How to get rid of a sag in the lower back. Lumbar lordosis: How to recognize and WHAT to do

At lumbar lordosis the natural deflection of the spine in the lumbar region changes. As a result of pathological changes, pain occurs, posture is distorted, and the lumbar vertebrae are deformed. Advanced lordosis leads to dysfunction of internal organs located in the pelvic area.

Description of the disease

In a normal state, the spine in the lumbar region deviates from the imaginary vertical along the human body by 20-40°. A larger deviation leads to the development of pathologies. Physiological lordosis performs the functions of correctly distributing the load on the spine during walking, shock-absorbing and softening the discs during movement.

In most cases, hyperlordosis develops, in which the angle of deviation of the lumbar spine reaches 40-45°. With a strong increase in the deflection angle, serious external deformation occurs, which is manifested not only by painful sensations, but also by a clear visual defect.

Some patients are diagnosed with straightened lumbar lordosis, which means that the angle of deviation from the imaginary axis has decreased. The lower back deviates less than 20°. This manifestation of pathology is called hypolordosis or smoothed lordosis. Hypolordosis is more often detected in older people. The risk group includes people with osteochondrosis and lumbar hernias.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Lumbar lordosis occurs as a result of excessive stress, as well as after suffering from certain infectious and organic diseases. This pathology can also be congenital. Lordosis is classified based on its causes:

  • Primary. This degree of lordosis can be either congenital or develop under the influence of other diseases and pathologies. Primary lordosis is often a consequence of inflammation of the vertebral discs, disturbances in the structure of muscle tissue and tendons. Neoplasms in the pelvic area can also lead to lordosis.
  • Secondary. Develops as a result of physical trauma to the lower back and hip joints. As a result of the injury, the angle of inclination of the lumbar region relative to the axis changes, and pathology gradually appears.

Lordosis occurs for various reasons. Hyper- and hypolordosis become a consequence of certain diseases (see table).

Additional reasons for the development of lordosis of the lumbar spine:

  • In the last trimester of pregnancy, the center of gravity of the female body changes, gait and posture change, and the load on the spine increases. If the back muscles are weakened, lordosis may form and become chronic.
  • In childhood, lordosis develops as a result of birth injuries - severe pregnancy and childbirth with fetal hypoxia. Back injuries and falls of the mother also pose a danger to the embryo.

In people of any age, smoothed lumbar lordosis with a deviation to a lesser extent occurs.

At-risk groups

The likelihood of developing pathology increases in adults under the following circumstances:

  • Flat feet (changes posture, gait).
  • Passive lifestyle.
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking and the accompanying constant intoxication of the body.

In cases of lordosis development due to injuries or other external factors, the disease can be successfully corrected with the complete restoration of the normal position of the lower back and the restoration of the aesthetic appearance of the body.

Symptoms of lordosis

When the disease just begins to develop, a person practically does not notice any changes. The main symptom of the initial stage is a mild feeling of heaviness and aching in the lumbar region, which a person notices at the end of the day and associates with fatigue. Without diagnosis and medical intervention, symptoms increase.

Common symptoms of lordosis:

  • Painful sensations in the lower back increase, spreading to the groin area, lower abdomen and higher up the back, up to the shoulder blades.
  • Physical activity causes a feeling of heaviness in the legs. Every day a person feels tired, which becomes chronic.
  • The development of external changes: the stomach begins to bulge, the buttocks noticeably move back, the hips stop moving together without noticeable effort.
  • Constant pain in the lumbar region causes a reflexive desire to put a hand to this place. This manifestation can be noticed in older people or pregnant women in the last stages of pregnancy.
  • Bending also causes pain; a person tries to do squatting movements instead of inclined ones.
  • Menstruation in women is accompanied by complications and pain; in men, impotence may develop.

In the initial stages, lordosis can be corrected with conservative therapeutic methods.

You can diagnose incipient lordosis yourself. You need to lie down on a hard surface, preferably the floor. Fix your body on your back in a straight position. A hand is placed under the lower back. It should go into the gap between the floor and your back. If a fist fits into the space, we can talk about hyperlordosis. If even the palm does not fit or is difficult to fit - hypolordosis.

