How beautiful it is to wish your loved one good night. Beautiful good night wishes to your beloved boyfriend, man, husband in your own words

Beautiful good night wishes for a man in your own words

Everyone has their own understanding of happiness. But for me, happiness is not wealth, not expensive jewelry, not luxurious palaces. The main thing for me is to fall asleep and wake up next to you. I hope you will make me happy soon, but for now, good night, dear.

Darling! Thank you for being with me, for our meetings filled with love and romance. But night and distance separate us. But even if you are far away, I still feel your soul close to mine. Go to bed quickly. Personally, my eyes are already sticking together. But just don’t forget to close the curtains tightly. Today is not a cloudy night. The moon and stars will definitely look into your window and think about plans to kidnap such a wonderful guy. But you know that I'm jealous. Let your sleep be calm, like our love, as cloudless as tonight, and no one can disturb you. Unless I can wake you up early in the morning with best wishes for a new day. I'm looking forward to hearing from you again. Good night!

I dream that the time will soon come when I will fall asleep in your arms. In the meantime, enjoy your night dreams, in which our feelings are so beautiful. Have a nice rest, honey.

You are my joy, my madness and happiness. I am eternally grateful to fate for the fact that such a bright ray appeared in my life and healed my wounded heart. Thank you for making me happy. Now I would like to be next to you, hug you, kiss you. Good night, I love you and miss you.

Sleep sweetly, my fluffy, sweet kitten! May this night give you hundreds of fabulous and interesting dreams. Let your crib be a big ship that will take you to a fairyland where dreams come true.

My dear, my angel! I wish you sweet and fabulous dreams, may the dream bring a smile to your lips, and give you magical sensations, and in the morning, when you remember it, it will give you pleasant emotions. Let your body completely immerse itself in sweet sleep, let your arms and legs rest, and let you sleep peacefully until the morning. Until the sun strokes you with its rays and welcomes you to a new day. Let your pillow turn into a weightless, tender cloud, which will be softer than a feather, and let the blanket wrap you up like my gentle embrace, and not a single extraneous sound will disturb your sweet sleep. I want to be present in your dream and wander with you hand in hand along the endless alley of love, where our tenderness would never end. Dream more in your sleep, beloved, and these beautiful nights will give you the opportunity to realize your dreams in life. I love you, my dear. Good night.

My beloved, I wish you good night. May you have wonderful dreams and imagine cherished dreams, may your sleep be strong and comfortable, may the night give you a lot of ideas and confident strength for a successful and eventful day.

Wishing good night to your beloved man in your own words

Night is coming, and I wish you to dissolve in it until the morning and, like a movie, watch beautiful colorful dreams. In these dreams, my love, I want to be in the main role, just like in your life.

Sleep, my cat, sweetly, sweetly, I will come to you on the sly, kiss you sweetly, lie down next to you and, forgetting about the night’s sleep, we will love you with body and soul until the morning: I love you very much, my heart beats only for you! You are the best!

My beloved, good night! Let all the bad things go away with this night, all ill-wishers and envious people, all griefs and mistakes! Tomorrow will be a new day and it will be the beginning of a new life, which will bring a lot of good news, successful deeds and pleasant acquaintances! I love you very much and am with you in my thoughts every minute! Kiss!

Minutes pass and night approaches. This terrible night of loneliness, because you are unbearably hundreds of kilometers away from me. Don’t be afraid, because it will fly by, and tomorrow I will come and be next to you. Now close your eyes and quickly immerse yourself in the fairy-tale world of Morpheus, where the hours will fly by unnoticed. Sweet dreams to you and see you tomorrow, my beloved man!

My beloved, I really want to be close to you now, to cuddle close to you, hug you, feel your breath and fall asleep together! Good night, my love!

Good and gentle night to you! I will walk nearby in the moonlight, enjoying the touch of your eyelids. I will quietly come down to you at night like a star to barely perceptibly kiss you, my beloved, without disturbing your sleep!

Good night dear, let sleep come like a breath of wind, quietly sit by the bed like a moth on a flower: unobtrusively take you captive. Sleep quietly, and let the gentle angels wave their large fans, which will drive away worries and fears.

It's evening outside. Narcissistic stars twinkle in the dark sky. Everything around calms down and gets ready for bed. The crazy rhythm of the day is gradually forgotten, it’s time to rest. You and I broke up literally half an hour ago, and I already miss you, my beloved. What a pity that our separation will last the whole night. I so want to cuddle up to you, my affectionate one. But for now this is impossible, and therefore I wish you, my dear, good night and sweet dreams. May a good angel protect your night peace.

