How to properly throw away a small cosmetic mirror. How to update an old mirror

Mirrors are as much a part of the interior as any other piece of furniture. Over time, damage and chips may form on their surface. When a product loses its original appearance, it is replaced with a new one. It is recommended to throw away an item in the following cases:

  • major or change of scenery. If a person’s preferences have changed, and the old product does not fit into the new environment, you should not try to find a place for it after repair. This can only ruin the new interior;
  • tarnishing and other damage to the mirror surface. Seeing your darkened reflection is not only inconvenient, but also not very pleasant. If you notice scuffs or scratches, do not delay replacing the product. It is believed that even small flaws on a product can radiate negative energy to the person looking at it;
  • breaking the mirror. One careless movement is enough for the product to shatter into small fragments. In this case, you need to try to collect the scattered particles as much as possible and go to the store for a new mirror, without thinking about the bad. When collecting broken pieces of a product, try not to look at your reflection;
  • dysfunctional owners. If the mirror was left in the house from the old owners, who were also dysfunctional, it is necessary to get rid of the item as soon as possible.

Don’t be afraid to throw away old mirrors; modern ones will take their place.

Often you don’t want to part with an item if it was inherited and has survived several generations. They try to find a place for such family treasures in a country house, but sometimes they end up in storage rooms on staircase landings or on balconies. You can save one or two things in this way without damaging the overall situation. If we are talking about a whole headset, it is impossible to avoid clutter. Don’t be afraid to get rid of old and unnecessary things; they will give way to modern products and give the atmosphere freshness and lightness.

How to properly throw away an old mirror

Whether it is possible to throw away mirrors is up to everyone to decide for themselves. If you belong to the category of people who do not believe in superstitions, feel free to get rid of unnecessary things. If you are haunted by the danger of getting into trouble, use the following rules to protect yourself from any bad weather.

If a mirror breaks, its fragments are carefully collected and taken out of the house. What to do with a whole product that you just want to replace? Firstly, under no circumstances should you break it. The insidious fragments cut through polyethylene and pierce gloves, which is why a person can get more than one cut from dangerous pieces.

If a mirror breaks, carefully pick up the pieces and throw away the trash.

By throwing the fragments into the trash can, you can harm homeless animals or low-income people, who often look for things they need in the waste. It is better to place an unnecessary piece of furniture between two trash cans. In this position it will not fall and will not harm anyone.

If you decide to throw away your old mirror, you need to do this during the waning moon. Knowledgeable people believed that throwing a mirror item onto the waxing moon would bring bad luck and misfortune. This does not apply to products that are suddenly broken. It is recommended to get rid of them immediately.

A small or medium-sized mirror can be taken out of the house alone without assistance. A massive object should be wrapped in black dense material and taken down to the trash cans with one of your relatives.

Throw away a massive broken mirror by wrapping it in waste cloth

Numerous signs and rituals associated with the use of mirror surfaces indicate that our ancestors were extremely careful about their use. Even modern scientists do not deny that reflective surfaces are capable of accumulating information and reflecting it on others.

To eliminate the negative manifestations of energy that the mirror has absorbed and accumulated from year to year, it is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures. There are several effective ways to neutralize the energy of an item and ensure that throwing the item away will not cause you any negative consequences.

There are some beliefs regarding mirrors

Cool water is an excellent cleansing tool. She has amazing abilities to renew and restore the original properties of objects. Interestingly, hot water has the opposite properties. She consolidates information well.

To cleanse the energy of a mirror, it must be placed in the bathroom. A terry towel is first laid on the bottom to prevent the product from slipping and scratches. By directing the shower jet, the surface is thoroughly washed for several minutes. This will help clear personal experiences, emotions and make the mirror clean again, like on the first day of purchase.

To clear the energy of a mirror from its previous owner, it should be washed with water

Small-sized items are placed in a container with cool water for a day, after which it can be given to a thrift store, given as a gift to those in need, or thrown away, since it cannot be used for dubious purposes and rituals aimed at the previous owner.

Along with cool water, salt has an excellent ability to absorb and remove energy. For cleansing procedures and rituals, salt is used, prepared on Maundy Thursday before the bright holiday of Easter. After the mirror has been wrapped in thick material, it is taken to trash cans and sprinkled generously with salt.

Easter (Thursday) salt

The place where the mirror was previously located also needs to be cleared of any remaining energy. Church candles, incense and various incense should be burned throughout the week. The element of fire perfectly cleanses the energy of not only one specific room, but the entire house.

