How to push a stroller down stairs and lift a stroller up steps. Wheelchair for moving up stairs Climbing stairs for a disabled person in a wheelchair

An accessible environment is not a result, but a process. It is impossible to do this and that, replace all the stairs with elevators, for example, and proudly declare that that’s it, the accessible environment is ready.

For a person on crutches, the most ordinary staircase is already a challenge, a rampart, Everest.

The staircase itself is a very, very inaccessible environment. For wheelchair users - a little more than completely, and for a person with a stick - a little easier. But it is still a dangerous and difficult environment, not an accessible one.

It is possible and very advisable to follow a few simple rules that will greatly facilitate the life of a person who is still forced to climb stairs with a crutch. They will make his life much easier, but following these rules will not even force you to leave your “comfort zone.”

And this is correct, because we do not need to sacrifice ourselves for each other, but live together. And it is desirable to live well.

A little physics

What do you think is more difficult for a person on crutches: climbing stairs or going down them? The correct answer is to go down. Why is that? Let's figure it out.

Let someone stand on one leg and we'll all watch. Let's take a close look at this very leg. Do you see how joints and muscles work? Everything to keep the body from falling. And so on with every step. Walking forward, we essentially fall forward, but we manage to put our foot in to prevent the fall. And this is where there are big problems with crutches. If only because there are no joints or muscles in the crutch itself, it reacts only to the movement of the hand, and this is not always easy.

We fall both when we go up the stairs and when we go down them. The difference is that when climbing, firstly, we insure ourselves, usually by intercepting the railing just above ourselves, and, secondly, there is nowhere in particular to fall. Not scary. But going down is scary. And this creates additional tension in the muscles, which are already working at the limit of strength. Therefore, going down is always more difficult.

So, what should and should not be done if you find yourself on the same stairs as a person on crutches? I'll start with what to do

No need

      1. You should not try to grab a person’s arm or take away crutches or a stick without explicit permission or request. Even if it seems to you that he is about to fall. If you really fall, grab him by the collar, put your shoulder on him, grab him around the waist. But not by hands or crutches. Remember that these are the legs at the moment. You wouldn't try to grab someone's legs to keep them from falling, would you?

    1. You should not follow a person with a crutch if you have the opportunity to overtake him. Such people are usually quite worried about the real and imaginary inconveniences that they cause to others. And if you slowly (how else?) follow him up the stairs, then a real “traffic jam” will arise, the person will get nervous and it will only be more difficult for him.

    1. There is no need to block the railing or the path to the railing. Of course, you can go up or down without railings, but with them it is much safer. Railings in our unpredictable world are on the right, and on the left, and in the middle. Be patient, even if he is walking on the railing against the flow. It is possible that he cannot do otherwise.
    2. When overtaking a person with a crutch, there is no need to try to slip between him and a column encountered on the way, for example. This is very important for the metro at some crossings. The point here is this. Most difficult walkers very quickly develop the habit of discrete movement. Does everyone remember this term? Intermittent, yes. The route is laid out in pieces: from a fence to the edge of the sidewalk, from a crooked tree to a large puddle, from “tiles in squares” to a sign, and so on. Reaching each intermediate finish is not only a mental “tick” along the route, but also a short rest. For two or three breaths often. And the oncoming column on the stairs is also a destination, also a finish. I wish I could get to him! And here you, fast and sharp, “cut” on the go.

  1. There is no need to immediately rush to offer your help. Look at the behavior of a person with a crutch. If he doesn’t fuss, doesn’t look confusedly from the stairs to his bags, and calmly and confidently walks forward, it means he knows what he’s doing. Even if it looks strange, this is how I transfer the crutch to my free hand and don’t even use it. There are reasons for this. Or it could be that the disabled person is all proud of himself that he managed to cope on his own, and here you once again reminded him of his difficulties. Dropped from heaven to earth.

What do you need?

    1. You need to calmly walk forward at your usual pace, overtaking the person on crutches on the opposite side of the railing. Usually on the left, but, as I already said, there are all sorts of cases. Don’t fuss and don’t twitch “can it help? maybe not? or is it necessary? It’s already difficult for him to monitor the traffic situation, and your nervous behavior can cause harm. If you don’t have the time or desire, it’s not worth it. Once two girls really wanted to help me when leaving the subway, but they were in such a hurry to get to the train and were so nervous that they dropped my bag, and trying to stop her (the stairs!), I almost collapsed. Such help will not bring any good to anyone, honestly.

