How to make weight loss drinks at home? Recipes for effective fat-burning drinks.

You can prepare healthy, natural and, most importantly, effective cocktails for weight loss at home. Such drinks are taken both in addition to the diet and instead of meals. It all depends on your goal - to quickly lose weight at any cost or to comfortably gain harmony without harm to your health.

Drink recipes for weight loss at home: how to decide?

Homemade cocktails are prepared from a variety of ingredients. But these are always natural and fresh ingredients, which, in addition to the weight loss effect, have a healing effect on the entire body.

The composition of the drinks almost always includes vegetable matter - an indispensable product for losing weight. Once in the stomach, fiber increases in size, thereby creating a feeling of fullness. Passing through the digestive tract, it cleanses them like a whisk, thereby regulating the functioning of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

There is a separate type of homemade cocktails - protein ones. Such drinks will be useful for preserving and strengthening muscle mass during weight loss and intense training.

Products that should be included in drinks

  • . This is a natural source of cleansing the body and accelerating metabolism. Water removes waste, toxins, and broken down fats. With its participation, almost all biochemical reactions in the body occur.
  • Dairy and fermented milk products are rich in vitamin D and calcium.
  • Protein products. Protein is the building material of muscle tissue. The body spends more energy on its absorption than on digesting other nutrients.
  • Grapefruit is known for its ability to reduce hunger. Thanks to its fat-burning properties, grapefruit will be a significant help on the path to a slim figure if consumed regularly.
  • Oatmeal is rich in protein, vitamins and fiber. Cereals satisfy hunger for a long time.

  • Raw vegetables are full of vitamins and microelements. In addition, most of them have low energy value, which allows you to eat them without harming your figure.
  • Olive oil and other vegetable oils are healthy fats that help break down adipose tissue.
  • Fruits and berries saturate and fill the body with useful substances. They are tasty, which is important for a person losing weight who is forced to deny himself sweets.
  • Green tea is a well-known fat-burning agent, as well as a product for the prevention of many serious diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Drainage drinks for weight loss at home

The purpose of drainage cocktails is to remove excess fluid from the body. In the body of an overweight person, there can be up to 10 kg of unnecessary moisture reserves. High-quality drainage allows you not only to lose weight, but also to make your body stronger and more toned.

Water is the best drainage drink

Surprisingly, the most affordable and effective drink for drainage is ordinary purified drinking water. Here are some rules for its use:

  • drink 1.5-3 liters of water during the day;
  • do not drink untreated tap water;
  • heat the liquid to room temperature;
  • Occasionally buy mineral drinks, but without gas.

Green tea with rose hips


  • green tea;
  • (plantain, mint, dandelion, marshmallow root, anise, dill, etc.);
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • lemon - 1 slice.

Brew natural and high-quality green tea in one container with any herbs or a collection of herbs for weight loss, as well as rose hips. When the decoction is ready, add 1 piece of fresh lemon with zest to the mug.

Fat burning drinks for weight loss at home

Cucumber cocktail


  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • still mineral water - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 0.5 cloves.

Remove the skin from the cucumber. Peel the garlic clove and grate it on a fine grater or finely chop it. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl. Instead of a mineral drink, you can use low-fat kefir. Beat for 10 seconds.

Green tea with citrus fruits


  • green tea - 2 l;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • stevia for sweetness - optional.

Use only freshly brewed tea. Squeeze juice from citrus fruits, mix it in one container and add to tea. Sweeten with stevia if desired. Drink the drink chilled. Store citrus tea in the refrigerator.

Ginger drink for weight loss at home

Ginger lemonade


  • grated ginger - 2 tbsp;
  • lemon - 4 mugs;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • cinnamon and mint to taste;
  • water - 1 l.

Place all ingredients into a blender bowl. First grate the ginger on a fine grater. There is no need to peel the lemon. If you only have candied honey, melt it over steam. Add cinnamon and mint as desired, beat all ingredients for 15 seconds. Pass the drink through a fine sieve. Ginger lemonade is ready.

Such lemonade not only promotes weight loss, but also energizes, tones both the spirit and the body, and saturates the skin with moisture.

Ginger tea with milk


  • grated ginger - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • skim milk - 200 ml.

Brew ginger in water, let the drink brew for 20 minutes, then pour a glass of low-fat milk into the teapot.

Ginger tea with lemon


  • ginger - 1 root;
  • water - 1 l;
  • lemon - a few slices.

Divide the whole root into thin slices and boil in boiling water for about 20 minutes. Add 4-5 lemon slices with peel to the pan with the prepared tea.

Ginger will create a thermal effect necessary for the breakdown of fat cells, and lemon fiber will help control appetite.

Cleansing drinks for weight loss at home

Fruit drink with ginger


  • lemon juice - 1 pc.;
  • pomegranate juice - 250 ml;
  • grape juice - 250 ml;
  • grated ginger - 0.5 tsp;
  • a pinch of cinnamon for taste.

Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and blend for 10 seconds. Add cinnamon if desired. The finished product must be passed through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Drink the fruit drink chilled.

To lose weight, you need to be careful in choosing food. Everyone knows this basic thing. But no less important is what you drink. Some drinks can be great for burning fat, while others contain a huge amount of calories. Let's figure out which drinks should be in your diet when you are trying to lose weight, and which ones are better to forget about.

This article will not look at specially developed products, mixtures or dietary supplements, but about those drinks that everyone has at home and that can be easily prepared if you are losing weight.

The importance of liquid for weight loss

A few simple facts will help you understand the enormous importance of fluids for the functioning of the body, especially during the period of active weight loss.

1. Biochemical processes in the body occur only in the presence of water. When there is not enough of it, metabolic processes slow down and fat accumulates.

2. The more fluid is consumed, the more it is removed from the body. And along with water, waste and toxins come out, and fats are broken down during the exchange process.

3. If there is not enough fluid, the body begins to accumulate it. It is these deposits that create swelling and give the figure obesity.

4. A fifth of daily calories consumed come from drinks. This means that you need to treat drinks as carefully as you do food: you should choose those that contain few calories, speed up metabolism, and reduce appetite.

The effect of weight loss drinks is to cleanse the body and speed up metabolism. With minimal effort and without any restrictions, drinks help you restore a beautiful figure.

Healthy drinks for weight loss


Water is the cheapest, most accessible and incredibly effective means of losing weight. There are no calories in water, it has a positive effect on metabolism, dulls appetite, and cleanses the body of harmful substances. Nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of water before eating. This will help avoid overeating and give you a feeling of fullness.

You must drink at least 8 glasses of clean water per day (). If you drink cold water, the body will be forced to spend its energy reserves on heating it. And these are, albeit small, calories burned. General rules for drinking water are listed at the end of this article.

Tea: green, black and herbal

Tea is a healthy drink that can be drunk freely (but without sugar). It is especially recommended to drink green tea, which contains no calories, boosts immunity, is an excellent fat burner and acts as a cleanser for the body, improving its ability to eliminate toxins.

Herbal teas also have zero calories, speed up digestion and help you lose weight. But you need to prepare tea from herbs only after first studying its properties and consulting with your doctor, since many decoctions have diuretic, choleretic and other specific medicinal properties.


Despite the widespread belief that coffee is strictly contraindicated for people trying to lose weight, this is not entirely true. You can drink coffee, but of course without sugar and milk. Black coffee contains few calories, is rich in antioxidants, gives energy and speeds up metabolism. This means that these few calories consumed will be quickly burned.

To enhance the effect, you can add cinnamon to your coffee (at the tip of a knife) - it reduces appetite and regulates carbohydrate metabolism, and slightly speeds up metabolism.

Fruit and vegetable juices

Natural juices contain many nutrients and vitamins and help cleanse the body thoroughly. Vegetable juices are lower in calories than fruit juices, so drink vegetable juices whenever possible.

When choosing juice, make sure it is natural and without added sugar. Avoid nectars and juice drinks that have added sweeteners and preservatives. The best option would be freshly squeezed juices. It is better to give preference to juices with pulp, because... it contains fiber necessary for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. If the fresh juices are too concentrated for you, you can dilute them with water.

In addition to helping you lose weight, natural juices perform many other beneficial functions:
- apple provides the body with vitamins A, B, C, calcium, potassium,
- grapefruit is a powerful fat burner,
- cranberry juice strengthens blood vessels, cleanses the body of alcohol and nicotine, fights infections,
- apricot provides vitamins A, B, C, K and phosphorus,
- beetroot – vitamin C, calcium, iron,
- cabbage juice cleanses toxins and improves digestion,
- tomato satisfies hunger well, gives a feeling of fullness,
- carrot is also effective in the fight against extra pounds; it can be prepared with the addition of celery.

Drinks with lemon

Lemon is known for its ability to burn excess weight. It contains antioxidants that regulate blood sugar levels and reduce hunger. People who drink lemon juice or plain lemon water lose weight faster because vitamin C speeds up metabolism. The only thing that must be taken into account is that citric acid has a destructive effect on the walls of the stomach, and therefore it must be used carefully (it is best to dilute it with plenty of water). Various teas with lemon, honey and ginger are good for losing weight.

Drinks with ginger

The fat-burning properties of ginger have been known for a long time. But recently it has become one of the most popular weight loss products. Ginger protects the body from colds and viruses, has a strengthening effect, contains B vitamins, vitamin C, and many useful microelements. Ginger improves the functioning of the digestive system, thus promoting weight loss.

Finely chopped or grated ginger is added to tea and other weight loss drinks. The simplest recipe for ginger tea: pour boiling water over grated/chopped ginger, let it brew, add lemon and honey. It is best to drink it several times a day before meals.

Kefir and milk drinks

Low-fat kefir is another great drink for weight loss. It reduces appetite, improves digestion, and protects the stomach. If you add spices to kefir (ginger, cinnamon, red pepper), they will additionally burn excess fat. Kefir is good as a snack between meals.

At home, you can prepare various fermented milk cocktails for weight loss. Use kefir, skim milk, fermented baked milk as a base. For taste and color (and as a source of vitamins), add fresh fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs (dill, parsley, celery, cucumber) or bran. A glass of such a cocktail before meals will protect against overeating, and in the evening it can replace dinner.

Milk contains many beneficial substances, especially calcium and potassium. It helps get rid of the feeling of hunger. But keep in mind that milk contains complex carbohydrates and is digested slowly.

What not to drink when losing weight

Carbonated drinks

What you really should avoid is various carbonated drinks. They contain huge amounts of carbohydrates, sugar, food additives and dyes. Carbonated drinks only increase thirst and are one of the causes of cellulite. Even if your life is impossible without soda, it needs to be replaced with other drinks, for example, juices or mineral water.


Be careful when drinking alcohol, as most alcoholic drinks are not only harmful to your health, but also contain a lot of calories. The most high-calorie drinks are liqueurs and cocktails. They contain a lot of sugar, which dehydrates liver and brain cells and enhances the growth of fungi. In addition to the alcohol itself, snacks that are invisibly consumed with alcohol contain a huge amount of calories.

Rules for drinking liquids

And finally, let's list a few general rules regarding the use of liquids:
- drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day (mostly clean water),
- drink a glass of water before breakfast (it helps to “wash” the body from the inside, wash away toxins, prepare the digestive system for breakfast),
- drink liquid BEFORE meals and no earlier than an hour AFTER,
- drink tea and coffee without sugar, milk and other additives (and of course without cookies and other sweets),
- between breakfast and lunch you can drink a cup of green tea,
- during the afternoon snack you can drink a glass of juice,
- last fluid intake – 2-3 hours before bedtime to avoid swelling,
- Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.

The importance of drinks for weight loss is difficult to overestimate. But still remember that the effect of them will be noticeable only with the right diet. And only physical exercise can create beautiful body contours.

The average adult drinks about 80 liters of coffee, 170 liters of tea and 40 liters of juice per year. At the same time, the BMI of 65% of the population over 18 years of age exceeds the norm. For some, these data have nothing in common, but for nutritionists they say a lot: where there is coffee, there is sugar and cream, where there is tea, there is a bun with sweets. Now, if we drank 100, rather than 40, liters of fruit or vegetable smoothies and fresh juices a year, excess weight would cease to be a problem for many.

It's time to talk about which drinks should be included in the diet of those who care about their figure and health.

Mechanism of weight loss

It’s worth mentioning right away that experts have ambivalent views on weight loss drinks. Some believe that they actively promote weight loss, others call it a myth and argue that it is nothing more than a placebo effect. The basis for such conversations was the lack of serious scientific research. There are only scattered facts. For example, nutritionists give the following figures:

  • a glass or mate allows the body to burn 4% more calories;
  • grapefruit juice and ginger tea - by 3%.

Although this information requires confirmation, it already inspires hope that with the help of certain drinks you can still lose weight. Moreover, this is theoretically possible. We explain exactly how.

Low calorie

There are diet drinks that allow you to saturate your body without going over your daily calorie intake. They are actively included in various diets and speed up the process of losing weight. They even replace one of the main meals.

Alcohol, soda and energy drinks are excluded from this group. Milk is not considered, as it relates more to food than to drinks. Black tea and coffee are also not welcomed by nutritionists, despite their cherished 0 kcal, because most often they require harmful additions in the form of sweets and baked goods.

Diet drinks are listed in the table below, but keep in mind that all juices mentioned are freshly squeezed and not store-bought. The latter contain too much sugar and other high-calorie and harmful additives.

Read more about the calorie content and features of vegetable and fruit juices for weight loss.

Fat burning

The most controversial category. Of course, fat-burning drinks themselves cannot break down, burn and remove fat cells. And yet they indirectly influence the process of lipolysis. The same green tea helps the body burn much more calories, but where do you get them during a diet, if not from fat reserves? So it turns out that adipocytes still burn out. And all thanks to the presence of aggressor substances in their composition, which have an irritating (in the good sense of the word) effect on the blood and stomach walls, forcing them to work harder.

Preparation. Mix both ingredients and blend in a blender.

Note. Drink 100 ml 15 minutes before meals and the same amount of time after. You can lose 3-4 kg in a week. Beet juice can be replaced with carrot juice in this recipe.

Recipe 13. Pineapple tincture

Ingredients: 1 pineapple, half a liter of vodka, 5 g of black pepper powder.

Preparation. Wash and peel the pineapple. Cut into large pieces and place in a glass jar. Sprinkle with pepper. Pour vodka. Close tightly. Place in the refrigerator for 1.5 weeks. Open and stir daily. Strain before use.

Note. Drink warm (can be heated in a water bath) in the morning and evening after meals, 25 ml. Drink with a glass of water.

Recipe 14. Banana drink diet

Ingredients: 2 oranges, 1 lemon, 1 banana, 1 tsp. honey.

Preparation. Squeeze juice from oranges and lemon and mix them. Add chopped banana and honey. Beat in a blender for 2 minutes.

Note. The prepared volume is divided into 4 parts and drunk during the day. The duration of the diet is 2 days. The result is minus 3 kg.

Recipe 15. With celery

Ingredients: 1 green apple, 1 lime, 4 celery stalks, 100 ml water.

Preparation. Peel the apples. Squeeze juice from lime. Rinse the celery. In a blender, puree the apples and stems. Add lime juice and water to them. Beat again.

It is impossible to lose weight without making any effort. Nutritionists all over the world say that achieving the desired result only by limiting yourself in food is something out of science fiction. You can develop your own plan to save your body and health.

Fill a glass with water (250 ml). Add the juice of half a lemon to the water. Grate the ginger root and pour 1 tsp into a glass. Stir the mixture. Drink a glass of this remedy every morning.

Pineapple juice

Peel 1 ripe pineapple. Squeeze the juice from the pineapple pulp. Drink 1 glass of this juice every day. It will not only enrich the body with a large amount of vitamin C, but also get rid of excess fluid. After all, it is precisely this that causes puffiness and, as a result, excess weight.

Which recipe is your favorite? Stop there. Don't overdo it by mixing multiple drinks and ingredients. None of the drinks alone can cope with the problem of excess weight. And if you stick to it, any of the options will be an excellent and effective addition. Tell your friends!

Hello everyone!

My friends, if you are concerned about the topic of excess weight, weight loss and everything else in this area, you are very lucky.

Today I will share with you homemade drinks for weight loss, or rather their recipes and methods of preparation.

I tried all these drinks on myself and was personally convinced of their effectiveness.

I was never overweight, I was always in good physical shape and thought that it would always be this way.

But, due to certain circumstances, one day I discovered that I couldn’t wet my favorite jeans :(

In general, I had to go on a diet for the first time in my life.

More precisely, I set myself restrictions on certain foods and introduced homemade weight loss drinks into my diet.

Thanks to this, I lost six extra pounds in three weeks!!!

From this article you will learn:

Weight loss drinks - recipes

I’ll say right away that weight loss drinks are not a panacea for everything. They really help you lose weight quickly and easily. BUT...

Continuing to eat sandwiches in pieces or cakes with spoons, you will not be able to lose even a kilogram of excess weight, even if you drink all these weight loss drinks combined, in liters!!!

Three important conditions for losing weight

They work, but subject to three conditions:

  1. Avoid eating fatty, fried and sweet foods and completely eliminate fast food
  2. Mandatory intense physical activity (pump up your abs, spin a hoop, dance, run, walk a lot, dance)
  3. Large presence in the diet + 2 liters of clean water per day

All these three prerequisites will help you lose weight, and weight loss drinks will begin to work as catalysts, accelerating this process. As a result, you can lose weight faster than following complex diets with a lot of restrictions.

Now, when I feel like I’m starting to get better, I immediately start drinking one of these drinks, observing all three conditions and getting into shape again, easily, simply, without much difficulty and most importantly, quickly!!!

Reduction of excess weight from these drinks, in most cases, occurs due to components that enhance metabolism in the body, due to fat-burning components, by enhancing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, these homemade drinks for weight loss contribute to the health of the entire body as a whole, remove waste, toxins, excess fluid, and enrich it with vitamins and minerals.

They can also be used in combination with various diets to speed up the process of weight loss.

Homemade drinks for weight loss

Cucumber water - sassi

I think everyone who has dealt with excess weight and trying to lose weight has heard of this amazing lemon cucumber water, which is especially effective for those whose biggest weight loss problem is their belly fat!

Yes, Sassi water helps fight excess weight.

It stimulates the intestines, speeds up metabolism, eliminates hunger, removes excess fluid and everything unnecessary and unnecessary from the body.

How to prepare sassi water?

Making Sassi water is very simple.

  1. Take a large two-liter jug ​​of water, add thin plastics of one lemon, 1 cucumber, 1 teaspoon of grated fresh ginger root and a pinch of mint leaves.
  2. Mix everything and put it in the refrigerator overnight.
  3. The next day you need to drink the entire jug and repeat all the steps again.

The course of water intake is 4-12 days.

I drank this water for two weeks and during this period I lost about three kilograms.

Cinnamon with honey - homemade drink for weight loss

Due to the fact that cinnamon enhances metabolism, reduces glucose and cholesterol levels and stabilizes insulin production, it can be used for weight loss.

Cinnamon is good for reducing appetite.

According to research, cinnamon can trigger the breakdown of old fat cells and prevent the formation of new ones.

For a detailed recipe for making this drink, see this

Homemade weight loss drink with grapefruit and sea buckthorn

Grapefruit is a unique fat-burning component, and sea buckthorn reduces the amount of fat absorbed from food and helps avoid weight gain. (See detailed recipe)

Herbal teas for weight loss

Properly selected herbal preparations contribute to effective and safe weight loss in a fairly short time.

You can learn more about how to make a herbal mixture for weight loss from this

Green tea, due to the fact that it is not subjected to withering and fermentation, contains a full range of biologically active substances.

It partially blocks the work of amylase, the enzyme that breaks down starch, which means that it is excreted from the body undigested.

The effect of drinking green tea is as if you were on a diet in which baked goods, potatoes, and other complex carbohydrates are prohibited.

Ginger lemonade for weight loss

This ginger weight loss drink perfectly saturates the body and our skin with moisture, refreshes, invigorates, heals, promotes weight loss and increases the elasticity of the skin of the body.

Water with lemon juice for weight loss

This homemade weight loss drink restores and accelerates the body's metabolism, which tightens the skin, removes excess weight, and fills every cell of your body with strength and energy.

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss Drink

Surely, everyone has heard that you can lose weight with the help of natural apple cider vinegar. Today this fact has been proven by American scientists and thousands of people who have tried this method on themselves.

Two of my friends have already carried out this experiment on themselves a long time ago and are very happy, having lost one size each.

Kefir for weight loss with spices

Well, who hasn’t heard that ordinary kefir with spices is an excellent fat burner? You?! Then you

For even more delicious, healthy and proven recipes for weight loss cocktails, see this.

I hope that this information will be useful to all those who are in the process of struggling with excess weight, and will also help achieve their goals and results in a short time.

Try it and lose weight!!!

If you have your own proven recipe for a homemade drink for weight loss, I would be very grateful if you share it.

Alena Yasneva was with you, I wish everyone slimness and beauty!