How to properly configure Yandex.Direct yourself. Basic concepts and features

Now we will talk about how to properly configure Yandex Direct yourself and without errors. Using an example, we’ll look at each option, and I’ll also show you how to create ads and run contextual advertising on the Internet. There will be 3 steps in total. But before you start, implement first.

Setting up Yandex Direct contextual advertising (step 1)

Let's start with the first setup step. First we have campaign name. It doesn't affect anything. Therefore, here we set absolutely any name. For example, you can indicate the name of the product that you are going to advertise.

In the window " Client name"You can enter your first and last name. If you work as a director, you can then indicate your client’s information. Start of the campaign Let's leave it as it is. It is set automatically.

You can set a different number in case your campaign is set later. But if the date was not touched, then it’s okay. All the same, you can launch an advertising campaign when you need it.

Next we indicate the e-mail for notifications. If you don’t want to be bombarded with emails frequently, then uncheck the “Receive alerts about position changes” and “Notifications when XLS reports are ready” options.

SMS notifications can also be disabled. But here it is convenient for anyone. If you want, you can leave it. Then you will receive notifications (for example, if the account has run out of money).

But if you want to run your advertising campaigns professionally, then you won’t need this option. You won’t need it, because professional directors constantly monitor advertising campaigns. Therefore, they simply do not need all these additional notifications.

After clicking on the "Edit" button, you will have many options available to you.

In fact, there are only three main strategies for Yandex Direct impressions:

  • highest available position
  • display in a block at a minimum price
  • independent control for different types of sites

These are the three main categories. And the rest are just hybrids.

We can manually adjust them with various settings. For example, we can manually set the average price. Therefore, always pay attention only to these three main types. You can leave the rest alone.

If you are still at a loss in choosing the optimal strategy, you can select “Display in block at minimum price.” This will be the most economical option.

“Highest position available” is already suitable for more experienced advertisers. Useful when you advertise with a wider reach and a good budget.

Next comes rate adjustment. It will come in handy if you use retargeting. If you are still a beginner, then you do not need to delve into this yet. Then it doesn’t matter, you can come back here and configure it.

Next comes time targeting Yandex Direct. Here we can set on what day of the week, when and what time to show advertising, and at what time not to show it. It is also possible to completely disable certain days of the week, hours, and so on. In principle, everything here is more than clear.

However, it is worth saying that many of these settings will be unnecessary for most advertisers. Many things are regulated through a different channel.

Yandex Direct works a little differently here. If people are looking for you on the Internet, then why don't you show your online advertising. Another thing is that maybe you don't accept applications at a certain time.

For example, at night your store does not accept orders. In this case, you need to turn off ads on weekends and at night.

If your store accepts orders around the clock, then you may simply not need most of these settings. In general, what you need to set up here is not because of how active people are looking for you at a certain time. And you need to rely specifically on the operating mode of your site.

As a rule, many sites operate around the clock and on holidays. Therefore, as I said earlier, you simply won’t need many of these settings. But there are exceptions in work.

In the option " Expanded geographic targeting Yandex Direct» uncheck the box. Let this option be disabled. If it were connected, then users who typed your region in the request (for example, buy a hammer drill in Moscow) your ad was shown.

If your delivery is strictly limited to regions, then disable this option. If there are no restrictions, then we leave it turned on.

Now the option " Single display region for all ads" Here you can run advertising around the world or in a specific region. It all depends on what you are advertising and what your target audience is. Here you set a single region for the entire advertising campaign.

There is also another point.

Single address and telephone number for all advertisements You can skip it, or you can fill it in. In general, there is such a thing as conversion dispersion. When you set this setting, your address and phone number will be displayed under your ad.

You can write your address and phone number under each ad. (for example, for different branches). You can also set one for all ads.

But remember that your ad should be small. And it is desirable that it contains fewer distracting elements. Therefore, some directors specifically do not fill in the address and telephone number so that it does not appear in the ad and does not impair its effectiveness.

Unified negative keywords for all campaign phrases— you can write down negative words here. When we discuss keywords, you will understand what negative keywords are and what they are needed for.

Usually these are words like download, free, and so on. With the help of such words, we weed out the non-target audience. That is, for people who want to download for free, our ad will not be shown, since we have written such words in this option.

