How to dilute potassium permanganate for wound treatment. Treatment of wounds with potassium permanganate

With the widespread use of manganese solution for various procedures, the question of how to dilute potassium permanganate is still open. Dry matter in the form of small maroon crystals is in every home first aid kit, and in moments when the need arises, they invariably resort to it.

Too weak a solution will not have the desired effect, and too concentrated when applied orally can cause burns to the mucosa. Therefore, it is necessary to know for sure how to prepare the solution.

Despite the fact that potassium permanganate has been used for more than a century, and medical chemistry has developed and shown hundreds of new generation antiseptic preparations for use, a solution of potassium permanganate or potassium salt of manganese acid has not lost its relevance at all.

An old and proven remedy, inexpensive and affordable, showing invariably the desired result, will always prevail in use over newfangled and expensive ones. People are extremely inert to innovation when you can use what is available.

The chemical formula of potassium permanganate is KMnO4. Few people remember it when looking at the crystals in a bottle or pharmacy vial. But they remember him immediately, as soon as:

  1. It is necessary to treat a cut, callus or wound.
  2. Rinse the throat and throat with inflammation.
  3. Use for some gum disease.
  4. Provide first aid in case of poisoning a person.
  5. Finding a simple and effective drug for a wound surface is not a problem; a solution of potassium permanganate for treating wounds will help with this.
  6. Take on a trip a means for disinfecting drinking water.
  7. Add to baby's bath for a safe bathing environment.
  8. Help to heal the wound surface.
  9. Sometimes it can be used as a treatment for certain types of diseases.

Types of solutions

There are three variable varieties of dissolved potassium permanganate:

  • weak;
  • average;
  • intensive.

The degree of intensity or weakness can be determined by the characteristic color that the dissolved crystals give to the water. They dissolve in water that is rather inert in temperature, however, those stored for a long time are less susceptible to the dissolution process and can be harmful if they are not removed from the prepared mixture.

To avoid this, it is recommended to use potassium permanganate, which has not exceeded the prescribed shelf life. The second precaution is to prepare a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, which must be kept closed in a dark place and also monitor the expiration date.

If you have any doubts about the age of storage of crystals, it is enough to drop a few drops into water and look at the resulting shade. If the water turns brown or brownish, then the concentrated solution has become unusable.


With a small amount of the dissolved drug, the water becomes pink. This is a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The liquid of medium degree, that is, more potent, is already intense pink in color, turning into crimson tones.

To obtain a strong concentration in water, potassium permanganate is diluted until an intense crimson color appears, sometimes even with a hint of burgundy.

Application in low concentration

A weak solution is used in the following cases:

  1. When bathing a baby. It should be remembered that the water should be pale pink, and in the case of preparation from a crystalline preparation, make sure that crystals do not get into the bath. In case of contact, they should be removed immediately. At the same time, it has a disinfecting effect for water and an anti-inflammatory effect for problem areas of the child.
  2. When washing conjunctivitis (even weaker consistency to avoid burns of the mucous membrane of the eyes). It has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect at the same time).
  3. When washing areas of gynecological and urological inflammation (on the recommendation of a doctor, the solution should be mild in order to avoid the negative drying effect of a strong solution).
  4. When rinsing the throat and pharynx in case of inflammation (for the destruction of pathogenic microbes and at the same time for an anti-inflammatory effect).
  5. In the treatment of diarrhea, when it is recommended to take a solution of potassium permanganate inside 2 times a day. The tool is proven and effective.
  6. With stomatitis and herpes for irrigation of affected areas (in a very low concentration, literally pale pale pink).

Medium Strength Composition

An intense pink liquid, or a solution of medium saturation, is already a stronger preparation, the preparation of which should be carried out with the utmost care and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

Its use is more limited at home and should be no more than 0.1-0.5% for disinfection of wounds and no more than 2-5% for application to ulcers and wounds.

In case of poisoning, the color of the solution varies with an eye to age. A child is given a drink of a pale pink, an adult - a dark pink remedy. Do not cause vomiting immediately, but allow potassium permanganate to perform its function of disinfection and absorption.

In these cases, it is better to dilute potassium permanganate with warm water and mix thoroughly so that there are no undissolved grains left. If these are still present in the colored water, then it must be filtered through a strainer or sterile gauze.

Strong degree of saturation

It is not difficult to make such a solution, but it must be used with great care.

One of the widest ways to use a saturated solution of potassium permanganate are manganese baths. Crystals of the substance are added to the bath until the water reaches the color of red wine. It is necessary to achieve their complete dissolution or with a small amount settling to the bottom.

Baths with this concentration of potassium permanganate are used to obtain a drying effect in pustular skin diseases, diathesis, neurodermatitis and some other diseases in which skin rashes appear.

The powder can also be used in the treatment of burns, since it promotes drying and forms a protective film on the skin. You can take a bath for no more than 15 minutes every other day, and after it, be sure to take a shower to remove excess substance.

