How to dilute furatsilin: instructions for use when gargling. Medicines Useful video: preparing a solution of furatsilin

Furacilin is a local antiseptic drug. The product is time-tested and does not cause any complaints from experienced medical specialists; it is used to treat various infectious and bacterial diseases of the throat, as well as for skin damage.

In contact with

Properties and action

This drug is capable of inhibiting bacteria, both gram-negative and gram-positive. Once on the shell of the pathogen, it completely dissolves it.

In addition, furatsilin has other useful properties, for example, activation of the production of antibodies to the source of the disease, which may be located in the deep tissues.

Due to this, bacteria have virtually no chance to survive.

Most often, furatsilin is used for sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis for gargling, or to treat wounds for burns and cuts.

However, if you look at the instructions for the drug, you can be sure that the spectrum of its pharmacological action is much wider. This medicine can be used in the fight against various microbes: Trichomonas, salmonella, dysentery and E. coli, Vibrio cholerae, staphylococci, paratyphoid and gas gangrene pathogens. This drug is also often prescribed for conjunctivitis and empyema of the paranasal sinuses.

Most often, furatsilin is found in tablets, each of which contains 20 mg of active substance – nitrofural, as well as sodium chloride. In pharmacies, the drug is sold in standard packages containing 10 units. If you need furatsilin for gargling, you can safely purchase it in tablet form; how to dilute it will be discussed below.

A ready-made solution of the drug is also available for sale, similar in composition to tablets and diluted with water for injection. Furacilin in liquid form is easy to use, but has a shorter shelf life. In addition, it is more rational to take pills on a trip.

Instructions for use

Since those who are planning to use furatsilin to gargle or treat a wound, most often have questions related to the drug in tablets, so let's start with this information.

There are two options for furatsilin solution - water and alcohol. Both can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently, observing the required proportions.

Alcohol is not used for rinsing, but for instillation into the ear for otitis media.

You need to purchase it from trusted pharmacies; you cannot replace this component with analogues. It is advisable to use distilled water; it can also be purchased at pharmacies.

However, the use of ordinary boiled water is not prohibited; it is much more profitable.

If it is indicated on the package, then you just need to dip the tablet into the liquid, it will dissolve almost immediately.

In the case of ordinary furatsilin, you must first crush it in a mortar or using a tablespoon.

Important! Self-treatment can lead to a worsening of the condition, so any drug should be prescribed to a patient exclusively by a doctor. Furacilin is no exception to this rule.

You You should get a yellow liquid. After waiting for the solution to cool a little (but not too cold), you can gargle with furatsilin.


Now let’s talk about how many furatsilin tablets per glass of water are needed, because it is the aqueous solution that is used most often. The dosage does not depend on the patient’s age, so the recommendations for children and adults will be general.

According to the instructions for the drug, you need to dissolve 1 tablet in 100 ml of water, respectively, you will need two per glass. If you need a different amount of solution, calculate the proportions yourself. For example, for 150 ml - one and a half tablets, for 300 ml - three.

As for the alcohol solution, the concentration here is completely different - one tablet should be dissolved in 33 ml of liquid.

If necessary, the dose of components can be increased proportionally.

As a rule, information on how often to use the drug is given by your doctor; you must follow his recommendations.

Usually up to 5 procedures per day are prescribed (every 3–4 hours).

This is justified by the fact that despite the 6-hour duration of action of the drug, its concentration in the oral cavity and pharynx gradually decreases due to salivation. For the same reason, the patient should not drink or eat food for two hours after rinsing.

How to gargle

So, the solution is ready, you can proceed directly to the procedure.

  • take a small amount of the product into your mouth;
  • tilt your head back, but not too much so as not to choke;
  • there is no need to swallow the solution, but so that it penetrates deeper to the source of infection, pronounce the letter “Y”;
  • spit out the remaining product, then repeat all steps of the procedure.

The solution should be fresh and warm, so if you prepared liquid furatsilin yourself, use it immediately.

Many parents wonder how often this procedure should be done for their children and whether they can even gargle with furatsilin. Experts assure that this drug is safe for children, but it is important to know that:

  • Gargling is contraindicated for children under three years of age.
  • This procedure should be performed on young patients under the watchful supervision of an adult.
  • If a child has intolerance to the components of the drug, another treatment should be selected.