As a result, negative keywords are words for which our contextual advertising will not be shown. I definitely recommend writing down such disadvantages for your advertising campaigns. This way, advertising will be much more effective and will not be broadcast to the wrong audience.

The picture above shows how to add negative words in Yandex Direct.

However, such words work well in a guerrilla strategy. They may not work so well in a leader's strategy. The fact is that such negative words can also be used to sell. Even though people may initially be looking for a free product, they may end up agreeing to purchase the product.

The default is set to standard. If your spend is kept within 100% and the maximum cost per click is 100%, then in reality it can be much higher. That is, it may not be 100%, but 130%.

If we are advertising a campaign and it has high prices for clicks, then in this option we can set the cost to be kept within 10 - 20% of the total search cost, or we can adjust the maximum price from the assigned search price.

Also note that such settings on thematic ones can be adjusted using other tools. For example, we can use separate bid management and simply set specific prices for each site or for some keys. It will be much more convenient.

Option display for additional relevant phrases For beginners, I recommend turning it off. If you are more advanced, then you can work with this parameter.

In fact, this option means that Yandex will select some keywords for you (maybe good, maybe bad) and advertisements will run on them.

Site monitoring- a useful feature.

If you have Metrica counters and your site suddenly becomes unavailable (for example, problems with hosting), then Yandex Direct advertising will be suspended. This option will not work without counters. Therefore, I highly recommend installing the Metrica counter on your site and then enabling this option.

IN " Metrics counters"You need to insert the number of the counter that you installed on your website. After that, below enable the option “ Link markup for Metrica» so that you can then track clicks on advertising links.

Setting up Yandex Direct advertising (step 2)

So, we have completed the first step. Now by clicking on the “Next” button, we move on to the second step, which will involve setting up Yandex Direct contextual advertising. Let's start with group names advertisements If we filled it out in the first step, then it will be filled in automatically.

In general, you can do it manually (how we do it now) or automatically through Excel tables and various parsers. I’ll tell you later how it’s done automatically. For now, for general concepts, you need to create advertising campaigns manually.

The photo will not be shown in the search. It is mainly used on sites of the Yandex advertising network. Below you can add Quick links. Again, not all directors like them.

But sometimes they can be useful.

For example, if the site has several pages, then you can provide links to different sections. This works especially well for online stores. Can also be used on regular websites. For example, you can put reviews, guarantees or examples of work in quick links.

However, again, the more additional elements in the ad, the more its conversion is dispersed. Therefore, if this is not necessary, then register additional elements (for example, Yandex Direct quick links) It's still not in the ad.

But clarifications Yandex Direct is sometimes useful to use in advertisements. We usually include the advantages of our offer in this option.

These advantages increase the effectiveness of contextual advertising. Therefore, I sometimes recommend using this option except in cases where you list the benefits in the description.

Address and telephone I recommend not filling it out. This is needed to create a virtual business card. This business card will be useful for those who do not yet have their own website. But I do not recommend running contextual advertising without a website, since the conversion here is much lower.

In the next option you can create another announcement for this group. That is, the same settings will appear, only for a new ad. This way, you can create several ads in one group. For example, one for desktop and another for mobile devices.

Below you can write keywords. When you register them, Yandex on the right will give hints.

But keep in mind that in most cases it is better not to use them. It’s just that when we select keywords, we have already decided on this and we don’t need any hints.

Below you can write negative words. I will tell you more about them in the lesson when selecting keywords. Even lower you can set audience selection conditions (retargeting). This setting is for advanced users. Therefore, I recommend that beginners not ask it for now.

Next comes the option “ Display region" As you know, we have a core region. We asked it in the first step. This main region works for the entire Yandex Direct advertising campaign. However, for an individual ad, you can change the region in this “Display Regions” option.

If you are a beginner, then the option " Bid adjustments"It's better to skip it. Tags You can also skip it at first. They are needed to track links. We'll talk about this later, but for now you can simply skip this option.

How to set up Yandex Direct (step 3)

So, we have completed the second configuration step. Click on the “Next” button and move on to the final third step of the question of how to set up Yandex Direct. Here we set a cost per click. On the left, the system shows what our ad will look like.

On the right we see prices.

Please note one important thing. Yandex itself operates on the principle of an auction. This means that you don’t have to put the price he offers you. You can set any price.

This is an important point that many people miss. They think that the system has set such a price and if they set another price, everything will be bad. But in reality this is an auction. They show you, as it were, the boundaries of the range. For example, if you are shown more than 9.30, then you will definitely get into guaranteed impressions.

But this does not mean that if you set, for example, 5, then your advertisement will not be broadcast. It will be displayed, but at the same time it will hang below competitors. In general, remember that here you can set any price per click on Yandex Direct.

That is, first you need to set some small starting price. Then in the process you track the return and see whether that price is appropriate or not.

If it does, then you can increase the price or leave it the same. If you have poor returns from online advertising, you can lower your prices.

Final campaign setup in Yandex Direct

Now the final setup of the campaign in Yandex Direct. We click the “Next” button and we are offered to send an advertising campaign to or add a few more ads. Please note that you cannot use site monitoring until you install a metric on the site.

To add more ads, just click on the “Add ad group” button. When you have added and configured everything, click on “Submit for moderation”.

You can also return to the list of campaigns. You can create multiple advertising campaigns in one account. For example, three campaigns for three regions.

The My Campaigns tab will show all your advertising campaigns. You can delete them, replenish your budget, or change the parameters of the campaign itself.

You can also stop certain campaigns. You can also change keywords and ad text. To do this, click on the desired campaign and select “Edit group” on the left.

Correct setup of Yandex Direct in 2019 is the foundation for the future success of an advertising campaign.

Advanced geographic targeting

If you do not work all over Russia, then it is better to check this box put away. Otherwise, if your advertisement is set up, for example, in Omsk, then it will be shown to any person from another region who writes in the request, along with the product or service [ Omsk]. For example, if I am in Moscow and type [ repairs in Omsk], then your ad may be shown to me.

Leave a checkmark if residents of other regions may be looking for offers in your city: [ hotels in Moscow] or [ car rental in Sochi].

Managing impressions in Yandex.Direct

Display strategy. Today, we will figure out how to set up a search campaign in Yandex Direct, because setting up YAN requires not one, but several additional reviews. Click “Change” next to the “Strategy” field. We select “Only on search” and “Manual control of bids”, because The automatic strategy from Yandex showed its ineffectiveness. Manual control does not mean that you need to sit at the monitor all day and change bets; automatic bet management systems have existed for a long time (, which manage rates and update them every 20 minutes.

In this settings item, you can set an increase or decrease in the bet size, depending on gender or age, the device from which viewing is performed (mobile or PC), as well as changing the bet for a specific target audience.

For example, if Direct is set up for a construction company, then it is more convenient for a person to view and select from a computer or laptop in order to view houses and projects in detail, so in this case for mobile users the rate can be reduced up to 50%.

But there is another example from our practice. For an advertising campaign for Emergency Commissioners to get into special accommodation, we had to increase the rate by 1100% for mobile devices!!! And all because after getting into an accident, a person searches from his smartphone, and not from his PC.

If your target audience is mainly older people, then increase the rates for users over 45, or vice versa, reduce them for everyone else.

We stop ads when the site is down. Depending on the reliability of the hosting on which the site is located, it may be unavailable for varying amounts of time during the day (from 5 minutes to 1 hour). To prevent the budget from being drained at this time, if this box is checked, Direct will monitor the site for accessibility and when it is unavailable, pause advertising displays.

Phrases optimization

Negative phrases. Add phrases that, if present in the request, will not show ads from the campaign. You can use either individual words or whole phrases.

Business card

Place the switch in the “Enable” position and be sure to fill out the following fields in this section: location, address, phone number, company name, opening hours (weekdays and weekends) and more details about the product and service. The remaining fields are at your discretion.

In this case, when displayed on a search, contact information (telephone and operating hours) will be displayed under the ad, and when you click on “Contact Information”, the company’s business card will open with the information that you will now fill out.


Click “Add” next to “Metrica Counter” and enter the number of the Yandex.Metrica counter installed on your website in the field of the window that opens.

Installing a counter on the site and indicating it in the advertising campaign will allow you to receive reliable data on transitions to the site through advertising.

Mark up links for Metrica. Check this box if you want advertising clicks to be recorded in the metrics in the format http://your-site.rf/?yclid=12345678 (no more than 20 characters). In this case, the site must correctly display pages at such addresses.


Configure receiving the necessary notifications and specify the email to which they will be sent. The system can notify you about running out of budget, changes in advertising display positions, stopping displays due to daily restrictions, as well as the readiness of reports.

SMS notifications. If it is more convenient to receive notifications on your phone, you can set up SMS notifications - they are completely free! But since Direct can send a huge number of different notifications during the day, it is better to limit it in the case of by SMS the most important notifications, for example, account balance and receipts.

Special Settings

Prohibited sites and networks. It is necessary to add a ban on displaying ads on certain platforms when "extra twists" advertising in YAN, in the search campaign we skip this point.

Number of ad groups on the campaign page. By default there are 20 ads per page, the more ads, the longer the page will load. The optimal quantity is 100.

Prohibition of impressions by IP addresses. This option may be required when fighting click fraud or to prevent ads from being shown to employees in the office.

A simple example: an employee in a warehouse, in order to get to the company’s website, types its name in Yandex, he is first shown an advertisement ( you advertise based on branded queries), and then the search results and without hesitation he clicks on the first line, a penny leaks from the budget. What if you have 1000 employees in your office? Ask your ISP for a static IP address or a range of IP addresses if the IP is dynamic.

Disable substitution of part of the text in the title. After in, the need for this point disappeared by itself. But just in case, leave the option enabled.

Display data from Yandex Directory- leave it on.

Do not take into account automatically stopped competitor ads when placing bids. I recommend checking this box so that competitors’ ads that are not currently working are not taken into account, because there can be hundreds of such ads and abandoned advertising campaigns, which will artificially increase the cost of a click.

Add campaign to most important- at your discretion.

Creating an ad group in Direct

Let's move on to creating Ya.Direct ad groups.

Ad group name- leave it as default.

Ad type- text and graphic.

Heading 1— here we write either a request for which the ad will be shown ( for example, for the request “Repair of wooden houses” - heading 1 will be “Repair of wooden houses”), or the essence of our proposal.

Heading 2— here we add the tail of the request ( for example, “in Moscow it’s inexpensive”), or one of our advantages ( for example, “free site visit”).

Announcement text— we reveal the essence of the offer, advantages and call to action. Example: “Free repair estimate. Materials at cost. Call right now!

We skip images and videos.

Clarifications. They can describe the features of the offer or the advantages of the company. They are set at the account level; you can set no more than 4 clarifications. Clarifications will be shown only if the advertisement is shown in the 1st position of the special placement.

Since we indicated the address and telephone number at the last step in the Business Card section, we immediately proceed to setting up key phrases. But before that, be sure to turn off auto-targeting.

Use auto targeting- No. When choosing key phrases, you should not rely on an advertising system that is interested in you spending as much money as possible.

To set a keyword phrase, copy the title of your ad, paste it into the keyword field, putting quotation marks on both sides.

This will ensure your ad is as relevant to the query as possible, and the quotation marks ensure that your ad will not be shown for any query other than the quoted one. This is the correct Yandex Direct setting. But here a problem arises: if there are 10 or 20 thousand key phrases, then creating such an advertising campaign would take months of work! That's right, but there is a way to perform this setup much faster, we'll talk about this next time, because... this issue requires a detailed review.

Negative phrases for the group. They can be set in the previous step or right now. But if you use quotes, you can skip this point.

Audience selection conditions- this option may be needed when or for .

- were selected in the previous step.

Maximum CPC for new and changed display conditions— by specifying any value in this field, you can limit the maximum cost of a click.

- were installed in the previous step.

Please note that in the first column of numbers, the cost of a click at the auction is indicated, and in the column next to it, the cost that we will pay per click. The reduction was achieved due to the relevance of the ad title to the request ( repair of wooden houses - repair of wooden houses). However, in order to get into the special placement in the 1st position, you need to put a value greater than in the first column, but the value from the second will be written off.

Detailed step-by-step instructions on how to set up Yandex.Direct contextual advertising yourself with images, videos and useful files! It is written for beginners in contextual advertising, so each point is analyzed in detail.


Positions in search results

2. Creating an account in Direct

We begin setting up Direct on our own by registering in Yandex. Go to Yandex and click on “Create mail” in the upper right corner. We fill in all the fields with real data (in case of problems, it will be easier to regain access to the mailbox): first name, last name, come up with a login and password. Enter your phone number or security question and answer and enter the captcha. Go to the Metrica website and click on the “Add counter” button, enter the counter’s name, domain, agree to the terms and conditions and click “Create”. Go to the “Counter Code” item, copy it and install it on your website.

Processing requests and collecting negative keywords

The goal when collecting keywords is not to show ads to users who are not interested in our offer. Therefore, you need to remove all non-target queries that contain negative keywords. Lists of popular negative keywords (thanks to Anton Lipsky):

  • Visualization
  • Cities (Russia)
  • Cities (Ukraine)
  • On one's own
  • Freebie
  • Repair
  • Properties
  • Not that
  • Vulgarities
  • Treatment
  • By topic (windows, cakes, water delivery, air conditioners)

Download ready-made lists of negative keywords (XLS, 394 KB) and (TXT, 4 KB).

You also need to find negative keywords for the collected keywords. To do this, we move all non-target queries into a separate column and write down the negative keywords that they contain. After creating the campaign, we will add them to the general list of negative keywords in its settings.


Plus "+"

By default, Yandex does not take into account prepositions, pronouns and conjunctions in queries. We use the “+” operator to force their use.

It was necessary: ​​to buy a Mercedes + without mileage.

Exclamation mark "!"

By default, Yandex considers different word forms of a query to be identical. We use the operator "!" in order to display an ad only for a given case and number of the request.

It was necessary: ​​tickets + in! Moscow.

Quotes ""

By default, Yandex displays an ad for all requests that contain a keyword. We use the “” operator to show ads only when requested without other words.

It was necessary: ​​“buy an apartment.”

Entering a keyword

We start creating an ad by entering a keyword:

  • Enter one keyword
  • Click on the “Arrange and Refine” button
  • Next, click “Specify”
  • Selecting all negative keywords
  • Copy all negative keywords to the global list of negative keywords

5. Create an ad group

We will make a separate ad for each keyword. Advantages of this method:

  • If some words turn out to be ineffective, they can be edited without affecting other words
  • Ineffective queries will not reduce the CTR of other keywords

Rules for composing ad text

First, we study competitors' advertising and look for interesting ideas for headlines and ad texts that include keywords related to your topic. Then we write down our advantages: price, delivery, guarantee, and so on, so that based on them we can begin to compose our own text.

Let's start with the title. The most winning option is keyword + price. The price should be indicated in the format “from ... (lowest possible) to ...”, then the ad will attract the attention of users more. Keep in mind that moderators check the consistency of the prices in the ad and the real cost of goods or services on your site.

Next is the ad text itself. The text consists of a key and short (up to 5 words) sentences with a unique selling proposition (USP). Be sure to include specific numbers and facts about your company. If the key is more than a few words long, shorten it to leave room for sales text.

At the end of the text, place a call to action. But not “buy” or “order”, but “go to the site”, since the main task of the ad is to force the client to click on the link.

Words that attract the attention of users are “sales additives”:

  • We give
  • Courier
  • Discount
  • Present
  • Delivery
  • Cheap
  • Decline
  • Inexpensive
  • Hurry up
  • Sale
  • Free

A detailed list of 7 sections with selling additives (PDF, 72.6 Kb).

Group name

Groups are designed to test different ad variations with a common set of keywords. At the initial stage, we make one announcement in the group.


At this point you can upload a picture for an advertisement on YAN websites. We have disabled advertising in YAN, so we are skipping this point.

Quick links

Using sitelinks significantly increases the click-through rate of your ad. You can specify from one to four links. It is not necessary to indicate the name of the page to which the link leads. Therefore, we use links that expand the navigation and contain additional selling text about the product or service. You can also segment visitors using quick links (“Men’s clothing”, “Women’s clothing” and so on).

Yandex says that quick links should lead to different pages of the site. How then to make quick links for landing pages? You can undergo moderation using anchor links: We put such links to the landing page headings and add them to the form.

Address and telephone

We filled in a single address and telephone number for all advertisements, so we skip this point.

Additional group settings

We discussed all the points when setting up the campaign, so we leave the default settings.

  • Negative keywords for all ad phrases
  • Retargeting conditions
  • Display regions
  • Bid Adjustments
  • Tags

6. Independent control of rates

On the last page of the campaign settings, you need to set the ad click price. The calculation is carried out for positions:

Set the bet to get into the special placement and click “Next”. On the next page you can add another ad group or send the campaign for moderation.

We'll talk about how to set it up yourself and without unnecessary headaches. First, we will look at an example of effective contextual advertising. After this, we’ll set up your account and slowly begin to create your first advertising campaign on the Internet.

Example of a contextual ad

So I'll start by showing one example of a contextual ad. In the line I entered the search query “ buy a hammer drill". Accordingly, a block appeared at the top of the page before the search results. Pay attention to the second advertisement.

This is an advertisement from the 220 volt company. Let's click on it. We get to the catalog page (look at the url). Below are rotary hammers of various types. Absolutely all the power tools that are available are shown here. A kind of general catalogue.

Let's go back to the ad we came from. Here we see that there are additional quick links below the title.

We'll talk about them later. Just now, as an example, I’ll open them all in a new tab and let’s see what kind of pages they are.

The same thing is observed with the rest of the links under the ad title. These Yandex Direct quick links also lead to product pages only from a specific manufacturer.

This once again suggests that the contextual ad should lead to a specific landing page. We see that this ad responds to our request " buy a hammer drill«.

She offers us to buy a hammer drill from 2,110 rubles and additionally provides 3 links to product pages from market leaders.

So take note that landing pages should be selected specifically for the ad itself. There is also another very important point.

If we click on the title of an advertisement, we do not go to the main page or to the company's catalog page. We are switching to a general catalog of rotary hammers. It is very important. This way, we immediately get to where we need to go.

How to set up Yandex Direct - instructions

Here are my instructions on how to set up Yandex Direct. Let's go to the official website ( and let's look around a little there. When you log in, immediately click on the big yellow button “ Place an advertisment«.

I want to say that when you create your new account, you need to immediately select a professional interface. There is an easy and professional Yandex Direct interface. Therefore, always choose the second option.

Also select your country and ad type. Select text and image ads and click on “ Start using the service«.

Now we will learn how to submit advertising to Yandex Direct. However, before posting an ad, I would like to ask you to pay attention to the following. Look closely at the name of my campaign.

There is a creation algorithm that makes it clear exactly what a particular campaign is about. Let's look at an example of a title: “KR Specialist I Russia (except Moscow and Moscow Region + St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast) I Around the clock”:

  • CR specialist - this name will speak about the topic
  • - after the thematic name I have the domain of the site for which I am doing an advertising campaign
  • I - next comes a vertical bar in the form of a separator
  • Russia (except Moscow and Moscow Region + St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast) - I indicate the region. In another article I will talk about why you need to divide by region and how this will help increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns
  • I is another separator
  • 24/7 is when ads are shown.

It is this technique, this template in Yandex Direct for titles that will allow you to quickly find the advertisement you need and understand its essence.

That is why it was created (what topic, site, region and opening hours). This is the algorithm for creating an ad title in Yandex Direct.

Creating a Yandex Direct campaign

Let's now start by creating a campaign in Yandex Direct. To do this, click on the link “ Create a campaign". This is if you have an old account.

If you have just created a new account and set the initial settings (they are higher), then after pressing the button “ Start using the service“, you will be immediately transferred to the first step.

As you can see, we are moving on to the first step to create a Yandex Direct advertising campaign. There are three of them in total. Let's do the first step setup.

Let's say I need to promote a 220 volt online store. Therefore, below I will give you settings based on my example.

So, at the point " Campaign name“I enter without quotation marks “Rotary hammers I Moscow and Moscow Region I 8-20 workers.” IN " Client name» Enter your initials. Below we select the start and end of online advertising.

Even lower are the settings for notifications that will be sent to your mailbox. You can add multiple email addresses here.

Please note the setting " Notify when there is a campaign balance level". This is a percentage of the last payment. That is, if the amount of the last payment was 1,000 rubles and we have 50%, then as soon as the balance level drops to 500 rubles, we will receive a notification.

There is also a warning about changing positions, clarifying and disabling words. The option itself implies that we will receive notifications when positions change. For example, our competitors set a different cost per click.

Accordingly, we may lose some position. If this happens, a summary will be sent to us every 60 minutes. I recommend not disabling this option and sometimes running .

And the last thing we have is a notification about stopping when the daily budget is reached and about the readiness of Excel reports. We leave the checkboxes here too.

So, we have set up regular notifications. Now let's move on to sms. Here we can change the phone number, the time the message was sent and select the notifications we need.

Please note that notification of site monitoring results is not yet available. This is because we have not connected the site to Yandex Metrica.

When you correct this point, you can then select this function and receive notifications in the future if your site suddenly becomes unavailable.

So, let's move on to setting " Strategy". This is a very important function. Therefore, for additional information, read my post on basic strategies. I described the advantages and when you can use them.

You ask: " So what strategy should you choose in Yandex Direct?"I will say that for beginners and most advertising campaigns in the Yandex Direct system, the strategy " Highest position available«.

Its meaning is that for each key phrase, if we apply the golden rule of contextual advertising, then for each ad we manually assign a maximum click price (daily budget).

This is done so that we have statistics for each (how much does it cost for a visitor to click on a particular ad). I will tell you about this in more detail in the material about the effectiveness of an advertising campaign using web analytics.

This is where I need to change the parameters, since I want to show my online advertising on weekdays only from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (look at the time in the title that I wrote). The default is " Around the clock. Working weekends: according to the schedule of the rescheduled weekday«.

Click on " Change“, after which we are shown the time targeting settings. I select the time zone " Russia» —> « Moscow". Next, I uncheck Saturday and Sunday on the calendar.

Please note that the show hours are below. They also need to be configured. I need to remove the plus signs from certain time clocks. In my example, you need to leave columns from 8-9 to 19-20 (click on the picture to enlarge).

There is also a very interesting feature.

We can create an additional bid management mode (1) . That is, we can set the click price at a certain hour and day of the week. If you enable this option, a special scale will appear (2) .

Let's say on Friday we want our Yandex advertising to have a cost per click of 70%. To do this, set the scale slider to 70%. Then, in the calendar for Friday, click on the green squares to display our interest rate. The end result will look like the picture below.

Now on Friday from 8 to 20 o'clock our click price will be 70% of the click price. But I don’t recommend that you worry too much about managing your bets just yet. This is made for specialists who conduct a detailed analysis of contextual advertising using web analytics tools.

If this is your first time creating your campaign, then you can skip this tool for adjusting bids. Nothing bad will happen!

In most cases, with time targeting, you need to set the impression times and broadcast days when the ad will appear. Even lower, you can enable accounting of holidays and working days off.

If you are going to attract customers only from a specified region, then you can uncheck the expanded geographic targeting box.

Go to the option “ Single display region for all ads". In my example, we need Moscow and the Moscow region. Thus, we tell the system to show our ads only in a certain region of the country.

Accordingly, you can separately configure geographic targeting for each ad. However, I recommend setting it up as part of an advertising campaign. In my case I choose " Russia» —> « Center» —> « Moscow and region«.

When you press " OK", then a pop-up notification will pop up " A single region will be set for all ads in the campaign". We agree and click “ OK". Here's some simple Yandex Direct geotargeting.

Now it’s our turn to “ ". Here we can create a virtual business card. It will be useful primarily for those who do not have their own website.

For example, a customer contacts you and says that he needs to place contextual advertising in search. However, at the moment he does not yet have a website.

Therefore, while work is underway to create a website, you can make a virtual business card for it and start receiving new clients today.

However, I want to note that if you are running a business on the Internet, then you should have a website anyway. Now is the time when you have nothing to do online without your own website.

And it is desirable that it be an offline site on paid hosting and with a purchased domain. Therefore, you can immediately discard free platforms like Ukoz, LiveJournal or public VKontakte.

Yes, they can be useful in some matters. However, they are limited in functionality and will not help you solve serious problems. So, in addition to this, you must have your own well-configured project.

IN " Single address and telephone number for all advertisements» you can specify your phone number and additional information on contacts.

When you provide information here, Yandex Direct contextual advertising will additionally display a special link “ Address and telephone«.

When we click on it, a window with a virtual business card will appear.

Please note that there is also such an important function as regional binding. Therefore, you will be shown a store representative only for your city.

If you have Moscow, then you will be shown the data of the store’s representative office in Moscow. If the company does not have a representative office in this city, then the data you need (telephone, address, location map, etc.) you won't see.

This is very useful for the user. He can always see where he can find a store in his city. Typically, this is information that contains the name of the region, telephone numbers and e-mail, location address, opening hours, map, company description and the contextual ad itself.

So if you have your own representative offices in some cities, then be sure to use this function in Direct. In my example, I will not use a single address and telephone number. So let's move on.

Here is the option " Unified negative keywords for all phrases and campaigns". Here we enter words that we do not need. Please note how to write negative words in Yandex Direct:

  • -free -bad

Therefore, any ads in this campaign will not show me ads for queries that include the words " for free" And " bad". That is, we don’t need to include negative keywords in every ad.

But I advise you to create campaigns that are uniform in terms of region, negative keywords, address and phone number. It's just very convenient when working.

The next option is " ". Click on the button " Change". There we see that the spend is kept within 100% of the total campaign spend.

Below is the percentage of the maximum search price at which we are willing to pay for displaying ads in the Yandex advertising network.

Essentially, these are partner sites that display Yandex Direct ads. As a rule, the effectiveness of advertising on such sites is much lower.

That is, people no longer use search and do not look for an answer to their question. They just wander around the sites and sometimes come across our classified ads.

Next, in the settings just below, put a tick on “ Keep the average cost per click below the average cost per click on search". You must also check the option “ ". This is so-called tracking advertising.

You've probably already noticed that on various sites they are starting to show you ads about what you once looked for in the search itself. Thus, on a culinary site you may be shown advertisements for refrigerators that you were looking for a couple of days ago.

As a result, if we uncheck the “ Ignore user preferences“, then our advertising will appear on third-party sites and it will haunt users.

As a result, we lose our budget on a non-paying, interested audience. So I recommend checking this option so that our advertising does not harass the user.

Let's move on to impressions for additional relevant phrases.

The Yandex Direct system has a huge database containing a lot of statistics. Imagine such a huge database of all advertising campaigns, keywords, and so on. This amount of data can be very useful to us.

There are situations when when compiling a list of keywords, we do not select all queries. And the system already has additional relevant phrases that are very close in meaning to our queries. As a rule, these are various synonyms, typos and the like.

As a result, if we check the box for spending within 100% of the total campaign spending, the system will show ads for those additional phrases that we might have missed.

Let's move on to the site monitoring settings.

Be sure to check the box “ Stop ads when the site is down". If the site suddenly stops working, your ads will be automatically suspended. This way you won't waste your budget.

But in order to interrupt the display of Yandex advertising in time, the service itself must monitor your project. To do this, you need to install a metric on the site. When you install it, a special number will be attached to your meter. Here you will need to insert it into the option “ Metric counters«.

And even lower you need to enable link markup. This is how clicks on advertising will be recorded. The yclid label will be automatically added to the referral link. Therefore, make sure that your site will normally display links with this label.

Advanced Yandex Direct advertising settings

Below is an advanced setting for Yandex Direct advertising. Let's look at it too. We do not enter groups, prohibited sites and IP addresses. You can skip this. We have disabled the display of ads. Therefore, there is no need to blacklist anything here.

Below are the settings for keywords. Here I recommend turning on auto phrase expansion. This will be especially useful for those who are still unsure of their abilities with. By enabling this option, the system can automatically replace your words with more effective and viewable ones.

For example, suitable synonyms or different model records will be used. If you make a mistake when collecting keys and miss some effective phrases, then Yandex will fix this problem for you.

Although this increases the length of the title. But in this case the name may be ineffective.

I also recommend disabling Yandex Direct autofocus. It automatically refines your keywords. Basically, the most frequent phrases are taken and attached to the main keyword. For example, instead of " kitchens" May be " Georgian cuisines" and so on.

Some doubt whether it is worth including it. I always say no. Unfortunately, autofocus can expose competitors' brands, since they will be the most frequently used. Therefore, I recommend disabling this feature.

Now we are left with three small options. We do not check the box for calculating prices by item. Let the system take into account the stopped advertisements of competitors. External Internet statistics (eg LiveInternet)