What is the name of the tender position? Tasks that the tender department (department) solves

A specialization that has become in demand relatively recently. The relevance of this profession has become especially acute after the release of a special law in Russia, which provides for the mandatory holding of electronic auctions in the event that the price of government procurement is above 100 thousand rubles. Therefore, companies that are building clear strategic plans designed to quickly strengthen successful positions in the market are extremely interested in qualified tender managers. There is no special narrow education of this profile in the domestic educational system today. Therefore, the position of tender manager is occupied by specialists with higher economic education.

What does a tender specialist do?

In accordance with a special technical assignment, a tender specialist (manager) regularly monitors electronic trading platforms to identify open tenders. Work on a won tender can take quite a long time. In addition to filling out the tender application, the manager checks and prepares the tender documentation: studies it and makes changes as necessary.

The responsibilities of a tender specialist include concluding contracts. Before signing a contract, the manager conducts discussions and negotiations with clients. Communication takes place both directly in the office and by telephone. Business correspondence skills are of great importance.

Qualities and Qualifications Required for a Tender Manager

First of all, professional competence is required. In addition, the Tender Specialist must have an analytical mindset. After all, it gives an assessment of the upcoming auctions and the level of expediency of participation in them. Your conclusions must be substantiated and argued.
This specialist must not only know the laws and regulations relating to commercial activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also the basics of jurisprudence in general.

Knowledge of the necessary computer programs is required.

Communication skills, diligence, punctuality are qualities necessary when conducting correspondence with competition organizers, concluding contracts and agreements.

Promptness of action, resistance to stress, and flexibility in decision-making are necessary if you have to be personally present as a company representative at auctions or deal with conflict and problematic situations.

A highly qualified person is able to quickly achieve the goals set for the company and contribute to its success. Therefore, tender specialists receive good salaries.

In 2005, Federal Law No. 94 was adopted, regulating the procedure for placing advance orders by state and municipal authorities for goods supplies or provision of services. It led to the emergence and demand for such a profession as a tender specialist (otherwise known as a tender specialist, a tender specialist, a tender manager, an auction or competition manager), whose main responsibility is to process applications for all kinds of tenders. What requirements employers put forward for candidates for such a position, as well as what other responsibilities they are charged with, are discussed below.

General information about the tender manager

A tender manager is a specialist hired and fired by the relevant orders of the manager of an economic entity on the recommendation of the head of the department in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. He is subordinate to the head of the unit. If the tender manager is absent from the workplace, his responsibilities are delegated to another person appointed by management order who acquires the corresponding rights.

There are often two main requirements for an applicant for this position:

  1. higher legal or economic education, additional training;

There are virtually no higher educational institutions that teach this specialty.

  1. work experience in a similar position for at least 1-2 years, implying accumulated experience in participating in supplier selection events (competitions, auctions, etc.).

In addition, it is important to know:

  • regulations at various levels, method recommendations for working with tenders (especially the provisions of Federal Law No. 44, adopted in 2013 instead of Federal Law No. 94, as well as Federal Law No. 223);
  • platforms for holding tenders, open competitive bidding, electronic auctions;
  • rules for responding to requests for quotes and proposals;
  • methods of interaction with the media;
  • nuances of pricing and pricing policy;
  • methods of promoting goods of which he is a representative in the commercial and government markets;
  • the main characteristics and properties of the promoted goods, the conditions of their storage and transportation;
  • the basics of accounting and the generation of reports on the implementation of sales and implementation plans, as well as office work;
  • the procedure for providing the necessary packages of documents for participation in competitions;
  • the procedure for ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of participants in tenders and auctions, the nuances of the appeal procedure;
  • , rules;
  • norms of business etiquette and business correspondence, telephone conversations;
  • basic computer programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook Express, Adobe Reader);
  • rules for using computer equipment and office equipment;
  • the basics of information systematization (for example, maintaining databases).

Acts as a tender specialist within the framework of:

  • legislative norms, methodological materials regulating issues of functioning in the tender sphere;
  • statutory provisions;
  • regulations on the department;
  • administrative instructions and orders;
  • PVTR;
  • provisions

Job responsibilities of a tender specialist

The job description of a tender specialist contains the main duties of an employee that he must perform during working hours. these include:

Rights of the tender manager

In addition to his duties, a tender specialist has rights guaranteed to him at the federal and local levels. In particular, he can:

Responsibility of the tender manager

Within the framework of domestic labor, civil, criminal and administrative legislation, this employee is responsible for:

  • failure to perform one's duties in good faith;
  • ignoring the rules governing the activities of the subject (in particular, occupational health and safety) and regulations, orders of management;
  • improper transfer of cases upon dismissal;
  • committing offenses in the workplace, including those resulting in damage to property or business reputation of the organization (especially disclosure of trade secrets and other types of confidential information).

A modern tender specialist is a very useful person whose work is needed in absolutely any company. It provides the opportunity to participate in tenders as successfully as possible, to rejoice accordingly and move further and further. It is worth noting that the work of such an employee is quite complex, as well as extremely responsible. The advantage is that it is in demand remote work tender specialist.

A specialist in this field is required to have extensive knowledge, and it would also be useful to have extensive experience in this field of activity. The failure of this professional will undoubtedly be a rather heavy blow for every company, since this is lost profit, as well as wasted money and effort. Moreover, systematic violations of the assigned obligations can lead to the fact that the organization will no longer have the opportunity to participate in.

Responsibilities of a Tender Specialist

Job description of a specialist in tenders and electronic trading assumes that the employee must necessarily have exclusively higher education. Appointment to and dismissal from this position is carried out solely on the basis of an order from the General Director of the company. Speaking about such a factor as responsibilities of a tender specialist, you can note:

    Monitoring Internet sites, trading platforms, as well as commercial and government tenders and competitions;

    Assessing the overall economic feasibility of participating in certain . Based on the results obtained, it is necessary to prepare materials intended for making decisions regarding participation in trading processes;

    An important one is requested, its basic requirements are carefully studied. If necessary, you can request explanations, as well as take into account all changes in the main tender documentation;

    Prompt preparation of the necessary papers;

    It is important to interact with managers, as well as leading department heads on the general specifics and formation of product costs;

    Analysis of the technical part of received applications for full compliance with modern current legislation;

    Competitive applications are being processed;

    It is required to correspond and negotiate with those involved in organizing competitions;

    Several projects should be carried out simultaneously;

    All necessary information regarding delivery conditions and certificates must be provided in a timely manner.

In addition, a modern tender specialist deals at a professional level with projects produced strictly in the interests of the company. You will also have to take part in the search, organization and conduct of various tender trading processes.

Features of the job description

All modern fairly large companies that buy goods on the market as organized as possible, as well as popular services, make serious efforts to select offers that are optimal in terms of price and quality. The essence of such activities is strictly regulated by special Regulations on the general organization.

Tender specialist job description, are developing options regarding the acceptance of a particular tender:

    Open trading processes;

    Requests, that is, proposals;

    Auctions conducted on the Internet aimed at reducing prices.

The simplest instructions are usually formed exclusively for the most recent type. The main object of the trade is an exclusively standardized product, its overall quality is determined by the requirements of GOST. As for the competition, it concerns only the cost. The winner of the tender is usually the supplier who offered the lowest cost within the allotted time period. All such processes are usually regulated by a professional tender manager.

If you want to find a job in this specialty, you should fill out the job application correctly. Sample resume for tender specialist reflects everything that needs attention.

Need for tender specialists

Tender specialist is a relatively young profession that has become quite in demand and popular due to the emergence and development of modern electronic auctions. Without the work of this professional, no company will be able to fully participate in a profitable tender.

The work of this employee is useful and very necessary. This is a specialist who has a direct impact on the overall development of the enterprise. Work of this kind is responsible, complex, it requires certain skills, extensive knowledge, as well as serious sales experience. Exactly because of this reason tender specialist resume is considered as carefully as possible.


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1.1. A tender specialist is classified as a specialist.

1.2. A person with a higher professional education is appointed to the position of tender specialist.

1.3. A tender specialist is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the General Director of the organization.

1.4. The tender specialist should know:

§ Federal laws and other legislative normative acts, methodological materials on participation in tenders;

§ Basic principles and methods of promoting the products presented in the municipal and budget markets;

§ Specifics of product promotion on the commercial market;

§ Platforms for holding tenders, open competitive bidding, electronic auctions;

§ Rules for responding to requests for quotes and proposals

§ Methods of working with the media;

§ Basic technological and design characteristics and consumer properties of products sold;

§ Fundamentals of pricing and pricing policy;

§ Conditions for delivery, storage and transportation of products;

§ methods of organizing accounting and reporting on the implementation of sales plans and sales of products;

§ The procedure for providing organizational, administrative and other documents for participation in competitions;

§ Internal labor regulations;

§ Labor protection rules and regulations;

§ Ethics of business communication.

1.5. The tender specialist is guided in his activities by this Job Description.

1.6. The Tender Specialist reports directly to the General Director.

1.7. During the absence of the Tender Specialist, his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the General Director. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility in accordance with these instructions.


1.8. Monitor specialized websites, trading platforms for the announcement of government and commercial open competitions, tenders, and electronic auctions.

1.9. Assess the economic feasibility of participating in tenders, and based on the results, prepare information and materials for making a decision on participation in tenders.

1.10. Request the necessary tender documentation and study its requirements. If necessary, request clarification and take into account changes in the tender documentation.

1.11. Promptly prepare a complete package of documents.

1.12. Interact with managers and department heads on the specifics and pricing of the products offered and the technical part of applications.

1.13. Analyze the technical part of applications for compliance with current legislation (FZ-94).

1.14. Prepare competitive applications.

1.15. Conduct negotiations and correspondence with competition organizers.

1.16. Conduct several projects simultaneously.

1.17. Timely provide all necessary information about delivery conditions, guarantees, certificates.

1.18. Conclude agreements and contracts.

1.19. If necessary, attend auctions on behalf of the company, during bid opening procedures, draw up complaints to the FAS Russia and its territorial bodies, represent the interests of the company when considering these complaints.

1.20. If necessary, track the return of funds contributed as security for applications.

1.21. Maintain established reporting.

The tender specialist has the right:

2.1. Request from the heads of the company's structural divisions, specialists and other employees information and documents necessary to perform his job duties.

2.2. If necessary, represent the organization in relations with other organizations in order to promptly resolve issues of production and economic activity within its competence.


4.1. For failure to fulfill or improper performance of their duties provided for in these Instructions - in accordance with current labor legislation.

4.2.For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with current legislation.


5.1. This job description is communicated to the Tender Specialist against signature. One copy of the instructions is kept in the employee’s personal file.

I have read the instructions

and I undertake to fulfill: _____________________________________________

The tender department is an effective tool for tender sales, especially in an unstable economic situation. In addition, any company, sooner or later, is faced with the need to expand opportunities for marketing its products/services. An effective tool for expanding sales channels is the development of tendering. Participation in tenders and, in case of victory, concluding contracts with government and commercial suppliers.

The development of the tender direction and the tender department is especially relevant in times of crisis, when commercial companies significantly reduce their budgets or completely refuse to conclude contracts in a number of non-vital areas. The state, even during a crisis, purchases and will continue to purchase works, goods, and services necessary for the normal functioning of the entire country. In addition, the government is a reliable client who pays the bills.

Tender department: tasks

The main tasks of the tender department that are worth highlighting are:
ensuring company participation in tenders
participation in creating and maintaining the company's image
attracting new contracts through the tender system and attracting new clients, as well as retaining / returning old clients

A prerequisite for effective activities in this direction is the creation of a tender department with qualified specialists motivated to achieve results. This will be discussed in the article.

Typical organizational structure of the tender department

Let's look at the typical structure of the tender department. Let me make a reservation right away that the structure that we will consider is typical. In large companies, responsibilities can be assigned to an individual specialist; in small companies, the responsibilities of the entire tender department can be redistributed between one or two employees.
Head of Tender Department
Deputy manager / chief specialist
Manager /
Assistant Manager/Secretary

The chain of command looks like this:

Distribution of responsibilities of tender department employees and standard job descriptions

One of the standard mistakes that is made when creating and developing a tender area is the redistribution of functions and responsibilities for preparing tenders among specialists who have not previously dealt with this and do not have sufficient knowledge in this area.

For example, in addition to the main functions, a lawyer is also given the development of areas for tenders. This may not be a lawyer; in some companies, the functions of preparing tenders are transferred to a secretary, assistant manager or accountant. This is an ineffective approach, which ultimately affects the results of work in tenders.

To effectively participate in tenders, knowledge in this area, as well as experience, is required. The most rational and effective approach is to create a tender department, which at the initial stage may consist of one specialist. But this specialist must be trained in the field of tenders and have relevant practical experience. The activities of the tender department should be aimed only at achieving one goal: the company’s effective participation in tenders and obtaining new contracts for the company through the bidding system.

The distribution of responsibilities within the tender department, which we will consider with you, are also typical and may differ in a particular organization.

Head of Tender Department:
2.1. Monitors tender announcements in various sources.
2.2. Coordinates participation in tenders with the director of the Company or heads of departments, based on the specifics of the departments’ activities.
2.3. Analyzes the participation of competitors in tenders and provides information to department management necessary for the formation of financial proposals.
2.4. Together with the legal department, takes part in drawing up requests for clarification of procurement documentation;
2.5. Answers current questions regarding the preparation of documentation for participation in tenders for representatives of departments and tender organizers.
2.6. Plans the activities of department employees.
2.7. Controls the preparation of proposals (financial and technical) for tenders, estimates and work schedules by the Company’s specialists and determines the deadlines for the provision of documentation by the Company’s specialists, appointed by department heads, to the tender department;
2.8. Supervises the preparation of packages of documents for tenders by department employees.
2.9. Participates in filling out document forms in accordance with procurement documentation;
2.10. Prepares a package of documents for strategically important tenders in accordance with the requirements of procurement documentation.
2.11. Controls the submission of documents to tenders;
2.12. Prepares reporting documentation and submits it to the director of the company.
2.13. In case of winning the tender, provides the necessary information for concluding a contract to the Company's employees. Responsibility for changes in calendar plans, technical proposals, etc., necessary for concluding a contract, rests with the specialists of the departments that won the tender.
2.14. Informs the legal department about the need to issue bank guarantees and the deadlines for submitting documents.
2.15. Provides information to the accounting department necessary to pay for the security of applications for participation in tenders and information on the deadlines for submitting payment orders to the tender department.
2.16. Monitors changes in Legislation, the legal framework for the preparation of tender documentation, public procurement and familiarizes department employees with this information.
2.17. Manages the activities of subordinates, takes measures to ensure their compliance with internal labor regulations.
2.18. Presents proposals for rewards or penalties for department employees and helps improve their qualifications.

Well, now we will look at the typical responsibilities of a tender specialist.

Tender specialist:
2.1. Participates in monitoring tender announcements in various sources
2.2. Answers current questions regarding the preparation of documentation for participation in tenders for representatives of departments and tender organizers.
2.3. Prepares a package of documents in accordance with the requirements of tender documentation:
 draws up proposals (financial and technical) provided by department specialists in accordance with documentation standards;
 requests financial data and documents regarding the Company from the accounting department;
 requests (depending on the requirements of the procurement documentation) certificates from various government agencies as part of the preparation of tender documents in its area of ​​responsibility;
 on behalf of the head of the department, fills out document forms in accordance with the procurement documentation;
 on behalf of the head of the department, collects documents (constituent documents, licenses, diplomas, specialist certificates, copies of contracts, acts, etc.)
 scans and photocopies documents necessary to prepare a tender application.
 organizes notarization of documents necessary for preparing a package of documents for the tender
2.4. The tender specialist prepares a package of documents included in the tender application in the manner determined by the procurement organizer and in accordance with the documentation requirements.
2.5. Organizes the sending of documents to tenders and monitors their receipt by Customers;
2.6. In case of production necessity, performs courier functions.
2.7. Structures information about trading on electronic and paper media.
2.8. On behalf of the department head, drafts letters, requests, and other documents.
2.9. Prepares responses to letters and inquiries in his area of ​​competence
2.10. Carry out instructions from the head of the department in his area of ​​competence.

Tender department and process management

The head (head) of the tender department manages the process, performing planning, monitoring, control, analysis and making management decisions. In different companies, the tender work and management process can be organized in different ways. But we will consider the standard option, when the functions of managing the tender department are performed by the head of the tender department.

The head of the tender department plans the progress of the process in accordance with the number of agreed tenders, using the following information:
information about announced tenders,
requirements of the procurement organizer set out in the procurement documentation,
information about the results of participation in the auction

The head of the tender department records the planning results in the internal documents of the department. In practice, you can plan the preparation of tenders using Excel. That is, keep a table with information on the customer, subject of purchase, initial (maximum) price, participant price, deadline for accepting documents, deadlines for summing up results and other information that may be useful in the work. This table can be used for reporting to management.

As an alternative to this option, reporting can be carried out in specialized services and programs.

Tender department and its work technology

Let's look at the process of work of the tender department in the supplier's company and the scheme of interaction within the company.

Tender work begins with obtaining information about ongoing tenders in accordance with data on the need for the provision of services received from the company’s management. That is, the tender specialist or the head of the tender department first finds tenders taking into account the selection criteria: price, region, subject of tenders or other information that comes from the company’s management.

The process ends under the following conditions:
obtaining information about trading results
communicating information to stakeholders within the company.

Information about the results is published in the Unified Information System, or if this is a commercial tender, then the information can be received orally from the customer or from the customer’s website. Next, the information received is transmitted to the relevant department through the CRM system, either by email or orally. In case of winning, information is additionally transmitted about the date of publication of the bidding results, the amount of contract security and the timing of the contract. Next, the specialist responsible for concluding the contract is engaged in issuing a bank guarantee and concluding the contract. In practice, the functions of concluding contracts are often assigned to a company lawyer or a specialist in the tender department. If a specialist from the tender department is involved in concluding contracts, the process is completed at the moment the contract is concluded with the customer.

Necessary conditions for the continuation of the business process of the tender department is the timely approval of participation in tenders with management, which includes primary selection, secondary selection and final selection of tenders. At the initial selection stage, the manager selects tenders taking into account the criteria of price, region, and subject of purchase. During the secondary selection, selected purchases are analyzed by the head of the tender department and the heads of relevant departments for the feasibility of participation. The criteria for evaluating the application are analyzed, the feasibility of participation is determined taking into account travel expenses and taking into account the possible reduction in prices of competitors.

At the final stage, specialists from the relevant department analyze the technical requirements of the purchase and deadlines. The head of the tender department analyzes the customer’s past purchases for similar purchases, analyzes competitors’ prices and calculates a forecast for a possible price reduction. Taking into account these factors, the management of the relevant department and, if necessary, the company’s management makes a final decision on the advisability of participating in the auction.

Tender department: main stages and principles of work

From a structural point of view, tender work is a system of sequential actions aimed at satisfying the Company’s predetermined requirements and needs, including restrictions on timing, cost, resources, taking into account the nature and specifics of the work for a specific service.

Main stages of the process

  • Monitoring of tender announcements in various sources.
  • Coordination with the managers of the Company, heads of departments of participation in tenders in accordance with the policy of the Company and the specifics of the activities of the divisions.
  • Planning the preparation of documentation for participation in tenders in accordance with the deadlines for submitting documents.
  • Formation of a package of documentation in accordance with the requirements and in the manner determined by the auction organizers.
  • Checking documentation for compliance with requirements.
  • Correction of documentation, if necessary.
  • Verify that any corrections have been made before submitting the documentation.
  • Preparing the package for shipment and sending documentation.
  • Control of sending documentation to auction organizers.
  • Monitoring the results of participation in tenders.
  • Disseminating information about trading results to interested parties within the company.

Basic principles for performing tender work:
Systematicity– work is organized and performed in accordance with the Company’s internal documentation standards and taking into account the entire set of documentation requirements.
Sequence - planning and execution of work occurs in a strict sequence, in which subsequent tasks use the results of previous ones.
Relevance– the work must comply with current trends and requirements set out in procurement documentation and legislation.
Efficiency– any item of work is aimed at achieving a specific result, which, in turn, is a mandatory component of the final result.
Confidentiality– all materials received within the company as part of the work, all intermediate and final results in any presentation format are the property of the company and their distribution or further use in any form is not permitted without special permission.

Note: In cases where you have suspicions about the integrity of the employees of the tender organizer, for example when there is reason to believe that confidential information with your price proposal may be disclosed to other tender participants, we recommend that you ensure that proposals are delivered at the last minute. At the last moment, this means submitting an application a few hours before the deadline for accepting applications, or submitting an application directly at the opening of envelopes.

Sources of information used when providing services

  • initial information received from the Tender Organizers (announcement on the website, notice of changes in tender conditions; documentation for participation in tenders, procurement plan, review and evaluation protocol)
  • initial information received from the Customer (depending on the conditions of the procurement documentation: methodology, methodology, concept, technical proposal, list of specialists, information about experience, calendar plan, financial proposal)
  • own information base (samples of Company documents, forms)

Tender work and documentation of results

Documentation of the work on preparing the bidder's documentation and its results is carried out using standard document templates (report format). A company may use a form as a reporting document, for example, prepared in Excel. Also, information about prepared tenders and the results of the work of the tender department can be recorded in the CRM system or other specialized programs or services, for example, in the TenderPlan service.

Payment and motivation system

The most popular payment systems in the field of tenders are as follows:
1) payment for results
2) fixed payment

In the first case, the company motivates the tender department employees to achieve results, i.e. obtaining new contracts for the company. In the second case, such motivation is virtually absent.

Possible variations of the “Pay for results” system:
1. Salary + percentage of won tenders
2. Salary + fixed bonus based on performance results
3. Percentage of won tenders
4. Payment for each accepted application.
The most common payment options for on-staff tender specialists are 1 and 2; for remote specialists, options 3 and 4. Variations are also possible, for example, when a freelancer prepares only the first part of an application for an auction and, if the application for the first part is accepted, receives a fixed salary payment. The second part of the application is prepared by the customer’s specialists, who receive a salary and a percentage of won tenders or a salary and a fixed bonus.
The undoubted advantage of this remuneration system is the motivation for the final result. Interest and results with such a remuneration system are higher than with a fixed payment. Provided, of course, that the salary is not meager, but market-level.

Now we will consider options for a fixed payment:
1. Fixed salary
2. Fixed payment for each prepared application
In the first option, various variations are also possible, for example, when payment for overtime is added to the salary. In cases where the volume of prepared tender applications is large and there is a lot of processing, the amount of payment for processing can also be significant.

Tender support pros and cons

Companies and entrepreneurs who are just entering the government procurement market make one common mistake. All tender activities of the company are completely outsourced to a company that provides support in the field of tenders. The main and main mistake is that no company other than yours and no specialist other than your employee will be so interested in the result.

First minus attracting an outsourcing company for tenders is:
- weak interest in the result of the employee who will prepare the application for you. Even if you pay a decent fee to an outsourcing company, it will most likely not have much effect on the payment of the specific employee who will prepare your application.
Second minus This is not always a high level of literacy in your subject area of ​​those employees of the outsourcing company who will prepare the application.
Third minus This is weak control over the activities of employees preparing tender applications. You cannot always know and understand exactly whether an employee of an outsourcing company is working on your tender and at what stage the project is.

As a result, having paid decent money for the work, you can end up with a situation in which there is no interest in the result of the work, the performer is not highly professional in your subject and there is a lack of control.

Therefore, it is highly not recommended to outsource all areas of tenders. It is possible and necessary to attract outsourcing companies to support tenders and freelancers, but you only need to delegate some of the tasks and control the process of preparing applications.

That is, we need a tender specialist in the company who would be motivated to achieve results in tenders, perform some of the functions himself, and delegate others. For example, the preparation of the first parts of auctions can be delegated to a tender support company or a freelancer. The main thing is that specialists have sufficient practical experience in your topic.

It is highly not recommended to delegate the functions of searching for tenders, since in order to select truly promising and interesting procurements in your area, you need to have a deep understanding of this topic and be able to analyze and calculate the prospects for participation. A specialist who does not understand your topic will not be able to do this efficiently.

The main advantage of hiring a freelancer or tender support company is the reduction in time for routine operations. The time saved can be used more efficiently to achieve better results. For example, spend more time on analytics. It is also possible to increase the number of processed and prepared tenders.