  1. If you still decide that help is needed, then you need to offer it as specifically and directly as possible. There is no need to ask “maybe I can, for example, help with something, for example?” This is very polite, but quite pointless. Kind of like the immortal Hollywood “are you okay?” - “Of course, okay, just guts on the tree!”

But in American English it is simply an established construction that is not taken literally by anyone. But in Russian there is no such form. And it’s best to ask exactly what you can do. Take bags, for example. The most common and, usually, this is quite enough.

And finally, I’ll say one more important thing. Which, in theory, should generally be devoted to a separate hour, or even several, but it cannot be ignored at all. We are talking about aggression.

Aggression of disabled people

It may well happen that your sincere impulse will stumble upon a not entirely adequate answer. Simply put, they will bark at you, or, in a milder version, they will press your bag towards you, greeting you with a patter of “no, no, you don’t need anything, everything is fine!” And they will look at you as a potential robber.

Well what can I say! A difficult life in itself gives more reasons for aggression. And a disabled person can “break down” at any moment. “The pension is small, the prices are high, the steps are short, the steps are high, and then there is some unknown girl with pink hair, a thief for sure! - yes, as much as possible! It’s all on me!”

In such a situation, you can only advise one thing - smile and move away. Don't take it personally. You are definitely not to blame for anything.

Well, finishing this whole staircase topic, I want to wish you easy paths, strong railings and an accessible environment in any business.

Drawings by Irina Sechina

As a rule, when descending and ascending stairs for a wheelchair user, the assistance of volunteer assistants (volunteers) is required.
Volunteer goal: Carefully lift or lower a person along the floors of the building. At the same time, do not injure him or get injured yourself.
1st requirement: Before a disabled person goes outside, personally check the inflation of the tires on the wheelchair (check with your hands, as on a bicycle). Check the integrity of the spokes on the rear wheels. Check that the nuts on the shafts of the large (rear) wheels are tightened.
2nd requirement: Bring the stroller to an obstacle (steps, curb) only perpendicularly, so that both wheels simultaneously begin to descend and ascend.
3rd requirement: When descending and ascending, move the stroller slowly, following the command “one-two”, “and one”. A participant who is not ready to move gives the command “Stop”, “Stand”, after which everyone stops moving until the cause of the delay is eliminated.
4th requirement: When lowering and lifting the stroller, no jokes like “I’m going to fall and turn the stroller over.” Also, no laughter when moving. When a person bursts into laughter, he loses concentration and momentarily loses control over the situation. And when someone laughs from the outside, a disabled person may begin to get nervous and panic. Voluntary assistants (volunteers), through their words and actions, must instill in the disabled person confidence in a safe descent and ascent.
The stroller is facing downwards. One person holds the stroller by the handles, two (on both sides) hold the stroller by the footrests from above. A disabled person (if he can, helps fix the stroller on each step by holding the brake rim on the wheel with his hands). Rest on the site between floors is necessary not only for volunteers, but also for the disabled person himself, since he experiences a fair amount of stress when going up and down. The person being descended must be supported with simple words: “Everything is fine, there’s not much left, you’re doing well.”
When descending the stairs, one person, a direct participant in the descent, gives commands to everyone: “Next step”, “Fixed”. Commands are given in a low voice, in a confident tone. Under no circumstances should you shout at other participants in the descent or ascent. Screaming and uncertainty can provoke panic in a disabled person or in inexperienced volunteers helping a disabled person get down. The wheels of the stroller should not jump from step to step; the wheels should glide along the steps. The stroller must be held with bent arms. Under no circumstances should you take the stroller on its belly; this will lift the large wheels and then the stroller will become uncontrollable.
The bottom volunteer(s) is facing the stroller, with their back to the slide. It holds the stroller on the large wheels and prevents the stroller from tipping over and starting to move down spontaneously.
The upper volunteers are facing the descent, and holding the stroller by the footrests, they do not allow the stroller to roll down spontaneously.
The stroller is positioned with its back facing the steps. One volunteer also stands with his back to the steps, grabs the handles of the stroller, tilts the stroller towards himself, the stroller ends up only with large wheels. And in this position the stroller climbs the steps. Two people stand at the footrests of the stroller, they (volunteers) push the stroller to the top and fix it on each step only on large wheels. These two prevent the stroller from tipping over and going down. At the command “one-two,” the top volunteer pulls the stroller up one step, the two bottom volunteers also push the stroller up one step, and they also fix and hold the stroller with the disabled person on the same step. And so, one step at a time, slowly up.
The upper volunteer(s) pulls the stroller up one step and keeps the stroller from tipping over. .
The lower volunteers push the stroller up one step and keep the wheelchair with the disabled person from tipping over and moving down.

When you run up the stairs or jump over a curb, you often don’t think about it, doing it as if “automatically.” But for a person confined to a wheelchair, such an action would only cause disappointment and a feeling of insurmountable obstacles.

How can we help people with disabilities overcome the barriers of the world around them? We tried to understand this issue and asked a few questions to a company that professionally cares for people with disabilities, producing technical solutions for many years. Specialists from a well-known St. Petersburg company, a manufacturer of lifts for the disabled, Lifting Platforms, shared with us which options for protecting disabled people from barriers and difficulties can be called the most reliable and why. We will talk about them in detail below.

Method 1: create a barrier-free environment

Prevention is much more profitable than treatment. This principle can be fully extended to the problem of accessibility. It is much easier and more economical to provide barrier-free access for people with limited mobility at the construction stage than to carry out complex reconstruction and installation in the future. Moreover, in new construction, for a truly barrier-free space, not much needs to be done:

  • descents and ascents are smooth;
  • entrance to the building is at sidewalk level, without thresholds or steps;
  • railings and floor surfaces are anti-slip.

To provide these 3 main components for the safety and comfort of people with disabilities, complex or expensive projects are not needed. Over the years of implementing a barrier-free environment, the specialists of the Lifting Platforms company have accumulated sufficient experience and are ready to select a standard project at a price that is quite affordable for the owner of a building or territory - both during construction and during reconstruction.

This begs a completely reasonable question: if everything is so easy, why are there still areas and entrance areas that are not adapted for the disabled? Unfortunately, very often, due to the local characteristics of the designated area (limited space, too high elevation differences, etc.), simple design of a barrier-free environment without installing special technical means is impossible.

Method 2: equip areas with ramps

For curbs and relatively low barriers, there is a universal adaptation solution - installation of ramps. They are structures that provide a safe slope angle for overcoming a descent or ascent. Based on the technical capabilities of the space, ramps are designed to be reinforced concrete or metal. The latter, in turn, have several varieties: in the form of a ramp, folding, roll-ramps, sliding and telescopic. A specialist will help you choose a suitable and cost-effective option for your area.

The only limitation: the design of the ramp must ensure the correct slope, which in some locations may require up to 10 meters of free space in length (for example, to rise 1 meter up). This is not always possible, and is often very expensive.

Method 3: Install Vertical Lifts

High thresholds, steps and height differences... How to help disabled people overcome all this and enter a building from the street without exerting physical effort? Often, no architectural and construction changes for entrance groups are simply agreed upon. But there is a way out.

Four years ago, when designing lifts named ProfLift, the developers sought to solve the main problem of environmental accessibility: to create equipment that is easy to install, easy to operate, and at the same time a guarantor of safety and reliability. The solution embodied all these requirements: installation does not require digging and equipping a shaft, the lift takes up little space, and in use and safety it is difficult to find anything simpler and better.

Over the past years, the created solution has proven and continues to prove its effectiveness. Deliveries over the years have covered most of the regions of the Russian Federation and even the CIS. What does a person in a wheelchair need to do to use the ProfLift lift? Three simple steps:

  • enter the platform using a convenient ramp;
  • lower the handrails for complete safety;
  • press the up (down) button.

For additional comfort, certain series of ProfLift equipment are equipped with special canopies against bad weather. All surfaces of the lift are protected against slipping. This is the case when the developers have foreseen everything.

Agree, the ideal solution is a simple solution. The cost of the lift varies depending on the configuration, on average it is a little over 200,000 rubles. Any owner of a building can afford it, including a commercial one - from shops to the service sector, the price is not so high based on a long service life. And recognition and gratitude from the audience are priceless.

Method 4: install elevators for disabled people in the building

The “Accessible Environment” program is already more than 5 years old, but you can still find buildings everywhere that do not have means for people with disabilities to move between floors. Access to the building's regular elevators may be limited by thresholds, and the elevator itself may simply not be wheelchair accessible. As a result, there are no options for a person in a wheelchair to climb independently even to the second floor.

Designing elevator platforms for disabled people does not require the allocation of very large space, installation work is often reduced to a minimum, and operation does not require any additional costs.

Method 5: order inclined stair lifts

If installing an elevator for disabled people is impossible for a number of reasons, or the budget is limited, there is another technical solution for disabled people to climb stairs. Inclined stairlifts are devices that provide smooth, safe ascent and descent of stairs by moving a platform with a wheelchair along guides. Depending on the configuration of the stairs, inclined lifts can be stationary or folding (to save space on the stairs).

Specialists from the Lifting Platforms company shared with us that the manufacturer’s immediate plans include the creation of new models of inclined lifts for flights of stairs, as well as a shaft lift. Reliable, safe and most affordable.

Manufacturer of lifts for the disabled

How to choose a reliable manufacturer of equipment for the disabled? Who can you trust with installation so that the lifting platforms maintain the durability and safety guaranteed by the manufacturer?

Summing up the results of the conversation with specialists from the Lifting Platforms company, we can highlight 3 main criteria for a reliable manufacturer:

  1. Availability of certificates for manufactured products.
  2. Manufacturer's responsibility at all stages, including design, supply and installation.
  3. Official guarantees.

Trust the professionals! Then the areas and buildings around us will be truly accessible to all people, regardless of their physical abilities.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Overcoming flights of stairs is a whole test for wheelchair users, the passage of which should be facilitated by a special lift for the disabled: it helps to move along an inclined stepped surface, or to bypass it completely. However, how to understand all the varieties presented in stores, and how serious will the costs be?

What is a wheelchair lift

The designs inherent in such an aid have several types, but the essence remains the same: the lift is aimed at wheelchair users and people temporarily experiencing mobility problems. It moves a person with or without a chair along steps, indoors or outdoors. Self-driving models do not require external assistance.

Types of lifting mechanisms

Experts divide all existing devices of this type according to the type of drive on which they operate. Afterwards, they can be divided into groups by area of ​​application (in public buildings, transport, etc.). A wheelchair lift can be:

  • Hydraulic - the movement stops without jerking, but the speed is low, and it is possible to lift a disabled person (without a chair) only to a small height. Hydraulic lifting equipment is not suitable for use on landings.
  • Electric – works quickly, there is almost no lifting height limitation. Elevators for the disabled are based on an electric drive.

Types of lifts for the disabled

According to the area of ​​use, experts distinguish between stationary structures (expensive, not for home use), represented by elevators, and mobile ones. The latter are either mobile lifts, with which you can move anywhere, or compact structures, useful in city apartments and transporting only a disabled person, without a chair.


The mechanism of operation is similar to that of an elevator; the frame of the elevator is a metal cabin with a control button inside. The disadvantage is that such devices are installed in the entrance during the installation of elevators, or used on the street. A good option:

  • name: Invaprom A1;
  • price: negotiable;
  • characteristics: load capacity – 410 kg, lifting height – 13 m;
  • pluses: it has a ramp and is equipped with an automatic drive;
  • disadvantages: large dimensions, requiring outdoor installation.

A more budget option can be found from Vimec. The move line includes a functional elevator, characterized by smooth operation and minimal noise level, which, if necessary, can be ordered according to the customer’s individual standards:

  • name: Vimec move 07;
  • price: from 70,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: load capacity – 400 kg, lifting height – 9.25 m, travel speed – 0.15 m/s;
  • pros: suitable for private homes, unpretentious to weather conditions, buttons have marks for the blind;
  • Cons: not noted by consumers.


If there are no built-in lifting devices on the stairs inside and outside the building, wheeled mechanisms are used to move people in wheelchairs, helping to transport a person with a wheelchair. The most popular are PT lifts:

  • name: PT-Uni 130/160;
  • price: from 260,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: ascent – ​​10 steps/min., descent – ​​14 steps/min., load capacity – up to 160 kg;
  • pros: can be used with any wheelchairs for the disabled;
  • cons: battery life is determined by the characteristics of the ladder.

If high load capacity is not required, or a disabled person with a chair weighs less than 130 kg, you can take a closer look at budget models. Among reliable lifts with low cost, this option stands out:

  • name: Mercury+ Puma Uni 130;
  • price: 185,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: load capacity – 130 kg, speed – up to 15 steps/min.;
  • pros: compatible with all strollers, charge cycle is designed for 500 steps;
  • cons: own weight - 37 kg, runs on batteries.


When vertical lifts for the disabled cannot be added to a flight of stairs, experts suggest using inclined mechanisms that resemble a wide ramp. Among the domestic options, the following are popular:

  • name: PTU-2 Potrus;
  • price: 89,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: platform movement path length – up to 10 m;
  • pros: comes with a control panel, easy to install, the angle of inclination does not matter;
  • cons: delivery is carried out only to 6 cities in Russia (including Moscow and St. Petersburg).

For a complex trajectory that involves climbing several flights of stairs, an inclined platform for the disabled will be more expensive and attached to wall guides. Experts recommend this domestic option:

  • name: Togliatti NPP (Accessible Environment);
  • price: from 319,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: load capacity – 260 kg, movement speed – 0.15 m/s, tilt angle – up to 45 degrees;
  • pros: in a passive state, the device folds and retracts against the wall;
  • cons: the minimum width of the stairs for installation should be 0.98 m.


For narrow stairs, experts advise looking at lifts in the form of a small chair with a backrest. Their only caveat is that they require installation of guides on the wall or the outside of the stairs. Popular Russian model from the Invaprom store:

  • name: Minivator 950;
  • price: 170,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: load capacity – 140 kg, travel speed – 0.15 m/s;
  • advantages: compactness, manual rotation of the seat can be performed by a disabled person;
  • cons: moves only in a straight path.

If the issue of price is not an issue for you, you can look at an alternative chair-type option. Produced by the Invaprom store of Russian lifting mechanisms, the cost depends on the modification:

  • title: Van Gogh;
  • price: negotiable;
  • characteristics: remote control, the chair is equipped with seat belts;
  • pros: movement on stairs with turns is possible;
  • cons: the manufacturer does not specify the approximate boundaries of the price range.


Crawler-type lifts are convenient due to their versatility: they work even where there are no special devices. The operating principle of mobile tracked models is similar to the principle of step walkers, only the requirements for the surface are different. Among the stair crawler lifts in demand are:

  • name: Vimec RobyT-09;
  • price: on promotion - 222,000 rubles;
  • characteristics: travel speed 5 m/min., load capacity – 130 kg;
  • pros: battery lasts 8 hours, enough for 23 floors;
  • Cons: cannot be used on rounded steps.

The Italian company Sherpa also offers a good tracked lifting device for the disabled. The key advantage of the model is its small size and ease of maneuverability. The characteristics are as follows:

  • name: Sherpa N-902;
  • price: on sale with a discount - 198,000 rubles;
  • characteristics: travel speed 3-5 m/min., load capacity – 130 kg;
  • pluses: tracks move back and forth, backup mode up to 5 floors;
  • cons: the minimum width of the stairs for use should be 0.9 m.


Step walkers are used only with help from an accompanying person: a disabled person cannot handle them on their own. They do not move the chair, which is a subjective disadvantage, but they are convenient if the building does not have wide stairs or other lifts. A good option:

  • name: Escalino G 1201;
  • price: from 329,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: movement speed – 12 steps/min., designed for steps up to 21 cm high;
  • pros: the battery charge is enough for 18 floors, suitable for all types of stairs;
  • cons: load capacity is lower than standard - 120 kg.

If you need an option with good quality, but at a lower cost, manufacturers advise you to take a closer look at step walkers for disabled people from Italian manufacturers. The Invaprom store offers this option:

  • name: Yakc-910 (Italy);
  • price: 265,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: movement speed – up to 18 steps/min., designed for steps up to 22 cm high;
  • pros: low cost, wheelchair accessible;
  • Cons: no seats included.

Mini lift

This category includes a medical electric lift, devices for low mobility groups and wheelchair users in sanatoriums and other institutions. These mechanisms are intended to move only the disabled person himself over short distances. The best one:

  • name: Standing-UP 100;
  • price: 120,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: maximum lift – 1.75 m, load capacity – 150 kg;
  • pluses: presence of a remote control system, low platform;
  • cons: large dimensions of the device (1.1 * 1.03 m).

There are few ceiling rail lifts on the handicapped market, so the selection is limited. Mostly they are made to order. Medical experts highlight this option, convenient in the hospital and at home:

  • name: Sherpa;
  • price: discussed individually;
  • characteristics: manual control, movement speed – 12 m/min.;
  • pluses: there is an emergency descent (mechanical);
  • disadvantages: difficult to find on sale, no specific price range is indicated, the rail system must be ordered separately.

Mechanical lifts for disabled people

The simplest version of lifting devices is manually controlled - to start moving, you need the influence of an accompanying person, which is the main disadvantage. Even such a lift cannot be bought cheaply, unless it is a simple mechanism for moving into the bath:

  • name: Kanyo (Otto Bock);
  • price: 49,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: backrest tilt up to 40 degrees, fastenings - suction cups, seat width - 71 cm;
  • pluses: seat height is adjustable from 6 to 45 cm, presence of a protective system;
  • cons: the width is aimed at standard bathtubs.

Of the wide range of mechanical options available for sale everywhere, the Austrian one is recommended for the home. It is distinguished by its small dimensions and ease of movement when traveling. The features of the model are as follows:

  • name: SANO PT Fold;
  • price: RUB 352,000;
  • characteristics: load capacity – 160 kg, lifting speed – 18 steps/min.;
  • advantages: reduced diameter of wheels for narrow stairs, movement of a disabled person without a stroller, design is easy to fold and transport;
  • cons: cannot handle steps higher than 22 cm.

Electric lift for disabled people

High speed of movement, large load capacity and height are the advantages of the electric drive. The design only transports a disabled person, so it is used indoors (remove a person from a bed, take a person to a bath, etc.). Experts advise:

  • name: Verticalizer (Russia);
  • price: 72,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: load capacity – 150 kg, made of steel;
  • pros: you can make the holder to individual sizes, the rear wheels are locked, the angle of the supports is adjustable;
  • disadvantages: large dimensions, not suitable for standard apartments.

German companies also produce good lifting mechanisms for disabled people, adapted for people undergoing rehabilitation after injuries. It will be more expensive, but richer in functionality, to purchase such a model:

  • name: Rebotec James 150;
  • price: 140,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: load capacity – 150 kg, lifting height – 1.51 m;
  • advantages: can be used at the rehabilitation stage, emergency shutdown and close access to furniture are provided;
  • Cons: pendant not included.

Hydraulically driven

The main advantage of models of this type is a smooth ride. They are mainly used for public transport, moving a patient in a health care facility to the bath, etc. The chair doesn't move. Among Russian-made lifts, the following deserve attention:

  • name: CH-41.00 (Med-Heart);
  • price: RUB 36,300;
  • characteristics: load capacity – 120 kg, lifting height from 0.85 to 1.55 m;
  • pluses: the angle of support can be changed, the wheels have a reduced diameter;
  • Cons: The carrier must be purchased separately.

German-made lifts also deserve attention, but they are distinguished by their high cost, even among hydraulic models. If you're looking for an option that doesn't require you to buy additional parts, try this device from Titan GMBH:

  • name: LY-9900 Riff (Titan GMBH);
  • price: 59,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: load capacity – 150 kg, lifting height from 90 to 210 cm;
  • pluses: the cradle is included, the wheels have a brake function;
  • cons: not indicated by consumers.

Lifting platform for disabled people

When moving vertically to a height of up to 2 m with a wheelchair, a platform without guards is suitable for a disabled person. Such a mechanism is used as street stationary lifts - at home it makes no sense. Popular lifting platform model:

  • name: Potrus-001;
  • price: 60,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: lifts 250 kg at a speed of 5 m/min., dimensions 90*100 cm;
  • pluses: folding platform, remote control;
  • cons: delivery of goods to a limited list of cities.

The Lithuanian platform has similar configurations, winning in terms of price-quality ratio. If necessary, the manufacturer can offer to adjust the dimensions of the platform to individual requirements. Classic model:

  • name: Domas Puntukas;
  • price: from 69,000 rub.;
  • characteristics: lifts 225 kg at a speed of 6.7 m/min., dimensions 90*125 cm;
  • pros: remote control;
  • disadvantages: mounting only on concrete, does not work at temperatures below -15 degrees.

How to choose a lift for the disabled

The characteristics of the lifting mechanisms are similar - the load capacity ranges from 130 to 300 kg, control almost always requires third-party assistance (with the exception of vertical cabins), the price is determined by the functionality. For those who decide to buy a lift for the disabled, experts give some advice:

  • The dimensions of the platform (width) for the chair should start from 900 mm.
  • If the MGN lift does not move the chair, it must be accompanied by slings for the disabled person.
  • The surface of the vertical lift should be ribbed.
  • Look for devices that are protected from unauthorized use.
  • For mobile staircase mechanisms, look for models with a travel lock.
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