I want to be close. I understand that this is impossible, but nothing prevents me from wanting it. I will be next to you very, very soon. Close your eyes. I'll dream about you. Just don't send me away. I dream of being the best dream for you…. Good night sweety.

I'm not tired of quarrels. I know that everything will be forgotten when there is reality between us. Everything will be fine with us, I assure you! But you need to believe in this no less than I do. Sleep, beloved, we need to forget all the bad things. Good night, my dear.

Love you. I don't call so as not to wake you up. I don’t write so as not to disturb. You're an angel. I dream that all your angelic dreams come true. Go to sleep to enjoy them and wait for their implementation. Sweet dreams, kitten.

My wonderful angel, when I admire the night sky, I whisper, mentally, words about love. I am sure that my whisper will be heard by your heart. I love you, I wish you sweet dreams.

I want to see you close your beautiful eyes. I promise that I won’t disturb your sleep when it creeps up on you. Vice versa…. I am ready to do everything to prevent him from disappearing, afraid of the moonlight. Have a good night, my joy!

When the night covers the city, and the stars illuminate the whole sky with light... When my soul does not sleep... I think of you. It makes me happy to think about you. Because you are the most desired and most loved. Without you I will simply be lost. You won’t let me perish, will you, my sunny? May you have only good dreams!

I feel so sad and bored when you are not with me. Let's overcome the distances, forget the partings... I will do anything for you. And you help implement what I am building for us.

Darling, good night. I would give anything to sleep next to you. I know how unrealistic it is now, but I won’t stop dreaming about it. I'll open my eyes - you're next to me. And it’s okay that I met all this in my dreams. The main thing is that you are near, my dear.

Good night, my beloved.
Catch the moonlit smile.
And let the stars twinkle strongly,
Still, rest easy.

Darling, good night! I want sleep to take you to itself as soon as you cover yourself with the blanket. Go to bed quickly, dreams are waiting for you!

It's time to enter the world of sleep, dear. Go to bed, cover yourself with a blanket, wait a little and you will disappear for a while. Good night!

Beloved, I really want to sleep and I wish you to quickly succumb to the night and slumber! Tomorrow morning I will find out what you dreamed. Good night I'm going to sleep!

Hare, night has come, it's time to go to the hole and sleep! What if we live at night, but we dream about everything that happens during the day? We'll discuss it tomorrow, good night!

Let's go to sleep, maybe the night will give you some practical advice or you will be able to solve the problem in a dream! In any case, the morning is wiser than the evening! Good night, my beloved!

Dear, it seems to me that a dream is akin to the Internet: I lay down for a minute, woke up, and it’s already morning. It’s the same with the Internet: you log in for a couple of minutes, look at the time, and an hour has already passed. True, there is one main difference: sleep is useful :) I wish you to combine business with pleasure as soon as possible! Good night!

They say that dreams provide answers to many questions, so don’t worry, get some sleep and in the morning we’ll solve everything with a fresh mind. I assure you, everything will be fine! Good night, darling!

I so want to fall asleep in your arms, feel your strong arms, hear your velvety voice... I fall asleep thinking about you. Good night!

My dear friend, I can chat with you endlessly, but the night does not spare me and my eyes close.. Let's continue our most interesting conversation tomorrow, and today.. Good night!

I could chat with you all night, but the night mercilessly forces us to go to bed! Have a good night's sleep, my cat! Good night!

Beloved, gentle little man,
I wish you this evening:
Good night sweet dreams,
Count all the elephants for you,
To sleep free from thoughts,
May you have an excellent dream.

Good night dear!
I love you so much, dear.
I wish you sweet dreams,
And may love protect you!

I miss you so much
I want to hug you!
Kitten, remember me
When you go to bed!

Close your eyes sweetly,
Quickly, darling, go to sleep,
May you have dreams
Where are we together - me and you!
Where love lives for us,
Where the wind sings for us,
Where will heaven come for us?
Get to sleep quickly!

Good night, my sunshine, my joy! I wish you dreams as sweet as honey, warm as hot sand, beautiful as flower petals and sunny as the morning dawn. 1000 passionate kisses!

I send an airship filled with magical dreams to the sweetest, kindest, most positive bear! And as an additional bonus, a loving, passionate kiss is hidden in the mysterious chest with pleasant dreams.

A white, fluffy cloud of sleep will fall into your bed and fly away to the land of eternal love. We will drink nectar from flowers, walk along green lawns, listen to birdsong. The sea of ​​love will take us into its arms and will not let us go until dawn.

Tonight, I know I will dream about you again. Your eyes, your gentle hands and smile. And I want you to dream about me this night. After all, it’s great to meet not only in reality, but also in a dream. Good night, my beloved, sweet dreams to you, with my participation!

Honey, I miss you so much. I want to be next to you, not only during the day, but also at night. So let's dream about each other. Go to sleep, my beloved, and in your dreams we will meet again. And maybe in a dream we will build the world that we cannot build in reality. Good night my dear, sweet dreams!

Good night! Let me dream about you. Yes, maybe I’m selfish, but it’s so nice not to part even in a dream. Because I love you, and I know that you love me. And this means that we should always be together, even if we sleep in different beds. Good night honey.

My dear, I wish you sweet dreams! May the night give you a sound sleep, so that in the morning you have enough strength for all my whims and tricks. I love you, I miss you. It's so hard for me to fall asleep without you. And I know that you can't sleep either. Let's fall asleep together, even though this city separates us.

I’ll tell you without keeping silent - I always want “this”! I want it on my nightstand and on the couch! Squatting and upside down! And in the cold and summer heat, when the rain pours overhead! And even if it’s very late, I want... to say “Good night!”

I’m waiting for your tender, sweet kiss, I want to hug you soon. I love you very, very much, go to bed quickly, kitten! Sweet dreams!

Sparkling in the sky like fire,
A star fell on the palm of your hand,
To wish you without words
Good night sweet dreams!

You're not here, I miss you,
Silent night closes my eyes,
Sleep sweetly and dream in my dreams,
I will also fall asleep and dream about you!

Night and silence will come,
When you fall asleep peacefully
My soul will come to you
And kiss you tenderly...

Go to bed, stop making me think about you! Good night! ;) Fluffy dreams!!!

Sorry if I woke you up, I can’t sleep - I’m thinking about you... I really want to see you, just feel that you are nearby... I love you!

The sweetest and fluffiest, kindest, warmest, cleanest and most beautiful, wonderful, playful! Super fashionable, interesting, modern and famous!
With a cool beat, with a cool bass, if you want - even with beer, or with the smell of flowers! In general, super-duper dreams!

I'll run the finger of my right hand across my cheek,
I’ll run my nails along your back...
I want to kiss you endlessly.
Well, is it possible to sleep with such thoughts?

Let Your blanket be warmer than my hands...
Let Your pillow be softer than my lips...
Let Your dreams be brighter than my eyes...
I'm running, I'm running to hit them now!

There are many words that I want to say to you, there are many excuses to kiss you, but the most important thing is not nearby... you are not nearby! Good night, I'm thinking about you!

The day came to an end, the sun had long disappeared behind the horizon, all the birds fell silent. Everything around is getting ready for bed. The thoughts of lovers at such a time are always occupied with each other. I’m tempted to write something tender, affectionate and pleasant to my boyfriend before bed, to remind him of his feelings, to wish him wonderful dreams. Write good night wishes to your beloved! It is impossible to overestimate the small, seemingly harmless pleasures that we can give to our family and friends. Even if the text is simple but sincere, it will give a person strength for a new day and give him the desire to live. Sometimes it is enough just to say the words “Good night” in a letter (SMS or email), it is not necessary to rhyme something. And he will already feel your care and love. You can apply a little imagination and the text will become original and unforgettable.

If you want to create a truly unforgettable message, then think about what to write in your wish. Prose for a guy can be of a different nature - serious, romantic, passionate, touching, funny, and strict... The most important thing in this matter is not to overdo it, everything should be in moderation. You can add your shared memories to your message. Especially if you have known each other for a long time. But the message should not contain aggression or other unpleasant feelings. It is best to invest positivity and good mood for the next day. If you are completely busy and have no time to come up with ideas, then you can say just a few words to the person. But the ones that mean a lot to you and him. If you have a common favorite song, order it on the radio in the evening order program. Craftswomen can create something with their own hands.

Prose for a guy

My most desirable and beloved man, I wish you a good and affectionate night. The soft bed is already beckoning you into its warm embrace, inviting you into the world of dreams and daydreams. Let a light cloud of sweet dreams pick you up and take you to a magical land of sweetness and relaxation. This night my imagination will become your abode, and you will definitely feel the powerful impulse of my love and sensuality.

