How to cure chlamydia with folk remedies. Is it possible to treat chlamydia at home Chlamydia symptoms in women treatment with folk remedies

Reading time: 11 minutes

The causative agent of the disease

The bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis is the causative agent of chlamydia in men and women. It is motionless and lives inside the cells. Every year, about a million people become infected with it, of which men make up more than half. The total number of cases is approaching a billion, the male sex prevails. According to statistics, from 5 to 15% of sexually active people have chlamydia.

Infection is dangerous for its manifestations and complications, these include:

  • prostatitis;
  • impotence;
  • inflammation of the testicle and its appendages;
  • narrowing of the urethra;
  • joint damage;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • pain in the pelvis.

Another danger of chlamydia is the ability to transform into L-forms, ie. into a dormant state. In this case, taking antibiotics does not have a significant effect on the pathogen, the infection remains in the host body. When the immune system is weakened, the disease worsens.

There are 9 types of chlamydia, a third of them are a threat to human health:

  1. Chlamydia trachomatis. Causes an STD.
  2. Chlamydia pneumonia. When ingested, it attacks the lungs, causing pneumonia, especially in children, young people and in crowded communities (nursing homes, schools, prisons, etc.).
  3. Chlamydia psittaci. Transmitted from parrots. It causes pneumonitis, a specific inflammation in the lungs.

All chlamydia can occur not only in the form of a pronounced infectious process, but also subclinically, i.e. with few symptoms.


Causes of infection with chlamydia can be:

  1. Lack of barrier methods during intercourse with an “unverified partner”.
  2. Decreased protective reserves of the body (in immunodeficiency states).
  3. The latent course of the disease (without clinical signs) in the partner.

The mechanism of development of chlamydia in men

Due to this lifestyle of the microorganism, the symptoms of the disease are non-specific at the beginning, which makes diagnosis difficult.

Clinical symptoms

Signs of chlamydia in men can be tracked by certain symptoms.

The disease is characterized by:

  1. Itching in the urethra.
  2. Burning, pain when urinating (urine may be cloudy).
  3. Light, almost colorless discharge from the urethra.
  4. Redness and slight swelling in the area of ​​the urethral outlet.
  5. Swelling, severe pain, local fever in the scrotum.
  6. Pain in the scrotum, rectum.
  7. Pain in the lumbar and sacral regions, and even in the lower extremities (along the sciatic nerve).
  8. Reiter's triad is possible: urethritis, conjunctivitis, and arthritis. As a rule, one of the large joints is affected, most often on one side. (for example, knee, hip or ankle).
  9. Discomfort during the act of defecation (typical for damage to the rectum and prostate).

Reiter's triad is possible: urethritis, conjunctivitis and arthritis. As a rule, one of the large joints is affected unilaterally (for example, the knee, hip or ankle). Often the patient is only concerned about the joints and he turns to therapists, rheumatologists. Therefore, it is important to always remember that chlamydia can affect not only the urogenital tract, but also the joints.

Diagnosis of the disease

  1. Chlamydia can be detected using the following methods:
  2. PCR - basic analysis, sensitivity and specificity - 100%. Finds pathogen DNA. Lead time - 2-3 days. For him, a swab is taken from the urethra or scraping from the pharynx.
  3. ELISA - determination of antibodies in the blood secreted by the body in response to the introduction of chlamydia. Appear 10-20 days after infection. The accuracy is not more than 60%, due to the fact that antibodies persist for a long time after treatment and it is not always clear whether this is a new round of the disease or immune memory.
  4. Cultural method - sowing on nutrient media of material obtained from scrapings or smears. The most time-consuming and expensive, the results need to wait a few days. Determines the sensitivity of chlamydia to antibiotics for the selection of therapy.
  5. The immunofluorescence reaction is a complex method that requires the experience and professionalism of the performer. The material obtained by scraping or smear is stained, after which the bacteria begin to glow under a microscope. Accuracy no more than 50%.

Treatment at an early stage

For effective treatment of chlamydia in men, it is necessary to influence the causative agent of the disease.

In the primary acute process, good results were shown by antibacterial drugs from the group of macrolides ("Azithromycin", "Clarithromycin", "Josamycin", "Midecamycin") and tetracyclines ("Doxycycline").

However, treatment with drugs from a number of tetracycline antibiotics has several disadvantages:

  1. The course of treatment for 1 week does not allow to achieve the desired result. According to studies, recurrence of the disease occurs in 15-20% of cases with this treatment regimen.
  2. Lengthening the time of taking the drugs up to 14 days is dangerous by the re-development of infection in 15% of cases.
  3. Treatment for 21 days avoids relapses, as there is an effect on 7 cycles of development of the infectious agent. However, such a long-term regimen is inconvenient for patients: there is often a violation in taking antibiotics. Skipping pills, the irregularity of their use can lead to the formation of resistance (resistance) of chlamydia to this drug. In addition, prolonged use of drugs can provoke the development of a fungal infection, as well as dysbacteriosis of the digestive tract. To prevent these complications, it is necessary to prescribe antifungal drugs (Nystatin, Levorin, Ketoconazole), as well as eubiotics (Linex).

Given the above disadvantages of antibiotics from the tetracycline group, the most convenient treatment is macrolides.

The drug "Azithromycin" ("Sumamed") has a particularly high efficiency.

The benefits of the drug « Azithromycin" :

  1. A convenient treatment regimen is a single dose of 1 g of Azithromycin.
  2. The effect of the drug lasts 10 days even after a single dose (this effect is created due to the half-life).
  3. A simple scheme ensures 100% compliance with the doctor's recommendations.
  4. "Azithromycin" is stored for a long time in the tissues affected by the inflammatory process.
  5. Low percentage of side effects.
  6. The antibiotic acts on intracellular pathogens due to the ability to accumulate inside cells (in particular, phagocytes). This is very important in the treatment of chlamydia, since chlamydia is completely dependent on the host cell.

Treatment of chronic chlamydia

The chronic form of the disease is much more difficult to treat effectively and is dangerous for the occurrence of relapses.

Preference is also given to antibiotics from the group of tetracyclines and macrolides.

The following treatment regimens are effective:

  1. Continuous reception of "Doxycycline" 200 mg 2 r / day for 28 days.
  2. The method of pulse therapy consists in 3-fold administration of tetracyclines for 10 days with a break of 7 days. This scheme allows you to influence resistant intracellular strains of bacteria, affecting all cycles of development.
  3. Reception "Azithromycin" 500 mg 2 times a day for 5 days (or 7 days with a long, often relapsing course of the disease).

Be sure to prescribe along with the use of etiotropic treatment:

  1. Eubiotics ("Lineks", "Bifiform")
  2. Anti-candidiasis drugs ("Nystatin", "Fluconazole").
  3. Immunomodulators ("Polyoxdonium", "Interferon-Alpha").


Prevention of chlamydia will help prevent:

  • use of barrier contraception;
  • refusal of promiscuity;
  • annual routine examination of sexually active people, incl. - with non-traditional orientation;
  • in case of complaints and suspicion of a disease - an immediate appeal to a venereologist;
  • refusal of intimate relationships during the treatment of chlamydia, otherwise you can infect your partner.

The consequences of chlamydial infection for men

In addition to pain in the affected organs and tissues, there are also long-term consequences:

  1. Chlamydial infection in 30% is the cause of male infertility.
  2. With a long course of the disease without proper treatment, the formation of chronic pelvic pain syndrome is possible.
  3. Chlamydia can cause erectile dysfunction (when the infection spreads to the prostate).

Chlamydial infection is very "insidious", since in most cases it is almost asymptomatic or "masked" in the form of banal cystitis and urethritis. However, the consequences of this disease can be extremely serious.

Lack of timely treatment of chlamydia can cause irreversible changes in reproductive function (development of infertility). For this reason, it is necessary to follow the principles of “protected” sexual intercourse, and if alarming symptoms occur, be sure to consult a doctor to prescribe a competent and effective treatment.

Useful articles

Explaining how to cure chlamydia with folk remedies, doctors warn patients that non-traditional methods of dealing with this disease will only help if they are combined with antibiotic therapy. Decoctions, infusions and tinctures from medicinal plants increase the therapeutic properties of drugs and strengthen the human immune system, making the process of treating chlamydial infection faster and more effective.

Folk recipes used in the fight against chlamydia are not without contraindications and, if used improperly, can harm the health of the patient. To achieve a positive result from them, they should be used after consultation with your doctor.

Uses of garlic

Traditional healers advise using garlic in the treatment of chlamydia in women. This product has a pronounced antibacterial effect against a wide range of pathogenic bacteria, including chlamydia.

To get rid of the infection, a woman should apply garlic topically in the form of an infusion for douching:

Douching with garlic infusion helps to suppress the activity of chlamydia in the female genital organs and stop the further spread of the disease throughout the body. This method of treating the infection is very effective, but it often causes local side effects in the form of vaginal itching, burning and irritation. If a woman has these symptoms after douching, she should stop further use of this method of treatment.

Calendula for douching

Vaginal douching for chlamydia women can be done using calendula tincture:

When used properly, calendula tincture rarely causes adverse reactions. Occasionally, against the background of its use, a woman may experience discomfort inside the vagina, which disappears after stopping treatment.

Wormwood Recipes

Wormwood is used in the treatment of sexually transmitted infections. In the fight against chlamydia, it can be used in many ways. For local treatment of infection, traditional healers recommend douching with wormwood infusion for women:

  1. For its preparation 1 tsp. dry grass pour 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. The remedy must be insisted for 1 hour and filtered.
  3. Before use, it is heated to body temperature (+ 36 ... + 37 ° C).
  4. Douching with wormwood infusion is carried out daily for 7 days.

This tool not only inhibits the activity of chlamydia, but also increases local immunity, thereby preventing the occurrence of recurrence of infection.

Treatment of chlamydia in men can also be carried out by applying mugwort. The stronger sex is recommended to use this herb inside at the first sign of infection. For treatment, dry and powdered wormwood should be taken:

If in the course of treatment the patient has problems with the use of dry wormwood inside, he can mix it with bread crumb. Women can also use this method of treating chlamydia, but in this case they will have to give up douching with infusion of herbs.


Representatives of traditional medicine use fresh flowers, leaves and stems of echinacea in the fight against chlamydial infection:

  1. 1 st. l. crushed vegetable raw materials are poured into 500 ml of boiling water and infused in a thermos for 10–12 hours.
  2. The finished medicine is filtered and drunk 150 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  3. Treatment continues for 14–21 days. If necessary, 10 days after completion of therapy, the treatment course is repeated again.

Ortilia lopsided

Alternative methods of treating chlamydia include the ingestion of an alcohol tincture of ortilia lopsided (upland uterus):

  1. The medicine is obtained by insisting for 10 days 100 g of grass in 500 ml of alcohol.
  2. The finished product is filtered and taken 25 drops 3 times a day, regardless of food intake.
  3. To completely get rid of chlamydia, you need to drink ortilia tincture from 3 to 12 months, arranging a week break every 30 days of treatment.

Blackberry buds

With chlamydia, treatment with folk remedies can be carried out by using tincture from the buds of the blackberry:

Multicomponent herbal preparations

Can chlamydia be cured with herbs? Experts give an affirmative answer to this question. An effective cure for chlamydia is a collection prepared from:

The listed ingredients must be crushed and mixed in one container. 100 g of vegetable collection is poured into a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. The remedy needs to be infused for about 10 hours, after which it is filtered and drunk between meals, 100 ml 4 times a day. The duration of the infusion should be agreed with the doctor.

For patients who have a chlamydial infection, experts advise using a herbal collection based on:

  • celandine;
  • hypericum;
  • yarrow;
  • wormwood seeds;
  • bird cherry fruits;
  • walnut leaves.

The ingredients are mixed in the same proportion and placed in a glass container. 2 tbsp. l. medicinal plants pour 500 ml of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 20 minutes. The finished broth is cooled at room temperature and filtered. It should be taken 1 hour before meals 5 times a day. At one time, you need to drink 100 ml of the drug.

An effective folk remedy for chlamydia is herbal tea from glandular burnet and St. John's wort. Plants are crushed and combined in equal parts. 1 tsp the resulting collection is poured with 200 ml of boiling water and insisted for a quarter of an hour. Drink this drink instead of tea 3 cups a day 1 hour before meals. To cure the infection, it should be taken for 2-3 months.

For a successful fight against chlamydia, herbal medicine offers medicinal tea based on chamomile, St. John's wort, immortelle and birch buds. All plants take 1 tsp. and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Tea is infused for 15 minutes, after which it is filtered and drunk 200-250 ml in the morning and evening. To improve the taste of the drink, you can add a little honey to it. To obtain a therapeutic effect, this remedy must be drunk for 1 month.

How to cure chlamydia with folk remedies

Chlamydia refers to diseases transmitted through the genital tract, has a predominantly chronic course and is caused by the pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis. Among sexually transmitted diseases, it has the highest prevalence and often leads to male and female infertility.

The causative agent of the disease can affect not only the genitourinary system, but also the eyes, joints, and internal organs. The development of serious complications requires the detection of pathology in the early stages and the implementation of complex therapy. Treatment of chlamydia with folk remedies can complement traditional methods and speed up recovery.

Chlamydia is the cause of serious diseases

Chlamydia have a special structure and specific adaptability in the human body. In structure, they resemble bacteria, and their life cycle is fully consistent with viruses. Once in the body, chlamydia attaches to epithelial cells and slowly penetrates the membrane.

After entering the cell, it is introduced into its genetic material and begins to actively multiply. At the end of the division period, the pathogen destroys the epithelial cell, enters the intercellular space, and the life cycle repeats.

In addition, the microorganism can rebuild the immune system and cause its aggression on its own tissues.

Causes of the disease and its clinical picture

The main cause of the disease is sexual contact with a sick person or carrier. Discharge from the genitals enters the mucous membrane of the vagina, rectum, mouth or eyes. From a sick mother, the infection can be transmitted to the child while moving through the birth canal, while the eyes, intestines and lungs are affected.

After infection, the incubation period lasts 2-4 weeks, during which the microorganism penetrates the epithelium and begins to actively divide. At the intracellular stage of the life cycle, it is poorly diagnosed and poorly treatable. During the period of entry into the intercellular space, the chances of identifying the pathogen and conducting effective therapy increase.

During the peak of the disease, weakness, fatigue, fever to subfebrile numbers occur. There are symptoms of inflammation of the urethra - burning, itching and soreness when urinating.

Male patients are diagnosed with:

  • mucous, cloudy discharge mainly in the morning;
  • admixture of blood in semen and urine;
  • pain during ejaculation and at the end of urination.

In female patients:

  • yellowish mucous discharge from the vagina with an unpleasant odor;
  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • increased pain during menzies;
  • violation of the cycle of menstruation.

Often the infection is asymptomatic and is detected at the stage of complications:

  • female and male infertility;
  • inability to bear a fetus;
  • chronic inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes;
  • damage to the ovaries and their appendages;
  • prostatitis;
  • Reiter's disease (pathology of the joints, organs of vision, urethra and cervix).

The risk of complications increases significantly with re-infection. Asymptomatic carriage can last for years and pose a risk of infection to sexual partners.

Recipes for alternative treatment for chlamydia

Alternative recipes for chlamydia should be used in combination with drug therapy under the close supervision of a gynecologist. They increase the effectiveness of traditional methods and cause a stable positive result.

Infusions and decoctions

The medicinal plant malise contains an oily substance in the composition of the fruit, which has bactericidal properties. A dessert spoon of crushed raw materials is steamed with 320 ml of boiling water and infused for an hour. Take the remedy one sip before a meal and at night. The recommended course of treatment is 12-14 days.

An infusion of parsley stems can improve blood flow in tissues and have an antibacterial effect. Finely chopped greens are taken in an amount of 45 grams and poured into half a liter of boiling water for 6-7 minutes. Then the broth is kept for at least a quarter of an hour, filtered and drunk 2 dessert spoons three times a day for 13 days.

To prepare the herbal collection, you need to take 20 grams of calamus root, wheatgrass, bergenia. Add 30 grams of elecampane root and licorice, 10 grams of rhizomes of aralia and pink radiola, 40 grams of red rowan fruits. The mixture is thoroughly ground and poured into a liter thermos. Raw materials are poured with boiling water, hermetically sealed and left overnight. The filtered solution is drunk during the day between meals, the anti-inflammatory course is designed for 15 days.

For another recipe, you need to take the fruits of bird cherry, wormwood seeds, yarrow grass, St. John's wort, celandine and dry walnut leaves. In half a liter of boiling water, 35 grams of the medicinal collection is poured and placed in a water bath. After 25 minutes, the broth is removed from the stove, cooled and filtered from the dry residue. They drink the drug on an empty stomach 4-5 times a day, to achieve a lasting effect, several weekly courses are carried out.

Burnet tea and St. John's wort improves the regeneration of affected tissues. For its preparation, the herb is mixed in equal parts, crushed and stored in a closed plastic bag. Before use, a dessert spoon of raw materials is brewed in a mug and taken several times a day until positive results appear.

Herbal tinctures

Black poplar buds are mixed with medical alcohol in a ratio of 1:9 in a glass container, hermetically sealed and stored in a shaded place for 25 days. The resulting product is filtered through a fine filter and taken 35 drops in a dessert spoon of water three times a day. The recommended course is 16-18 days.

A drug based on the hog uterus improves metabolic processes in the urinary organs and increases reproductive function. To prepare it, pour 120 grams of raw materials with a bottle of vodka and insist in a cold place for 20 days, shaking occasionally. Drink 30 drops three times a day with unsweetened tea. The duration of therapy is at least a month with several courses.

The fresh grass of the saxifrage femur, together with the rhizome, is thoroughly washed with water, finely chopped and poured with a bottle of vodka. The resulting remedy is kept for 12 days and taken in a tablespoon twice a day for a month. The tincture has an anti-inflammatory effect and effectively relieves pain.

Elsholtz seeds in the amount of 110 grams are poured into a liter bottle of vodka on the floor and infused for 21-26 days in a cool, shady place. Drink 25-35 drops with a small amount of unsweetened tea three times a day between meals. The recommended course of therapy is at least 18 days.

Douching and vaginal tampons for chlamydia

The crushed bark and roots of the blackthorn in the amount of 10 grams are poured into 330 ml of hot water and placed in a water bath. After a quarter of an hour, the drug is removed from the fire, filtered and water is added to the original volume. Apply once a week for baths, irrigation and douching.

Mistletoe fruits are taken in the amount of 25 grams, pour 350 ml of boiling water and stand for at least 22-28 minutes. The filtered solution, cooled to body temperature, is used for a single douching in weekly courses. The procedure must be carried out with caution, strictly observing the proportions, since the plant is poisonous. The use of mistletoe during pregnancy is not recommended.

A dessert spoon of finely chopped drupes is poured into 280 ml of water and boiled for 18 minutes. The decoction is infused for several hours, then filtered through three layers of gauze. Douche or irrigate the vagina at night every other day for two weeks.

Garlic-based oil is used for vaginal tampons, has a healing and bactericidal effect. 4-6 finely chopped garlic cloves are poured into 120 grams of vegetable oil. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, placed in a glass jar with a tightly closed lid and left in a cool place for 5 days. Cotton-gauze swabs are well saturated with the resulting product and placed in the vagina for 1.5-2 hours. Local treatment is carried out for 9-12 days.

To effectively get rid of chlamydia, it is necessary to conduct complex therapy for both sexual partners. During treatment procedures, you should refrain from sexual activity and undergo regular follow-up examinations with a specialized specialist.

Methods for the treatment of chlamydia folk remedies

Treatment of chlamydia with folk remedies should have an integrated approach and be carried out under the supervision of a urologist in men / gynecologist in women. It is impossible to cure the disease without taking medications that have the ability to quickly penetrate the cell membrane, and antibacterial drugs. Herbs for chlamydia can speed up the healing process, have an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the functioning of the urinary and reproductive systems, quickly relieve pain that occurs in the lower abdomen, etc.


The main ways of infection with chlamydia:

  • household - through contact with the things of the carrier of the disease (dishes, personal hygiene items);
  • sexual - during sexual contact with a partner;
  • from mother to child.

Symptoms of chlamydia in women:

  • a slight cough that does not create much discomfort;
  • vaginal discharge in women with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain and burning when urinating;
  • the development of concomitant pathologies, such as cystitis, urethritis, obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • hyperemia of the cervix.

Symptoms of chlamydia in men:

  • frequent urination,
  • dysuria,
  • cutting in the urethra,
  • drawing pains

In the case of infection with chlamydia during intercourse and properly treated in the early stages, the risk of any negative consequences and the development of complications is minimal. If proper treatment of pathology, prostatitis, inflammation of the epididymis and urethra, as well as erectile dysfunction in men is not carried out in a timely manner, complete infertility in women cannot be avoided.


Many doubt the effectiveness of the treatment of chlamydia with folk remedies. To prove the fact that herbs are no less effective than antibiotics and special drugs, let's give an example from practice: a woman with a chronic form of chlamydia applied to the phytocenter several years ago. Traditional antibiotic treatment brought her only temporary relief. Microorganisms began to live in a latent phase and, during the period of weakening of the body, again manifested themselves. The woman decided to try folk methods of treating chlamydia, which were based on taking tinctures, decoctions, healing compounds and helped strengthen the immune system. The course of herbal treatment for chronic chlamydia was 8 months (due to the neglect of the case), its results were impressive. The titers for chlamydia began to decrease after 1 month of taking phytopreparations; at the end of treatment, bacteria were not detected in the analyzes. Before and after treatment, the patient used the method of bioresonance diagnostics, which confirmed the effectiveness of the treatment of chlamydia with folk remedies.