Thus, furatsilin itself has no age-related contraindications, however, the instructions for use contain warnings for such a procedure as gargling for children.

Furacilin for various diseases

The drug, as mentioned earlier, helps to cope with various bacterial and infectious diseases. Let's consider those for which this medicine is prescribed most often.

Furacilin for sore throat and tonsillitis

Let’s combine these two diseases into one section, since they are essentially the same thing. Tonsillitis is a disease associated with infection of the tonsils, most often palatal.

It can occur in acute or chronic form, the symptoms are different.

The acute form is, in fact, a sore throat.

With this disease, the tonsils (most often palatine) suffer, being affected by various microorganisms. The patient feels a severe sore throat, weakness, and his body temperature rises.

When examined by a doctor, other symptoms are discovered.

Furacilin for tonsillitis, if the disease is acute, may require much larger quantities than, for example, with pharyngitis or laryngitis. To alleviate the patient’s condition in the shortest possible time, you need to gargle very often, every hour, taking breaks only at night.

The chronic form of tonsillitis is sluggish, and if the temperature rises, it is intermittent and not too high. However, the patient may complain of insomnia, headaches, throat discomfort and bad breath. Most often, chronic tonsillitis occurs as a result of untreated sore throat, so it is extremely important to follow everything that the doctor prescribed. To avoid even greater complications, gargling with furatsilin should be regular, at least 5 times a day.

For pharyngitis

A diagnosis such as pharyngitis is made when the lymphoid and mucous tissue of the pharynx becomes inflamed. The disease most often has a viral nature, accompanying ARVI.

In therapeutic and pediatric practice, cases of bacterial pharyngitis are also recorded, which can be caused by various pathogens: streptococci, chlamydia, mycoplasma, neisseria.

The symptoms that the patient himself can notice are the same as for tonsillitis; the final diagnosis is made by the doctor during the examination.

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that furatsilin is not effective for pharyngitis. This statement is erroneous, because having an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, this drug helps to cope with the disease much faster.

When rinsing, purulent discharge and mucus are removed, and the infection stops spreading. Another thing is that In the case of diseases of the larynx, furatsilin alone is not enough, the procedure is only auxiliary to the main treatment; in most cases, antibiotic therapy is required.

Important! Treatment with furatsilin gives good results provided that the procedures are carried out regularly.

Useful video: preparing a solution of furatsilin


In this article, we looked at how to use the antiseptic drug furatsilin, much attention was paid to the instructions for using the solution for gargling. Although the medicine has practically no contraindications, it should be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician and in compliance with the relevant rules.

In contact with

Recipe (international)

Rp.: Sol. Furacilini 1:5000 - 250 ml
D.S. Rinsing.

Rp:Solutionis Furacilini (1:5000 ml) - 500ml
D.S. For washing purulent wounds

pharmachologic effect

An antimicrobial agent has a mechanism of action that is different from other chemotherapeutic drugs: microbial flavoproteins, reducing the 5-nitro group, form highly reactive amino derivatives that can cause conformational changes in proteins (including ribosomal ones) and other macromolecules, leading to cell death.

The active ingredient Furacilin is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Shigella dysenteria spp., Shigella flexneri spp., Shigella boydii spp., Shigella sonnei spp., Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella spp., etc. .).

Resistance develops slowly and does not reach a high degree. Increases the activity of the RES, enhances phagocytosis.

Mode of application

For adults: Locally, externally.
Externally, in the form of aqueous 0.02% (1:5000) or alcoholic 0.066% (1:1500) solutions of Furacilin, irrigate the wounds and apply wet bandages.

Intracavitary (aqueous solution): for sinusitis, wash the maxillary cavity; osteomyelitis after surgery - washing the cavity followed by applying a wet bandage; pleural empyema - after removing the pus, the pleural cavity is washed and 20-100 ml of an aqueous solution is administered.

To prepare an aqueous solution, 1 part of Furacilin is dissolved in 5000 parts of a 0.9% NaCl solution or distilled water. The solution is sterilized at 100 degrees C for 30 minutes.

The alcohol solution is prepared in 70% ethanol.

For the treatment of burns and frostbite of the I-II degree, superficial wounds of the skin and mucous membranes with Furacilin, a gel or ointment is used, which is applied to the damaged areas for 2-3 days.

To rinse the paranasal sinuses, the paste is diluted with sterile water in a 1:1 ratio. The same dilution can be used to rinse the urethra and bladder with an exposure time of 20 minutes.

For otitis media, an alcohol solution heated to body temperature is instilled daily, 5-6 drops into the external auditory canal.

Blepharitis, conjunctivitis - instillation of an aqueous solution into the conjunctival sac, lubricating the edges of the eyelids with 0.02% ointment.

Mouth and throat rinse - 20 mg (1 tablet of Furacilin) ​​dissolved in 100 ml of water.


Purulent wounds


Burns of II and III degrees


Empyema of the pleura

Anaerobic infection of the wound surface

Furuncle of the external auditory canal

Empyema of the paranasal sinuses.


Allergic dermatoses
- hypersensitivity to nitrofural and other nitrofuran derivatives.

Side effects

Possible: local allergic reactions, dermatitis.

Release form

Tab. d/prep. solution for local approx. 20 mg: 10, 20, 2000 or 4000 pcs.

Tablets 1 tab.

nitrofural 20 mg

10 pieces. - cellless contour packages (1) - cardboard packs.

10 pieces. - cellless contour packages (2) - cardboard packs.

10 pieces. - cellless contour packages (200) - cardboard packs.

10 pieces. - cellless contour packages (400) - cardboard packs.

10 pieces. - contour cellular packaging (1) - cardboard packs.

10 pieces. - contour cell packaging (2) - cardboard packs.

10 pieces. - contour cell packaging (200) - cardboard packs.

10 pieces. - contour cell packaging (400) - cardboard packs.


The information on the page you are viewing is created for informational purposes only and does not in any way promote self-medication. The resource is intended to provide healthcare workers with additional information about certain medications, thereby increasing their level of professionalism. The use of the drug "" necessarily requires consultation with a specialist, as well as his recommendations on the method of use and dosage of the medicine you have chosen.

How is Furacilin used - perhaps the most famous drug that everyone has heard something about? Furacilin is intended for external and local use, it is characterized by a pronounced antimicrobial effect and the slow development of resistance to it from pathogens of pathological processes.

Active substance, release form and pharmacological action of furatsilin

The main active ingredient of furatsilin is nitrofural, which “gave” the drug a pronounced antimicrobial effect. It is this substance that has a detrimental effect on the membrane of cells that cause pathological processes, and it can thus affect both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Furacilin is used in almost all branches of medicine - both in surgery and dentistry. It is interesting that the drug in question can withstand even long-term use - the active substance nitrofural practically does not cause addiction from pathogenic microorganisms, but even if this happens, a high degree of resistance will still not be achieved.

The drug in question is produced in a variety of pharmacological forms - tablets for preparing a solution, aerosol, ointment, alcohol solution, but all for external use only.

Indications/contraindications for the use of furatsilin

In general, the drug in question is used in medical practice very often - it is used to wash wounds, treat them, and even treat them. Therefore, to identify a specific area of ​​application of furatsilin impossible, experts only highlight several areas:

Note:Furacilin is used only externally and locally - it is strictly forbidden to swallow it, rinse the stomach with it, or cleanse the intestines.

Some people have increased sensitivity or individual intolerance, and even minor washing of a scratch with this drug can cause an allergic reaction - rashes, redness, itching of the skin. Therefore, if you are hypersensitive to furatsilin, its use is prohibited, even if it is extremely necessary - doctors will look for a replacement. In addition, furatsilin is contraindicated in cases of allergies and bleeding wounds - such injuries are treated with hydrogen peroxide.

How is furatsilin used?

Solutions (water, alcohol) of the drug in question are used to irrigate the wound surface and apply a bandage to it.

If there is a need to rinse the cavity, then use only furatsilin in the form of an aqueous solution:

  • The sinuses are washed when they are inflamed - for example, this procedure is often used for;
  • after surgery for osteomyelitis, the resulting cavity is washed, in case of a complicated course of the postoperative period, a wet bandage is applied;
  • empyema of the pleura - the pleural cavity is washed, then about 50 ml of an aqueous solution of furatsilin is injected into it, but these procedures are performed only after all the pus has been removed.

