How cancer is treated in China. Treatment of bowel cancer in Chinese hospitals

Oncology studies the causes, mechanisms of development, clinical picture of tumors and develops methods for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. Along with such recognized leaders in this area as Germany and Israel, in recent years China has taken a leading position in the fight against terrible diseases. The success of cancer treatment in China lies in the combination of the ancient knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine with advances in cytology, genetics, biochemistry, surgery, radiology and other scientific and practical disciplines.

Basic principles of cancer treatment in China

Every year, 8,000,000 people in the world face a difficult test, which not everyone can cope with. This is a malignant tumor. Among the causes of cancer development, Western medicine identifies the following factors:

  • physical (excess ultraviolet radiation, radiation);
  • chemical (carcinogenic food, industrial waste);
  • microbiological (viruses, bacteria);
  • psychosomatic (chronic stress, unwillingness to live);
  • genetic (heredity, mutations);
  • pathophysiological (failure in the immune system, diseases of internal organs);
  • bad habits (smoking, drinking).

It is absolutely obvious that if the disease is so polyetiological, then the main cause is not clear. In China, for many centuries, they were looking for the root cause of diseases and often found it in the metaphysical field, gradually developing the principles of the correct psychoenergetic interaction of consciousness with the body, surrounding people and the Universe as a whole. Today, the postulates of cancer treatment in China have been confirmed by advanced science, and they are as follows:

  • cancer can be cured at any stage,
  • The skill of the doctor and the techniques used are decisive,
  • the fight should be directed at the cause, and not at the effects and symptoms,
  • strengthening and healing the whole body is the key to success,
  • for seriously ill patients, a combination of innovations and experience of healers is especially recommended,
  • Tumor treatment is carried out continuously, alternating with rehabilitation courses.

The result of oncology treatment in China: an integrative approach to getting rid of a malignant tumor leads to the fact that patients with advanced forms of cancer are cured and begin to live a full life after 2-3 years.

Thanks to the state funding program in China, a very large number of oncology clinics have been built and equipped with modern equipment that meet the highest international standards. Active research and testing of the latest means of combating tumors have become a priority in Chinese medical science.

Surgical measures to get rid of tumors are harmoniously combined with conservative ones. Optimization of internal Qi energy helps strengthen the immune system, which plays a decisive role in the destruction of cancer cells.

Citizens of the CIS and other countries in their reviews of cancer treatment in China quite often note that restoring the energy balance leads to a decrease in the severity of the pathology. The fact is that the endocrine system, connected to the energy centers of the body, triggers a mechanism for activating metabolism and improves the functioning of organs and other systems. In addition, proper circulation of vital energy means good blood circulation and prevention of molecular mutations.

Cancer treatment in China is accompanied by the use of herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies. The consequence is the prevention of the toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

The role of innovative surgery in China in the treatment of oncology

The most common surgical interventions in the Middle Kingdom are divided into radical, palliative and transplantation. The cost of resection of the kidneys, intestines, stomach, lungs, and mammary glands surprises foreigners with its democratic nature. The medications used, disposable consumables, instruments, equipment are not inferior to the best Western clinics. The skill of Chinese doctors in the treatment of tumors is constantly being improved on the basis of leading surgical centers in Europe and the USA.

For malignant brain lesions, the famous Gamma Knife. It refers to stereotactic surgery, which does not require incisions or opening of the skull.

The essence of the method is the precise impact of radiation on the pathological area. A bloodless knife does not affect healthy tissue, but concentrates light beams at one point. When the tumor is located in hard-to-reach areas of the body, and there are vital organs nearby that cannot be touched (for example, the pituitary gland), the indications for the use of Gamma Knife in cancer treatment in China are expanding.

Therapy costs are one third lower than for conventional surgery. Treatment takes 1 day, hospitalization is not required. The method is well tolerated, has no age restrictions, and does not carry the risk of infection.

Has even more benefits in cancer treatment in China radiosurgical system Cyberknife. In cases where tumors are considered inoperable by conventional surgery, this method allows them to be removed from any part of the body, even if they move with breathing. The operation can be performed either non-invasively or invasively. The universalism of Cyber ​​Knife in relation to Gamma Knife also manifests itself in relation to metastases.

One beam of megavolt photons from a Cyber ​​Knife is 4 times more powerful than several irradiating beams from a Gamma Knife. But the most appropriate treatment option will be determined by the attending physician, based on the individual characteristics of the particular patient. Some will be shown the Gamma Knife; This often happens with very small brain tumors.

Oncology in China - hopes will be justified!

In order for tumor treatment in China to be timely and successful, the entire range of high-precision diagnostic techniques is used: positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography, contrast radiography, ultrasound, all types of biopsies, as well as laboratory tests done in conditions of unique technological equipment.

China is considered a world leader in the use of non-invasive ultrasound devices for the treatment of benign and malignant tumors. Digital installation for HiFu therapy locally heats tissue, destroying cancer cells without side effects (unlike radiation and chemotherapy). The procedure time depends on the size of the tumor and the presence of metastases and averages four hours. HiFu therapy in China is three times cheaper than in Europe and the CIS. No other country in the world has such detailed studies and long-term clinical trials of the method as in China.

Chinese medicine: an approach to the treatment of malignant tumors

Even in ancient times, cancer treatment was described in traditional treatises.
Chinese medicine. In Chinese medicine, healing effects
aimed at pathology, psyche and lifestyle changes
person. This fully applies to cancer treatment.

Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of civilization with history,
going back thousands of years. Her theory about the structure of man and the Universe
still remains a mystery to modern research methods.

Hence, ideas about cancer treatment seem unusual to patients.

The human body and the tumor are essentially opposite to each other. IN
normal condition in the absence of diseases in the human body in
In general, Yang energy predominates. In case of a malignant tumor, the balance is in
the body shifts to Yin.

