How to pump up your side abs. Exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles: implementation features and recommendations

Take a medium-weight dumbbell in your hand and throw it over your shoulder so that it is in a vertical position (your elbow will be at face level). Now squat - bend your hips until your quadriceps are parallel to the floor. Stop, return to the starting position. Important: keep your back vertical. Do ten squats on each arm.

One-Armed Farmer

Take a heavy dumbbell in your hand, feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your palm parallel to your body so that the dumbbell is 10 centimeters away from it. Tighten your abdominal muscles (as if they are trying to punch you in the stomach) and walk around the hall. Then take the dumbbell in your other hand and repeat the same thing.

Side plank on one leg

Get into a side plank position on your elbow. Keeping your back straight, lift your top leg. Hold for 10 seconds. Important: do not try this exercise until you are comfortable with the basic side plank (see starting position).


Take a lying position. Shift your weight to your left leg and quickly turn around so that your right arm is pointing at the ceiling. Freeze for 3 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat with the other hand.

Core stabilization

Sit on the floor with your legs bent (knees raised). Take a medium-heavy pancake in your hands and hold it in front of you with outstretched arms. Fix your torso at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor, tensing your abdominal muscles. Without changing your core position, rotate your arms to the left as far as you can. Freeze for 3 seconds - and turn right, freeze. Repeat this.

Bird dog

Get on all fours - knees directly under your hips, hands at right angles to the floor. Quickly raise your left arm and right leg. Freeze for 10 seconds. Switch sides. Important: if it seems too easy for you, raise your leg so that your knee is only 5–10 cm from the floor.

Bear crunches

Take a lying position, extend your arms and drop to your knees (as in the previous exercise). Straight arms are under the shoulders, the reeds are directed straight down. In one jump, move onto your toes so that your knees freeze a decimeter from the floor. Moved? Now twist your torso to the right and try to make your left knee and right elbow meet somewhere opposite your chest. Freeze and repeat, switching sides.

Perhaps every woman dreams of a flat, toned stomach. But for men, mere fit is not enough - they are attracted by the relief. Therefore, for many representatives of the stronger sex, pumping up the oblique abdominal muscles and forming the notorious “cubes” is a matter of principle. But not every one of them knows how to work the abdominal muscles correctly so that the exercises bring maximum effect.

To help our beloved men - this article. Today we will talk about how to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles, give a short anatomical excursion, and also share the best exercises for the oblique muscles. Sit back and let's get started!

First, a few words about anatomy, for those who are just starting their sports journey and do not have any information. Remember that in the abdominal area we have:

  • Rectus muscles - are a large group of muscles from the ribs to the pubis.
  • Oblique muscles - there are internal and external. The internal oblique muscles cannot be seen. The external ones are responsible for the formation of the silhouette - they can be clearly seen on the bodies of professional bodybuilders - they “encircle” the waist from the sternum to the lower abdomen.
  • Transverse muscles - run deep, directly under the rectus and oblique muscles, and represent a kind of belt around the waist.

We will definitely talk about how to work with the rectus and transverse muscles another time. The topic of our conversation today is how to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles. And in this matter one cannot do without careful preparation.

So, before moving on to exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

  • The last meal is about a couple of hours before training. But working out on an empty stomach is also not the best solution. Ideally, have a snack two hours before your upcoming classes.
  • Eating a large meal immediately after training is also not very healthy. It is worth waiting at least thirty minutes - and only after that have lunch. If you really can't stand it, snack on an apple or banana.
  • Regardless of where you train - at home or in the gym - do not forget about warming up. This way you can activate blood circulation and prepare ligaments and muscles for the upcoming load. There are several warm-up options - run on the track, pedal on a bicycle, bend and twist your body. 5-10 minutes of warm-up - and you can start doing exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles.

So, how to pump up your oblique abdominal muscles? The main thing is to remember that during any exercise, muscle fibers are stretched and tense. If you don’t feel it, it means the exercise is being performed incorrectly. At the same time, you should know that during exercises the oblique abdominal muscles do not stretch very well, so they will quickly get tired. But don't panic - this reaction is normal.

Oblique exercises for men

Now - more about how to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles. You should start with exercises for beginners. Even if you have been involved in any sports, but have never worked specifically on your abs, you will not be able to bypass this step. You shouldn’t expect stunning results from exercises for beginners, but you can tighten and strengthen your muscles, as well as prepare them for more serious loads.

So, exercises both for the oblique abdominal muscles and for shaping the waist and beautiful abs in general:

How to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles for advanced athletes?

When the exercises from the previous block no longer seem difficult to you, you can safely move on to the advanced level. So, how to pump up the oblique muscles for more trained athletes:

  1. Starting - lying on the mat with straightened legs. One hand, bent at the elbow, should be placed behind the head, the other should lie on the stomach. Alternately bend your knees and pull your opposite elbows towards them. After the arm and leg meet, return to the starting position and repeat the movement in a mirror image - with the other arm and the other leg.
  2. The next exercise is similar to the previous one, only the legs are not extended, but are bent at the knees and standing on the mat. Both arms are bent at the elbows and placed behind the head. The goal is to lift your body and reach your elbow to the opposite knee, and then do the same with your other hand.
  3. Bent-overs with a bar are almost the same as with dumbbells from the previous block, only the equipment is a bar weighing 10.15 or 20 kilograms. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and the handle of the bar should be placed on your trapezius. Slowly bend in different directions, trying to fix the lower position and feel the stretching of the muscles.
  4. The “Lumberjack” exercise is suitable for performing in the gym. Well, or at home, if you have a simulator with an upper block. It’s as easy as shelling pears to do: grab the handle with both hands and pull with chopping movements from your right shoulder to your left leg, and then vice versa.

Well, for a snack – a short training session in video format. A professional trainer will tell you how to pump up your oblique abdominal muscles and show you the most effective exercises.

Before you learn how to pump up your lateral press, you need to explain why you need to pump up these muscles and what are their benefits?

In addition to the abdominal press, a person has the lateral abdominal muscles, which, unfortunately, people pay little attention and time to.

Lateral abdominal muscles- these are special muscles that make the human figure fit and attractive.

The torso area attracts the attention of many girls and men, since this part suffers the most due to obesity.

Pumped up and sculpted sides are the main indicator that a person has a very low percentage of fat under the skin.

Both a fat and a thin person can have large biceps and large inflated breasts, but only a thin and dried out person can have beautiful and sculpted ones.

Having sculpted side abs is very difficult to achieve, so this part is very attractive and people actively try to improve this muscle.

Developing your side abs involves patience, losing weight, as well as following a training regimen and performing special exercises.

How to pump up your side press?

Side press training includes a set of exercises that can be performed by both beginner men and women.

To perform these exercises you don’t need anything except dumbbells that can be used in the gym.

Exercise for the lateral abdominal muscles

  • Bent-over dumbbell row
  • Side crunches

1. Bent-over dumbbell row

As soon as this exercise was not called: “ Dumbbell tilts», « Bent-over row with one dumbbell" and even " Lateral bends with dumbbells».

No matter what people call this exercise, it is not as scary as it is scary to do it incorrectly.

Sometimes you can see such a picture in the gym when a guy picks up two dumbbells and begins to lean left and right.

The guy thinks that in this way he pumps up the side press, but in fact, he is doing a lie, since the weight in his hands is balanced, and there is no benefit for the side parts of the core.

As a result, the guy simply strained his arms and slightly damaged his intervertebral discs.

To ensure that you do not have similar problems, we recommend that you adhere to a special execution technique.


  1. Stand up straight and take one dumbbell in your hand, so that it is near your thigh;
  2. Place your other hand behind your head, so that your elbow points in the opposite direction from the dumbbell;
  3. Slowly tilt your body in the opposite direction from the dumbbell, then bend back to the starting position.

It is very important not to use a heavy dumbbell during this exercise, as you can actually injure your spine and pull a muscle.

Each new workout, increase your training weight and take the dumbbell heavier.

The exercise is very simple, but at the same time effective.

Leg raises lying on the floor can be performed by both girls and men, both beginners and advanced athletes.

The exercise does not require any special technique and can be performed only with the presence of desire, as well as a motivating mood :)


  1. Lie on your side and place one hand behind your head;
  2. Press your legs tightly together and slowly lift them up;
  3. From the top point, slowly lower your legs down.

At the bottom, keep your legs in the air and do not lower them to the floor. If it is initially very difficult for you to keep your legs in the air, then periodically lower them to the floor.

Try to raise your legs to the level of your elbow so that muscle pain is felt in your abs.

Do lying leg raises ranging from 12 to 20 repetitions for 4 sets.

3. Side crunches

The side crunch exercise can be performed as easily as the lying leg raise.

The exercise is very popular and common both in gyms and at home.


  1. Lie on your side, bend your knees slightly and place your hand behind your head;
  2. From the bottom point, slowly pull your top elbow toward your top knee;
  3. From the top, slowly lower your upper body down.

How to pump up your side abs at home?

You can pump up your lateral abs at home using the two previous exercises, as well as using a horizontal bar.

You can pump up your side press on the horizontal bar very easily and quickly, but the problem is that for beginners, men and women, it is a little difficult.

Lateral twists on the horizontal bar must be done efficiently and in full amplitude.


  1. Hang on the horizontal bar and bend your knees slightly
  2. Very slowly turn your bent legs to the right and left

Try not to straighten your legs and keep them close to each other.

If it hurts your palms to hold the horizontal bar, then use gloves or magnesium, which will soften the pain.

Greetings to you, the most slender and pumped ladies and gentlemen! If you got here, then you are probably interested in how you can look even better? How can you make your body truly perfect? A good muscle corset in the abdominal area will give you not only a beautiful figure and envious glances, but also excellent functioning of the internal organs, digestion without failures, and ultimately good health.

Brief anatomical excursion

If you are at least a little familiar with anatomy, then you know that in the abdominal area we have rectus muscles - this is a large group from the pubis to the ribs. But our silhouette is formed by the oblique muscles, both external and internal. In addition, there are transverse muscles that lie under the layer of the above-mentioned fibers.

Our conversation today will concern working out the waist area; I once already wrote about it, which also helps to work out the waist. And today we will learn how to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles.

Attention! Be careful when pumping your oblique muscles, otherwise you will end up with a wide and unattractive waist! I would not recommend training the oblique muscles at all! Pump up only the rectus abdominis muscle, then if it’s not enough, you can pump up the obliques too.

This group is mainly responsible for turning the body to the sides. The external oblique muscles can be easily seen on the body of well-trained and dry athletes. They literally encircle your waist from your sternum to your lower abdomen.

Such fibers work in mirror image, that is, contractions of the left oblique muscle turn the body to the right and vice versa. It is impossible to see the internal oblique muscles because they lie underneath the external obliques.

Preliminary stage

Before any workout, you will need to prepare. At this stage it is worth following simple rules. For example, it is not recommended to eat approximately 2 hours before upcoming exercise. However, you should also not perform exercises on an empty stomach. Therefore, eat lightly within the given time frame to get the most out of your body.

By the way, immediately after training it will also be harmful to fill your stomach tightly. Wait at least half an hour and then eat. To satisfy your hunger after class, snack on a banana or apple.

Regardless of where you train: at home or in the gym, start your workouts with a short warm-up that will activate blood circulation and prepare your muscles and ligaments for the upcoming achievements.

Usually these are the simplest complexes, for example, jogging on a track, pedaling a bicycle, or simply rotating large joint groups, as well as bending and turning the body. You can get a beautiful waist in 3-4 workouts a week. It’s not worth doing more, so as not to overexert yourself.

Did you know:

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It's better to warm up and not exercise than to workout without warming up.

All the specialists on our site who write articles and answer your questions are professional trainers and doctors

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25% of beginners experience a condition close to fainting during the first training session. This occurs due to a sharp decrease in pressure

When losing weight, you need to reduce the total caloric content of your diet due to fats and carbohydrates, but not due to proteins.

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You can't force your body to burn fat in just one specific place.

Men's strength decreases after sex. In women they increase. Therefore, it is better for men to abstain before training.

Women's breasts cannot be reduced or enlarged through exercise. After all, it consists mainly of adipose tissue.

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If you feel weak and dizzy during training, then most likely you have low blood pressure. Drink sweet juice between sets

3 – 4 months after the start of classes, a person develops a physiological dependence on training

How to pump up your oblique abdominal muscles? During any exercise, your muscle fibers should be stretched and tense. If this doesn't happen, then you're doing it wrong. Note that the obliques don't stretch very well, so you'll get tired pretty quickly. But this reaction is considered normal.

Exercises for beginners

Even if you are a very advanced athlete, but have never played sports, you will not be able to bypass this stage. Of course, you shouldn’t expect any special results from such activities. You won't be able to get clear reliefs with their help either. However, you will tone your muscles and strengthen them well.

At this stage, exercises to remove the stomach and sides for men and women will be as follows.

Advanced level

When you already perform the exercises from block 1 without additional effort, move on to the next stage.

  1. Sit comfortably on an exercise mat with your legs straight and one arm behind your head. Now we begin to lift one leg, bent at the knee, and at the same moment we pull the bent elbow towards it.

    After they meet, return to the starting position. Switch arms and legs and do this exercise again.
  2. You can do a version of this lift when your feet are on the mat (for convenience, bend them at the knees) and fixed, and your hands are behind your head at the back of your head.

    You only need to raise your body and reach the opposite knee while twisting with your elbow.
  3. How to pump up oblique abs in other ways? Side Knee Raise . To perform this complex, you need to sit on your side, leaning on your elbow. We place the other hand behind our back. Legs straightened.

    Now simultaneously pull your knees towards your chest, but try to do this in such a way that they do not touch the floor. Relax and do 10-20 repetitions, and then turn over to the other side.
  4. To know how to pump up the sides of your abs, you need to understand how your muscles work. Naturally, the more they stretch and contract and tense, the better. Therefore, the most suitable exercises for complication would be crunches on the horizontal bar, where you will experience maximum loads.

    And if earlier we simply raised our legs sideways to different levels, now your task will be to linger at the extreme points of tension. The longer you can hang like this, the better.

  5. One of the most difficult ways to work on the horizontal bar is turning. We hold tightly to the bar and begin to describe an arc with our legs in the air. This exercise requires excellent coordination.
  6. Do you think I told you about all the ways to pump up oblique abs? Of course not! I have a couple more blanks for the strongest and most stubborn ones. We will do bends with the bar. To do this you will need either a short 10kg bar or a long 15 or 20kg bar.

    Feet are shoulder-width apart, and the handle of the bar rests on the trapezius. Now we bend to the sides, trying to fixate ourselves in order to feel the full stretch of the muscles. Make sure that the body does not deviate from the straight axis.
  7. Want to diversify? Do exactly the same tilts, but with a turn. Try to stand very steadily so as not to lose your balance. After all, you will have to lean forward and at the same time turn your body to the side towards the opposite leg.
  8. The following invention from fitness instructors, called “The Lumberjack,” will help narrow your waist. To do it, you need a simulator with an upper block. Grab the soft handle with both hands and pull it from your right shoulder to your left leg and vice versa, making chopping movements.

    So, today we studied how to pump up your side abs at home and what you can do in the gym for these muscles.

The abs are more than just the rectus abdominis muscles. For example, the oblique abdominal muscles are primarily responsible for the development of the characteristic V-shaped “Adonis line” in the lower abs. They form the lateral press and corset of the core muscles, influencing not only the external shape of the body, but also strength indicators in many exercises.

Since the internal and external oblique muscles of the abdomen are the largest muscle group of all the abdominal muscles, they are involved to varying degrees in the work when performing practically, and not only when bending to the side, as many mistakenly believe. However, there are also isolation exercises for pumping them up.

Anatomy of the obliques

The oblique abdominal muscles are divided into two groups - internal and external. The external oblique muscle is the largest and most visible of the abdominal muscles, while in most cases it is invisible because it is located directly under the external oblique. Both of these muscles literally encircle the waist.

The main functionality of the oblique abdominal muscles is to provide all kinds of lateral turns - while turning to the right side, the right part of the internal obliques and the left part of the external oblique abdominal muscles are involved. Among other things, the lateral press is responsible for flexion and rotation of the spine, as well as lifting the pelvis.

7 Best Side Press Exercises

The exercises that most effectively involve the lateral abdominal muscles (that is, the internal and external oblique abdominal muscles) are exercises that combine static tension and movement using the oblique muscles of the body - primarily various lateral twists and leg lifts with rotation.

A basic exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles is the lying lateral crunch. Starting position: lying on your side, with your arm bent at the elbow supporting your head. Slowly reach your elbow toward your legs, making the movement through conscious contraction of the oblique abdominal muscles.

This exercise is designed to develop between the abdominal muscles and the brain. Lying on your back, slowly reach your left elbow towards your right knee. Perform 12-15 times for each side, trying to achieve a characteristic burning sensation in the side press.

The benefit of this abdominal exercise is the wide range of motion achieved by slowly and controlled bending of the body onto the ball. At the moment of lifting, feel the twisting of the lateral press, at the moment of lowering - the stretching. Keep your hands behind your head and do not spread them to the sides.

Lying on the fitball, grasp the handle of the block with both hands. By engaging the oblique abdominal muscles, begin to slowly move this handle to the opposite side. Hold at the final point of the exercise for 10-12 seconds. Perform 7-10 repetitions with a medium working weight.

5. Exercise “Lumberjack” on blocks. Holding the handle of the block with both hands, make a chopping motion from top to bottom, turning your body. As you turn, bend your knees even more and pull the handle of the block towards the foot farthest from the block. Keep your obliques tense and your feet flat on the floor.

During the exercise, do not swing your body, helping yourself with the force of inertia. Raise your legs while exhaling, lowering them while inhaling. The speed of execution should be at the pace of movement. Make sure that it is the lateral abdominal muscles that do the work, not the hips.

By increasing the range of motion in this exercise, the lats receive an additional stretch and the obliques receive an additional contraction. Watch the position of your head and shoulders, avoiding resting your chin on your chest. Keep your head in line with your spine.

How to train your side press?

It is important to separately note that the group of oblique and lateral abdominal muscles consists of a fairly large number of subgroups attached at different angles to the pelvis and ribs. In fact, the postural characteristics of each person make the anatomy of these muscles unique - unfortunately, there is no single correct strategy for training the lateral press.

However, there are general rules for training the lateral press, which FitSeven has already written about above - performing lateral bends and various lateral twists without additional weighting and with complete mental control over the work of the muscles. The recommended number of repetitions is from 15 to 20, the number of sets of each exercise is 2-3.

Mistakes in training

The most common mistake in training the obliques is using additional weights (such as heavy dumbbells) when performing the exercises. Pumped oblique abdominal muscles expand the waist, while visually reducing the chest and shoulders - as a result, this makes the figure less athletic. In addition, bending over with dumbbells can also provoke.

Remember that weight training is more effective for working on the rectus abdominis muscle and. The obliques require moderate to high repetitions of crunches and other bodyweight exercises performed at different angles - at a slow speed and perfect technique.


The lateral abs and obliques are the largest muscle group in the core, forming not only abs of steel but also providing support during core exercises. Key to the development of this muscle group are various variations of lateral crunches, performed slowly and with complete control over the movement.