When treatment of burn wounds and frostbite areas use furatsilin ointment or gel, which is applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day in a thin layer. Furacilin in this pharmacological form is successfully used to treat any wounds of the skin and mucous membranes, but only of a superficial nature.

If it is needed rinse the nasal cavities, or undergoing treatment for an infection of the urethra or bladder, which involves washing these parts of the human urinary system, this is done with a solution for the preparation of which sterile water and furatsilin paste are used in equal proportions. Otitis media involves instilling an alcohol solution of the drug in question into the sore ear in a dose of 2 drops 3 times a day.

Inflammatory eye diseases(blepharitis and/or conjunctivitis) – furatsilin ointment is prescribed for treating the eyelids; an aqueous solution of furatsilin can also be used to wash the eye and conjunctival sac.

For sore throat and diseases of the soft tissues of the oral cavity it is necessary to carry out regular rinsing, for which furatsilin is used in the form of an aqueous solution. This solution is prepared not only by pharmacy pharmacists and pharmacists, but also independently “in the kitchen” - you just need dissolve 1 tablet of the drug in question in 100 ml of warm water.

Furacilin is well tolerated by patients; side effects may rarely occur - for example, signs may appear on the skin. And one more important point - the drug in question can be used with other medications, and with any, since no significant drug interactions have been identified.

The tablets contain 20 mg nitrofural and 0.8 g sodium chloride .

The composition of the Furacilin solution (INN: Nitrofural) includes nitrofural and distilled water (or isotonic NaCl solution) in a ratio of 1:5000.

The alcohol solution contains 70% ethanol as an auxiliary component. The active substance and ethanol are contained in a ratio of 1:1500.

Composition of the ointment: nitrofural (0.002 g) and soft white paraffin in the volume required to obtain 25 g of ointment.

Trituration (suspension) 0.2% furatsilin ointment can be prepared by grinding 200 mg of furatsilin in a mortar with 5 drops of petroleum jelly. After this, the mixture is combined with (the latter is taken in the volume required to obtain 100 g of ointment).

Furacilin is also included in a number of combination medications.

For example, complex drops with Furacilin are used to treat a prolonged runny nose, an antiseptic sponge with and furatsilin - as a disinfectant for infectious lesions of bones and soft tissues (as well as for the prevention of purulent complications after bone surgery).

Release form

  • Tablets for the preparation of a solution for topical use 20 mg (packaging No. 10 and No. 20).
  • Tablets for local use and oral administration 100 mg (packaging No. 12, No. 24 and No. 30).
  • Ointment 0.2% for local/external use (25 g in dark glass jars).
  • Paste for external use (packaged in 1 and 2 kg).
  • Solution 0.02% for topical/external use (100 ml in glass bottles).
  • Alcohol solution 0.067% for local/external use (10 and 25 ml in dark glass bottles).

Certified reference material nitrofural complies with the suitability requirements and ISO requirements of the Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine, Russian Federation, USA, Great Britain, as well as the European Pharmacopoeia.

pharmachologic effect


Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

What is nitrofural?

Substance nitrofural is a derivative of nitrofuran, which is a yellow or yellow with a greenish tint, bitter-tasting fine-crystalline powder.

The powder is almost insoluble in ether, slightly soluble in ethanol and water, but easily soluble in alkali solutions.

The gross formula of nitrofural is C6H6N4O4.

Wikipedia states that one of the properties of nitrofuran compounds is photosensitivity. Therefore, the diluted solution should not be exposed to daylight. UV rays are especially destructive for furatsilin solutions, which deeply and irreversibly damage the molecule nitrofural .


Properties nitrofurans are caused by the presence in their molecule of an aromatic nitro group, which is similar to that present in the molecule (chloramphenicol ).

Mechanism of action nitrofural different from the mechanism of action of other chemotherapeutic drugs: under the influence nitrofural highly reactive amino derivatives are formed from microbial cell proteins (flavproteins), which have the ability to change the conformation of macromolecules (including ribosomal proteins).

As a result, the tertiary and quaternary structure of the protein is deformed, the course of metabolic processes in the microbial cell is disrupted, and the cell dies.

The substance increases the absorption capacity of the macrophage (reticuloendothelial) system and helps to strengthen phagocytosis .

Nitrofural effective against Gram (+) and Gram (-) bacteria, as well as against some protozoa and viruses. Sensitive to the drug are: Shigella (Sh. dysenteriae, flexneri, boydii, sonnei), Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci, salmonella, clostridium perfringens.

Resistance to nitrofural develops slowly, but it does not reach a high degree. The drug is effective against pathogen resistance in other antimicrobial drugs (which are not derivatives nitrofuran ).

However, in hospitals there are strains of microorganisms completely resistant to nitrofural.


For external and local use nitrofural absorbed in very small quantities. The substance penetrates histiocytic barriers and is evenly distributed in physiological fluids and tissues of the body.

Metabolized nitrofural mainly by reducing the nitro group. Metabolic products are excreted by the kidneys; in addition, they are partially excreted in bile.

Indications for use of Furacilin

What is nitrofural used for?

Nitrofural - This antimicrobial agent , used to prevent the process of decomposition on the surface of open wounds, for washing cavities, as well as for the treatment of microbial lesions of the ENT organs and eyes.

Indications for use of Furacilin:

  • fresh and complicated by pyogenic infection (purulent) wounds;
  • bedsores ;
  • 2nd and 3rd degree burns;
  • minor damage to the skin (cracks, abrasions, cuts, etc.);
  • inflammation of the outer membrane of the eye or the ciliary edge of the eyelids;
  • purulent inflammation of the glands (sulfur or sebaceous) and hair follicles of the external auditory canal;
  • acute otitis media (middle or outer);
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity ( gingivitis , stomatitis );
  • purulent-inflammatory lesions of the pleural and articular cavities.

In addition, the drug is used to treat the granulating surface before the skin grafting procedure.

20 mg tablets are used to prepare solutions (aqueous or alcoholic). The use of Furacilin tablets is indicated for bedsores , purulent wounds , ulcerative lesions , osteomyelitis , burns (2nd and 3rd degree), anaerobic infection , chronic purulent otitis media , purulent pleurisy .

Furacilin: what does an aqueous solution help with and when is an alcohol solution prescribed?

The aqueous solution is intended for:

  • disinfection of cavities during , purulent pleurisy and after operations on bones (for example, with osteomyelitis );
  • washing the urethra and bladder;
  • rinsing the mouth and throat when caused by sensitive nitrofural flora infections;
  • washing eyes with or blepharitis .

The use of Furacilin solution (alcohol) is indicated for inflammation of the middle ear .

What is Furacilin 100 mg tablets for?

Tablets 100 mg are prescribed to be taken orally:

  • for acute bacterial ;
  • to eliminate bacteriological contamination remaining in patients who have suffered acute dysentery.

Indications for use of ointment

The ointment is used to treat frostbitten and burned areas of the body, superficial injuries to the mucous membranes and skin, and to treat the edges of the eyelids.


The use of Furacilin is contraindicated in case of intolerance nitrofural or auxiliary components of the drug, dermatoses and pathological conditions accompanied by bleeding.

Side effects

With external use of Furacilin, it is possible and hypersensitivity reactions.

In some cases, inflammatory skin lesions are a reason for temporary cessation of treatment, while in others it is a reason for complete discontinuation of the drug.

Instructions for use of Furacilin

How to make a solution from Furacilin tablets?

The drug in tablet form (20 mg tablets, for example, Furacilin-LekT) is intended exclusively for external use.

How to dilute Furacilin tablets depends on the indications for use. For example, the requirements for preparing a solution for rinsing the mouth are somewhat different from the requirements for preparing a solution for washing the eyes of a child.

To prepare a solution from tablets nitrofural and the solvent (distilled water or isotonic NaCl solution) is taken in a ratio of 1:5000.

To prepare an alcohol solution, you must use 70% ethanol instead of a solvent.

The use of a solution for treating wound surfaces and washing cavities

Only a sterile solution of Furacilin can be used to wash wounds. That is, if the medicine is prepared at home, it is boiled for 30 minutes and used from the same container in which it was prepared.

The wound should be treated with a weak stream of cooled solution.

The drug can also be used when dressing wounds as a means of soaking dried dressings.

At purulent pleurisy a sterile aqueous solution is injected 20-100 ml into the pleural cavity after purulent exudate has been removed from it.

At osteomyelitis after surgery, the cavity is washed with Furacilin, and then a wet bandage is applied.

In preparation for skin graft surgery, the drug is used to irrigate the affected areas of the skin, and then cover the wound surface with a damp bandage.

Instructions for use of Furacilin tablets

At acute bacterial dysentery tablets are taken 4 times a day. (after eating) one at a time. According to this scheme, Furacilin is drunk for 5-6 days, then take a four-day break and repeat the course.

To eliminate bacteriological contamination, which, despite treatment with vitamin and diet therapy, persists in patients who have undergone acute dysentery , tablets are taken one at a time from 4 to 5 times a day. Treatment usually lasts from 5 to 8 days.

Furacilin ointment: instructions for use

The ointment is intended for the treatment of superficial wounds, burns and frostbite of 2-3 degrees. The drug is applied to the wound in a thin layer from one to three times a day so that a single dose does not exceed 0.1, and a daily dose does not exceed 0.5 g.

Furacilin ointment should be used for 2-3 days.

The ointment can also be used to inhibit bacterial activity on the surface of the eyelids when simple blepharitis . The medicine should be applied to the ciliary area of ​​the eyelids 2 times a day.

Is it possible to gargle with Furacilin?

Gargling with Furacilin is a good help with And tonsillitis . The drug, of course, does not replace antibiotic therapy and other therapeutic measures, but it can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition and speed up recovery.

This is due to the fact that regular rinsing with sore throat contribute to the washing out of pathogenic microflora and pus. In addition, acting like Furacilin, it stops the growth and reproduction of bacteria.

An aqueous solution of Furacilin for gargling can be used for any type of disease, regardless of which microorganism is its causative agent.

An important property of the drug is that when applied topically, it is practically not absorbed into the body, so it can be used even in small children (provided that they can gargle on their own) and in pregnant women.

How to dilute Furacilin for gargling and how to gargle correctly for a sore throat?

Furacilin at sore throat used in the form of a solution, for the preparation of which one crushed tablet of the drug (20 mg) is poured with half a glass (100 ml) of boiling distilled water. To enhance the therapeutic effect, when it has cooled, add 2 teaspoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the medicine.

Gargling with Furacilin when sore throat do for 3-5 minutes, using half a glass of solution for each procedure (the temperature of the liquid should be close to body temperature).

Before gargling with Furacilin, you can gargle with a soda solution. This will remove accumulated mucus and increase the effectiveness of Furacilin treatment.

You can use gargling tablets up to 10 times a day.

There is no fundamental difference between how to dilute Furacilin for gargling for an adult and a child. It should be remembered that even a child who knows how to gargle independently must perform this procedure under the supervision of an adult.

There is also a way to gargle with Furacilin for a child who cannot yet do this himself. In order to remove plaque and bacteria from the throat, the child needs to be tilted over the bathtub and the sore throat should be rinsed with a solution using a syringe.

How to prepare Furacilin solution for the treatment of otitis media?

Inflammation of the middle ear treated with an alcohol solution, which is prepared on the basis of 70% ethanol.

To make the medicine at home, three tablets of the drug are ground into powder and poured with half a glass (100 ml) of ethyl alcohol. Before use, the solution should be infused for 2-3 hours.

According to the instructions for use, an alcohol solution of Furacilin should be injected into the ear canal, after preheating the medicine to body temperature. Single dose - 5-6 drops.

Is it possible to rinse your nose with Furacilin?

Furacilin is often used to rinse the nose. The benefit of a nasal shower is that it allows you to remove pathological secretions, dust, waste products of pathogenic bacteria and allergens from the surface of the mucous membrane.

After this procedure, inflammation of the nasal mucosa decreases, the function of ciliated epithelial cells and the tone of the nasal capillaries improves, the movement of mucus increases and, as a result, the body’s ability to resist infections increases.

The use of the drug is advisable as an adjuvant for front And sinusitis .

For rinsing the nose with Furacilin when sinusitis You can use an aqueous solution (pharmacy or homemade) or a paste, which is diluted in a 1:1 ratio with sterile water before use.

It is necessary to ensure that the nasal shower is performed correctly, since improperly done rinsing can cause germs to enter the Eustachian tubes and sinuses.

It is best to use a device designed specifically for this purpose when rinsing the nose, but you can replace it with a small teapot.

A solution heated to room temperature is taken into a container, then they bend over the sink and slowly pour the liquid first into one and then into the second nasal passage. After completing the nasal shower procedure, the remaining solution should be blown out.

To prevent the course of the disease from worsening, in the cold season you should not go outside for 2 hours, and in the warm season - for 30 minutes after washing the nasal cavity.

Nasal douche is contraindicated when acute otitis media , obstruction of the nasal passages, a tendency to nosebleeds, the presence of tumors in the nasal cavity.

How to dilute nasal rinse tablets?

To prepare the medicine for rinsing the nasal cavity, take 5 tablets per liter or 1 tablet per glass of water.

For a prolonged runny nose, when other remedies are ineffective, ENT doctors recommend the use of complex drops in which antiseptic Furacilin is used as a base.

The composition of the components is selected by the doctor individually depending on the clinical manifestations of the disease, age and characteristics of the patient’s body.

At purulent runny nose at stage 1, drops are often used, which include a solution of Furacilin (1 tablet per 200 ml of boiling water), (baby) and vegetable oil (peach, olive or sea buckthorn). All ingredients are taken in equal proportions.

As an alternative to this remedy, you can use special Furacilin-adrenaline drops , which are sold in prescription departments of pharmacies. Adults adrenaline drops contain only the components indicated in the name; in children's ones, oil is added to soften them.

At stage 2 of a runny nose, you can simply instill your nose with Furacilin and oil, which should be present in this mixture in equal proportions. Instead of oil, a drug is sometimes used .

An aqueous solution of the drug is drawn into a syringe, and the edges of the vulva are lubricated with Vaseline. After this, the pre-disinfected tip of the syringe is placed into the vagina to a depth of 5 cm and the solution is slowly injected. Treatment is continued for no more than 4 days in a row.

Douching can also be done with a solution containing 1 teaspoon of Furacilin powder, 0.5 liters of water and 1 tbsp. spoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide.

It should be remembered that such treatment can only temporarily eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but does not eliminate its cause. To completely get rid of thrush, complex treatment is required using antifungal agents .

Furacilin for acne

To treat problem skin, the solution can be used in two ways: in its pure form or in combination with tooth powder and calendula tincture.

In the first case, Furacilin is used instead of a tonic to wipe the skin after each wash. When wiping your face, you should especially linger on the affected areas of the skin.

To prepare furatsilin ointment for acne, take 1 part of the solution (Furacilin tablet in a glass of water), 1 part of calendula tincture and 1 part of tooth powder. All components are mixed and applied pointwise to inflamed areas on the face.

The duration of exposure is 15 minutes. After this time, you need to wash your face.

What happens if you drink a solution or swallow a tablet?

Swallowing a small amount of the solution when gargling does not pose any health risk.

Also, do not worry if you accidentally took 1-2 tablets of the drug. There are situations when they are prescribed to be taken orally, therefore, in the absence of clinical manifestations of poisoning, this is also not scary.

If the dose taken significantly exceeds the recommended one, you should induce vomiting, rinse the stomach with the suspension and call a doctor. You should also give the victim an isotonic solution of sodium sulfate to drink.

The most likely side effects of oral Furacilin are nausea, weakness, and vomiting. In case of severe overdose, dyspeptic disorders, impaired synthesis, dysbacteriosis , hepatitis , jades , polyneuropathy And peripheral neuritis .


An overdose may result in increased severity of side effects.


Negative drug interactions have not been described.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Sample recipe in Latin:
Rp.: Sol. Furacilini 1:5000 – 250 ml
D.S. Rinsing.

Storage conditions

Store at temperatures up to 25°C. The solution must be protected from exposure to daylight and ultraviolet rays.

Best before date

Tablets for external use - five years. Tablets for oral administration - four years. Alcohol solution and ointment - two years.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

Synonyms: Furacilin-LekT , Furacilin AVEXIMA , Lifusol , Furaplast .

Furacilin for newborns

Furacilin is one of the most commonly used drugs for conjunctivitis in children.

If there is discharge from the eyes, the eye solution for newborns can be used from the first days of life.

How to dilute Furacilin to wash the eyes of a baby?

To prepare a solution for treating the eyes of newborn children, 1 tablet of the drug is dissolved in a quarter liter of boiling water. The medicine is used for the child's daily morning toilet.

How to wash a newborn's eyes?

The procedure is carried out as follows: a cotton pad is moistened in a solution at room temperature, squeezed lightly, and then wiped over the child’s eye in the direction from the inner corner to the outer. You should take a separate cotton pad for each eye.

If the amount of discharge does not decrease after a day or two, you should consult your doctor.

Furacilin during pregnancy

Feature nitrofural is that when applied externally/locally it does not enter the bloodstream. This property allows the drug to be used during pregnancy, when most other drugs are contraindicated.

Rinsing with Furacilin during pregnancy is indicated for inflammatory diseases And bacterial infections of the mouth and throat , and also when sinusitis And front .

In addition, an aqueous solution can be used for washing and douching when vaginal , and ointment and paste - for the treatment of minor injuries to the skin and mucous membranes.

Despite the fact that the drug, when used externally, does not harm the body of the expectant mother and her child, it is still necessary to use it for its intended purpose and in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.

In addition, when gargling during pregnancy, you should avoid swallowing the medicine.





International nonproprietary name


Dosage form

Tablets, 0.02 g


One tablet contains

active substance: furatsilin 0.02 g

excipient- sodium chloride


Tablets of yellow or greenish-yellow color with a slightly uneven surface color, with a score, with a height of (3.8 ± 0.2) mm, a diameter of (12 ± 0.2) mm.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Antiseptics and disinfectants. Furan derivatives.


Pharmacological properties


Easily passes through histohematic barriers and is evenly distributed in fluids and tissues. The main way of turning into

the body is the restoration of the nitro group. It is excreted by the kidneys and partially with bile into the intestinal lumen. Maximum concentration in urine is achieved 6 hours after administration.


Antimicrobial agent from the group of nitrofuran derivatives. It has a bacteriostatic effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, Proteus, salmonella, Escherichia), as well as Trichomonas and Giardia.

Microorganisms resistant to antibiotics and sulfonamides are sensitive to Furacilin. Resistance to Furacilin develops slowly and does not reach a high degree.

Indications for use

Minor skin damage (including abrasions, scratches, cracks, cuts), purulent wounds, bedsores, ulcers

Burns of II and III degrees

Blepharitis, conjunctivitis

Furunculosis of the external auditory canal, acute external and otitis media

Purulent-inflammatory processes of the paranasal sinuses

Empyema of the pleura (washing the cavities)


Sore throat, stomatitis, gingivitis

Directions for use and doses

Furacilin is used externally in the form of an aqueous 0.02% (1:5000) solution and an alcoholic 0.066% (1:1500) solution.

- for purulent wounds, bedsores and ulcers, burns of II and III degrees, to prepare the granulating surface for skin grafts and for the secondary suture, irrigate the wound with an aqueous solution of furatsilin and apply wet bandages

- for osteomyelitis after the operation, the cavity is washed with an aqueous solution of furatsilin and a wet bandage is applied;

- with pleural empyema the pus is sucked out and the pleural cavity is washed, followed by the introduction of 20 - 100 ml of an aqueous solution of furatsilin into the cavity

- for chronic purulent otitis, boils of the external auditory canal and empyema of the paranasal sinuses an alcohol solution of furatsilin is used in the form of drops

- for washing the maxillary (maxillary) and other paranasal sinuses use an aqueous solution of furatsilin

- for conjunctivitis and scrofulous eye diseases an aqueous solution of furatsilin is instilled into the conjunctival sac

- for sore throats and stomatitis Prescribe rinsing with an aqueous solution of the drug.

Side effects

In some cases



Increased individual sensitivity (idiosyncrasy)

Chronic allergic dermatosis

Drug interactions

Not installed

special instructions

To prepare an aqueous solution, 1 part of furatsilin is dissolved in 5000 parts of isotonic sodium chloride solution or purified water. Boiling or hot water is recommended for faster dissolution. An alcohol solution of furatsilin is prepared in 70% alcohol.


Safety and effectiveness in children have not been established.

Pregnancy and lactation

There is no data on adverse effects during pregnancy and lactation.

Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive a vehicle or potentially dangerous mechanisms

There is no evidence of adverse effects on the ability to drive a vehicle or operate potentially dangerous machinery.


Not identified

Release form and packaging

Tablets of 0.02 g No. 10 in contour-free packaging made of paper with a polymer coating along with instructions for use.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 30 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children!

Shelf life

Do not use after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies