How to arrange icons. Location of the “red corner”

Some revered holy faces can be seen both in churches, monasteries, and in Christian homes. These include the miraculous Seven-Arrow Icon: where is the best place to hang the image of the Most Pure Mother of God in the house, read on.

Icons depicting the Savior, the Mother of God, and Christian saints are not objects for interior decoration or ordinary amulets. Orthodox images are real shrines through which believers turn to God. They occupy a special place in a person’s heart, in his home, are carefully stored and passed on from grandfathers and fathers to children. Traditionally, iconostases were created in Christian homes, which consisted of the most revered, powerful and important images for a particular family. The icons were placed in a prominent place of honor.

Seven-shot icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

An ignorant person, looking at the face of the Mother of God of the Seven-Shot Icon, may be surprised. The Virgin Mary appears alone in the image, her gaze expresses restrained sorrow, her head is slightly tilted to the side. What is most striking is the image of seven arrows, which are aimed directly at the heart of the Virgin Mary. Three arrows (or swords) are written on the left side, and four on the right (although the reverse arrangement is possible).

There is also an icon on which there are three arrows on the right and left, the seventh is at the bottom. The last option is another icon, known under several names: “The Softening of Evil Hearts” or “Simeon’s Prophecy.” The images have almost identical meaning and prayer power.

Prophecy of Elder Simeon

To understand the meaning of the Seven Shot Image, one should turn to the Gospel narrative. The holy elder Simeon the God-Receiver, who was translating sacred texts, was destined to die only after he saw the Messiah. The old man had been waiting for this hour for almost 270 years. And then the Holy Spirit appeared to Simeon with the message that the cherished day had come and he should go to the Temple of the city of Jerusalem.

On the fortieth day after the birth of the Infant Christ, the Most Pure Virgin Mary, together with her husband, the righteous Joseph the Betrothed, brought him to the Jerusalem Temple for dedication, as required by the traditions of the Old Testament. On the threshold, Simeon met the Holy Family with the Messiah, expected by all the people of Judea. He took Jesus in his arms and blessed him. Then, turning to Mary, he prophetically uttered the words that thanks to this Baby, some will ascend, others will fall, and the Mother of God herself will be pierced by a sharp weapon in her soul.

The last words about weapons, like many other moments in the life of Jesus Christ, have many meanings. First of all, this is an allegorical description of the severe hardships, suffering, and sorrow that the Most Pure Virgin Mary had to endure, seeing the crucifixion of the Savior Christ. The number seven itself in the Christian tradition means completeness, fullness of something. The icons, which depict a plot with seven arrows (swords) piercing the heart of the Virgin Mary, are illustrations of this prophecy, but carry a broader meaning applied to the human race. Seven sharp arrows are an allegorical image of the seven mortal human sins that cause suffering and pain to the merciful heart of the Holy Intercessor.

Finding a miraculous image

Today, no one can determine exactly when the image of the Seven-Shot Mother of God appeared, or who exactly was the author of the icon. The first time the image appeared to people in the 15th century, this event could not have happened without Divine Providence.

Not far from the city of Vologda (Kadnikovsky district) there lived a peasant who had been suffering from incurable lameness and painful weakness for a long time. He tirelessly turned to God asking for healing, since other tried methods did not help. One day the Most Pure Mother of God appeared to him in a dream. She ordered the man to find Her miraculous image in the bell tower at the Church of St. John the Theologian, to pray with great faith before it, and healing would be granted.

Not daring to disobey and believing in the power of the Mother of God image, the peasant went twice to the indicated temple. But they didn’t want to let him in, simply not believing the story. And only the third time they allowed us to go to the bell tower. The icon with the Mother of God pierced by seven arrows was found very quickly; it was located face down at the turn of the stairs. The monks and bell ringers felt confusion, because without knowing it they had stepped on the icon many times. The seven-shot image was cleaned of dirt. They brought him into the temple and served a prayer service. The peasant kneeled with faith and prayed to the Mother of God for healing and intercession - and the illness went away.

This was the first miraculous healing, the fame of which quickly spread many kilometers from Vologda. Other cases followed. In 1830, outbreaks of cholera suddenly appeared in the villages of the Vologda region. The epidemic spread quickly, then people began to fervently pray to the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God and walked around the temple in a procession of the cross. After this, the disease began to fade away, and the people began to recover. Since then, the icon has gained fame as an assistant in the fight against cholera and other terrible diseases.

Where to place the Seven Arrow Icon

Favorite Orthodox icons most often hang above the front door, at the head of the bed, or in a special place such as an iconostasis. The seven-shot image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most powerful, which is why it is often chosen for home.

There are no strict rules regarding the location of the icon, but some advice given by priests should be heeded:

  • It is advisable to place the Seven-Shot Image of the Virgin Mary on one of the eastern walls of the apartment/house. If this is not possible, hang it at the head of the bed, above or preferably opposite the front door.
  • When planning to allocate a corner to set up a home iconostasis, make sure in advance that the place is within easy reach for cleaning. Icons should be kept clean.
  • There should be no household items (cosmetics, jewelry, toys, talismans, aroma lamps, souvenirs) on the shelf or wall next to the icon or home iconostasis.
  • Personal photographs and paintings also have no place near the icons. When saying your prayers, turn to the Mother of God, Jesus, the saints, and not to archival photos of even people very dear to you. Store such photos in other places or hang them on another wall. Even paintings on biblical themes are inappropriate next to shrines.
  • If you want to have a large number of icons at home, do not place them on one small shelf. Relics should not cover one another. Plan out the composition on the wall, try to arrange the images symmetrically so that each one is clearly visible and accessible.
  • Traditionally, you should not hang one Seven-Arrow icon over the dining table. The image of the Savior would be more appropriate here. In Christian families, the Lord's Prayer is read before meals. Sometimes cooked food is also sanctified with Thanks to the Lord.
  • The seven-arrow icon is close in content to the image “Softening Evil Hearts,” so it can be hung in a nursery next to or instead of the face of the Guardian Angel or the child’s patron saint.

Before the Seven Arrow Shrine one should pray for an end to troubles and quarrels; it will give peace and tranquility to every home, preserve and strengthen family ties, improve relationships and mutual understanding between spouses. Prayerful appeals to this image of the Most Pure Virgin Mary help soften the hearts of unkind people, envious people, and ill-wishers. The Mother of God will protect you from serious illnesses and injuries, and if an illness appears, she will help you overcome it faster. The main thing is to remember that it is not enough to buy an icon you like and hang it on the wall. Sincere constant prayer with faith in the mercy and power of the Heavenly Queen is necessary. And by faith, everyone will be granted prosperity and healing.

Previously, in every Orthodox home of a rich and poor family, simple and noble, a place of honor was given to icons. Somewhere there was a modest shelf, and somewhere there was a whole iconostasis. In wealthy houses they had a rich and luxurious salary, being an indicator of the high position of the owner of the house. In modern apartments, alas, this good tradition is no longer always observed, and the main place in the room is occupied by a TV or computer, but, fortunately, the old customs are gradually being restored. The icon again becomes a carefully preserved family heirloom, which is protected and given a place of honor in the house. However, the arrangement of icons in the apartment is not at all random. The red corner (or as it was also called: front corner, holy corner, shrine) should be located in a certain place. So that the inhabitants of the house can turn their thoughts to God, reading evening and morning prayers, so that they can concentrate and direct their thoughts to heaven, certain traditions should be observed when choosing a place.

When a person turns to God in prayer, he usually faces the east, which is why during the construction of temples the altar is installed in such a way that it is located on the east side. Following this custom, correct placement of icons in the apartment- east wall of the room. Of course, the layout of the apartment does not always allow this, because there may be windows on the eastern wall. You should not place the icon near a window or radiators, as this may lead to its damage due to drafts or radiator heat. In this case, the eastern location will have to be abandoned. Despite the fact that it is advisable to hang the icon this way, there is nothing wrong with a different placement, because a sincere prayer will always be heard, regardless of which side the holy image was hung on. It is important that there is enough free space in front of the icon so that those who will pray can be completely immersed in their thoughts, without being distracted by inconvenience and crowding. This is especially important for a large family, where several people can gather for prayer. Location of icons in the house can be different, sometimes they are placed above the bed. For example, it is hung at the head of the bed to protect and preserve the peace of the sleeping person, filling him with pure thoughts.

As for choosing the room in which to hang the icon, the decision here falls entirely on the shoulders of the owners of the home. It can be located in the living room, in the hallway (for example, above the entrance to the house), and even in the kitchen. If you do not have a separate dining room, and your family eats in the kitchen, then you should definitely place the icon there so that you can pray before eating. It would be a good idea to place the icon in the bedroom; most often the image of the namesake saint finds its place here. Some people believe that an icon should not be installed in the newlyweds’ bedroom, but this opinion is wrong. You should definitely hang an icon in the nursery, it may be one that will protect your child.

You have chosen the room in which you would like to place the icon, found a suitable wall, how will it be installed correctly? You can arrange a special shelf, or choose an icon case - a special cabinet for icons. If you do not have such an opportunity, it can simply be hung on the wall. If there are several icons, then it makes sense to arrange them into a harmonious composition that will be pleasing to the eye. It is also worth finding out how best to combine different icons according to their meaning. In addition, icons of saints should not be hung higher than the image of the Savior and the Virgin Mary. Above them can only be located. It is customary to place the icon of the Savior to the right of the person praying, and the Mother of God to the left. Images of all other saints should be placed below, observing the hierarchy. It is very important to note that the icons should be positioned in such a way that there are no other inappropriate things nearby. A modern apartment can be filled with a variety of objects: paintings, books, equipment, photographs and the like. Let the icon have its own corner, in which there will be nothing extraneous. There is no place for a holy image among books, toys or souvenirs. Treat it with respect to make it a special place in your home.

The correct placement of icons in the house helps you open a window to the bright and spiritual, illuminating your home with joy and light.

Ecology of life. Informative: Previously, almost every house had its own iconostasis - a place where icons were located and where...

Previously, almost every house had its own iconostasis - a place where icons were located and where prayers were offered to the saints and to the Lord. Now, many Christian traditions have been forgotten, as a result of which some families do not know how to properly maintain and arrange icons in the house.

Previously, the most honorable place was allocated for icons, called the red or holy corner, shrine, or kivot (kiot). Such a place was richly decorated, kept immaculately clean, it served as a kind of home altar, where family members could pray and ask the Lord for blessings. Nowadays, such a practice almost never occurs, and more and more often in the homes of believers there is simply one or several separate icons, located as and where necessary.

Of course, such an attitude towards icons is not welcome, because these are holy images that must be treated accordingly. Therefore, it is important to know at least the basic principles of choosing and placing icons in the house in advance, so as not to desecrate them.

How to choose icons for your home?

The choice of icons for each family and even for its individual members is always individual: each believer has the right to decide for himself, listening to the voice of his heart, which saints’ exploits inspire him most, and which images he will turn to daily in prayer. However, there is still one general rule - Orthodox families must have icons of the Savior and the Mother of God at home.

An icon of the Savior for home prayers is usually chosen with the image of the Lord Almighty (Pantocrator) or the Savior Not Made by Hands. The icon of the Mother of God in the house is chosen mainly from such iconographic types as “Tenderness” (“Eleusa”) and “Guide” (“Hodegetria”).

In young families, the wedding couple is often used as the two main icons in the house. This is acceptable, but it is important to ensure that such a pair is larger in size than the other icons in the house and at the same time matches them in writing style.

If we talk about other icons for the home, in addition to the images of Christ and the Virgin Mary, then their choice, as mentioned above, is free. But most often, believers buy for their home icons of the heavenly patron saints of family members (nominal icons), icons of very revered saints in the family, and icons of holidays. At the same time, the images of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious are also quite often found in the homes of believers - especially revered and beloved saints among the people.

How to hang icons in the house?

In accordance with Orthodox Christian traditions, icons in the house were not always hung on the walls, but were placed on special shelves. However, in modern conditions, placing icons on walls is considered acceptable, so believers often wonder where exactly icons can be hung.

There are no strict regulations on the order of placing icons in a house, as in a temple. But you still need to adhere to a number of important principles when choosing a place for each icon. Thus, no icon can be larger or located higher than the icon of the Savior, with the exception of the icon of the Holy Trinity. Next to the image of Christ there is usually an icon of the Mother of God, and the relative position of these icons should be such that the icon of the Savior in relation to the believer facing it is on the right, and the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is on the left.

Below the icons of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, or to the side of them, you can place personalized icons of family members, as well as other icons. In this case, the principle of hierarchy is usually observed: for example, icons of saints are not placed above the main icons (Holy Trinity, Savior, Mother of God) and above the icons of the apostles.

In Orthodox churches, the altars face the east, and in the home iconostasis the holy images are usually also located on the east side. But if, due to the layout of the premises in the house, it is not possible to place icons in this way, it’s okay, because icons are allowed to be placed in any accessible place. It is important to remember that there should be enough free space in front of the icons for several family members to pray at once; the part of the room where the icons are located should not be cluttered.

The choice of room for placing icons in the house can be almost anything: icons can be placed in the living room, in the nursery, in the kitchen; it is also possible to place icons above the entrance to the house. And of course, you can hang icons on the walls or put them on shelves in the bedroom, including the marital one: marital intimacy in marriage is not a sin, so there is nothing reprehensible in the fact that icons are located above the marital bed, and there cannot be anything.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that icons in the house should always be placed separately, and it is inappropriate to place them on shelves with books, photographs of family members, toys, and souvenirs. It is also not allowed to place icons surrounded by paintings, even of a religious nature, or surrounded by photographs of the righteous or priests. published

Many traditions of Christianity have been erased from memory and lost over the centuries. Elderly people still remember the old traditions, preserve the memory of sacred prayers and rituals, but the younger generation is lost and is afraid to make mistakes when converting to faith. The question of how and where to place home icons worries many; we will try to give a simple and understandable answer.

Where to install the iconostasis and individual icons

Canonically, the home iconostasis was placed in the eastern part of the house. Temple altars are also located in the eastern part of the church. However, one should not confuse a house with a church. A house is only a continuation of the temple, there is no need to confuse and confuse concepts, a house is first and foremost a family hearth, so the “red corner” can be located in any part of the room. The only condition is that there must be enough free space in front of the “goddess” so that all family members can gather for prayer. In addition to the general iconostasis, it is recommended to place one icon in each living room.

If a family gathers at a common table in the kitchen, it is worth hanging an icon of the Savior there, since a prayer of gratitude is addressed to him for their daily bread. An icon of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God is usually hung above the entrance to the house.

How to properly design an iconostasis

The Church condemns the proximity of icons with decorative elements, modern entertainment household appliances (TV, tape recorder), paintings and various posters of modern stars. It is also forbidden to place icons with books of non-theological content. You can decorate the iconostasis with fresh flowers.

On Palm Sunday, willow branches are placed near the icons, and on Trinity Day, the house and the red corner are decorated with birch branches. The iconostasis and icons hanging separately can be decorated with embroidered towels. This tradition has ancient roots - these towels are used in the sacrament of baptism and wedding ceremonies, which are carefully stored and passed on by inheritance. After the water prayer service, it is customary to wipe your face with these towels. Since ancient times, girls have collected several embroidered towels as a dowry to decorate the iconostasis in the new home of a young family.

What icons should be in the home iconostasis

Traditionally, the icon of Jesus Christ and the icon of the Mother of God are displayed in the red corner. Canonically, as in a church, the icon of the Savior is on the right side, and the icon of the Mother of God is on the left. Select the remaining icons yourself or with the help of a spiritual mentor.

It is desirable that the iconostasis be crowned with an Orthodox cross. There is no strict set of necessary icons, just as there is no single design rule. It is only necessary to observe the principle of primacy and hierarchy: you cannot place icons of saints above the icons of the Holy Trinity, the Savior and the Mother of God. The composition should look complete, neat, systematized.

It is desirable that all icons be made in the same artistic style. If you have an icon that is passed down by inheritance, it is advisable to install it in the center of the composition, like a home shrine (but below the main icons). You should treat icons with care; if the colors have faded and faded, then it can be stored in a shrine behind other icons for some time, and later given to the church.

The iconostasis can be supplemented with icons of local saints and patrons, saints in whose honor family members are named. In Russian Orthodoxy, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saints Peter and Paul deserve special honor.

The best adviser will be a priest - the confessor of the family. He will help you choose icons for your home.

Prayers help to survive grief and illness. After the era of communism, people lost many centuries of knowledge and now those who have returned to faith need knowledge. Images of saints are intended not only to decorate a home, their purpose is to protect and protect. To do this, you need to know where the icons should be in the apartment.

Why are icons needed in the house?

In the frantic pace of modern life, not everyone has time to attend church services every day or even every week. In defense and God's help a person needs every minute. This is possible thanks to the correct placement of the home iconostasis for prayer. How to arrange icons correctly matters more than their number.

The size of the image also does not matter. For a deeply religious person, the faces of saints are the material embodiment of the Divine image. Icons are very different from photographs and portraits. They reflect peace, serenity, kindness, compassion, purity in every stroke.

Faces of saints in the home iconostasis

An icon is a window into house of God, and the shrine is the place where the day of a true believer begins and ends. An Orthodox Christian's home must have an icon of Jesus Christ and a prayer cross. The rest of the images are chosen based on personal needs and desires.

How to choose the right place for red corner in the apartment to maintain the aura and tune in to prayer - necessary information for every believer. If the layout allows, then it is advisable to highlight the south-eastern corner of the room; access should be free and not cluttered. It is customary to pray facing the rising sun. It is important to know how to properly hang icons in an apartment, observing the accepted hierarchy:

  1. There should always be an icon of the Savior in the center. Above it can only be the cross and the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).
  2. You need to place the face of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the right, then place her other images a little to the side.
  3. On the left is the obligatory holy image of John the Baptist.

Particular attention is paid. It is believed that if you hang it over front door, then it will protect those entering the house from bad intentions, protect them from quarrels and scandals. And opposite the entrance, the Holy Trinity should be placed to cleanse the guest’s bad thoughts.

The iconostasis can be made from one shelf, side table or just hang on the wall. It is allowed to decorate the holy corner with fresh flowers, towels, candles and lamps. It is also advisable to place each face on a festive napkin. First of all, it should be remembered that the most important thing in prayer is its sincerity and faith in God. It is important not only to beautifully decorate the interior of the “front corner”.

Shelf with holy images in the kitchen

It is helpful to place faces of saints in the kitchen. Prayer before meals should be an integral part of life. Gratitude for food and prosperity to the Lord God is natural for a Christian. Care should be taken to ensure that dirt and kitchen grease do not get on the icon; it is better to put it behind glass in a cabinet or place it on a shelf on the wall, which is located opposite the stove. You can place an image of the Last Supper, which will correspond to the theme.

Guardian angel in the children's room

When there are many children in a family or one - this is always joy and blessing. The icon of the Mother of God at the head of the baby’s bed in the bedroom will protect his sleep and calm him down. The face of a guardian angel, whose name a person is named at baptism, will always help in life. Depending on the gender and age of the child, the following images are suitable:

  1. For a girl - or Matrona of Moscow. They help you find happiness, escape loneliness and get married successfully.
  2. For a boy - an image of St. George the Victorious for protection and giving courage. The icon of St. Andrew the Primordial will teach you to be polite to elders and promotes the development of the mind. The image of Alexander Nevsky will patronize athletes and the military.

How not to place the faces of saints

Do it right home iconostasis, remove inappropriate objects from the environment - this is what a true Christian should do. There are no canons prohibiting hanging an image of a saint in front of a mirror, but priests do not recommend doing this in order not to be distracted from prayer. To preserve the power of images, church ministers do not recommend:

Church ministers have different opinions about whether it is possible to sleep with your feet facing an icon. But, in general, there is nothing wrong with this if it is not done for the sake of blasphemy. This will only give another reason, looking at the face of the saint, to pray.

How many images are in the house does not matter as much as the order in which they are placed. An icon prayed over for decades, passed down from generation to generation, is a real heirloom for the family. It must be protected and carefully cleaned from dust. Where icons should be located in the house is a very serious question, and it should be approached carefully. Peace of mind the family largely depends on this. The holy image is not just a beautiful picture, it is the face of a man who once lived on earth and remained devoted to God. Every icon is designed to guide you on the right path, to attune your feelings to humility and prayer.