Treatment methods

Timely diagnosis of the disease is important for successful treatment. If a person has unfixed lordosis, in which the back remains mobile, you can fight the initial stage on your own. With fixed lordosis, medical intervention is necessary. As diagnostic measures computed tomography, x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging are used. The latter method is common when examining patients with suspected cancer.

Therapeutic treatment includes the use drugs and physiotherapy. Drugs are prescribed to relieve pain and eliminate inflammation. Physiotherapy can enhance the effect of medications and align the position of the lumbar spine. The prescribed drug groups are listed below.



Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are selected for the patient. Most often this is Movalis in ampoules and tablets. The analgesic effect of the drug is achieved within a few minutes after the injection, and 15 minutes after taking the tablet. Analogues of Movalis:

  • Meloxicam.
  • Nimesulide.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Diclofenac.
  • Ketorolac.

If pain occurs between medications or injections, ointments are additionally used. The standard product Diclofenac can be replaced with analogues - Voltaren, Fastum-gel, Indomethacin.

Muscle relaxants

Such medications are designed to reduce muscle tone and eliminate spasms. For lordosis, Mydocalm, Toperizone, Sirdalud are prescribed.


Taking medications lasts for at least 4 months. The standard course is six months. Used for destruction of vertebral disc tissue. Help restore tissue and improve blood circulation. Such drugs include:

  • Hondrex.
  • Arthrida.
  • Mucosat.
  • Teraflex.
  • Artiflex.


Designed to stop inflammation. The duration of administration and dosage is determined by the doctor, depending on the current condition of the patient:

  • Prednisolone.
  • Medopred.
  • Sol-Decortin.
  • Prednisolone-Ferein.


Prescribed for general strengthening of the body and improvement of nerve conduction. For lordosis, it is recommended to combine vitamins of groups B, D, E.

The number of drugs, their types, dosages and duration of use are determined by the doctor. The selection is based on the clinical picture - the current deviation of the spine from the norm. If the patient experiences side effects, it is not recommended to select analogues on their own. The replacement of drugs should be supervised by a specialist.

Physiotherapeutic measures

They are used both during the rehabilitation period after surgery and as a treatment method in the early stages of lordosis. Doctors prescribe:

  • Electrophoresis. It is carried out using anesthetics and anti-inflammatory medications. Helps restore the metabolic process in the area of ​​affected tissue.
  • Treatment with current, ultrasound, infrared irradiation. The methods are designed to improve blood circulation. In rare cases, magnetic therapy and treatment with leeches are used, but such methods are considered outdated.
  • Acupuncture. It has an analgesic effect and improves nerve conduction.
  • Medical massage of affected areas. Restores muscle tone to normal. The spine is better maintained in its natural position.

Some clinics prescribe spinal traction. For this purpose, a pool bowl with installed special equipment is used. The procedure must be carried out by a highly qualified specialist.

Physical exercise

Therapeutic exercises are an important element in restoring the correct position of the sacral vertebrae. It is used both for conservative treatment and for rehabilitation after surgery. The set of exercises includes:

  • Bend forward on straight legs. Done from a standing position. The goal is to reach the floor with your fingertips.
  • Straight back. You need to stand straight against the wall. Heels, buttocks, shoulders should touch the surface of the wall.
  • Bends while sitting. Bend forward, in which you need to grab your calves with your hands. The goal is to reach your head to your knees.
  • Squats. The exercise is done with arms extended forward, the heels should not lift off the floor.
  • Horizontal bar. The task is to hang on the horizontal bar to stretch the spine.
  • Standing and lying crunches. In a standing position, a person rotates his body. In a lying position, you need to raise your knees at right angles to the floor and move them from side to side.
  • Deflections. The person lies on his stomach and rests his elbows on the floor. The goal is to tilt the body upward as much as possible.

At the initial stages, 7 approaches are performed for each exercise; in the future, the load increases. If exercise therapy is prescribed by a doctor, then the quantity and quality of exercises are selected by the instructor.

