How to transform yourself externally at home. How to change yourself completely, practical steps

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Breaking is not building. You can break in 5 minutes something that took years to build. You can change yourself for the worse in six months, and completely. To do this, you need to lead the wrong lifestyle and develop several bad addiction habits. For example, becoming a drug addict and gambling addict. You won’t notice how in six months your social circle, appearance and the whole world around you will change. Nobody will recognize you!

Changing for the better is another thing. This requires diligence. You will have to build methodically, meticulously, and make every effort. No people are perfect, and you are no exception. Everyone has their own weaknesses.

Sooner or later, a person makes attempts to get rid of his weaknesses once and for all and acquire new, good habits. Often this does not lead to a positive effect.

A good example (one of the most harmless) is smokers. The desire to quit so many times ended in failure, and they again began to draw smoke into themselves. Of course, there are those who quit. But, unfortunately, there are much fewer of them.

Obviously, bad habits are not easy to change. Buying new ones is an even more difficult task.

We offer several effective steps to change yourself for the better.


It all starts with a thought. First, the realization must come that it is impossible to live the way you live. Awareness is a great power. Without it, you won’t be able to wish for a different life for yourself, much less change anything.

Realize that now you are ugly, poor and with a bunch of bad habits. Don't love yourself today. Don’t love so much that you don’t have the strength to live with yourself like this for some more time. Leave yourself as a loser and go towards your successful self.

What do you want to be

Clearly define how you want to see yourself. It’s one thing to say: “You can’t live like that,” but it’s quite another to say how you should live, what you should become.

Don’t be like the deputies who unanimously shout from the stands how the country is dying, how citizens live poorly and that something needs to be changed somehow. Enough chatter, comrade deputies who live within you!

Not “something,” but specifically “what,” and not “somehow,” but specifically “how.”

Desire for change

You must have a burning desire to change. You must want this as much as a baby wants to be held in his mother's arms. The desire must be uncontrollable, overly important and vital. And to do this, draw yourself as successful, happy, rich, loved. The way God intended you to be.

Imagine everything in detail:

  • Appearance – hair color, length, thickness, hairstyle;
  • waist size (biceps);
  • teeth, lips, etc.
  • Then move on to clothes, every detail: color, brand, length, lace, cufflinks, watches, etc.

You’ve decided on your appearance, now draw where you are: apartment, what kind, in what location. Down to the smallest detail. It is important. What is the temperature in the room, what is the lighting, dimensions, what is outside the window (morning, evening), etc.

Now we approach the one who is next to you. And again in circles and in small things.

The more carefully you draw, the more clearly it will be realized. Don't let the universe complete the little things for you.

The devil is in the details! What if the universe is in a “bad mood”, and it adds something of its own to the voids of your imagination, for example, an illness or something else... Don’t! Thoughts are material.


You realized, you wanted to become completely different, then it’s time to materialize, i.e. and build your future. In some cases, a stop occurs at this stage. It’s one thing to want it, and another thing to bring it to life. We must act consistently. And start with thought forms, pictures, lists, visualizations. In a word, a thought that cannot be touched must be turned into things, and quite material ones at that. And at this stage you need to go not by leaps and bounds, but by small steps. Something like this:

  • Name a specific period of time to celebrate changes or new habits. Proceed by analogy with the years, only. Remember when someone came up with the year of the widow, widower on either side of the leap year? This is, of course, nonsense. You say this: “I name this year in honor of the renewed me.” And then detail it. By the end of the year you will become different, and for this, you will quit smoking in April, lose weight by November, etc. You can go further and break the month into weeks, and the weeks into days. Name each period of time after a specific action. Even a day can be divided and named after something. For example, I dedicate this morning to tea without sugar, lunch to one slice of white bread together with two, etc. Such “names” work as excellent motivators.
  • Write a letter to yourself from the future, i.e. today's self from what you will become in a year. Tell yourself in detail how happy you are, how grateful you are to yourself at the beginning of the path, that you did not give up, that you believed in yourself, and gave life to a new you. This is a great motivator, coach and support. In moments of despair, when strength leaves and desires disappear, be sure to read the letter. You cannot offend and betray yourself. You love yourself too much.

  • Make a detailed action plan. Write it on a piece of paper in the form of a receipt, i.e. “I am such and such, I undertake to do such and such by such dates,” and sign. Find a “notary” among your friends who will endorse the receipt. In other words, involve a controller, a witness and an accomplice.

Analysis of completed

If there is a plan (receipt), then there is also a “fact”, such as planned and actual cost. After the set time has passed, draw up a table of completed tasks, conduct an analysis and explain to yourself why the plan differs from the fact.

Ladies should start changing their appearance by visiting a beauty salon. The main component of any female look is the hairstyle, so by changing it, you can change it in just a couple of hours. Those with long curls can opt for a short haircut. Those ladies who have always had short hair, on the contrary, can grow their curls.

You definitely need to radically change your hair color - for example, turn from a bright blonde to a burning brunette. Once the hairstyle and hair color are changed, the perception of the new image by others will change significantly.

Then you need to pay attention to your makeup.

If it has always been dim, then it’s worth making it bolder. The color palette from your cosmetic bag must match your new hairstyle and curl color.

Now you can move on to changing your image and updating your wardrobe. To prevent others from recognizing your former business lady, you can change business suits to sports suits. Or turn from a romantic person into a vamp. And you should definitely choose shoes that are comfortable and match your look.

All kinds of accessories will not be superfluous, especially if the lady did not pay any attention to them before. You can complement your look with an elegant hat or a cute scarf.

Dramatic changes in appearance can also be achieved by losing extra pounds. You can go on a diet, but you shouldn’t exhaust yourself too much with a hunger strike - it’s better to choose the right menu and follow it for at least 1-2 weeks.

And these are not all the ways that the fair sex uses to change their appearance. Ladies are very resourceful in this matter, which allows them to change their lives without outside help.

How can a man change in a week?

Men have much fewer options for changing their look than women. And therefore they often need the help of a specialist who will help them radically change. But men can still change their appearance on their own. To begin with, you can go in for sports to create a beautiful and sculpted body.

Then you can change your image - instead of business suits, start wearing casual clothes, grow a mustache and beard, or, conversely, shave them off. Or you can shave your head completely, surprising all your friends and acquaintances.

Changing beyond recognition allows you to change your own perceptions of the world. Therefore, everything in life begins to change for the better.

There are several options, with some you can change your appearance. One of them is associated with internal changes, no matter artificial or natural, and a change in the lifestyle itself. Otherwise, you can change your appearance. In this case, sudden external changes provoke internal ones. Very often such a move is described in fairy tales and the changes that occur to a person can greatly affect his life.

The change itself includes special transformative procedures and a person’s reaction to the changes that have occurred. Nowadays there are a lot of programs on television about such changes, where girls are offered a miraculous way to transform themselves and become more beautiful. And the beauty, seeing her new image in the mirror, changed almost beyond recognition, begins to change internally. Her previously present complexes disappear, she begins to feel beautiful and significant. Thus, you can change your attitude towards life and the attitude of others towards you, just by changing your appearance.

People say, if your personal life is not going well, you are tormented by a series of problems, urgently go to the hairdresser and get a new hairstyle. Hair carries certain information. By cutting your hair, you can get rid of negativity. And the updated appearance of your hair makes you more attractive, gives you confidence and a good mood, at least for a while. So it turns out that by changing our hairstyle, we attract something good into our lives. Just don’t abuse this advice!

Everyone knows that in modern society it is customary to meet people about clothes, that is, according to appearance. Many people use this trick to achieve their own goals. For example, spies like to use this. Actors, changing into costumes, begin to fully get used to the role; they feel, think and act like their characters. Many psychotherapists use this method to treat certain mental disorders and disorders. People are asked to take turns changing into different costumes and look at themselves in the mirror. At the same time, each participant must tell how he feels, what associations he has with this image, and try to behave like his character. People very quickly begin to get used to new roles, which further proves the importance of the external image for a person.

If you want change, change your style. for example, if you constantly wear classics, because... If you spend almost all your time at work, change it to a feminine and romantic style, especially in spring and summer this is important. If you currently have a romantic style, but want something different, try a casual style or some other style. The main thing is to go beyond your limits. Try something new, it will definitely give you new emotions, you will look at yourself with different eyes.

Appearance, or rather changing it, is undoubtedly a useful activity. Especially if a person wants to start a new life, get rid of problems, fears, prejudices and low self-esteem. Rapid changes in appearance can change a person's life, and if these changes are carried out correctly, then life will definitely change for the better.

There are many reasons for a woman to change her appearance. A change of job, a desire to please a certain man, a friend’s change of hairstyle, and much more can give impetus to the search for a new image. Women have such changeable moods that the vagaries of the weather can push them to change.

Where to begin?

There are many ways to change yourself.

These include the following measures:

  • changing hairstyle and makeup;
  • wardrobe change;
  • weight loss;
  • salon procedures.

The main thing is to decide where to start.

When embarking on the path of change, you need to be aware that those around you will not notice the changes immediately. If a change of image is intended to conquer a guy you have liked for a long time, then you may experience disappointment.

The “picture” is interesting at first acquaintance, but what further sympathy, affection and love depends on, scientists and experts on human souls - psychologists - have not yet been able to unravel.

Easy way

The easiest way to solve the problem of how to change your appearance is to do something with your hair. To do this, it is not necessary to have a radical haircut or hair extensions, if the strands have always been “boy-like”.

There are plenty of ways to work with your hair:

  • change the parting location;
  • just update your styling;
  • tint hair;
  • paint;
  • curl your curls or, conversely, get rid of them.

You can cope with this task yourself, or visit a hairdresser.

An equally easy way is to change your makeup style. Forget-me-not girls, gentle and reverent, will dramatically change their image, making a leap towards the “vamp” style.

And club lionesses, having abandoned red lipstick and black eyeliner, will immediately become – outwardly – ​​tender and romantic.

Colored lenses can add new features to your appearance.

Changing your wardrobe isn't difficult either. Just keep in mind that when making drastic changes, you may feel uncomfortable in new clothes. Wearing sneakers and jeans all your life, and then immediately putting on a mini skirt and heels, in some ways, is even dangerous.

How can you use clothes to change your appearance without feeling ridiculous or spraining your ankle?

  • The new look needs to be tried on in advance.
  • Learn to walk in heels at home.
  • Practice doing mini squats, turning, bending. You will have to be aware that movements should not be sweeping.

Changing your wardrobe in many cases will require changing your behavior, which is something to think about. Maybe you shouldn’t break yourself abruptly, but take small steps towards your goal? For example, do not immediately give up the sporty style, but first switch from jeans to classic trousers, try a small stable heel, and only then stand on provocative platforms or stilettos.

Drastic changes

How to change your external image more radically?

You can change:

  • having lost weight;
  • having formed a figure;
  • pumping up muscles.

You will have to go to the goal long and hard, mobilizing willpower and setting yourself up for victory.

If there are no questions about weight loss - the fact that you can lose extra pounds by going on a diet that suits you has been known since adolescence - then not everyone knows how to shape a figure.

For example, how can you enlarge your breasts without turning to surgeons if your bust has been a weak point all your life? There is a special set of exercises that will help you gain 1 or even 2 sizes.

The complex includes:

  • exercise “cobra” - back bends while lying down;
  • “cat”, during which the pectoral muscles work when exhaling;
  • wall push-ups;
  • squeezing each other’s palms – hands are placed in front of the chest.

Weighted exercises and breathing exercises effectively help build chest muscles. It is necessary to introduce protein foods into the diet - it is from them that the body draws the substances necessary to build muscle mass.

There are complexes for tightening the buttocks, giving a beautiful shape to the legs and hips. A hoop will help create a beautiful waist. When I play sports and change my diet, I shouldn’t forget about the quality of my skin. Salon facial treatments help you change your image, become more attractive, and, therefore, in demand.

If a woman understands that she is perfect in appearance - she has well-groomed skin, her hair is in order - she feels more confident. “I want” external changes also leads to internal changes.

Deep approach

If we talk not only about changing the image, but also the image, then you can try to change yourself even more - to improve your inner content.

To do this, you should try to expand your circle of interests, communicate with people you have not encountered before. It happens that a new company will interest you so much that your past life will seem insipid. It will help to find common topics for conversation by reading specialized literature, visiting theaters and cinemas with interesting films, and spending time together. You may have to learn new skills.

When you start communicating with new people, you inevitably change your appearance. Each subculture has certain external differences. “Aesthetes,” as it seems from the outside, pay little attention to appearance. And at the same time they look so casually romantic and detached that it’s time to think: “How much time was devoted to such careless styling?”

Bikers wear leather, clubgoers wear stylish branded items, hippies prefer an exaggerated “country” style. Following internal changes, external ones inevitably come.

"One step forward and one step back"

It’s not always possible to get the new look right when changing your image. The hairstyle may not suit you, you will never be able to get used to new things and feel comfortable in them, your social circle, in which, as at first it seemed, you have finally found like-minded people, will disappoint you.

If you've been wanting to change your appearance, know that you're not alone. This is quite normal for a very large number of people, especially young women. Most likely, you are already beautiful, you just don’t realize it yet. If you learn to be more confident and change your appearance to one that better suits your inner self, you can feel completely different and believe in your own beauty!


Part 1

Personal care

    Drink enough water. Drinking enough water helps you stay focused and energized, and it can also help you shed a few extra pounds. To calculate the amount of water you need daily, you need to remember that for every kilogram of your weight you need to consume at least 30 ml of water.

    Eat right. Avoid excess sugar, salt and highly processed foods. Your diet should include the following components.

    • Squirrels. Healthy sources of protein include fish, white meat, legumes, nuts and eggs.
    • Healthy fats. Nuts (especially almonds), vegetable oils (extra virgin olive oil is a great option), and fatty vegetables like avocado are excellent sources of healthy fats.
    • Whole, unprocessed carbohydrates. These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.
    • Vitamins and minerals. They can be taken as supplements if you know your diet is not providing you with all the vitamins and minerals you need.
  1. Listen to your own body. Drink when you're thirsty and eat when you're hungry. It may take some time to learn to listen to your body's signals if you haven't been paying attention to them before, but once you get the hang of it, you'll find it easier to stick to a healthy diet and maybe even lose some weight.

    • If you eat or drink something that causes you a headache or illness, take note and try to avoid consuming that food in the future, especially if consuming it regularly causes discomfort.
    • Notice what foods and drinks make you feel good. Following a clean diet with enough water intake and essential nutrients will help you become a healthier and happier person. When you feel healthier and happier, then at the same time a feeling of your own beauty will come to you.
  2. Maintain good hygiene. Wash and moisturize your face and brush your teeth twice a day. Shower at least every other day and wash your hair when your hair starts to get greasy (this may be every other day or once a week, depending on your hair type).

    • If you have acne on your face or back, you may need to wash your hair more often as oils from your hair can transfer to your face, neck and back, causing acne.
    • To keep your teeth healthy and strong, you should visit your dentist every six months.
    • Maintaining hygiene will help you feel fresh and attractive every day. Try to pay attention to yourself every day, even if you are not in the mood.
  3. Keep a journal daily. Regular journaling can reduce anxiety, stress and depression. This helps to analyze problems and strengthen self-esteem. Try to spend 20 minutes a day journaling.

    • Keep a journal even if you have nothing to say. You can write that you have nothing to say, and see where this thought takes you next. Often something immediately comes to mind, sometimes it even turns out to be something unexpected.
  4. Be optimistic. Most people have an inner voice that often sees the bad in everything and says that a person is not good enough at something. You can fight this with a grateful attitude towards fate and highlighting the positive aspects of what is happening.

    Smile. Research has shown that the happier you look, the more attractive you are to other people. Plus, research shows that even when you're sad, smiling can lift your spirits.

    • If you're upset, try smiling for 30 seconds to give yourself a boost of energy.
  5. Be confident. Gaining self-confidence is easier said than done, but it is still worth working on. Having good self-esteem will make you healthier and happier, which will automatically make you more attractive.

    Get enough sleep. If you don't get enough sleep, your brain won't work at full efficiency and you'll have trouble eating a healthy diet, getting exercise, and maintaining a positive attitude and self-confidence.

    Part 2

    Changing hairstyle
    1. Get your hair cut and/or colored. Whether it's a new haircut or dyeing your hair a different color, changing the look of your hair can dramatically affect your overall appearance. Think about hairstyles and hair colors that would suit you best.

      • Ask yourself, what should your hair say about you? Are you sociable and like to take risks? In this case, you might like a short haircut and multi-colored hair. Are you more down to earth and a bit of a hippie? Natural colors and long layered haircuts may suit you.
      • Look through hair magazines or search online to get an idea of ​​what hairstyles you like. You can buy magazines and books about hairstyles at most bookstores.
    2. Determine your face type. When changing your hairstyle, it is important to consider your face shape. There are several types of faces. One of the methods for determining your face type is to trace the contours of its reflection in the mirror using lipstick or eyeliner.

      • Oval faces look balanced and are widest in the central part.
      • Square faces have equal width in the eyebrows, cheeks and jaw.
      • Triangular faces are widened at the bottom and have a prominent jawline.
      • Heart-shaped faces (inverted triangle shape) have a small chin and wide cheekbones.
      • Round faces look like a fairly regular circle.
      • Diamond-shaped faces are slightly angular and wider at the cheekbones than at the eyebrows and jaw.
      • Long faces are almost the same width from forehead to jaw, which makes them appear longer.
    3. Determine which hairstyle best suits your face type. To keep your hair looking its best, choose a hairstyle based on your face type.

      • Most haircuts suit oval faces, however, hairstyles that emphasize length can make the face appear elongated.
      • Square faces look best with hair below the jawline. Those with such faces should especially avoid haircuts where the hair ends at the jawline, as this makes the face look even more square. It is also necessary to avoid hairstyles with clear straight lines, for example, do not use a bob haircut or straight bangs. A good choice in this case would be side-swept bangs and wavy or layered hair that frames the face.
      • Triangular faces benefit from short haircuts that balance out a strong jaw and add volume to the top of the head. If you prefer long hair, it is important that it is longer than your jawline, otherwise your face will appear too full at the bottom.
      • Heart-shaped faces look good with chin-length layered haircuts (bobs look great on them). People with this type of face should avoid thick bangs and short haircuts, as this can make the face appear too massive at the top. Tight ponytails and other slicked-back hairstyles can accentuate a small chin and should also be avoided.
      • Round faces benefit from asymmetrical and layered haircuts to help balance the width of the face. With this type of face, chin-length haircuts and even bangs can make the face look fuller, and the same goes for a central parting in the hairstyle. However, an offset parting and side swept bangs will look good!
      • Diamond-shaped faces look good with hairstyles that are full on the sides but not full at the top. In other words, high hairstyles should be avoided in this case. Bangs and face-framing layered haircuts suit this face type. However, it is necessary to avoid creating central partings in the hairstyle.
      • Oval faces can appear elongated, so the hairstyle should break up the length of the face. However, you should avoid wearing hair that is too long. With this type of face, a bob haircut, layered haircut and straight bangs will look good.
    4. Keep your hair healthy. Wash your hair as needed and use shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair type (such as color-treated hair, normal hair, oily hair, etc.). Depending on your hair type, you can wash it from once every two days to once a week. The drier your hair, the less often it needs washing.

    Part 3

    Applying makeup

      Learn how to do natural makeup. Applying natural makeup means highlighting the features that you already possess. The presence of natural makeup does not imply minimal use of cosmetics. You can also use foundation, blush, mascara, eye shadow and lipstick with it. .

      • Makeup can be used to make the skin look smoother (with foundation or concealer), lengthen eyelashes (with mascara), visually lift the cheekbones (with blush or contour correctors), and enhance the lips (with lip contour and lipstick).
      • As an example, applying popular makeup with a dewy skin effect requires the use of a large amount of cosmetics.
      • If you're not comfortable wearing makeup but want to improve the appearance of your skin, try using a tinted moisturizer or translucent powder. This will help improve the overall appearance of your skin without applying heavy makeup or making it look oily.
    1. Use eye makeup to highlight your eyes. You can use different colors of eyeliner and eye shadow to really make your eyes pop.

      • If you have blue eyes, use natural tones such as coral and champagne. Dark, smoky eyeliner can overshadow your eyes, so it's best to experiment with this type of makeup at home before going out with it.
      • Gray or blue-gray eyes look good with dark and smoky shades of grey, blue and silver.
      • Green eyes look great with muted purple and shimmering brown tones.
      • Light brown or brown-green eyes will look good with metallic and pastel shades. Pale pink, muted copper and gold eyeshadows go well with light brown eyes.
      • Most shades and types of makeup suit brown eyes. Neutral shades of orange-pink and golden bronze look good with them. For a smoky look, you can add a little black shadow in the form of arrows on the outer corners of the eyes.
      • Popular smoky eye makeup involves mixing 2-3 shades of shadow on the eyelids to create a gradient color transition (usually from dark to light from the eyelid to the eyebrows).
    2. Wear lipstick. Lipstick is an excellent way to highlight your lips and give your look more expressiveness. At the same time, red lipstick color is one of the most popular. Anyone can use it. The secret lies only in choosing the right shade of red that will suit your skin tone.

      Apply lip liner. Apply lip liner before using lipstick to ensure it lasts longer. Lip liner can also be used to shape your lips, making them look fuller or thinner, depending on what you're looking for.

    3. Keep your makeup balanced. Dramatically bright eye makeup combined with equally dramatic bright lips is usually not recommended, as it can be too provocative. If, for example, you applied smoky eye makeup, then make your lips more neutral.

      • If you wore red lipstick, the rest of your makeup should be relatively subdued. A classic combination is red lipstick and cat eye makeup.
      • Similar rules apply to balancing hair color and makeup. For example, fiery red hair may limit the color options of lipstick that suit you.
    4. Consider applying contour makeup. Contour makeup involves using dark and light shades of foundation to visually change the appearance of your face. For example, with contour makeup you can visually reduce your nose and highlight your cheekbones.

      • Mastering the contouring technique takes some practice, but if there's something you really don't like about yourself, it's worth a try.
    5. Don't forget to wash off your makeup thoroughly. Cosmetics can irritate the skin and lead to acne. Thoroughly washing your face at the end of the day and removing any remaining makeup will prevent this from happening.

      • To avoid acne, choose cosmetics that do not clog pores. This will be stated separately on the packaging of the makeup product. However, even with the use of this cosmetics, skin rashes may appear.
      • If you wear heavy eye makeup, you may need a special eye makeup remover or coconut oil. With it, you can be guaranteed to completely remove eye makeup before bed.