How to find what you love and why is it important to choose a job you like? How to find an interesting job you like.

How to find a job you like? Pleasant and easy career guidance - you will be surprised!

The question is not whether to be or not to be - the question is who exactly to be. After all, we spend most of our lives working and doing our business—mistakes here are unacceptable. Don’t listen to your friends, family and advertising – look for yourself and your place in the world. It is most important!

Express test: find out who you are?

So, first, give yourself a simple but true psychological test. On paper, draw the following shapes: a square, a circle, a triangle, a vertical rectangle and two waves - one below the other. But arrange them in the order you like - the first figure should be your favorite. And she will just tell you about what field of activity you need to look for yourself in.

Square. If this figure was the first, you are a man-nature. Working with animals, plants, and the green world is suitable for you. Your place of work is a dolphinarium, laboratories, nurseries, botanical gardens, medicine and a travel agency.

Circle. You are a technical person. But this does not mean that you can now only repair cars - in many professions people with a technical mindset are valued. Even among musicians there is such a thing as “technicians” and “hearers.” Those. you will like the kind of work in which skill will be welcomed and where you can hone it.

Triangle. You are a sign person. At school age, you loved mathematics and all the exact sciences, and therefore working as an accountant is very creative for you. Everything related to symbols, encryption, numbers and calculations is all yours. In addition to traditional ones, modern triangle professions include SEO optimizers, analysts (especially analysts!) and programmers. Quite well paid professions, by the way

Rectangle. Was this figure the first? You are an image person. Most likely, you are left-handed, because... It is the right hemisphere (responsible for the left hand) that produces vivid emotional images and gives the predominance of synthesis in thinking. You can become a successful artist, landscape and interior designer, decorator, screen star or writer. After all, you see the whole world in harmonious images - and this is a rare gift.

Waves. Are there two wavy lines ahead, one above the other? You are a born psychologist. Your ideal job is working with people. These two lines are two souls, two personalities. You - schools, teachers, operators, marketers, realtors and business consultants. As the saying goes: “The whole world is in your hands if you know how to choose your words!”

Freelancing, network marketing, business or “working for someone else”?

But how to decide on the form of employment? Is it worth dragging with the dawn rays across the city to a stuffy office, or trying your luck among freelancing freelancers? Or is it better to borrow money from a neighbor and start your own business? Become a diamond leader in some cosmetics company? Learn to sell your own hobby at a high price?...

Yes, the modern world provides unlimited opportunities. It is no longer considered prestigious and honorable, as before, to work at one factory all your life and then be proud of a well-deserved pension for your “working youth”. Today, mobility and the ability to survive in different circumstances are valued. As one wise man said: “We are not a tree to grow in one place: if you don’t like your job, change it!”

Are you afraid? A crisis? Just imagine that for another ten, twenty, thirty years you will wake up like this every morning to an unloved job and envy all the homeless people who sleep sweetly at such an early hour and do not worry about anything at all. That for the rest of your life you will regret the lost opportunities, the lost development and self-realization. Bright prospects? How about you wait a couple of years and then decide to make changes? It’s better now - the younger you are, the more strength and energy you have, and the more in demand you are. Youth is given to a person so that he can find himself.

But don’t believe reviews and advertisements for this or that type of activity - each of them has its own pros and cons. In short, they are: "working for my uncle" Many people are attracted to stability. Stable salary, stable job, stable vacation. In a word, stable poverty.

People who hate morning owls and those whose cheekbones ache at the mention of the words “report” and “flight” usually go into freelancing. It’s not for nothing that “freelancing” comes from “free” - “freedom”. But there are many pitfalls here - huge competition, customer fraud, and the most banal laziness, which will immediately grab you by the throat as soon as there is no longer a boss behind you with your foot raised to kick you.

Network marketing is, of course, a popular business today. Constant growth, development, salary, the size of which depends only on you - all these are quite pleasant little things. But don’t forget that you will need to live non-stop all the time, not to mention the fact that you will have to actually marry a mobile phone.

Your own business is definitely a good option if you have entrepreneurial acumen. Just forget about restful sleep. Forever. But it will be interesting! And in order to understand yourself and what is closest to your liking, take the following test.

People-stones, lights, water and warm wax - who are you?

A rather interesting classification of personalities is popular in the marketing world - try to determine your type:

Stone people: everything is bad, bad, bad!

A typical stone personality is Miss Leech from modern Luntik. She is always unhappy with everything, she is terribly slow to climb and has a rather bad character. In life, such people are very prudent and even stingy, they are meticulously punctual and love to “nail” those around them. But this does not mean that they are bad, they just each have their own characteristics and their own worldview.

Do you recognize yourself? Civil service and a stable, dust-free job in a company are ideal for you. You will be in the same office, in the same position, for decades. You will not be particularly afraid of either economic crises or the personnel problem of the market. Your salary will be the same, stably on a certain day of the month, and neither defaults, nor competition, nor modern realities will knock it out of your financial plan for the year (more precisely, for all 10 years). If you like this kind of work, don’t listen to anyone and do what you really like.

After all, stone people, of whom there are about 20% of us, are important, stable cogs in a huge mechanism. But make a note to yourself that: “The little wheels on the clock spin the most.”

Water people: the main thing is to go with the flow!

There are as many as 40% of us like that. This is an ordinary gray mass, a crowd. Water easily changes shape, adapts and contains the most diverse audience. A water person can work successfully in absolutely any field of activity. True, it’s better not to expect any stunning achievements from him, but he won’t feel bad anywhere. He loves to go with the flow, which is why all other subtypes value him. Do you recognize yourself? Don’t fool yourself - look for a job that is closer to you and where the salary will suit you. It doesn’t matter what the essence of your classes will be, you can handle anything!

Wax people: just a drop of human warmth...

Wax people are typical introverts. More than anything else, they value comfort. They are loyal, persistent, constant - they can be both excellent performers and excellent leaders. But psychological support and human warmth in relationships are important for them - from their boss or subordinates. Do you feel like this is about you? Then any office job will suit you, you can build an excellent career and even open your own small business - but without risk and overexertion, because you are not mobile enough, although you are flexible. And even in freelancing, success awaits you - those who don’t need supervision and a boss’s whip at all.

Fire People: Engine of Progress

And finally, the rarest type of people are fire people. There are only 1% of them! They are born leaders, excellent strategists, they know how to ignite others and lead entire crowds. “Ogonki” are especially successful in network marketing and in those areas of activity where there is no ceiling on either initiative or salary. But they cannot live without live human communication, and therefore, if they are forced to work in a gray office on papers, they will either begin to think about a rope with soap, or they will disperse their vigorous activity and there - they will become heads of trade union committees, secret instigators against their bosses or “ mommies" and "daddies" for others. Do you recognize the sparkle in yourself? Don’t ruin yourself in your service, because you are a real diamond for many companies. Look for yourself!

Now just close your eyes and relax. Imagine yourself in the future—your ideal future. Where do you live? What do you do? No, don't specify your profession - just think about what it would look like. Forget the names of your specialties and the vacancy - come up with a new job that has never happened before, but which you would definitely like. Do you see live communication with people or is it quiet work with technology? What are you wearing? How many hours a day do you devote to your future favorite activity? Think carefully, what service would you be happy to jump into at 7 am, or for what would you be happy to give up your boss and a stable salary? Where are your dreams? What are they?

Do you want to find a job you like? Catch your luck by the tail - right now! Don't let a single day of your life be gray and dull. Be brave and love yourself more than anyone else in the world! Don’t be afraid of changes and bold decisions - fortune loves them!

The problem of self-determination is one of the most common among all internal torments of a person. And often people cannot decide what they want from life until old age. Therefore, one should not assume that this problem is unique to teenagers. Every person at absolutely any age can suddenly look back at his past, look at the current situation and be horrified, realizing that he does not want to be here at all.

As a rule, such mental anguish concerns the most basic aspects of the life of a modern person - family and work. And if it’s difficult to give at least some advice about family, since in personal relationships everything is too individual, then regarding work you can give certain useful recommendations that are suitable for each person.

First of all, we hasten to please you - you can change your calling in life at any time. So don't stigmatize yourself by saying it's too late to change. A huge advantage of living in the modern world is that you can always change your mind, change the situation or correct the mistakes of the past. Today there are no unsolvable work-related problems. You just need to put in a little effort.

So, if you are reading this article, then you want to find a profession to your liking. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what situation you are in now. Yesterday's university graduate or an employee of a large organization with impressive experience - you can break all previous work ties at any time and rearrange your professional life anew.

The tips in this article will help you decide on a profession - both for young people and experienced workers in any field. After reading this article, you will be able to answer the following questions for yourself:

  • what do I want to do;
  • how can I achieve this;
  • How to find a job that I will enjoy.

After reading the article, you will be able to get rid of prejudices and attitudes imposed by society on most people. You'll learn why job satisfaction is more important than salary, and why some people don't aspire to high positions.

Why do you want to find a job you like?

First of all, you should decide on your motives. Why do you want to look for a job that you will enjoy? Why did you decide to quit your previous job and find a profession you like?

It would seem like a stupid question. However, in fact, there is a huge meaning hidden in it. Think for yourself - how many people every day agree to do work that they don’t like? They take jobs that do not meet their desires, but in which they can earn decent wages and provide for themselves and their loved ones. Accordingly, they get what they want - a job that pays them money.

Most people are almost sure that work is a hard, unpleasant necessity. However, you are not one of them, since you are reading this text. You realize that you can find a profession in which you don’t have to force yourself to get up every single day and force yourself to go to the office (to a factory, to a salon, etc.) to do something you don’t like for several hours in a row. Congratulations - you are already ten steps ahead of all those who are still convinced that there is no such thing as a pleasant job.

What you have to sacrifice

Unfortunately, the world works this way - if we gain something in one area, we will certainly lose in another. The exchange is not always equal, but you need to be prepared for it.

Answer the question for yourself: what are you willing to sacrifice in order to work in the place to which your soul lies?

Of course, the very first thing that comes to mind is money. Yes, unfortunately, our favorite things are rarely highly paid. And, of course, if all your life you have dreamed of helping people by working as a nurse, and your parents forced you to study economics and go to work as a financial consultant, you will most likely face certain financial losses. However, do not rush to get upset. We will move on to the issue of wages. At this stage, consider how financially stable your current situation is and whether you would be willing to sacrifice it if your calling lies in a lower-paying field. Of course, the desired profession is not always paid less, but in most cases people refuse it precisely for financial reasons.

In addition to money, your family and loved ones can become an obstacle to your dream profession. Why? Many people value stability and reliability most of all. Of course, for some of your loved ones, the idea of ​​giving up everything and starting something completely new may seem scary and absurd. However, the wisest thing to do would be to calmly talk to them, explaining your vision of the situation. Tell them that you are not happy in your current job.

Another sacrifice you may have to make is time. Any new profession requires certain qualifications. To get it, you need to work hard for quite a long time. Of course, this does not apply, for example, to janitors (although they, perhaps, have their own professional subtleties and tricks that are not learned in a day!).

Be that as it may, if you want to make a living by growing exotic flowers, although you have never planted a cactus in your life, you will need some time to understand the subject of your new profession. You will have to deduct this time not from your current work, but from your leisure time. Are you ready to sacrifice ten evenings watching TV for the sake of your dream?

Why money is less important than job satisfaction

This statement may be a bit exaggerated. However, the meaning of this section is very important to understand.

Many people wonder how to find a job they like, so we decided to share our experience in this matter. The famous saying immediately comes to mind - “all our problems are in our heads”; it fits this case perfectly. This article will be in a non-standard format for our website, first we will talk about our vision of this issue, and then we will share the story of our subscriber, he will tell how he found his dream job.

All these mistakes are taken from the life experiences of many successful businessmen. We did not invent anything new, all this was taken from the personal experience of the authors of this article and one successful subscriber.

We hope that these mistakes will help you understand which direction you need to move and what you shouldn't do. Well, let's move on to the practical part of the article. And if you don’t have a dream, we advise you to read this article - “”, perhaps after reading it you will have new thoughts.

Mistake #1 “Dreams”

Dreams are great, it was thanks to them that people managed to go into space, invent light, the Internet, telephones and a bunch of other amazing things. If you have a dream to become someone (no matter who or how crazy it looks), try to become that person.

But when implementing this, it is very important not to lose your head. For example, if you have wanted to play the guitar all your life, and now you have forgotten about it and are working in a company in order to provide for your family, you cannot just take everything and leave it and follow your dream.

Here it is very important to feel the line between outright madness and a dream. To begin with, you can find a job that will take you less time than the previous one and will give you the opportunity to spend more time training. Of course, this is too radical a step for many and few will do it, but the goal was to convey that you can do anything if you want.

Mistake #2 “Fear”

This mistake is related to the first one; many people never actually realize their dreams because they are too afraid to do so. In order to achieve something, you need to sacrifice something. All successful people know this rule and understand that nothing will come of it if you don’t overpower yourself.

This situation is similar to the fear of a young guy when he likes a girl but is afraid to approach her to meet her because he is too afraid that she will tell him no and he will feel awkward or something. But if he doesn't approach her, he'll never know what she'll tell him.

Therefore, most people prefer to hide their dreams behind fears and come up with all sorts of excuses for themselves.

Mistake #3 “A hobby cannot become a job”

Many people, especially in the CIS, like to say that “a hobby is a hobby, and work is work.” Implying that these things are not compatible with each other. But we, like most successful businessmen who made their fortunes themselves through “honest work,” are of the opinion that a hobby can very well become a job, and most of them turned their hobby into a job. For example - Steve Jobs, Sam Walton, Richard Branson and many others. By the way, we advise you to read the section, and it contains very interesting things on this topic.

Mistake #4 "Lack of Purpose"

Without a goal, any work will not bring pleasure. Everyone who enjoys their work has a goal. For example, Henry Ford had a goal to make a car that would be affordable for every American. It was this goal that forced him to move forward and work tens of hours a day.

For each person, the goal can be different, someone just wants to prove to others that he is worth something and this motivates him, others want to do whatever interests them, like Richard Branson (we highly recommend studying history and listening to audio books of this businessman ). This is one of the most amazing businessmen we have ever written about.

Error No. 5 ""

Not many lucky people managed to find their calling the first time, the stories of successful businessmen confirm this. Many of those who the world now knows as the richest people did not begin their journey from the simplest professions, for example, Brian Tracy, in his youth he worked on a ship, sawed timber and worked in many other hard jobs.

Today, many people know Brian Tracy as a successful speaker and motivator who inspires millions of people every year with his books and trainings around the world.

Error No. 6 “Don’t put yourself in a box”

Many people limit themselves when looking for a job, telling themselves: “I’m too stupid for this job, I can’t count quickly, etc.” and so on.". Of course, they don’t do this intentionally, they really think so. Such thoughts appear in many people, this is a deep psychological question (why they arise), for those who are interested in this question, we recommend reading books about psychology.

Without going into too much detail, this is a negative mindset that can be easily suppressed during training. Simply put, you just need to increase your self-esteem. Remember that once you didn’t know how to do everything that you know how to do now (walk, write, talk) and all the other things you know. Skills are experience and training and nothing more.

Remind yourself of this when bad thoughts start creeping into your head and just do it (realize your dream).

Subscriber story “How I found a job I liked”

When we were writing this article, it turned out that one of our subscribers wrote to us, we started a conversation and he said that he would like to share his story of how he found his job to his liking. And we decided that this would be an interesting experience for other readers.

Story from a subscriber: “How I managed to find a job I liked”:

Before I found my dream job, I spent over 6 years looking for work that brought me pleasure in the process of doing it, during which time I resold over 10 different jobs in a variety of fields.

I literally took on everything I could, but despite the high salary, I could not stay in one place for long. No, I wasn’t kicked out, I just felt that this was not what I needed. I worked for a long time as a webmaster, then at a construction site, then as a freelancer, then created templates for websites, and so on. But that’s the point, let’s go straight to the moment when I realized what I would like and how I realized myself in this.

Step #1 Brainstorming

I decided that first I needed to decide what I would really enjoy, no matter how strange it may sound to many, I liked 2 things, playing the console and creating something interesting from scratch, it doesn’t even matter what (I liked the process itself), I decided to try myself in a new field, then it sounded wild (as in those days) this field was not as developed as it is today (and practically no one has ever done this before) here in Russia.

In general, I decided to combine 2 favorite things, create and play online games. That is, I created my own blog + channel on YouTube and began posting my games there with comments, guides and much more. But at this stage it was just a dream, I continued to work at my main job and decided to devote my free time to this idea.

Step #2 Implementation

Now I needed to realize my crazy idea, at this stage I was faced with dozens of problems that then seemed to me to never end. I remade the same videos hundreds of times, and there were very few views. The videos themselves were uninteresting, the sound hissed, the camera did not capture well, and so on.

More than once I thought about abandoning this business, since a year had already passed and I had not achieved any tangible results. After all, the goal was to make it my job, that is, to make money from it. Several more months passed and I still managed to catch the wave and I corrected most of my mistakes, now new subscribers came in large numbers, views, the site and the channel finally came to life.

Step #3 Enjoyment

Having gone through this whole path, I still managed not to give up and achieve what I wanted, luck frankly turned away from me, but despite this I was still able not to give up, which I am very happy about. Today, with the help of my website and channel, I am already earning the same money that I made at other jobs, and I have become much happier because I am doing what I really like.

I hope you too will be able not to give up and find a job you like, which will give you a lot of positive emotions, just like it did for me. I also wanted to note that reading or listening to the stories of successful people can change your life, they are the ones who inspired me to look for my dream job. I would like to wish good luck to everyone who has decided to change their life for the better.

Sincerely, Roman Sokolov.

Well, that's all for us, we hope now you know how to find a job you like, or at least, we have given you the direction in which you can move. I would also like to note that this is especially important for our young subscribers. That you should always have a backup plan. You certainly need to follow your dream, but you should also understand that you don’t need to leave university or college to do this. Many start with stories of successful businessmen and I think they can repeat the story of Steve Jobs. We do not recommend this approach; it is better to try to implement it like Roman in your free time, for this there are weekends, vacations, vacations, etc.

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It's no secret that our most valuable resource is time, since it cannot be replenished. Therefore, it is very important to do things that bring joy, benefit and satisfaction. For the vast majority of people, the lion's share of their lives is spent at work or at work. Does it bring pleasure, do you like it? If the answer is “no,” then the person is unlikely to feel happy. Moreover, an unloved job can become a tragedy throughout your life.

What is a job you love? There are so many people here, so many answers. For some, this is activity in accordance with one’s purpose, this is a certain independence. Some people prefer to work in a good team, where there is understanding, support, and where your values ​​are shared by other employees. Someone needs to understand and feel the importance of the results of their work. There are those who languish without gratitude for their work from other people or without universal appreciation.

Why do most people not like their own work? One of the main reasons is. People look first of all for highly paid professions, consider those vacancies that pay well, and only lastly choose a job based on their interests. It is believed that professions, for example, an artist, a teacher or a cook, are not so “monetary” and therefore they are left as a hobby or hobby.

How to choose a job you like if you don’t know what you want? A large number of trainings and seminars are now being sold on this topic. Some even suggest determining your purpose using numerology, biofield or karma.

However, I am sure that in order to find a job you like, you don’t have to pay for it. You can do this completely free of charge. Simply answer the five questions below honestly and seriously. Write down your thoughts on paper. Take as much time as you need for analysis. Don’t rush yourself, even if this exercise takes many days - get to the bottom of it and you will have a job you love.

Question No. 1. What were your hobbies when you were children?

Think back to your childhood. Ask your parents what you liked then. Maybe you loved to write, draw, or sew. But then you grew up, your parents, of course, with the best intentions, “helped” you decide, or the need to earn money and quickly “get on your feet” pushed your hobbies into the background... It doesn’t matter. It is important to remember everything, as in that Hollywood action movie of the same name, and become yourself again. Perhaps this is what will give you an idea of ​​what to do next.

Question #2: What would you do if you didn't have to work?

Some sources call this technique “$1 billion.” Imagine that you have $1 billion in your account and are completely secure. You no longer need to think about how to make money. You have everything you dreamed of: an apartment, a yacht, and a whole football club... Entertainment and idleness quickly get boring. And then the question arises: what useful and interesting things to do? What would you do from the heart, and not for money? What could you work passionately on for free? Maybe it was at this moment that you would start teaching or painting or cooking various delicious dishes...

Question No. 3. What are you interested in?

Notice what films you watch, what you read, what you enjoy, what news interests you most? This may seem difficult at first glance, but it is not. Track your preferences over the coming week. Write down topics that interest you and this will definitely lead you to think about something you love. Maybe you are interested in, for example, psychology and you watch films, read a lot about it, and in fact could connect your life with it...

Question No. 4. What can you talk about for a very long time and enthusiastically with your loved ones and even strangers?

If you have trouble remembering, ask friends and family for advice. They will definitely tell you which topic they are already “tired of” with. Or ask them what they think you do best, what you are an expert at. Often we ourselves do not notice our abilities and talents, so be sure to use this tool, maybe it will open up your life’s work for you.

Question #5: What's on your list of goals?

If you don't have a list, be sure to make one. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a hundred goals for three years or three for a month. Such a list can open your eyes to many things and help you understand what you really want. When you write it, keep track of what first came to your mind, analyze it, and an understanding in which direction you are drawn will definitely come.

If you don’t like your current activity, then you can change it thanks to this list of questions and analysis of your answers and reflections, as well. Search, don’t stop, and you will definitely choose a job you like.

If you have a story about how you found what you love, share it in the comments to this article. Remember, your example can inspire others and help many.


Hello. I have the following problem: I can’t understand what I want to do with my life. The fact is that at school I didn’t have any strong hobbies, my studies were somehow mediocre: I did well in mathematics (regular level, complex problems were not always easy) and in chemistry (with some persistence), but problems with physics. On the other hand, I always felt the Russian language intuitively, but somehow weakly with essays and history. Natural subjects (biology, geography) were also successful if there were interesting topics. Thus, I (it seems to me) could do everything, but nothing interests me enough to do it regularly. As for hobbies and hobbies, I love to cook. Again, I don’t want to make this my main activity, because routine cooking will quickly get boring, and I can’t imagine. I tried cutting out postcards from paper - it was interesting, but not for long. In general, I received my education in the technical field - I am a hydraulic engineer (“I can” design pumps, etc.), but I didn’t work a day in my specialty, because I entered this specialty because I did not enter a more prestigious one ( although she wasn’t particularly interesting - she went because she didn’t know where she WANTED to go), during the learning process, interest, alas, did not appear - she finished her studies for the sake of crusts + still didn’t know where to go to study or work. After college I worked as an office manager for a year, but I got tired of it after six months. I went and studied to be an estimator (I think I liked working with numbers at that time - I helped the accountant a little then, and I liked it; you can earn extra money as an estimator at home - if you have experience, of course), I learned, found a job... But there is no work as such - stagnation; I understand that I am again not interested (constant self-study, if it is not used in practice, is useless), that this categorically does not suit me. Does it make sense to go to another place where there is work without experience (I have been working as an estimator for 3 months)? Change your field of activity again? Tell me what can be done in this situation? For half the time I’ve worked, I’ve been going to work like it’s hard labor:((+ of course, I’m not satisfied with the level of pay, but I doubt that without experience I can claim more. At the same time, work without specific skills and education is paid higher... It was worth it should I study?)

Hello! You know, life in general is not a gift if you look at it from your side. From the outside, others have sweeter sugar and better work and everything is fine in life. And please tell me why we are born at all, because we still have to die? So, studying is always necessary, nowadays you can complete courses, attach a diploma, no matter what, practically, if it is not medicine or a number of other narrow specializations, and go to work. And then, if you don’t like the work, first try to change your attitude towards it, set goals, see prospects, at least analyze the development of the careers of colleagues who have already reached certain heights. And just remember, a good career can be built systematically, patiently towards the goal, slowly, don’t expect a quick takeoff. It will take years, usually from 5 to 10 years. Go to work as if it were a holiday, start by changing something in your appearance, in your style, one thing that will make your colleagues open their mouths and ask if you accidentally fell in love or something else in the same positive vein, already it will make you happy and positive. But if, after all, nothing helps, then you need to change your profession, but first decide what is yours, what your inclinations are, I would even recommend going to get tested at a good one, or, excuse me, testing at some assessment center any recruitment agency. Good luck to you.