How neurological cough manifests itself and is treated in children. Distinctive signs of a psychosomatic cough Who could cure a psychogenic cough in a child

Cough is almost always perceived by people as a manifestation of acute respiratory infections. Indeed, most patients who seek help from therapists for cough suffer from one or another disease of the respiratory system. But sometimes, even after taking medications correctly, the patient’s condition does not improve. Moreover, the person no longer presents any specific complaints; upon examination, the mucous membranes have a normal tint, blood tests are normal, and there is no pathology in the image of the chest organs. This is where the doctor will need to find out the nature of this symptom. Cough due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and psychogenic cough are sometimes very difficult to distinguish, however, an FGDS and examination by a gastroenterologist is often enough to distinguish between these two conditions.

Symptoms of nervous system disorders may resemble those of somatic diseases. Neurosis is a faceless manipulator that makes people run around hospitals to no avail and look for non-existent diseases in you. If all doctors of a narrow specialization have undergone laboratory and instrumental research methods to deny the disease, it is worth thinking about whether this is a sign of a neurotic disorder?

A neurotic cough often accompanies people who are easily susceptible to stress. Due to constant stimulation of the nervous system, the functioning of the cough center located in the medulla oblongata occurs. This leads to periodic coughing, which is reflexively fixed and accompanies the person constantly, worsening after a new nervous shock. A neurological cough does not have any physiological function, since it does not participate in clearing the respiratory tract of mucus. When examining the oral cavity, as a rule, the pharynx has its usual tint, and occasionally has a reddish tint due to increased local pressure. Therefore, this phenomenon is easily confused with any acute respiratory infection, especially when it appears in the autumn-winter period.

Seizures can be triggered by:

  • Associated mental disorders. Thus, cough can manifest itself not only in organic, but also in functional disorders of the central nervous system;
  • Staying in conflict situations;
  • Chronic stress;
  • “Mirror effect” is a simulation of illness when loved ones are sick.


A nervous cough does not have a specific clinical picture and can occur against the background of complete well-being (a subjective sign, since a person under chronic stress is not able to relax normally). But more often, exacerbation occurs after emotional excitement or nervous exhaustion against the background of continuous exposure to an irritating factor.

Symptoms simulate any other respiratory tract disease:

  • Paroxysmal character. Sometimes the manifestations of a neurotic cough can resemble an allergic disease;
  • Barking and dry cough. Frequent occurrence of laryngitis;
  • In some cases, there may be an increase in body temperature of up to 37-37.5 degrees, which can confuse general practitioners. And everything is explained by the same nervous overexcitation, due to which there is excessive activation of the cells of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for thermoregulation.


Diagnosis includes excluding a number of diseases that can cause such symptoms and carefully collecting anamnestic data. Accordingly, an examination by a therapist, pulmonologist, or gastroenterologist is required. Cough in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract usually appears when the body position changes after eating. Relief of the condition and reduction of cough is observed when the patient is in an upright position. This phenomenon is due to the presence of reflux esophagitis in the patient - the reflux of stomach contents into the lower parts of the esophagus.

Cough in diseases of the respiratory system is often accompanied by intoxication syndrome and sputum production. As a rule, it occurs along with a runny nose, however, with a mild degree of acute respiratory infections, as mentioned earlier, it can easily be confused with a manifestation of a mental disorder.

Psychogenic cough in children is correlated with the child’s presence of any hobby. So, if the child is busy with his favorite activity, the neurotic cough goes away for a while.

Psychogenic cough in adults often does not go away even with a hobby, since a person begins to develop a persistent personality defect in the form of emotional lability and increased excitability due to chronic stress. But taking medications and seeing a psychotherapist give positive results.


Treatment of psychogenic cough in the initial stages of its manifestation may be limited to a course of psychotherapy. In more severe cases, medications are added to it. Moreover, sometimes it is enough to prescribe sedatives (Novo-passit, motherwort), daytime tranquilizers (afobazole). If the cough is debilitating, non-narcotic centrally acting antitussives (sinecod, tusuprex) may be prescribed.

It is preferable to treat neurological cough in a child non-medically. Sessions with a psychotherapist, hypnosis, breathing exercises, relaxing massages, herbal infusions, hot baths and aromatic treatments will have a good effect on the baby’s psycho-emotional state and normalize his vitality. Only if such therapy is ineffective are the above medications prescribed.

Treatment of psychogenic cough must be timely and correct. Because the symptoms of neurosis exhaust a person and drive him into even greater stress.


