How to print price tags in 1C 8.3 accounting. Settings for printing item price tags

The standard price tag template in 1C: Retail does not have a barcode, but it is easy to add one, while the base will remain standard. How to do this, read further in the instructions.


You can print price tags for an item only if it is in stock and prices have been set for it.

If everything is ready, go to the section Marketing, Further Pricing – Item prices.

A list of documents will open Setting item prices. It is from these documents that we will print price tags. Select a document with current prices and click Printing – Price tags.

A form opens with the same products that were in the selected document Setting item prices. You can print price tags for all items, and only for selected ones. You can also select the type of prices that will be printed on the price tag: to do this, set the switch on the button "By type of price" and select the required price type as shown in the figure below.

A window opens Templates for labels, price tags and KKM receipts. Our next step is to develop a price tag template. Click on the button Create.

Choose Template type – Label (price tag) for a product, set a name, for example “Price tag with barcode”. Next, click on the button Edit Layout.

The window opened Editing a price tag (label) template.

We will not create a template from scratch, but simply modify the built-in example. This will help save time.

Press the button Load default template, select from the list Price list.

A standard price tag template opens; it does not contain a barcode.

As you can see, the 6th line serves as a free space; we will increase its height and add a barcode there.

Place the cursor in the 10th line, select from the list on the left Barcode.

A dialog box pops up Add barcode, like the picture, click Yes.

The barcode appears in the template, but it is compressed in the cell. To enlarge the barcode image, select it and stretch it to the previously added cells.

Now the barcode is clearly visible on the price tag.

The optimal option: 2 horizontally and 4 vertically, for a total of 8 price tags on A4 sheet.

Click OK and in the next window Save and close.

As you can see, the Print Template column is filled with the name of our new template. Next, press the button Seal.

Ready. This is what our barcodes will look like

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Making price tags in 1C Retail 2.2 is quite easy, and in this article we will show this using the example of printing them using the Goods Receipt document.

Before you start printing price tags for goods, you need to perform some steps:

 Check the availability of the required price tag templates in the database. They are stored in a separate directory Templates for labels, price tags and cash register receipts. Here you can add a new template, as well as edit an existing one.

 Configure the use of price tags (if necessary) by type of item, so each type of item can have its own template attached.

 Set prices. To do this, use the document Setting item prices (available in the Marketing → Item prices section).

In order to make price tags in 1C, namely to print them on a printer from the program, the processing Printing labels and price tags is intended. It can be opened either independently (Purchases section) or on the basis of some documents for setting prices, receipt and movement of goods.

If you have questions on the topic of price tags in 1C: Retail, ask them in the comments under the article, our specialists will try to answer them.

For example, let’s print out price tags for new arrivals. To do this, find and open the Goods Receipt document, find the print button and select Price Tags or Labels from the drop-down list. The difference is that when choosing the first option, by default it is proposed to print one copy for each product, when choosing the second option, by default it is proposed to print the quantity according to the receipt document data, i.e. If 20 product items have arrived, then 20 labels of this product will be printed. Templates can also be distinguished. It's up to you to decide which printing option you choose. For example, let's select Price Tags.

Processing opens. The list of item items is filled in immediately automatically according to the PM of the receipt document. The list can also be supplemented; this can be done using the Select products command. If processing was started manually, you can add items using selection fills (you need to click the Show selections command), for example, enter items of a certain type for which there are warehouse balances. After filling out the selection, click Hide selection.

The price is filled in according to the date indicated in the header of the document, the type of price (for example, to print price tags according to retail sales prices, the Retail type is selected, if there is a promotion, according to which separate prices for the product are set, the Promotional type is selected) or by status (valid on the date or only installed).

Pay attention to the Set button in the command panel above the document PM; three actions are available in it; they can be performed either on one line or on several by first selecting the lines.

 Price tag template – setting templates for lines in which the template is not automatically filled in, or you need to change the set value.

 Default quantity – the quantity specified in the document is set; if the item was not initially in the receipt document, then the quantity must be entered manually.

 Number of price tags – you must enter the quantity manually.

When all the preparatory stages have been completed, the checkboxes for the items to be printed are checked, to transfer the price tags to the printer, click the Print command. In the print window, check the display before printing; if necessary, you can open the preview window and make adjustments in the print settings.

Then click Print and receive ready-made price tags on paper.

napechatat-cennikiPrinting price tags in “1C: Trade Management edition 11.0” “Taxi” interface is an important part of the program if trading activities are carried out and there is an item for sale. A convenient menu, the ability to work at different types of prices, as well as simultaneously process a large product group - this greatly simplifies the work. In this review we will show you how to print price tags, learn how to create templates, edit them and print the final result.

If you need to print price tags or labels for goods that have already been posted, this is done from the “Warehouse and Delivery” menu. In addition, templates can be printed immediately after an arrival has been made or when prices are changed in the “Price List”. Let's look at all the options for printing documents step by step.

How to print a price tag for a previously purchased product

Before you print price tags for goods that have already been posted, you need to open the “Print Labels and Price Tags” tab in the “Warehouse and Delivery” menu in the “Service” field.

In the field that opens, you need to make settings and make a selection.

  • Selection “by price type” allows you to select a product according to the type of price generated;
  • Selection “by store” prints price tags in 1C for a specific retail outlet or warehouse.

Be sure to check the date of filling, prices will be relevant exactly on this date.

Before printing price tags in 1C, you need to select a product item; to do this, mark the required line in the “Products” tab.

  • “Fill by selection” allows you to select product groups;
  • “Select products” - selection is made for each item.

Let's look at filling out each group in more detail.

Fill in by selection

Before you make price tags in 1C, you need to fill out the product field. To do this, you need to select the “Show selection” tab; in the field that opens on the left side, you can select the product selection criteria and double-click the left mouse button to move the line to the right field.

In the right selection field you can refine the grouping.“Comparison view” allows you to display a product in a group, a list, or select a more precise position. In the “Value” field, select an analytics according to the selected criterion.

After clarification, in the “Products” tab you need to select the “Fill in by selection” field. The program will display all information on the nomenclature.

Before printing price tags in 1C in “Trade Management in version 11.0”, you must manually select a template. If there are few positions, you can select for each product separately. To mark the layout for the entire item, you need to use the Ctrl button and the left mouse button to drag the line selection down to the end. If necessary, adjustments can be made.

Then you need to open the “Install” tab. First of all, you should specify the number of labels. By default, if preliminary selection was performed based on the balance of the item in the warehouse, the remaining quantity of the product as of the date of formation of the operation will be entered.

Next, you need to use the “Select” button to mark the layout from the “Price tag template” and “Label template” fields. Accordingly, this template will be selected for the entire selection range. The layout for creating labels is marked in the same way.

Before you print price tags in 1C, you can edit them. To do this, when selecting a template, you need to go to the “More” tab. All fields of the price tag layout are subject to adjustment, similar to the Excel format. After this, you can print the sample and see how it will look on paper.

Similar actions can be performed with printing labels in 1C.

After filling in all the fields in editing the template, you can print them. In the top field in the “Set Print Queue” tab, select printing a set of layouts or each template individually.

In the settings field that opens, select a specific product or group; you can raise or lower a specific item in the list using the arrows. Then you need to visually check the document, and if you find errors in the price tags, return to the previous menu. Once corrected, it should be printed.

"Select products"

When selecting this function in the field that opens, you need to mark each position individually in the following sequence.

  1. Before printing price tags in 1C in the “Trade Management in version 11.0” configuration, you need to select an item group in the right corner. After which, the entire list of products grouped by this characteristic will open in the left;
  2. In order to see the list of selected products, you need to activate the link at the bottom of the left field “Total number of items selected”;
  3. Then select an item from the left field. If a product item has several characteristics, you can select specific models by clicking on the product icon;
  4. The transfer of items to the main document is carried out using the “Move to document” button.

In the future, the sequence of selecting a document template and printing is performed in the same way as for selecting a product.

Printing a price tag from a receipt document

In order to print a layout of a label from a receipt, you need to go to the “Purchases” menu on the “Purchasing Documents All” tab.

In the field that opens, you need to find the receipt document, then select the required template in the top field from the “Printer” tab.

When choosing the “Price Tags” layout, the quantity of the product will always be 1, in contrast to the “Labels” template, in which it is equal to that indicated in the receipt document.

Then the sequence of actions is as follows.

  • You need to select the entire field using the hotkeys Ctrl + left mouse button;
  • Select a template;
  • Check the quantity and adjust if necessary;
  • Print the form.

Before printing the layouts, you need to check their filling again.

Changing the type of prices in a document

If there is a need to print a template not with a retail price, but with a purchase or wholesale price, this can be done as follows.

  • In the main field of the document, move the checkbox from the “By store” tab to the “By price type” button;
  • In the “Prices by price type” field, select the desired line.

The quantity of items can be adjusted in the “Show/Hide Filling Mode” tab.

  • When you select the “Fill according to warehouse balances” item, the quantity of goods will be adjusted based on the balances on the date of document generation;
  • If you select “Generate by quantity in document”, the information will coincide with that indicated in the receipt.

The quantity will be adjusted after selecting "Default Quantity".

Printing a price tag from the “CRM and Marketing” menu

You can also print price tags and labels in 1C when prices change, for example, when creating a new price list.

In the field you need to create a new document and make a price change. The subsequent algorithm of actions is similar: you need to select a template, in order to avoid errors on price tags, visually check everything and print the layout.


Before making price tags in 1C, it is important to understand from which document it will be more convenient to do this. You can print in the 1C program from any operation related to price changes. This is an excellent algorithm; there is no need to create a new operation and create templates.

Before printing price tags and labels, it is recommended to modify them individually. All fields are editable: you can change the size of the cells if the name or barcode does not fit, the height and font of the inscriptions. You can also create several standard templates and subsequently select them as needed.

You can view and customize the price tag template in the section Administration - Printed forms, reports and processing.

Here are price tag templates and, if necessary, we can create (button Create) and develop your own template.

Double-click to open an existing template (or create a new one). By pressing the button Edit Layout , we can change the appearance of our price tag - change the font, remove or add some fields (for example, a barcode).

We can download the default template and make our own template based on it or import a ready-made template (buttons Load default template And Import ).

Using the available fields (on the left) we can add them to the template.

Pay attention to the meaning of the fields Quantity per page . Here you should set how many price tags horizontally And vertically print (depending on the size of your template). If this parameter is not specified, then by default it will print one price tag per sheet.

Group printing of price tags in 1C Retail 2.2

In the 1C Retail 2.2 program, processing for printing price tags is in the section Purchasing – Service – Printing labels and price tags.

Using this processing, you can print price tags for selected groups of products. You can add products to the table for printing by clicking the button Select products .

Selected required items from the directory Nomenclature transferred to the tabular part of processing for printing price tags.

When filling out items, you can use selection filters: button Show selection / Hide selection, set the selection condition and transfer the item items according to the selection to the table (button Fill ).

After selecting the item, set the template for printing: button Set - Label Template . To do this, we need to select positions and set a template for all positions. If there are several items, you can do this manually. You can select multiple lines by holding the button Shift or Ctrl. You can use Shift+End, to select lines from the current to the end of the document. In this case, the template will be assigned to all selected positions.

Choosing our template - Price list.

In the button Install by selecting Number of labels , set the required number of price tags - 1 piece. By default, it is entered according to the quantity of goods remaining in the warehouse.

Press the button Seal and our price tags are ready.

Printing price tags in the 1C Trade Management configuration

The Trade Management 11.3 configuration also includes processing Printing labels and price tags . You can find it in the section Sales - Printing labels and price tags. The principle of its operation is similar to that described above in the 1C Retail 2.2 configuration, although there are small differences, but they are intuitive. Therefore, we will consider only some of the differences.

In this configuration, the printing mode for price tags and labels is set separately when printing.

Here these templates are separated, so the label template cannot be used as a price tag template and vice versa. This is due to the principle of outputting layouts to a printer. The label template is designed to be printed on a label printer.

The rest of the processing work - selecting goods, setting a price tag template, setting their quantity - is similar to that described above.

By using Price tag creation assistant , you can also develop your own templates for printing them. You can open the list of templates directly from processing - field Price tag template .

Once you create a template, you can also edit it. In 1C Trade Management 11.3, when creating a template there is a field For what, i.e. here we can assign a template to any item or item group, which was not in the 1C Retail 2.2 configuration.

To change the settings for selecting an individual item or group, you need to click the button Assign .

We can also set an individual price tag by default in the item card: reference book Nomenclature - Details tab, section Printing price tags and labels.

Printing price tags from goods receipt documents

In both configurations, 1C Retail and 1C Trade Management, for user convenience, the ability to print price tags directly from goods receipt documents has been implemented. This function is available in the button Seal by selecting the line Price tags .

Receipt of goods in configuration 1C Retail 2.2.

An example of printing price tags from a document Receipt of goods and services configurations 1C Trade Management 11.3.

Clicking the button Print - Price tags processing is called from the document Printing price tags and nomenclature items from the document are automatically transferred to it.

An example of filling out the tabular part of processing from a document in the 1C Retail configuration 2.2.

An example of filling out the tabular part of processing from a document in the 1C Trade Management configuration 11.3.

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Price tags and labels are printed using processing Printing labels and price tags (Service - Labels and price tags - Printing labels and price tags). This processing is also called from all documents that have a tabular part. Processing in a document is called from the menu Service - Print price tags.

When printing labels, the 1C: Barcode Printing control is used. In order for label printing to be available, you need to install the 1C: Barcode Printing control from the ITS disk.

Processing is an additional dialog box in which parameters for printing price tags and labels are configured.

Price tags can be printed for any type of price ( Prices by price type) or in accordance with the prices set in the store ( Prices by store). Price values ​​must be registered with the relevant documents: Setting item prices or Setting prices in the store. In both cases, prices are filled in in accordance with the date indicated in the processing.

Price tags and labels are printed for those products that are flagged in the processing tabular section Products for printing. In field Number of copies. indicates the number of copies to be printed.

To fill out the tabular part of the processing, click the button Fill.

Automatic filling of the tabular part depends on the selected selection parameters. If the checkbox is checked Only in stock and a specific store and warehouse are specified in the selection parameters, information about those goods for which there is a balance in the specific store warehouse will be filled in.

In the selection parameters, you can set various filters for item items. To do this, in the selection parameters you need to select Nomenclature and set the necessary selection parameters.

In processing, you can make a selection by item groups ( In Group), by the list of groups (In a group from the list) or by a list of randomly selected products ( On the list).

You can also print items that belong to only one organization.

If you need to print price tags and labels only for those products for which prices have changed, then you need to check the box and set the date of the price change. You can also additionally set selection at specific prices or at prices within a certain range.


It is necessary to select goods whose price is in the range from 500 to 2000 hryvnia. In the selection parameters, set the filter Price - Interval (>,<) 500 2000 и нажмем кнопку Fill. Those products whose prices are within the specified range will be selected.

All parameters specified in the selection apply in combination. That is, if you add the Only in stock checkbox to the selection given in the example and specify a specific warehouse in the selection parameters, then goods that are available at this warehouse, the prices of which are in the specified range, will be selected.

The processing header indicates Organization And Shop, which will be printed on price tags and labels. If these parameters are specified, then regardless of which organization or store the product belongs to, information about the specified store and organization will be printed on the label.

As a selection criterion, you can also select any of the documents that have a tabular part or a list of documents.

After the list of documents is completed, you must click the button Fill. The tabular part of the processing will be filled with those goods that are present in the specified documents. In addition to this condition, you can check the box Products for which prices have changed and refill the list of products again. Only those products for which a price change has been registered will remain in the list.

Price tags and labels are printed at the touch of a button Seal.

Price tags and labels can be printed from any document that has a tabular part, from the menu Service - Print price tags.

Price tags and labels are printed in accordance with the specified template ( Sample). You can set several print templates, for example, separately for printing price tags and printing labels. The list of created templates is stored in the directory.

Setting up a price tag or label print template

The program provides the ability to change the price tag or label printing template and add new templates.

Open the directory Template storage (Service - Labels and price tags - Label and price tag templates).

This directory already contains one template - a standard one. You can edit it or copy it and create a new one based on it.

To copy the template, click the button F9(or the corresponding icon on the toolbar). Specify the name of the new template and then successively click the Write and Edit template. A form for editing the price tag or label template will appear.

In the template, you can change the order of the fields, add a new field from the list of fields that are given on the right side of the template ( Available template fields).

If a field is added Barcode, the product barcode for the label will be printed.

The procedure for working with the template is similar to the procedure for working with tables in the 1C:Enterprise 8 program. You can add any picture to the template, change the font of the displayed field, etc.

In field Number of copies the number of copies of price tags or labels is indicated vertically and horizontally. In this case, it is automatically determined whether the specified number of price tags (labels) fits at a given sheet orientation.

By button Preview you can see the modified form of the price tag or label.

Button Download serves to load and edit an existing template.