This amazing umbrella plant is detrimental to chlamydia. For children, a decoction of it must be prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of herbs per 1 cup of boiling water, the contents are infused for 10-12 hours, after which it is taken 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. With the same decoction, you can wash your eyes, do douching.

Adults - the dosage should be increased (1-1 tablespoon of grass for the specified amount of water). But a more effective extract from the thigh. It is prepared only from fresh raw materials. This extract works on all areas of the body:

  • blood purification,
  • urinary system,
  • broncho-pulmonary.

Herbal treatment of the thigh during pregnancy planning plays a special role. When chlamydia is found in one of the partners in the study for STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), it is very dangerous for the fetus. If you treat the treatment of chlamydia without due responsibility, the fetus may freeze at an early stage. A decoction of the thigh is recommended for admission in this case to both partners at the same time against the background of a temporary cessation of sexual activity. Usually, the course of treatment takes 1 month.


Treatment of chlamydia with folk remedies cannot be imagined without such a procedure as douching. It is recommended to resort to it in combination with oral intake of medicinal decoctions based on herbs.

An extract from the western arborvitae is an effective anthelmintic, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial agent used for such diseases as:

  • gonorrhea, syphilis, urogenital infections - trichomonas colpitis, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, chlamydia, ascariasis;
  • cystitis, inflammation of the ovaries, benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • chronic prostatitis, inflammation of the epididymis, prostate adenoma;
  • kidney and liver stones;
  • pathology of the urinary system, - cystitis, cervical erosion, cervicitis;
  • gout, metabolic arteritis, osteochondrosis, muscle pain;
  • dropsy, uterine and intestinal bleeding;
  • bronchial asthma.

Herbal collection has the strongest immunostimulating and antiviral effect and normalizes the function of the adrenal glands. It is also effectively used in cosmetology for the removal of papillomas, warts, calluses, as well as for sycosis.

Method of preparation of the healing composition: dissolve 1 tsp of thuja extract in 200 ml of warm, boiled water, use for 1 douching procedure.


Alternative treatment of chlamydia notes the special role of some plants, using them correctly, you can minimize the most unpleasant symptoms even in the acute phase of chlamydia.

With the correct use of folk remedies for chlamydia, the effect is guaranteed. In the fight against pathology, it is equally important to follow simple rules of hygiene, monitor the quality of nutrition, give preference to a healthy lifestyle and protected sexual intercourse.

Chlamydia: treatment with folk remedies

Chlamydia is an infectious disease caused by chlamydia. The disease is transmitted sexually and is more common than other diseases that spread in the same way. If we turn to the statistics led by WHO, we can find that every year this disease is diagnosed in 100 million people. In total, the number of infected people is estimated at 1 billion people, and then according to the most conservative estimates, because not all sick people seek medical help before complications occur, since the symptoms of infection can either be completely absent or manifest slightly.

How infection occurs

The main point for the penetration of chlamydia is unprotected intercourse. However, this is not the only way to get infected. In addition to sexual transmission, chlamydia can enter the body when the following situations are present:

  • the passage of a child at the time of birth through the birth canal of a mother who is a carrier of chlamydia;
  • non-compliance with hygiene (using someone else's underwear, using a shared towel for the intimate area, etc.);
  • medical examination or intervention in conditions of non-compliance with sanitary standards.

Thus, you can get sick not only from an infected partner. Given this, it is impossible to completely dismiss the likelihood of developing chlamydia even in children and adolescents who have not begun to have sex.

Symptoms of chlamydia in women

Women are more susceptible to the disease. However, due to the insignificance of symptoms, they are not always paid attention to. The presence of the disease can be assumed if the following signs appear:

  • profuse thick, mucous discharge from the vagina;
  • purulent mucous discharge from the vagina;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • slight pain syndrome in the area of ​​​​the external genital organs;
  • burning in the intimate area;
  • itching in the intimate area;
  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • spotting between periods;
  • general weakness;
  • slight periodic increase in body temperature.

With all these manifestations or some of them, a visit to the doctor is required to determine the cause that caused them. In 95% of cases, chlamydia will be diagnosed to some extent.

Symptoms of chlamydia in men

In the event that a man is infected, the symptoms of the disease will appear as soon as possible. Usually, with chlamydia, the patient's complaints are caused by:

  • urethritis (inflammation of the urethra);
  • slight glassy discharge from the urethra;
  • itching when urinating;
  • burning sensation when urinating;
  • slight pain in the urethra;
  • minor back pain;
  • slight pain in the testicles;
  • slight pain in the scrotum;
  • cloudy urine;
  • the presence of pus in the urine;
  • slight bleeding after urination;
  • the presence of a small bleeding after ejaculation;
  • general weakness;
  • subferal temperature.

Due to the fact that the symptoms of the disease in the stronger sex appear earlier after infection, it is easier to diagnose chlamydia in them. In the presence of symptoms of the disease, treatment should be carried out as soon as possible, as this will prevent the development of complications.

Complications of chlamydia in women

Since the disease can cause serious complications, which in some cases are treated only promptly, you should get rid of it at the very beginning. The most common complications of chlamydia are:

  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • adhesions of the fallopian tubes;
  • Reiter's syndrome (also found in men) in which the genitourinary system, eyes and joints are involved in the inflammatory process;
  • tendency to ectopic pregnancies;
  • chlamydomonas peritonitis;
  • inflammation of the internal lining of the uterus;
  • inflammation of the cervical canal;
  • pregnancy complications;
  • miscarriages;
  • cervical cancer.

None of the complications of the disease can be called insignificant and not requiring attention. Given this, a woman should be extremely careful about her health.

Complication of chlamydia in men

The list of complications of the disease in men is somewhat smaller, but not a little safer. In most cases, men as a complication of chlamydia are fixed:

  • infertility;
  • impotence;
  • cystitis;
  • arthritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urinary tract deformity.

In addition, in the absence of timely treatment, the risk of developing cancer of the bladder, as well as the urinary canal, increases. In most cases, men postpone a visit to the doctor for as long as possible and therefore face much more difficult treatment, as well as serious, and sometimes irreversible complications. Because of this prospect of developing the disease, men should seek medical attention immediately after discovering symptoms of chlamydia.

Treatment of chlamydia folk remedies

If a disease is detected, traditional treatment should not be replaced by folk. Folk remedies can only be used as an additional therapy. This is due to the fact that chlamydia is very resistant to external influences and can be completely eliminated only with special medications. Alternative treatment is aimed only at accelerating recovery and general strengthening of the body, as well as removing certain manifestations of chlamydia.

Preventive measures against chlamydia

Since this disease is the most common among sexually transmitted diseases, you should know about ways to prevent infection with it. When it comes to the introduction of chlamydia in medical institutions due to non-compliance with the rules of disinfection, preventive measures are impossible. In other cases, it is quite possible to prevent infection to a person. The main measures to prevent the disease include:

  • refusal of casual sexual relations (partners for one night);
  • the use of a condom in case of uncertainty about the health of a partner;
  • use only their own intimate hygiene items;
  • use only personal underwear;
  • testing for sexually transmitted infections after unprotected sex with a non-permanent partner.

Such prevention is effective for both men and women. It allows you to minimize the risk of penetration into the body of chlamydia.

How to get rid of chlamydia with folk remedies?

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infectious disease that occurs when infected with chlamydia, mainly Chlamydia trachomatis. It is one of the most common diseases transmitted through sexual contact.

Causes of Chlamydia Infection

Human infection with chlamydia usually occurs through sexual contact. However, infection does not occur in all cases: chlamydia enters the body only in 1 case out of 4. It is worth noting that women are more susceptible to this pathology.

The incubation period of this disease is from 2 weeks to 1 month. The main routes of infection with chlamydia include:

  • Vaginal.
  • Anal intercourse.
  • Contact household - sauna, bath, personal hygiene items.

Symptoms of chlamydia

Chlamydia in men is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Vitreous discharge from the urethra in the morning after waking up. Often the first drop of urine can be very cloudy.
  • Feeling of itching and burning when urinating.
  • Some men may experience spotting at the end of urination or after intercourse during ejaculation.
  • General weakness, malaise, loss of appetite, drowsiness.
  • Slight increase in body temperature.

In women, this pathology has practically the same manifestations, with the exception of vaginal discharge, which is distinguished by an unpleasant odor or yellowish color.

Complications of the disease

In women, chlamydia can cause the development of inflammatory reactions in the fallopian tubes, and then in the abdominal cavity. Because of this, there is a risk of adhesions and overgrowth of the fallopian tubes, which lead to infertility.

In men, chlamydia can cause inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis), which later also makes it infertile.

Important: a pregnant woman with chlamydia is a source of the disease for the unborn child. Although chlamydia cannot cause birth defects in a child, it can damage many internal organs, including the intestines, lungs, joints, and eyeballs.

Treatment of the disease with medicines

Treatment of chlamydia is an order of magnitude more difficult than other bacterial diseases. These microorganisms are able to develop resistance (resistance) to drugs and hide from their effects.

However, chlamydia therapy must be carried out without fail, and the sooner the better. The course of treatment for chlamydia includes:

  • Antiprotozoal drugs - metronidazole (Trichopolum).
  • Immunity modulators (immunomodulators) - Panavir.
  • Multivitamin complexes - Aevit, Alvitil.
  • Normalization of lifestyle.
  • Diet - the exclusion of dairy products.
  • Phytopreparations - Gelmostop and Gelmostop-mini programs.
  • Refusal of sexual intercourse for the entire period of treatment.
  • Folk remedies.

Treatment of chlamydia folk remedies

Quite often, in addition to the massive course of therapy prescribed in the hospital, folk remedies help to cope with the disease. In the treatment of chlamydia, effective methods are:

  • Garlic in the form of an infusion or solution for douching.
  • Infusion of boron uterus.
  • Starvation.
  • Collections of medicinal herbs in various combinations.

Advice: since chlamydia can cause serious complications, including infertility, you should not rely only on traditional medicine. Be sure to seek qualified help from a doctor.


Garlic infusion. To prepare garlic tincture, you need to finely chop 4 cloves of garlic and pour them with a glass of boiling water, then leave them overnight. In the morning, the contents of the glass should be filtered several times through several layers of gauze. Take small doses 2 times a day, morning and evening

When lemon and honey are added to this infusion, its effectiveness increases significantly, including pathogens of echinococcosis that are susceptible to it.

Garlic solution for douching. The product is prepared as follows: 50 grams of crushed calendula flowers are poured into ½ liter of 70% medical alcohol, after which the mixture is infused in a dark place for at least two weeks. In this case, this mixture should be shaken periodically. After that, the resulting product must be carefully filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10.

This tool can also be used in the treatment of other pathologies, including Trichomonas.

upland uterus

Boron uterus is one of the most common folk remedies for the treatment of chlamydia in women, and not only. Based on the upland uterus, there are many old folk recipes for various diseases of the female reproductive system.

The preparation of the preparation based on the boron uterus is as follows. The most effective remedy is a vodka/alcohol/cognac tincture, in which 100 g of a dry plant per 0.5 liter of 40 O liquid must be infused in a dark place for at least 7–10 days. The mixture must be stirred regularly.

You need to use this folk remedy for ½ - 1 teaspoon or 25-30 drops 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment can range from 2-3 months to 1-4 years with interruptions.


A rather controversial decision, however, there are many reviews about the effectiveness of this method for chlamydia. Most of the patients in whom it has been effective are women. The fasting period averaged 30 to 40 days.

It is worth mentioning that the course of traditional treatment for chlamydia includes massive antibiotic therapy and a special diet with which hunger is incompatible. It is highly not recommended to use fasting on your own, without prior consultation with a specialist.

Advice: do not try to lose weight while treating chlamydia by fasting. Usually, after the restoration of nutrition, the body quickly restores its previous weight.

Collections of medicinal plants

Recipe #1. For it, you need to prepare the following ingredients in equal quantities:

  • Alder cones.
  • Chamomile flowers.
  • Grass succession.
  • Licorice roots.
  • Leuzea roots.
  • Kopeck root.

Next, you need to mix them all and grind, preferably with a coffee grinder. Two tablespoons of the resulting dry mixture should be poured into a thermos and pour boiling water, then let it brew overnight. You need to use ready-made infusion 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Recipe #2. To prepare the recipe, prepare equal amounts of the following herbal remedies in advance:

  • Thyme herb.
  • Hemorrhagic root.
  • Runaway wild rosemary.
  • Grass succession.
  • Leuzea root.
  • Birch buds.
  • Yarrow herb.

Just like in the previous recipe, you need to mix all the products and grind them thoroughly with a coffee grinder, after which pour two tablespoons of the resulting powder into a thermos and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water overnight. The scheme for using this infusion is similar - a third of a glass 3 times a day.

Recipe #3. In this recipe you need to take:

  • 1 part elecampane root.
  • 2 parts of the cinquefoil root.
  • 4 parts licorice root.
  • 2 parts coltsfoot leaves.
  • 2 parts marshmallow root.
  • 2 parts flax seeds.
  • 2 parts raspberry leaves.

Similarly to the above recipes, you need to grind this dry mixture and pour boiling water in a thermos, leave to infuse overnight. You need to use this remedy 2-3 times a day for half a glass a day.

Recipe #4. Prepare in advance:

  • 5 parts licorice root.
  • 4 pieces of herb succession.
  • 4 parts birch buds.
  • 3 parts skullcap root.
  • 3 parts hawthorn fruit.
  • 3 parts rose hips.
  • 3 parts rowan.
  • 2 parts chamomile flowers
  • 2 parts yarrow herb.

Similarly, after mixing them all, the resulting mixture must be ground in a coffee grinder and pour boiling water in a thermos. Leave to infuse overnight. The scheme for using this infusion is as follows: 3-4 times a day for 1/3 - 1/4 cup.

Recipe number 5. Take:

  • 2 parts calamus root.
  • 2 parts badan.
  • 2 parts peony evasive.
  • 4 parts licorice root.
  • 4 parts of red rowan fruits.
  • 4 parts of elecampane root.
  • 1 part radiola root.

Next, you need to mix all the ingredients, carefully grind them to a powder state using a coffee grinder. Two tablespoons of the resulting powder should be poured into a thermos and pour boiling water, then leave to infuse until morning. Dosage: 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Recipe #6. Prepare in advance:

  • 1 part dill fruit
  • 1 part cyanosis root.
  • 3 parts fireweed leaves.
  • 2 parts hop cones.
  • 2 parts calamus root.
  • 2 parts mint leaves.

After mixing all the components, they must be finely ground with a coffee grinder. Pour the resulting powder in the amount of 2 tablespoons into a thermos and pour boiling water over night. Ready tincture to use a third cup 3 times a day.

Chlamydia is a dangerous infectious disease, which is one of the most common pathologies transmitted through sexual contact. A characteristic feature is the disappearance of pathological manifestations, regardless of treatment (or lack thereof) after a few weeks. However, at the same time, complications begin to form that can lead to infertility and other serious diseases.

The course of treatment for a patient with chlamydia is quite extensive and includes massive antibiotic therapy, immunity stimulation, diet and saturation of the body with vitamins. Folk remedies can also be used, including garlic, boron uterus and phytocomplexes. It is worth remembering that it is dangerous to self-medicate, and it is doubtful to rely only on traditional medicine. For highly effective treatment, you need to contact a specialist.

How to cure chlamydia with folk remedies

Chlamydia is a common latent sexually transmitted disease that occurs in men, women, and even children. The causative agent of the disease are microorganisms called chlamydia, which are transmitted sexually or through contact with the mucous membranes of the carrier, as well as during the intrauterine development of the child if his mother is infected.

Complications of the disease

The most dangerous complication that can occur during the development of the disease is infertility, that's why It is extremely important to start treatment for chlamydia as soon as possible..

Antibiotic therapy prescribed by a doctor, is mandatory. It should be understood that the treatment of folk remedies for chlamydia in men and women will not completely cure the disease.

For this reason, if a patient has chlamydia in the body, treatment with folk remedies, although it turns out to be on the sidelines, is still able to support the main antibiotic therapy. Folk remedies for chlamydia can enhance the effect of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, as well as smooth out the severity of their side effects.

Treatment of chlamydia folk remedies should be carried out only after accurate diagnosis of the disease. Like a number of other microbiological diseases, chlamydia infection can not manifest itself for a long time and proceed hidden. In some cases, the disease can also affect the mouth, joints, and eyes. Getting rid of chlamydia should be one of the top priorities.

How to treat chlamydia folk remedies

Treatment of chlamydia in women with folk remedies, as well as in men and children, is permissible only with the permission and recommendation of a doctor. Prior to developing a treatment plan and receiving specific instructions, a number of treatment and preventive measures can be taken that facilitate the final cure:

  1. Need to change your diet. You should diversify your diet with plenty of greens, such as asparagus, parsley, celery, and so on. Also useful in the presence of chlamydia are foods such as honey, nuts, eggs and seafood.
  2. Need to boost immunity. This will help hardening and the use of products and non-drugs aimed at strengthening immunity and increasing the tone of the endocrine and autonomic systems.

It will not be superfluous to turn to phytotherapy. It has been proven that the complex treatment of chlamydia becomes more effective when combined with the use of a variety of teas, tinctures and decoctions of medicinal herbs. In general, extracts of medicinal plants produce a beneficial effect on the state of the immune system, helping it fight any viruses.

Specific Recipes

So how to cure chlamydia with folk remedies? Studying articles on this issue, we see that the treatment of chlamydia with folk remedies has conflicting reviews, since each case is unique, and people are subject to many superstitions.

However, from a large number of proposed recipes There are several main, proven and most effective:

  1. Infusion of garlic. As you know, garlic has a powerful antibacterial and antiviral effect. Crushed garlic cloves are poured with a small amount of water, and the resulting slurry is infused, after which it is filtered after a few hours, and then used for douching.
  2. Black poplar bud tincture. Black poplar buds and medical alcohol are taken in a ratio of 1 to 10. After placing the kidneys in alcohol, the container with the tincture is removed in a dark place for about 3 weeks. After this period, the finished substance is carefully filtered, and ready-made drops are consumed 30 pieces per meal.
  3. Medical fee. To do this, you can buy a ready-made medical collection at a pharmacy or a store with a herbal medicine department. After that, in the calculation of 1 cup of the collection per 2 liters of boiling water, the herbs are brewed in a thermos and infused for up to 10 hours. After that, the liquid is filtered and consumed in small portions, no more than 150 milliliters, in between meals.

The use of decoctions, infusions, tinctures and teas from medicinal herbs is a good help in antibiotic therapy, especially when there is no money to treat chlamydia with expensive drugs.

However, it is important to remember that any self-medication is permissible only with the permission of the doctor and in no way can replace the classical drug therapy prescribed by the doctor.

Many people are concerned about the question, is it possible to treat chlamydia at home? Or is it not worth wasting time and effort on this process, which will not bring results? Do not rush to conclusions that are hasty and categorical. In the fight against the disease, all means are good. Moreover, the recipes of healers include many effective and proven by past experience means. Correctly combining medicinal herbs and medicines, you can quickly and easily overcome pathological processes.

While fighting a disease such as chlamydia, you should not lose sight of some of the features of the treatment process. For both men and women, the use of traditional medicine alone will not bring the desired result in treatment. This is due to the characteristics of microorganisms that provoke the development of the disease process. It is recommended to combine the treatment of chlamydia with folk remedies and drug treatment prescribed by specialists from medical institutions. It is important to understand that traditional medicine should be auxiliary, not basic.

In addition, it is important to take into account the fact that a person is a carrier of the disease without realizing it. This is due to the fact that for a long period of time the disease process is asymptomatic.

Also, for a long time, chlamydia did not cause a serious attitude to itself, since all its manifestations passed by themselves. However, this disease is able to move to other human organs and cause a number of complications, turning into a chronic form of leakage. One of these is infertility, which occurs in both women and men.

Disease control methods used

You can treat chlamydia with traditional medicine using two main methods that occur. The fight against the disease is carried out in the following areas:

be careful

Among women: pain and inflammation of the ovaries. Fibroma, myoma, fibrocystic mastopathy, inflammation of the adrenal glands, bladder and kidneys develop. As well as heart disease and cancer.

  1. Strengthening the human immune system.
  2. Local application of traditional medicine.

In order to strengthen the immune system, infusions, decoctions and teas are used.

The arsenal of topical products includes douching, baths and irrigation, involving the use of medicinal plants.

Herbal decoctions for local use

In order to overcome chlamydia in men and women through topical application, baths, irrigation and douching are used in traditional medicine. For these methods, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used. At the current time, the following plants are used for decoctions:

  • Teren;
  • calendula;
  • thigh.

In order to prepare a decoction of the thigh, a person will need to pour 1 tablespoon of the dried plant into 400 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 50 minutes. This decoction is used for chlamydia baths and douching.

In order to prepare a thorn decoction for the treatment of chlamydia in men and women, it is necessary to take the bark and roots of this medicinal plant, grind 10 g, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Next, the poured turn is boiled for 15 minutes. The fire must be weak. After the plant is boiled, the volumes of the broth are supplemented to the original with the help of boiled water. This tool is used for baths, irrigation and douching.

A decoction of parsley is also an effective home remedy for chlamydia. To prepare it, take two large spoons of chopped parsley stems and flower umbrellas, pour 500 ml of water into the plant, put on fire. The mixture should be brought to a boil and boiled for 5-10 minutes. After that, the broth is removed from the heat, insist 30 minutes. After the specified time, the broth is filtered and divided into 4 parts. The remedy is taken 4 times a day, drinking 1 part of 4 each time. The course of treatment is 10 days. During this time, a new decoction must be made daily.

Caragana maned - a plant that will help women overcome chlamydia with the help of traditional medicine. A decoction of caragana is prepared as follows. 1 tablespoon of vegetable raw materials is poured into 250 ml of very hot water. Next, the resulting composition is cooked in a water bath for at least 30 minutes. After the medicine is filtered and douching is carried out with the resulting decoction twice a day for a month.

Herbal tinctures

In the fight against chlamydia, not only decoctions are suitable for both men and women, but also infusions from medicinal plants, which are easy to prepare at home.

A good remedy against this disease is an alcohol infusion of Elsgoltia. To prepare it, you need 1 dessert spoon of the plant, crushed into powder, and 240 ml of boiling water. Elsgoltia is poured with boiling water and left for 20 minutes, covering the container with a lid. The resulting remedy is taken four times a day immediately before the start of a meal, 1 large spoonful. The duration of the course of treatment with this infusion is determined individually.

Folk remedies for chlamydia include calendula tincture. In order to prepare it, you need to grind 50 g of pre-dried calendula flowers and pour them with alcohol. For this traditional medicine, 0.5 liters of alcohol will be required. The tincture is left in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking it occasionally. After this time, the resulting agent is filtered and used for medical procedures, diluted with boiled water that has cooled to body temperature in a ratio of 1:10.

For women, douching with beetroot juice can also help. For this procedure, you will need the juice of one medium-sized beet root. It is worth diluting beetroot juice with warm boiled water by 1/3. Douching is done twice a day. For each procedure, half of the prepared beet juice is used. The course of treatment is at least two weeks.

Douching and tampons for the vagina

In addition to the recipes for decoctions and infusions for douching described above, women can use vaginal tampons to treat chlamydia using traditional medicine.

From whom:

For the last few years I have felt very bad. Constant fatigue, insomnia, some kind of apathy, laziness, frequent headaches. I also had problems with digestion, bad breath in the morning.

And here is my story

All this began to accumulate and I realized that I was moving in some wrong direction. I began to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, but this did not affect my well-being. The doctors couldn't say much either. It seems like everything is normal, but I feel that my body is not healthy.

A couple of weeks later, I came across an article on the Internet. literally changed my life. I did everything as it is written there and after a few days, I felt significant improvements in my body. I began to get enough sleep much faster, the energy that I had in my youth appeared. The head no longer hurts, there was clarity in the mind, the brain began to work much better. Digestion has improved, despite the fact that I now eat haphazardly. I passed the tests and made sure that no one else lives in me!

A fairly effective way to combat the disease is a combination of douching with herbal decoction and using a vaginal tampon, which is placed all day. To impregnate the tampon, a part of the medicine prepared for douching is used.

Preventive measures with the help of traditional medicine

Prevention of a disease such as chlamydia is not fundamentally different from other sexually transmitted infections. However, the prevention of chlamydia should be given special attention due to the wide spread of the disease and its asymptomatic course.

The best way to prevent the disease is to change the way you conduct a sexual life. In order to protect yourself from infections transmitted during sexual intercourse, it is worth abandoning casual relationships, being more selective in choosing partners and using condoms in case of uncertainty about the health of a partner.

It goes without saying that the ideal would be to remain faithful to one partner. With such sexual behavior, the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections is minimized.

The ratio of official medicine to traditional medicine

Doctors insist that the use of traditional medicine in the treatment of chlamydia should be used as an aid to increase the effectiveness of drug treatment prescribed by a specialist. Doctors also emphasize that when using methods such as douching, care should be taken. This is due to the fact that this procedure helps to wash out the microflora from the vagina, which protects the mucous membrane of the genital organs. And this, in turn, contributes to the penetration of infections, bacteria and viruses into the body, which cause the development of many diseases.


Traditional medicine can be used to treat chlamydia, combining them with drug therapy for the disease. Today, many medicinal plants are used for medicinal purposes in chlamydia. Among them are the following:

  • parsley;
  • thigh;
  • maned caragana;
  • elsholtz and others.

When using tinctures and decoctions from medicinal plants for douching, baths and irrigation, as well as for oral administration, care should be taken not to reduce the protective properties of the body. Doctors also advise adhering to the rules of a reasonable sex life and using drugs to strengthen the body's immune system in order to prevent sexually transmitted infections, including chlamydia.


Treatment of chlamydia folk remedies

Be careful about your diet during treatment. Add basil, celery, parsley and other all kinds of greens to your food. Remember about food seasonings - cumin, anise, cloves, mint, thyme and saffron.


Best Foods for Chlamydia Patients m: medicinal asparagus, nuts, seafood, eggs, honey. Regularly use medicinal plants that raise immunity, activate metabolism, tonic the autonomic and endocrine systems: ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, eleutherococcus and echinacea.


Folk remedies for chlamydia:

  • to increase general immunity - teas and decoctions, alcohol and water infusions;
  • for local treatment - douching, irrigation and baths with the use of medicinal plants.

Excellent drugs from the list of folk remedies that inhibit the reproduction of viruses in the body are tinctures, extracts and decoctions of herbs. They are prepared on the basis of one or more plants.


Recipes for chlamydia

  • Kopeck root, licorice root, aralia root, leuzea root, alder cones, string grass, chamomile flowers - strove.
  • Thyme grass, burnet root, wild rosemary shoots, string grass, leuzea root, birch nights, yarrow grass - equally.
  • Primrose root - 1 part, lungwort grass - 1 part, violet grass - 1 part, mullein flowers - 1 part, plantain leaf - 2 parts, succession grass - 3 parts, raspberry leaf - 3 parts, birch leaf - 1 part, nettle leaf - 1 part, dill fruits - 1 part, meadowsweet flowers - 2 parts, rose hips - 3 parts.
  • Flax seeds - 2 parts, coltsfoot leaf - 2 parts, elecampane root - 1 part, marshmallow root - 2 parts, aralia root - 1 part, licorice root - 4 parts, couch grass root - 2 parts, cinquefoil root - 2 parts, raspberry leaf - 2 parts.
  • Chlamydia is also treated: Scutellaria root - 3 parts, licorice root - 5 parts, rhubarb root - 3 parts, Chernogolovka grass - 2 parts, succession grass - 4 parts, birch nights - 4 parts, yarrow grass - 2 parts, chamomile flowers - 2 parts, hawthorn fruits - 3 parts, rowan fruits - 3 parts, rose hips - 3 parts.
  • Badan root - 2 parts, calamus root - 2 parts, licorice root - 4 parts, aralia root - 1 part, elecampane root - 3 parts, evasive peony root - 2 parts, Rhodiola rosea root - 1 part, couch grass root - 2 parts, fruits of mountain ash red - 4 parts.
  • Mix, after grinding, two parts of yarrow herb and cuff, medicinal sage leaves, corn stigmas. Add to the resulting mixture 4 parts of birch buds, 3 parts of calamus root and calendula flowers.
  • Mix everything and pour two cups of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Accept by? a glass of infusion before meals three times a day. The course of treatment is calculated for 2-4 weeks. In no case should you sweeten the medicinal infusion!
  • Very effective against chlamydia infusion of fresh herbs echinacea. Pour a tablespoon of the crushed plant in a thermos for 10 hours half a liter of boiling water.
  • We drink three times a day half an hour before meals, 150 ml. infusion 2-3 weeks in a row. After a 10-day break, if necessary, repeat the course.
  • After grinding, mix one tablespoon of birch buds, immortelle flowers, St. John's wort and chamomile. Pour a liter of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes and drink instead of tea in the morning and before bed.
  • If desired, add one tablespoon of honey. The duration of treatment is 30 days.
  • Remember also about the purely "female" grass - the uterus of the upland. Pour half a liter of vodka one hundred grams of finely chopped grass and leave to infuse for 10 days in a dark place, sometimes shake.
  • We drink three times a day, 25-30 drops, regardless of the meal. Please note: you need to be treated with this herb for a long time - from 3 months to a year (with a week break after each monthly treatment). But you will achieve a complete cure for chlamydia.
  • Helps treatment for chlamydia and Elsgoltia grass (popularly malise). The seeds and fruits of the plant contain fatty oils, which include acids valuable for the human body. Elsholtzia has a strong bactericidal property. Infusion. 1 des.l. dry grass pour 200 ml of boiling water, incubated for 20 minutes. and drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day for 20 min. before meals, and the 4th time - at bedtime. Tincture. 5 tbsp seeds pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 3 weeks, drink 20 drops before meals.
  • From chlamydia, drink a decoction of flowering parsley stems: 2 tbsp. l. Boil chopped stems for 5 minutes. in 0.5 l of water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and drink 4 times a day. To be treated for 10 days in addition to the main treatment.
  • 2 tbsp. l. pre-ground (in a coffee grinder or meat grinder) collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist overnight in a thermos. Take during the day 100-150 ml 30 minutes before meals. To improve the taste, you can add honey, sugar, jam. The course of treatment is 3-4 months. Herbal preparations can be used in combination with other medicines. Improvement in herbal medicine occurs after 2-3 weeks of regular intake of herbs, however, a lasting effect can be achieved only in the case of long-term and regular use.

Treatment of chlamydia at home should include traditional treatment drugs and traditional medicine recipes, because it is complex therapy that leads to a faster recovery. It is considered mandatory, because chlamydia is a fairly common pathology that can cause infertility in men and women. has the ability to affect not only the organs of the genitourinary system, but also the eyes, joints and other internal organs.

Having penetrated into the body, chlamydia begin to multiply intensively. Their peculiarity is that bacteria are endowed with the ability to disrupt the functioning of the immune system and form its aggression towards its own tissues.

The most important transmission mechanism is sexual contact with a person who is sick or is a carrier. However, the transmission of the pathogen can also occur by the transplacental route - from a sick mother to an infant. The eyes, lungs and intestines are affected.

The incubation period of the pathological condition lasts 2 to 4 weeks. During the peak of the disease, the patient has a feeling of weakness and fatigue, the body temperature rises to subfebrile levels. Of the local symptoms, there will be burning, itching and pain during the act of urination.

This stage in men is accompanied by:

  • secretions of a mucous nature, which will appear in the morning;
  • the appearance of an admixture of blood in the urine;
  • pain during ejaculation.

Representatives of the weak half of humanity will experience the following symptoms:

  • discharge from the vagina of an unpleasant odor and a yellowish color;
  • pulling pain that is localized in the lower abdomen;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle.

Quite often, chlamydia occurs without the presence of any pathological symptoms, it is detected already at the stage of formation of complications:

  • infertility in men and women;
  • miscarriages;
  • inflammatory processes of the ovaries and fallopian tubes;
  • prostatitis;
  • Reiter's disease, which affects the joints and eyes.

Please note: the risk of complications increases in case of re-infection.

Folk source recipes

Treatment of chlamydia with folk remedies must necessarily be combined with traditional therapy under the supervision of a doctor. Such therapy improves the effectiveness of traditional treatment and contributes to the stability of the effect.

Tools that have proven to be effective:

  1. Malise infusion. This medicinal plant contains in the composition of its fruits a large amount of an oily substance, which is endowed with bactericidal properties. It is necessary to fill in 1 tbsp. l. raw materials one and a half cups of boiling water and leave for one hour. It is recommended to take this infusion in a sip before dinner. The course of such treatment should last 2 weeks.
  2. Infusion made from parsley. This traditional recipe has the ability to improve blood circulation in tissues, kill microbes. For cooking, it is necessary to finely chop the greens and pour 500 ml of boiling water over it, insist for 15 minutes. Drink 2 dessert spoons three times a day. It is recommended to be treated in this way for 13 days.
  3. Medical fee. Very effective, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare this remedy, you need to take 20 g of rhizomes of calamus, wheatgrass and bergenia and 40 g of red rowan berries. All ingredients must be thoroughly ground and pour boiling water (1 liter). The resulting mixture is left overnight, then filtered and drunk during the day, between meals. The effect of the use of this tool is observed after 15 days.
  4. Tea made from burnet and St. John's wort. This tool has the ability to restore damaged tissue. For cooking, you will need the herb of these plants in equal quantities. Drink this tea throughout the day, until the condition improves.

Alcohol infusions for the treatment of chlamydia

The most effective and most commonly used are:

  1. Infusion of black poplar buds. It is recommended to mix the ingredient with alcohol in a ratio of one to nine, close the container and leave in a dark place for 25 days. This medicine must be filtered and taken 35 drops diluted in water three times a day. The course of therapy is 20 days.
  2. Infusion from the womb uterus. It is necessary to pour 120 g of raw materials with half a liter of vodka and leave in a dark place for 20 days. It is recommended to take this remedy 30 drops three times a day. The course of such treatment should last a month, after a break it can be repeated again.
  3. Elsgoltia infusion. 110 g of seeds of this plant should be poured with a liter of vodka and left to infuse for 21-26 days in a cool and protected from sunlight place. It is advised to take these medicines in 25 - 35 drops with unsweetened tea. The treatment course is 18 days.

Douches and vaginal tampons

Women quite often use douching with decoctions prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs and vaginal tampons for the treatment of chlamydia. The most popular is the treatment of folk remedies using:

  1. A decoction of the bark and roots of blackthorn. You need to take 10 g of the substance and pour it with 330 ml of boiling water, put it in a water bath for 15 minutes. You can use this decoction for douching, baths and irrigation.
  2. Infusion from mistletoe fruits. It is necessary to pour 25 g of fruits into 350 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for half an hour. Apply for douching for 7 days, after a week you can repeat. Please note: using this method, you need to be very careful and careful (you must clearly adhere to all proportions), because this plant is poisonous. It is forbidden to use this effective infusion during the period of bearing a child.
  3. Decoction of drupes. It is necessary to take a dessert spoon of raw materials and pour 280 ml of boiling water and boil for 20 minutes. After that, leave this broth for 1 hour, strain. Use for douching or irrigation for 14 days.
  4. Vaginal tampons with garlic oil. These tampons have wound healing and bactericidal action. For cooking, you need to have 120 g of vegetable oil and 4-6 chopped garlic cloves. Mix the ingredients thoroughly in a glass container, close the lid and leave for 5 days. After that, a cotton-gauze swab is dipped into the resulting oil and placed in the vagina for 1.5–2 hours. It takes 9-12 days to be treated with this method.

The condition for effectively getting rid of chlamydia with folk remedies and traditional therapy is the simultaneous treatment of both partners. During the course of therapy, sexual intercourse should be avoided. In no case should you self-medicate, as this can lead to a complication of the condition.