How to find the ending and stem of a word. What is a zero ending in Russian?

Schoolchildren learn to determine the ending in words when they become familiar with the composition of the word, and repeatedly return to this when studying spelling. This skill is necessary when determining the personal endings of verbs and case endings of nouns. How to learn to determine the ending in word?


  • You should know that the ending is the part of the word that changes. Thus, immutable parts of speech do not have it. They are absent from adverbs and gerunds.
  • If you have difficulty identifying the ending, change the form of the word and identify the part that changes. This will be the end. For example, you need to highlight the ending of the word “table”. Try changing its shape: “table”, “table”, “table”, etc. Note that the change occurs just after the root. We can conclude that the ending of the word “table” is zero.
  • Zero endings are parts of a word that are not expressed by sounds. As a rule, they occur on nouns in the masculine nominative form of the first declension or in the third declension.
  • If you need to determine the personal endings of verbs, pay attention to which conjugation it belongs to. So, in word"reads" the ending will be "et", since the verb belongs to the first conjugation.
  • Learn to distinguish between the endings of verbs of the imperative and indicative moods. The sound in them may be the same, but the parts of the word are different. Notice the verb "shout". It is used in the imperative mood. Change the shape and you can see what's in word"shout" ends in "and". This means that in the verb “shout” there is “those”.
  • Notice the sentence “When you shout, let me know.” In it, the verb “kriknete” is used in the indicative mood. If you change the form of the word, you will see that the ending will be "ete".
  • When determining the ending of adjectives or participles, you can ask an auxiliary question or find out case, gender and number. For example, in an adjective, the “strong” ending is “ym”, since it refers to the masculine gender, singular, instrumental case.
  • If you are determining the case ending of a noun, find out in what case and declension it is used. The noun “in the village” will have an “e” ending, since the word belongs to the first declension, the prepositional case.

What are the endings of words? How to determine the ending? Rules?

    All CHANGABLE words have an ending. This is the main point in determining the ending, that is, we will not look for the ending in unchangeable words: adverbs, gerunds, indeclinable nouns and adjectives, simple comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs, some complex words (head of department).

    Each part of speech has its own endings. In order to correctly identify the endings in a noun, adjective, participle, pronoun and numeral, let us remember how they change by case. Table-- table-a, table-a; red - red, red; yours-- yours-his, yours-his; done - done, done, five - five, five;

    Verb forms have their own personal endings, which depend on the conjugation of the verb, first or second. Take - take, take; buy - buy, buy.

    And there are also heterogeneously conjugated and specially conjugated verbs (eat, give).

    Let's not forget about the zero ending of words - a materially unexpressed morpheme in a number of cases of nouns, in verb forms.

    For example, all nouns of the 2nd masculine declension and 3rd feminine declension, as well as some nouns in the genitive plural form, have a zero ending: horse, crumb, baby, hoop, thing, steppe, beans; there are no clouds, galoshes, skins, saucers, eclipses, benches.

    To highlight the ending of a word, you need knowledge of the morphology of the Russian language.

    There are, for example, case endings.

    Let's take the word glacier singular and glaciers plural and decline them by case.

    Name glacier/glaciers,

    r.p. glacier/glaciers,

    d.p. glacier/glaciers,

    v.p. glacier/glaciers,

    etc. glacier/glaciers,

    p.p. glacier/glaciers.

    That is, we see the ending -om- in the noun, then we can say with confidence that this is the instrumental case.

    The ending in a word can be zero, for example in the words: compass, sleeve, barometer. Most often these are masculine words.

    With verbs, for example, to determine the ending you need to put the word in another person and number.

    For example, the word protect:

    I'm taking care

    you take care

    he protects

    they take care.

    Anything that changes at the end of a word will be an ending.

    The endings are either materially expressed:







    jumped out,

    and not materially expressed, such an ending is called zero (it appears when the word is changed):

    horse (but kon-em, kon-ya, etc.),

    lilac (but siren-i, etc.).

    In order to correctly highlight the ending in a word, the word must be changed, provided that it is a changing part of speech (noun, adjective, etc.). The part of the word that changes will be the ending:

    raspberry, ending A, because this part changes when the word is declension:


    Unchangeable parts of speech, for example, adverbs, do not have endings.

    Also, unchangeable, indeclinable nouns, for example, coat, cinema, etc., do not have endings.