All diseases arise against the background of an imbalance between a person’s inner world and his environment. In modern society, every second person experiences severe nervous shock during the day, which negatively affects his health. People should remember that conflicts do not carry any value, but only destroy society as a whole and individually. There is no shame in seeking help from a psychotherapist. It’s a shame when you know what the reason is, but don’t want to help yourself.

Sometimes the cause of a cough is not viruses and bacteria, but the development of psychosomatic disorders in the body. A psychogenic cough is very difficult to distinguish from a regular cough; it also causes a lot of discomfort, but is completely untreatable. You can identify it if you take a good look at the symptoms and features of the manifestation.

Features of cough

People whose bodies are subject to excessive mental and physical stress are especially susceptible to the development of psychogenic cough. Emotionally sensitive adults and children also suffer from this disorder. Experts point to the following reasons for the development of this condition of the human body:

  • unfavorable environment - tense relationships at work or in the family;
  • stress resulting from unacceptable activities - public speaking, communication with unpleasant people;
  • stressful situations – exams, conflicts;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • reflex to cough of a person from a close environment.

This cough is a type of vocal tic when obsessive muscle contractions occur.

Manifestations of the disease

If we talk about psychogenic cough in children, then it appears in them starting from 3 years of age; this process is more often observed at 4-8 years of age. In this case, the cough is characterized as dry, constant, and intrusive. It does not change for a long time, disturbing the child again and again. The main distinguishing feature of psychogenic cough, which can be distinguished from other types of this reflex, is that it is observed only during the day and does not occur at night. As a rule, it intensifies in the evening, its aggravation occurs in the autumn and winter seasons.

A psychogenic cough is never accompanied by other symptoms that could indicate the development of respiratory diseases. A decrease in cough is observed when a person talks quickly, reads poetry, or sings. It is important to know that with this process sputum is never formed; this feature is also an important characteristic of a psychogenic cough. In addition, the manifestation of the reflex never increases during physical activity, which is unusual for respiratory diseases.

For many children, this process occurs every year, after which it goes away for a while. Usually, by the age of 18, children outgrow it and the psychogenic cough does not bother them.

How to carry out treatment

Determining that a person is developing a cough associated with psychosomatic disorders is not easy. Specialists are able to make such a diagnosis after a thorough examination of the whole body, during which no pathologies are detected.

To return the child to normal functioning, it is important to create favorable conditions for recovery. This refers to the child’s comfortable psychological stay in the family, kindergarten or school. For a while, parents are advised to forget that their child is constantly coughing; there is no need to focus attention on this, and especially not to scold and punish children for this. If a child is scolded for coughing, its manifestations can only intensify. The main thing is to carefully observe his behavior in order to understand and find the cause of this condition.

Of no small importance in eliminating this problem is the rationalization of the daily routine: the child should sleep both day and night, walk more on the street, spend a little time at the computer or TV, or completely eliminate such useless pastime. Moderate physical activity will be useful: physical therapy or visiting sports clubs.

It is important to review the diet of a child or an adult; you need to exclude products containing caffeine - tea, coffee, cocoa; eat more food rich in magnesium - green vegetables, nuts.

Sometimes the problem can be solved with the help of psychotherapy, however, this method of treatment is mostly used for adults. Psychologists conduct individual, behavioral, and family psychotherapy sessions with them. In the process of treating psychogenic cough in adults, it is recommended to use relaxation techniques, meditation, and speech therapy. When treating children and adolescents, distraction therapy can be used - electric shocks to the forearm, breathing through the mouth, holding a button between the lips. In more serious cases, the prescription of tranquilizers becomes inevitable.

Usually the appearance of a cough is regarded as a sign of some disease of the respiratory tract or lungs. However, it can be caused not only by an infection, but also by a psychosomatic disorder. In terms of external manifestations, a psychogenic cough differs little from a cough caused by pathology of the respiratory system; it also causes discomfort, creates inconvenience and negatively affects the general condition of a person. Its peculiarity is that it cannot be treated and is not reduced by taking special medications. In such cases, it is necessary to pay attention to other signs of the disease, this will help establish a diagnosis. Contacting a specialist can help with this.

Who is susceptible to psychogenic cough?

The most susceptible to psychogenic cough are people who regularly experience significant physical and moral overload, as well as those who are too emotional.

This type of cough is more common in children and adolescents, as they are more emotional and react more strongly to psychological stress. In adults, a cough that is psychogenic in nature often becomes one of the consequences of hyperventilation syndrome.

Causes of cough

The beginning of a psychogenic cough is usually some difficult situation in the psycho-emotional sense. These include:

  • too tense atmosphere in family life or at work;
  • having to engage in unpleasant activities, such as speaking in front of large numbers of people;
  • severe stress associated with exams, quarrels with loved ones, loneliness and other negative circumstances;
  • Also, such a cough can occur when other people are sick, as a reflection reflex.

Signs of a psychogenic cough

A psychogenic cough has its own specific symptoms: it is dry, loud, and may resemble the cry of a goose or a loud dog barking. In addition, exacerbations are observed in unfavorable situations, and with distraction the symptoms disappear completely. A cough of a psychogenic nature cannot be treated, so it can drag on for several months and sometimes years. It should also be noted that this disease does not usually lead to disturbances in appetite and sleep. During the examination, one can note the absence of pathological changes in the lungs. Often, the diagnosis of the disease is complicated by previous long-term erroneous treatment with various active drugs, which can lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the respiratory system.

When diagnosed, patients often exhibit symptoms of various mental disorders: a tendency to hysteria, loss of voice, psychogenic tics, and others.

Treatment of psychogenic cough

Treatment of psychogenic cough involves creating a calm psychological environment, eliminating stress and uncomfortable situations. It is worth protecting the patient from overwork and excessive overload; a rational daily routine in which loads alternate with periods of rest will help with this. When an attack begins, you need to try to distract the person, for example, with an interesting book or movie.

When a diagnosis of “psychogenic cough” is made, it is advisable to conduct a course of psychotherapy, during which the patient is oriented toward understanding the causes of his illness. In addition, it is advisable to teach him the techniques of slow breathing, relaxation and relaxation. For children and adolescents, tight wrapping of chest tissue for a period of 1-2 days can be used, as a distraction therapy, electric shocks to the forearm area. In extreme cases, tranquilizers and other medications are used.

Nervous cough: what is it?

Usually a cough is a symptom of some kind of upper respiratory tract or lung disease. But in some cases, the cause of this unpleasant manifestation may not be a contracted infection at all, but a psychosomatic disorder. Of course, this symptom prevents a person from leading a full lifestyle and negatively affects his well-being. Unlike a regular cough caused by illness, a nervous cough is practically untreatable.

Main symptoms

A nervous cough is dry, loud, and can often be compared to a loud dog barking or a goose squawking. The main feature is that a nervous cough usually appears in a person when he is experiencing severe mental stress. Anticipation of some serious event, severe anxiety, stressful situation - all these factors can provoke a psychogenic cough.

But it is worth noting that it cannot be treated, so it can appear over a long period. The main symptom by which this type of cough can be diagnosed in a patient is that it disappears in a quiet environment and during sleep. This disease, unlike infectious or viral diseases, does not affect appetite and sleep. As a rule, when examining a patient, the doctor does not find any pathologies in the organs of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. Unless, of course, treatment was carried out with serious drugs due to an incorrect diagnosis, which could lead to disruption of the respiratory system.

A nervous cough may appear in a patient who has suffered a serious pulmonary disease. After recovery, he will cough out of habit. A cough and a nervous tic in this case will appear as a result of the strengthening of the reflex. It can also occur in people who feel constant anxiety and worry. It can be a way that helps the patient evoke compassion and empathy from others. It is important to know that although the symptoms of a nervous cough may be understandable, only a doctor can establish the correct diagnosis. Self-medication can negatively affect your health.

Causes of psychogenic cough

Most often, a nervous cough appears in people who regularly experience physical and emotional overload. Hyperventilation syndrome may also cause this symptom. This process, caused by psychosomatic disorders, can also occur in children and adolescents. Children are more emotional and sensitive, often tend to dramatize situations and react more strongly to stress and criticism.
A nervous cough can be caused by the following reasons:

  • tense atmosphere at work and at home;
  • the need to do something you don't like;
  • quarrels, exams, stress, loneliness;
  • as a reflective reflex when other people are sick.

Despite the fact that it is quite difficult to determine the cause of this process, it will be impossible to carry out treatment without this.

How is the treatment carried out?

You should know that cough caused by a psychogenic factor cannot be treated with medications. It is necessary to provide the patient with a calm psychological environment, create all conditions for a comfortable stay, and eliminate nervous and physical stress. The correct daily routine, in which periods of activity alternate with periods of rest, will help eliminate loads.

At the beginning of an attack, you can try to distract the patient. For a nervous cough, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. He will correctly assess the patient’s condition and, if necessary, may advise him to undergo a course of psychotherapy in order to find out the true causes of the onset of this disease. Mastering relaxation and relaxation techniques can help alleviate the patient's condition.

The appearance of cough in children

This type of cough in children, as in adults, mainly appears due to severe stress. Most often it occurs in children of school age. Increased stress at school, a traumatic situation in the family, exams, conflicts with peers - all these factors can trigger the occurrence of a nervous cough in children.
In order to distinguish the nervous origin of coughing attacks in a child from the usual ones that appear with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to observe the symptoms. The following signs indicate the psychogenic nature of the disorder:

  • the cough is dry and does not change for a long time;
  • does not happen at night;
  • sputum does not come out;
  • does not increase with physical activity;
  • medications don't help.

If there is a nervous cough in children, treatment must be carried out by an experienced doctor. The diagnosis can only be made after a thorough examination. Increased nervousness in a child, in addition to coughing, may be accompanied by frequent blinking or other movements characteristic of a mental disorder.

Consultation with a doctor will help you understand why this unpleasant symptom occurred and how to remove it. First of all, it is necessary to create a comfortable emotional environment. Under no circumstances should you scold your child for coughing; this can only worsen the situation in the future. You should try to focus less on your cough. The child will benefit from moderate physical activity; you can enroll him in some sports section.
A properly thought-out daily routine will help reduce the frequency of attacks when treating a cough due to nervousness. You need to make sure that your child goes to bed on time and does not sit too long in front of the computer or TV. It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods and drinks that contain caffeine, such as chocolate, coffee and tea. You should consume foods high in magnesium as much as possible - green vegetables and nuts.
In some cases, the doctor may prescribe sedatives and antidepressants to the child. Sometimes you have to resort to a rather unusual method of treatment - hypnosis. It is usually effective and helps many people get rid of nervous cough, but this method cannot be used when treating children.

Psychosomatics: cough. Psychogenic cough

Many diseases have their own psychosomatics. Cough is no exception. Sometimes even people with “iron” health have this disease. Moreover, there is no way to cure it at all. Then a diagnosis similar to “chronic cough” is made. In fact, this is a wrong conclusion. If the cough does not go away for a long time, and also appears for no apparent reason, then the problem lies precisely in the psychosomatic origin of the disease. But why does it happen? Is it possible to recover from this disease?

Living conditions

Psychosomatics of diseases is an extremely important point. Often, even completely healthy people fall ill with terrible diseases, although there was no reason for this. Then how do they appear? It's your head's fault. Or rather, what happens in it.

The root cause of psychogenic cough is unfavorable living conditions. This factor affects the health of both adults and children. If there is “something wrong” in the home and family, the body quickly reacts to an unfavorable environment. This is especially noticeable in children.


This is such an interesting psychosamatics. Cough is not a very terrible disease, but it is unpleasant. It appears for many reasons. If everything is in order with the situation in your home and family, you can try to pay attention to some other factors that affect the body.

It’s not for nothing that they say that all “sores” are caused by stress. It is one of the very first factors causing various diseases. Including cough. Most often, you can notice that a similar reaction of the body manifests itself in people who have been in stressful situations for a long time.

In children, a similar disease also occurs. Moreover, it is very easy to “check” the authenticity of the influence of stress on a child. Typically, a psychogenic cough appears a few days after another stressful situation. Most often this is just the beginning. More serious problems may arise in the future due to negative emotional shock. For example, bronchitis will appear.


The psychosomatics of diseases is diverse. Moreover, negative emotions do not always become the cause of their occurrence. The thing is that sometimes a cough can appear not only because of negativity or unfavorable living conditions.

The slightest emotional shock can provoke this disease. This is very noticeable in children. If you recently experienced a situation that stuck in your memory and shocked you in some way, don’t be surprised. A cough can actually appear in the coming days after the event.

As already mentioned, shock does not always have to be negative. A very joyful event can also be a provocateur of the disease. But such cases are quite rare. Often, it is negative emotions and events that cause health problems to one degree or another.


What else does psychosomatics hide? Cough in children and adults can appear due to anxiety. And not only personal ones. Usually, worries about loved ones have a negative impact on a person’s health. This is where various ailments arise.

Psychogenic cough is no exception. It often occurs when a person is very worried or worried about someone. Even banal news about a loved one’s illness can provoke a negative reaction from the body.

For children, a psychogenic cough that arises due to worries about people is quite dangerous. After all, it is very difficult to cure it in this case. All the negativity and all the experiences in childhood are almost never forgotten. This means that there is a possibility that the resulting psychosomatic illnesses will not go away at all.


The psychosomatics of cough in adults and children is similar. In children there are even more causes of the disease. Sometimes this disease occurs due to overwork. Moreover, it does not matter what type of fatigue we are talking about - emotional or physical.

It has been noticed that people who work seriously and for a long time get sick more often. And they cough quite often. Emotional exhaustion also has a negative impact on the body. Because of this, a person can suffer from a psychogenic illness for a long time.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, overwork occurs in both children and adults. This means that no one can be immune from the consequences of the negative effects of fatigue. It is for this reason that it is recommended to rest more and not allow children to do something forcefully.


These are not all the surprises that psychosomatics has in store. Cough is not a very dangerous disease. But getting rid of it can be very problematic. Especially if it occurs for psychosomatic reasons.

These include a negative environment. And not at home or in the family, but surrounded by a person. For example, at school or at work. If a person often visits a place that brings negative emotions and stress, as well as worries and worries, one should not be surprised at the appearance of a psychogenic cough. After all, this is a completely normal phenomenon.

This disease is usually very noticeable in children. For example, if a child is uncomfortable in a kindergarten, he receives negative feedback from this institution, and most likely he will develop a cough. Some argue that frequent illnesses in children in kindergartens are associated precisely with psychosomatics. Schoolchildren also often develop a psychogenic cough.

Adults are less susceptible to the influence of this factor. Nevertheless, cough (psychosomatic, the causes of which have been established) is much easier to treat than it seems. In any case, the likelihood of recovery in this case increases. It is easier for adults to change their environment without unnecessary stress and other negativity than for children.


It doesn't matter whether you have a simple or allergic cough. The psychosomatics of these diseases is still the same. It is noted that even your mindset and behavior can influence the body and its condition.

Therefore, you should always monitor your emotions. It has been noticed that unfriendly, angry, and aggressive people most often suffer from coughing. It turns out that negative emotions directly affect the appearance of our current disease. This is exactly what psychosomatics is. Coughing with phlegm is the main feature inherent in overly aggressive people.

But if it’s dry, most likely you just want to be the center of attention. Your psychological attitude literally asks “Notice me!” This is the opinion held by many psychologists. After all, the desire to be noticed really has a negative effect on the body. It's kind of like stress.


This is the psychosomatic nature of our current illness. A cough that arises for emotional and psychological reasons is very difficult to cure. Especially in children. After all, for them the only healing is to eliminate the source of negativity. Sometimes you may even need the help of a psychologist.

But for adults it’s easier in this regard. They can use a variety of medications such as antidepressants to relieve cough. But this does not free them from the need to eliminate the source of negative influence on the body. Resorts are extremely popular in the treatment of psychogenic cough. And in general, rest in general. Sometimes just a good rest is enough to get rid of most psychosomatic illnesses.

Treatment of psychogenic cough

Almost all people are subject to the stereotype that cough is a symptom of colds. Accordingly, its treatment begins with various tablets and syrups, which affect the reflex act itself. And when several weeks, or even months, pass and the symptom does not disappear, “heavy artillery” comes into play in the form of antibiotics and hormonal drugs. But it happens that there is no improvement because the treatment for the disease was chosen incorrectly. Such prolonged erroneous therapy can lead to numerous complications in the respiratory system and gastrointestinal disorders. As a result, the clinical picture is greatly complicated and makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.

Cough can have different etiologies, so before treating it you need to consult a doctor to make a correct diagnosis. Only a doctor can determine what disease the reflex act is a symptom of. One of the most difficult symptoms to diagnose is a psychogenic cough. It is quite difficult to determine without the intervention of a specialist.

Signs of a psychogenic cough:

  • The psychogenic reflex act is dry, “barking.” Can be very loud.
  • Absence of absolutely all other signs of colds.
  • No gastrointestinal disorders are observed.
  • No problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • During the studies, there were no pathological disorders of the respiratory system.
  • Somatic causes of central nervous system disease are excluded.
  • Bursts of psychogenic cough are observed during periods of increased emotional excitability.
  • In moments of calm, there is no reflex action.
  • Presence of a history of mental disorders.

Treatment of psychogenic cough - contact a specialist

Do not try to determine your cough type on your own. It is best to undergo a full examination to exclude somatic causes of cough. If possible, go to a clinic with a high professional level of specialists. After receiving a doctor’s conclusion that your reflex act is not a consequence of colds or problems with internal organs, you need to contact psychosomatic specialists. These are doctors such as a neurologist, neurologist, psychologist. They must determine what the problem is. After diagnosis, only specialists in this field should prescribe treatment for psychogenic cough. They can also give recommendations on behavior in everyday life. This is necessary for complex therapy and, subsequently, complete relief from a psychological problem that interferes with a full life.

Treatment methods for cough with psychosomatics

Psychogenic cough does not respond to drug therapy. It can only be used as an aid. These are mainly sedatives. You can also use various collections of medicinal herbs with the same spectrum of action. When taken regularly, they together help relieve excessive stimulation of the nervous system, which accordingly relieves the psychogenic symptom.

The most effective way to treat psychogenic cough is to get rid of irritating factors. It's best to change the situation. Perhaps go to a sanatorium or resort.

It is necessary to devote as much time as possible to proper rest. Relaxation in nature has a beneficial effect. Horseback riding, or simply communicating with these wonderful animals, relieves tension in the nervous system very well.

Psychological correctional therapy is very important in the treatment of psychogenic cough. It can be both individual and family. Especially if the cause of the patient’s discomfort is an unfavorable family situation. The key to this therapy is the person's understanding of the causes of the problem.

A good result in the complex treatment of a psychogenic act is achieved by relaxation and the technique of slow calming breathing. Electric shocks may be applied to the forearm area as a distraction.

In especially severe cases, the doctor may prescribe tranquilizers and antidepressants in the treatment of psychogenic reflex action. They must be used with great caution and only in the prescribed dosages.

Nervous cough in adults

Cough prevents foreign bodies from entering the lungs and promotes the elimination of pathological substances. This is the body’s protective reaction to irritation of bronchial receptors. However, against the background of neuropsychic disorders, a nervous cough appears, which occurs without irritation of the receptors on the bronchi.

Causes of development of nervous cough in adults

The symptom develops with various disorders of the nervous system, with hysteria. In people with unstable mental health, anxiety causes irritation of the cough center located in the medulla oblongata. A person, thus, unconsciously tries to attract the attention of others and arouse pity.

Psychogenic cough in adults appears in a turbulent environment, emotional disturbance, argument, or when a person finds himself in an unusual situation or in crowded places. An attack can be triggered by physical activity or emotional arousal. The pathology is also caused by childhood mental trauma and difficulty communicating with society. In this case, a nervous cough begins in childhood and remains untreated in adolescence and adulthood.

One of the causes of the pathology is long-term inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. After recovery, a person coughs out of habit during an emotional disorder, when anticipating some event and when he finds himself in an awkward situation. This occurs due to the consolidation of a constant cough reflex at the nervous level.

Symptoms of psychogenic cough in adults

The psychogenic cough reflex is loud, resembling the sound of geese or a car siren. The attack is not accompanied by the release of bronchial secretions (dry), nasal discharge, or increased body temperature. It begins under the influence of the provoking factors described above and stops if the adult is distracted. Also, an attack of neuropsychiatric cough never develops during sleep.

With a severe mental disorder, the symptom develops frequently and is accompanied by other signs:

Psychogenic cough is resistant to treatment. It lasts for many years and severely limits a person’s ability to work and social activity. In order to make a diagnosis, a specialist must exclude a wide range of diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and conduct a neurological examination.

Psychogenic or neurological cough is a serious illness that occurs for various reasons, may be a consequence:

  1. A severe stressful situation in which a person finds himself.
  2. Constant nervous tension due to problems at work or at home.
  3. Strong emotional experiences.

That is, the disease has no other cause than the unstable state of the person’s psyche. It constantly gets worse with nervous experiences or leaving the “comfort zone,” which provokes attacks. But what are the symptoms of asthmatic cough and what remedy will help get rid of it?

The thing is that there is a “cough center” in the human brain. This is the part of the brain that is responsible for the occurrence of urges. Its irritation leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. But when coughing, the sputum does not come out; it is certainly dry in nature, while the person has completely no signs of diseases of the respiratory system. There are no wheezing, no breathing problems, only pain that occurs during prolonged attacks.

A doctor can diagnose a patient with “psychogenic cough” only after conducting a series of examinations; most often the patient is recommended to:

  • take a throat swab for microflora;
  • do fluorography;
  • donate blood and urine for biochemistry.

Do not forget that the disease may be allergic in nature (read how to distinguish). In this case, the cough is seasonal and only bothers you after contact with allergens.

If the state of the nervous system is unstable or a person has recently suffered severe stress and is suffering from a severe cough, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The disease is treated by a psychotherapist; you can also consult a neurologist if there is no psychologist or psychiatrist.

But how to treat the throat when it itches from the inside and coughs is indicated in great detail

The video shows a description of a nervous problem:


There are a number of signs that will help recognize the neurological nature of the disease:

  1. The cough gets worse after stress.
  2. The attacks do not occur regularly and are completely absent at night.
  3. The appetite is excellent, there are no signs of infection.
  4. bothers you for a long period of time.
  5. Specialized medications do not provide relief.
  6. When you leave the “comfort zone,” attacks begin to bother you.

It all starts with stress or an emotional explosion. Against the background of an unstable mental state. Often it has a mirror character. If someone in a person’s family is sick, then the body is in an unstable state. A cough occurs as a reaction to events.

When a nervous situation arises, the symptoms increase; when the condition stabilizes, the attacks stop bothering you, become rare and weak, or disappear completely.

At the same time, treatment with medications does not bring the desired result, tablets and syrups do not help, which causes some bewilderment in the patient.

Who's at risk

  • children and adolescents due to their high susceptibility;
  • women and men with nervous work;
  • persons with neurological or mental illnesses.

Against the background of a hyperexcited state of the nervous system, a person may experience a symptom such as increased ventilation of the lungs. The breathing process is disrupted, and hyperventilation of the lungs is observed. As a result, a cough occurs, which is paroxysmal in nature.

But how to treat dry throat if it causes a cough can be seen in the article

It is worth paying attention to the general condition of the nervous system; if it is disturbed, there are:

  1. Depression.
  2. Emotional depression.
  3. Severe weakness, overwork.
  4. Nervousness, hysteria.

It is worth suspecting the neurological nature of the cough. It can also be regarded as the main sign of hysteria. But here everything depends on the person’s condition, his well-being.

A consultation with a neurologist and psychiatrist will help you understand what’s what and what the nature of the disease is. But before turning to these specialists, you will have to consult a therapist and undergo a series of tests.

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Therapy has a specific focus. It involves using:

As part of treatment, non-drug correction methods can also be used to help enhance treatment.

In adults

When treating patients over 18 years of age, the following medications are used:

The drug is prescribed by a doctor; if necessary, he can combine several medications or enhance treatment with other drugs.

All of the above medications will help normalize the nervous system, increase stress resistance, and have a positive effect on mood.

You can also drink:

These medications are prescribed to normalize the patient's emotional state. You can drink soothing teas.

As part of non-drug therapy, it is recommended to:

  1. Take regular walks in the fresh air.
  2. Take before bedtime.
  3. Do yoga or Pilates.
  4. Go through hypnosis sessions (on the recommendation of a doctor).

Breathing exercises also have good results. Gymnastics are carried out regularly; it helps reduce the severity of spasms and normalize breathing.

The patient is also advised to:

  • give up caffeine and alcohol;
  • Healthy food;
  • drink freshly squeezed juices and take vitamin complexes.

It is necessary to bring the nervous system into a stable state. If this can be done, the cough will go away quickly.

In children

Due to its high sensitivity, the child’s body is susceptible to emotional shocks. The reason for this may also be hormonal changes that occur in the body during puberty.

If a teenager or child develops a neurogenic cough, it is recommended to treat it with:

  1. Sessions with a psychotherapist.
  2. Communication with animals.
  3. Stabilization of the general condition of the body.

Psychotherapy will help you cope with problems and relax. It is important that the child attends classes of his own free will; the patient cannot be forced to do so. Coercion will only worsen the child’s condition and lead to the development of apathy and mistrust.

Hippotherapy has good results. It is carried out in courses and, if necessary, repeated several times.

Normalizing the daily routine will help stabilize the general condition of the little patient. The child must eat well, rest, and sleep at least 10 hours a day.

If the above methods do not help, drugs that affect the functioning of the brain are prescribed:

Medicines are selected individually, based on the general condition of the child and his well-being.

Treatment of psychogenic cough is a long and labor-intensive process that occurs with varying degrees of success. For this reason, you should avoid stress, lead a healthy lifestyle, and alternate between rest and work. This will help reduce the likelihood of nervous and emotional instability.

Usually, the manifestation of a cough is regarded as a sign of some disease of the respiratory tract or lungs. True, its cause may be not only a contracted viral infection, but also a psychosomatic disorder. In such cases, it is necessary to pay attention to other signs of the disease, as this will provide an opportunity to establish the correct diagnosis. As a rule, only contacting a qualified specialist can help in this case.

Who is most often exposed

Psychogenic cough is more pronounced in people who experience regular significant physical and moral stress. In addition, under emotional stress there is also a high probability of such dandruff occurring. This type of cough often occurs in infants and children because they are more emotional and also react more strongly in response to psychological stress.

Main causes of manifestation

Various sources attribute the following symptoms to psychogenic cough:

  • Onset during or after recovery from viral laryngitis or upper respiratory tract infection;
  • Cough occurs due to the absence of any noticeable cause;
  • The cough may appear several times within an hour, or even more often several times per minute;
  • The cough does not seem to go away over time (after months and years);

In the standard case, the initial symptom of a psychogenic cough is a difficult psycho-emotional situation, expressed as an overly tense atmosphere in family life or in the workplace, as well as the need to engage in unpleasant activities, for example, speaking in front of a large crowd of people.

In addition, symptoms should also include manifestations of severe stress associated with exams, various quarrels with loved ones, possible loneliness and many other negative circumstances. A similar cough can occur when other people are sick as a reflection reflex.

Main features

The fact is that a psychogenic cough itself will be quite easy to determine by the presence of certain signs with which it is usually accompanied. Firstly, such a cough will always be dry and loud, and in some cases it may resemble a strong dog barking, while in others it sometimes resembles the cry of a goose. Another feature of a symptom of this kind is its manifestation. As a rule, such a cough is observed in the event of any unfavorable situations, and, as soon as these situations are resolved, the cough will be completely excluded from the general condition of the patient (if it can be considered such). It is worth noting that many are interested in the question of whether a psychogenic cough disappears if any medications are used. No, it doesn't disappear. The nature of cough lies deep in the patient’s consciousness, so it is necessary to consider the course of such an illness over a long period of time, which can last for weeks or years. In addition, all other possible diagnoses should be excluded in a patient if he retains a full appetite during or after coughing. Also, a person with a similar symptom will never wake up from coughing attacks during sleep.

Some doctors strive to track down any pathological disease in the lungs, but all attempts are in vain after the first comprehensive analysis. Often, correct diagnosis can be complicated by direct interference from various medications used to treat the misdiagnosis. And this may already be fraught with the identification of contraindications of certain medications due to one or another factor of disturbance in the respiratory system.

The most important nuance is the observation of people’s tendency directly to certain mental personality disorders, among which such nuances as

  • Tendency to hysterical state;
  • Disappearance of the voice in difficult or alarming situations;
  • Manifestation of various psychogenic factors.

Treatment nuances

Treatment of psychogenic cough comes down to creating a calm psychological environment, as well as eliminating stress and other uncomfortable situations. It is recommended to protect the patient during treatment from overwork or excessive overload, and a rational daily routine, where loads will alternate with periods of rest, can help with this. If an attack occurs, you must try to distract the person, for example, with an interesting book or movie.

Cough prevents foreign bodies from entering the lungs and promotes the elimination of pathological substances. This is the body’s protective reaction to irritation of bronchial receptors. However, against the background of neuropsychic disorders, a nervous cough appears, which occurs without irritation of the receptors on the bronchi.

Causes of development of nervous cough in adults

The symptom develops with various disorders of the nervous system, with hysteria. In people with unstable mental health, anxiety causes irritation of the cough center located in the medulla oblongata. A person, thus, unconsciously tries to attract the attention of others and arouse pity.

Psychogenic cough in adults appears in a turbulent environment, emotional disturbance, argument, or when a person finds himself in an unusual situation or in crowded places. An attack can be triggered by physical activity or emotional arousal. The pathology is also caused by childhood mental trauma and difficulty communicating with society. In this case, a nervous cough begins in childhood and remains untreated in adolescence and adulthood.

One of the causes of the pathology is long-term inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. After recovery, a person coughs out of habit during an emotional disorder, when anticipating some event and when he finds himself in an awkward situation. This occurs due to the consolidation of a constant cough reflex at the nervous level.

Symptoms of psychogenic cough in adults

The psychogenic cough reflex is loud, resembling the sound of geese or a car siren. The attack is not accompanied by the release of bronchial secretions (dry), nasal discharge, or increased body temperature. It begins under the influence of the provoking factors described above and stops if the adult is distracted. Also, an attack of neuropsychiatric cough never develops during sleep.

With a severe mental disorder, the symptom develops frequently and is accompanied by other signs.