Use fire - it perfectly cleanses energy

In addition to church candles, you can cleanse a mirror of the information it has accumulated over many years using the procedure of ablution with holy water. Having added a small amount of holy water to a spray bottle, it is sprayed onto a piece of dense material in which it is planned to take the product to the trash.

Holy water will also help cleanse the mirror of accumulated energy

This method involves cleaning in two stages. First, the mirror is put away in the pantry so that the mirror surface reflects only the wall. If this is not possible, then it is covered with a silk piece of fabric. The piece of furniture is left in this position for a month to get rid of accumulated energy.

Don't keep broken mirrors

After the 4-week period, the product is buried in the ground in a forest or place remote from people or animals. This way you can be sure that no one else will use it.

To throw away an antique product that has been passed on for several generations without negative consequences, you need to thank it out loud for its long, good service, and when handing it over to the new owners, mentally say goodbye to it.

Knowing how to properly throw away a mirror, you will no longer worry about failure. You can also forget about cluttered closets and enjoy a new mirror that matches your surroundings. If you neglect the recommendations for cleansing the energy of the mirror, a powerful energy rollback towards the owners of the product is possible.

What to do with a broken mirror

No matter how expensive the product is, if it falls and cracks, you need to part with it without any regret. Don't try to glue it together or cover up the cracks so you can continue to use it. Any reflective surface has the ability to remember and retain information about a person. If you look at your reflection in a cracked mirror, there is a high probability that a person will first begin to get very tired, and then he may develop more serious health problems.

You need to throw away mirrors that have broken as soon as possible. Large fragments are collected by hand, making sure to protect your hands from cuts with thick gloves. Small fragments are swept up with a broom. You will have to throw it away later, as tiny sharp particles may remain on the rods.

There are many signs and superstitions associated with mirrors, and an old mirror is a separate topic in magic. Without exception, all experts in witchcraft are confident that any mirror surface carries the accumulated energy of those who once looked at it.

When to throw away mirrors

Many people often have the question of what to do with an old mirror when it has become unnecessary. Can you just throw it in the trash can or should you first clean it of everything that it has accumulated as a thank you?

There may be many reasons to get rid of your old mirror:

  • if this is an apartment option, then it simply may not fit into the new interior of the house; if it was inherited from the previous owners, then such an item may not be to your liking and will begin to remind you of the previous owners,
  • it may deteriorate - crack or break.

There are several main reasons to understand that the old mirror can no longer be used and needs to go somewhere.

  1. Often, due to time, cloudy spots, barely visible cracks or strange marks appear on the mirror surface. Moreover, this occurs without any reason, when the object itself does not fall, it is not deliberately damaged. In such cases, they say that the mirror took upon itself the misfortunes of the owners, saving them from serious illness or even death. It would be right to get rid of such mirror surfaces, spoiled by fate, not to keep them in the house, but they should be thrown into the trash, and this should be done as soon as possible. Otherwise, if you keep it for yourself, as psychics assure, all the negativity and energy that has accumulated will be transferred in the house to those looking at it.
  2. There should not be anything left that has cracked for no reason or from an impact, or a piece has broken off from it. It also needs to be thrown away; it is not right to leave it for yourself or in the house. A bad omen is the desire to look in a cracked mirror.
  3. What previously belonged to a deceased person must be thrown away forty days after his death, so as not to leave an open gate in the house for the soul of the deceased.
  4. You shouldn’t leave something you inherited from someone if it’s repulsive and it doesn’t bring you pleasure to look at it. The right thing to do is to throw it away and not leave it in the house.
  5. An object that has become an unintentional witness to a crime against life and health should not remain in the home environment. Antique mirrored objects are capable of artificially creating the same dramatic situation with the help of photographic memory, so there should be no doubt that it should be thrown away.

Any awkwardness and discomfort that manifests itself when using an item may become a reason for you to get rid of it.

How to throw away a broken mirror

Many people are alarmed when a mirror breaks, they begin to expect trouble from this situation and do not know where to put an old mirror that has broken and how to throw it away.

First of all, magicians advise collecting all the large fragments that came from a broken object. This needs to be done in a special way: while collecting the fragments, read a prayer.

The second rule when throwing away a broken mirror is the prohibition of looking into its fragments, since you cannot see your reflection in the mirror pieces.

Next, the assembled large pieces of the mirror should be assembled with their reflective mirror sides facing each other. It is recommended that the fragments folded in this way be wrapped in a black bag and can be taken out of the house during the day while it is still light.

A broken old mirror can help cleanse the house of negative energy that has accumulated in it during use.

The most suitable place to throw away an old broken mirror would be a tree under which a shallow hole is being dug.