Surgery for lordosis

Surgeries are performed in cases of congenital pathologies and lordosis acquired as a result of injury. Flattening is done under general anesthesia. Basic methods for correcting spinal curvature in the lumbar region:

  • Strengthening the vertebrae with plates or pins. In the damaged section, the spine is securely fixed with metal structures. The mobility of the vertebrae is lost.
  • Replacement of vertebrae with implants. At the moment, such operations are carried out only in the USA, Germany and Israel. The intervention is expensive, but as a result, the vertebral tissue is completely replaced with flexible prostheses.

It is useless to treat lordosis with traditional methods. Compresses and warming compositions will only help as emergency pain relief if appropriate medications are not available.

Prevention of lordosis comes down to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, losing weight, and improving the quality of nutrition. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you should take breaks and stretch every 45 minutes. Going to the gym, long walks, and sleeping on an orthopedic mattress are also helpful.

Detecting symptoms of lordosis is an important reason to immediately consult a doctor. The sooner pathological changes are detected, the easier and faster they can be eliminated.

A flat back is a posture in which there is no pronounced bend in the spine. Due to the smoothing of lordosis and kyphosis, the shock-absorbing function of the spinal column is lost. A type of pathology is a flat-concave back, characterized by stooping in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and lack of lumbar curve.

Reasons for violation

Correct posture is a position in which kyphosis and lordosis are maintained. Kyphosis is a backward deflection of the spine with a convexity in the thoracic region, lordosis is a forward convexity with a deflection in the lumbar and cervical region. Physiological curvatures are necessary to maintain an upright posture and to walk upright.

The main reasons causing postural disorders:

  1. In children - physiological weakness, abnormalities in the formation of vertebrae, pronounced anatomical pathologies. In a child, flat back syndrome appears against the background of rapid growth, when the bones of the skeleton are pulled faster than the muscles associated with it.
  2. The appearance of a flat back in an adult can be caused by: wear of the vertebral discs, degenerative-dystrophic changes in the anatomical structures of the spine, the development of osteoporosis or spondylitis.

A flat-concave back is formed when you are forced to be in an incorrect position or due to overstrain of the lower back muscles when it is necessary to frequently bend the torso.

The condition worsens due to a decrease in the tone of the muscles that support the spine due to lack of physical activity and an inactive lifestyle. Poor posture can be caused by spinal injuries.

Symptoms of a flat back

If you compare a photo of a healthy back with normal posture and a photo with severe disorders, you can see the differences.

Signs of normal posture:

  1. The spinous processes of the vertebrae are located vertically.
  2. The shoulder girdles and the corners of the shoulder blades are at the same level.
  3. When the arms are lowered, triangles of the waist stand out in an adult.
  4. Sagittal curves of the spinal column in the lumbar region are up to 5 cm and up to 2 cm in the cervical region.

Characteristic symptoms of a flat back:

  1. The shoulder blades are wing-shaped, located at different levels in relation to the shoulders.
  2. The stomach protrudes forward.
  3. The buttocks are flat due to loss of muscle tone in the hips and pelvis; the waist is not formed.
  4. The curves of the spine are smoothed.

Due to the development of pathological changes, pain in the legs appears and radicular syndromes occur. What it is? This is the name for acute pain in the lumbar and thoracic spine, which develops when the spinal nerves are pinched. A set of symptoms that cause discomfort: changes in blood pressure, hyperhidrosis, increased heart rate, periodic shallow breathing or bronchial spasms, and a significant deterioration in overall health.

Early osteochondrosis develops, the functioning of internal organs is disrupted. Since the vessels supplying the muscles surrounding the spine are narrowed due to spasms, favorable conditions are created for the occurrence of osteoporosis.

Poor posture is not only an aesthetic defect, it is a deterioration in the quality of life and a limitation of opportunities in professional activities.

Posture correction

Parents can see before contacting a specialist. The baby, who already knows how to move in an upright position, is placed against the wall and asked to press his heels, buttocks and the back of his head. If a child cannot lean 3 points on the wall at the same time, with an adult’s palm placed between the wall and the lower back, then these are signs of a flat back.

Consultation with an orthopedist is required. It is impossible to independently determine the degree of pathology.

To definitively confirm the diagnosis, adults and children are prescribed fluoroscopy (lateral projection), and MRI or CT may be required.

Activities to develop posture:

  • selection of orthopedic shoes;
  • changing the conditions for relaxation - it is advisable to purchase an orthopedic mattress and choose a pillow according to the width of your shoulders;
  • Exercise therapy classes - a set of exercises are recommended for each patient individually, based on the clinical picture.

In difficult cases, spinal immobilization may be required.

Treatment with medications is used to eliminate painful symptoms and restore muscle trophism. You can engage in physical activity only after the pain syndrome has been eliminated.

A standard set of exercises for a flat back begins with a warm-up, which includes stretching exercises: bending and twisting in a lying and standing position.

Exercises to strengthen the muscle corset:

  1. Starting position - lying on your stomach. The arms are bent and placed under the chest. The back is bent at the waist, resting on the palms and straightening the elbows.
  2. The starting position is the same, only the pelvis is raised, leaning on the elbows. The pelvis is rocked to the sides, the amplitude is gradually increased.
  3. Lying on your stomach, raise your shoulders and lift your legs off the horizontal surface, bending at the lower back.
  4. Exercises to strengthen the abdominal press are chosen by the doctor. The following may be recommended: lifting bent or straight legs, twisting and lifting the body in a lying position, flexion-extension (simultaneous lifting of the legs and body).

Muscle stretching exercises:

  1. Sit on a horizontal plane, resting your palms behind your back. The pelvis is raised, trying to rest the full foot on the floor, and lowered again.
  2. Lying on your back, group yourself, pressing your knees to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. The position is fixed for 4–5 seconds.
  3. Exercise cat: take a knee-elbow position and bend your back, pressing your chin to your chest.

The complex is supplemented with squats. Be sure to include cardio exercises. The frequency of repetitions and the load are increased gradually; in the first classes, it is enough to repeat each exercise 2-4 times. It is advisable for children to conduct classes in a playful way.

When treating a flat back, the doctor can only make a diagnosis and give recommendations, and recovery depends on the patient or his parents. To eliminate the pathology, you need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and exercise regularly.

Pathological lordosis of the lumbar spine is becoming more and more common in modern realities, which is usually associated with the sedentary lifestyle of the majority of the population of large cities. In the vast majority of cases, the pathology is registered in adults; in children, lumbar lordosis is very rare and is usually congenital.

In the early stages, lumbosacral lordosis can be treated conservatively, while in the later stages, surgical straightening of the affected area of ​​the spinal column is often required.

1 What is lumbar lordosis?

Lumbosacral lordosis refers to the pathological curvature of the spine in this region. The bend resembles an arc, with its convex area facing forward. This deformity does not go away asymptomatically; it is usually accompanied by disturbances in locomotion (movement) and pain.

The spinal column should normally have four physiological curvatures: two lordosis and two kyphosis. It is thanks to this structure that a person can exist normally. Curves not only allow a person to move, but also perform a shock-absorbing function, distributing and dissipating part of the load.

Pathological lordosis means its excessive increase (strengthening), which ultimately leads to disruption of the entire musculoskeletal system.

It is the lumbar region that is affected, but distant organs such as the knee and hip joints and lower limbs also suffer from this.

1.1 Reasons for development

There are many reasons for the development of lumbar lordosis. Often the disease is congenital and is caused by the following reasons:

  1. Hereditary predisposition.
  2. Trauma to the fetus during pregnancy.
  3. Genetic abnormalities leading to defects in the structure of the vertebrae, intervertebral discs and musculoskeletal system.
  4. Child birth trauma.

Acquired causes of this disease include:

  • dislocation or subluxation of the hip joint;
  • long-term flat feet;
  • rickets;
  • difficult pregnancy (the fetus compresses the spinal column);
  • vertebral hernias (including Schmorl's hernia);
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • autoimmune diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in particular rheumatoid arthritis;
  • injuries and their consequences (ligament ruptures, fractures, dislocations) of the spinal column;
  • infectious diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis);
  • lumbar radiculitis;
  • excess body weight and excessive stress on the spinal column.

1.2 About lumbar lordosis (video)

1.3 Why is this dangerous, what are the possible consequences?

First of all, lumbar lordosis is dangerous due to its negative impact on the entire musculoskeletal system. If it lasts for a long time, there is even a risk of developing partial or, much less frequently, complete paralysis of the lower extremities.

There is no need to talk about seizures; they can accompany every second patient with an advanced disease. Moreover, cramps in no way depend on the time of day: they appear not only at night, but also during the day, and against the background of complete well-being.

When internal organs are compressed by the vertebral curve, a whole range of complications may develop. If the bend penetrates deeply into the peritoneum, the bladder and intestines may be pinched, which can lead to urination disorders (including incontinence) and the gastrointestinal tract.

Patients may experience significant deterioration in performance, in particular due to partial or complete immobilization of the spinal column. The curvature can be so pronounced that it can deform the entire spine, without the possibility of restoring it to physiological norms.

1.4 Forms of the disease

Pathological lordosis of the lumbar spine is divided into two types according to nature, two types (according to the reasons for its occurrence), two types according to the timing of occurrence and two forms according to the degree of curvature of the spinal column.

By nature, the pathology is divided into the following types:

  • physiological - normal vertebral curves, providing a supporting and shock-absorbing effect;
  • pathological - excessive curvature (deep), leading to disruption of the entire musculoskeletal system.

Based on the causes of occurrence, pathology is divided into the following types:

  1. Primary type - develops against the background of diseases of the spine.
  2. Secondary type - develops against the background of general diseases of the body (for example, tuberculosis).

According to the timing of occurrence, pathology is divided into the following types:

  • congenital (the terms “hereditary” and “genetically determined” are synonymous);
  • acquired (usually as a result of injuries or excessive stress on the spine).

The disease is also divided according to the degree of curvature and can occur as hyperlordosis or hypolordosis ( when it is either smoothed or straightened). But what is it? Hyperlordosis refers to excessive bending, and hypolordosis refers to flattening of normal (physiological) lordosis.

2 Symptoms of lumbar lordosis

There are about a dozen clinical signs of lordosis of the lumbar spine. At least half of the symptoms may resemble other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, so in any case it is impossible to do without a thorough visual diagnosis.

Symptoms of lumbar lordosis in most cases are as follows:

  1. Noticeable deterioration in posture. The patient's head is constantly directed forward (like a pigeon's), shoulders are drooping, knee joints are excessively extended, and the lower limbs are constantly spread to the sides.
  2. The gait changes significantly. When walking, patients tilt their chest and shoulders back, while their stomach protrudes, and their legs, as mentioned earlier, are spread to the side. From the outside, such a gait looks ridiculous and catches the eye.
  3. Painful sensations of varying intensity in the buttocks, lower extremities and, naturally, in the lumbar region of the back.
  4. Paresthesia and general sensory disturbances in the lower extremities (especially in the fingers), numbness and tingling in the buttocks.
  5. Fatigue quickly even when walking slowly. Feeling of overstrain in the ankle and calf muscles.
  6. Urinary problems, frequent constipation, bloating, pain along the intestines (usually aching and bursting).

2.1 Diagnostics

Diagnosis of lordosis of the lumbar spine begins with a banal examination of the patient by a doctor. The first step is to collect an anamnesis, determine the nature and frequency of pain, as well as the causes of pain.

Next, palpation is carried out in the lumbar region, using a ruler to determine the degree of lordosis (but this is only a superficial determination). After the initial examination, the patient is sent for a more detailed and accurate visual diagnosis, which is carried out using the following methods:

  • classical radiography - allows you to assess the depth of the curvature, but it is not possible to reveal large details;
  • computed tomography (CT) - assesses the depth of the curvature and can even determine the cause of its occurrence (usually based on indirect signs);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a method almost similar to computed tomography, but in detailing the spinal column it is still inferior to computed tomography.

3 Treatment methods

Without treatment, the disease progresses and inevitably leads to severe complications. But how to cure it in this case? Is surgery required right away? Fortunately, even with advanced lumbar lordosis, conservative therapy can be effective.

Conservative therapy helps correct the situation in 80-90% of cases; in other cases, surgery is performed to straighten the lordosis. Unfortunately, it can also cause complications, so it is easier not to let the disease progress and treat it conservatively in a timely manner than to go under the knife later.

Conservative treatment of lordosis of the lumbar spine involves the use of the following techniques:

  1. Physiotherapeutic and massage treatments for a course of 2-3 months.
  2. Performing physical exercises from a course of physical therapy (physical therapy) individually selected by specialists.
  3. Independent daily gymnastics aimed exclusively at the muscles and osteochondral structures of the back.
  4. Wearing orthopedic corrective and supportive corsets and bandages.
  5. Use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications (if required).
  6. The use of muscle relaxants (usually oral ones such as Mydocalm).

Lumbar lordosis is an anterior curvature of the spine. In some cases it is considered physiological, in others - pathological. The latter form is most often found in children and people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Physiological lumbar lordosis begins to form in the first year of life, when the child masters the skill of sitting. Normal functioning of the spine is impossible without the presence of convexities and concavities.

Physiological lordosis is characterized by a small bending angle; its apex falls on the 3rd–4th lumbar vertebrae. In pathologies, the concavity is considered excessively pronounced. There is smoothing of the sacral and. Most often, curvature of the spine appears in childhood or adolescence during the formation of bone tissue.

Classification and causes of the disease

There are 2 types of pathological lordosis:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

The first is of non-traumatic origin; its development is promoted by malignant tumors and degenerative changes in bone and muscle tissue. Curvature can occur when the structure of the vertebrae is abnormal and they are displaced relative to each other. The main causes of secondary lordosis are considered to be injuries, dislocations, and hip dysplasia.

There are many provoking factors that contribute to lumbar deformity. These include:

  • increased load on the spine due to excess weight;
  • pathologies of bones, muscles and ligaments.

In children, increased lordosis develops due to birth injuries, cerebral palsy, congenital dislocation of the hip joints, rickets and rapid growth. In adults, the deformity can appear against the background of ankylosing spondylitis, osteochondrosis, infections, intervertebral hernias, and lupus erythematosus.

Lumbar lordosis after childbirth occurs quite often. Women who suffer from spinal pathologies, degenerative and tumor diseases are most susceptible to it. It develops less often in healthy pregnant women. Curvature occurs due to the fact that as the abdomen grows, the spine experiences excessive stress. Pathological changes in this case are reversible.

How does the disease manifest itself?

A bend is considered physiological if it has a certain angle. Strengthening or smoothing of lumbar lordosis is considered a pathology. These conditions have different symptoms. Common features include:

  • back pain;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • protrusion of the abdomen;
  • dysfunction of the abdominal organs.

Increased lordosis:

  • promotes protrusion of the buttocks;
  • bowed legs;
  • pelvic deviation;
  • increasing the tone of the lumbar muscles;
  • a person cannot sleep on his stomach, because forced straightening of the spine contributes to the appearance of unpleasant sensations;
  • when bending, the mobility of the hip joints is used;
  • if a person lies down on the floor, there is a large distance between the surface and the lower back.

If the lumbar region is straightened, the back becomes flat. A person experiences discomfort while sitting or standing. The gait changes, the sensitivity of the pelvic area decreases. Severe lordosis is dangerous for the development of complications such as:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • deforming arthrosis;
  • myositis;
  • vertebral hypermobility.

Smoothing of lordosis can lead to:

  • the occurrence of spondyloarthrosis;
  • compression syndrome;
  • to dysfunction of internal organs.

How to reduce spinal curvature?


If you need to sit for a long time, it is recommended to take breaks.

Morning exercises should include exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles, which help maintain the correct position of the lower back.

Various reasons lead to the development of pathological lordosis, so it is not always possible to prevent its occurrence. However, with proper treatment, the disease can be cured.

Lumbar lordosis - what is it?

The word “lordosis” in the human body refers to the natural forward convexities of the spine for a comfortable body position; they are found in the neck and lumbar regions. Is it good or bad to have lordosis and kyphosis - convexity of the thoracic region in the opposite direction? The curvature itself is not a pathology if the angle of deflection does not exceed the norm and is 150-170 degrees in the lumbar region.

Area affected by lumbar lordosis

Every person has physiological lordosis, but pathological lordosis, the indicators of which are deviated from the norm, can occur at any age.

Types of pathological lordosis

When making a diagnosis, the doctor evaluates the pathology according to several criteria. First of all, the specialist evaluates the time of occurrence of increased or decreased curvature in the lumbar spine.

Depending on the reasons that influenced the growth of pathological lordosis, it is divided into:

  • Primary lordosis The lumbar region develops under the influence of internal changes in the body. In inflammatory processes, the appearance of cancer, weakening of muscles or incorrect position of the vertebrae affect the degree of curvature of the spine and lead to deviations;
  • Secondary lordosis- a disease that occurs as a result of external influences.

Pathology manifests itself in two forms:

  • With hypolordosis, the physiological curve of the lower back is straightened. In this case, it is more than 170 degrees;
  • Hyperlordosis is expressed by increased deflection of the lumbar spine, the degree measure of the angle decreases to 140-145.

Causes of congenital lordosis

The nature of childbirth and the illness of the parents play a major role in the progression of pathology at an early age:

  • Abnormalities in the curvatures of the mother's spine;
  • Congenital damage to the brain and central nervous system;
  • Injuries during childbirth;
  • Incorrect physical growth of the baby.

Formation of spinal curves in a child

Acquired lordosis. Causes

In most cases, lumbar lordosis develops throughout life and increases in intensity over the years. Therefore, doctors consider lifestyle as the main reasons, as well as:

  • The absence or insufficient amount of physical activity leads to muscle weakness, the load is transferred to the spine and over time the bending angle becomes abnormal;
  • Obesity. Excess body weight creates additional pressure on the spine.
  • Pathologies and lack of mobility of the hip joint;
  • Direct spinal injuries;
  • Chronic diseases, inflammation;
  • Formation of malignant or benign tumors in the lumbar region;
  • Overfatigue and muscle damage due to excessive physical exertion.

Pregnant women are at particular risk. During this period, the pressure on the girl’s spine is maximally increased, the curvature of the lower back increases and becomes too concave. After childbirth, it may return to normal, or it may develop into pathological hyperlordosis.

Lumbar lordosis during pregnancy

Symptoms of lumbar lordosis

With a minor violation, a person may not experience any discomfort in the lumbar region and may not suspect the presence of spinal curvature. The intensity of the manifestation increases with increasing angle deviation in one direction or another.

The following symptoms indicate that lordosis is increased:

  • Protruding belly, strongly arched lower back;
  • Abduction of the buttocks and pelvis back;
  • Large distance between the surface and the lower back when lying on your back;
  • Feeling of pain in the lower back when lying on the stomach.

With hypolordosis the following are observed:

  • Straightening the lower back, smoothing out the deflection;
  • Rounding the upper back;
  • Overstrain and flattening of the lumbar muscles;
  • Feeling of numbness in the lumbar region.

Common signs for two types of spinal lordosis in the lumbar region are:

  • Fatigue when walking or sitting;
  • Improper functioning of the pelvic organs and gastrointestinal tract;
  • Pain or numbness in the legs, lower back;
  • Sleep disorders.


The first signs of lumbar lordosis can be determined independently. You need to stand with your back to the wall, press your head and buttocks against it, and then try to move your hand into the curve of your lower back. If this is possible, then the development of hyperlordosis has begun. Even if the palm passes with difficulty, the bend is too straightened.

Initial examination by a traumatologist for lumbar lordosis

At the first suspicion of the presence of lumbar lordosis, you should contact a traumatologist. During the initial examination and analysis of muscle tone, a diagnosis is established and the need for subsequent research methods is established:

  • The X-ray image clearly shows the position of the vertebrae, which helps to draw a conclusion about the exact presence of lumbar lordosis, however, does not indicate the cause of the disease.
  • CT (computed tomography) gives an idea of ​​the condition of the bone tissue.
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is prescribed for suspected soft tissue lesions, neuralgic causes of the disease, or oncological formations.