A saturated solution of potassium permanganate is also used for lotions for ulcers and burns.

There is evidence that lotions of this kind help with the bites of a tarantula, karakurt and other poisonous insects.

Necessary Precautions

A solution of strong concentration is used with all precautions, as a means of cauterization. They can cauterize acne and warts, and a 10% solution is applicable even for bites of poisonous snakes, as a means of simultaneously cauterizing and detoxifying.

A solution of potassium permanganate is used in horticulture for seed disinfection, soil disinfection, and for various horticultural plant diseases.

What should be remembered?

Potassium permanganate is an exceptional natural antiseptic with prolonged and local effects.


With its widespread use, some precautions should be taken:

  1. Store it with the maximum observance of certain rules, because the substance has the ability to form explosive compounds under certain conditions.
  2. When stored as a concentrated solution, contact with the skin should be avoided, as this may burn it.
  3. Carefully monitor the color of the prepared potassium permanganate, so as not to use more concentration than necessary and not harm instead of benefiting.
  4. Do not allow grains and crystals in undissolved form in the prepared solution.
  5. In order to completely dissolve, carry out the reaction in moderately warm water, which speeds up the process.
  6. Dilute potassium permanganate only in the amount that will be needed at the moment, and use a fresh solution.
  7. Do not use expired crystals and buy potassium permanganate, preferably Russian. This is due to the chemical purity of the drug made in Russia.

The most important thing is to do no harm. And potassium permanganate can help if it is properly diluted and applied for its intended purpose.

There are gunshot wounds, lacerations, stab wounds ... But any of their origins requires the same approach to first aid: stop the bleeding as soon as possible and apply a bandage. Sometimes a person's life depends on it.

Potassium permanganate, due to its pronounced antiseptic properties, brings invaluable benefits in the treatment of wounds. It should be remembered that the wound itself cannot be washed (an infection can be introduced), only its edges need to be treated: wipe with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate in the direction from the wound. If something got into the depths of it (earth, chips, etc.), only a doctor should remove it: he will not allow the infection to enter inside.

For washing and disinfection of superficial wounds, a 0.1-0.5% solution of potassium permanganate is prepared (it is diluted to the color of thick red wine).

When changing the dressing, it is not necessary to tear off the dried gauze from the wound. It is necessary to carefully lift the edges of the tissue and pour the affected area with a solution of potassium permanganate (or, in extreme cases, warm boiled water).

Small abrasions

With small abrasions, cracks and cuts on the hands, they are kept in a warm solution of pink potassium permanganate, and then smeared with iodine tincture.


Inflammation is a protective reaction to any damage. It is very important for the body to put a protective barrier between the source of damage and healthy tissues. When cells are injured or die, they release substances that cause inflammation. If this had not happened, the infection would easily have entered the body. In cases of minor damage, the inflammatory process lasts from 7 to 10 days.

With significant wounds, inflammation lasts longer: it is difficult for the body to cope with the attack on its own. And then they help him with cauterizing agents - a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, an alcohol tincture of iodine or celandine juice, as well as antiseptics - a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. They kill germs almost instantly. At the same time, living tissues are either superficially or not harmed at all.


Women are especially prone to abscesses: doing a manicure and cutting off the cuticle, they accidentally introduce the infection into fresh wounds. The finger begins to ache and abscess. To avoid surgical intervention (in advanced cases, this happens), you need to soar your hands in a hot bath with potassium permanganate and salt for several days in a row.


Any wound can fester. Traditional medicine recommends complex treatment in such cases. First, the patient is smeared with purulent wounds with a pink solution of potassium permanganate and

Gardeners with experience know that in the fight for the harvest, almost any weapon is used. For example, iodine, brilliant green and potassium permanganate available in any first aid kit. We will talk about how to use potassium permanganate in the garden today.

What is useful potassium permanganate for plants?

So, what does the treatment with potassium permanganate give for plants:

  1. First of all, a weak solution of potassium permanganate helps protect plant seeds from wintering pests and fungal spores. That is why, before planting, it is customary to keep the seeds and seed tubers of plants for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate (0.5 grams of potassium permanganate per 100 milliliters of water).
  2. Secondly, potassium permanganate itself is a good fertilizer, thanks to its magnesium and potassium. If you dissolve a small amount of potassium permanganate and boric acid in a bucket of water, you will get an excellent foliar top dressing for garden strawberries, currants, blueberries, raspberries and gooseberries. It is best to carry out such top dressing in early spring. Apple trees, cherries, cabbage, peas, beans, beets and potatoes respond well to top dressing with potassium permanganate.
  3. Thirdly, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is successfully used as a therapeutic drug in the treatment of plants from various kinds of diseases that have a fungal nature. For example, strawberries can be saved from gray rot in this way, and tomatoes from late blight.