This leads to a number of changes in the body. As for the psyche, then
By nature, healthy people are characterized by a kind, calm, cheerful disposition and
even mood. At the same time, people with cancer
often prone to angry, aggressive behavior, unbalanced
psyche and depression.

A healthy body is warm. The hands and feet of healthy people are warm, but in patients with
oncology, cold sensations predominate (cold hands and feet,

When can a tumor develop?

A malignant tumor is a source of foreign life in the body.
The alien develops under the condition of constant feeding from the outside
“malignant energies”, feeding on corresponding negative external
and internal energies.

For example, an incorrect psycho-emotional state - fear, depression, anger - creates a favorable environment for the development of a tumor.

It is also important to control external factors. Lifestyle, habits,
nutrition, injuries and chronic diseases, climate, ecology, severe
working conditions. Negative factors mutually enhance the impact -
accumulate power. The main differences in the properties of a healthy body
human and malignant tumor are reflected in the table:

Prevention of the development of malignant tumors involves
maintaining a kind and cheerful character, warm limbs, refusal
bad habits, maintaining a sleep schedule (the most valuable period for sleep
23 - 3 hours) and food (breakfast from 7 to 9, dinner until 20 light

Principles of treatment

Traditional Chinese Medicine emphasizes healing
the patient, not the disease. TCM treatments do not cause harm or
have side effects. Their goal is to achieve normal homeostasis
(constancy of the internal environment) and functional activity of the body,
rather than directly killing tumor cells.

The Chinese medicine doctor first tries to relieve the patient's negative
mental background, that is, fear, depression, anger. Contribute
the formation of a life-affirming, even, calm, and better yet, cheerful
mood based on confidence in treatment - shortens treatment time.

When the internal environment (homeostasis) is normalized, the conditions of existence
become less suitable for the tumor. Strengthening Yang energy
“elimination of cold water”, normalization of the functions of vital organs
in combination leads to a decrease in the energy (viability) of the tumor
without harm to the body.


Acupuncture normalizes the Yin-Yang balance between paired meridians
organs where the tumor is localized Strengthen vital functions
important meridians and organs, reduce tumor energy, improve overall

At the same time, the Chinese medicine doctor monitors the dynamics of appetite and sleep,
general condition, warmth in the extremities and a decrease in the influence of the tumor.

True, acupuncture cannot be used for severe cachexia.
(exhaustion), fear of acupuncture (fear harms the kidneys), abundant
sweating or lack of appetite.

In this case, the doctor may use other treatment methods
(warming, herbal medicine). When warmed up, stimulation occurs
organ functions by adding energy, increasing levels
immunity and improvement of general well-being.

Research into the geography of cancer has led scientists to certain conclusions. In particular, it has been revealed that some types of cancer are predominantly common among residents of so-called civilized countries. In backward regions, people suffer from them much less often. Among these oncological diseases is intestinal cancer or colorectal cancer, as it is called in medical terminology. Probably, the reason for the large-scale spread of intestinal cancer in the USA, Canada, Europe and Australia should be sought in the lifestyle characteristics of the population of these countries. At the same time, there may be a chance to find means to combat this disease in corners of the world not covered by civilization.

Colon cancer is one of the dangerous diseases with an aggressive course. Localization of colorectal malignant tumors is the mucous membranes of the colon (large intestine) and rectum (rectum). Due to the pathogenesis of the disease, bleeding may occur or the intestines may be completely blocked.

Statistically, both sexes are equally likely to be affected by bowel cancer. Most often, cases of this type of cancer are diagnosed among the older age category (after 50 years).

Diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer directly depend on the high qualifications of oncologists, as well as on the availability of modern medical equipment. Based on this, it is natural that now many foreign patients with this diagnosis choose their place of treatment China. This country is one of the world's largest producers of innovative medical equipment. At the same time, the qualifications and experience of Chinese oncologists are highly valued throughout the world.

Organization bowel cancer treatment in China The company “NewMed Center” has been working for foreign patients for several years in a row. Our specialists provide full customer support, starting with assistance in obtaining a visa, consultations on choosing clinics in China, other purely medical issues, and ending with solving everyday problems associated with living abroad.

Etiology of intestinal cancer, clinical forms of the disease

Of course, today it is not possible to definitively indicate a number of causes and factors causing this disease. In the vast majority of cases, colon cancer occurs and develops spontaneously. However, many years of research have revealed certain cause-and-effect relationships that can be considered biased. Thus, the likelihood of developing bowel cancer increases:

  • Diet with an abundance of fatty meat products;
  • History of familial adenomatous polyposis and other hereditary intestinal diseases;
  • History of inflammatory bowel disease (primarily Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis).

Colorectal cancer can occur in several different forms, each characterized by certain symptoms. The following clinical forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • Anemic(develops as a result of impaired absorption of folic acid by the intestines or autoimmune processes);
  • Stenotic(due to stenosis of the colon, bloating, constipation, and periodic pain may initially appear; later, acute intestinal obstruction);
  • Enterocolitis(as a result of fermentation processes above the narrowing of the intestine, stool liquefies, causing diarrhea, which sometimes alternates with constipation);
  • Dyspeptic(similar to symptoms of gastric pathology: belching, nausea, bloating);
  • Tumor(painless tumor, clearly noticeable upon palpation);
  • Pseudo-inflammatory(similar in symptoms to adnexitis or acute appendicitis, often accompanied by elevated temperature, pain, and the presence of an inflammatory infiltrate);
  • Painful(not very intense pain in the peritoneum);
  • Cystitis(manifestation of symptoms of dysuria, that is, frequent urination, blood in the urine, pain);

Often, the above forms of the disease do not manifest themselves independently, but in combination. However, there are cases when neither form is present, and the only sign of a pathological process in the intestines is mucus and blood in the stool.

Priority methods for diagnosing colon cancer in China

Since the range of symptoms of this disease is quite wide, the importance of clinical diagnosis is very great. IN medical centers in China The following methods are used to diagnose colorectal cancer:

  • Rectal examination (checking the anus for tumors or lumps by touch);
  • Sigmoidoscopy (examination of the lower intestine over 20-25 cm using a flexible tube with a visualizer);
  • Spectral colonoscopy (examination of the walls of the entire intestine using a flexible tube with a visualizer, if necessary, taking a biopsy);
  • X-ray examination using a barium enema;
  • Ultrasound and CT (to detect the spread of the pathological process throughout the body).

Treatment of colon cancer in China: classical methods and innovations

As is the case with many other types of malignant tumors, the most effective treatment for colorectal cancer is surgery. The method of its implementation and the scale depend on the location and stage of development of the disease. Recently in clinics in China The practice of laparoscopic operations, which are performed through small punctures in the abdomen, is common. After removal of the tumor-affected area of ​​the intestine, postoperative courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy are usually carried out to completely destroy cancer cells in the body.

Innovation in the field cancer treatment in China, including colon cancer, is the so-called immunotherapy. Antibodies are isolated from the patient's tumor cells and then cloned. The monoclonal antibodies are then reinjected into the tumor, where they begin to destroy cancer cells.

IN treatment of bowel cancer in China The use of phytotherapeutic drugs, as well as other traditional Chinese medicine, is also important. They often play a big role in the overall strengthening of the body, as well as relieving the symptoms of the disease and the consequences of chemotherapy.

Modern Chinese oncology clinics combine the latest world standards of treatment and methods of traditional oriental medicine. In addition, in the People's Republic of China there is a state program for the development and financing of cancer care for the population. Thanks to this fact, the country is actively conducting research and testing of new means of combating cancer.

How is oncology treatment carried out in China?

Cancer treatment in China includes a complex of surgical and conservative measures to influence malignant neoplasms. Chinese oncologists adhere to the following principles in cancer treatment:

Video: The patient underwent cancer treatment in a Chinese clinic

  1. The oncological process is curable at every stage of the disease.
  2. Medicinal effects on the body are aimed not only at combating mutated cells, but also at increasing general immunity (maintaining internal energy “Qi”).

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From the point of view of oriental medicine, increasing vital energy contributes to:

  • Reducing the severity of oncological pathology in the body;
  • Prevention of molecular mutations and tumor formation;
  • Improving the functioning of the endocrine system and activating the body's metabolic processes.

Oncology treatment in China accompanied by the use of herbal remedies (herbal decoctions). Therapy with homeopathic remedies is aimed at creating specific protection for internal organs and systems, as well as preventing the toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy on the body.

Diagnostic methods in Chinese clinics and their costs

Diagnosis of cancer begins with a consultation and preliminary examination of the patient. An initial appointment with an oncologist costs $40-150. The next stage of medical care is the appointment of additional methods for determining malignant processes:

  • Laboratory blood testing for the presence of specific cancer markers ($30-60);
  • Ultrasound examination of organs and body systems ($50);
  • Sonography – ultrasound of joints ($50);
  • Radiography is a method of determining the boundaries of a tumor using x-rays ($60-80);
  • CT scan. It consists of layer-by-layer X-ray images that allow you to clarify the localization of a malignant neoplasm ($100);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging, which diagnoses pathological processes in the brain and spinal cord ($300-400);
  • Positron emission tomography. The method is based on determining the level of metabolic processes in the body ($1150);
  • Biopsy is a medical procedure for intravital removal of a section of damaged tissue for laboratory testing of the cellular composition of a tumor ($100);
  • Thermometry is a way to diagnose cancer cells by measuring the temperature of specific areas of the body ($80).

Cancer treatment in China: prices

The most common method of treating oncological processes is surgery (malignant neoplasm). Modern Chinese surgery includes radical and palliative interventions, as well as transplantation operations.

The cost of general surgical treatment (resection of the mammary glands, stomach, intestines, lungs, kidneys) is $2,000-20,000.

The use of Gamma Knife in the treatment of malignant brain lesions will cost patients $5,000. An alternative method of influencing cancer cells in the body using x-ray radiation is the “cyberknife” system ($8,000-$15,000).

Among the traditional means of combating cancer are chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The approximate cost of a course of chemotherapy is $1500-3000. The price of spot simulation for radiation therapy is $500.

Therapy in China has one important specific feature: it is based on the cultural and historical experience of an entire people, and therefore is distinguished by some unique techniques that are not practiced in other countries. Although it can be said that now European methods of treatment prevail over the subtleties of the Chinese approach.

Among non-invasive methods of cancer treatment, HiFu therapy is actively practiced in China. This method is officially recognized as no less effective than invasive treatment methods. Essentially, HiFu therapy is ultrasound radiation that intensively affects the area of ​​the body affected by a malignant tumor, while sparing the areas adjacent to it.

Most clinics in China also use radiation and chemotherapy “according to the European standard.” True, it costs much more. But it should be noted that this is still a more familiar and proven method. A patient who goes to China for cancer treatment has a choice of which method to choose - invasive or non-invasive.

Also, the complex of therapy in oncology clinics in China often includes such an exotic list of services for a European, such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, qigong and meditation. All these practices come from ancient times and Chinese traditions, successfully intertwined with the latest European technologies. This is a good option for those patients who have firmly decided that they do not want to make do with traditional medicine alone.

The Chinese treat even the last stages of cancer using herbs and special practices, but they do not reject surgical methods. In China, they are very careful about preserving the immunity of patients suffering from cancer. Since radiation and chemotherapy greatly undermine the body’s immune resource, Chinese specialists spend a lot of effort to ensure that the body continues to fight in the most difficult situation and that immunity can be completely restored over time.

Depending on the treatment method chosen by the patient, its cost is determined, which will be noticeably lower than in the USA or Israel. Doctors announce the cost of the full course of treatment only after the diagnosis has been confirmed and the degree and stage of tumor development in the human body at the moment has been identified.

Oncology clinics in China

The oncology clinic of the Institute of Oncology of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences is equipped with the latest technology. The clinic diagnoses and treats all types of cancer. Experts especially note the achievements of the medical institution in the field of treatment of stomach cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer and cancer of the lymphatic system.

Specialists at the Jian Guo Medical Center offer highly professional services in the field of diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The hospital treats all types of gynecological cancer (including uterine cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer), as well as cancer of the bladder, prostate, breast, etc.

Treatment of intestinal cancer with folk remedies is an additional method, the effectiveness of which has been proven by many years of experience and time.

Is intestinal cancer treated with folk remedies and herbs? It is one of the most dangerous and common types of cancer. Herbs for oncology are included in a comprehensive treatment program as agents that purify the blood and enhance immunity.

Folk remedies for intestinal cancer

Traditional methods of treating intestinal cancer include the use of:

  • tinctures, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs and mushrooms;
  • non-traditional methods of treatment: soda and minerals;
  • appropriate therapeutic nutrition.

Let's take a closer look at these herbs for cancer:

  • black henbane;
  • wormwood;
  • cocklebur;
  • hemlock;
  • Djungarian aconite;
  • Belozor swamp.

How to treat colon cancer with these plants:

  • dry henbane leaves powder(0.25 g - 0.5 tsp) is steamed with boiling water (100 ml - 0.5 tbsp) and simmered over low heat until a thick mass is formed. Drink 1-2 drops in 1 tbsp. l. water in 20 minutes. before meals – 3 times a day;
  • tincture of wormwood: crushed dry tops with flowers (20 g) are poured with 70% alcohol (200 ml) and left for 2 weeks in a dark corner of the room, shaken periodically. Take 10-20 drops before meals;
  • tincture of wormwood with wine: wormwood leaves (30 g) are poured into a vessel with alcohol (300 ml - 70%), infused in the dark for a day. Add white grape wine (100 ml) and leave for another 10 days. Take 1 tbsp. l. before meals – 3 times a day. The tincture does not spoil. When diagnosed with intestinal cancer, it exhibits an antimetastatic effect;
  • infusion of common cocklebur: drink instead of tea, brewing 1.t. herbs with a glass of boiling water. Let it stand under the fur coat for half an hour. Drink semi-hot after meals, at least 3 glasses a day, 4-5 is possible;
  • cocklebur + European hoofweed. Boil the coffin and drink 1 tbsp before meals in a warm state. l. 4 times a day: 1/3 tsp. steam the crushed root with boiling water (1 tbsp), close tightly with a lid and simmer in a bathhouse for 30 minutes. Infuse for 20-30 minutes, no need to strain. Store for no more than 2 days. The course of treatment with cocklebur infusion is 3-4 months, the course of hoofed grass is a month + a break of one month, repeat twice. After completing the courses of cocklebur and hoofweed, there is a break of six months;
  • tincture of aconite Djungarian You can treat with alcohol. Pour the crushed roots: fresh or dry (1 tsp without top) with half a liter of alcohol (45%), leave for 14 days in the dark and shake the container daily. Separate the grounds through 2 layers of gauze. Take it this way: on the first day – 1 drop per 50 ml. water 3 times a day half an hour before meals. Add a drop every day up to a dose of 10 drops, which should be taken for 10 days. Then reduce the dosage drop by drop. Upon completion of the course, take a break of 1-6 months, during which you can treat cancer with hemlock, vekha or fly agaric;
  • swamp white-zore can be treated - the main part of the large intestine and from which the colon comes. You need to prepare an infusion from the above-ground part: dry herb in powder (1 tbsp.) Infuse in a bath with 1 tbsp. boiling water for 2 hours and filter. Dose – 1 dessert spoon – 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Can be used for enemas.

Important! These folk remedies for intestinal cancer are poisonous, so treatment should be strictly according to the prescription.

To defeat intestinal cancer, folk remedies can be used according to the following scheme:

  • Perform enemas before bed from Colchicum splendid: brew the plant (1 tbsp) with half a liter of boiling water, cool to a temperature of 19-20ºС;
  • drink preparations from plants: nettle, dandelion, flaxseed, saffron and calendula. Overnight, steam flaxseed (2 tablespoons) in boiling water (1 tbsp) and leave until morning. In the morning on an empty stomach, take juices from nettle and dandelion - 1 tsp each, after 30 minutes - infusion with flaxseed. An hour later, you can have breakfast;
  • tincture of calendula in alcohol. Can be purchased at a pharmacy. It stops the spread of metastases and relieves the inflammatory process. Drink - 15 drops after meals - 3 times a day, tincture can be treated;
  • saffron decoction slows down the growth of cancer cells and promotes their destruction: pour saffron (4 tsp) with water (1 liter) and boil for 10 minutes. Drink in small sips throughout the day. You can do enemas, alternating with Colchicum splendid.

If confirmed, treatment with folk remedies cannot be done without propolis. It is necessary to maintain the body's defenses, especially during diagnosis. If you are not allergic to bee products, you can eat 5-7 g of propolis with water before each meal, as it has a bitter taste. At night - put propolis suppositories: boil Vaseline and propolis (10:1), stirring until smooth (10-15 minutes), filter, cool slightly for better formation of candles and place in the refrigerator.

To treat small intestinal cancer you will need pine bark, infused with vodka: place the crushed raw material (1 tbsp.) in a jar and fill with vodka - 0.5 l. Let it brew in the dark for 14 days, then separate the grounds and take 10 drops before meals.

What to include in your diet

It is necessary to include natural antioxidants to remove cancer toxins from the body and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. You can use large quantities of fresh and sauerkraut juices even if intestinal cancer has reached stages 3-4. Juices can be combined with Aloe Vera to get rid of infection and stimulate the immune system. Aloe Vera juice is drunk on an empty stomach, 3-5 tbsp. l. in the morning. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared from 3-year-old leaves, after keeping them in the refrigerator for up to 10 days and dousing them with boiling water before squeezing.

IN turmeric (spice) contains curcumin, which can limit the growth of cancer cells in the colon and gastrointestinal tract and reduce tumor formation. It is more effective to treat if turmeric (1/4 tsp) is mixed with a pinch of pepper: red or black, 0.5 tbsp olive oil. l. and add to green salad. To get rid of the bitter taste, add agave nectar (3-4 drops). The daily dose of turmeric is 1/3 tsp.

Ginger, as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, helps reduce the formation of metastases and tumors. If identified, the spice should be consumed daily, adding it to salads, soups and teas. To get the perfect anti-nausea drink, you should: pour boiling water over ginger slices and leave for up to 15 minutes. You can drink it hot or chilled.

You can rejuvenate the intestines and stop the growth of oncological tumors, kill cancer cells using the substance gammainterfeon goji berries. Berries are rich in carbohydrates, fats and proteins, dietary fiber, minerals, amino acids and vitamins. As well as polysaccharides with lipoproteins and protein complexes, which are present only in these berries and have enormous activity:

  • antitumor;
  • antiviral;
  • antibiotic;
  • antidote;
  • to improve the condition of blood vessels.

Goji berry tea: In a thermos, pour boiling water (1 tbsp.) – 1 tbsp. l. dried berries and leave for half an hour, strain. Take 1/3-1/2 tbsp. 2-3 times a day. After pressing, the berries can be eaten.

Hemlock against colon cancer

We will separately consider the hemlock herb; cancer treatment according to Tishchenko’s method is carried out with an alcohol tincture from its inflorescences: pour 70% alcohol (2 l) or vodka - 1 l into a bottle (3 l.). + alcohol 96% - 1 l. add crushed hemlock inflorescences to the contents - 1 liter. jar. Cover the bottle with plastic and let it brew in the dark and cool for 3 weeks, shake periodically.

How to take hemlock for intestinal cancer:

  • 8-00 am – drink half a glass of water on an empty stomach with 1 drop of tincture;
  • 8-00 the next morning - 2 drops in half a glass of water;
  • add 1 drop daily – 25 days.

It is important to know! The herb hemlock against cancer is a strong poison, so when consumed it can make you feel nauseous. If, for example, with 15 drops there is nausea or vomiting, you need to return to 13 drops and take this dose for 4-5 days, then continue to increase drop by drop to 25. Then the dosage changes.

  • 8-00 am, take 15 drops and then every 4 hours (12-16-20 hours) increase the rate to 60 drops (15 each).

It is important to know! If overload is felt (nausea, vomiting), it is necessary to take it at a reduced rate - from 60 to 45 drops, skipping the dose at 16-00. After 2 weeks, with a stronger immune system, you can again switch to a dose of 60 drops until complete recovery.

How to take hemlock for oncology - the second option:

  • You should adhere to the dose - 3-5 drops per week to adapt the body to the poison of the plant.

Attention! Treatment of cancer with hemlock using the Tishchenko method is long-term and requires patience from the patient. During the course you should not drink milk or consume dairy products - they reduce the effect of cancer therapy.

Hemlock for oncology (alcohol tincture) can be consumed using Tishchenko’s even more gentle method. In the morning at 8-00, take 1 drop in 0.5 tbsp. water. Add one drop for 15 days. On the 16th day - take 10 drops twice (at 8-00 and 16-00). Continue this dosage for 2 weeks. Then add another 10 drops at 12-00 o'clock. Now the daily dose will be 30 drops. After 2 weeks, add another 10 drops at 20-00 hours. The daily norm will be 40 drops, continue to take for 2-3 weeks. As the body adapts, increase the dose of each dose by 5 drops. The daily norm will be 60 drops: 15 drops at 8-00, 12-00, 16-900 and 20-00.

Complex treatment with hemlock

Complex treatment of cancer according to the Tishchenko method is carried out according to the following scheme: you should drink urine at 6-00, hemlock at 8-00, mumiyo at 8-30, eat food at 9-30, drink a decoction of pine needles at 9-30, 10-00 - a decoction of flowers. Next: 16-30 – mumiyo, 17-00 – eat, 17-30 – pine decoction; 19-00 – decoction of flowers, 21-00 – pine decoction, 23-00 – decoction of flowers. At night - kerosene and hemlock enema.

Urine therapy. Strain morning urine (preferably children's urine) and drink - 150 ml. at 6-00 o'clock. If your genitourinary organs hurt, your kidneys or bladder are inflamed, or your liver hurts, you should not drink your own urine.

Hemlock grass- use of tincture for cancer according to this scheme at 8-00 in the morning (once a day): inflorescences and leaves are placed in a jar not to the top, and filled with vodka. Close tightly and leave in a dark and cool place for 14-21 days. Next, drink 1 drop in 0.5 tbsp. water, increasing the dose to 40 drops (per 250 ml of water), then reduce the dose to 1 drop.

Mumiyo. As an anti-inflammatory agent, half an hour before meals, place a mummy the size of a grain of rice under the tongue and drink with water. During the day, eat 2-4 such servings of mumiyo. For high blood pressure – 1-2 servings.

Pine decoction. Chop young pine branches with pine needles (10 cm from the top of the branch) and mix (5 tbsp) with rose hips (2 tbsp) and chopped onion peels (2 tbsp). Steam everything with boiling water (0.5 l) and leave under a fur coat overnight. Drink at 9:30.

Decoction from flowers: chamomile and apple blossoms, tansy, hawthorn and calendula, linden and thyme, tea rose and rose hips (except delphinium). Mix in equal parts by weight, then place 1 liter in a jar and pour 2-3 liters into a jar to pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Leave it warm overnight and separate the grounds. You should drink in small sips so that there is enough for 3 doses: at 10, 19 and 23 hours.

Kerosene. Place green walnuts in a 3 liter jar. and fill to the top with purified kerosene (laboratory grade). Let it brew for 10 days and take 1 dessert spoon at night (5 days), then 1 tbsp. l..

For microenemas you need to take 200-300 ml. and add 10-15 drops of hemlock tincture. It is more convenient to make a microenema from a rubber or silicone bulb.

Treating colon cancer with baking soda

Treating cancer with baking soda has become a point of contention among medical oncologists. Opponents of soda argue that it cannot be used to treat cancer, since it leads to complications and does not return the patient to a full life.

Scientists such as Professor Neumyvakin, chemist Otto Warburg, Italian researcher Tulio Simoncini, a group of Chinese and German doctors who conducted research to find out how sodium bicarbonate affects cancer patients, claim that treating intestinal cancer with soda facilitates complex therapy and gives a chance for recovery.

Of course, patients will always be interested in how it is carried out, who it helped and due to what properties. It is known that after taking chemical drugs, chemotherapy and radiation, acid accumulates in the body, i.e. its environment becomes acidic. If the blood pH decreases (normally pH = 7.4 ± 0.15) even by 0.2-0.3, then the person can already be considered sick. If pH 6.8 or pH 7.8, then these indicators are no longer compatible with life. Blood acidification leads to pronounced functional and pathological processes, including cancer. If the environment in the body is normal, then any pathogenic flora, like cancer cells, will not survive.

Baking soda will help replenish the blood with alkali, make it more liquid, reduce acid, and destroy fungi in the body; its use in medicine, cancer treatment, especially after chemotherapy, produces positive results.


  • the soda must first be extinguished;
  • pour boiling water over soda (a small amount) to obtain the effect of hydrolysis: when sodium bicarbonate “hisses,” carbon dioxide H2CO3 > H2O + CO2^ is released, the taste changes for the better and the soda is better absorbed;

To treat cancer with soda, the recipes are simple:

  • you should start with 1/5 tsp. and increase the dose to 1 tsp, but no more;
  • drink with water or milk (1 tbsp.) at a warm-hot temperature for better absorption half an hour or an hour before meals - 3 times a day.

Cancer cells contain a biomarker - the enzyme CYP1B1. It is a protein that promotes chemical reactions. If you eat fruits and vegetables with the presence of salvestrol "Angeles", then as a result of chemical reactions, salvestrol is converted into a component that can kill cancer cells and not harm healthy ones.

In his research, Tulio Simoncini claims that the CYP1B1 enzyme is produced only in cancer cells and reacts with salvestrol:

  • berries: strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, grapes, black currants and red currants, blackberries and cranberries;
  • fruits: apples and peaches;
  • vegetables: green - cabbage, especially broccoli and artichokes, red and yellow - peppers and avocado, asparagus and eggplant.

These foods contain a lot of salvestrol because they are susceptible to fungal diseases, and salvestrol kills fungi. But soda and milk, as a result of the reaction, like salvestrol, also kills fungi and mold that cause acidosis. Amino acids receive sodium salts, and when they penetrate into the blood, alkali reserves are replenished. And this aggravates the activity of cancer cells, which is why it is already practiced to inject a soda solution into a muscle or vein.

Informative video: treatment of cancer with soda at all stages

Colon cleansing with baking soda and whey

Hemlock tincture for microenemas can be alternated with a solution of whey (1 l.) and soda (1 tbsp.) and weak intestinal unloading - 2 times a month.

On the first day apply:

  • on an empty stomach - a cleansing enema of soda and whey;
  • an hour before meals, drink an infusion of lemon juice (50 ml) and garlic (2 cloves);
  • instead of food, drink kefir - 2 l/day and eat tomatoes (200 g - no more);
  • drink water.

On the second day apply:

  • on an empty stomach - cleansing enema;
  • infusion of lemon and garlic juice (50 ml);
  • instead of food - fresh juice from apples or a mixture of juices from vegetables: cabbage, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes. You can juice beets after standing in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

On the third day apply:

  • on an empty stomach – infusion of lemon with garlic (50 ml);
  • after 60 minutes – have breakfast with vegetables or fruits (separately);
  • drink 3 liters of water/day and eat vegetables or fruits separately throughout the day.

Stones in intestinal cancer: harm or benefit?

Stones for oncology have a beneficial effect and are treated by transferring to the chakras and meridians:

  • frequency fluctuations;
  • energy information influence;
  • electromagnetic influence.

When magnetic vibrations of minerals interact with metals, proteins, lipids and enzymes of the body's cells, the energy base of the body or organ and the physiological disorders existing in them are restored.

This means that a stone in oncology has a therapeutic effect with color, as energy that has a certain wavelength, which the diseased organ and its membrane lack. These waves arrive both without visual contact between the patient and the stone, and with visual contact. The human eye becomes a conductor: it perceives, converts and directs a magnetic wave to the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures. Here, after the final processing of information, the waves are sent to the pain zone.

Quartz stone for oncology, like other healing stones: amber and jasper, jade, pearls, coral and lapis lazuli can be dipped into water to obtain “living water”. Minerals purify water from harmful and toxic substances, carcinogens, change its structure and even taste. This water can improve your well-being, delay the development of tumors, and the spread of metastases. When water enters the intestine, antagonistic properties are developed in microbes, the natural resistance of patients is activated, the body's resistance increases and the mutagenic load decreases.

The following minerals enhance immunity and increase the body's resistance:

  • rhodonite, rhodochrosite;
  • milk opal, dendro opal;
  • cacholong, topaz;
  • marble onyx;
  • rhinestone;
  • ice quartz

The elixir “Second Youth” is available for sale. It protects all vital organs, supports bones and joints, relieves spasms and cleanses due to its composition: mountain quartz, pink sand, jadeite, shungite and silicon. When the elixir is added to water, bacteria and viruses, fungi die, it is cleaned of pesticides, nitrates and petroleum products, heavy metals and chlorine. Take 3 tbsp of water. in a day. You can take medications with it and wash your face, cook food with it and irrigate your apartment from heavy energy and negativity.

Methods for preparing preparations from minerals:

  • place pieces of minerals in a sterilized glass container without preliminary artificial processing and polishing, after exposing them to direct sunlight for 1.5-2 hours and during sunrise for 2-2.5 hours;

It is important to know! Minerals with drilled holes, cuts, or grinding are not suitable. Natural cracks are allowed. Mineral therapy is carried out as an addition to the main treatment.

  • let the water stand in a closed container and in a bright room at a temperature of 16-18ºС (but not in the kitchen) - 4 hours;
  • pour the water into a dark container and stick a label with the date of manufacture. The elixir is stored for 5-7 days, the extract for 3 months;
  • elixir is boiled water (20-30 ml) + extract – 2-3 drops. Drink – 3 times a day before meals;
  • for gastrointestinal diseases, including ulcers and cancer: take vodka tincture with amber powder on an empty stomach in the morning, 1 tbsp. l.: add amber powder (25 g) to vodka or medical alcohol (0.5 l), mix and let it brew for 10 days, filter off the sediment. If there is no powder in the pharmacy, you can take wild amber and grind it with a crusher. For evening tea, add 1-2 drops per cup.

In the presence of functional disorders and gastrointestinal cancer, an elixir is prepared from jasper, cat's eye, obsidan: black, snow and brown, malachite, lapis lazuli, sodalite, dumortierite.

Chaga for oncology

Sold in pharmacies. It has an antitumor effect due to trace elements, acids, polysaccharides, sterols, fiber and a substance - lignin.

How to drink chaga for intestinal cancer to remove tumor toxins:

  • chop the mushroom and mix with the root of the snakeweed (3 tablespoons each);
  • pour half a liter of vodka and leave in a dark cabinet for 2 weeks;
  • take 3-6 times a day, 30-40 drops.

How to brew chaga for children with cancer: Infuse the mushroom and knotweed root in boiling water (1 tbsp) in a thermos - 8 hours. Give the child half a glass of water on an empty stomach and then in small sips until the night.

To prepare infusion only from chaga, you need to wash the mushroom and fill it with cold boiled water 1 cm above the level of the mushroom. After softening it, you should chop it and fill it with the same water, but already heated to 50-60ºC in a ratio of 1:5 and leave for 2 days. Squeeze out the sediment and separate it from the water, then add warm boiled water to the container to the original volume.

Important! The product is stored for no more than 2 days, then a fresh infusion is prepared.

Dosage: drink 1 glass before meals, 3 times a day.

Mushrooms for oncology

Folk remedies for cancer treatment include mushrooms: reishi, shiitake, meitake, cordyceps, agaric brazil. Mushrooms, as folk remedies for cancer, are recognized and used by medicine in the complex treatment of tumors, including cancer, preventing metastasis, normalizing hormonal levels, reducing the side effects of chemotherapy: hair loss, pain and nausea.

Reishi mushroom is known for its active substance Lentinan, amino acids and polysaccharides; its use in oncology is combined with shiitake mushroom to activate specific immunity and restore the blood count.

How to prepare and drink reishi:

  • crushed dry mushroom (1 tbsp) pour water (350 ml) and cook for 1 hour on low heat, strain and drink 30-60 minutes before meals, 200 ml - 3 times a day;
  • pour 2 tbsp. l. mushroom 350 ml of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes and pour the contents into a thermos, leave for 8 hours. Strain the tea and take according to the following scheme: daily 40 minutes before meals 5 times - 2 tbsp. l. Course – 3 weeks. Break – a week and again a course – 21 days;
  • chopped mushroom (10 g) pour vodka - 0.5 l. Close the container tightly and place in a dark place for 6-8 weeks. Take: on an empty stomach in the morning, 1 tsp. with water.

Cancer prevention with folk remedies

As a cancer prevention, for hematopoiesis and to reduce side effects after chemotherapy and radiation, antitumor agents are used: teas from goji berries, mushrooms: chaga, reishi, shiitake, meitake and cordyceps, berries and fruits, mineral alcohol tinctures, soda after consultation with treating oncologist.

Conclusions! Traditional methods of treating intestinal cancer are included after surgery, as part of complex therapy, as prescribed by the attending physician. It should be remembered that most medicinal drugs are made from poisonous herbs, so you should follow the recipe and not self-medicate - this is unsafe.

Informative video: traditional medicine as an alternative to chemotherapy and radiation therapy

Be healthy!

Over the past 27 years at Savin's Apiary, 590 people have been treated for colon cancer with folk remedies for various tumor locations (rectum, colon, cecum). Of these, 430 received positive results - 73%.

Colon cancer treatment with folk remedies

Colon and rectal cancer (collector cancer) is a malignant tumor of the large intestine, which is the third most common of all cancers. Histologically, colon cancer is a type of carcinoma. The vast majority up to 95% are adenocarcinoma. There are now a range of treatments available for this form of cancer, from surgery to remove tumor tissue to radiation and chemotherapy. However, most treatment regimens cause severe side effects and significantly worsen the patient's quality of life. Therefore, intestines are often used. Immunotherapy for colon cancer is rightfully considered the most effective of them. Experience shows that a complete cure for stage 3 and 4 colon cancer with metastases is possible even after numerous unsuccessful attempts at traditional medicine.