Russian language today is the richest, most beautiful and at the same time very complex. Its grammar and spelling include many rules and at the same time exceptions to them. Even words and sentences consist of separate parts that are inseparably connected with each other. For example, many schoolchildren are faced with the following question: what is an ending? And, of course, it’s sad that not everyone can answer it.

What is the ending of a word?

In Russian, an ending is an inflected morpheme that appears at the end of a word. It expresses number, gender, person and case. It is also considered an indispensable part of a word, because the ending makes sentences coherent, filling them with meaning.

Why do you need an ending in Russian?

  • Gender, number and case - for participles, some numerals and pronouns.
  • Case is used for pronouns and numerals, although not for all.
  • Person and number are for verbs that are in the future or present tense.
  • Number and gender are for verbs in the past tense.

2. The ending makes the sentence coherent.

How is this morpheme designated?

In writing at school, the ending, like any other part of the word, has its own designation. Once the student has identified it, he circles it with a square.

What could the ending be?

In general, words belonging to any part of speech, except unchangeable ones, have this morpheme. A striking example of this is the adverb. The ending can be represented in different ways: with one or more sounds, and sometimes it can even be zero, that is, have no sounds. But you don’t need to think that this means the absence of this part of the word, because such an ending is almost no different from the usual one. Most often it is found in nouns of the masculine or feminine gender, respectively, of the second and third declension.

How to highlight the ending in a word

In Russian language lessons there are exercises, the essence of which is to highlight morphemes. First, you need to decline the word in several cases, and the part that will change is the ending. Once you have determined what the morpheme you are looking for belongs to, you need to highlight this area. This is done as follows: usually, with a pencil, all the necessary letters are circled in a square. In the case when you simply draw the same geometric figure after the word.

Russian is the greatest language in the whole world, but many foreigners have a lot of problems learning it. A lot of rules and exceptions, a lot of vocabulary elements of speech and incomprehensible Russian phraseological units can drive anyone crazy. However, despite all this, speech is not only a set of letters, it allows people to communicate with each other. That is why each component of a word is very important, which is why you cannot simply exclude one of them. Therefore, answering the question of what an ending is, we can safely say that this is one of the significant parts that serves to create coherent phrases and sentences.

It is not for nothing that the Russian language is said to be the richest and most beautiful, but at the same time the most complex in the world. In no other language in the world does there exist such a huge number of rules and exceptions to them, and not one of them can boast of such a wide variety of not only words, but also their forms that can be formed if, for example, a noun is declined by case, or conjugate verbs. Endings are especially difficult because they connect all the words in a sentence into a single whole. Determining the null ending can also cause problems. We will try to understand in more detail what a zero ending is in this article.

What does ending represent?

An ending is one of the morphemes that indicates the connection of this word with other words in one phrase or in a sentence. The ending is most often found at the end of the sentence, but there are some exceptions. We will touch on them a little later. Endings, unlike other morphemes, do not affect the meaning of the word, since they are not word-forming. It is thanks to him that one can determine the gender, case, number and person of a given word. For example, in the word “mainland” the ending -a indicates that this word is singular, genitive and masculine, and in the word “thinks” the ending -et indicates that this construction is third person singular.

Cases when the ending is not at the very end of the word

Some people may have difficulty determining the ending because they are sure that it must be at the end of the word. Cases in which the ending may be in the middle of a word:

If there is a postfix in a word, the ending will be placed before it. For example: cleaning up, someone, SOMETHING, let's go.

In complex cardinal numbers, the ending is present both in the middle of the word and at the end, that is, the ending will be after each stem. For example: fiftyØtenØ, fourhundred. However, you should not confuse ordinal numbers or adjectives that are derived from them. For example: fiftieth, four hundred, thirty-five thousand, eight-story, three-year, first-class, heptagonal.

Grammatical meanings of endings

Endings are a very significant morpheme because they completely influence the lexical meaning of the word and the entire sentence as a whole. After all, sometimes the easiest way to identify foreigners among a crowd of people is precisely because the correct use of endings in words is very difficult for them.

All endings in words can indicate the following grammatical meanings:

Number, gender and case for such parts of speech as, for example, (for example: canvas - ending -o indicates that the word is in the nominative case, it is also singular and neuter); adjective (for example: clean canvas - the ending -о indicates the singular, neuter gender and nominative case); participle (for example: washed linen - the ending -о also says that we have a word in the singular, in the nominative case and neuter gender); some pronouns (for example: your canvas - the ending -е also indicates a word in the singular, nominative case and neuter) and some numerals (for example: one canvas - the ending -о indicates a word in the singular neuter and the nominative case) ;

Only case for some pronouns (for example: there is no something - the ending -о speaks of the genitive case) and parts of numerals (there are no seven - the ending -i says that this word is in the genitive case);

Only persons and numbers for verbs in the future and present tense (for example: I am writing - a first person singular verb);

Only numbers and gender for verbs in the past tense (for example: spoke - a feminine and singular verb).

What is null ending?

Also, some difficulties may arise when determining the ending if it is zero. In order to easily identify it in a word, you need to understand what a zero ending is. Words with similar endings are often confused with words without any endings at all.

The zero ending of a word is an ending that is not expressed either by letters or sounds. Despite the fact that this type of ending is not expressed materially in any way, when analyzing the morphological structure of a word, it is imperative to designate it as an empty square.

Types of words with zero endings

The following types of words have a zero ending in Russian:

First person nouns in genitive and plural. For example: birds, seals, cows, pets.

Qualitative adjectives, as well as participles in the short form of the singular masculine, for example: resourceful, individual, inclined, magnificent, detained, armed.

The zero ending of masculine nouns of the second type, as well as feminine nouns in the third declension. For example: cockroach, parkan, felt, oven, speech, night.

Possessive adjectives in the form For example: fatherØ, motherØ, cowØ, foxØ, SerezhinØ.

Singular verbs in the imperative mood. For example: teach, watch, help, translate, ask.

Verbs in the subjunctive and indicative mood in the masculine gender in the past tense and in the presence of the singular. For example: spokeØ - would speakØ, listenØ - listenØ would, voteØ - voteØ would, askØ - askØ would.

People often confuse words with zero endings with words that have no endings at all. To understand all the differences, let's consider which words have no ending at all.

Words that have no ending at all

The following unchangeable words and groups of words do not have an ending:

Indeclinable nouns, for example: taxi, coffee, auto, coat;

Indeclinable adjectives, for example: Bordeaux, khaki, marengo, netto, baroque, Esperanto, pleated;

Possessive pronouns that indicate belonging to a third party, for example: their, her, his;

All adverbs, since an adverb is an unchanging part of speech and, by definition, no longer has an ending, for example: bad, sad, noticeable, unclear, confused, colored, altered;

Words in comparative form, for example: stronger, smarter, faster, clearer, more beautiful, sadder, more majestic;

All participles, since this part of speech took its indeclinability from the adverb and, like the adverb, cannot have an ending, for example: having read, washed, understood, read, remembered, remembered, parsed, realized;

All auxiliary parts of speech, for example: so that, if, not, nor, despite the fact that, only, barely, just, without, over, under, in;

Interjections, for example: well, yes, yes, fathers, uh, ah, slap, bang, bang, those times;

The initial form of the verb in the case where -т and -ти is perceived as a suffix, for example: eat, accept, feel, understand, respect, worry, act.

Also, during morphological analysis, words that do not have endings at all should not be marked in writing with an empty square. One rule will help you easily distinguish words without endings from zero endings. Words without an ending are unchangeable, unlike words with a zero ending.

How to determine the ending?

To determine the ending in any word, it is enough to simply inflect it by case. That part of the word that will change is it. This is how it is easy to identify the zero ending. Examples of words with this ending, as well as words that do not have it at all, are presented in the following table:



Immutable word



Whom? What?


To whom? Why?



Whom? What?





About whom? About what?


In this example, it is noticeable how easily you can define this morpheme in words. Since the word “plisse” is not declined according to cases, it is a word without an ending, and in the word “mirror” only the root and zero ending are represented, because this is a noun in and in the genitive case.

Morphemes with which the null ending interacts

In most of the examples considered, the most common words are words that use only a root and a zero ending among their morphemes. All other morphemes can be combined with a similar ending. For example, words that have a prefix, root, zero ending: story, transition, departure, exit, swim. There are also words, during morphemic analysis of which you can see a prefix, root, suffix and zero ending. For example: teenager, put, predicted, timed. Very often words are used that simultaneously contain a postfix and a zero ending in the Russian language. For example: put on makeup, cheer up, sit down, help, imagine, armed.

Soft sign in morphemic analysis

Please note that a soft sign cannot be the end of a word. This sign does not indicate any sound, but only indicates the softness of the consonant that precedes it. If a word ends in a soft sign, then it should be considered to have a zero ending. However, this rule does not apply to immutable words. For example, despite the fact that in the designs just, away, gallop there is a soft sign at the end; these words should not be counted with a zero ending. They are immutable and have no endings at all.

Features of morphemic analysis of a word

The ending is the only part of a word that changes. All other morphemes together form its basis. In morphemic analysis, it is perhaps easiest to identify the ending in a word, since for this it is enough to only slightly modify the word.

Minor difficulties that could arise in correctly determining the ending are to distinguish between words that have a zero ending, as well as words without any ending at all. Since in this article it was clarified what a zero ending is, then this morpheme will not pose any difficulties during analysis.

The ending is a formative morpheme that expresses the grammatical meanings of gender, person, number and case (at least one of them!) and serves to connect words in phrases and sentences, that is, it is a means of coordination (new student), control (letter brother- y) or the connection of the subject with the predicate (I'm going-y, you're going-eating).

Only inflected words have endings. Function words, adverbs, unchangeable nouns and adjectives have no endings. Modified words do not have endings in those grammatical forms that lack the specified grammatical meanings (gender, person, number, case), that is, the infinitive and gerunds.

Some compound nouns and compound numerals have multiple endings. This can be easily seen by changing these words: tr-i-st-a, tr-yoh-sot-Ø, sofa-bed-Ø, sofa-a-bed-i.

The ending may be null. It stands out in the word being modified if there is a certain grammatical meaning, but it is not materially expressed. A zero ending is a significant absence of an ending, an absence that carries certain information about the form in which the word appears. Thus, the ending -a in the form stol-a shows that this word is in the genitive case, -u in stol-u indicates the dative case. The absence of an ending in the form table indicates that this is the nominative or accusative case, that is, it carries information, it is significant. It is in such cases that the zero ending is highlighted in the word.

Words with a zero ending should not be confused with words that do not and cannot have endings - unchangeable words. Only inflected words can have a zero ending, that is, words that have non-zero endings in other forms.

Zero endings are widely represented in the language and are found in nouns, adjectives and verbs in the following positions:

1) masculine nouns of the 2nd declension in I. p. (V. p.) singular: boy - I. p., table - I. / V. p.;

2) feminine nouns of the 3rd declension in I. p. (V. p.) singular: night;

3) nouns of all genders in the Russian plural: countries, soldiers, swamps.

But non-zero endings can also be represented in this position: noch-ey - articles- . The correct parsing of such words is achieved by declension of the word. If the sound [th’] disappears during declination, then it belongs to the ending: noch-ey, noch-ami. If [th'] can be traced in all cases, then it refers to the basis: articles - become [y'-a] - become [y'-a]mi. As we see, in these forms the sound [й’] is not expressed at the letter level, but is “hidden” in the iotated vowel. In this case, it is necessary to identify and designate this sound. In order not to clutter up the writing with transcription brackets, in linguistics it is customary to denote the sound [th’], “hidden” in an iotated vowel letter with the help of j, which is entered in the right place without brackets: staj-yami.

A fairly common mistake is to determine the endings of words ending in -i, -i, -i. The impression that these sound complexes are endings is incorrect. Two-letter endings in the initial form are presented only in those nouns that are substantivized adjectives or participles. Let's compare:

genius, genius, genius - plots, plots, plots

army, army, table, table, etc.

4) adjectives in the short form of the singular masculine: handsome, smart;

5) possessive adjectives in I p. (V. p.) singular; Despite the external similarity of declension, qualitative and possessive have different morphemic structure in the indicated cases:

units number

I. p. blue fox-Ø

R. p. sin-his foxj-his

D. p. sin-him foxj-mu

V.p. =i. p./v. P.

T. p. sin-im lisj-im

P. p. sin-em lisj-em.

This morphemic structure of possessive adjectives is not difficult to understand if we consider that possessive adjectives denote the attribute of belonging to a person or animal and are always derivative, formed with the help of derivational suffixes -in-, -ov-, -andj- from nouns: mom → mam-in-Ø , fox → fox-ii-Ø. In indirect cases, this possessive suffix -й- is realized in [j], which is “hidden” in the iotized vowel;

6) verb in the masculine singular form in the past tense of the indicative mood and in the conditional mood: dela-l- (would) - cf.: dela-l-a, dela-l-i;

7) a verb in the imperative mood, where the zero ending expresses the meaning of the singular: pish-i-, pish-i-te;

8) in short participles, the zero ending, like in short adjectives, expresses the meaning of the masculine singular: read-n-Ø.