It must be remembered that potassium permanganate is one of those substances that must be used with a certain degree of caution. Excessive passion for potassium permanganate in the garden can lead to diseases and degeneration of plants and a decrease in soil fertility due to an excess of potassium in it. It is possible to use potassium permanganate only in those areas where the soil has an alkaline or neutral reaction.

Strawberries: diseases and pests. Garden processing in spring. On the beds

Growing strawberries (the correct name is large-fruited garden strawberries) in the country can be greatly simplified - we talked about this last time. But here the fight against diseases and pests cannot be avoided. What garden treatments should be done in the spring and during the season, what to do with the affected bushes and berries?

Gray rot: how to get rid of spores

The most unpleasant disease of garden strawberries is gray rot. Spores of the fungus - the causative agent of the disease - live on the surface of the soil and plant debris. By the time the first berries appear, the spores ripen, scatter in all directions or are washed off with water, spreading over fairly large areas. Getting on the berries, they cause their disease. The disease manifests itself in the form of a gray coating, under which the berries rot.

Berries affected by gray rot should not be put into compost, as it will become infected with spores of the gray rot fungus. They should be buried in a specially designated place for this. When picking berries, infected berries should be placed in a separate container.

In wet weather, especially in rainy and cold weather, the disease develops quickly and can ruin a significant part of the crop. Gray rot affects not only strawberries, but also other berry crops, such as currants and grapes. In addition to berries in strawberries, stalks, flowers and even buds can be affected by gray rot. Poor ventilation of plants due to dense plantings, the location of strawberries in the lowlands, as well as an excess of nitrogen in the soil with excessive application of organic matter or urea are especially conducive to the appearance of gray rot.

Preparations of biological origin "Fitosporin" or "Fito-plus" help to save the harvest. Berries should be removed in a timely manner, about a day later, not allowing them to overripe on the bushes.

Leaf spot and other diseases

Two other common fungal diseases of strawberries are white and brown spotting leaves. Diseases usually appear at the end of summer. White spot - in the form of red spots with white dots on the leaves. Brown - in the form of red-brown spots on leaves with drying edges.

Affected leaves appear dried out, black dots are visible on them. Diseases, as a rule, affect aging leaves. The spores of these fungi overwinter on strawberry leaves and on the soil surface. That is why at the beginning of autumn it is necessary to water the plantings of strawberries with "Fitosporin" additionally. And be sure to spray at the very beginning of spring.

Recently, another very effective drug has been created against all diseases (and even viral ones!). It's called Zircon. This is not a chemical drug. It is a mixture of hydroxycinnamic acids, which the immune system of any plant produces to protect itself against pathogens. But, if for some reason the immune system produces them in insufficient quantities, the plants cease to resist diseases. Spraying the plants with "Zircon", we make up for this shortcoming. The leaves absorb the drug, it enters into biochemical processes, and the plant easily resists diseases.

If you do not have "Fitosporin" or "Zircon", then use a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture (1 teaspoon per half liter of water). The same solution can be used to treat plantings of strawberries against gray rot immediately after cleaning harvest (or immediately after cutting the leaves, if you are cutting them). And again in early spring.

Unfortunately, strawberries are affected mycoplasma and viral diseases, which manifest themselves in the form of withering of the entire bush, or the appearance of a mosaic on the leaves, or the appearance of yellow-green flowers. Plants become dwarfed, often curled at the top. Leaves on short petioles become small and take an irregular shape. Sucking insects carry the disease from one plant to another and can infect an entire plantation in one season.

Chemical or biological means of combating these diseases do not yet exist, so diseased plants should be immediately dug up along with the roots and burned. Excavated plants should not be composted. Strawberry seedlings should not be transplanted in place of the dug out plants, it is better to plant marigolds or any other flowers in these holes for 3-4 years.

How to deal with a nematode

The most dangerous among them is the nematode. This is a small (no more than 1 mm), filamentous, completely transparent worm, so it is not visible to the naked eye. There are many types of nematodes. Strawberries are inhabited by two species: stem nematode and strawberry. Nematodes feed on sap and plant tissue.

stem nematode populates leaves together with petioles and flower stalks. Leaf blades are bent, petioles are shortened, thickenings appear on them. Plants become dwarf and die in 2-3 years. Mustaches should not be taken from plants infected with a nematode, since they are also infected with a pest.

strawberry nematode, as a rule, populates buds, flowers and berries, causing their deformation. This is more often seen on the berries of the second and third collections. With a strong pest infestation, strawberry bushes become like a tied head of cauliflower. Leaf petioles are shortened, mustaches are thickened, flowers are ugly, dirty green, leaves are twisted. The berries ripened on such bushes are twisted and completely tasteless. Almost all rosettes formed on such a plant are also affected by the nematode, and therefore new planting material should not be taken from infected bushes.

In the spring, in May-June, and in the autumn, in September, it is imperative to check the bushes for infection with a nematode, since at this time damage to strawberries is especially clearly visible. In years with high humidity, nematodes disperse especially quickly. If you find a bush inhabited by this pest, you need to dig out not only it, but also two bushes on both sides of it, along with the roots, and burn everything. You can return strawberries to their old place no earlier than after 2-3 years.

If there are quite a lot of bushes inhabited by the nematode, then it is better to liquidate the entire plantation and lay a new one by buying seedlings in the nursery. You cannot use sockets from your plantation. It is best to plant vegetable crops on the vacant bed. Next year in the spring, the entire garden should be sown with marigolds. Then dig them up along with the soil at the end of summer, before planting strawberries.

Although experts believe that planting marigolds does not save strawberries from nematodes, my observations contradict this. Of course, the nematode will not leave the infected strawberry bush, but it will definitely not move to other plants if marigolds are planted among the strawberries. Therefore, I still recommend planting marigolds among strawberry bushes after the spring frosts have passed. After the autumn frosts, when the aerial part of the flowers dies, the marigold bushes do not need to be removed from the strawberry beds, but left to winter, gutting the bush and sprinkling it with soil right on the spot.

But the generally accepted planting of garlic among strawberries, in order to ward off the weevil from it, I would not advise doing. The weevil may go to hell, but garlic will definitely contribute to the resettlement of the nematode throughout the plantation. If you already plant garlic among strawberries, then after the spring frosts have passed, plant marigolds, alternating them with garlic.

When to Spray Strawberry Weevil

Another rather dangerous pest is a small (about 0.5 cm) beetle, raspberry-strawberry weevil, which hibernates in the soil under the carrier bush and comes to the surface when the soil warms up to 8 degrees Celsius. Usually at this time, the isolation of strawberry buds begins. In the very first protruding and not yet opened bud, the raspberry-strawberry weevil lays the larva. She eats the core of the bud, then leaves the bud and goes into the soil to pupate. The bud of the largest berry comes out first, and this small gray beetle with a long proboscis deprives us of the most valuable part of the crop.

When laying the larva, the weevil bites the damaged bud, and it dries up. A drooping, shrunken bud is clearly visible, and gardeners immediately begin to fight this pest. But the fact is that the beetle at this time has already switched to raspberries, and if you don’t have it, then to weeds. The weevil will return back to the strawberries at the moment when new, young leaves grow in it.

As soon as you notice that pinpoint punctures have appeared on new strawberry leaves, know that this weevil has returned to refresh itself before wintering with the juice of fresh leaves. It will spend the winter in the soil right under the strawberry bushes, as soon as the soil temperature in the surface layer drops to 8 degrees. Therefore, the weevil must be dealt with in time.

Landings must be sprayed three times. The first time when buds had not yet begun to separate on strawberries (in the North-West at the very beginning of May). Then - when the raspberry buds began to separate (beginning of June for the North-West). It is at this very time that it is necessary to spray strawberries, raspberries and strawberries again with a solution of one of the preparations - Fitoverm or Iskra-bio. Since these are not chemical, but biological preparations derived from soil microorganisms, they are environmentally friendly. 48 hours after treatment, the sprayed vegetables, berries or fruits can be eaten.

"Spitting" on a strawberry and a hot shower with potassium permanganate

slobber penny- This is also a fairly common pest of strawberries. Most often, the penny sucks the juice from the heart. It is clearly visible - in the center of the strawberry bush, a "spit" suddenly appears. This pennitsa, protecting its delicate outer cover from the sun's rays, releases saliva around itself. You can simply go around the plantation, collect and crush the penny. The tick is quite large and is clearly visible due to saliva.

There is another simple way to deal with pennitsa. To do this, pour strawberry bushes with hot water (65-70 degrees) with the addition of potassium permanganate until a bright pink solution is obtained. Such hot showers are useful for strawberries at any time of growth and development. They do not harm her even during flowering. As soon as you notice that your strawberry is “bored”, immediately give it such a hot shower, better, of course, in the evening. The next morning, you will not recognize your strawberries, they will “rise up” so much. But young strawberry bushes, without prejudice to themselves, endure temperatures no higher than 45 degrees.

Sometimes they write in books that, in addition to potassium permanganate, boric acid should be added to the water when spraying strawberries. My observations show that this should not be done. Strawberries do not tolerate boron; its rhizome dies off.

Don't believe me - check it out. Add 2 g of boric acid to 10 liters of hot water and spray a couple of extreme strawberry bushes two to three times per season. In the fall or next spring, rake the soil from the rhizome, and you will see that it has become orange at the break. In a year, the rhizome will die and become dark brown at the break, and the bush will wither and die.

The strawberry transparent spider mite is very small and not visible to the naked eye. It is located on the underside of the leaf and is engaged in sucking the juice out of it. This greatly weakens the strawberry, and it literally "bores". Leaves shrink. With a large colonization of the tick, they acquire an oily sheen, and then turn yellow and die.

This tick is easiest to fight with hot water in the same way as with pennitsa. But you can also use colloidal sulfur (according to instructions) or drugs against ticks "Apollo", "Neoron" or "Phosbecid", which are absorbable chemicals. They are poisonous, they can only be used after fruiting. Non-chemical universal preparation "Fitoferm" can be used at any time.

Fertilizing plants with potassium permanganate

The topic of this publication may be of interest to all gardeners, gardeners and owners of country houses. As it turned out, plants - flowers, vegetables, growing berries and fruits can be fed with the well-known potassium permanganate. Top dressing with a solution of potassium permanganate increases the resistance of plants not only to diseases, but also to adverse weather. Whether you plant flowers on the windowsill, or maybe you want to pave your summer cottage with a lawn - read the article, information may come in handy. By the way, about the lawn) If you have already begun preparing for the improvement of your dacha, read the interesting and useful article Do-it-yourself lawn in the country - personal experience on the website. I must tell you, this site is generally wonderful, there is everything about everything that you can do with your own hands. It will be useful for both needlewomen and craftsmen who are interested in repairing or building on their own.

A solution of potassium permanganate is prepared in the following proportion: 3 g per 10 liters of water. If the seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate before sowing, this will not only disinfect them and destroy pathogens, but also provide a starting supply of manganese (which promotes plant growth). As a result, you can get rich and environmentally friendly products.

The seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate (0.5 g per 100 ml of water). Before planting the seeds of any vegetables or flowers, the ground in the box is watered with a special solution: 3-5 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water. This will protect the seedlings of tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, cabbage from the "black leg".

The same solution can also be used to disinfect the soil in the greenhouse. 1 liter of solution is poured into the wells when planting seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables.

Potassium permanganate is extremely effective in controlling pests and diseases of horticultural plants.

You can water and spray house flowers with a solution of manganese. This is the prevention of diseases and a favorable condition for the growth of some plants. Very fond of moderate watering violets. For watering in a glass of water, add a few drops of diluted potassium permanganate. The water should take on a pale pink color.

REMEMBER that excessive (!) Watering of flowers with potassium permanganate can have negative consequences. The walls of the greenhouse outside and the area around it several times per season must be treated with a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate to prevent diseases and the appearance of pests.

To disinfect the soil in greenhouses, it is recommended to pour up to a liter of a solution prepared from 2 g of potassium permanganate and 10 liters of water into the holes intended for planting seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers and other crops.

At the initial stage of the disease of cucumbers with powdery mildew, it is effective to spray plants three times (with an interval of two to three days) with a solution of potassium permanganate (3 g per 10 l of water).

The development of white powdery mildew on young leaves of blackcurrant and gooseberry can be stopped if the bushes are treated with a mixture prepared from 50 g of potassium nitrate and 3 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water.

To protect strawberries from damage by gray rot, the plants and the soil under them are sprayed with a solution of pink potassium permanganate - during the spring growth of leaves, and raspberry - after the appearance of peduncles and when berries are set.

It is important to remember that none of the existing individual plant protection products against diseases is universal and only their complex application will be effective. And for this you need to know the capabilities of each of them, incl. and potassium permanganate.

Spraying with weak potassium permanganate

I. V. Michurin studied the effect of manganese on plant growth in his time: “... in 1924 I came across the following amazing result of watering almond seedlings with a 0.02% (by weight) solution of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) in water ) as a vigorous growth stimulant for the seeds of certain plant species. The result of such watering exceeded all expectations. Here it must first be said that the seedlings of this variety of almonds usually grow in the first year on our soil to a height of 50 cm and within the next five years grow to 180 cm and bear the first fruits only in the sixth year. In this case, the seedlings, among four specimens, grew in the first year to a height of 180 cm and prepared flower buds, and in the second they bloomed and bore fruit. This monstrous leap of growth produced manganese with its influence as a chemical catalyst, which greatly accelerated the process of not only the growth of almonds, but transferred its influence to the second year, expressed in the structure of the seeds of ripened fruits , the wings of which opened even on the branches and the grains sprouted. In addition, a decrease in the size of fruits and leaf blades was noticed, which was probably the result of too fast growth and insufficient extraction of nutrients from the soil.
And although seedlings of pome plant species (apple, pear, quince, mountain ash, etc.) were not affected by watering with the same solution of manganese, nevertheless, the described fact gives us every reason to hope that in the near future we will find suitable compositions to accelerate the growth of other fruit plants. "

potassium permanganate (weak solution) you can spray any plant

There is no need to look for a direct connection between spraying with potassium permanganate and good plant growth. First of all, the plant responds favorably to suitable conditions of detention and appropriate care. I only know about potassium permanganate that it has a weak antifungal (fungicidal) effect, I use it only for pickling flower bulbs before planting or storage, if there is no other fungicide.

Is it possible to water tomatoes with potassium permanganate from late blight and other diseases?

If your region has unstable, rainy climatic conditions, then tomatoes are most exposed to late blight, so of course you can water with potassium permanganate, for this you need to make a weak solution of potassium permanganate, this is a good disease prevention and root dressing.

It is possible, potassium permanganate kills, if not all, then most of the pathogenic bacteria on tomatoes. You can just pour the tomatoes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, but even better - pour and spray all the tomato bushes.

We dilute potassium permanganate with water and make a solution so that it is light crimson in color. With this solution, we spray the tomatoes in the evening, when there is no rain.

Potassium permanganate has a disinfecting effect and everyone knows this property of potassium permanganate. Even before planting, the seeds are kept in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for about half an hour to disinfect the seeds.

And a solution of potassium permanganate as a remedy against phytophthora is an excellent remedy. You can use only pink, but not lilac or purple solution, without additives. Or add a teaspoon of boric acid to this solution.

Late blight of tomatoes- a frequent and formidable disease that can destroy the entire crop. It begins with the appearance of dark spots on the underside of the leaves, then the leaves turn brown, dry, and begin to fall off. Later, such spots appear on the trunk and on the fruits. This fungal disease appears from spores that may be in the ground, on garden tools. Spores are activated with excessive liming of the soil, with high humidity, in the absence of ventilation in dense plantings.

Potassium permanganate is not only a good top dressing for tomatoes, because it contains manganese and potassium, which are necessary for the nutrition of tomatoes, but also an excellent disinfectant for fungal diseases.

If at the beginning of summer it is possible to water plants for feeding with a pale solution of potassium permanganate, then with the onset of low night temperatures in August and the appearance of dew, it is good to carry out preventive spraying with the same solution of leaves, fruits and stems of tomatoes.

This is how late blight disease begins, at first only spots on the leaves

Fortunately, potassium permanganate can be used to spray jatomatas for diseases caused by fungal and bacterial infections. However, do not try to make the solution darker - you can easily burn the leaves! And they turn black and fall off. So apply a weak solution in the evening so that the morning dew will wash off its excess from the plant.

in what proportions to dilute potassium permanganate in water for the treatment of indoor plants?

I'm guided by color - a pink solution, not pale, but not too saturated.
And from what you want to process plants?
Potassium permanganate is suitable only for the prevention of root rot, tubers and bulbs. For example, they cut off something rotten, and the remaining healthy, clean one was immersed in a bath of potassium permanganate for 10 minutes. I saved the hemanthus bulb this way, it helped.
The fact is that it is often advised to use potassium permanganate from flies that are divorced in flowers, or from other insects. This is an erroneous opinion, potassium permanganate does not work on insects! it is necessary to treat the plant and soil with an insecticide.
And why is only potassium permanganate at hand? Is it possible to buy Aktellik or Aktara in the store?
Actara can be sprayed and shed the soil. The plant after such watering becomes poisonous to any sucking insects for about a month. Instructions for Aktara, in pictures, see here:
If flies are divorced in the soil, a good remedy, according to reviews, is Thunder-2. I haven't used it myself, I've never had this happen. Midges appear due to chronic waterlogging of the soil in pots, and I would rather dry it out than flood it. :) Read about mushroom mosquitoes and the fight against them [link blocked by the decision of the project administration]
Actellik acts not only on insects, but also on ticks, this is very valuable, in my opinion. Tick ​​pests are the most common. Until now, if necessary, I sprayed my plants with Actellik, I am very satisfied, it helps for a long time.
There is also Fitoverm, it is less toxic and very weak.
This is all sold in any flower or garden store.

If there is nothing at hand at all, you can mechanically remove the pests by washing the aerial parts with water (first wrap the pot with foil so as not to overmoisten the soil).
If the pests are a mealybug or scale insect, they can be picked from the plant with cotton swabs soaked in pharmaceutical alcohol. Alcohol evaporates quickly and does not have time to burn the surface of the plant, therefore, as a rule, it is not harmful.

1 gram per 10 liters of water.
You can reduce everything in proportion to 2,5,10 times - depending on how much solution you need.

It depends on what pests ... I process only with chemicals. Potassium permanganate is not very effective. And you need to dilute it so that the water turns out to be a pale pink color. Usually watered and sprayed with chemicals.

Potassium permanganate is used either as a fertilizer or in the fight against fungal diseases. It is useless to fight pests with potassium permanganate.

why and when are flowers treated with potassium permanganate?

Yes, you are right, or rather, your girlfriend told you the truth ...
And what was teeming with your girlfriend in a pot --- is called PODUR.
mushroom mosquitoes
The small black adult insects that fly around the plant are harmless. The danger is represented by tiny white with black heads, worm-like larvae that hatch from their eggs. The larvae feed mainly on organic residues in the soil, but sometimes devour the young roots of plants. Especially dangerous, they can be with high soil moisture. Water the soil with an insecticide, or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
The larvae are definitely podura or springtails, but they are easy to remove !!! You can do without chemistry and other radical measures!!! They appear from excessive watering. a large amount is simply washed off, poured into a pot of water and poured out along with the jumpers. then the plants are dried ... and the surface is covered with coarse-grained sand with a clean, dry layer of 2 cm.
You can remove these insects with chemicals ... but I also did this: Remove the top layer of the earth, fill in new dry earth, stick gray matches into the ground and reduce watering.

