How to open a charitable foundation? Where are non-profit organizations registered? How to open a charitable foundation in Russia.

From this article you will learn how to open a charitable foundation and what the main idea of ​​such a business is. We will tell you about all the legal details and list the necessary documents. Let's consider the important points of registration and further activities of the organization.

What is a charitable foundation

A charitable foundation is a non-profit organization that raises money for a specific project. She must have a clear focus of her work: helping children, disabled people, WWII veterans, cancer patients or other groups of people in need of help.

The organization's activities are carried out not to generate income, but to provide assistance to specific social groups. Even if there is a profit, then no more than 20% of the total amount raised: 80% goes to charity.

The law does not prohibit charitable foundations from engaging in entrepreneurial activities for the purpose of making a profit. The main thing is to register with the Federal Tax Service and keep separate records of income.

If the organization will only collect money, then no more than 20% of the total amount of fees can be allocated for administrative expenses.

“You need to understand that you cannot help everyone at once. Therefore, it is advisable to open a charitable foundation aimed at a specific social group of people. In the future, as the organization develops, the scope of activities can be expanded.”

Important Steps to Opening a Charitable Foundation

If you decide to open a charitable foundation and engage in a noble cause, then you need to know what stages you will have to go through.

Here are the important steps to take.

  1. Determining the direction of the organization’s activities: assistance to the disabled, orphans, refugees, single mothers or other social groups.
  2. Choosing a name, slogan.
  3. Development and adoption of the Charter.
  4. Search for volunteers and employees to help implement the project.
  5. Searching for people, companies for financial support and donations.
  6. Development and launch of the official website. Creation and advertising of groups or communities on social networks.

Legal points you need to know about

To avoid misunderstandings in the future, you should clarify in advance all the legal details of registering a fund.

To begin with, it is worth recalling that such organizations are non-profit and are not created to make a profit - only to provide social assistance.

A foreign citizen, a stateless person and a citizen of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation, clause 1, article 118), as well as an individual or legal entity, can open a charitable foundation.

The activities of a charitable foundation must be regulated by the Charter, in accordance with Art. 49 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Law “On Charitable Activities” allows for the possibility of engaging in entrepreneurship, but with a limitation: 80% for charity, 20% profit.

“A charitable foundation is created to provide social assistance to a certain group of citizens, and not to make a profit from its activities.”

What documents need to be collected

To register you will need:

  • Notarized application in form PH0001
  • Application to the Ministry of Justice for registration
  • Constituent documentation: approved Charter in 3 copies
  • Lease agreement or documents for premises
  • Availability of legal and actual address of the organization
  • Receipt for payment of state duty

You need to collect documents for registration after renting or purchasing office space. Because the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation will require an agreement, legal and actual address. Without this, the permit will be refused.

Tax nuances

After approval of the constituent documents, the organization must be registered for tax purposes. The Federal Tax Service carries out this procedure within a week: it registers, issues a TIN, state registration number and an extract from the state register.

You also need to issue a power of attorney from the tax office. After that, choose a suitable bank and open current accounts.

“Charitable contributions are not included in the tax base. Taxes are paid only on profits: that is, on 20% of the total contributions.”

For the organization’s work, it is advisable to hire an experienced accountant who can competently conduct accounting and avoid troubles with the tax service.

If the fund is engaged in entrepreneurial activities, then when registering with the Federal Tax Service you need to choose the simplified taxation system: 6% (total income) or 15% (including expenses).

In addition to the tax service, you will need to visit the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund.

Charitable organizations have a number of concessions. For example, it is allowed to submit zero reports to both the Federal Tax Service and the pension fund.

Choosing premises for a charitable foundation

When choosing a premises, it is worth remembering that rental costs should be minimal. A small office of about 10-30 m2 will be enough for the fund.

No need to look for a place in the city center or residential areas. In the first case, the rental price will be high, in the second, the organization will be difficult to find. Therefore, it is worth sticking to the golden mean with good transport links: not far from the center, but not on the outskirts of the city.

When choosing a room, you need to pay attention to the availability of an electrical network, water supply, sewerage and heating system. This is necessary for the comfortable work of employees and the reception of guests.

When it comes to office design, it is better to stick to a neutral style in pastel colors. You should not resort to high-tech and modern interiors. Volunteers and visitors should feel comfortable and cozy.

“The issue of providing office space can be resolved with local authorities. To do this, it is enough to show how important charity is in a particular region. This will help save money on rent."

Recruitment of staff and volunteers

For the normal operation of a charitable foundation you will need:

  • Social workers to interact with other funds and volunteer organizations.
  • Consultant for training staff and advising people over the phone on issues of receiving social assistance.
  • Secretary to handle mail and telephone calls.
  • Accountant for bookkeeping.
  • Marketer for carrying out promotions and attracting public attention to the organization.
  • Volunteers to work with a specific group of people in need of help.

When selecting candidates, you should pay attention to:

  1. Competence.
  2. Experience in charity work.
  3. Specialty and education.
  4. Communication skills.

You can create your own selection criteria. You just need to remember that working, for example, with orphans and disabled people are two different tasks. Therefore, specialists must be selected based on the direction of the fund’s activities.

“If you recruit experienced and motivated people who are willing to work for free, then employees will not need to pay salaries. Many foundations work this way - they provide services free of charge.”

Charity site for collecting donations

To create an official website, you need:

  • Choose hosting. It is better to give preference to paid ones, as they work stably and do not bother you with glitches.
  • Select a domain. It is advisable to make the domain name (website address) in the form of the name of the foundation.
  • Select CMS, template. You can choose a free Wordpress and a template for it.
  • Fill the pages with information. The website should contain a detailed description of activities, contacts, details, legal information, etc.

To save time, you can order a website from a web studio or from a private web developer.

To receive donations from the Internet, you need to connect a payment aggregator to the site. A good option is Yandex.Checkout, but other systems can be considered.

“After launching the site, you need to take care of its promotion, create a group or community on social networks, where you can also accept donations.”

What difficulties might you encounter?

Opening a charity foundation in the CIS is easy. But there are still some difficulties.

  1. Charitable foundations exist through voluntary contributions, which makes the financial situation of the organization unstable.
  2. Not in every region you can find experienced, motivated employees who are ready to give their time and energy to charity free of charge.
  3. All movements of money from the fund are carried out under the supervision of local authorities. There is increased attention to such organizations. At the same time, the opinions of the fund and local managers may not coincide, which causes additional difficulties.

To avoid these problems, you need to find reliable companies willing to invest money in the fund, carefully select candidates for volunteers and employees, and immediately establish contact with local authorities.

A charitable foundation cannot be called a profitable business. Even the word “business” is inappropriate here. This is simply an organization that receives money and invests it free of charge to help people in need or even animals.

Charitable foundations are organizations that raise funds to provide financial assistance to people in need. These are not government organizations, but foundations created by caring people.

How to open a charitable foundation, paperwork procedure

They exist through donations and voluntary contributions from the population.

In order to register a charitable organization, you need to contact state registrars, who are usually located in the local administration. You can register a fund only at the address where it is located, so you should think about the legal address in advance.

  1. Purpose of creation.
  2. Source of income.

Fund registration

Cost and terms of service provision

Name of service

Service delivery period

(cost of services)

(with all expenses)*

Registration of a Non-Profit Organization

One month

* the price includes state duty, notary expenses, simple printing.

The Fund is a non-profit organization with no membership, established by legal entities and (or) citizens on the basis of voluntary contributions of a property nature.


  1. One person can act as the founder of the Fund. The collegial management body, which is created in the Fund, must consist of at least two individuals.
  2. The purpose of creating the Foundation may be the implementation of educational, cultural, charitable or other publicly beneficial, social goals.

  3. The Foundation's obligations include the annual publication of reports on the use of its assets.
  4. The basis for liquidation of the Fund can only be a court decision in the following cases:

1) insufficiency of the fund’s property to achieve its goals and the impossibility of obtaining the required property;

2) the inability to achieve the goals of the fund if it is impossible to make the necessary changes to them;

3) if the foundation in its activities deviates from the goals provided for by the charter;

    The Foundation cannot be reorganized into other organizational forms.


1. Obtaining documents and information for the provision of services.

The client must:

I. provide the following types of documents:

  1. If the founders of the company are individuals:
  2. a copy of pages 1 and 2 of the passport;
  3. personal TIN number;
  4. for foreign citizens: a copy of the passport certified by a notary and a residence permit or temporary residence permit.
  5. If the founders of the company are legal entities:
  6. free-form company details or a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  7. copy of pages 1 and 2 of the passport of the head of the legal entity
  8. TIN number of the head of the legal entity.

II. provide data:

  1. Name of company;
  2. Composition of the organization's founders;
  3. Selecting the legal address of the organization;
  4. Determination of the head of the organization;
  5. Choosing an organization's taxation system;
  6. Determining the types of activities of the organization.

The client can provide this information either by email [email protected] , and in the office of our company.

2. Preparation of documents.

We will help you prepare the Charter, an application for registration of an NPO, a decision (protocol) on the creation of an NPO, and, if necessary, an application for the transition to a simplified taxation system. All documentation is prepared within 1-2 days.

How to open a charitable foundation in Russia step by step

Signing documents at the notary.

The notary certifies the signature on the application for registration of the NPO and issues a power of attorney for our company’s specialists to submit and receive documents to the tax office. Documents are certified by a notary by one of the founders of the NPO, who, by decision of the general meeting of founders, is authorized to act as an applicant.

4. Submission of documents for registration.

Our specialists pay the state fee for registering NPOs and submit documents for registration to the Department of the Ministry of Justice. Documents are submitted the next day after the date of signing the documents at the notary. Registration of documents with the Ministry of Justice is carried out within 14 working days, after which the documents are transferred to the Federal Tax Service in St. Petersburg for inclusion of the NPO in the register of legal entities, which takes another 5-10 working days. Then the documents are returned for issue from the Federal Tax Service to the Ministry of Justice.

5. Receiving documentation, making a seal, transferring documents to the client.

The Ministry of Justice issues the following documents on registration of NPOs: registration certificate, TIN certificate, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Charter. Then our specialists receive statistical codes and codes for notification of registration in the Social Insurance Fund and Pension Fund, after which they transfer the full set of documents to the client.

The result of our work

  1. Certificate of registration of the organization (on assignment of the Main State Registration Number - OGRN);
  2. Certificate of registration with the tax authority at the location of the organization (TIN);
  3. Charter of the NPO with the seal of the registration authority;
  4. Notification of assignment of state statistics codes;
  5. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  6. Sheet of record of state registration of NPOs;
  7. Notices of registration in extra-budgetary funds (social insurance fund; pension insurance fund);
  8. Decision (Protocol) on the creation of an organization;
  9. An order on taking office as the general director of the organization and on the appointment of the chief accountant of the organization (or on assigning accounting responsibilities to the general director);
  10. Seal of the organization;

See also:
Statistics of our work with NPOs

Additional services

consultation with a lawyer

✓ Situation analysis✓ Strategy development

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will contact you within 10 minutes

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are published.

How to open a charity foundation in Russia and make it successful

Sometimes in the modern world such events occur when a person loses faith in everything good. When you don’t know where to expect help from or whether it’s worth waiting for it at all. Sometimes hopelessness and despair make you doubt humanity and kindness. Unfortunately, many in our world have experienced this. For some reason, at such moments it seems that no one is able to help, and no one cares about your grief or the problem you had to face.

But it’s not for nothing that there is a saying “the world is not without good people.” This statement appeared a long time ago and is based on life realities. People are ready to help each other completely free of charge, and they have always done this. Today, the modern benefits of humanity and scientific technologies allow each person to contribute to the development and organization of such funds that can help desperate people and give hope for life.

Charitable foundations are organizations that raise funds to provide financial assistance to people in need. These are not government organizations, but foundations created by caring people. They exist through donations and voluntary contributions from the population.

What is needed to register a charitable foundation

In order to register a charitable organization, you need to contact state registrars, who are usually located in the local administration.

Opening a charitable foundation in Russia

You can register a fund only at the address where it is located, so you should think about the legal address in advance.

A package of documents is submitted to the State Registrar for registration of the BF. Documentation can be submitted in person or sent by mail with a detailed description of the contents.

Regardless of how documents are submitted, their review period is three days.

What documents are needed to register a BF?

Still, the question “How to open a charitable foundation?” is quite serious and troublesome. The main document for registering a charitable foundation is the charter. Its preparation is the most responsible work, because errors in the charter entail refusal to register the fund.

According to the rules of current legislation, the charter must contain the following components:

  1. Fund name. It must be unique. There cannot be two charities with the same name.
  2. Purpose of creation.
  3. Fund management personnel. Their duties, powers, etc.
  4. Rules for the election and appointment of heads of the governing body.
  5. Source of income.
  6. Maintaining reports and monitoring the activities of the charitable foundation.

If all the nuances are specified in the charter, then a charitable foundation can be opened. To correctly compile this document, you can seek help from specialists.

In addition to the foundation’s charter, the following additional documents will be required for its registration:

  • minutes of the meeting of directors on the organization of the fund;
  • registration card of a certain type, filled out according to the requirements;
  • paid receipt for registration;
  • photocopies of the passports of the organizers of the Charitable Foundation.

If the organizers of the fund are foreigners, then you need to attach the appropriate document on the registration of a foreign company in the state of its residence. This document must be translated into the state language and certified by a notary.

Read also: How to open a fitness club from scratch

The activities of the fund itself also require investments and monthly financing. For example, stationery, utility bills, employee salaries - everything is paid from the collected funds. The legality of these actions has been confirmed, and the rules for the distribution of funds state that 20% of the collection can be used for the necessary functioning of the fund.

The charitable foundation can use funds only for projects for which the fund was created, as well as for its own expenses. All responsibility for the use and transfer of funds falls on the founder of the organization, that is, the director. Every four months, reports are made for the tax service on funds, their transfers and distributions, which are signed by the head of the fund.

For the normal functioning of a charitable organization, good advertising and great promotion are required. Unfortunately, many people do not want to share their capital, and it is not surprising why. Few people today trust strangers, even if they guarantee honesty on their part. There are plenty of scammers who, under the guise of charity, can profit from a selfless desire to help. Therefore, when organizing a charitable foundation, you need to take care of loud advertising. Inviting people with a famous name for cooperation can increase the level of trust from people. Enormous work on the Internet, in the media, on television should be carried out regularly, and reports on material transfers should also be covered in detail. Positive reviews from people who received help from the Charitable Fund will be the key to success and will help you gain a good reputation.

Don’t forget that charity is based on trust and humanity, so when opening a charitable foundation, you should be guided, first of all, by decency and openness.

Fund: concept, types. Foundation creation and management.

The Foundation is one of the non-profit organizations that are not corporations, i.e.

has no membership. Funds are created to provide material support for socio-cultural, charitable, educational and other socially useful activities, and therefore their participation in civil circulation is strictly targeted, subordinated to the main goals of the activities of a particular fund.

The Foundation is recognized as a non-membership organization created on the basis of voluntary property contributions of the founders for socio-cultural, charitable, educational and other socially useful (non-commercial) purposes.

The legal status of legal entities, called foundations in legislation, is very unique. The classic types of foundation as an organizational and legal form of a non-profit organization should be recognized as a charitable foundation and a public foundation.

Like a public association, the foundation pursues exclusively socially beneficial goals in its activities. Therefore, he is obliged by law to publicly conduct his property affairs. The Foundation has the right to carry out entrepreneurial activities only in the forms permitted by public associations.

The Foundation is created by decision of its founders, who can be individuals and legal entities (commercial and non-profit organizations), as well as public legal entities, unless otherwise prohibited by law.

The founders of the fund are not obliged to participate in its activities and, as a rule, do not do so. However, the most important responsibility of the founders is the transfer of a property contribution to the authorized capital of the fund, although the law does not establish requirements for the minimum amount of such a contribution or for the minimum amount of the authorized capital of the fund. Therefore, the role of founders of the fund cannot be persons who only organize its activities, but have not contributed to the property of the fund. Unfortunately, when the first Russian charitable foundations were created, such persons often became managers or held other responsible positions in the foundations, gaining the opportunity to uncontrollably dispose of the property received from benefactors.

The only constituent document of the foundation is the charter approved by its founders. In addition to information common to all legal entities, the foundation's charter must contain information about the purposes of its activities, about the foundation's bodies, their competence, about the procedure for appointing and dismissing officials of the foundation (for example, with the consent or approval of the board of trustees), about the fate of the foundation's property in case of its liquidation.

The sources of the foundation's property are primarily voluntary contributions from its founders, donations from other persons, etc.

The founders have the right and must monitor compliance with the intended use of the fund’s property. For this purpose, a trustee is created in the fund from among its founders or their representatives, as well as other authoritative persons. The fund also has collegial (board, council, etc.) and sole (president, chairman, etc.) executive (voting) bodies, usually appointed or approved by the founders or the board of trustees.

How to create a charitable foundation: instructions and tips

If there is an interest in the manager or other official of the fund in making a transaction on behalf of the fund, such a transaction is subject to prior approval of the board of trustees under penalty of invalidation.

Foundations may be reorganized based on a decision of their founders and (or) a board of trustees appointed by them in accordance with the general rules of civil law. However, they cannot be transformed into other types of legal entities. The law provides for a special procedure for liquidating funds.

Autonomous non-profit organization: concept, creation and management of an autonomous non-profit organization.

An autonomous non-profit organization is a non-profit organization that does not have membership, established by citizens and/or legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions for the purpose of providing services in the field of education, healthcare, culture, science, law, physical culture and sports and other services.

The founders of an autonomous non-profit organization can be both individuals and legal entities who make contributions to its property. It is possible that an autonomous non-profit organization can be created by a single founder. The constituent document of this organization is the charter, and if there are several founders, it is also possible to conclude a constituent agreement between them, which in this case serves as the second constituent agreement.

In an autonomous non-profit organization, a supreme collegial (will-forming) body is created that has exclusive competence. It consists of both the founders (their representatives) and employees of this organization, who, however, cannot constitute more than one third of the total number of members of this body. Issues not included in the competence of the supreme body are resolved by the sole executive body.

An autonomous non-profit organization is reorganized and liquidated according to the general rules of civil law. By decision of its highest body, it can be transformed into a public or religious organization (association) or into a foundation, but not into a commercial organization. The remainder of the property of the liquidated organization is used in accordance with the instructions of its charter or in the manner provided for in paragraph 1 of Art. 20 of the Law on Non-Profit Organizations. The law does not exclude the possibility of declaring an autonomous non-profit organization insolvent (bankrupt).

Institution: concept, creation and management.

Institutions are the only type of non-profit organizations that do not own their property.

An institution is recognized as a non-membership organization created and financed by the owner as a subject of limited property rights under his additional responsibility for the implementation of managerial, socio-cultural and other non-commercial functions.

The institutions include state and municipal authorities and management, as well as organizations of education, enlightenment and science, healthcare, culture and sports, etc.

An institution is created by a decision of the owner or a body authorized by him, as well as several owners. As a rule, its constituent document is the charter or regulations, which are approved by the founders. An institution can act on the basis of a general (standard or exemplary) regulation on institutions of this type, for example, a standard regulation on a university, an exemplary regulation on the institution of justice for the registration of rights to real estate.

Typically, an institution is financed by the owner according to an estimate that strictly defines the areas of expenditure and the amount of amounts allocated to it by the owner. Therefore, the rights of an institution to the owner’s property assigned to it are limited in nature and are determined directly by law (Article 296 of the Civil Code), and alienation or other disposal of this property without the consent of the owner is impossible.

An institution, in principle, cannot become the owner of its property, since this would contradict the essence of this legal structure. A different approach, enshrined in the norms of paragraph 7 of Art. 39 of the Law on Education, paragraph 2 of Art. 27 of the Law on Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education, unreasonably expands the scope of participation of institutions in turnover and at the same time narrows the conditions of responsibility of their founders, directly turning institutions into a semblance of enterprises.

The founder-owner appoints the head of the institution as its sole executive body. In some types of institutions, collegial executive bodies (scientists and similar councils) may be created. Thus, in accordance with the constituent documents of a public institution, a collegial body may be created, elected by participants who are not the founders of this institution and consumers of its services.

An institution can be reorganized, including transformation into an autonomous non-profit organization or a foundation, as well as into a business company. For state and municipal institutions, transformation into a business company is allowed only in the manner prescribed by the legislation on privatization. Liquidation of an institution is carried out according to the general rules of civil law, and the remainder of the property always becomes the property of the founder.

What is a “charitable foundation”

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines it as a unitary non-profit organization that:

  • has no membership;
  • established by citizens or legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions;
  • pursues charitable, cultural, educational or other social, publicly beneficial goals.

The main constituent document is the charter, which must contain the following information:

  • about the name;
  • about its location;
  • about the subject and goals of the activity;
  • on the foundation’s bodies, including the highest collegial body and the board of trustees that supervises its activities;
  • on the procedure for appointing officials and their release from duties;
  • about the fate of property in the event of liquidation.

You can download a sample charter of a charitable foundation with one founder for free at the end of the article.

The charitable organization has a number of features established by Federal Law dated August 11, 1995 No. 135-FZ. In particular, the main goals of its activities are a fairly narrow range of socially useful events, which are listed in Art. 2 135-FZ. Among them:

  • social support and protection of citizens, including improving the financial situation of the poor, social rehabilitation;
  • providing assistance to victims of natural disasters, environmental, industrial or other disasters, social, national, religious conflicts;
  • victims of repression, refugees and internally displaced persons.

The property transferred upon establishment is its property, the founders do not have property rights in relation to the organization they created, are not responsible for its obligations, just as the organization itself is not responsible for the obligations of its founders.

Title requirements

The name of the charitable organization can be anything. There is only one requirement - the presence of the word “fund”. The name can indicate the main charitable purpose. For example, “Gift of Life” Charitable Foundation for helping children with oncohematological and other serious diseases. You can indicate in the title the surname of the person who is the face of the fund. For example, “Valery Gergiev”. You can give a name that covers a fairly wide range of possible programs: “Center for Social Programs Foundation.” Or, conversely, clearly define the purpose of the activity in the title: “Flight 9268”.

When using in a name the name of a citizen, symbols protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property, as well as the full name of another legal entity as part of its own name during state registration, it is necessary to provide, along with the constituent documents, documents confirming the right to such use.

Who controls

For management the following are created:

  • the highest collegial body, the powers of which are defined in paragraph 1 of Art. 123.19 Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • a sole executive body, and a collegial executive body (board) can also be created;
  • board of trustees in accordance with paragraph.

    4 tbsp. 123.19 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is created without fail and exercises supervision over the activities of the organization itself and its other bodies and acts on a voluntary basis.

How to register

Registration is carried out in the manner established by Chapter. III Federal Law of 08.08.2001 N 129-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”, taking into account the features specified in Art. 13.1 of the Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”.

Documents for registration are submitted to the Federal Tax Service of Russia no later than three months from the date of the decision on creation, while, together with the application for registration, other documents specified in clause 5 of Art. 13.1 of the Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”, in particular the charter, the decision on the creation and approval of the charter, indicating the composition of the elected (appointed) bodies in two copies; information about the founders in two copies and other documents.

Sample charter of a charitable foundation 2018 of the year

It is necessary to understand that the more attentively the founders pay attention to the development of the charter, the more fully it describes the planned activity, the easier it will be to work later and the easier it will be to pass the stage of state registration.

Do you need a memorandum of association?

It is important to note that a sample constituent agreement for a charitable foundation is not provided. Such a document is not drawn up, since the founders do not have property rights and obligations, and the procedure for allocating property is determined by the founders at the constituent meeting and is recorded in the minutes and charter.

Unfortunately, in our country only a few companies are willing to donate part of their income to charity. Therefore, private donations remain the main source of funding for such organizations. For example, foundations may organize fundraisers at a university or through charity fairs and concerts. In addition, you can use such a phenomenon as crowdfunding - this is the collection of funds according to the principle “from the world to a thread.” So, for a specific project, a description and video are created and possible donation amounts and possible rewards for them are determined - this could be a written thank you to the organization, its symbols or other small tangible and intangible assets. Costs of organizing this type of business The main cost item when opening a fund is the rental or purchase of premises.

How to create a charitable foundation yourself?

Charity is a good cause.

How to create a charitable foundation from scratch and make it successful in Russia

Helping people who need it is a desire worthy of all praise. Our world is not without good people, and such spiritual impulses unite many: both ordinary people with a small income and seasoned business sharks.


Therefore, many who want to help strive to create their own charitable foundation to raise money for a variety of needs of people who really need it. How to create a charitable foundation, and what subtleties should you know when registering it? More on this later.

What is a charitable foundation First of all, many people are sure that a charitable foundation and philanthropy are equivalent concepts. This is wrong. First of all, the purpose of this fund is to help people in need.

Charity in Russia: how to create a relief fund

Founding documents Having decided on the office, the charity fund completes the founding package of documents: - form PH0001 - Application for registration of a charitable foundation; — a documentary decision on the creation of a fund and approval of constituent documents; — Charter and other documents necessary for the decision – in 3 copies; — payment of state duty (4 thousand rubles); — availability of legal and actual addresses of the fund; - a letter of guarantee from the landlord, or a certificate of ownership. Document flow There is the following practice: after transferring a package of constituent documents, two weeks later the ministry makes a decision on state registration of such a fund, and another two weeks later, we receive certified documents (state registration certificate, legal registration certificate, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, charter of a charitable foundation certified by the Ministry of Justice).

How to create a charitable foundation: registering a foundation

  • Problems with local authorities. Investments from the fund must be made under the supervision of the authorities, as they lead to infrastructural changes. But the opinion of the responsible authorities does not always coincide with the decision of the fund’s management.
  • Lack of staff.

Despite all the difficulties, it is possible to open a charitable foundation. You just have to put in the appropriate effort. For a non-profit organization such as a charity, also watch the following video: Cost of Question: How much money do you need to start your charity? Calculating the cost of registration and the initial stage of activity of a charitable foundation is quite problematic, because it does not have standardized indicators.

How to open and register a charitable foundation correctly

In case of a positive outcome, the organization within 14-15 working days receives a document confirming the state registration of the fund. In addition, along with this document, she receives an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and a certified charter.

A fund can be opened by either a legal entity or an individual. In any case, after receiving state registration, it is necessary to deal with issues of registration with the tax service, the compulsory insurance fund, the federal statistics service, etc.

To carry out such actions, it is best to contact a specialized law firm. Premises and personnel The Foundation can either have its own premises or rent it.

However, depending on whether it is operational or not, additional premises will be required.

How to create a charitable foundation from scratch and make it successful in Russia

  • Such organizations can perform those actions that are aimed at achieving the goals of their creation or the goals provided for by the relevant federal law.
  • They can carry out entrepreneurial activities only within the framework of achieving their goals.
  • A charitable organization can attract resources and conduct non-operating operations.
  • In addition, they can establish business societies: in this case, the participants cannot include other persons not related to the fund.
  • Finally, such an organization cannot use its funds for third-party purposes, among which is support for campaigns, as well as political parties or movements.

The Fund can open branches both on the territory of the Russian Federation and on the territory of foreign states (according to the laws that apply on their territory).

How to create a charitable foundation from scratch for an individual

Important: It states:

  • full and abbreviated name, which should reflect the direction of activity;
  • legal address and the possibility of creating branches and representative offices;
  • goals of activity;
  • governing bodies;
  • sources of funds;
  • procedure for distribution of property in the event of liquidation.

When determining the goals of an organization, you need to be especially careful, since the Ministry of Justice does not allow the use of vague formulations. But if you limit yourself to a narrow formulation, for example, “helping disabled children,” then providing support to a healthy child from a prosperous family will be illegal on formal grounds, that is, there will be misuse of funds.

The desire to help people who need something is always a commendable and approved impulse. There are people who have this desire developed so strongly that they create special organizations for this purpose, called charitable foundations. Such funds belong to non-profit organizations, that is, their main goal is not to make money.

It is much easier to create a charitable foundation than to manage it. The registration procedure for such an organization itself should not be difficult. However, after this, the owner of the newly created charitable foundation may encounter difficulties of varying complexity. After all, in order for the fund to raise funds and really help people in need, it is necessary to constantly work on it.

How charities work

A charitable foundation is an organization with the status of a legal entity. Charitable foundations work according to the scheme “received voluntary donations - sent them to help those in need.” However, each fund also needs to exist for something. In this regard, a charitable foundation has the right to use a certain part of the donation amount (usually from 20% to 30%, depending on the legislation of each country) for its personal needs, that is, for the maintenance of the foundation. For example, for salaries of employees, purchase of necessary equipment, payment for telephone and Internet, rent of premises, and so on.

In addition, according to the laws of many countries, charitable foundations have good benefits when paying taxes, and sometimes are completely exempt from taxes. Thus, countries encourage the creation of charitable organizations and create all conditions so that they can exist.

Charitable foundations, like other organizations, including commercial ones, must regularly submit reports on the work performed to the relevant government agency, which describe how much and for what purposes the funds received were spent.

Business plan for a charitable foundation

Here are some figures regarding the costs of opening a charitable foundation. All data are averages and may vary depending on specific conditions.

1. Registration of the fund – $400.
2. Opening a bank account – $80.
3. Notary services – from $30.
4. Legal consultation – from 40 dollars.
5. Payment of various fees and charges - about $100.

How to open a charity organization

The very first step you should take is to sit down and think carefully: do you need a charitable foundation? If a person decides to work in the charitable sector, he will not be able to do it correctly and effectively if he does not let this problem pass through himself. This means the problem for which he wants to do charity work - this could be helping sick children, disabled people, homeless animals. There are also funds with a more optimistic focus, for example, assistance in the development of children's creativity or the popularization of a healthy lifestyle and sports.

In any case, without a deep understanding of the problem it will be impossible to achieve good results in charitable activities. It happens that a person is driven by a momentary emotional impulse that will pass in a day, week or month. To check whether your aspirations for charity are true, try first to work in one of the already existing similar organizations. If you don't burn out after a while, then maybe you were truly meant to do good.

The principles of managing a charitable foundation are in many ways similar to the principles of managing any commercial organization. Here it is also important to explore the competitive market and find your competitive advantage. It is better to select employees not only based on the applicant’s great desire to help people, but also taking into account his abilities and skills. It is best if your employees already have experience in the charitable sector and know the principles of communication both with philanthropists (those who donate money) and with people who turn to the foundation for help.

In any case, it is important to have a strategy for further action. Charitable organizations are no exception. It is better to plan activities by a qualified person who knows a lot about strategic management. Establishing public relations, which is one of the main tasks in managing a fund, is also not an easy task. This is a rather long process that requires daily work.

When you are able to achieve some success at the city level, and then at the country level, think about the possibilities of entering the international market. As a rule, foreign companies and businessmen are more willing to invest their funds in funds that help children with their health issues.

Have you noticed that now most charitable foundations are organized by famous people? A fund headed by a well-known person has a much greater chance of success than a fund opened by the completely unknown “Ivan Ivanov.” Therefore, if you have not yet promoted yourself so that the general public recognizes you by sight and name, then managing a foundation and attracting the attention of philanthropists to it will be a little more difficult.

Documents required for opening

To register a charitable foundation, the following is required:

1. Provide the name of the charitable foundation to the government agency; description of the activities he plans to engage in.
2. Register in the unified state register.
3. Register with the tax office.
4. Obtain bank details for your organization and open a bank account.
5. Register with a statistics agency.
6. Provide information about the management of the fund (who is the director, deputies, accountant).
7. Draw up and approve the organization’s charter. It is approved at the meeting of founders.

How to attract attention to your charitable foundation?

If you have enough knowledge and creative thinking to come up with non-standard solutions to standard problems, very good. Social problems have always been and will be present in any society, and by finding ways to solve them that no one has ever used before, you will clearly interest the public in your organization.

Those who donate hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars to help treat seriously ill patients (as an example), do not always do this with the sole purpose of helping. Of course, for conscientious people, this should be the main goal. However, often good oligarchs-philanthropists do not want to remain in the shadows. They want the public to know that they are the ones who donated their hard earned money to help those in need. Therefore, in order to attract philanthropists, offer them, so to speak, “advertising” for their good intentions. Write about it in the press, and if the organization’s budget allows, advertise on television.

This way you can increase the popularity of your fund both among those people who need help and among those who can provide this help.

Charity is a good cause. Helping people who need it is a desire worthy of all praise. Our world is not without good people, and such spiritual impulses unite many: both ordinary people with a small income and seasoned business sharks. Therefore, many who want to help strive to create their own charitable foundation to raise money for a variety of needs of people who really need it. How to create a charitable foundation, and what subtleties should you know when registering it? More on this later.

What is a charitable foundation

First of all, many people are sure that a charitable foundation and philanthropy are equivalent concepts. This is wrong. First of all, the purpose of this fund is to help people in need. The first thing you need to understand when creating charitable organizations to raise money is that the law prohibits deriving any benefit from it. If you want to open something like this, remember that you are not doing this only for yourself and under no circumstances should you step over that rule. People who want to make money from someone else's misfortune may face a lot of problems with the law, even criminal liability for their actions. If you really want to help people, don’t think about yourself and use your own organization only for its intended purpose.

Before the beginning

If you want to create your own charitable foundation and are wondering where to start, before directly registering, you need to go through several important stages and think everything through carefully. These stages include:

  • determining the scope of the fund's activities. It is simply impossible to help everyone at once;
  • choosing a name and adopting the organization’s charter;
  • searching for employees and volunteers willing to assist the project;
  • creation of your own website on the Internet and carefully thought-out advertising;
  • searching for people willing to donate money to your fund.

Regarding the last stage, discussions often arise on the topic: why look for them before opening the fund, if we all have to donate funds anyway? In fact, no one owes anyone anything, and opening a charitable foundation without obtaining support from at least several patrons is simply useless.

What is needed for registration

Fortunately, setting up a charitable foundation in Russia is relatively quick and easy. These organizations, according to the law, are non-profit and specialize in providing social services. Before submitting documents, you need to accurately determine the direction of your organization using the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities. Then you should collect all the necessary documents, and then contact the Ministry of Justice. You should go to the ministry with a package of papers, including:

  1. Application for registration. For charitable foundations, the corresponding form RN0001 has been developed. The form is drawn up in two copies, after which one of them must be certified by a notary.
  2. The decision to create an organization and its charter. These documents must be submitted in triplicate.
  3. Receipt confirming payment of the state duty.
  4. Documents containing all information about the organization's addresses.
  5. Lease agreement or documents confirming the purchase of the premises in which the organization will be based.

After this procedure is completed, all you have to do is wait. The decision regarding registration of a charitable foundation is made by the Ministry of Justice within two weeks. If everything goes well, then after this time you can come to the ministry and receive all the required documents for the functioning of the organization.

The question of founders is not uncommon. In fact, even one individual can open this organization (this is even better, since additional documents must be submitted for each founder). In addition, a variety of legal entities can open their own fund. Immediately after the ministry has handed over all the constituent documents to the founder, he should take up the issue of registering him in all related structures. These include:

  • tax;
  • compulsory insurance funds;
  • statistical service.

Fund funds: where do they come from and where are they spent?

Unfortunately, our people are brought up in such a way that almost every charitable foundation is considered a place for cashing out “laundered” money. Indeed, some people create these organizations for such a purpose, but we remind you that this is punishable. Real charities collect funds and use them for their intended purpose.

Unfortunately, a very small percentage of people are willing to donate funds to organizations of this kind (some because of lack of money, some because of their own stereotypes), so you will have to face that problem. As a rule, the main patrons of charitable foundations are rare private entrepreneurs and companies. Help may not always be financial; some people are ready to help, say, by purchasing equipment or other necessary things.

Help is a good deed, worthy of respect and all praise. There are many good people in the world who unite in organizations that do not make any profit from their activities. They are engaged in the selfless transfer of funds or property to people who are in great need of it. We will look at how to create a charitable foundation from scratch in this article.

Features of the activity

Some people believe that patronage and charitable organizations are the same concepts. But they are wrong. The main goal they set for themselves is to help people in need of support. If you are interested in how to create a charitable foundation from scratch, you should remember that the law prohibits you from deriving any benefit from this activity. People who profit from the misfortune of others may be subject to criminal prosecution for their actions. To help those in need, you should use your organization exclusively for its intended purpose.

Where to begin?

Before creating a relief fund, you need to go through several preparatory stages:
  1. Decide on your area of ​​activity. You need to decide in advance which charitable foundation to open and what it will do;
  2. Choose a name for your organization and adopt a charter;
  3. Find volunteers who will help you implement the project;
  4. Create a website on the Internet;
  5. Carefully consider your advertising campaign;
  6. Find people who are willing to donate money.

Some people think that it is enough to do charity and people will immediately transfer funds to their account. Remember that this will not happen until you enlist the support of several patrons.

Business registration

The next important step is registering a charitable foundation. In our country, such a procedure will not take much effort and time. According to the law, such organizations are considered non-profit because they provide social services.

Let's look at the step-by-step instructions for registering a charitable foundation:

  • We determine the direction of activity;
  • We collect documents for registering a charitable foundation;
  • We pay the state duty;
  • We rent office space;
  • We write a statement;
  • We submit all the papers to the Ministry of Justice;
  • We are waiting for a decision.

If the Ministry of Justice makes a positive decision, you need to go there and receive all the necessary documents. A fund can be opened by an individual or any legal entity. After the founder receives all the documents, you need to inquire about how to register a charitable foundation with related organizations - the tax, statistical services and the compulsory insurance department.

Scheme: providing charitable assistance

Principle of operation

Before drawing up a business plan for a charitable foundation, first of all think carefully about why you need it? In order for the work to be effective, you need to pass through all the problems of sick people, disabled children, homeless animals, etc. If you are not ready for this, you can create a more optimistic fund, for example, for the development of children's creativity.

In any case, you must first understand the problem deeply, otherwise you will not be able to achieve good results. Some people give in to an emotional impulse, and literally after a few days the desire to do good disappears. To test how strong your intentions are, work for some time in one of these organizations.

Fund management is practically no different from the work of any commercial company. In this matter, you also need to carefully analyze the market and assess the level of competition. Employees to work in the fund should be selected not only based on their personal qualities. They must be able to communicate with philanthropists and have experience working in similar organizations.

It is better to entrust the development of an organization's action strategy to a qualified specialist who is well versed in strategic management. The main task is to establish public relations. And this is a long process that requires painstaking daily work. As you can see, creating a charitable foundation is not an easy matter. It is only possible for those people who are ready to sacrifice themselves to help their neighbors.

Many charities are organized by famous people. Such organizations have every chance of becoming successful. Until you develop your business, it will be very difficult to manage it.

Where to get money and where to spend it?

Since a charitable foundation is a non-profit organization, such activities do not involve generating income. All material contributions come from philanthropists and various sponsors. At least 80% of all donations go to charity. The remaining 20% ​​is intended to meet the needs of the fund:

  • Renting premises;
  • Salaries of employees;
  • Purchase of equipment and other things.

Charity and business

Many modern businessmen have recently begun to engage in charity work. Such activities have a beneficial effect on their reputation and image. They conduct various promotions through which consumers are informed that part of the proceeds for the product will go to charitable causes. Such a gesture becomes public knowledge, which significantly improves the company's reputation.

Today many people want to help orphans or sick people, but do not know how to do it. Not everyone can afford to go to some fund and contribute a certain amount, since half of the country’s population barely reaches the average financial level. In addition, scammers often profit from the misfortune of others. Therefore, charity work is a great way to sympathize with people in need. Of course, many businessmen conduct such promotions to attract the attention of consumers to their company. You shouldn't blame them for this. Even if indirectly, they still provide assistance. Business and charity are inseparable concepts. Entrepreneurs who make voluntary donations usually achieve great success. This is an unwritten rule that works at all times.

How to attract attention to the fund?

Many wealthy people donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to help seriously ill people. But this goal is not always the main one for them. Good oligarchs rarely remain in the shadows. It is important for these philanthropists to let the public know that they are donating their money to people in need. To attract these donors to your charity business, publicize their contributions in the media. Thanks to this, the popularity of the fund will increase.