How to treat leg cramps. Pills for leg cramps: list, instructions for use

What is a spasm, everyone knows. Involuntary contraction of muscles, most often of the legs, occurs in both adults and children. In most cases, with mild single spasms, massage and stretching of the muscle helps. But if the pathology appears frequently, it is better to consult a doctor. After all, regular cramps are necessarily evidence of problems in the body. And although they generally do not last longer than a minute and do not cause much discomfort, such a condition requires special treatment. Leg cramp pills are often prescribed, which act on the causes of the pathology and prevent spasms.

Fatigue and clubfoot

One of the causes of calf cramps at night is muscle overwork, which increases the reflex to contract.

Overwork often occurs with clubfoot, when the heel is tilted inward and causes a curvature in the ankle joint. The defect is more noticeable in high-heeled shoes, worsens posture, causes a “spur” on the heel of the foot.

The legs get tired quickly, heaviness, the veins are dilated, the calves and knees hurt, at night they go numb and freeze.

If clubfoot is the cause of calf cramps, as well as hips, feet at night, the treatment is performed by an orthopedic doctor. Some people find it helpful to change shoes.

The study confirms the lack of data to support a link between intense exercise and seizures.

Another study claims a connection with the foot nerve, which is the cause of muscle spasm.

General development mechanisms

Convulsive phenomena can occur against the background of the following conditions:

  1. Deficiency of potassium, magnesium, vitamin D.
  2. Long-term use of absorbents in pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Increased sweating due to various reasons. Along with sweat, the body loses potassium.
  4. Psycho-emotional disorders.
  5. Intoxication of the body, provoking dehydration.
  6. Neurotoxic lesions of the legs, such as bites from poisonous insects.
  7. Varicose veins.

Often the legs are reduced as a result of the development of endocrine pathologies, renal failure, severe hyperthermia. Severe cramps can be caused by physiological factors: leg injuries, flat feet, excessive load on the ankle joint.

Causes of seizures in women

Convulsive syndrome in women often occurs due to:

  1. Constant wearing of high heels. During rest, the joints of the legs, tired from the load, relax, provoking the appearance of spasms.
  2. Prolonged use of medications.
  3. Increased load on the legs associated with professional activities.
  4. Excessive exercise, such as after intense exercise.

Pain in the lower extremities can occur against the background of constant diets and dietary restrictions. During this period, the body is deficient in vitamins and minerals that are actively involved in metabolic processes. In addition, stressful situations and emotional instability can provoke the appearance of unpleasant sensations.

Pregnant women often suffer from seizures. The reason why it reduces the lower limbs is the excessive load on the spine due to the growth of the fetus. During this period, a number of changes occur in the woman's body: blood circulation is disturbed, venous lumens are compressed by the growing uterine cavity, and swelling occurs. Often, women, especially in the last stages of pregnancy, develop venous insufficiency. Therefore, seizures are possible.

Causes of seizures in men

Convulsive phenomena in men are accompanied by severe pain that spreads to the back and outer thighs. Among the main reasons why it reduces the lower limbs, we can distinguish:

  1. Strong physical activity.
  2. professional activity.
  3. Intensive sports activities.
  4. Wearing tight underwear.
  5. Overweight.
  6. Sedentary lifestyle. The accumulation of lactic acid can cause seizures.

Eating spicy, sour and salty foods leads to leaching of magnesium and potassium from the body, which can cause vasospasm. If this occurs against the background of the development of pathologies of the joints or diseases of the musculoskeletal system, then the risk of seizures increases.

Features of seizures in children. How to help children

If it reduces the lower limbs at an early age, then the cause may be metabolic disorders and excessive stress on them. Most often, convulsions occur as a result of birth trauma, previous intrauterine encephalopathy, and complications of infectious diseases.

Night cramps can occur in children as a result of:

  1. Severe hypothermia of the legs. To remove an unpleasant symptom, you need to warm the child's legs, cover with a blanket.
  2. Being in an uncomfortable position for a long time. To reduce cramps, you should massage the problem area or ask the child to walk around to restore blood circulation.
  3. Flat feet.
  4. Lack of potassium and magnesium in the body.

Convulsive phenomena may appear after vaccination, as a side result of taking medications, poisoning the body, prolonged hyperthermia. In addition, children are characterized by increased emotionality, which can also provoke the appearance of episodic convulsions. Among the physiological reasons, it is necessary to single out the active growth of muscle and bone tissues.

The growth of muscle tissue is slower, so the muscles cannot completely relax.

Good nutrition will help correct pathological manifestations in a healthy child. If convulsions occur against the background of pathologies of internal organs or systems, then this may indicate the onset of an acute period of chronic diseases.

Seizures in old age

The causes of leg cramps in older patients are most often physiological changes in the body: natural aging, chronic diseases, impaired blood supply, and decreased elasticity of blood vessels.

Each attack is accompanied by increased pain, decreased joint mobility. In addition to the increased load on the lower extremities, the following can cause convulsive phenomena:

  1. Ischemia of muscle structures.
  2. Violation of blood flow as a result of compression of the vascular plexuses.
  3. Arterial hypertension.
  4. Disruptions in hormonal balance.
  5. Excess weight.
  6. Leg injuries and destructive-degenerative changes in the joints.

Unlike younger patients, who are more likely to suffer from cramps at night, muscle spasm in older people can occur during the day, even in a state of muscle rest.

Dehydration is the cause of seizures

Typical signs of moisture deficiency:

  • dizziness or headache;
  • lethargy, depression, fatigue;
  • irritability, anxiety;
  • constipation;
  • burning or cramps in the calf muscles, feet and toes.

At the age of 50 years and older, you want to drink less water. The reason is the dulling of the feeling of thirst, although the body's need for moisture is the same.

Fluid deficiency dehydrates the cells, they perform their functions worse. At night it reduces the calves, thighs, above the knees, feet, toes.

Some doctors believe that insufficient water intake during the day is no less harmful than smoking.

A simple and affordable remedy for eliminating the cause, treating nighttime leg cramps, especially at the age of 50 years, is a sufficient supply of clean water during the day, up to eight glasses (1.6 l).

Water increases efficiency, relieves stress, anxiety, normalizes sleep, keeps skin smooth, promotes metabolism.

There is serious doubt about the link between post-workout dehydration and leg cramps.

"Magnerot": instruction

To compensate for the lack of magnesium, you need to drink special preparations for at least 1-2 months. But a person feels relief after a few days - the convulsions stop. One of the best means for this is Magnerot. The instruction notes that it should be taken in violation of the heart rhythm and muscle spasms. It contains magnesium orotate dihydrate and auxiliary components.

The drug is well tolerated, but it is not recommended for children and patients with impaired renal function. In addition, allergic reactions are sometimes possible. Assign "Magnerot" during the first week of treatment, 2 tablets three times a day, then it is enough to drink 1 piece. The course of treatment is set individually, but not less than a month. Sometimes a different regimen is recommended. If the patient is concerned about night cramps, you can drink 2-3 tablets before bedtime.

Decreased ATP production

A decrease in the production of ATP in the body (adenosine triphosphate, adenosine triphosphoric acid), the main energy carrier, impairs metabolic processes inside the calf muscles, thighs and feet, disrupts the balance of excitatory and inhibitory signals, increases the reflex to contraction, and reduces the ability of the muscles to relax.

To eliminate this cause of cramps at night and treat the muscles of the legs so that they do not reduce, succinic acid is used.

The drug stimulates metabolic and energy processes in the body, mobilizes, quickly restores strength, relieves pain in overtrained or tired muscles, accelerates the regeneration of muscle tissue.

Why are vitamins needed?

The composition of multivitamins includes all the trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of muscle tissue. Most often, seizures occur with a lack of magnesium, potassium and calcium. Therefore, the most common means are preparations containing only these trace elements.

Medications - the cause of seizures

Legs cramps at night with the abuse of laxatives, hormonal, antihypertensive (reduce pressure) drugs.

One of the causes of cramps in the calves and thighs at night is treatment with diuretics, they are prescribed for hypertension, heart failure.

With urine, the body loses a lot of magnesium, sodium, potassium, which are involved in the contraction and relaxation of the leg and other muscles, the transmission of a nerve impulse.

To prevent the occurrence of seizures, you need to reconsider your lifestyle, follow a diet, regularly perform a set of special exercises, and conduct preventive medical examinations.

What to do if seizures recur regularly

If venous insufficiency was previously diagnosed, then compression garments should be used. With flat feet, you need to wear special orthopedic shoes or use insoles.

In addition, it is necessary to take vitamin and mineral complexes. But before taking them, you should consult a doctor.

magnesium deficiency

Signs of deficiency: dizziness, fog before the eyes, hair loss, brittle nails, loss of appetite, nausea, anxiety, no mood. Sleep disturbed, restless dreams, difficulty waking up, nervousness and irritability, lack of strength during the day. Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia). Excess calcium reduces the elasticity of blood vessels, develops atherosclerosis and anemia (anemia). The flexibility of the joints is worsened, the functioning of the gallbladder and pancreas is disrupted. Overabsorption of calcium is the cause of kidney stones.

Tablets "Diosmin"

In many cases, cramps occur due to the fact that the venous outflow in the legs is disturbed, and the muscles do not receive the necessary nutrients. Taking the drug for 2 months allows you to forget about such spasms for a long time. Tablets "Diosmin" are considered the best of the venoprotectors, which, in addition, still has a natural composition.

The drug helps to tone and strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation. You need to take it 3 tablets twice a day. Sometimes "Diosmin" can cause allergic reactions, headaches, nausea

Sodium deficiency

Sodium deficiency leads to frequent excessive sweating, excessive fluid intake, lack of an element in the diet, the use of exclusively plant foods (raw food), which leads to an excess of potassium in the body - a sodium antagonist.

With sodium deficiency, a spasm reduces the calf muscles at night. Reduced body weight, no appetite, the body is dehydrated. Depression, tachycardia, low blood pressure, weakness, weakened immune system.

For the treatment of night cramps of calves, thighs, feet, toes, the cause - sodium deficiency - is eliminated by adding table (edible) salt to foods.

What to do if the legs cramp at night, and the body lacks sodium?

Easy way:

  • place a little table (edible) salt on the tip of the tongue and keep your mouth open for a while.

Features of seizures by localization

Convulsive phenomena can occur in different parts of the legs. This may indicate the development of various pathologies. The lower extremities consist of 3 main joints - the hip, ankle and knee - and many small ones. Most often it reduces the leg in the calf muscle. However, small articular joints are also subject to muscle contractions. For example, when it brings the feet together, this may mean that the spasm has attacked the toes.

Flattening of the toes

The toes cramp as a result of impaired blood flow in small capillaries and arteries. In addition, they contain a large number of nerve branches. Their infringement causes numbness of the fingers, which can result in severe pain and cramps. In rare cases, an unpleasant symptom is caused by pathological changes in the development of the ligamentous apparatus. Among the main causes of seizures are:

  1. Pathology of the blood vessels of the legs.
  2. Change in blood sugar levels.
  3. Flat feet.
  4. Violation of carbon metabolism in tissues.
  5. Drinking alcohol and smoking.
  6. Strong stress on the fingers, for example, after wearing uncomfortable shoes.
  7. Finger injuries: bruises, sprains, fractures.

Spasms in the calf muscles

The greatest number of muscle contractions occurs in the calf muscles. Together with the ankle joint, they are the main support of a person when moving. Constant intense contraction leads to the fact that most often it reduces the calves. Among the factors that cause this condition, we can distinguish:

  1. Dehydration of the body as a result of poisoning.
  2. Chronic liver pathologies, such as cirrhosis.
  3. Varicose veins.
  4. Renal failure.
  5. Frequent blood and plasma transfusions.
  6. Uncontrolled intake of diuretics.
  7. Infectious diseases caused by viral or bacterial infections.
  8. Spasmodic paralysis of the legs.
  9. epilepsy.
  10. Endocrine pathologies.
  11. Pathology of the joints of the musculoskeletal system.

Potassium deficiency

Potassium maintains the water-salt balance. Deficiency causes rapid fatigue, metabolic disorders, changes in blood pressure, slowing wound healing. Dull weak hair, dry skin, women have difficulty in bearing, premature birth, sometimes infertility.

A lack of potassium disrupts neuromuscular conduction - the cause of cramps in the calf muscles, hips, and feet at night. Treatment is performed by taking pharmaceuticals to eliminate potassium deficiency.

It is useful to include the following foods rich in potassium in the diet: oats, buckwheat, millet, rice, wheat bran, meat, fish, seafood, poultry, legumes, nuts, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, parsley, raisins, prunes, cherries, currants, dairy products.

A study of patients with cirrhosis of the liver confirms that leg cramps are not associated with changes in the levels of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc.

Night cramps

The occurrence of convulsive contractions at night is due to many reasons. If it strongly and often reduces the calves of the legs at night, then this is an occasion to immediately consult a doctor.

Biochemical composition of blood

He often cramps his legs at night as a result of changes in blood sugar levels. If the electrolyte balance of blood plasma is disturbed, this leads to changes in the vitamin and mineral composition, including a decrease in the content of calcium, magnesium and potassium. Factors provoking the occurrence of such a condition are excessive physical activity, including heavy sports, diseases of the endocrine system, kidney pathology.

Circulatory disorders

Sclerotic changes in the blood vessels lead to their compression. Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position impedes blood flow, reduces the transport of oxygen molecules to the muscles. The lack of oxygen in the soft tissues leads to the accumulation of lactic acid, which provokes intra-articular inflammation. All this can cause the legs to cramp at night.

Neurological diseases

The cause of such pathologies is infection of the body with staphylococcus aureus, gonococcus or meningococcus. Their pathogenic activity leads to a violation of neuromuscular conduction, as a result, the leg cramps. The appearance of seizures of any localization can contribute to stress and overwork, physical exhaustion.


Anemia (anemia) is a symptom of a health pathology caused by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, it is accompanied by a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood.

Symptoms of anemia: sleep disturbance, rapid fatigue, excessive whiteness of the skin, "cyanosis" of the lips, dizziness, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat (tachycardia).

If a low level of hemoglobin is the cause of leg cramps at night, the treatment is prescribed by a hematologist.

For some people over the age of 50 and older, leg muscles cramp at night due to the toxic effect of alcohol on the liver - one of the causes of anemia.

Anemia is associated with a deficiency of iron, vitamin B9 (folic acid) or B12 (cyanocobalamin).

iron deficiency

With anemia, due to a lack of iron, the appetite is perverted - you want to eat clay, chalk. It gives pleasure to inhale unpleasant odors. Hair falls out, the skin is dry, it cracks, the nails are concave and brittle, the mucous membranes are inflamed, it is constantly cold - the upper and lower extremities freeze.

To eliminate iron deficiency and increase the low level of hemoglobin - the cause of nocturnal leg cramps - Sorbifer Durules, Fenyuls, Maltofer are used in the treatment.

A lot of iron in pork and beef liver, kidneys, veal, seafood, raspberries, legumes, buckwheat, whole grains, parsley, nettles, hercules, pomegranates, prunes, apples, plums, peaches, dried apricots, rose hips, baked potatoes in their skins, black currants , cranberries, nuts.

folic acid deficiency

Anemia, the cause of which is a lack of vitamin B9 in the body, is manifested by weakness, increased fatigue, irritability, increased heart rate, lack of appetite, memory impairment, and headaches.

The causes of deficiency are long-term use of goat's milk, which is poor in vitamin B9, intestinal surgery, long-term use of drugs for seizures (Phenobarbital), drinking alcohol.

For the treatment of cramps in the calves, thighs, feet, toes at night, the cause - B9 deficiency - is eliminated by the use of pharmacy vitamin complexes.

Why does he cramp his legs. The most common reasons

Involuntary painful muscle contractions can cause various reasons. Among them are the most likely:

  1. Diseases of the venous system of the legs: the development of venous insufficiency, thrombosis, varicose veins, the formation of trophic ulcers.
  2. Malfunctions in the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  3. Deficiency in the body of B vitamins or magnesium. Women during pregnancy most often suffer from a lack of vitamins and minerals.
  4. Sudden change in blood glucose levels. This situation most often occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  5. Violation of blood circulation as a result of the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Dehydration of the body. The occurrence of this condition is facilitated not only by a violation of the drinking regime, but also by the development of kidney diseases.
  7. Disruptions in the hormonal system. Due to an excess of estrogen in the body, a person not only has cramps, but also disrupts the menstrual cycle in women, which can cause difficulties with conception. Men suffer from sexual dysfunction and obesity.
  8. Professional sports and dance. Intense exercise provokes muscle fatigue. If an athlete or dancer does not have enough time to rest, then his body does not have time to recover.
  9. Diseases of internal organs, sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue syndrome.

Often reduces the legs of those who, due to professional duties, spend a long time on their feet. In addition to cramps, they may suffer from a feeling of heaviness in the evenings, the formation of corns and corns.

Predisposing factors

Convulsive contractions occur for many reasons, caused by both external and internal factors. Pathologies of internal organs and systems, a history of severe rheumatological diseases, metabolic disorders can cause the development of convulsive phenomena in patients of different categories.

To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to know the localization, severity and frequency of manifestations of pathology.

Vascular asterisks

Sustained vasodilation within the skin is called telangiectasia. The shape of the stars is different: simple, tree-like, arachnid, spotted.

They are more common in women, do not cause discomfort. But a cosmetic defect signals the appearance of diseases - the causes of leg cramps at night - the treatment of which is performed after the diagnosis is made by a doctor.

Leg cramps at night:

  • in violation of the blood supply - a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the muscles (hypoxia);
  • with a change in blood viscosity - a slowdown in metabolic processes inside the slow leg muscles.

Spider veins appear on the skin, thrombophlebitis develops, atherosclerosis is the cause of nocturnal leg cramps. Treatment of these diseases is performed by doctors: phlebologist, angiologist, neurologist, cardiologist.

The appearance of spider veins can signal a violation in the intestines of the processes of synthesis or absorption of vitamins and minerals. With their deficiency, it also reduces the calf and other muscles of the legs.

In women, a possible cause of spider veins and nocturnal muscle spasm is the use of contraceptives, an imbalance of sex hormones, including during pregnancy, which contribute to the expansion of the vessels of the legs, changes in the amount and composition of blood that enters the thighs, calves, and feet.

Are painkillers needed?

Seizures can cause severe pain. But they last no more than two minutes, so during the spasm itself it makes no sense to drink painkillers. But such drugs can be prescribed in complex therapy for frequently recurring spasms. Usually used "Analgin" or "Paracetamol". They have a moderate analgesic effect.

A commonly used drug is Aspirin. Acetylsalicylic acid has the ability to thin the blood and improve blood circulation, so that the drug has not only an analgesic effect. Therefore, in the complex treatment of seizures, it is often prescribed.

Varicose disease

With a disease, the veins are dilated, the blood stagnates, stretches their walls. The reason is hereditary predisposition, sedentary lifestyle, metabolic disorders, overweight, hormonal changes, regular long standing work.

If you do not start treatment, after a while, vein nodes are visible under the skin, they swell, there is constant heaviness and fatigue in the legs, calves and feet swell, the lower limbs and toes often cramp, spasm accompanies severe pain.

If varicose veins are the cause of leg cramps at night, the treatment is carried out by a phlebologist. He prescribes a special gel, a course of vitamins to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

During pregnancy, hormones soften the veins, squeezing the venous plexus by the uterus disrupts the outflow of blood. In the later stages, the vessels of the thighs and calves are dilated. Venous insufficiency is the cause of cramps in the legs at night, sometimes from the sixth month of pregnancy, everything goes away after childbirth.

The article concluded about the risk of prolonged stay on the legs and the development of varicose veins, nocturnal leg cramps.

The use of "Troxerutin"

This drug is used for cramps caused by impaired circulation in the legs. Tablets "Troxerutin" are prescribed by a doctor, as they are contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes this drug can cause allergic reactions.

But "Troxerutin" and its analogue "Troxevasin" are effective for venous insufficiency, trophic disorders in the limbs, and varicose veins. They improve blood circulation, relieve swelling, heaviness in the legs and cramps.


The cause of the disease is a virus:

  • infection with hepatitis A (Botkin's disease) occurs through the household route, through food and water;
  • hepatitis B is transmitted through the blood;
  • hepatitis C is the most dangerous, it is often detected in the later stages, with maximum tissue damage.

Prolonged inflammation can cause irreversible tissue degeneration (liver cirrhosis).

With an inflammatory process in the liver, bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, belching, nausea, lack of appetite, darkening of urine, yellowish color of the sclera and skin. Sometimes skin itching, temperature up to +37.5 C, cold extremities, sweating, redness of the skin of the thumbs or little fingers.

If inflammation of the liver tissue is the cause of nocturnal cramps in the calf muscles and toes, the treatment is prescribed by a therapist, an infectious disease specialist, a hepatologist.

The study confirms the link between diseases of the vessels, liver and nocturnal leg cramps.

Leg cramped!

Cramps, including in the legs, are involuntary muscle contractions, usually accompanied by sharp pain. Moreover, spasms can vary greatly in the type of manifestation, and be observed not only in the legs.

For example, there are seizures that look like stereotypical fast movements. A typical example is the nervous tic of the eyelid. This type of spasm, called clonic, is the result of short-term contraction and relaxation of individual muscle groups.

But there are also tonic cramps that are more familiar to many of us. This is when the muscles seem to harden for a few minutes, this condition is accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome. As a rule, such involuntary contractions are local in nature. Most often, it cramps the legs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shins and calves. It happens that the hip and foot are affected. Leg cramps can be observed at different ages, but people of the middle and older generation are more likely to be affected.

The most severe and life-threatening convulsions, when almost all muscles contract. They are called generalized and are often accompanied by loss of consciousness. Such spasms are the result of serious illnesses and require immediate medical attention.

Perhaps one of the most common causes of leg cramps is a violation of the biochemical or electrolyte composition of the blood. An imbalance can occur due to a lack of calcium, magnesium and potassium in the body, as well as a lack of vitamin D. All of these substances help regulate muscle activity and control nerve impulses. Why do we lose the necessary trace elements?

  • taking a number of medications, for example, adsorbents and antacids used in the treatment of heartburn, can interfere with the full absorption of magnesium and calcium. And diuretic drugs have a side effect in the form of excretion of potassium and magnesium from the body.
  • under stress The body begins to overproduce the hormone cortisol. One of its side effects is the deterioration of calcium absorption in the intestines and its increased excretion by the kidneys.
  • lack of magnesium and calcium, as a rule, happens during pregnancy, when the expectant mother of these useful microelements needs twice as much as usual. Seizures can develop against the background of inferior vena cava syndrome, in which the movement of venous blood from the lower extremities worsens.
  • eating a lot of protein also causes calcium deficiency. The fact is that the human body, for the most part, assimilates glucose from carbohydrates for energy purposes, and not from fats. If there is little glucose in the blood, then fat reserves are used. This, in turn, contributes to the appearance of ketones in the blood. When they are in excess, ketosis can develop, in which the risk of kidney stones increases, since a large amount of calcium is excreted through the urine.
  • with heavy sweating the body loses essential potassium, so leg cramps are quite common in hot weather or during high-intensity sports.
  • vitamin D deficiency experienced by almost all inhabitants of the northern wide because of the long winter and lack of sunlight. In turn, a lack of vitamin D leads to poor absorption of calcium.

According to statistics, more than 85% of people on the planet suffer from recurring leg cramps to one degree or another.

How to relieve cramps with exercise

Quick way:

  • If the leg cramped at night, immediately get up and start walking, with an effort to press the feet into the floor.

The spasm quickly releases.

For prevention, before going to bed, perform exercises to stretch the calf muscles:

  1. stand with your toes on an old book, heels in weight, feet shoulder-width apart, to maintain balance, hold on to a wall, a stable table or chair;
  2. simultaneously press the heels to the floor for 10-20 seconds;
  3. bring socks together, heels apart, repeat the exercise;
  4. bring the heels together, socks apart, repeat the exercise.

When cramps approach, pull your socks towards you to stretch and relax the calf muscles.

What to do if the caviar cramps?

  • Stand up, take the tightened leg back, put your fingers on the floor and gently press with your body weight to relax the calf.

A 1990 study confirms the benefits of exercise.

How to treat leg cramps

Before you begin to treat the problem, you need to accurately determine the cause that causes it. To do this, you should consult a doctor.


If convulsive attacks occur frequently and are accompanied by painful sensations, then therapy is prescribed using general strengthening drugs and vitamin complexes. Most often, it is recommended to take magnesium-containing drugs, potassium and calcium preparations, vitamins A, B, C, E. In addition, local preparations are prescribed: ointments, gels, liniments.

Folk remedies

Relaxing baths with sea salt or baking soda help to alleviate the condition after a convulsive attack. Keep your feet in the bath for no more than 15 minutes. Instead of salt and soda, decoctions of medicinal herbs can be added to the bath water: chamomile, calendula, tansy.

A set of exercises

A simple set of exercises will help prevent spasms of the lower extremities. First of all, you need to warm up the muscles by running slowly in place or walking for several minutes.

Do a stretching exercise. Step back 1 m from the wall, stretch your arms forward at chest level and rest against the wall. Bend so that you feel a stretch in the calves. In this case, the legs should stand firmly on the floor. Bend over and stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. Straighten up. Repeat 3-4 times.

For the second exercise, the same starting position remains, only one leg should be bent at the knee. In this case, the feet should be exactly on the floor. Bend your knee and hold it for 15 seconds. Focus on the straight leg. It should feel the tension of the calf muscle. Repeat 4-6 times.

Then you should walk on tiptoe for a few minutes.

To perform the next exercise, you need to sit down. Squeeze your toes and hold them in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times for each leg at intervals of 10 seconds.

Diet for leg cramps

To eliminate the possible causes of seizures, it is necessary to organize proper nutrition.

The basis of the diet should be complex carbohydrates: cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruits.

Be sure to include fat in your diet. In addition, it is recommended to use nuts, dairy products, bananas, dried apricots, sea kale, greens more often. Eat small meals at least 5 times a day.

Drink more water, avoid alcohol.

What to do with leg cramps at home

Lemon juice:

  • Lubricate the feet with fresh lemon juice, let it soak.

Treat 1-2 weeks.

  • Apply warm honey to the calves, wrap.

Wash off after 30 minutes.

Mustard powder:

  • Rub the leg muscles with mustard powder at night.

Laurel oil:

  • Rub laurel oil on parts of the legs that cramp at night.


  • Pour 2s.l. chopped dried herbs 100 ml of vegetable oil, stir constantly, bring to a boil over low heat, let cool, drain carefully.

Warm slightly before application and store in the refrigerator. In summer, apply crushed fresh leaves at night.

The study confirms the lack of evidence for the effectiveness of non-medical treatments for treating or reducing muscle cramps.

Get on the exercises: gymnastics against leg cramps

If you cramp your legs at least once a week, then it’s not out of place to make a habit of doing the following exercises daily:

Exercise 1. Stretch in bed in the morning. Stretch your legs, strongly straining your muscles, pull your socks towards you. Exercise 2. In a standing position, cross your legs. Stand on the outer edges of the feet, stand for 10 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat exercise. Exercise 3 Stand on your toes, stretch up and fall sharply on your heels. Repeat several times.

Urgent care

With the frequent occurrence of cramps in the legs, you need to know what to do in an emergency to get rid of such symptoms:

  • it is recommended to pull the toes of the cramped leg towards you, and if it is difficult to reach out, you can use a towel or belt to tighten your fingers;
  • in the event that there was nothing at hand that could help, you can stand with your whole foot on your toes, so that the foot bends up as much as possible, then relax and stretch the calf muscle;
  • it is necessary to massage the leg muscle starting from the fingertips, towards the knee, as well as pinch and pat the leg.

Massage of the calf muscles allows you to quickly get rid of cramps

For some patients, very strong muscle spasms can be relieved by a hot foot bath.

Disease differentiation

Cramps in the lower extremities as a symptom of certain diseases should be differentiated from other pathologies similar in clinical picture. Among muscle contractions, the following conditions can be distinguished:

  1. Development of epileptic paroxysms. The disease is characterized by generalized muscle contractions, when the muscle structures of the whole organism are involved in the pathological process. After the termination of the episode, the patient does not remember what is happening, disturbances of consciousness are noted.
  1. Syndrome of choreoathetoid seizures. Involuntary muscle contractions are caused by diseases of the central nervous system and occur with constant regularity. Against the background of such convulsions, violations of the general condition of the patient appear, mainly from the side of the psycho-emotional and physical state of the patient.
  1. Nervous tics. Pathology belongs to the field of psychiatric practice. Clinicians highlight changes in the patient's facial expressions. With a burdened psychiatric history of the patient, the pathology tends to generalize to the lower extremities.
  1. The appearance of fasciculations. The condition is represented by fast, rhythmic contractile acts of muscle muscles. Against the background of such convulsions, pain does not occur. A common cause is overexcitation of motor neurons.
  1. Muscular contractures. Least of all, the pathology resembles convulsions. They provoke a forced position of the patient's limb against the background of existing rheumatological diseases.

The appearance of cramps in the legs is always a response of the body to the changes taking place. These changes are not always associated with irreversible pathological processes. With the normalization of nutrition and compliance with the protective regime, the prerequisites for the occurrence of seizures disappear, and the patient feels comfortable at any time of the day.

How to prevent muscle spasms in the legs

To prevent seizures, the following measures are taken:

  • adjust the diet, the patient's diet should include foods containing a large amount of calcium, magnesium and potassium, as well as vitamins of groups B, C and A;
  • every day to carry out morning stretching of the whole body, with special emphasis on the muscles of the legs;
  • do not abuse diuretic and hormonal drugs (contraceptives);
  • avoid excessive physical activity;
  • wear comfortable shoes without heels or low heels;
  • correct psycho-emotional state;
  • carry out drug treatment only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • before going to bed, do a foot massage with a warming ointment;
  • make foot baths with medicinal plants and sea salt;
  • during sleep, there should be a roller under your feet, which prevents night cramps and varicose veins;
  • take calcium gluconate (if your doctor approves);
  • correct valgus flat feet;
  • wear orthopedic shoes or orthopedic insoles.


There are many exercises aimed at reducing the frequency of seizures. Regularly performing such therapeutic exercises, you can improve the patency of the veins and the contractility of the muscles, strengthen the ligaments and movable joints of the bones of the skeleton, and relieve emotional stress. This is an excellent prevention not only of muscle spasms, but also of varicose veins, damage to the cartilaginous tissues of the articular surfaces. Here are some exercises:

  • in a standing position, rotate first with one foot, then with the other in a circle up to 30 times;
  • roll from toes to heels up to 30-50 times;
  • run a few steps forward on your toes, and go back on your heels;
  • perform swings with limbs in different directions up to 20-30 times;
  • lie on your back and perform an exercise known as "biking";
  • lie on your left side and swing with your right foot, and then roll over to the other side and repeat the exercise for the other limb;
  • perform swings with legs crosswise up to 20 times.

Prevention of spasms in water

Avoiding the negative consequences of convulsions, it is better to prevent the occurrence of spasms. Before swimming:

do a warm-up of all muscle groups: swinging arms, bending over, squatting

It is important not to overdo it so as not to overstrain the muscles before immersion in water. A person must independently calculate their own strengths

The foregoing applies to the time spent in the reservoir, swims for long distances; slowly immerse the body in water, cooling down if swimming is provided in an open reservoir in hot weather; it is important to drink enough liquid to prevent dehydration; Drunk bathing is strictly not recommended, alcohol causes circulatory disorders, causing convulsions. Applies to smokers too. When puffed in the body, there is a sharp narrowing of the blood vessels, after exhalation - a sharp expansion, causing spasms. It is better to give up smoking, if it doesn’t work out, you should not smoke two hours before immersion in water;

overeating negatively affects the functioning of the body, you can’t go swimming on a full stomach - rash behavior leads to disruption of digestion and metabolic processes, in addition to convulsions, causing nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of consciousness; those who are not confident in their own abilities should not swim far. It is better to use armlets, a circle, special devices when swimming, helping to stay on the surface in case of loss of strength; it is important for parents to swim next to their children, they should not be allowed to dive, and it is better not to do it yourself. It is better to swim underwater under the supervision of a coach, using the necessary equipment; if swimming is carried out in an unfamiliar area, do not sail far from the coast and people. Swimming on wild beaches is not worth it, the bottom surfaces have not been studied and are fraught with unforeseen dangers. It is extremely dangerous to walk on such a reservoir, pits can open at the bottom, having a strong water cycle, from which it is impossible to get out, especially with a cramp; do not overload the body too much - when tired, it is better to go ashore, take a break or swim in shallow water. Periodically it is worth taking a break in swimming, turning over on your back. If the body is extremely weak, there is no strength left to get to the shore, try to attract the attention of others, call for help. It is better to do it with hand waves, if this method does not work, it is permissible to scream - not for long, overexertion during a cry will weaken the body more strongly.

Pregnant women should be attentive to health and well-being. The body is already weakened by bearing a child. Pregnant women should swim in shallow water, preferably in a pool with clean water. There must be an accompanying person next to the woman.

When preventing seizures, try to avoid:

do exercises in the morning; alternate physical, mental stress and rest; get enough sleep; less nervous; give up bad habits and drinking coffee; eat right, providing the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals. Food is prescribed varied, with a predominance of vegetables, fruits

Love cereals, be sure to include meat, fish, seafood and nuts in your diet; it is useful to regularly massage the feet, the whole body, improving blood circulation; try to wear comfortable shoes, women should give up high heels; no need to wear too tight clothes, squeezing blood vessels and disrupting blood circulation; it is important to beware of hypothermia, leading to narrowing of capillaries, death; a contrast shower accelerates blood well through the vessels; you need to monitor your posture, avoid injuries to the back, other parts of the body, do not lift weights, try to change your posture during monotonous work; no need to be too zealous with taking medications that remove calcium and magnesium from the body, if possible, abandon these medications.

There are many reasons for the appearance of convulsions on the water, the main ones are recognized as health problems and neglect of the rules of behavior in reservoirs. Convulsions often become the cause of deaths on the water. People who constantly suffer from spasms should give preference to beaches with lifeguards or pools.

Muscle spasm: what you can do yourself

The following actions are allowed:

  1. You should stretch the painful muscle and massage.
  2. Apply a heating pad or take a hot shower.
  3. Do stretching exercises, it is better to devote a few minutes a day to this for prevention.
  4. To prevent cramps from dehydration, drink enough water daily.

Studies have shown that everyone has had seizures at least once in their lives. A similar condition can be diagnosed in a completely healthy person against the background of hypothermia, intense sports, stress, etc. However, muscle spasm is often a symptom of a serious pathology, which requires an integrated approach to treatment.

Most often, due to the peculiarity of the location, the calf muscle is affected. It is on its share that the bulk of the loads fall. In addition, all failures in the circulatory system are displayed on this muscle group.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine methods in the successful treatment of leg cramps play only a secondary role, they are able to suppress an unpleasant night attack only at an early stage of the disease. Such home therapy causes fewer side effects, the main thing is to first make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the main ingredient in the body. With the help of folk recipes, you can eliminate unpleasant symptoms and its root cause in the patient's body. Here are some effective recipes for nourishing nerve cells and restoring cartilage and tendons:

  1. Dissolve in 1 tbsp. water 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, mix well. After that, intensively rub the calves before going to bed, be sure to provide the so-called warming effect (you need to wrap your legs in a blanket). It will be treated in such a folk way for a month, after taking a break for a few days. Unpleasant symptoms disappear already on the 3rd - 5th night, the once disturbed phase of sleep is normalized.
  2. In one container, you need to combine raw egg yolk (after having loosened it), 1 tsp. turpentine, 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, mix thoroughly until a yolk foam forms on the surface of the medicine. The finished therapeutic composition is required to intensively rub the legs before going to bed in those areas where night cramps occur. The course of intensive therapy - 2 - 3 weeks.
  3. It is necessary to combine 1 part of fresh celandine juice and 2 parts of vaseline, mix intensively until smooth. Apply the finished composition for night cramps, intensively rub into the skin until completely absorbed. After that, be sure to wrap your feet with a warm blanket.
  4. In the absence of an allergic reaction to the waste products of bees, it is recommended to rub sick eggs with liquid honey (apply a thin layer and grind well), then wrap it in cellophane and warm it with a warm blanket. The procedure is carried out before going to bed, and in the morning after waking up, you need to take a shower.

Muscle spasm: causes

The causes of spasms can be conditionally divided into idiopathic and secondary. In the first case, long-term loads can provoke spasms, in the second - any diseases of the body.

Idiopathic causes of muscle spasm

These include:

  • excessive physical activity, especially in the hot season;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • long stay in an uncomfortable position.

In this situation, cramps can be avoided by eliminating the cause and performing stretching exercises.

Secondary causes of muscle spasm (symptoms of failure in the body)

These include the following:

  • insufficient blood supply (in this case, narrowed arteries cause leg spasm);
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • lack of minerals (calcium or magnesium) in the body;
  • both an excess and a lack of potassium;
  • inadequate water intake;
  • late pregnancy;
  • kidney dialysis;
  • thyroid disease;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • flat feet;
  • obesity;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • lead poisoning;
  • response to medication.

What is muscle spasm and why is it dangerous

A spasm is an involuntary contraction of a muscle. It occurs either due to insufficient blood supply to the working muscle, or due to a violation of the excretion of metabolic waste products produced during muscle activity. In fact, contraction is a defense against further muscle damage.

If you do not take into account unpleasant pain, spasm is usually not dangerous, especially local. Basically, it doesn't last long. With a long duration (due to poor circulation), there is a risk of muscle cell death.

What measures should be taken to reduce the likelihood of seizures

When convulsive nocturnal seizures in the legs are frequent, an examination in a medical institution is required to determine the true cause. After that, the specialist will prescribe an individual course of therapy.

Self-medication is not effective, and in some cases it aggravates and delays the healing process.

Symptoms and diagnosis of muscle cramps

Characteristically, the spasm is often quite painful. As a rule, the patient has to stop activities and urgently take measures to relieve seizures; the person is unable to use the affected muscle during the seizure. Severe cramps may be accompanied by soreness and swelling, which can sometimes persist for up to several days after the cramp has subsided. At the time of the cramp, the affected muscles will bulge, feel hard and tender to the touch.

Diagnosis of seizures usually does not present difficulties, but finding out the reasons may require both a careful collection of the medical history and instrumental and laboratory methods of examination.


To date, there is no single product that would provoke the development of a convulsive symptom with a high degree of probability. Nevertheless, the influence of nutrition should not be completely excluded, since it can often lead to leg cramps with obesity and atherosclerosis. Accordingly, a special diet should be drawn up, which as much as possible prevents the development of such a condition.

The diet must meet the following conditions:

  • the daily menu should contain the required number of calories to maintain strength, including trace elements and vitamins;
  • it is important to ensure that 1/3 of the entire diet is made up of plant products;
  • The daily amount of food should be divided into 5-6 equal portions. At the same time, 1-2 servings of food should be porridge, in order to improve digestion;
  • it is recommended to have dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime, while dinner should be as light as possible.

It must be remembered that the tactics of treatment directly depends on the diagnosis of the disease. With frequent convulsions that are not amenable to drug therapy, surgery is sometimes indicated. In addition, the choice of the right shoes, the normalization of physical activity on the legs and the timely treatment of chronic diseases are of no small importance. With an integrated approach to the treatment of the occurrence of cramps in the legs, the prognosis for recovery is favorable.

What is a cramp and what can it be?

Cramps are the result of a sharp uncontrolled muscle contraction, so most often they disturb a person unexpectedly and cause acute and severe pain.

The only consolation for those who suffer is the short duration of the attack, usually within five minutes. But even in this short time, a person manages to experience intense, tingling pain in hardened muscles, when it gets dark in the eyes and it is impossible to move the “reduced” part of the body.

Sometimes, redness or swelling appears at the site of pain, and the muscles continue to hurt for several hours or days. A painful spasm of one or several muscle groups at once can disturb at any time of the day, in any position of the body and at any age.

The most vulnerable to cramps are the muscles involved in the movement of the joints:

The work of internal organs can also suffer due to involuntary contraction of the smooth muscles of the vascular wall. Most often, the elderly and newborn children, athletes and people who experience significant physical stress for a long time are susceptible to seizures.

Muscle contractions are different. Leg cramps, characterized by prolonged, drawing pain and stiff muscles, are tonic spasms. Clonic convulsions or convulsions occur in the form of seizures, when painful spasms alternate with periods of relaxation.

How they develop and why they are dangerous

Cramps of the lower extremities are accompanied by pain, a lump is palpated in the area of ​​the tense muscle.

If you look at the condition from the side of anatomy, you can distinguish the stages of development of a spasm:

  • for some reason, muscle shortening occurs;
  • then the fibers of the tissue are tensed, and due to a temporary spasm, contraction does not occur;
  • myocyte bundles - muscle tissue cells - are grouped;
  • after the disappearance of spastic phenomena, the spasm disappears.

According to statistics, almost 61% of people noted that they cramp their legs at night. The intensity is variable from minor pain to severe pain. The spasm time also varies: from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes.

Myoclonus is the medical term for night cramps - a condition that does not cause concern, with a one-time manifestation.

Frequent symptoms may indicate a lack of trace elements responsible for muscle contraction - potassium, magnesium, sodium.

Discomfort and muscle hardness affect the quality of sleep: insomnia develops, fatigue and chronic “lack of sleep” form.

Some experts argue that spasms during a night's rest may indicate pathological processes in the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Methods of treatment outside the attack

The main task of the preventive treatment of muscle cramps outside of spasmolytic attacks is to improve the condition of the vessels and the circulatory system. Review your diet by enriching the diet with essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements, giving up unhealthy, unhealthy foods. Reduce or completely eliminate alcoholic beverages, fast food, industrially processed foods, excessively salty and sweet foods, carbonated drinks from the diet. Give up smoking.

To prevent the treatment of muscle cramps, do not allow dehydration. Drink during the day 2 - 3 liters of liquids in the form of drinking water without gas, green tea, fresh juices, natural fruit drinks, homemade compotes. Reduce the amount of coffee, black tea consumed. These drinks have a diuretic effect, so in addition to water, useful trace elements will be washed out of the body.

To reduce the likelihood of muscle cramps, play sports or other active activities that will help restore blood circulation in the legs after sedentary work, improve blood flow to the lower body. Before going to bed, it is advisable to do daily stretching exercises, yoga, Pilates, which will relieve stress and tension, stretch tired muscles. A good prevention against night cramps is a warm shower or bath with aromatic oils: roses, lavender, mint, ylang-ylang.


Based on the diagnosis, for the treatment and prevention of muscle cramps, drugs of various activities are used: correcting metabolism, improving the condition of blood vessels and the circulatory system, helping to recover from injuries. Additionally, complexes of vitamins, microelements are prescribed, which replenish substances important for the body. It is important to remember that it is necessary to use tablets for the medical treatment of muscle cramps only after consulting a doctor.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for muscle cramps help reduce the number and frequency of spasms, reduce pain during an attack, improve blood circulation in the limbs, and increase the elasticity of the vascular system. The use of folk methods is a good prevention and addition to the main treatment regimen for painful muscle cramps prescribed by a doctor.

Popular treatments for seizures include:

  • cold compresses with lemon juice on the feet, 2 times a day for 2 weeks;
  • oil based on bay leaf, used during self-massage with muscle spasm;
  • put an ordinary magnet on a cramped muscle group, after 1 minute the attack will pass;
  • a compress for the night for 1 week: a horseradish leaf smeared with honey, sprinkled with salt is applied to the sore spot, wrapped with a cotton towel on top;
  • ointment based on celandine: mix the juice of the plant with petroleum jelly, rub the problem parts of the body before going to bed for 2 weeks;
  • daily self-massage of the feet with mustard oil.


A special set of exercises will help you from cramps in the limbs. Performing therapeutic exercises promotes better vein patency, develops and improves muscle mass, promotes muscle contraction / relaxation training, strengthens ligaments and joints, relieves stress and emotional tension. By performing special exercises, you reduce the likelihood of attacks of spasms in the limbs, prevent varicose veins, arthritis and arthrosis.

A complex of therapeutic exercises for muscle cramps:

  1. standing position:
  • circular rotations of each foot in different directions, 30 times;
  • rolls from toe to heel, 30-50 times;
  • rise on toes and sharply lower the heel, 30 times;
  • swing legs in different directions, 20 times.
  1. in the supine position:
  • rotate your legs, imitating cycling;
  • alternate swings with limbs, 30-40 times;
  • swing legs crosswise, 20 times

Constantly performing simple exercises of therapeutic exercises 1-2 times a day, you will get rid of cramps in the muscles of the limbs, feet and fingers. After completing the complex, take a hot bath with the addition of salt and aromatic oils that improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels and relax muscles: basil, eucalyptus, sage, geranium, lavender, mandarin, sandalwood, neroli.

Causes of cramps in the water

There are two types of causes for water cramps:

  1. Improper preparation and failure to follow the swimming technique, non-compliance with the rules of behavior on the water;
  2. Health problems leading to the appearance of seizures, aggravated by physical exertion.

If we take into account the first type, this includes:

  • Bathing in too cold water if the air temperature is at the same time high. A sharp temperature drop leads to narrowing of the blood vessels, causing spasms, leading to disruption of normal blood circulation.
  • Insufficient warm-up before swimming, the body does not have time to adapt, the heart begins to beat irregularly, causing a violation of blood flow.
  • Excessive physical activity leads to the reduction of the legs: there comes a moment when unadapted muscles are not able to contract in time. More often, novice athletes or amateurs on a dare to overcome the distance on the water suffer from such attacks.
  • Violation of the swimming technique, when too sharp movements are made with the legs, arms, excessive swings. The action leads to microtrauma of internal tissues, small blood vessels.
  • Dehydration of the body, causing general weakness, leading to loss of tissue elasticity, fraught with injury. This condition is not uncommon for beach visitors in hot weather - under the influence of sunlight, the body loses excess moisture.

Health problems cause convulsions in water and on land, the likelihood of occurrence in the first case is increased. People with chronic diseases need to be extremely careful while swimming. The group includes:

  • Suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
  • People with impaired functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, which are responsible for the hormonal background that regulates metabolic processes.
  • Patients with diabetes.
  • Obese.
  • Detecting mental disorders: increased nervousness, apathy, depression - conditions that prevent the body from fully resting and working.
  • People with injuries of the spine or limbs, hernias, posture disorders, when nerve pinching is possible.
  • The lack of a part of microelements in the body becomes a common cause of the reduction of the legs. These include magnesium, calcium and iron. Deficiency of vitamins and glucose adversely affects the state of the circulatory and muscular system.
  • Pregnancy is considered the cause of convulsions, while carrying a baby, a woman experiences severe stress on the spine and legs. In pregnant women, blood circulation is disturbed, an abundance of blood is required for the fetus, the fluid is concentrated in the pelvic region.

General information about the problem of seizures

What are convulsions

We have already figured out that cramps represent uncontrolled muscle contraction.

Muscle spasms in medicine are divided into several types:

  • Myoclonic when muscle contraction is short-term without pain.
  • clonic. Longer, muscles contract rhythmically with repetitions.
  • tonic. They are characterized by prolonged muscle tension. It can cramp any part of the body or the entire torso. Seizures sometimes cause loss of consciousness.
  • Tonic-clonic. A combination of two types of spasms.
  • Partial that appear rarely and do not pose a threat to health.

With spasm of the legs, a pain syndrome appears - acute, painful, with a feeling of petrification of the body. It appears suddenly and lasts up to 5 minutes. As soon as the muscles relax, the symptoms go away.

The reasons

Vitamin and macronutrient deficiency

Namely - calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin D. They are necessary for the full functioning of the nervous system and the transmission of impulses to the muscles.

If the body lacks them due to an unbalanced diet, the use of harmful substances, a large amount of protein, drugs, then similar problems appear.


When there is increased sweating with a large loss of beneficial trace elements responsible for the functioning of the muscular system, convulsions appear.

To avoid this situation, it is necessary to drink water up to 2.5 liters per day. This is true in the hot summer and with active sports activities.

physical overload

Often, during sports training, the body receives an uneven load. Perhaps an insufficient warm-up was performed, the muscles were not warmed up.

Overstrain of the muscle group is typical for people engaged in hard work. All these indicators lead to disruption in the functioning of muscle mass. If you do not give the muscle a rest, then it is depleted and, as a result, convulsions.

Temperature spikes

For example, swimming in cold water causes the muscles to contract, so you should be aware of the temperature.


These include improper metabolism, vascular pathologies, leg injuries. Usually, consultations of narrow specialists are necessary for treatment - a neuropathologist, endocrinologist, phlebologist, orthopedist.

Obliterating atherosclerosis

I would like to single out this pathology separately, since it has become the scourge of the modern world. It spreads with an increase in the standard of living of the population.

The reason is excessive smoking, diet, sedentary lifestyle. This leads to blockage in the vessels and the formation of plaques. The most commonly affected are the iliac, femoral and popliteal arteries and muscles that lack oxygen.

Interestingly, smokers are 5 times more likely to have seizures.

stressful situations

When a person is emotionally stressed, a nervous breakdown occurs. At this time, the body experiences an intense load and, first of all, the nerve endings suffer.

A large amount of the stress hormone, also known as cortisol, disrupts the balance of micro and macro elements, which leads to calcium deficiency. And as a result, muscle cramps appear.

Why do seizures happen?

The reasons can be very diverse:

  • hypothermia of the legs;
  • dehydration;
  • muscle fatigue;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • pregnancy;
  • the use of drugs;
  • diseases associated with the nervous system;
  • flat feet.

Each of these cases can lead to seizures. However, the most common and common causes can be distinguished from this list.

Lack of physical activity

Those who lead a sedentary lifestyle tend to cramp their toes more often than others. This is due to the fact that over time, the muscle fibers on the fingers atrophy.

In addition, their remoteness from the heart negatively affects blood circulation, due to which the muscle fibers of the lower extremities simply lack the nutrients contained in the blood. Gradually, there is a loss of elasticity and firmness.


Excess, as well as lack of physical activity, can also cause seizures.

Overstrain of muscle tissue can lead to:

  • poor physical fitness

uncomfortable shoes

Tight, with high heels or a hard tongue, uncomfortable soles or overly tight shoes also often cause muscle spasms in the legs. This is due to impaired blood circulation in the foot, as well as increased stress on individual muscle groups.

Lack of vitamins and microelements

At night, toe cramps usually appear from a lack of vitamins in the body. Improper nutrition leads to an imbalance of trace elements, which, in turn, negatively affects the nutrients in the blood.

A lack of potassium will make it impossible for electrical impulses to enter the muscles. In addition, the lack of this substance leads to liver problems, diabetes, increased sweating and kidney disease.

A lack of calcium leads to numbness of muscle tissue, and a lack of magnesium negatively affects muscle relaxation.


Hypothermia can occur both in summer and in winter. In winter, feet get cold even in very warm shoes from being outside for a long time, especially if you have to stand a lot, and in summer the danger lurks in the water while swimming.

The cause of muscle spasm is the narrowing of blood vessels in a cold environment and, as a result, a violation of blood circulation. From leg cramps while swimming, a person can drown.


Even a slight loss of fluid can cause toes to cramp. On hot days, with increased physical activity, profuse sweating, during illness, along with sweat, a person very quickly loses precious trace elements and minerals.

Prevention of recurrence of seizures

To the question of what to do in order to prevent the recurrence of seizures, everyone must answer, based on the characteristics of their body, lifestyle and concomitant diseases.

If you notice frequent and prolonged seizures in yourself or your child, make an appointment with your GP or pediatrician as soon as possible. It is likely that recurring cramps in the legs or other parts of the body are caused by the presence of some kind of disease that requires treatment and medication.

If you experience involuntary contractions and muscle spasms infrequently, try to eliminate the factors provoking them.

This will require:

  1. Balance your daily menu by including foods rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamins B and D: greens, dried fruits, whole grains, seafood, milk, poultry meat. Having received the substances necessary for nutrition, the muscles will “calm down” and stop waking up at night.

  1. Exclude or limit the use of coffee, strong black tea, alcoholic beverages, but at the same time monitor the intake of a sufficient amount of water to ensure a normal content of electrolytes in the blood.
  2. Control the load, gradually strengthening the muscles and ligaments. Before training, perform exercises that warm up the muscles and accelerate the delivery of blood and oxygen to them.
  3. To give the muscles the opportunity to fully relax and relieve tension during sleep in a comfortable position and comfortable temperature conditions.
  4. Carry out procedures that activate blood circulation and metabolism: gymnastics for the legs, massage, apparatus physiotherapy, contrast showers, foot baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs (mint, horsetail, valerian).

If the above measures do not help get rid of the problem, be sure to seek help from a doctor. No need to put up with pain that reduces the quality of your life, performance and mood. Find time and energy to pay attention to yourself and find out what prevents you from sleeping peacefully at night or worries you during the working day.

You can get rid of unpleasant moments. Take action and stay healthy!

What to do?

A sudden spasm in the calf muscles is painful, but mostly not dangerous. It happens for no apparent reason; this frequent phenomenon still has no reliable explanation. Therefore, this condition is called convulsive syndrome.

Proven Immediate Help

With leg spasm, muscle stretching provided by walking helps. If discomfort occurs in a supine position, press the heel against the wall.

Relaxing massage

This massage can be done on your own. Just massage the calf muscle - this will relieve tension and spasm. People engaged in heavy physical labor are recommended to carry out such massages for preventive purposes.

Wet warm wraps

Another effective method Soak a cloth in warm or hot water, wring it out a little to get rid of excess water, and place it on the affected area. The cramps will gradually subside.

Helps also exercise in warm water (eg, in the bath).

A good self-help option is magnesium ionic drinks. Sometimes a tablet or other magnesium preparation is enough to eliminate seizures.

Keep in mind that if you often cramp your legs without prior physical exertion, such as sports or long hikes, you may have a disease accompanied by impaired muscle function. Therefore, in this case, it is better to consult a doctor.

Assign a series of manipulations aimed at establishing the cause:

  • Ultrasound of the veins of the limb;
  • duplex scanning;
  • blood tests;
  • muscle test (performed by a therapist).


The tactics and scheme of taking medications is determined by the doctor and depends on the cause of the disease.

The following groups of drugs are applicable against seizures:

  • venoprotectors;
  • hormonal agents;
  • multivitamin and mineral complexes;
  • nootropics;
  • sedatives;
  • anticonvulsants;
  • anticoagulants;
  • anti-inflammatory.

When do seizures occur?

All causes of leg cramps are conditionally divided into physiological and pathological. The first include an imbalance of vitamins and trace elements necessary for the normal contraction of the muscles of the foot. Usually, a deficiency of nutrients is observed when the peripheral blood flow of the legs slows down. This condition is caused by the following factors:

  • Uneven high physical activity;
  • "Standing" work;
  • Wearing oversized shoes or high heels;
  • Hyperhidrosis (increased sweating), leading to dehydration;
  • Low physical activity;
  • Prolonged stay in an uncomfortable static position;
  • Emotional overwork;
  • Insomnia;
  • Systematic hypothermia;
  • Obesity;
  • Improper nutrition;
  • Long-term use of antibiotics or steroids;
  • Changes in hormonal levels;
  • Alcohol abuse or smoking;
  • Overheating (sunstroke).

All these reasons are physiological and can provoke the appearance of cramps in the legs. Let's consider in more detail the most common of them.

Low physical activity

The risk group for the development of cramps in the muscles of the feet includes people engaged in office work. Muscles need regular exercise to function properly. Physical inactivity leads to gradual atrophy of the muscles of the foot, shortening of the ligaments and loss of elasticity.

The active work of the leg muscles will help restore blood flow. Sitting at a computer for a long time leads to a slowdown in blood flow, as a result of which soft tissues do not receive the necessary amount of useful trace elements.

Increased load on the legs

Why does the foot cramp cramp - the cause may be an uneven load during exercise in the gym, long walks or due to standing work. Physical overstrain of the leg muscles leads to their spasm due to the increased consumption of useful microelements.

Patients with obesity are at risk. Due to the large body weight, the load on the feet increases, peripheral blood flow slows down and convulsions occur.

Shoes don't fit

Too narrow shoes contribute to the appearance of cramps in the soles of the feet. A high unstable heel, a small or narrow pair not only rubs the legs, but also disrupts blood circulation. Lack of oxygen and nutrients, a long stay of the leg in an uncomfortable position provokes spasms of the muscles of the foot.


A large loss of water can lead to foot cramps. Contribute to dehydration high humidity and temperature in the summer, intense strength training. Compliance with the drinking regimen will help to avoid this situation: it is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day.

Systemic pathologies can also lead to dehydration: diarrhea, hyperhidrosis, kidney dysfunction. Such diseases lead to leaching of potassium, the deficiency of which provokes nighttime foot cramps.

Deficiency of nutrients

When toe cramps occur for no apparent reason, the levels of magnesium, potassium, and calcium in the blood should be checked. Microelement deficiency occurs after strict diets, strong alcohol abuse, smoking, intoxication of the body, long-term use of steroids or antibacterial agents. Many expectant mothers suffer from a lack of vitamins. If you do not eliminate the lack of nutrients, you will not be able to get rid of convulsions.

Magnesium and potassium are elements involved in the innervation of the legs and provide anatomical contractions of the muscles of the foot. With their shortage, spasms occur spontaneously. And calcium deficiency is directly proportional to the duration of the attack.

Pathological causes

With the regular appearance of cramps in the muscles of the feet, it is recommended to visit a doctor and undergo a diagnosis. Since the cause of spasms can be systemic diseases. Therefore, before prescribing treatment, the cause of the discomfort should be established.

Cramps of the lower extremities develop against the background of such diseases:

  • Hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins B and D);
  • Pathology of the genitourinary system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthrosis, osteomyelitis, prolapse);
  • Varicose veins or acute venous insufficiency;
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • flat feet;
  • Disorders of the CNS (Central Nervous System);
  • Gout and arthritis.

If one or more diseases are identified during the examination, treatment will be aimed at eliminating them. After treatment, the cramps will disappear on their own.

Muscle spasm: risk factors

  1. Age. Over the years, a person loses muscle mass, as a result of which the muscles are more likely to overstrain.
  2. Dehydration, which is common in people who put themselves under heavy load. Athletes and hard workers are at risk.
  3. Pregnancy. Lack of minerals, increased load on the legs, hormonal changes - all this puts the expectant mother at risk.
  4. Medical indicators. Very often experience spasms in patients with diabetes, diseases of the thyroid gland, liver or suffering from nervous disorders.

Leg cramped! Causes and treatment of cramps in the calf or thigh

Sometimes it brings them together during the day, but more often at night ... Sometimes it is tolerable, but more often I want to scream from resentment! Leg cramped!

Firstly, do not panic, and secondly, let's easily and naturally understand the causes of this trouble - and the symptom, we sincerely hope, will leave you once and for all.

There are several versions explaining sudden cramps in the calf or thigh. Neurologists who have studied the calf muscles of athletes have come up with a new, but quite reasonable explanation: the cramped legs are a defense mechanism. What does it mean?

Let's take an example. You are going for a run for the first time in your life. And, being an optimistic lady, they decided to run no less than 5 km at a time. The fragment of the cerebral cortex responsible for motor activity doubts: the load will be excessive. But you still run.

The cerebral cortex is patient with the experiment for a while. But at the next moment, the body comes to the conclusion: that's it, kranty. Too much with a load. Do you want to further strain exhausted muscles? Okay, let's go all out! The calf or thigh muscle contracts to the maximum. And refuses to relax. And this is the cramp.

What to do with a sudden cramp - first aid

There are several ways to provide first aid for muscle cramps:

  1. conduct a session of intensive massage of the affected area;
  2. try to stretch the tense muscle:
  • calf, foot muscles - sitting, straighten the limbs, grasp the big toes with your hands, pull towards you;
  • front of the thigh - stand up straight, bend the affected leg at the knee, grab the ankle with both hands, pull the foot to the buttocks;
  • the back of the thigh - stand up straight, put the leg with the affected muscles forward one step, put it on the heel, bend the healthy one at the knee, lean on it with your hands, gently start stretching the patient, pulling the pelvis back, as if trying to take off the patient’s shoe;
  1. make a cold compress.

Use these methods to relieve the main pain syndrome during a cramp. They help to relax a tense muscle, increase blood flow in the legs, and reduce pain. After eliminating the main pain, ensure good blood flow in the affected area: lie on your back, put a pillow under your legs so that the limbs are at an angle of 60 degrees, try to relax as much as possible. Stay in this position until all pain from muscle cramps has gone.

  • How to relieve spasm of the eye muscles in children or adults - treatment with drops and special exercises
  • Flat feet in children and adults
  • Spur on the foot

What to do for foot cramps treatment options

At the first stage, it is advisable to start everything by checking the vessels and veins of the lower extremities. To do this, you need to contact a specialist in the field of veins - a phlebologist, and he will already prescribe an adequate examination, ultrasound of the veins, and after all this - methods of treatment or prevention.

On a note! If the foot has cramped, it is necessary to immediately relax the leg, make light massage movements.

There is also such a way: strain your socks and pull them towards you, helping with your hand. If possible, put the feet on a cold surface, some are helped by a contrast shower or a light “prick” with a pin. After leg cramps, it is better to put your legs not on the bed, but a little higher, that is, placing a twisted towel or pillow under them, this will prevent the cramp from recurring.

Each person should be able to cope with such unpleasant manifestations as leg cramps. They can also happen in the middle of the night and even during sleep:

  1. The main rule is not to panic.
  2. Raise your torso, sit on the bed and lower your legs to the cool floor.
  3. Gently stand up without making sudden movements.
  4. The body should be straight, legs stand together, taking the weight of the body.
  5. After a few seconds, with an unpleasant inherent tingling, the blood circulation in the limbs will resume.

What to do if your legs cramp at night

To reduce the number of night attacks to a minimum, at the first symptomatology, you need to contact a specialist and jointly determine the etiology of the pathological process. Otherwise, it will be especially difficult, almost impossible, to ensure the long-awaited balance. If they do not leave cramps at night, here are the recommendations given by competent specialists:

  1. Review daily nutrition, abandon strict diets and hunger strikes. Replenish the blood supply of such valuable trace elements as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron (in the case of the latter, it is necessary to increase the process of absorption and assimilation by the body).
  2. It is very important to completely abandon everyday wear of uncomfortable and narrow shoes, which for a long time fixes the wrong position of the foot, puts unnecessary stress on the joints and tendons, and causes acute pain.
  3. It is necessary to permanently get rid of the bad habit of sitting in a cross-legged position, since in this case blood stagnation progresses, fraught with night cramps, numbness of the extremities.
  4. With a local violation of the blood circulation of the legs, it is necessary to increase physical activity in the daytime, for example, to be outdoors more often and to walk long distances. It is very important to avoid nervous overstrain, protracted stressful situations.
  5. It is necessary to perform a series of laboratory tests (urine and blood) to determine the underlying disease, which just could have provoked nighttime leg cramps. This is not only a disturbed metabolism, but also diabetes mellitus, hypoparathyroidism, Parkinson's disease, and infectious diseases.
  6. As an "ambulance" it is required to perform a quick massage of the reduced calf of the leg or to do a rotating movement of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet (to stretch the spastic muscles).
  7. Steady positive dynamics is provided by foot baths with sea salt, which have not only an antiseptic, but also a tonic, regenerating, and sedative effect.
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Medical treatment

Night leg cramps can be eliminated by conservative methods, but do this if such an unpleasant symptom began to remind of itself with particular regularity. Home self-medication is completely excluded, doctors provide for a comprehensive approach to a health problem, which begins with a detailed diagnosis and identification of the root cause of the disease. As for the oral administration of medications, it is appropriate to involve representatives of such pharmacological groups with night cramps:

  • magnesium preparations: Mydocalm, Natur Calm, Magnerota, Solgar with magnesium citrate, Baclofen (to strengthen the structure of cartilage and tendons, get rid of signs of beriberi);
  • multivitamin complexes: Complivit, Alphabet, Magne-B6 (to increase local immunity, speed up the healing process and get rid of such unpleasant nocturnal symptoms).


To eliminate the occurrence of night cramps, doctors recommend that patients perform simple physical exercises before bedtime. This is both treatment and prevention, which requires only time costs. Below are elementary movements, with regular performance of which you can reduce the number of painful attacks. So:

  1. Leaning on the feet, you need to squat down. Supporting the body with your hands, perform a smooth movement from socks to heels and vice versa (while always stretching). It is necessary to perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.
  2. In a standing position, it is required to firmly press the heels to the floor and transfer the weight of the entire body to them. Freeze in this position for 15 - 20 seconds, after taking a break, repeat 2 more sets.
  3. Another useful movement must be performed according to this principle: the toes of the feet are brought together, and the heels are located apart. Then you have to change the position of the body exactly the opposite. Perform the exercise for a minute, then a break and 2 more similar approaches.

How to give first aid

To provide first aid to the patient in case of muscle spasms, a number of measures are taken to relieve cramps at home. In the future, the patient will need to undergo a thorough examination to identify the causes of the onset of a series of convulsive contractions, and receive appropriate treatment.

Giving the patient the correct posture

If the patient began to complain about the development of convulsions, muscle contraction in the lower limb, the victim must be laid on a flat horizontal surface or seated. It is recommended in cases where it comes to damage to the calf muscles or the muscles of the foot. A simple tool will allow you to remove excessive tension from the muscle, to provide the necessary assistance faster.

Muscle unlocking

After the victim has taken a comfortable horizontal position, an attempt will be required to relieve muscle tension. A number of manual techniques have been developed.

  1. Take the patient by the foot in the area of ​​​​the fingers, press on them with your hand so that the fingers straighten towards the body of the victim. At the same time, the muscles of the calf, cramped, are tensed as much as possible. The patient will experience pain, after a short time the pain will quickly calm down.
  2. The patient is able to provide self-help in this way. You will need to sit down with your legs horizontally. With the fingers of both hands, grasp the toes of the sore leg, pull strongly towards you. With the described method, the pain quickly passes - in the calves and foot area, if the action is done correctly.
  3. Athletes often use a proven method to relieve cramps in the lower extremities. Take a sharp object and prick sharply in the skin at the site of a developing cramp. A suitable object for manipulation will be a pin or needle.
  4. If the previous methods do not work, the leg pulls, or it is not possible to apply the actions, it is recommended to thoroughly stretch the spasmodic muscles.


leg stretch exercise for leg cramps

foot stretch

  • Before going to bed, take a towel or a piece of any cloth.
  • Sit on the sofa and straighten your legs in front of you.
  • After 3-5 seconds, relax the cord, pull the sock forward a little.
  • Pull it away from you for 3 seconds.
  • Then repeat the movement with the cord - pull the sock towards you.
  • Such movement must be performed 5-7 times.
  • After that, do the same with the other leg.

Vessel hardening

  • Soak your feet in cold water for 20 seconds.
  • Rub thoroughly.
  • Throw a towel over the toe of one foot and pull the sock towards you with both hands at the ends of the towel.
  • If in the winter season - put on some warm clothes on your feet: woolen tights, for example, for women; warm sweatpants - for men.

With such a daily workout, the blood vessels will work better and the cramps will stop. Many patients, mostly women, say that they are afraid of the cold and do not want to do this exercise. But that is why the legs are afraid of the cold, because the vessels are weak. And that is why the legs need this procedure.

And indeed, you look, after a month the person stopped being afraid of the cold, and the vessels were restored, and the convulsions disappeared.

Pumping of blood vessels

  • Lie on the floor with your stomach down.
  • Lay down a towel or some kind of mattress in advance.
  • Slowly slowly lift 1 leg.
  • Hold for 1-2 seconds, and also, slowly lower smoothly. At the same time, at the moment when you lower your leg, try to relax it slightly.
  • Such movements need to be done 15 times: 15 times for one leg, 15 for the other.

The main thing is, in no case do not swing your legs, namely a smooth rise, slightly hold your leg in the weight and smoothly lower it. It is important! This is necessary in order for the blood to drain.

You will not believe! Thanks to such gymnastics, blood vessels are well washed and even toxins are removed from the joints due to such blood pumping. This is a great exercise, it helps a lot.

For those who are especially lazy or skeptical, just for comparison: lie down and lift one leg several times, stand up and compare the sensations in both legs.

First aid

  1. Pull the sock towards you and try to calm down. It is important to pull the toe with reinforcement.
  2. Rub the tense muscle or pinch it. You need to rub with your thumb in an up and down direction.
  3. You can walk on the cool floor with bare feet.
  4. Apply warming ointment to the painful area.

After the spastic processes are eliminated, it is necessary to raise the limbs above the head in a horizontal position for several minutes to restore blood supply and prevent a second "attack".

When medical attention is needed

Emergency medical attention is needed if the convulsions do not go away, and become a type of epileptic seizure.

Do not hesitate with qualified help if myoclonus bothers the child.

A planned visit to the doctor is necessary if spastic processes occur periodically and negatively affect well-being.

Consultation with a specialist is needed if there are other signs of various diseases.

What to do if a seizure occurs? How to reduce pain?

The actions aimed at relaxing them and restoring blood microcirculation will help to relax the excited muscles compressed into a painful lump:

  1. First of all, you should stop the movement that caused the spasm, stretch the spasmed muscle and stretch it. To enhance the effect of massage, you can use a warming and anesthetic ointment, aroma oils of lavender, juniper, rosemary.
  2. Alternating cold and hot compresses, as well as a tight bandage applied to the site of hardening, will improve and accelerate blood circulation in the affected muscle.
  3. If there are cramps in the lower extremities, which often happens at night, you should stand up, take a vertical position and strongly pull the toes of the foot of the “flattened” leg or tap the heel on the floor.
  4. At the same time, pinching, patting and tingling of the muscle will help to establish blood flow.
  5. After stopping the attack, it is recommended to lie down calmly with raised legs so as not to cause its recurrence.

The nature and types of seizures

Leg cramps at night are a common occurrence in many modern people. Some endure pain without finding out the cause, while others begin treatment, taking pills and other medicines just to relieve night pains.

Doctors insist on the need to find out the causes of seizures and prescribe complex treatment as soon as the symptom manifests itself, without waiting for the problem to worsen.

For successful treatment in a short time, drugs from a pharmacy, folk methods and nutritional recommendations from a nutritionist are prescribed.

We will talk about the cause and treatment of night cramps today.

Most often, an unbearable sensation of cramps occurs at night or early in the morning in the process of waking up. Sometimes, due to overwork or stress, a spasm can seize, but in some cases this is a fairly common pathological manifestation.

The causes of convulsive pain can be hidden in various diseases or pathological changes in the body.

The most common causes of night cramps, doctors consider such diseases and factors:

  • diabetes;
  • lack of minerals and vitamins;
  • hypothermia;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • flat feet;
  • varicose veins;
  • dehydration;
  • trauma;
  • inflammatory neurological and other diseases;

Causes of night cramps

Leg spasm in calf

When the calf muscle contracts in a cramp, it fails to relax.
Possible reasons:

  • hypothyroidism– insufficient productivity of hormones (failure of the thyroid gland);
  • daytime surge limbs leads to leg cramps at night;
  • dehydration from taking medications, pills, heat.

Spasm of toes

Cramping of the toes indicates a frequent load on these parts of the body. This category includes football players, ballerinas, but sometimes people of ordinary professions have such painful sensations.

This may be due to:

  • lack of calcium;
  • poor blood supply;
  • hypothermia;
  • taking certain medications.

leg cramps at night during pregnancy

Almost all pregnant women experience muscle spasms.

There are several reasons for this:

  • micronutrient imbalance;
  • toxicosis;
  • lack of nutrients due to the formation of the child's body in the womb;
  • low levels of calcium, sodium, potassium;
  • lack of B vitamins;
  • low glucose levels;
  • varicose veins;
  • plasma circulation disorder.

Leg cramps at night in the elderly

In old age, the body does not work to its full potential. With age, the body develops, the consumption of nutrients, including calcium. This is not the only reason why older people suffer from nocturnal limb cramps.

  • thrombosis;
  • loss of fluid between tendons and bones (tendons decrease in size);
  • weakening of muscle tissue;
  • diabetes;
  • diuretics, neuroleptics, blood pressure lowering drugs;
  • overheating, heat, uncomfortable position during rest.

What to do with night cramps

There are several instructions from doctors on what to do if you suddenly have a muscle spasm.

It's important to know! Ways to relieve cramps in the legs at night are effective when the causes of the pathology do not have serious changes in the body, however, medical therapy is often required using tablets, ointments and other medicines.

leg cramp pills


The drug reduces venous distension, with an increase in tone and a decrease in venous congestion. It is recommended to reduce permeability, fragility of capillaries, improves blood flow. Regular use relieves convulsive symptoms, with chronic venous insufficiency in the legs.

  • hemorrhoidal attacks;
  • painful symptoms;
  • convulsions;
  • feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • trophic disorder;

Each tablet contains: diosmin and hesperidin.

Taking the drug: venous insufficiency - 1 tablet twice a day during meals (noon, evening), acute hemorrhoids - the first four days, 6 pieces of the drug daily, for the next three days, 4 tablets.

Among the contraindications, individual intolerance is noted.

Tablets do not affect the attentiveness of drivers when driving, do not inhibit the psychomotor reaction.

Detrolex (tablets) is recognized as the best drug for the treatment of leg cramps at night- it relieves not only painful symptoms, but also beats due to the appearance of these manifestations. After a two-month course of treatment, you can forget about convulsions for a long time.

The price for 60 capsules is 1400 rubles.


According to doctors, the drug helps prevent leg cramps at night at any stage of the venous pathological process, if they occur for this reason.

This drug in tablets is the best angioprotector of natural origin, which is recommended for the treatment of varicose veins.

The uniqueness of the composition of the drug is due to the active substance diosmin, which has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, with an increase in overall tone. Thanks to the action of the drug, inflammatory processes are blocked, blood flow is normalized.

The tablets have a fairly wide spectrum of action, their use is recommended for:

The tool has the quality of rapid absorption in the digestive tract. Excretion from the body is carried out naturally through bile, feces, urine.

Diosmin effectively strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

It's important to know! Among the contraindications of the drug noted: allergic reactions, so the ban on taking the drug applies to pregnancy, breastfeeding, children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Admission Recommendations: In case of intolerance to the body of the components that make up the tablets, the reception is stopped. With the expansion of the veins, the recommended dose is 1000 mg per day in two doses - this is 3 tablets, twice a day. The course of therapeutic therapy is 60-90 days.

Diosmin can cause allergies, skin rashes, digestive system failure, headaches. Treatment of varicose veins should include additional preventive measures: an active lifestyle, weight control, walking in the fresh air, the use of compression underwear. The approximate price is 430 rubles.


Granular Venoflebin tablets help with leg cramps at night that occur due to varicose veins. The drug is recommended for the effective treatment of thrombosis, hemorrhoids, venous pathology.

Among the contraindications, the individual susceptibility of the active components of the drug was noted.

Acute condition - 40 granules are diluted in 100 ml of water, taken 1 tsp. every 3.5 hours, the solution should be held for a few seconds before swallowing. After the removal of acute symptoms, you can proceed to the usual regimen.

Of the side effects, allergies are noted, due to an overdose. The price of 30 g of packaging is 320 rubles.


A drug of venotonic action with angioprotective and venotonic effect. Reduces venous distension, improves blood flow, with an increase in the tone of the walls of blood vessels.

Indicated for use in acute hemorrhoids, venous insufficiency of the limbs, relieves heaviness in the legs, muscle spasms.

The substances of the drug are excreted from the body naturally with the help of the digestive organs and kidneys.

It's important to know! The drug Venarus is allowed for the treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy, since studies have not shown any side effects.

During breastfeeding, the drug should not be taken.

Admission Recommendations: 1-2 tablets. during the day. The drug is taken during a meal, the recommended dose should be divided into two doses (at midday and in the evening). There is no information on overdose.

The duration of the course of treatment therapy is determined by a specialist. The price of tablets is from 800 to 1100 rubles (depending on the individual quantity).


Treatment of night cramps of the lower extremities, elimination of the causes with pills Troxerutin


Method of administration

Angioprotector with mutagenic, embryotoxic action. Removes inflammatory processes, has fortified activity. The active substances are excreted from the body by the kidneys and liver, without penetrating into the bloodstream.

It is prescribed for patients with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, phlebitis, as well as for pain caused by trauma, dislocations, sprains, muscle spasms.

Determined by the attending physician. The main scheme indicates a two-time daily intake of one tablet during meals. The preparations are washed down with water, in its entirety (without chewing). The usual course for relieving painful symptoms is 20 days, the entire treatment process lasts up to 45 days.

The price of the drug is 270-290 rubles.


It is recommended to take one capsule twice a day. The course of therapeutic therapy is recommended by a doctor, for prevention, 20 days of a single dose of 1 capsule is enough.

The price of the drug is 280-300 rubles.

What measures should be taken to reduce the likelihood of seizures

When convulsive nocturnal seizures in the legs are frequent, an examination in a medical institution is required to determine the true cause. After that, the specialist will prescribe an individual course of therapy.

Self-medication is not effective, and in some cases it aggravates and delays the healing process.

Useful videos about the causes of leg cramps and how to deal with them

A useful video clip on how to treat leg cramps at night and their causes:

And another useful video about the treatment of seizures, which drugs in tablets can help:

About drugs for leg cramps:

We hope this article was useful to you and our tips will help you in the treatment of leg cramps! Be healthy!

Muscle contractions are a concern for many, they can affect the calves, feet, thighs. Leg cramps are especially common, accompanied by unbearable pain. In order to get rid of spasms of the limbs, you need to determine the cause of the violation.

Characteristics of spasms

Nerve impulses regulate muscle contractions. Skeletal muscle function depends on brain activity and is voluntary. When a muscle tenses involuntarily, a spasm occurs. Movement in the affected area is restricted. Seizures are fixed with a change in the electrolyte blood composition, a lack of nutrients involved in the functioning of the neuromuscular apparatus.

Cramping is a sudden muscle contraction accompanied by severe pain. Tension can last from 30 seconds to 3 minutes. The pain syndrome disappears after complete relaxation of the muscle. There are tonic spasms, in which a long pain syndrome is fixed, and clonic - short contractions, followed by relaxation. Leg cramps belong to the tonic group and can occur in the feet, lower legs, toes and calves.

For a person, generalized convulsions are the most dangerous, when all the muscles contract at the same time, the person loses consciousness. This condition can be caused by brain tumors. Such spasms occur as a result of serious illnesses and require urgent medical attention.

People of different ages and gender suffer from spasmolytic attacks. . This is due to a sedentary lifestyle and the development of aging processes. In addition, the elderly take many medications, the side effects of which are spasms.

The occupation of a person is of great importance. Convulsions often occur in loaders, athletes.

Leg cramps often occur at night. This is due to slowed blood circulation, uncomfortable sleeping posture and increased brain activity caused by dreams. Systematic night cramps in the legs signal a deficiency of calcium, potassium in the body. Spasmolytic attacks can also occur in the morning, when the muscles are sharply included in the work.


Factors that contribute to the appearance of leg cramps include:

  • Deficiency of vitamin D, magnesium, potassium, which provokes a monotonous diet, abuse of caffeine, alcohol, nicotine. This condition disrupts the process of transmitting impulses to the muscles.
  • Dehydration. Excessive sweating evacuates trace elements involved in muscle function from the body. Therefore, it is recommended to drink more fluids, especially during intense sporting activities.
  • Temperature fluctuations. Hypothermia when swimming in a pond or while being in severe frost leads to a contraction of the muscles of the limbs, cramps appear in the legs.
  • Physical activity. Strong tension during training, incorrectly distributed load, lack of warm-up before training causes overstrain of one muscle group. To prevent leg cramps, you need to alternate relaxation with exercise.
  • Diseases. Disturbed metabolism, vascular pathologies, leg injuries provoke convulsions. In such situations, the help of a specialist is required.
  • Stress. Emotional overstrain affects the nerve endings that regulate muscle contraction. Excess synthesis of the stress hormone causes a deficiency of micronutrients necessary for proper muscle functioning.

The lack of elements required for the healthy functioning of the neuromuscular apparatus is provoked by the intake of adsorbents, diuretics. Medicines of this action interfere with the proper absorption of calcium and magnesium. Diuretics flush out potassium. A deficiency of the described elements disrupts the functioning of the muscular system, provoking convulsions. Clubfoot contributes to spasm of the calf muscles. The heel deviates inward, bending the ankle joint.

Read also related

What are partial convulsions: features of the condition and possible complications

During pregnancy, women often complain of spasms of the extremities. This is due to both a lack of important trace elements and poor blood supply to the legs.

An increase in body temperature above 39 ° C causes a febrile seizure. This condition is most commonly seen in children.

If spasms are rare, there is no cause for concern. This can be affected by incorrect body position, which leads to nerve compression. But frequent numbness indicates unhealthy processes occurring in the body.

Systematic spasms can be caused by epilepsy, severe mental disorders, varicose veins, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular diseases. Pathologies of the kidneys, thyroid gland, sciatica, flat feet can also provoke seizures.

Possible Complications

As a result of impaired cardiac and pulmonary activity, convulsions can lead to death. In severe cases, convulsive syndrome provokes:

  • cardiac arrest;
  • arrhythmia;
  • rupture of the muscle fiber;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • cerebral hemorrhage;
  • fracture of the spinal column;
  • injury due to loss of consciousness.

The concentration of potassium and lactic acid increases with muscle spasms. This increase leads to irregular heartbeats.

Therapeutic methods

Treatment of leg cramps should begin with a search for the causes of the disorder. After the diagnosis is made, the nature of the underlying disease will be taken into account.

With a deficiency of nutrients, patients are usually prescribed vitamins E, B, D. The elements restore healthy muscle functioning.

If the cause of muscle spasms is the intake of pharmacological drugs, then it is necessary to replace the drug with a similar one. When using diuretics, the patient needs to take additional potassium.

With metabolic disorders and endocrine diseases, it is required to regulate the hormonal background. In such situations, you need to contact an endocrinologist.

If varicose veins are diagnosed, it is recommended to use agents that strengthen the vascular walls. Only a doctor can prescribe the right drug.

If convulsions occur against the background of epilepsy, the patient should be laid on his side in order to prevent blockage of the airways by vomit. It is also necessary to place a hard object between the teeth of the victim, this measure will avoid biting the tongue.

Medical treatment

Leg cramps are a symptom that accompanies the disease. There are no drugs that relieve spasms. To eliminate the pain syndrome, you need to cure the underlying disease.

As a first aid for muscle twitching, you can use Aspirin, the tablet will improve microcirculation processes in the vessels of the extremities.

The most common cause of numbness is a deficiency of vitamin and mineral elements. To prevent and treat night cramps, doctors recommend preparations containing magnesium: Mydocalm, Baclofen, Natur Calm.

Important! If you cramp your legs, Finalgon can be used as first aid. The ointment instantly relieves the painful syndrome.

Doctors recommend that patients suffering from private leg cramps take sedative herbal remedies. Natural herbal medicines eliminate overwork, nervous irritability, fatigue - which is why convulsions occur.

: Magne-B6, Complivit, Calcium D3 Nycomed, Alphabet. Such drugs are allowed to be taken at any age: both a child and an elderly person. Taking vitamin complexes prevents the development of micronutrient deficiencies. The choice of vitamins should be made by a doctor.

Statistical data record that convulsions appeared during the life of every second person. This unpleasant manifestation of spasmodic muscle contraction is more often observed in older people. However, acute pain syndrome, together with the "petrification" of the muscles, is also familiar to the younger generation, and recently it has been increasingly diagnosed even in children.

It is not difficult to eliminate the symptoms of an attack if you know the reasons why your legs cramp, as well as a few simple rules that will help you do this as quickly as possible.

Specificity of manifestations and classification

A spasm of the calf muscle occurs suddenly and is characterized by a sharp contraction of all muscle bundles located in it.

There are two types of convulsive contractions:

  • Clonic - periodic contractions that alternate with complete relaxation;
  • Tonic - prolonged manifestations of a convulsive symptom.

Cramps in the calf muscles last from 5 seconds to 10 minutes. The longer the attack lasts, the more painful the sensations will be after it passes.

It is important!

At the time of a prolonged attack, blood circulation is disturbed, and lactic acid is retained in large quantities in the muscles.

All spasmodic manifestations of muscles are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Muscle spasms. Occurs due to incorrect muscle impulses. Last about 15 minutes and are fixed in the hips or in.
  2. Cramps of the toes. The manifestation of spasms is due to pathological changes in metabolic processes or chronic diseases. Manifestations are possible in people who wear uncomfortable shoes or spend a long time standing.
  3. Cramps in the feet. Diagnosed in patients with flat feet or neurological diseases.

Any cramps in the legs can be both a consequence of overexertion and a harbinger of severe pathology of the internal organs. Therefore, if it manifests itself often and lasts a long time, it is necessary to undergo a detailed examination in order to find out the root cause and begin its treatment.

Why do seizures occur

Most often, calf muscle cramps appear at night. The manifestation of symptoms is associated with a decrease in blood circulation during sleep, so the absorption of nutrients important for the muscles slows down. Frequent convulsions bother people who have a lack of calcium, potassium and magnesium in the body, so to alleviate the condition, you need to include foods rich in these trace elements in your diet.

In addition, lactic acid is poorly excreted from soft tissues during sleep in a poorly ventilated room, where there is a lack of oxygen, which contributes to seizures.

However, cramps that fetter the calf muscle can also appear during the day, and in absolutely healthy people.

There are the following reasons why it cramps the leg:

  • Excessive and prolonged tension in the muscles of the legs;
  • Prolonged stay of limbs in a static position;
  • Cold;
  • Emotional stress and stress;
  • Dehydration due to insufficient fluid intake;
  • Increased physical activity;
  • Unbalanced diet, smoking, uncontrolled intake of medications;
  • Pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimester;
  • Incorrectly selected, poor quality shoes.

Regular spasms in the legs of the cause are purely pathological, associated with such diseases:

  • Diseases of neurology;
  • Violation of the water balance in the body;
  • Circulatory pathologies;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Diseases and vessels;
  • Varicose veins;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • Pathologies of the endocrine system;

It is important!

If muscle spasm occurs frequently, you cannot independently diagnose yourself and start treatment, since only a doctor, based on the described clinical picture and test results, will be able to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Many patients complain of spasmodic muscle contractions in. This situation may be due to poor circulation or problems at work,.

The main causes of cramps on the toes are the following:

  • Flat feet of the transverse view;
  • Poor carbohydrate metabolism;
  • Smoking.

Wrong lifestyle, which consists in an uneven distribution of physical activity, a constant lack of vital elements (potassium, calcium, magnesium), as well as vitamin D, prolonged stress, are the main provocateurs of convulsive muscle contractions.

First steps

With cramps in the legs, first aid is necessary, as the person experiences severe pain and cannot move. In addition, given the suddenness of the attacks, it is impossible to prepare for them. People experience panic fear, confusion, panic.

What to do if there is a cramp in the legs?

  • Take a few deep breaths to calm down;
  • Pinch the place that cramped;
  • Slowly bend and unbend the reduced leg in;
  • You can make an intense massage by patting and pinching your leg;
  • Lie down and lift your legs up, preferably at an angle of 60 degrees;
  • Lie down for a few minutes, placing a roll of a blanket or pillow under your feet.

What to do with convulsions that?

Under no circumstances should you panic. Trying to breathe deeply, roll over onto your back and swim towards the shore.

In this case, involuntary muscle contraction occurred due to hypothermia. Therefore, in order to remove it, it needs to be warmed up. To do this, use warming ointments or ordinary alcohol. Be sure to do an intense massage and get dressed.


This method should not be used by people who have been diagnosed with blood clots or varicose veins.

Muscle spasms at night are especially inconvenient, so it is important to know what to do with leg cramps in this case.

  • Try to stand up with your feet flat on the floor;
  • If the pain is sharp and you can’t get up, start rubbing your legs intensively, pinching them;
  • After the spasm has passed, lie down on the bed with your legs elevated by placing a blanket or pillow under them.

If the legs often cramp, this is a signal from the body about an impending or developing pathology. First aid for seizures relieves only the manifestations of symptoms, but does not treat the underlying disease that caused them.

Not childish problems

The manifestation of spasmodic contractions in children is always frightening for both the kids themselves and their parents. Therefore, adults should clearly know what to do if a leg cramp occurs in a child.

Spasms are mainly affected by children under three years of age. The following categories of babies are at risk:

  • Children born prematurely weighing less than 1.5 kg;
  • Newborns who have hemorrhages of different localization;
  • Babies born with intrauterine infection;
  • Children with CNS damage.

With convulsions in a child that manifested itself for the first time, it is necessary to hospitalize the baby or undergo a detailed examination in the near future. After all, spasmodic contractions can occur due to acquired diseases:

  • Diseases of an infectious nature;
  • Intoxication of the body;
  • Diseases and: hemorrhages, tumors and cystic changes;
  • Pathologies of the nervous system;
  • Failure in the functioning of blood circulation;
  • During seizures;
  • genetic predisposition.

First aid for convulsions in children consists in clear and consistent actions:

  • Call an ambulance;
  • Put the baby on a flat and hard surface so that he cannot fall, placing a pillow or a rolled-up blanket under his head;
  • Ensure the safety of the child by removing all piercing objects that can injure the baby;
  • Provide access to fresh air in the room;
  • Remove or unfasten the pressing elements of clothing, ensuring free breathing;
  • Gently but intensively massage the legs, starting from the tips of the fingers and ending with the entire calf muscle;
  • It is strictly forbidden to pour water into a child by force, to squeeze or unclench the jaws.

With proper and comprehensive treatment, started in a timely manner, the problem of convulsive spasms in children will pass. However, parents should be aware that frequent and prolonged attacks lead to oxygen deficiency, which will cause serious consequences for the health and mental development of babies.

The effectiveness of folk remedies

The leg can be reduced at the most inopportune time, so it is important not only to give yourself first aid for cramps, but also to be able to prevent their occurrence in time.

Consider a few recipes that have proven their effectiveness, which can be prepared at home.

Recipe #1

1 st. l. apple cider vinegar;
30 g of turpentine;
1 egg yolk.
Mix the components well and lubricate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs, which cramps, for the night.

Recipe #2

60 g goose cinquefoil;
1 liter of boiling water.
Pour boiling water over the grass and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. Strain and take the resulting infusion in small doses throughout the day. This remedy will get rid of severe pain and muscle spasms in the legs.

If the toes are cramping, they should be rubbed with lemon juice or rubbed with mustard overnight.

If the legs are cramped and there is an ordinary magnet under the arms, it is enough to attach it to the caviar. The spasm will pass in 1-2 minutes.

Preventive measures

People who are faced with regular muscle spasms need to understand that there is no single therapeutic scheme for getting rid of the disease. Only after identifying the causes that provoked convulsions, you can get rid of them forever.

Diagnosis of the disease can only be carried out by a doctor after a detailed examination. Therefore, if the legs after cramps are very sore or spasmodic symptoms are constantly pursued, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

To prevent the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do contrast foot baths daily;

Each of us has come across a situation where a sharp movement of the foot or a long stay in an uncomfortable position provoked the development of convulsions - unpleasant and very painful involuntary muscle contractions.

About how to quickly and effectively deal with a cramp, and we'll talk further.

1. First aid for convulsions

Leg cramps occur suddenly and mostly at night. What to do in such a situation?

Tip #1: Get out of bed and walk barefoot around the apartment.

Tip #2: As you walk, shift your body weight onto the cramped leg, rolling from heel to toe.

Tip #3: In a standing position, pull the sock forward (away from you), trying to stretch the cramped muscle as much as possible, and then pull the sock towards you. Do this exercise until the pain syndrome decreases or does not go away at all.

Tip #4: Lean on the back of a chair or wall and slowly rise on your toes, then slowly lower yourself (you should feel a stretch in the muscles of the lower leg).

2. Pin prick for convulsions

Many advise prick the caviar with a pin or needle if the leg cramped. This method, of course, will help relieve spasm, but it is far from always rational. Why?

Firstly, before pricking the caviar, it is necessary to disinfect the pin, which is not always possible. Otherwise, the risk of infection is high, which is much more dangerous for the body than convulsions.

Secondly, the pain during convulsions is so severe that you are unlikely to remember the pin in the first place, and if you do, it can take a long time to find it.

Thirdly, if a leg cramps in the water, then even with a pin (and experienced swimmers attach it to swimming trunks especially for such cases), it is extremely difficult to quickly navigate in such a situation, unfasten the pin and pierce the caviar.

What to do, you ask?

Better several times strongly pinch the calf muscle area folded leg.

3. Exercise for cramps

If walking and pinching do not help eliminate cramps, use a set of special exercises that will help quickly eliminate spasm and relax the calf muscles.

If a cramp cramped your calves or feet, take a sitting position, grasp the cramped sock, and gently, but at the same time, pull it strongly towards you. Be prepared for the fact that the pain will intensify, but after 1 - 2 minutes you will forget about it.

With a cramp in the front of the thigh in a standing position:

  • bend your leg at the knee
  • tightly wrap your arms around your ankle,
  • pull the foot to the buttocks.

If a cramp occurs in the area of ​​the back of the thigh:

  • enter the sore leg forward, while the support should fall on the heel,
  • bend the other leg at the knee and lean on it with your hands,
  • gently move the pelvis back, thereby stretching the limb affected by the cramp.

With proper exercise, a tense muscle quickly relaxes, and the cramp goes away.

4. Massage for cramps

In any case, involuntary muscle contractions cannot be ignored, since they can indicate serious pathologies, including:

  • deterioration of blood circulation in the limbs;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body;
  • disruption of the musculoskeletal system and spinal cord;
  • malignant formations;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • malfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • gestosis (specific spasms that occur in pregnant women);
  • infectious diseases.

Take care of your feet! After all, even the ancient sages said that human aging begins with the legs!

What to do if you cramp your leg?