Potassium permanganate contains elements that promote plant growth - these are manganese and potassium. If the seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate before sowing, this will not only disinfect them, not only destroy pathogens, but also provide a starting supply of manganese. As a result, you can get rich and environmentally friendly products.

Manganese serves as a catalyst for the processes of plant respiration, takes part in the process of photosynthesis. Based on the high redox potential of manganese, it can be assumed that manganese plays the same role for plant cells as iron plays for animals.

Spilling the earth with a weak solution of potassium permanganate is recommended for preventive disinfection of the soil in Saintpaulia, for example, and for removing earthworms that accidentally fell into pots.

Manganese is found in soils at an average of 0.085%. However, in some cases, with a high total content of manganese in soils, the amount of assimilable forms of it, passing into the hydrochloric acid or salt form, may be clearly insufficient. On average, the soluble part of Mn in soil is 1–10% of its total content.

The acid reaction of the soil (at pH below 6.0) favors the assimilation of Mn2+ by plants; a slightly alkaline reaction (pH above 7.5) stimulates the formation of Mn(OH) 2 hydrate, which is difficult for plants to assimilate.
The beneficial effect of manganese on the growth and development of plants is obvious; Thus, I. V. Michurin noted that in hybrid seedlings of almonds, under the influence of manganese, the period of first fruiting is accelerated by 6 years.

An excess of manganese, as well as its deficiency, adversely affects plants.

Galina Russova (Churkina)


Many chemical compounds have entered our everyday life, and we use them widely, without thinking about what benefits they bring. These include potassium permanganate, or potassium permanganate. Everyone knows about its disinfecting properties. A competent gardener uses a solution of potassium permanganate to treat plants.

In the treatment of people, potassium permanganate has not lost its significance in our time. It has not been replaced by modern synthetic materials. A solution of the substance is used for poisoning for gastric lavage, purulent wounds. It disinfects, stops the development of inflammation. For plants, potassium permanganate treatment is also useful if it is skillfully applied.

The discovery of potassium permanganate belongs to the Swedish pharmacist Karl Scheele. In everyday life, potassium permanganate is called potassium permanganate. The scientific name of the substance is potassium permanganate, potassium salt of permanganic acid.

Potassium permanganate is a dark purple crystals, completely soluble in water. Dissolve faster in hot liquid. A solution of potassium permanganate of different shades is obtained, which depends on the concentration of crystals in relation to water. It can be a pinkish solution or dark red with a purple tint. You can dissolve the crystals by dropping them into acetone, liquid ammonia, methanol.

Potassium permanganate is deservedly popular, as it saves a person in case of poisoning, helps plants in the garden and vegetable garden to fight diseases.

Potassium permanganate combines with sulfuric acid to form compounds of potassium and manganese and water. But this can lead to an explosion. The use of potassium permanganate is associated with its oxidizing properties. The solution acts as an astringent, cauterizing agent. The released oxygen is active against pathogenic microorganisms, unpleasant odors. In its pure form, potassium permanganate or a solution of high concentration causes burns.

What is useful potassium permanganate for plants?

For those who care about garden and garden plants, potassium permanganate is always at hand:

  1. The solution is necessary in order to kill fungi, bacteria that can destroy the entire crop. Therefore, disinfection is carried out with a weak solution of potassium permanganate of seeds and tubers before planting them in the ground.
  2. It is necessary to process tools, inventory before starting sowing, gardening.
  3. You can not do without potassium permanganate for those who grow seedlings, vegetables in greenhouses and hotbeds. The walls of the premises are washed with pink water in spring and autumn.
  4. Effectively eliminates potassium permanganate from rot, late blight, powdery mildew, mosaic plant virus during their growing season.
  5. Among the pests that die after treating vegetables with a solution of potassium permanganate, the onion fly,.
  6. As part of the permanganate compound, potassium and manganese are necessary for plants, which are needed to stimulate the production of chlorophyll and ascorbic acid by the green organism. After treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate, the ripening of fruits and berries is accelerated.

A pink solution of potassium permanganate is necessary for the preventive treatment of plants. It benefits them when used correctly. An excess of the substance will be detrimental to plants.

Potassium permanganate as a fertilizer: solution preparation, application

It is necessary to use potassium permanganate as a fertilizer if there is a lack of potassium or manganese in the soil:

  • When spots appear on the surface of the leaves, berry bushes, and the plates curl, then top dressing with potash fertilizers is necessary. With a lack of manganese, yellowing of the part of the leaf between the veins occurs, the death of some sections of the plate. A solution of potassium permanganate will make up for the lack of elements. Treat plants in the spring. Top dressing is prepared by dissolving three grams of crystals of potassium permanganate and boric acid in ten liters of warm water.
  • For garden processing, and add one glass to the prepared bait. Spray berry bushes before the appearance of flower buds. You can also spill the ground under the bushes with the prepared liquid. Such top dressing is suitable for berry bushes grown on sandy soil.
  • For a tomato, take two grams of potassium permanganate per bucket of water. The prepared liquid is poured over tomatoes at the seedling stage, which has reached the age of three weeks. Then the plants are treated in open or closed ground before flowering. For cucumbers, watering with a solution of potassium permanganate will lead to abundant fruiting, since many ovaries will form.

During fertilization, the dosage must be monitored. Exceeding it will lead to burns of plant leaves, to their death.

Most often, summer residents use a weak solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect the soil and seed before sowing:

  • Soaking seeds, tubers, bulbs occurs during the day, if they are dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. A concentrated liquid is prepared by dissolving two grams of crystals in one liter of warm water. In this case, it is necessary to keep the planting material for no more than twenty to thirty minutes. After the procedure, it must be washed and dried.
  • Tubers need to be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for eight to ten hours. After mixing one gram of the substance with five liters of water, planting material is placed there. It is important to carry out the procedure when the presence of the wireworm is noted in the garden, and the potatoes are infected with late blight. The treatment of tubers is carried out not only with a pure solution of potassium permanganate from ten liters of water and five grams of potassium permanganate, but also two grams of copper sulfate are added there. At the same time, "two birds with one stone" are killed: both the tubers are disinfected and the fungal infections of the vegetable are prevented.
  • The soil in the garden is rarely watered with a solution of potassium permanganate. But in greenhouses and greenhouses, before planting vegetables, the soil is treated with hot water with potassium permanganate. A disinfectant solution is made from ten liters of water and two grams of potassium permanganate.

Before watering the soil with potassium permanganate, it is necessary to determine. Use the solution only on lands with a predominance of alkalis. Potassium permanganate will increase the acidity of the soil, so they do not disinfect the soil on acidic lands. If, nevertheless, a solution of potassium permanganate was used, then after the procedure, dolomite flour and slaked lime are introduced into the ground. These substances lower the pH level. Together with the disinfection of the soil and planting material, the components of potassium permanganate saturate them with useful elements.

During a period of high humidity, many vegetables and berry bushes become ill with a fungal infection. And here potassium permanganate comes to the rescue again:

  1. To protect and treat potatoes from late blight, tubers are treated with a liquid before planting, which is prepared from ten liters of water and ten grams of potassium permanganate. Processing will be more successful if two grams of copper sulfate are added to the solution. Tubers soaked in a prophylactic agent will be able to resist pathogenic fungi.
  2. If the disease began to affect potato plantings, they are sprayed with a one percent solution of potassium permanganate, adding a glass of chopped garlic cloves to it. The remedy is insisted for five to six hours, and then potato bushes are treated with it. Similarly, they are fighting late blight of tomatoes.
  3. Cucumbers are often affected by powdery mildew. At the beginning of the appearance of spots on the leaves of the vegetable, the leaves, stems of cucumbers are sprayed, and the soil in the garden is also watered with potassium permanganate. The solution is made more concentrated: three grams of the substance per bucket of water. The procedure is carried out three times with an interval of five days.
  4. Of the fungal pathologies, the black leg affects. From the action of fungi, the stems of a vegetable plant turn black, become slimy, and the cabbage dies. It is necessary to fight the disease by watering the cabbage with a 0.5 percent solution of potassium permanganate. First, a layer of soil of one or two centimeters is removed around the affected plant, replacing it with dry sand or ash.
  5. With gray rot, they also fight with potassium permanganate. If a pinkish solution is used in the spring, then before setting the berries - concentrated, red.
  6. Shrubs, when they are affected by fungal infections, need treatment with a medicinal solution. They prepare it by taking three grams of potassium permanganate crystals and fifty - potassium nitrate on a bucket of warm water. If the disease is noticed on time and the treatment is carried out, then the berry plants will quickly recover.

Potassium permanganate is active against pathogenic microorganisms, so it is used both in the prevention and treatment of infections in garden and garden plants.

A lover of root crops: potatoes, carrots, beets - the wireworm is the larva of the click beetle. A thin, hard to the touch yellow worm develops in the ground. Damaged vegetables in the summer, he stays over the winter to continue his activities next year. In addition to observing the rules of agricultural technology, pest control includes processing the plant by watering the earth with a solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, it is enough to dilute five grams of the substance in ten liters of water.

You can also get rid of onion and cabbage flies by spraying with potassium permanganate. If the earth is not spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate in time in the spring, then the pest larvae will become active and destroy the vegetable crop. It is also useful to soak the seeds of cabbage, onions before planting for half an hour in potassium permanganate of low concentration.

In addition to potassium permanganate, traps with creolin, tobacco, and naphthalene are prepared to scare away the pest. All together the measures taken will allow to destroy the pests of the garden and vegetable garden.

More information can be found in the video: