizziness and even fainting are possible.

Effects of massage

The first thing that a patient suffering from osteochondrosis and his attending physician think about is pain relief, since the pain can be truly unbearable. After this, the doctor, as a rule, prescribes moderate exercise in the form of exercise therapy (physical therapy) and neck massage. The first method for the neck may not be as useful as massage, since the number of movements of the cervical spine is limited and you can only really “stretch” it with your hands. In addition, massage performs several functions: reducing pain, improving blood flow in the cervical region, relieving muscle spasms, and toning the neck and back muscles.

How to do a neck massage correctly

For each patient with osteochondrosis, the massage scenario is individual, since it is important to take into account the phase of development of the disease, its characteristics, concomitant diseases (pressure changes, breathing problems, and so on). Having received a referral for a massage from a doctor, choose a really good specialist whose actions will not aggravate the situation, but will help you cope with the illness. Also remember that massage should begin when the peak of the disease has already passed and the pain is not felt so acutely, otherwise the massage will turn into torture.

In fairly mild cases, massage can be performed at home. To do this, the patient needs to lie on his stomach on a flat, hard surface (bench, couch). Your legs should fit completely on the couch and not hang down. Place your arms bent at the elbows, palm on palm, and rest your forehead on your palms. You should start by kneading the muscles adjacent to the cervical spine using pinching movements. Next, the neck muscles are massaged using “stretching” with the fingers. Gradually move to the thoracic region (shoulder blades and interscapular space) and head (circular movements and stroking). Head massage cannot be ignored, since it is from the lower part of the skull that the most important nerves that suffer from osteochondrosis depart.

Sometimes the massage can be done while sitting. The procedure is carried out every two days. At first, massaging the neck may cause pain to the patient, especially in the area of ​​severe damage, but over time the discomfort will pass, leaving lightness and relaxation.

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Since school, I suffered from neck pain and general problems with the spine. The clinic prescribed water treatments and the famous Shants collar. By the age of 26, very severe pain began, and my hands became numb. I decided to take a risk and went to the clinic.

I am 40 years old. Pain in the lower back brought me to the Bobyr clinic. I endured it for a very long time, but then it became difficult to even walk, and I started to feel a shooting in my leg. On the day of my first visit to Mikhail Anatolyevich, I was so “twisted” that I couldn’t even move. As it turned out.

After the holidays, I visited the Bobyr clinic, the one at Alekseevskaya station. I enjoyed it. Despite the diagnosis of “hernia”, after 7 days she was “active” with all her might! THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!

I would like to express my gratitude to the doctor with golden hands - Sergei Dmitrievich Sorokin! For many years I have been periodically tormented by pain in the lower back and cervical region. I was seen by different doctors in different clinics and finally got an appointment at the Bobyr clinic for this.

For a very long time I chose a clinic for the treatment of intervertebral hernia, based on reviews I settled on Bobyr’s clinic, now I understand that I did not do it in vain, although the treatment was not easy, the result is still very good, for this I thank Mikhail Bobyr.

I am undergoing treatment for joints and I can say that the complex treatment that was prescribed to me really helps. Already now, even though the course is not over yet, I feel much better, I feel much better both walking and sleeping, and this is a big plus.

How to properly stretch your neck

Especially these simple exercises will help cheer up and stretch the neck of those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

One of the most common complaints is “stiff neck.” We hear this phrase from all over the office, from colleagues and acquaintances. People sit at the computer in a certain position all day long. You don't even need to get up from your chair to do this.

1) using the ribs of both hands (from the side of the index finger), alternately lightly hit the mental muscle.

2) with the palm of your right hand, hug your left fist and press under the chin for 20 seconds. Do this 20-30 times. The fist seems to crush the muscle.

3) exercises up and down, left and right with the head, circular turns of the head. For those who have never done this exercise, start three times, gradually and over a long period of time increasing the number of these exercises.

4) self-massage along and across the chin and occipital muscles.

5) massage with two fingers from the tip of the ear to the middle of the collarbone. This makes it possible to tighten the side muscles and get rid of high blood pressure.

What to do for neck pain

Pain in the cervical spine can be easily relieved without resorting to medications. The following exercises will not take much time and can be done right at your workplace or at home. These simple but effective exercises are recommended by doctors for people with postural distortions, frequent neck pain, and the elderly; They are also just good preventative measures.

The first exercise will help you increase the mobility of the vertebrae and restore the plasticity of the neck muscles.

Sit on a chair, lower your arms along your body,

Turn your head as far as possible to the right, then to the left. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

The second exercise will help you improve the flexibility of your cervical spine and also relax the muscles in the back of your neck.

The starting position is the same as in the first exercise.

Lower your head down, trying to touch your chin to your chest.

The third exercise is especially useful for office workers, as it helps with hunched posture from sitting at a desk for a long time.

The initial position remains the same.

The fourth exercise strengthens the muscles of the anterior neck and ensures correct head position.

Sit down, place one palm on your forehead.

While tilting your head forward, at the same time press your palm on your forehead, as if preventing the movement of your head; hold in this position for about 10 seconds, then take a break for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise 7-10 times.

The fifth exercise strengthens the lateral muscles of the neck and helps reduce pain.

Sit comfortably, place one palm on your temple. Tilt your head to the side while simultaneously pressing on it with your hand in the opposite direction. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side with the other hand. Repeat 7-10 times.

Another exercise will help you get rid of headaches on your own.

You can perform it standing or sitting, independently or with someone's help. You need to find the area between the back of the head bone and its soft part and massage it.

Another simple exercise that you can do right at your desk will help you relax and stretch your neck.

Just imagine that the tip of your nose is a pencil, and, looking straight ahead, write numbers from 0 to 9 with it. After repeating the exercise several times, you will immediately feel that the tension in your muscles has gone away.

All of the exercises listed below are performed while sitting on a chair.

Raise your arms up and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Remaining in this position, bend your arms and reach your shoulder blades with your palms as low as possible. Elbows should be apart. Repeat the exercise again.

Raise one arm up, lower the other down and try to clasp your hands behind your back. Then repeat the exercise, switching hands. repeat 6-8 times.

Sitting on the edge of the chair, rest your palms on the seat and bend back strongly, throwing your head back. Repeat 10 times.

The benefit of neck exercises also lies in the fact that they make the skin elastic, preventing the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, by performing such exercises, you ensure blood flow to the brain, improving its functioning.

Place your palms on your forehead. Now try to lower your head down, but overcoming the resistance of your hands.

Stretch your neck forward and lift your chin up. Now move your neck back and tuck your chin.

Now let's train the neck. Straighten your chest, place your fingers on your shoulders. Now strongly pull your neck up and press your shoulders down with your fingers. Inhale, count to 10, exhale.

join your hands in a “lock”. Place them under your chin and press down on your hands as hard as possible. The pressure time should be 7-10 seconds. Repeat the exercise;

And the last exercise, aimed not only at strengthening the neck muscles, but also at their relaxation. Place your hands behind your head and hold it while trying to tilt your head back.

All the exercises suggested above will relieve you of pain in the cervical region, strengthen your muscles and help you relax.

“What to do for neck pain”

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How to properly massage your neck

Quite often, close people turn to each other with a request to stretch their necks. It is important to perform impromptu massage sessions correctly so as not to cause harm.

Why is it good to stretch your neck?

The collar zone includes the back of the neck and the space between the shoulder blades. Many important vessels and nerves pass through here. For people who work with their hands (for example, hairdressers, computer scientists, engineers), this area suffers especially. This is because the main muscles that support the arms are located here. The muscles spasm, get tired, because of this, the blood supply to the spine worsens (this provokes osteochondrosis), and the organs and arteries that pass through this area suffer.

The group of organs dependent on the upper thoracic and cervical spine includes the heart and brain. Therefore, people who suffer from stiff necks experience decreased memory, poor attention, and often have heart and headache pain. When kneading the collar area, the muscles are able to relax, blood supply is restored, blood vessels dilate, and well-being improves.

How to massage

Before performing a massage, you need to measure your patient’s blood pressure: the procedure will lower it, and if the pressure is low (below ninety to sixty mm Hg), the session cannot be performed.

If the massage is performed at home, the person lies on his stomach, if in other conditions he sits down, his head should be placed on his hands or on a surface. The patient takes a comfortable position, which is what the massage therapist needs.

Rub the massage cream into your palms, warm it to body temperature, and spread it over the collar area. Apply the cream to the skin with smoothing movements, try to feel if there are tension in any areas (you can feel denser muscle areas than in other areas). Keep in mind that these areas have a paler skin tone than others. Clamp areas need to be massaged more thoroughly than other areas.

Stretch the deep muscles that are located along the upper thoracic spine. Place your hands on your skin and use your clasped hands to pass the wave across your skin ten times with your thumbs.

Massage your neck muscles. Grab them like a claw and knead them very gently by bending your fingers. Apply gentle pressure. If you overdo it, you can greatly reduce the pressure and displace the vertebrae.

Move to the back muscle group in the shoulder girdle (between the top edge of the shoulder blades and the spine). Muscles will warm up better if you use different techniques. Massage the muscles with your fingertips and nails. Take the skin with the underlying muscles in a fold.

Massage the area between the shoulder blades, left and right in turn. Place your hand behind your back and try to get under the bone. If possible, massage the rest of your back, as well as your scalp and feet. Finish the massage of the collar area with smoothing movements.

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