The fight against lumbar lordosis begins with eliminating the cause. Only after eliminating the main cause should you move on to normalizing the lumbar curve.

The treatment complex includes improving the functioning of the digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems; when the spine is curvatured, unnatural pressure is placed on the organs, which leads to diseases of the entire body.

It is important to have a comprehensive therapy; only with this approach can complete correction of lumbar lordosis be ensured. Therapy must be started immediately; the consequences of lordosis include the development of arthrosis, lordoscoliosis, and hernias.


All medications must be prescribed strictly by the attending physician. Popular groups of drugs for lumbar lordosis are anti-inflammatory, painkillers, anti-spasm and warming agents.

Medicines for lordosis - only as prescribed by a doctor

Additionally, B vitamins may be prescribed to improve the condition of the body's skeletal system.

Physical exercise

Performing special exercises tone the back muscles. All physical therapy complexes contain a number of strength exercises that strengthen the muscular corset, and stretching that provides relaxation and relief of spasms, establishing the natural curves of the spine and lower back.

The exercise does not require additional equipment; anyone can do the exercises:

  • From a lying position on your back, push your feet behind your head and rest your toes on the floor. Hands are spread to the sides.
  • Stand up straight, as you exhale, lower your body towards the floor, aim your fingers towards the floor, and stretch your stomach towards your knees. Feel the stretch in your lower back.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, perform deep squats. Watch the position of your knees, they do not go beyond your toes, try to remove the load from your back, striving for a natural deflection of the lower back.
  • Lie on your back. Raise your knees bent at a right angle. Hands are behind the head. As you exhale, twist and try to reach your heels with each hand in turn.

There is a wide variety of complexes, the exercises are prescribed by a specialist. Yoga practice is often used in therapy.


Massage sessions relieve muscle spasms, help improve blood circulation in the lumbar region, and relax the nervous system.

Lumbar spine massage

In addition to classic massage, acupressure or lymphatic drainage is often prescribed.

Bandage for lordosis

One of the options for a bandage for lordosis

Wearing is prescribed for patients with a pronounced form of lordosis of the lumbar spine, as well as for women during pregnancy. In this case, the risk of developing further disorders in the position of the spine is prevented.

Surgical intervention

Surgery is required only in cases of severe lumbar curvature, most often with congenital pathological lordosis. Damaged vertebrae are replaced with artificial or metal ones.

This method of treatment can result in infection or disability, which is dangerous.

Rules for sleeping with lordosis

Sleeping on a regular bed can make the problem worse. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a special orthopedic mattress based on individual height and weight.

An orthopedic mattress will help get rid of lordosis

Before purchasing, you should sleep with hyperlordosis or hypolordosis on your stomach or back, placing a cushion under your lower back of such a volume that will be equal to the natural deflection.


It is important to take preventive measures in childhood, during the formation of the skeleton. Compliance with the following rules can protect a person from spinal injuries and health will be preserved:

  • Watch your posture throughout the day, never slouch.
  • Give up bad habits - smoking, alcohol.
  • Try to include as much activity as possible in your day, walk more, take the stairs instead of the elevator, and play sports.
  • Do exercises regularly to strengthen your abdominal muscles.
  • During sedentary work, perform a warm-up set of exercises as a break. Get up and walk around the office/hallway for a few minutes.
  • When working out in the gym, fully comply with the exercise technique and monitor the weight in the exercises performed.
  • Pay great attention to your weight; excess weight leads to a lot of problems, including lordosis.
  • While working at the computer, do not stretch your neck forward; the monitor should be at a distance of 45-70 cm from your eyes, the keyboard should lie on the table surface.

People leading a healthy lifestyle are reliably protected from pathologies of the spinal column, which are very dangerous for the functioning of the entire body. But with the right approach to the treatment of pathological lordosis, every person is able to correct the curvature of the lower back and return to normal life with a normal, healthy back.