Regular chewing gum will help start bowel function in cancer

English doctors recommend that patients after surgery to treat intestinal cancer often chew sugar-free gum to normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. London surgeons recommend that patients chew gum 3 times a day for 1 hour. Recovery after cancer surgery is hampered by intestinal obstruction - the intestines cannot cope with the processing of food. But chewing gum helps to actively secrete saliva, which leads to the functioning of the pancreas and the production of enzymes. Thanks to these processes, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated and nutrition is improved, the diet is relaxed.

Be careful with aloe for colon cancer

Very often you can find advice in the literature on the use of aloe for cancer. On the one hand, it treats infections and stimulates the immune system. This plant is especially indicated for the fight against intestines. It is recommended to take 3 to 5 tablespoons of aloe vera juice on an empty stomach 40 minutes before breakfast. In medicine, aloe vera juice is prescribed to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. However, recent research has shown that such treatment may, on the contrary, cause cancer. Clinical trials by the American National Toxicology Program have shown that drinking aloe vera juice can lead to tumor formation in the intestines.

These conclusions were made based on the results of an experiment on laboratory rats. The animals were divided into two groups. One received water for two years, and the other received aloe vera juice. As a result, 39% of females and 74% of males among those who received the plant juice developed malignant or benign tumors of the large intestine. In the control group, cancer was not detected in any rats. It has not yet been determined which compounds contained in aloe vera juice cause cancer.

Cabbage and grapes are healthy and safe for natural cancer treatment

Improves the patient's condition, increases protective functions. Colon cancer, which was treated with fresh juice from white cabbage, responded with positive dynamics. Correct intake involves taking half a glass of juice three times a day for a month. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey to the remedy.

Black grapes and their seeds contain a large amount of polyphenols, the content of which increases during the fermentation process in red wine. The main polyphenol in the fight against cancer is resveratrol. The concentration of polyphenols in wine varies: if in red wine there is an average of 2.5 g/l, then in white wine it is 0.16-0.30 g/l. It all depends on the grape variety, climate, harvest year, processing, fermentation.

Resveratrol inhibits the growth of colon cancer cells. It has also been shown to induce suicide in cancer cells of the lung, prostate, glioblastoma (a malignant brain tumor), chronic myeloid leukemia and lymphoma. It is recommended to drink one glass of red wine per day for colon cancer to saturate the body with this beneficial polyphenol.

Natural anti-cancer cocktail for colon cancer

A glass of red wine per day in 3 doses + cabbage juice

Immunotherapy with bee preparations Savina

During treatment of rectal cancer using immunotherapy, you do not need to live at Paseka. After the consultation, you receive a course of bee preparations that you take at home. 2 weeks after starting to take the medications, you only need to come to Crimea for 1 day to undergo a therapy session in a bee house.

The bees will not bite you :-) - they are in special houses.

An example of treatment of rectal cancer at Savina Apiary

Oncologist's opinion

Andrey Ivanovich Babik
Candidate of Medical Sciences, oncologist, oncologist, chemotherapist. He has extensive experience working in the best medical centers in Ukraine. He taught at the departments of faculty surgery, general surgery, and oncology. Author of 59 scientific papers.

In China, intestinal cancer is treated at Nongken, Fuda hospitals and a number of other clinics. The main priority of these medical centers is an individual multidisciplinary approach to each patient. Using innovative treatment methods such as targeted therapy, robotic surgery or photodynamic therapy, Chinese clinics are helping to defeat cancer more safely and less painfully. If surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy is necessary, patients are treated in parallel for side effects with herbal medicine, acupuncture and other traditional Chinese medicine methods.

Diagnosis of colon cancer in China

If the patient's symptoms indicate bowel cancer, several diagnostic tests are prescribed:

  • colonoscopy - the doctor examines the inner lining of the colon and rectum using a long, thin tube with a camera and a light source;
  • blood test - testing the performance of the liver and kidneys, as well as the level of carcinoembryonic antigen;
  • biopsy for molecular testing of tumor cells;
  • imaging tests (CT, ultrasound, MRI, PET-CT and fluorography).

Bowel cancer surgery in China

If the tumor is small, hospitals in China perform one of the following minimally invasive procedures:

  • colonoscopy for resection of polyps with cancer cells, performed using a colonoscope without incisions on the abdomen;
  • endoscopic resection of the mucosa, this organ-preserving operation is preferable for larger polyps, which are removed along with a small section of the intestinal lining;
  • removal of the tumor through several tiny incisions using a laparoscope or robotic system.

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy or radiation is given to minimize the amount of tissue excised. If the tumor is still too large for colonoscopy, a partial colectomy is recommended. The surgeon removes the portion of the colon with cancerous tissue and sews the remaining portion back to the healthy colon. In China, this procedure is performed laparoscopically or using the Da Vinci robot.

Bowel cancer therapy in China

Radiation therapy for colon cancer in China is carried out using modern technologies. 3D conformal and intensity modulation therapies provide precise tumor treatment without damaging adjacent tissue. Modern internal radiation - high-dose brachytherapy - involves several short sessions in an outpatient setting.

To ensure maximum effect, chemotherapy is often combined with targeted therapy drugs. Drugs such as Avastin, Zaltrap, Erbitux and Kiramza target different features of colon cancer cells and are prescribed according to the molecular analysis of the patient's cancer cells. Some patients may benefit from immunotherapy with Keytruda or Opdivo.

Herbal medicine occupies a special place in the treatment of intestinal cancer in China. Individually selected formulas help improve the body's immune ability to suppress tumor angiogenesis, shrinking them. Long-term consumption of Chinese herbs is an effective remedy against relapse or metastasis.