How to understand what has fallen out. Reasons why permanent or temporary fillings fall out of teeth and what to do about it? Why did this happen

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterine cavity to achieve a contraceptive effect.

There are 2 types of coils: coils containing copper or silver, and coils containing hormones. Spirals containing hormones are recognized as more effective, and therefore are now more often used in gynecological practice.

What is the Mirena intrauterine device?

The Mirena IUD is a coil containing the hormone levonorgestrel. Every day, Mirena releases a certain small dose of a hormone into the uterine cavity, which acts only within the uterus and is practically not absorbed into the blood. Thanks to this, the risk of side effects of hormonal effects is significantly reduced, the ovaries are not suppressed and there is a therapeutic effect, which we will discuss below.

How effective is the Mirena IUD?

More than 20 years have passed since the introduction of the Mirena IUD. During this time, Mirena has shown high effectiveness in preventing unwanted pregnancy.

According to statistics, within one year of using Mirena, pregnancy occurs in one woman out of 500. Compared to birth control pills, the Mirena spiral is a more reliable means of contraception.

What are the pros and cons of the Mirena IUD compared to other methods of contraception?

Mirena has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is not suitable for all women. After learning about the pros and cons of Mirena, you can decide whether this method of pregnancy protection is right for you.

Pros of Mirena:

  • Once you install the IUD, you no longer need to worry about contraception. While birth control pills must be taken every day in order for the contraceptive effect to remain reliable.
  • The spiral does not need to be changed often: you can walk with one spiral for up to 5 years in a row. While birth control pills or condoms need to be replenished monthly.
  • Unlike condoms, during sexual intercourse the coil is not felt by either you or your sexual partner.
  • Unlike birth control pills, the IUD does not increase appetite and does not cause water retention in the body, which means it will not cause weight gain.
  • Can be used as a treatment method for adenomyosis (endometriosis of the uterus) and.
  • Reduces blood loss during menstruation and.

Cons of Mirena:

  • It is impossible to install the IUD yourself: to do this you need to visit a gynecologist.
  • In contrast, it does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV infection, herpes, etc.), therefore it is not suitable for women who have sex with unfamiliar partners.
  • In the first 4 months after installation of the IUD, a woman has an increased risk of inflammation of the fallopian tubes ().
  • May cause long-term appearance in the first months after installation.
  • May cause irregular periods in the first months after installation.
  • It may cause a temporary cessation of menstruation, but after removal of the device, menstruation returns within 1-3 months.
  • May cause . These cysts are not dangerous to health and rarely require any treatment. Usually, they resolve on their own within a few months after their appearance.
  • There is a risk of the IUD falling out unnoticed, which can lead to an unwanted pregnancy.
  • If pregnancy occurs while wearing the IUD, there is a risk of early miscarriage.

At what age can Mirena be installed?

There is an unwritten rule among gynecologists that intrauterine devices can only be installed in women who have given birth. However, there are studies in which IUDs were installed in nulliparous women, and even girls under 18 years of age, and the IUDs were effective and safe.

And yet, most gynecologists will not undertake to install an IUD if you are under 25 years old and have not yet given birth.

What tests need to be done before placing the Mirena coil?

Before installing the IUD, your doctor will prescribe:

  • to make sure there is no inflammation. If the smear reveals inflammation, you will need to be treated first and only after recovery the doctor will install the IUD.
  • to make sure your cervix is ​​normal and there are no precancerous or cancerous changes.
  • to make sure that the uterus has a normal shape and installation of the IUD will be safe. You will not be able to have an IUD if you have a bicornuate uterus, the presence of septa in the uterus, or other abnormalities of the uterus.
  • or to make sure you are not pregnant.

Who is the Mirena IUD contraindicated for?

There are not many contraindications for installing Mirena. This:

  • Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy
  • Inflammation of the vagina or cervix
  • Chronic genital tract infections that often get worse
  • Inflammation of the urethra or bladder
  • Precancerous or cancerous changes in the cervix
  • Breast cancer or suspected breast cancer
  • Inflammation of the uterus (endometritis) after childbirth or abortion within the last 3 months
  • Anomalies of the uterus: bicornuate uterus, septum in the uterus, etc.

To make sure that the spiral is in place, you can try to feel its “antennae” yourself. To do this, wash your hands thoroughly and insert the fingers of one hand deep into the vagina to reach the cervix. The “antennae” feel like threads of fishing line. The length of the “antennae” can vary: you can only feel the tips, or feel 2-3 cm. If the threads are longer than 2-3 cm, or if you cannot feel them, then you need to contact a gynecologist.

How often should you visit a gynecologist if you have a Mirena spiral?

If nothing worries you, then the first visit to the gynecologist should be made a month after installing the IUD. Then visit your doctor after another 2 months. If the doctor confirms that Mirena is in place, then further visits should be made once a year.

Spotting after installation of the Mirena coil

In the first months after Mirena installation, prolonged spotting and bloody (dark brown, brown, black) discharge may appear. This is a normal phenomenon associated with the installation of the spiral. Such discharge may be observed during the first 3-6 months after Mirena installation. If spotting persists for more than 6 months, then you need to visit a gynecologist.

Irregular periods after Mirena installation

Some women using the Mirena IUD may experience irregular periods. This not connected with hormonal disorders or ovarian dysfunction. The cause of the menstrual cycle failure is the local effect of the IUD on the endometrium of the uterus. This is not hazardous to health and does not lead to any negative consequences.

Consult your gynecologist if your irregular periods persist for 6 months or more after insertion of the IUD.

No periods after installing the Mirena IUD

About 20% of women who use the Mirena IUD for a year or more stop having periods altogether.

If your next period has not come, and more than 6 weeks have passed since your last menstruation, first of all it is necessary to exclude pregnancy. To do this, you can either turn it in.

If pregnancy is excluded, then the lack of menstruation is caused by the IUD. The hormones released by the intrauterine device act on the endometrium, suppressing its growth. The endometrium remains thin and therefore menstruation does not occur. The absence of menstruation does not have a negative effect on the body and does not cause any consequences in the future.

Menstruation recovers on its own within 1-3 months after removal of the IUD.

What to do if pregnancy occurs while wearing Mirena?

The likelihood of pregnancy while wearing Mirena is quite small, and yet such cases have been described.

If the pregnancy test shows a positive result, then you need to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. The gynecologist will examine you and refer you for an ultrasound. An ultrasound will help determine where the fetus is located: in the uterus or is it an ectopic pregnancy. If the fetus is located in the uterus, then there is a chance to maintain the pregnancy.

Is it necessary to remove the IUD if pregnancy occurs?

In order to reduce the risk of early miscarriage, doctors recommend removing the intrauterine device. In the first hours and days after removal of the IUD, the risk of miscarriage will be quite high, but if the pregnancy can be maintained, then nothing will threaten the unborn child.

If you decide not to remove the IUD, or if its removal is impossible for other reasons, then during pregnancy you will need more careful medical supervision in order to prevent or promptly identify possible complications (miscarriage, inflammation, premature birth).

Can Mirena cause developmental abnormalities in an unborn child?

Unfortunately, this is not yet known, since there were not many cases of pregnancy, and it is impossible to compile any reliable statistics.

Cases of healthy children being born after pregnancy with the IUD have been described. Cases of children being born with developmental anomalies also exist, but it has not yet been possible to establish whether there is a connection between these anomalies and the fact that the IUD was not removed during pregnancy.

How is the Mirena IUD replaced or removed?

The Mirena spiral works for 5 years. After this period, the IUD should be removed (if you are planning a pregnancy or want to switch to another method of contraception), or replaced with another IUD (if you are not planning a pregnancy and do not want to switch to other methods of contraception).

You can remove the IUD earlier if you are planning a pregnancy. To do this, you do not have to wait until Mirena’s five-year term expires.

It is best to remove the Mirena coil during your next period. If you stop menstruating while wearing Mirena, or if you want to remove the IUD outside of your period, you will need to start using condoms 7 days before removing the IUD.

If you want to replace the IUD, you do not need to use condoms, and the replacement can be done on any day of the cycle.

When can I get pregnant after Mirena removal?

The Mirena spiral does not affect the functioning of the ovaries, so you can become pregnant in the next cycle after Mirena removal.

Women say that the spiral is often displaced. How can you tell if the spiral is out of place? Is it possible, for example, to stick your hand in and try to feel the ends of the spiral (I read about this on the forums)?

Answered by Berezovskaya E.P.

First, there are rules that a doctor must adhere to. Each spiral has threads (tendrils), which after inserting the spiral must be cut to a length of 2 cm. No more and no less. Just by the length of the antennae you can know whether the spiral has shifted or not during the next inspection in the mirrors.

Secondly, a woman should be taught two rules: 1. control of sensations and signs - if there is aching or sharp pain, bleeding, discomfort, if during sexual intercourse a man complains of something stabbing inside the vagina, if inflammatory discharge (green) appears , yellow, purulent), you must consult a doctor. 2. control for the presence of antennae - after menstruation, you can insert two fingers into the vagina and try to feel the presence of antennae. This is not easy in some cases, because not everyone has long fingers, and a woman can also “skip” the antennae by inserting her fingers away from the cervix. If the antennae appear at the exit of the vagina or, conversely, they cannot be found, then you need to go to the doctor. It is important not to pull the antennae, because you can displace the spiral with your manipulations.

There are not many lucky people who have never sought dental care. Most people visit dentists regularly for preventive purposes or when they have a toothache.

A common medical procedure is a filling. The procedure is unpleasant, but necessary. And now, the visit to the dentist is over, the problem is solved, and what is the patient’s disappointment when he suddenly discovers a fallen filling, sometimes this happens even after a few weeks.

A filling has fallen out and a tooth hurts - probably many have encountered this problem. But what is the reason for this phenomenon? And what to do if a temporary or permanent filling falls out?

A fallen filling can be large or small

What causes fillings to fall out?

Dentists explain why fillings fall out of teeth as follows:

  • In case of incomplete cleansing of damaged tissues. The fact is that the sealed area continues to deteriorate under the installed filling. And gradually a cavity forms inside the tooth (bottom and sides) - the filling falls out.

Poor quality filling is the most common reason for its failure

  • The professionalism of the doctor is of paramount importance here. People are different, and so are dentists, so look for a highly qualified specialist who takes the time to adjust his work and scrupulously approaches all its stages; he is the one who will best fill the diseased area.
  • The cavity for the filling is incorrectly formed. For each variant of the location of the caries focus, there is its own variant of the location of the cavity. In medical terms, there is a Black classification, according to which there are rules for creating a cavity for placing filling material.

Poor quality work by the doctor in installing the filling

  • The canals are sealed incorrectly. The canals are filled to treat pulpitis and periodontitis, and in case of an error, the filled teeth have to be removed.
  • Use of unsuitable materials. The material may be of poor quality or has lost certain properties.
  • The material used to fill a hole in a tooth is extremely sensitive to moisture. Therefore, if during the treatment stage you allow saliva to get under the filling, it may fall out. Undoubtedly, the latest technologies in the dental field practically exclude this scenario, but when treating children, this is possible.
  • Malfunction during the drying stage. The filling material dries completely only as a result of exposure to waves of a certain range. If the dentist does not pay enough attention to hardening it, it can quickly collapse.

Poorly sealed canals are the reason for the filling to fall out

There are differences in curing methods:

  • chemical curing;
  • light curing;
  • curing under the influence of human saliva and body temperature.

Other causes of fillings falling out

In addition, the following reasons for loss of filling material cannot be ruled out:

  • Shrinkage. Each filling material has its own degree of shrinkage. Shrinkage refers to the degree of reduction in the size of the filling in the tooth after its final hardening. If the shrinkage is large, then the hardened material, shrinking, may fall out.
  • Individual characteristics of the patient's teeth. There are characteristics of tooth enamel that cause it to deteriorate more rapidly than in most people. The concept of “abrasion” of enamel sometimes explains the problem of fillings falling out. In the presence of abrasion, the thickness of the dental tissue decreases, thereby the area of ​​fixation of the filling material also decreases, and the filling will fly out.
  • Resistance of dental tissue. The most important place when filling is the point of contact between the dental tissues and the filling material. With a large amount of acid production in the human oral cavity, the gasket between the filling and the tooth is destroyed, which leads to marginal permeability of the filling. After which the process of destruction begins in the tooth, and the previously hardened material falls out.
  • Baby teeth. When filling teeth, a child often loses the filling from a baby tooth. This happens for a number of reasons. Special materials are used for children's teeth; they are less toxic and are held in place only by adhesive force. The child's jaw is still mobile, the baby teeth are fragile, and the child is constantly growing, and with it there is a transformation of the facial bone tissue and teeth. It is difficult for children to understand the rules of behavior in the dental chair.

Filling in baby teeth fell out

Depending on the type of filling, the dentist gives recommendations for the patient’s further actions. This is basically not eating or drinking for a certain period of time.

When installing a temporary filling, the doctor determines how long it will remain in the tooth and explains how long you can walk with it. After this period of time, it is necessary to repeat the visit to the doctor.

Very hard foods cause fillings to fall out

What to do if a temporary filling falls out? Experts warn that in this case, the tooth canals are not protected, and infection can easily penetrate into them.

Therefore, if a temporary filling falls out, you should visit the dental office as quickly as possible.

If there is no way to get to the doctor in the coming days, then you need to follow some rules:

  1. Under no circumstances should you put any stress on the tooth. It is recommended to chew on the other side of the jaw.
  2. You should rinse your mouth daily with a decoction of chamomile, or you can use the well-known solution of soda and salt.
  3. When brushing your teeth, it is advisable not to touch the damaged area.

There is no question of completely ignoring a trip to the dentist. Since it is strictly forbidden to walk for a long time without a filling, it can lead to the penetration of various infections into the dental cavity, which as a result will provoke the loss of a tooth, and possibly more than one.

Another question that worries people quite a lot is how to understand that a filling has fallen out? The answer is quite prosaic, a person will feel the presence of a hole in the tooth as a result of food getting there.

Ways to increase the service life of a filling

There are also basic rules for handling teeth.

High-quality treatment will ensure a long service life

We are talking about the following:

  • Daily oral hygiene. The generally known rules are to brush your teeth 2 times a day, 7 times a week. Acids that destroy teeth are especially active at night, since at this time the protective properties of human saliva become weaker, and teeth are more quickly destroyed, and the filling can fall off.
  • Food quality. Dentists do not recommend eating foods that can have an aggressive effect on tooth enamel. These include eating large amounts of carbohydrates contained in sweets and carbonated drinks.
  • Mechanical damage to the enamel.

But if a filling falls out of a tooth, then there is only one way - to the dentist, and the sooner the better.

Amalgam, pros and cons

Is there a permanent filling that can solve the problem of replacing fillings that fall out regularly?

Some dentists talk about amalgam. There is a lot of different and contradictory information about her. There is a camp of supporters and opponents of amalgam.

Amalgam fillings are used less and less often

What is amalgam?

Amalgam is a mixture of copper, mercury and silver. The mixture is extremely durable and strong; sometimes teeth filled with amalgam do not need treatment for the rest of their lives. The likelihood that such a filling will fall out of a tooth is small. But the high mercury content raises concerns. By the way, in some countries the use of such fillings is prohibited precisely because of the toxicity of mercury components.

Such fillings have been used in dental practice for about 150 years, and to this day a direct connection has not been established between the amalgam a person has and the increased incidence of dangerous diseases such as multiple sclerosis or cancer.

But the question of using amalgam fillings still remains open.

If a filling suddenly breaks out, what should you do? The answer is not to delay your visit to the doctor.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Elena asks:

How to understand that the intrauterine device has fallen out?

During the use of a uterine contraceptive, it is rare, but there are situations when the spiral partially or completely comes out of the uterine cavity.

Its partial loss can be judged by the length of the antennae hanging in the vagina - they become longer. In some cases, you can also palpate the body of the spiral. Normally, this should not happen; the entire spiral should be located in the uterine cavity and not extend beyond its limits.

The complete loss of the spiral is immediately visible. The spiral comes out of the uterine cavity more than halfway and can be easily felt in the vagina.

Both the first and second situations require immediate medical attention. You cannot remove or reinsert the spiral yourself.

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When leaving the dentist with a new filling installed, the patient hopes that it will not have to be changed soon. However, this does not always happen. The filling material begins to crumble and falls apart almost immediately.

Expert opinion

Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from Crimean Medical University. Institute in 1991. Specialization in therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and implant prosthetics.

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I believe that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then treatment may indeed not come to the point - it won’t be necessary. Microcracks and small caries on teeth can be removed with regular toothpaste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I highlight Denta Seal. Try it too.

This happens for various reasons. The treated tooth can last from several days to several years. Hoping for the best, it is better to be prepared for a sad outcome and know what to do if a filled tooth falls apart or crumbles in order to prevent complications.

Why did this happen?

The dentist is not always to blame for such an incident occurring. Although he still has to take responsibility. Discoloration or loss could occur for a number of reasons:

  • The fixing material did not adhere due to incomplete drying of the tooth before applying the composition.
  • Perhaps the caries was not completely cleared and continued to spread, destroying the area.
  • Incomplete surface treatment could cause damage to the binder composition.
  • If the filling was installed between the lateral and chewing parts, it could become loose due to pressure on the surface areas.
  • On pulpless teeth, the structures last less. After depulpation, nutrients stop flowing through the canals, which affects the condition of the tooth.
  • An inexperienced dentist could miss periodontitis by treating caries. Then the patient will continue to experience pain after treatment, when the structure falls apart, the area hidden under it turns black. Dentists also sometimes make mistakes by not completing the treatment completely.
  • One of the materials was damaged and expired.
  • Violation of technical requirements by a non-professional dentist. If fillings often fall out for this reason, you should find a more experienced dentist.
  • If a tooth is extensively damaged by caries, a bulk filling is used. But it won't last long if it has virtually no support. In advanced cases, it is recommended to choose other treatment methods.
  • If there is a small gap in the sealed element, food debris and saliva will accumulate in it. This will lead to the loss of protective material if a dark surface is found underneath it, and food debris provokes the formation of caries.
  • Load on the tooth, which can be caused by chewing hard food or viscous sweets, can trigger this unpleasant process.
  • A patient who does not maintain oral hygiene is at particular risk, since caries quickly spreads in the oral cavity.

How can you tell if a filling is about to fall out?

The first sign is pain in the repaired area, or a feeling of discomfort. Without taking action, the process will continue, and soon a new hole will form, which will contribute to the rapid loss of the installed material.

If you notice minor discomfort or pain, you should not put off going to the dentist; the sooner you start treatment, the faster it will go away.

How long does it take to restore the spilled material?

If the filling was temporary and the canals are sealed, then this will not be accompanied by pain. But you shouldn’t miss this moment and delay your visit to the dentist for a long time.

Regardless of the type of filling that has fallen out, it is not recommended to leave it for a long time. It is better to call your dentist immediately, make an appointment with him and consult about actions that can be taken before this date.

If the loss occurred on vacation, where a visit to the doctor is not possible, you should not take certain actions. Putting cotton wool into the resulting gap is prohibited. This can cause infection to accumulate in the affected area.

What can you do before visiting the dentist?

First of all, you should decide on the situation, and then act according to the circumstances. For each specific case, different instructions are provided:

  1. If the filling is temporary, there is no need to worry too much. One way or another, it had to be removed, followed by replacement with an analogue. Until this point, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with soda and chew on the opposite side.
  2. If the temporary material contains arsenic, you must immediately wash and clean the tooth so that the poison does not remain on its surface and does not enter the stomach. This material is brightly colored so that the patient immediately notices the changes and takes the necessary measures. Once the damaged area has cleared, you should rinse your mouth with a soda solution.
  3. If the temporary bonding material falls out after a short period of time, it is best to clarify your actions with the dentist, because the lost element was installed for a specific purpose.
  4. If the lost filling was permanent, it is recommended to make an appointment with the dentist, try not to chew on the damaged side, and rinse your mouth after eating.
  5. High sensitivity is felt in the damaged area; you can use a solution of salt and soda. One teaspoon of the two components is mixed in a glass of water and used for rinsing as soon as pain appears. This will help relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and disinfect the source of pain.

How is this treated?

Depending on the factors that caused the loss and the condition of the damaged tooth, doctors can undertake the following treatment methods:

  1. If the filling has fallen out due to extensive caries, repeating the procedure is pointless. It will be easier to install a crown on the damaged area.
  2. If there are diseases in the damaged area: caries, periodontitis and others, careful treatment will be required, after which it will be possible to install a retaining material. If you do not treat the infected area in time, you may be left without a tooth.
  3. If the tooth from which the filling fell out is pulpless, a pin is installed. This is the same filling, it is attached to a metal rod, which prevents the recurrence of loss.

If the troubles are caused by the dentist’s mistakes, you need to negotiate the price for re-installation. As a rule, all operations are guaranteed, and the replacement of a dropped element should be free of charge if the warranty period has not expired.

If the doctor does not agree and demands repayment, you should think about changing dentistry and doctors.

How is treatment carried out in pregnant women and children?

If an incident occurs with a child, you need to take action quickly. If the operation was performed on baby teeth, it would not hurt to consult a dentist. Problems with baby teeth can spread to permanent teeth, causing problems in the future. There is no need to put the child’s future at risk; treat as soon as the need arises.

Before the filling is installed, the child must brush his teeth at least twice a day and rinse his mouth after each meal. This way you can protect the tooth from getting infection into the gap formed and prevent re-infection.

In pregnant women, fillings may fall out or crumble due to changes in hormonal levels and calcium deficiency in the body. Regardless of which element this incident occurred with, you should visit the dentist as soon as possible.

Some people believe that pregnant women should not have their teeth treated; it is dangerous for the fetus. Leaving the infection would be a mistake. This decision will affect the fetus and the birth process. In the infected area, bacteria may begin to develop: staphylococci and E. coli.

If you notify the dentist about pregnancy, he will select a suitable set of medications for the situation and perform the operation without harm to the patient and the unborn child.

How temporary materials differ from permanent options, their features

Temporary devices are used to treat pathologies, cleaning canals and removing nerves.

Such products are less durable; they can be crushed and removed at home, but this should not be done unless necessary. This solution is used when the patient is faced with pain, the only way to get rid of it is to remove the installed element.

Actions you can take if material falls out

  • Do not apply much pressure to the damaged area. Refrain from solid food, try to chew on the opposite side;
  • Rinse your mouth immediately with a solution of baking soda and salt;
  • Repeat the rinsing procedure after each meal to avoid contaminating the exposed area;
  • Try to visit your dentist as soon as possible so that he can take measures to restore the damaged element. The pain will intensify, and the damaged element will have to be removed.

If arsenic was present in the product, there is a possibility of it entering the esophagus and subsequent intoxication. But technology has protected patients from such an outcome; it is impossible to be poisoned by arsenic contained in the established material. The elements are durable and reliable.

You should not pick at the hole that has formed, as this can cause an infection. Also, avoid cold and hot foods and chew on the healthy side of your mouth. You will minimize discomfort and pain, and disinfect the injured area from complications.

If an element comes off after it has been installed in the dentist's office, you should go back and repeat the procedure. If the incident occurred a few days later, you don’t have to worry, take measures to prevent infection, and wait for an appointment with a doctor.

You need to make sure that there is no arsenic left in your mouth, which can cause intoxication of the body, by rinsing your mouth several times.

Do you feel nervous before visiting the dentist?


What to do to make the structure last a long time

  • Visit the dentist twice a year, even if nothing bothers you. A qualified doctor will notice potential problems in advance and perform a diagnosis quickly and painlessly. Don't wait until something hurts. This will mean that the infection has already begun.
  • If possible, limit your intake of solid foods and get rid of bad habits.
  • Maintain oral hygiene, which includes brushing at least twice daily, rinsing, and flossing.
  • If you detect a disease or the first signs of increased sensitivity and pain, immediately consult a dentist.
  • Eat calcium-rich dairy products, fruits and vegetables.
  • You should not tolerate an unprofessional doctor; it is better to immediately find a replacement for him.

If the rules are followed, the patient will be able to minimize the risk of destruction. But in this case it may fall out. If this happens, do not worry: rinse your mouth and contact your doctor.