In the event that a mirror that is more than 30 years old or more breaks, psychics recommend that before disposing of it, wash all the fragments with running water or paint over large pieces with black paint. This is done for the simple reason that over such a long period of time the mirror has managed to accumulate a lot of bad information and will become better if the path to evil spirits is thus closed.

Throwing away the whole mirror

It often happens that you need to get rid of an old, but no longer unnecessary mirror. There are also rules for such disposal.

First of all, to choose a suitable day, pay attention to the phase of the moon. The most appropriate time to throw out an old mirror will be the waning moon, which, along with the object, will take away everything bad that is associated with it.

They throw away the old mirror alone, without witnesses.

It is advisable to clean the item before throwing it away. This can be done using water. If you can find a flowing river or lake nearby, then you should hold the mirror under water for several minutes. You just need to avoid getting the reflection in its mirror surface.

If there is no natural water in the right place, you can clean the mirror surface with a saint taken from the church.

Before taking your delicate item to the trash can, magicians recommend sprinkling it with Thursday salt and then wrapping it in a dark-colored fabric material. This is done in most cases for the benefit of its new owners. If someone picks up and uses your item, it will not cause trouble for the new owner, but will bring you good luck. In addition to the mirror itself, the place where it hung, including the floor, also crumbles.

Before you part with your item forever, which has served you for a long time, it is better to thank it for its work. It protected you from negative consequences, taking on all the energy of others.

Old mirrors, in the perception of many, pose a great threat. In one of the old books, the harm of these things that have long lost their novelty is explained in sufficient detail.

It says that if there is a mirror with a crack at home, then this is a kind of open lock in the home: you can expect the arrival of an unwanted guest who will be very difficult to drive out.

It is also necessary to get rid of a broken or cracked mirror because a lot of negativity can enter the house through a crack. Under no circumstances should you make a new small mirror by making it from pieces of a broken one.

They all need to be thrown away, since they have a kind of memory of “their ancestor.”

To avoid having to throw away the mirror immediately after purchase, you need to handle it with extreme care. And this is not just about being careful to avoid falling of this object.

For example, you cannot do the following: hang mirrors opposite each other. In this case, you can create a “mirror corridor”. Using these mirrors, the owner of the house begins to lose strength.

And the second significant damage is a violation of the energy protection of the home. We can say that an “energy draft” begins to walk around the house.

You can get a whole bunch of new troubles and problems when using old mirrors: this often happens, especially when the new owners do not properly know their predecessors and the history of the places where these mirrors had to “visit”.

It is better to immediately throw away the old mirror - to ward off trouble from the house.

It is necessary to do this for the following reason: mirror glass is “famous” for its trapping properties - if something bad happens at a short distance from the mirror, then it can be argued that something like photographing and storing information will happen.

Over time, the mirror will reproduce what happened in a new place - in any case, it will contribute to this by the very fact of its presence.

It's worth throwing away your old mirror due to a variety of risks.

For example, if the previous owners allocated a place for it in the marital bedroom, where family quarrels regularly occurred, there is a risk that these problems will arise among the new owners.

However, if the style of this ancient item really sank into your soul, you can order a new mirror according to the dimensions of the old frame, and the unusable item should be thrown away - and as quickly as possible.

Choice: get rid of it or turn to an alternative option?

An old mirror can be kept in the house if energetic cleaning is carried out correctly. To do this, you need to stock up on the appropriate tools and tools.

This is a pair of church candles of the same type, a small amount of Thursday salt, a red ball of thread, a wooden bowl and new scissors.

To cleanse an item and its energy, you need to place candles on the sides of the item. You need to place a bowl in front of the very center of the mirror. Then you need to do the following: a red thread is placed on the salt, candles are lit.

Standing facing the mirror, you need to say the following words to yourself: “I burn evil, I drive it out the chimney. I close the clean glass with locks. You can’t unlock them, and everything bad will burn out faster.”

Everything needs to be done slowly and extremely correctly. To completely get rid of bad energy in the house, all leftover candles and salt must be thrown into the trash.

Getting rid of the old mirror: what is the best way to do it?

Clearing your home of dangerous old things is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. When doing this, you must not forget about some simple, but very important rules. Otherwise, instead of solving the problem, you can get new, even bigger ones.

Before you start getting rid of a dangerous object, you need to pay attention to the moon - what state it is in. If this celestial body is growing or it happens during the full moon, you need to postpone your plan for some time.

But if the moon is waning, then you can safely throw out the old mirror.

It is highly undesirable to do this together - even if the object is large. Having brought the item to the landfill, you should not rush - leave immediately. First you need to throw three pinches of Thursday salt on the mirror.

It is also sprinkled on the place in the house where the discarded item was previously located. And most importantly: for several days, preferably a week, you need to light a church candle in this place.

This way you can completely cleanse your house of “mirror” negativity.

There is no need to rush into purchasing and installing a new mirror. It is more advisable to do this after a certain period of time has passed - preferably after a week or two.

Placing a new mirror in the house

You should not install it next to the front door. This arrangement will increase the risk of a decrease in positive energy from the home, instead of the necessary accumulation. The front door reflected in the mirror will cause the positive to leave.

It's best when there are no mirrors in the bedroom. This thing in itself does not pose any threat, but its location opposite the sleeping place will attract failures and problems. The risk for couples is expressed in the threat of frequent quarrels, disagreements and a complete breakup.

Placing a mirror too high or, conversely, too low will disrupt the flow of energy in the home. And, of course, you need to choose a position for convenient use of the item by all family members.

Ineradicable attraction and a little caution

Mirrors attract people with their extraordinary mystery. This is not only a convenient item for everyday life and work. There is something hidden in it that is still completely unsolved to this day.

This mystery is associated with numerous stories and beliefs, books and films about traveling to worlds that have seemingly gone forever.

Accuracy and following simple rules will help you avoid new hassles and problems, misfortunes and misfortunes that are often associated with mirrors.

Meanwhile, these things themselves do not pose any danger. Only mishandling them and ignorance of the principles of how to properly clean the atmosphere at home are harmful.

    I was taught that if a mirror breaks, under no circumstances should you look at the fragments, collect them so as not to be reflected, preferably with a rag or newspaper, wrap them in paper, newspapers, and so that children do not hang around. in general, create a situation so that no one is reflected in the fragments. and of course, don’t think about anything bad, but on the contrary, you’ll think in line, it’s an everyday thing.

    a broken mirror is collected carefully so as not to turn over the fallen fragments and not to look at them even in passing. If you were looking in the mirror at the moment of breaking, then you need to wash off your image from those fragments where you were - this is information about the crushed fate.

    If your mirror breaks, you should never pick up the pieces with your bare hands. Take a dustpan and a broom, sweep up the fragments, and under no circumstances look at the fragments. There is a possibility - bury them, if you are in the city - wrap them in thick paper or cloth and throw them away. If the fragments are large, use gloves to remove the fragments from the frame and there is another interesting tip: large fragments are folded face to face before throwing away, or large fragments are simply painted over with paint, preferably black. The place where the mirror broke needs to be vacuumed in order to remove small invisible fragments.

    To be honest, in my youth I heard out of the blue that there are certain rules on how to throw away a broken or cracked mirror. But at that moment, when the mirror broke and something had to be done with it, there was no one to ask. Therefore, I took the large fragments with my hands and threw them in the trash bin, collected the small ones with my hands, and then cleaned them with a vacuum cleaner. And that’s it, nothing happened. Now I throw away broken mirrors with an unwavering hand and don’t think that any harm comes from it. It’s worse when there are glass shards lying around the house that you can step on with your bare feet. Throw it away and don’t regret it, these are superstitions and horror stories for small children

    You can’t use a mirror not only if it’s broken, but also if it’s cracked. All damaged mirrors must be disposed of by following a few, not too complicated, precautions.

    You must not: look at the fragments, even briefly, or touch them with your hands. It is best to sweep away/collect mirror fragments with a broom. And you won’t get hurt, and you won’t take on anything unnecessary. Collect everything in a cloth, put it in a bag so that the fragments do not cut it.

    And, of course, don’t throw it in the trash, but bury it, if possible. Not only protect yourself, but also others. If you can’t bury it, then take it out to where you throw out the trash.

    And it is best to throw it away on the waning moon or on the new moon.

    Those who don't believe in this need not worry.

    Pick up the pieces carefully to avoid cutting yourself. Place them in a thick cloth bag, or maybe in an old pillowcase. There is no need to put it in a plastic bag, because... fragments can break through it. Then thoroughly vacuum the floor in the place where the mirror was broken. Make sure there are no small fragments left anywhere. Stop suffering from bullshit and believing in omens. Sun.

    A broken mirror must be thrown away immediately after the event occurs. At the same time, it does not matter who will clean up the broken fragments - the one who broke the mirror, or another person. You can’t touch or pick up broken fragments with your hands, if only because you might cut yourself. It is best to sweep away the fragments with a broom (brush) on a dustpan or newspaper. It is advisable to wrap the fragments in cloth (you can just throw them in an old bag) and wrap them carefully so that no one gets cut. Of course, they don’t recommend looking at the pieces, but this is for those who believe in all sorts of nonsense. Vacuum the area where the fragments were and wipe with a damp cloth to remove the smallest glass fragments. You must work with gloves.

    Firstly, if a mirror is broken, you cannot look at the fragments, even for a moment.

    Also, you can’t throw away the mirror right away, it stores information. The mirror must be taken to the utility room, to the closet and placed so that it reflects the wall. Can also be wrapped in fabric. After a month or two, you can throw away the mirror.

    As soon as you break them, throw them away, nothing bad will happen, I’ve broken them a lot in my life and nothing has changed :) well, if you’re uneasy, cross yourself for cleaning

    I read that if a mirror breaks, you need to pick up the fragments, they write that not with your bare hands, but this is understandable, because you can cut yourself. Wrap the collected fragments in dark paper, and then take them away from the house and bury them.

    The area where the mirror broke must be wiped with a wet cloth to remove small fragments.

    A broken mirror carries negative information and looking at the broken pieces is not recommended. You need to collect the fragments carefully, without touching with your hands, not only so as not to cut yourself, but most importantly, so as not to take this negativity onto yourself. It’s best to sweep it with a broom onto a dustpan, take it away from the house and bury it in a place where people don’t go.

    Mirrors are generally a mystical thing; all its secrets are not yet known to people. They are able to absorb all the information, both good and bad, and at certain moments spill it out of themselves. This is especially true for old mirrors.

    And when to throw away a broken mirror - immediately without delay as soon as it breaks.

A mirror is considered a special item in the house. It has long been used in magical rituals. It creates an alternative world, reflecting everything in itself and creating doubles. This subject worries many people. It is important to throw away an old mirror from the house correctly so as not to cause trouble.

If the mirror is not broken or cracked, cleansing rituals are performed before throwing it in the trash. The same rituals are performed before selling: they will help you sell or throw away the item without consequences.

They don’t take the unnecessary mirror with them from the old house, but buy a new one.

All rituals to throw away an old mirror are carried out alone. The energy should be positive.

Bury an item

Burying an item is the easiest way to get rid of an unnecessary mirror:

  • it is wrapped in black opaque fabric;
  • taken out into the forest;
  • buried with the surface facing up under any tree except aspen.

The item will release the remaining energy into the ground. Aspen is considered a tree of evil spirits, so people do not bury it under it.

Cleaning the mirror before selling

Before selling, the item is cleansed of its energy. This is done using earth or running water:

  • Dig in the surface side up in the shade (under a tree or canopy) for 3 days, then remove and wash.
  • The item is washed with running water and then wrapped in an opaque cloth or bag.

Holy water method

To cleanse with holy water, take a church candle and holy water. They hold a lighted candle in front of the mirror and thank it for its faithful service. Then the surface is sprinkled with water and wrapped in an opaque bag or cloth. After this they are thrown into the trash.

The mirror is placed near the tank (do not throw it inside: it will break). The fabric or bag is opened slightly and the surface is sprinkled with salt. They also sprinkle the place where the item stands. Salt helps cleanse it of negative influences, and then it does not harm future owners.

What to do with a broken mirror

You cannot throw away a broken mirror in the usual way. At the same time, it is a bad omen if something old, cracked or broken is kept in the house for a long time. To throw away a damaged item, other rituals are performed:

  • The fragments are covered with a dark cloth and followed by a dustpan and broom.
  • Do not collect fragments with your hands: there is a risk of injury. They try to sweep away the fragments without looking into them.
  • The fragments are poured out of the scoop separately into an opaque garbage bag or wrapped in a dark cloth.
  • They throw it away.

You can’t store the fragments in the house, so they don’t hesitate to dispose of them. For this reason, throwing it in the trash is not appropriate. The dust is wiped with a rag, which is also then thrown away.

If you need to leave the fragments at home (there is no way to throw them away now), they are carefully washed with running water: it removes negative energy. It is better to pour them into a plate or other container.

To ward off trouble and negativity, the fragments are taken out of the apartment:

  • Pack the broken mirror well in a bag or bag, tie it and throw it into running water.
  • If there are no bodies of water nearby, they find a place that they will never have to visit. At night they bury the fragments under a tree and leave without looking back.

Additionally, at the time of disposal, protective words are spoken. It is not necessary to use any formulas, these can be words with the message that it is not happiness that is thrown out of the house, but grief, that trouble is turned away from the house.