The night has completely covered the noisy city and plunged us into silence. Close your eyes, my dear, and rest a little. Put off all plans and dreams for tomorrow, and go to bed right now and sleep soundly. Now, as always, I whisper in your ear that I love you very much.

My beloved, dear! It’s evening outside the windows again, and I keep looking at the oval of the pale moon in the night sky above me. You can’t even imagine, I envy her - she can admire you all night and how sweetly you sleep! I am far from you...Today we were separated by kilometers and circumstances. But I really hope that on this quiet starry night you will dream of me, and at least in a dream we will be happy next to each other.
Good night!

Good night, my beautiful one. All my thoughts are only about you. You never leave my heart for a minute. I love and appreciate you to death. Come to me in my dreams. May your dreams be as sweet as you are. I kiss you warmly.

My beloved, I wish you good night! Nothing will darken your healthy and sound sleep until dawn. All noise on the street will subside and only the music of the heavenly spheres will fill your blessed sleep. Your delightful body will bask on this beautiful bed and you will see wonderful dreams. My boundless love will protect your sweet slumber, driving away fatigue and filling you with strength.

My beloved, go to sleep and flip through your colorful dreams, like the alphabet in pictures, where there are color photographs. Choose the page where the moon shines brightly and a wonderful dance dances hand in hand with a star. And other stars are together, they sing live songs. This is a dream and it is like a fairy tale. There is only happiness and goodness in it. Sleep very sweetly kitten, good night and love.

Good night dear, thank you for today, you made me very happy today, I am the happiest, and it’s all thanks to you. You are a very good man, I am glad that I met you. You are my support, you are the one I have been looking for for so long. Thank you for being here.

Beautiful words are what you want to please your loved one with. Lovers are sentimental, and that's wonderful.

Those who deny romance crave it in their souls. Loneliness makes a person callous, but once you show tenderness, your heart melts.

And so, yesterday’s skeptic and cynic is looking on the Internet for beautiful wishes for his loved one.

Previously, only men were inclined to deny such manifestations of feelings, believing that it was inappropriate for a brutal man to burst into sweet speeches.

Today, feminism has taken over, women are also not eager to demonstrate feelings or write poetry.

Just as a hundred years ago, so today, love can change everything in a person. A high and beautiful feeling, the strongest.

Only lovers can wander the streets for hours, fooling around. Love changes everything. And now, I already want to find the most beautiful good night wish for my beloved man.

Short beautiful SMS to a guy at a distance

A man in love will be happy to read lines from his beloved girl, especially if he is at a great distance from her.

Separation strengthens feelings, makes them sharper, and meeting more desirable.

10 best SMS to your loved one while apart:

  1. "I love. I miss. I am waiting. I don't have tea. I pray. I'm spinning. I don't fall asleep. I want to hug you now. Say: Seryozha, I love you.”
  2. “I want to come to you, my boy.”
  3. “Catch my hugs! I miss you".
  4. "I love. I miss. You’re dreaming.”
  5. “I have already planned the day of our meeting. You'll like it".
  6. “I don’t stop thinking about you.”
  7. “I miss your hands. I want to be close."
  8. “That’s it, I can’t take it anymore! When will you arrive? I miss you beyond belief.”
  9. “Today I thought I saw you on the street. I was happy, and then upset. You're far away".
  10. “I’m lying naked under the blanket. Do you want to come to me?

Erotic wishes in your own words

Sex is part of a relationship. Today, sin is getting younger, and sexual relations appear already in adolescence.

There is nothing wrong with this; physiology is designed in such a way that girls are already ready for this at the age of 13-14.

The average age of first sexual intercourse is 16.5 years. Centuries ago, girls were married off at the age of 13 so that they would not have time to lose their virginity through stupidity. This is how parents protected their daughters from shame.

Age is just a convention. The sexual aspect is a significant part of a love relationship.

Consider good night wishes with sexual overtones. Subtle hints of obscenity will definitely please your lover.

Erotic SMS to your beloved:

  • “I’m getting ready for our meeting. What kind of underwear do you like: red or black?
  • “I covered myself with a blanket, but I can’t get warm. Last time it was hot with you. I want to repeat it."
  • “I miss your hands, your lips, your chest, your tummy. And I miss it below too.”
  • “My favorite toy is you. Want you. Time to play".
  • “I want to kiss all night.”

Funny poems for husband

“A beloved man is just a man. And a husband is a dear, close being.” Such a stereotype destroys the erotic component of relationships.

The husband should remain a loved one, and not turn into a relative. Leave this for your old age together.

Make each other happy more often, give them a reason to fall in love with you again. Surprise. Women think that it is the man who should make romantic gestures.

Not true: both should meet each other halfway in this regard. Take the first step, show that you are open and ready for tenderness.

Poems for husband:

  • “I’ll wait for you from work.
    Sorry, today is not Saturday.
    A surprise awaits you at home:
    I will fulfill your whim."
  • "My beloved hubby,
    On this sunny day
    I remind you:
    I'm a wife and I miss you.
    Come home quickly
    I’m sad alone now.”
  • “My man is the most glorious.
    In the house you are the boss.
    You disappear at work
    And you don’t notice at all:
    I have been your wife for a long time.
    I need your affection.
    Hugs, kisses,
    Giving back to no one.
    I'm waiting for you to come home soon,
    It will be hot for you and me."
  • “My dear, only, desired,
    I decided to spend my life with you,
    You are gentle, kind, very passionate,
    You and I have created a happy family.
    You are the best friend, you are an inspiration, a miracle,
    You are my protector, you are my support and wall,
    And without you my world would be empty,
    How much I love you my dear.
    It's so good that we met you,
    It’s as if you and I have become whole,
    I am glad that I am called my beloved wife,
    That you fulfilled all desires and dreams!

Tender good night wishes in prose

Let's consider romantic wishes for good dreams for your beloved man.

Choose to your taste, complement, modify, and create romance. Long live love!

  • “Today I especially miss you. You are so sweet when you snore next to me. And I feel so calm with you. I love. I love. I love".
  • “At night the feelings become sharper. I would give anything right now to see you. I miss you so much."
  • "Good night. May you dream of Tom and Jerry."
  • “Stop sitting at the computer. Get some sleep. I’m already getting ready: I’ll be in your dreams today.”
  • “Today is a thing of the past, and tomorrow has not yet arrived. Borderline state, night is a magical time. You should be there every night. I miss you so much".
  • “When you are not with me, all sorts of terrible thoughts come into my head. And you protect me from them. Let's always sleep together. Even if we break up. Even if we find others. We will still come and go to bed in the same bed. How do you like the idea?
  • “Good, sweet, glorious dreams to you. I promise not to be naughty without you.”
  • "Get some sleep. And I will lie down. Maybe we'll even meet in a dream. I will kiss you to death when we meet. Good night".
  • “According to statistics, people die more often at night than during the day. Good night".
  • “The bed is empty without you. We are too far away from each other. Good night, sweetie. I will miss both of you."
  • “Who came up with the idea of ​​sleeping apart? I want to receive a certificate and a guarantee that from this moment until the end of your life you will fall asleep next to me every night.”
  • "I want to you. And I want you. I wish you sweet dreams."
  • "Night. Street. Flashlight. Pharmacy. Date, wedding, mortgage. But I love you as before. Pharmacy. Street. Flashlight. Oh, okay, I’ll say it briefly: I love you. Good night".
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My dear! Thank you for today, your smile and the happiness you give me. It's a pity that distance separates us now. I would so like to kiss and hug you. Well, I can only say warm words to you. Although, everything that I feel for you is very difficult to express in words. Darling, I want to wish you sweet and wonderful dreams, so that you fall asleep quickly and gain strength the next day. Get a good night's sleep, because tomorrow you and I still have a lot of work, meetings, and events ahead of us. I look forward to seeing you and forgetting about sadness and loneliness, looking into your eyes. Let the darkness of the night only cover you with a blanket of warmth and fabulous dreams, and give you its sweetness. Good night to you! Kiss!

The sun has long gone below the horizon, and it’s time for my little ray of light to go to bed too. I know that you are very tired today, so I want to tell you to quickly go to bed and forget about your troubles. Just give yourself over to sleep and have a good rest. And in the morning, when you open your eyes, the sun will wake up, it will definitely warm you with its rays and give you the necessary strength for the next day, fill you with energy and joy, so that you can also give good to other people. You know, today I want to wish you fabulous dreams. It is clear that for an adult man this is simply ridiculous, but still, deep down you need to remain a child. Let our dreams be our secret. I wish you the most beautiful dreams, sweet dreams. Good night honey!

My dear! Today was a very difficult day, but it was brightened by our evening meeting. Here I sit at home and keep thinking about you. You are always standing before my eyes. I want to put my great love into this wish for my beloved boyfriend. Thank you for giving me your joy and smile. I wish you to fall asleep quickly, to see only pleasant dreams, so that you can easily hide from problems with your warm blanket, and they will not bother you. But don’t just plunge into the world of desires, but when you wake up every morning, look out the window and smile at a new day in which you can easily realize everything you dream about. Tomorrow will give you many opportunities to change your life. Be just as open and cheerful.

A dark, impenetrable night has already covered everyone. But sitting at home, I’m not the least bit scared alone. After all, I know that I am talking to my beloved on the phone, and even after kilometers your bright smile shines for me. I wish you to plunge headlong into this dream, lie down on the wings of fantasy and fly away to other countries on different continents. May your journey be pleasant. And I fall asleep and remember you. I ask the Guardian Angels to protect your sleep so that nothing will harm it. I want you to wake up full of energy and vitality for a new day and great achievements. You are a great fellow, but don’t forget that it is very important to have a good rest. Wish you good night! I will wait until you wake me up with your call and words: “Good morning.”

Darling! Thank you for being with me, for our meetings filled with love and romance. But night and distance separate us. But even if you are far away, I still feel your soul close to mine. Go to bed quickly. Personally, my eyes are already sticking together. But just don’t forget to close the curtains tightly. Today is not a cloudy night. The moon and stars will definitely look into your window and think about plans to kidnap such a wonderful guy. But you know that I'm jealous. Let your sleep be calm, like our love, as cloudless as tonight, and no one can disturb you. Unless I can wake you up early in the morning with best wishes for a new day. I'm looking forward to hearing from you again. Good night!

It is very difficult for me to fall asleep alone. I remember our meetings, your hugs, tender kisses. I miss you. Now I'm sad alone. So I just want to hear your voice, wish you good night. Look at the moon now. I look at her too and want to see your look. Now I already know that you are close. Now you need to sleep peacefully. Let's dream together. Just picture us in your head in 10 years or even in old age. It’s hard for me to imagine myself without a friend like you. Dear, I wish you peaceful dreams today and restoration of strength for tomorrow’s working day. Let the quiet wind outside the window sing you a lullaby, and I will convey to him my words of love. Sleep well!

As soon as you lie down in bed and close your eyes, you immediately fall into a deep sleep. Therefore, dear, get off your page on the Internet, because you can sit like this for many more hours. Sleep is much better for you. You are very tired today. I wish you the most vivid and unforgettable dreams, but at the same time peaceful and calm. Wake up in the morning cheerful, filled with strength, energy, new ideas for great achievements. Let laziness leave you tomorrow morning and don’t stop you from making all your dreams come true. I’m sure that the stars in the sky are waiting for you to fall asleep and the moon will send dim shadows to your wallpaper so that your dreams are good and you don’t feel so lonely. Go to sleep quickly, my dear! I love you and kiss you!

My beloved, go to sleep. I have already prepared the best dream for you, in which I will come to you. He will be very amazing and unlike the others. It will be filled with oceans of happiness, thousands of sweet kisses, the sun will shine brightly in it and fill us with its rays. Then there will be a lot of fruits and sweets, a sea pier, warm sand and clear water. We will sunbathe and dream for a long time. And later in the evening we’ll go boating, you’ll take your fishing rods and I’ll help you. And when the month ends, you suddenly hear the phone ringing. It will be me saying good morning. Have you already imagined all this? So, quickly fall asleep and you will definitely dream about it. Good night!

The moon looks at the earth with its yellow eyes. Little stars light up the sky. This means that the night is all around, the tired day has already passed. You and I are far away, but we will be together in our dreams and dreams. I want to wish you a good and relaxing holiday. Look at the stars. They know all our secrets and innermost dreams. That's the only reason they smile at night. How beautiful they are. Your eyes shine the same way every time I see you. And now, I remember your look and try to fall asleep as soon as possible. Wish you sweet dreams. Let you dream the fairy tale you want, where you and I walk together under the night sky. Close your eyes, relax and fall asleep, fly on the wings of the night. More positivity and smiles for you tomorrow! Good night! Love you!

Today is already ending. The sun set, and with it all the events of that day went into the past. Imagine that you are about to be carried away somewhere, cover yourself with a blanket and get ready for an unforgettable journey. There will be a lot of bright emotions and goodness in it. The night has prepared the necessary rest for you. She understands everyone. After all, when she reigns, all people share with her the most important things. Someone is sad, and she listens to them. Someone is very tired, and she gives him a magical rest and unforgettable dreams, helps a person regain strength and relax. Give yourself over to the night now. She will carry you away and give you happiness. Then you will remember your dreams all day long and rejoice at every event. Good night!

Good night greetings to your beloved: